
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Six Years

In my fifth anniversary post, I ended with a prediction ...

"I do feel a break coming with stories. I think that I can get to #200 on June 1st ..."

I can't really call that prescient, since I control my ability to write the stories and my 200th story actually posted 6/15 (there was an unanticipated fan story in there on 5/1). However, I was right. I could feel I was hitting a wall and that was before COVID messed up the world. I actually made it to #202 before taking August off. I returned for one story on September 4th. It was four months before the next story appeared on January 1st, followed by one on February 1st.  So I'm up to 205 with 12 stories posted in year six.

My 200th story jumped 20 years into the future ...

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Review: Cameron Matthews vs. Topher DiMaggio (W4H)

So, apparently I missed a great video last year. No, not this one. A different one featuring Topher DiMaggio. I only know this because I was looking to see who reviewed this one and found multiple blogs raving about Joey Nux vs. Topher DiMaggio from Wrestler4Hire (WR's Screencaps, Knockout, Ringside, and Bodyslam). Huh. Oh well. Can lightning strike twice for Mr. DiMaggio?

Cameron welcomes a new stud to his ring.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Mindsweeper Monday: TCCW 4

TCCW are wrestling stories from two different Yahoo! groups from the early 2000's. These entries were part of a much larger universe led by other writers. There are references to characters, events and matches that will not be posted here. Titles change hands, friendships and alliances form and dissolve, all without you ever seeing it. Imagine you are watching an Indy fed sporadically.

Note: You can find ALL (?) the stories by all authors in order in their original versions HERE - thanks for the link, Mangler!

Texas College Championship Wrestling 4

Gerritt (HW) vs. Jacoby (LW)

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Review: Cole Dallas vs. Lobo Gris (UCW)

Lobo: "It's good to see you here. New faces. New muscles to destroy."
Cole: "Destroy?" 
Lobo: "Yeah, yours." 
Cole: "I don't think you'll be doing that."

The images in my review of Cole Dallas vs. Lobo Gris will be deceptive. Just owning up to that right now. UCW doesn't do 100% squashes, but as I pulled my favorite images, I had a baker's dozen (13) of Cole Dallas suffering and four of the reverse. So, I decided, why fight it? Just post ten of your favorites with Lobo Gris kicking the rookie's bare muscly ass.

If Lobo can't destroy Cole's muscles for real, he can at least do it on my blog.

Lobo: "Nice pecs."
(yeah, nice pecs ... to destroy!)

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Review: Caffrey vs. Cason (Thunders Arena)

It's been a long time since I bought, watched or reviewed a Thunders Arena video. There are two good reasons why I took a break but I recently took another look. With their weekend sale, I decided to buy a couple of videos to see what's up. One was exactly what I don't like about Thunders, while Cason vs. Caffrey was everything that I do like about them. In the spirit of being positive, I figured I'd review the one I enjoyed.

Muscle on the mats at Thunders!

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Review: Johnny Greco vs. Rex Brody (Muscleboy Wrestling)

Full disclosure: The video was sent to me by Muscleboy Wrestling.

I'm continuing to catch up on wrestling. You'd think with a pandemic and three feet of snow outside, I'd have all the time in the world, but my consumption still remains low. However, I did gleefully watch Johnny Greco vs. Rex Brody this week. I enjoyed these two rookies last year and they're both so hot. Plus, since I'd seen them both lose, I was unsure how this would play out. Being surprised is fun!

Go ahead and flex. Johnny can't stop you.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Mindsweeper Monday: TCCW 3

TCCW are wrestling stories from two different Yahoo! groups from the early 2000's. These entries were part of a much larger universe led by other writers. There are references to characters, events and matches that will not be posted here. Titles change hands, friendships and alliances form and dissolve, all without you ever seeing it. Imagine you are watching an Indy fed sporadically.

Note: You can find ALL (?) the stories by all authors in order in their original versions HERE - thanks for the link, Mangler!

Texas College Championship Wrestling 3

Buzz (HW Champ) versus Greg (TWWA Champ)

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Review: Bull Barrett vs. Jesse Zane (MBW)

Full disclosure: This video was provided to me by Muscleboy Wrestling.

I've decided that my new favorite place in the world would be trapped in Bull Barrett's camel clutch with him taunting me in my ear. I've been put in camels, but gosh, Bull's sure looks like the most fun. I once opined that everyone should experience being toyed with and tortured in an over-the-knee backbreaker (here). You still should, but based on Brendan Byers' and Jesse Zane's experience being bent back by Bull, I think this looks even better.

Bull: "Who owns your spine, boy?"
Jesse: "You do!"

Monday, February 1, 2021