
Monday, January 4, 2021

Mindsweeper Monday: TCCW 1

TCCW are wrestling stories from two different Yahoo! groups from the early 2000's. These entries were part of a much larger universe led by other writers. There are references to characters, events and matches that will not be posted here. Titles change hands, friendships and alliances form and dissolve, all without you ever seeing it. Imagine you are watching an Indy fed sporadically.

Texas College Championship Wrestling 1

Buzz (HW) versus Blake (MW)

Every year, Lambda Theta had a rushing war with Epsilon Xi. All fourteen on campus fraternities had developed their own unique personality over time, but that didn’t stop overlap in desiring recruits. The life blood of any fraternity is getting the best candidates. Often there were guys that fit well with more than one, but only with a few with the seriously intense competition between the houses occur.

While every fraterny warred with another occasionally, Lambda Theta and Epsilon Xi had the most intense rivalry on campus. As usch, they naturally fought over the same guys more often than the others did, sometimes just out of spite. Both fraternities loved varsity athletes in their membership. The Lambdas went after big guys who liked to play and party hard. The brothers of Lambda Theta were generally from rugged and rough sports like football, rugby, wrestling and hockey. Epsilon Xi was a great fit for disciplined athletes and had members from swimming, water polo, volleyball, basketball, as well as the football, rugby, wrestling and hockey teams. Inevitably both fraternities wanted three or four of the same guys every year.

This year was no different. Both fraternities wanted Jason, a freshman from Ohio. He fit in really well with both groups of guys so far. He was going to make the football team, guaranteed and had arrived a month before official rush to workout with the team. Lambdas and EX'ers had both warned their fraternity presidents about the rookies. Jason was on the top of every list. After the first Presidents’ Council meeting where the fourteen Fraternity Presidents had met, Buzz and Blake talked about Jason.

Buzz was President of Lambda Theta. At 6’3",245, he was a mountain of a young man. He was a star on the football team, a solid linebacker who had a shot at the NFL with his pro-size and strength. He had not been drafted in year four because of concerns about a lagging knee injury, but had been told he was close. Rather than play for a smaller league, like the CFL, he decided to finish University, try and have a long and healthy year, and get his degree. Buzz was one of those guys on the "five-year plan." If that didn't work out, he would try and go into professional wrestling. He was exceptional in the ring and on the mats, wrestling for a local promotion that had trained some of the WWE's biggest stars.

Blake was President of Epsilon Xi. He was on the water polo team and had a shot at the Olympic team for 2004 in Athens. He also extended his stay at Simpson to five years, but he was getting his Masters in Psychology. Like Buzz, he had been drawn into the world of professional wrestling, but he did not take it seriously. Blake had no intentions of becoming a professional wrestler full-time.

Buzz said to his rival, "Hey, I saw Troy schmoozing Jason after practice. He was telling the kid to rush Epsilon and not the Lambdas. What the fuck is that about?"

Blake smirked. He said, "You’re trying to get him to be a "Lamb" just as hard."

Buzz sneered. Everyone knew the rough and tough men of Lambda Theta hated to be called Lambs. Only the bravest would dare. Blake, at 6’3", 195, was a tough guy himself. His body was rock hard. Water polo was a rough sport and he was not afraid of the big beast, Buzz.

Buzz said, "But we're not telling him not to rush you. That's cheap, even for you boys. We're not afraid of competition. Y'all know Jason will never pick you punks. He’s a man."

Blake knew that it was dirty pool to convince a guy not to consider another fraternity. He was trying to use Troy to keep Jason away from the Lambdas. But he couldn't tell Buzz that fact. Instead, Blake replied, "Don’t be too sure. We have a great chance at landing him. But I didn't know Troy was telling not to rush you guys. I'll tell Troy to cool it. Let’s just see who he picks. It's his choice."

Buzz knew Blake was lying, but he had accomplished his goal. Blake knew he better cool it. Buzz said, "You wrestling this year? You didn't do it too much last year. I guess it's a little rough for water polo guys, eh?"

Buzz and Blake were both part of the local Texas College Championship Wrestling league that had been established decades ago near Simpson College. Lately it had grown in popularity and they managed to maintain a gym, have four different TCCW belts, and sell out a lot of shows.

Blake replied, "Of course. TCCW is a big deal nowadays. I hear you got a title match with Scott coming up."

Buzz nodded. Scott was the President of the weakest fraternity on campus, but he had somehow managed to win the belt. Buzz wanted that belt for himself. Buzz said, "Yeah. Plan on bringing the belt to a real fraternity and keeping it. Got any new moves, Blake?"

Blake smiled. He said, Scott'll be happy to know that you don't consider Kappa to be a real fraternity." Buzz shrugged. He could care less what Scott thought. Blake continued, "But at least Scott was able to bring the belt back to a fraternity brother's hands. Cody was a tough heavyweight champion. But I guess you know that. He beat you how many times last year?"

Buzz frowned. Blake was getting to him by bringing this up. Buzz said with some heat, "You saying I failed the fraternities by not beating Cody? You want to back that up?"

Blake said, "You want to start early on the year? A little one on one? Dude, you know I'm just yanking your chain. TCCW used to be a cake walk for fraternity boys, but no more. I know that."

Buzz nodded. He was a little calmer. Blake was a cool guy in Buzz' books and Buzz could take as well as he could dish out. Let Blake taunt him. He'd show him on the mats. Buzz said, "Yeah, may as well get back into it before my title match with Scott. Wasn’t much competition for me this summer at home. How about your mat room, tonight?"

Blake eyed Buzz warily. He replied, "Our room? Wow, how sporting of you. Already willing to give up home field advantage, eh, sport? What do you want?"

While Buzz liked Blake and would hang out with him any time, that wouldn’t stop him from doing what he had to do. He was obsessed with recruiting the best freshmen he could. Buzz said, "Jason. Loser blackballs him and prevents him from rushing them. He’s gonna choose one of us. We both know that."


Blake let out a low whistle. He was giving up a ton of weight. He knew he was tough, but Buzz could be a monster. Blake thought for a moment. He didn't understand why Buzz was willing to risk it. Jason was certain to choose Lambda Theta in a fair comparison to Epsilon Xi. That was why Blake had tried the end around.


But Blake didn't care why Buzz wanted the match. He was willing to lose whatever slim shot he had at getting Jason in EX for a one-on-one match with the next TCCW heavyweight champ. Blake knew Buzz would beat Scott. If he pulled out all the stops, and beat Buzz, the title shot should be his. Blake said as much.


Now it was Buzz' turn to sweat. In the ring, he was great. On the mats, it would be a tougher contest. Buzz wanted to be TCCW champion badly. He had been denied three times by the upstart Cody.


Buzz and Blake finally agreed and the match was set. 


Vuk showed Buzz to the mat room in Epsilon Xi. Vuk was a varsity basketball player and tough SOB in his own right. Of course, Buzz had thrashed him last year in a match, but a lot of tough guys could say that Buzz had bested them in the ring during his four years in TCCW.

Buzz followed obediently. When he entered the private room, he saw Blake waiting for him. Blake wore his blue and yellow school Speedo. Buzz looked at Vuk who left the room. Vuk gave Blake a look like, "Do you want me to stay? Or at least check in on you?"

Blake shook his head slightly, answering no. Vuk shrugged, thinking Blake was nuts, and left them alone. Once Vuk was gone, Buzz pulled off his skin tight gray athletic tee and pulled down his baggy navy blue athletic shorts. They slid right over his running shoes. Blake looked at the shoes and made a small hand motion. Buzz bent over and unlaced them. He tossed the shoes aside, followed by his socks.

Once stripped, Buzz was left attired in only his tight white squarecuts that clung to his thick thighs, rock hard ass and bulged from his pouch. Blake looked at Buzz’ hard football-built body. The man was rock solid, Blake knew. But Blake was also solid. He weighed 50lbs less, but he was strong, fast, and wrestled really well, especially on the mats.

Neither young man had said a word and neither planned to. Big talk was fine for outside or in official TCCW events, but in the mat room, Blake and Buzz were all business. Let the cocky freshman talk and flex. These studs had been wrestling in TCCW for four years. They had never faced off until tonight, but Blake had seen Buzz wrestle. Blake knew that Buzz, with his powerful body and granite like muscles, would be tough. Very few men in the past four years had done well against Buzz, who had only gotten tougher with age.

Many guys, including Blake expected Buzz to assume the title this year and maybe hold onto it all year. But Blake also knew that a 6'0" tall man who weighed 208 had bested Buzz three times last year. Cody obviously knew something no one else had figured out. Blake hoped that he had figured out his own way to shock the stud from Lambda.

When both men singled they were ready, Blake charged. He hoped for the element of surprise, but Buzz was ready. He bent over and caught Blake around the waist. Buzz then did what few other men could, he lifted Blake off his feet and applied a tight bearhug on Blake. Blake moaned as his sides collapsed against Buzz's power. Blake knew Buzz was strong, but there was just no way to understand how strong until you faced it first hand.

Blake punched the beast’s shoulders. Buzz ignored the blows as they bounced off his mighty muscles. Buzz shook Blake in the bearhug, but Blake's tight swimmer's abs were nowhere near the point of collapse. Buzz immediately flipped Blake over in a belly-to-belly suplex. He drove down with his 245 pounds of pure muscle, slamming Blake hard into the mat. OOF! Blake grunted as Buzz rolled off him and stood. Buzz pulled down the legs of his white squarecuts and waited.

As Blake rose to face the monster again, Buzz delivered a gut punch that sent Blake into the wall hard. Buzz came in a planted a knee into Blake’s open abs. He drove up again. Blake was winded already, his abs weakening too soon. The incredible power was even mightier than he had heard. Buzz hammered in twice more until Blake was a sputtering mess.

Buzz grabbed Blake under the shoulder and pulled him from the wall, hip tossing him over and onto his back. Buzz followed up, dropping two knees into his midsection hard. Blake tried to curl up but Buzz used his strength to bring him to his feet. Blake rose off the ground and Buzz drove another knee into Blake’s softening abs.

Blake was getting desperate. Somehow he needed to catch his wind. With nothing else to try, Blake reached out and raked Buzz’s eyes hard! Buzz staggered back, blinded by Blake’s dirty move. Blake had wanted to fight fairly, but Buzz’s fast start had forced his hand. Blake knew that if he didn’t get a break, he would lose fast! 


The eye rake staggered Buzz and he went backwards into the corner. Blake followed up, showing his own surprising strength. Water polo required tremendous power and was a dirty sport, with kicks, punches and more. Blake picked up the blinded stud and slamming him down hard with all his swimmer’s power! The body slam shook the room! Outside, Vuk and the other assembled EX'ers had no idea what was happening, but they could hear Buzz's moan of pain and sputtering curse words. They smiled. Obviously Blake was holding his own.

Buzz moaned in pain and frustration. He looked out through blurry eyes. He could make out the shape of Blake in the lights. He looked small. Buzz realized quickly what was happening. Blake had leapt into the air. Buzz rolled on instinct, leaving Blake to connect with nothing but mat! Buzz stumbled to his feet. His vision was clearing and he could see Blake rising, clutching his stomach.

A failed splash, Buzz realized. Perfect. Buzz stomped Blake hard in the abs, exacerbating his pain. Buzz grabbed Blake’s wrist. He whipped Blake into the opposite wall hard. Blake slammed into the wall and actually bounced out into Buzz’s waiting arms! Buzz lifted and turned, planting Blake down with a side suplex! Blake tried to arch his back, but Buzz was on top of him. Buzz hammered fists into Blake’s midsection, leveling unbelievable force into the blond stud’s taut swimmer’s abs with every blow.

Buzz lifted Blake up and easily hoisted him into the air. Blake was moaning. Buzz dropped Blake in a gutbuster. He pushed Blake off his knee and proceeded to stomp the former abs of steel. More like abs of Jell-o now! Buzz picked up Blake and threw him into the wall. As Blake smashed in and staggered back, Buzz moved in behind him and clamped on a sleeper.

Buzz had Blake fully set up in the sleeper. Blake’s arms thrashed. He found himself losing consciousness. Blake writhed in agony and tried to break out, but Buzz was locked on him tight, like a boa constrictor, slowly squeezing the fight right out of him. The blond stud had only one option. He reached back and grabbed Buzz’s white spandex covered pouch!

The sudden pressure forced Buzz to loosen the sleeper. With blood returning to his head, Blake turned and fired a hard punch low into Buzz’s white trunks. Buzz stumbled back. The eye rake had been a warning that Blake had meant it when he said NHB, but Buzz had ignored it. Blake was like a cornered animal. He was trying anything to turn the tide.

Blake delivered two hard forearms into Buzz’s chest, sending him into the corner of the room. With Buzz wedged between walls, Blake drove his knee into Buzz’s pouch, then did it again. Blake delivered yet another low blow, this time a fist to Buzz’s aching crotch. Blake opened his hand and clamped on a vicious ball claw on the larger stud. Buzz writhed on the turnbuckles as he was mauled by the blond’s awesome hand power!

Buzz had totally dominated him in wrestling, but Blake was not about to go down to defeat. Heis hands were powerful after years of griping the large waterpolo ball. No one could be captain of the water polo team without a good grip and buzz was helpless in that grip now. When Blake released the claw, Buzz slumped against the wall. Blake walked across the room and got ready to deliver payback!


Blake had Buzz set up perfectly. The ball claw had reduced him to blubbering mush. After the repeated low blows, Blake knew Buzz was done. Buzz was slumping on the wall. Blake charged and leapt into the air! Blake came forward with a hard splash, forcing the wind from Buzz. He stepped back and slapped Buzz’s face, taunting the bigger stud. Buzz glared at him as Blake mocked him. Blake thought Buzz was done, but Buzz knew better. His only hesitation was deciding how badly to beat Blake's ass for the cheap shots.

Buzz decided not to sink to Blake’s level. The arrogant blond swimmer was not worth it. Blake grabbed Buzz’s short hair and pulled him from the wall. As Blake arrogantly dragged Buzz out, Buzz quickly fired a left-right combination into Blake’s abs. The power behind the fists shocked Blake.

Blake kicked into Buzz’s groin again, but Buzz took it on the thigh. Buzz responded with a foot to Blake’s abs, forcing Blake to bend over. Buzz delivered a quick DDT. He had done better but he wanted to put Blake out fast.

With Blake helpless on the mat, Buzz grabbed Blake by the hair and pulled him to his feet. Buzz dragged him back to a chair beside the mats. Buzz climbed to the seat and delivered a spinning DDT! This one was far more devastating than the first.

Buzz stood gingerly. He looked at Blake, his hard muscular physique lying still on the mat. Buzz walked a bit, rubbing his large package. He tried working out the pain than ran from his crotch throughout his body. The blond stud on the mat started to roll back and forth, trying to revive himself.

Buzz had had enough of Blake. This match had been short, but painful for both boys. Buzz did not want another ball shot or crotch claw. With Blake on the mat, Buzz forced Blake to a sitting position by his hair. Buzz delivered a forearm to the back of his neck, stunning the swimmer stud.

Buzz slid in behind and wrapped Blake in his legs. He squeezed hard and Blake moaned in pain. The blond future Olympian writhed in the tight leg lock. Buzz reached over Blake’s head and put his arm over Blake’s neck. Buzz cranked back, clamping on a killer Dragon Sleeper! Blake moaned and groaned. His arms flopped wildly. He could not focus enough to launch a counter as Buzz worked the scissors and sleeper hard.

Blake was ready to submit, but pride let him hang on for another second.

Buzz had one free hand. He ran his free hand down Blake’s heaving pecs and onto his taut abs. He pressed down lightly, searching for the perfect spot. Blake was completely helpless, but not submitting yet. Buzz knew he could tighten the scissors and get a submission. He knew he could tighten the Dragon Sleeper and get a submission.

But instead, he probed Blake’s body. When he found the spot. He slowly and methodically arranged his fingers. In one sudden move, he thrust his fingers into Blake’s torso and locked on a claw to end all claws!

’s problems grew astronomically as he bucked wildly in Buzz’s grip. Buzz simultaneously clamped all three submission holds as tightly as he could. This was it. Buzz knew it. Blake knew it.

Blake just had to say the words. 


Blake thrashed in the hold, now suffering three horrible submission holds at once! He had never suffered this much in his life. The Dragon Sleeper stretched his neck, the scissors crushed his torso and now the claw tore his upper abs.

"Please, I give, I give." Buzz immediately released the hold. Blake curled into the fetal position holding his aching abs. Blake had tears streaming down his face. Buzz had thoroughly crushed him.

Buzz got off Blake, leaving him to wallow on the mat. Buzz sneered at Blake. He had a lot on his mind after this encounter, but all he said, "Jason’ll make a nice addition to Lambda Theta. Thanks for the match." 

When Blake looked up, Buzz was gone, not even bothering to stay and mock the fallen blond stud. Blake stayed on the mat for a while. He had tried hard, tried his best, even wrestled dirty, but none of it was good enough. Blake wondered how Cody had beaten Buzz. There was obviously a way, but Blake was not nearly skilled enough to do it. Blake dragged himself to his feet. He was frustrated and sore. He cursed at having lost to Buzz, but size and skill had triumphed. 

Blake wasn’t as upset at losing Jason in the rush as he was about the precedent this set. Blake had known he would probably lose, but not be squashed. If word about his crushing defeat spread, it sent a bad message about who was the top jock fraternity on campus.

Blake vowed to recruit someone, anyone, who could wrestle and fight. He would get someone who could take Buzz's belt away from him. If Blake couldn't do it, he would find someone who could.

The rivalry between Lambda Theta and Epsilon Xi had just begun!


The End.


  1. HOT match!! Remember the series fondly. Was just thinking about these stories. Tried finding them on net but no success. Looking forward to reading them again. (My mind filled in the 'after the match' action !😁)

    1. It would be great to find an archive of the whole group. These are just a small portion of the ones written since there were multiple writers. It’s a real shame if they’re gone forever.
