
Saturday, August 12, 2017

Quick Hit: Mark Muscle vs. Alex Oliver (W4H)

So not all videos inspire me to write about them. Not because they're bad, but more because I don't have a hook. It's like sometimes I just don't have a full review in me for them.

Starting today, I am going to do shorter posts on three Wrestler4Hire videos. I generally check out a lot of the videos, but obviously only a few end up earning full reviews. In these three videos, each one had something about it that was interesting, but they're very simple in premise and I didn't have much to say.

Born to be Bane ...

First up is Mark Muscle vs. Alex Oliver in a superhero squash. Alex is a jobber Superman and Mark Muscle is a big, brutal villain in black. As I looked at Mark in black, flexing those massive muscles, all I could think was "fuck, that's Bane." In his original appearance, the man who broke Batman's back is styled like a wrestler, so he naturally fits in the ring.

Big "Bane" bends the hero to his will

Of course the gear and mask are different, but it's close enough for me. I'm not a Bane purist. I didn't even like him until I played Batman with a friend who made a great Bane. Anyway, a big, extended over-the-knee backbreaker would've made it perfect, but Mark does lean Super-Alex backwards over his leg for a close moment.

Overall, it's a video for superhero squash fans made even better for me by the idea of Mark Muscle as the infamous powerhouse Bane.

Bane crushes Superman

Well, someone is pleased with himself.

Yeah, Bane uses chemical help to subdue Superman,
which makes sense to me.

The super villain shows off his superior muscles.

Yeah, celebrate you evil fiend!

So that's what stood out to me on this one. Mark = Bane. Nuff said.


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