
Monday, May 15, 2023

Alex Miller's Vault: Kick Kid Gets Tickled

 Title card for Vault stories. It explains that these stories are from my past experiences, fictionalized for the blog but grounded in truth.


“Hey, sexy stud. You look hot, hero. Love the bare legs. Woof.”

I smiled at the message. I appreciated the compliment, even though my outfit wasn’t that great. It was black spandex consisting of a t-shirt, squarecuts, ankle socks, short gloves, cheap eye mask, and a canvas black belt with pouches I bought online. Strictly amateur hour, but it worked for Kick Kid, a street-level hero, who only existed in one profile picture. Yes, I looked nothing like a kid, but I liked the name.

Alex is a thick, solid, white 30-year old male with brown hair and a goatee. He is dressed in a black homemade superhero costume for his role-play character of Kick Kid.
Alex aka Kick Kid