
Monday, May 1, 2023

The Cave Undercard 34: Bird Boy vs. Valet


Xaq's character card. Xaq is called the muscle freak due to his extremely ripped and well-defined muscular physique. He is 5 feet 11 inches tall and weighs 205 pounds with very little fat. He is young, white, and handsome with brown hair.

“It’s not fair that Xaq is so smart, talented, creative, AND the pinnacle of physical perfection when he’s only 20 years old. Wahhh. Wahhh. Wahhh.”

Yeah, that’s what people say about me. I’ve heard it way too many times. To overcome the overwhelming jealousy, they’ll lie and try to drag me down. I used to take it, but now that I’ve spent more time with Cody and Winston, guys who totally respect me, I realize, fuck all the jealous losers. I work hard to be the best. If they worked as hard as me, they still wouldn’t be me, but maybe they wouldn’t be such jealous bitches.

Naked, I pull my new costume out of my bag. It’s just thin pieces of red, green, and yellow spandex and leather, but on my 5’11”/205-lbs physique, it’s magic. I’ve meticulously created it (I’m in school for design) so everything cuts perfectly across my muscle god body in exactly the right place with exactly the right tension. Just pulling it on makes me hard.

Now that I’m wearing it, I almost never want to take it off. Of course, with my perfect body, everyone wants me naked. I get that. So, it’s a tough call. Today, it won’t be my choice if or when my costume is stripped off. But it is my choice that it won’t be my choice. I’m always in control, but today, I’m willing to let Winston think he’s in control. Even though I still am.

I put the yellow leather collar with the metal studs on the table for him. It’s got a dog tag that says ‘BB’ dangling in front. I check myself in the mirror. In front, the yellow leather harness straps cut perfectly over my shoulders and red ones over and under my pecs. I’ve got green leather bands over my chiseled biceps and at my wrists. The wrist ones are like cuffs with two metal hooks sewn in.

I run my thumbs down my symmetrical eight-pack abs along two more red straps that attach to a green leather codpiece that has a single strap up my butt crack. Underneath the green padded pouch, my beautiful manhood nests comfortably. Short green leather boots with twin ankle bands and hooks will let him see every cut in my tree trunk legs. The last thing I do is attach the tiny green mask around my eyes with a little adhesive.


Xaq wears a stylized red-green-yellow spandex and leather costume consisting of straps and a codpiece that reveal his insane body definition.

Xaq, aka Bird Boy, the greatest wrestling superhero character ever, is ready for play.

I step up on the pedestal. It’s dark wood with a gold plaque in front that says my superhero name ‘BIRD BOY’. The lights hit me just right, highlighting my impossibly chiseled physique. It makes sense he’d want me to play statue. No sculptor ever created any marble man as hard or as chiseled as me. I shake out my arms then strike a perfect double bicep pose.

I need to tell him to put a mirror on the wall in front of this thing so I can admire myself as much as he does.

Winston comes in wearing his Toyboy outfit - beige tights and a blue and red sweater vest. I really need to design something better for him. Even though he’s a scrawny twink, he is in good shape and he’s cute and smart. I really love his attitude. It’s his cockiness and confidence that I really love. Even without big muscles, he’s the sexiest guy I’ve ever been with.

Winston is a lean muscled white young man with straight brown hair. He stands in his toy boy outfit admiring Xaq's perfection. Toy boy wears a blue sweater vest with red trim and low slung beige pants.
To see how Xaq and Winston got to this point, check out:

The twink villain claps and shouts, “Perfection!”

Duh. Tell me something I don’t know.

The skinny dom slinks up to the pedestal. On the way, he smoothly grabs the yellow collar and twirls it on his long index finger. He’s checking me out with hungry eyes. The twink loves me. My cock grows as he approaches. Winston is teaching me about bondage and domination. I like to play along, but only because he worships me so much. Toyboy has never lied about my body or talent. I like that. He loves to touch my muscles and tell me how perfect I am.

“This is the best Bird Boy costume yet. And you made it just for me. How sweet.”

Toyboy runs his fingers over my body. He likes to tease and tickle me. It’s a game we play. If he can break my pose, I let him punish me. It’s okay, though, because the punishments are usually fun. I love being physically challenged by the stress positions. Mentally challenged during the bondage. And sexually? There’s something cool about a twink with a giant cock.

While this shit is fun, I challenge him back. I’m not used to losing and I’m never going to just let him win. I hold my double bicep pose then shift to show off my side and tricep. His hand is slithering up to my neck.

“Who owns you, boy?”

I play along, “You do, Sir.”

“Who makes you submit?”

“You do, Sir.” I hesitate but answer honestly, “And sometimes Cody. But not like you do, Sir. Just in the ring. You know, training me to take over as the main man in The Cave when he retires from old age in a few months. Even though I don’t really -”

Toyboy interrupts, “Yes, yes. I allow it. The Bat is a worthy mentor in the wrestling arts.” He grabs my chin, “Who else?”

“No one, Sir.”

“That’s right. You will not be submissive to anyone but me or The Bat. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“When’s your next match?”

“On Saturday, Sir.”

“And who are you facing?”

“That twink bitch Valet and his jobber boss Moneymaker will be at ringside.”

“Are they perfect?”

I laugh as I smoothly move into a most muscular pose, “No, Sir.”

“No, they aren’t. But you are perfect. So, will you submit to them, boy?”

“No, Sir. Only to you. And Cody.” I correct myself, “The Bat.”

“Good boy. You will get all the post-match domination you want and need from me. But winning will earn you an extra-special surprise.”

Oh fuck. That sounds hot. “Yes, Sir!”

I gotta win now. I’m gonna win now.


I get sent out to the ring first. Of course, I do because they want me in every shot. The Cave is a successful superhero-themed gay wrestling video company because they know what sells. Cody and Ryan, the co-owners, know that fans don’t want to see a few minutes of wimpy Valet and his puffy musclebitch boss Moneymaker. They’d fast forward right to me anyway.

I walk confidently to the ring in a variation of my play suit. That one wasn’t practical for wrestling, so I’ve added red briefs under the codpiece. I also removed the cuffs, because those aren’t right for a known dom like me. It’d confuse viewers to see me in something like that. And I also removed some straps that cheaters might use against me.

Ryan and his buddy Pete film me from different distances and angles, taking my perfection in so they can edit it later. I wonder how many guys shoot their load just from me strutting down the aisle. It’s probably like half who never even make it to the wrestling. I come in alone, telling Cody that Bird Boy doesn’t need The Bat to handle a twink.

My posing in the ring is flawless. As perfect as perfect can be. Especially in my new outfit I made for Winston - minus the cuffs on my wrists and ankles, of course. I strip off the harness then use it as an exercise band to emphasize my perfect pump. I hang it up on the ring post and bounce a little more before pausing to let the losers get to the ring.

Valet comes in first. Despite only being 5’9” and 150-lbs soaking wet, the 19-year-old has been running his mouth about me, thinking he can take me. Calling me a jobber. ME! A guy who’s never lost a fair match in Cave history. My undefeated record stands for itself. Valet is wearing his most boring gear - black briefs, collar, eye mask, shirt cuffs, and wrestling boots, with gold bow tie and cufflinks. Maybe he thinks black is more heel than gold. Yawn. 

Behind the twink heel is his boss. The “muscle”, if you can call it that. Moneymaker. He’s the least impressive 6’2” and 220-lbs of muscle I’ve ever seen. Just got his ass kicked hard by an old farmer dude that I could probably beat with breaking a sweat. He’s in gold trunks, boots, cuffs, pads, and mask. He’s got dollar signs on the front of his trunks, knee pads, and mask. As if anyone would pay for what’s inside the front of his trunks. The 25-year-old is 100% beta bottom boy.

I let them have their brief moment in the spotlight before I take over and start kicking ass. Fortunately, Valet doesn’t have any muscle to flex, and Moneymaker has to stay out of the ring, so their intro is short.

I see Cody’s boyfriend Jae at the bell. He rings it and it’s go time.



Moneymaker points at me, “Hey Bird Bitch, remember how much you loved it when I kicked your ass? You’re gonna love it even more when it’s my boy Valet doing it.”

I snarl at him. Valet takes advantage, running at me. He leaps up and dropkicks me. WHOMP! I wasn’t set, so he actually manages to move me. I gracefully stumble into the corner. CLANG! The little punk dives in from his knees, driving his skinny shoulder into my unbreakable abs. THUD! OOF! I barely feel it as he bounces back. I kick for his shoulder, but he rolls away.

Like a coward. Valet manages to slide past my skillful defense and come in at my left knee. CRACK! I fall backwards onto my amazing ass. PLOP! The teen heel holds my leg up and kicks my hamstring. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! I kick him away. Fucking little bitch. Moneymaker won’t shut up, laughing at me and telling me what a submissive little bitch I am.

We’ll see about that! I get to my feet fast. When Valet comes at me, I’m ready. The little villain tries a sneaky kick (cheating like usual), but I flex my abs. THUD! He bounces off and I barely feel it. I charge at him and level him with big clothesline. WHACK! Valet does a full flip, landing on his front. SPLAT! I jump up and come down with a big splash on his back. BOOM!

Now I get to laugh, “Too bad muscle weighs more than fat, bitch! And it’s a lot harder.”

Valet swings his arm back and gets lucky, hitting me in the head. CRACK! I roll off him and we both stand up. I’m tempted to flex to intimidate him and to impress the fans - I’m all about fan service - but The Bat and Toyboy are in my head, telling me to focus on kicking this twink’s ass. I know I can beat him in my sleep, but I decide to listen to them until I’m in 100% control.

I move in for a lockup. Surprisingly, he engages. He tries a kick but I’m pushing him back so hard, so fast, it just results in him stumbling all the way in the corner. CLANG! I whip Valet across the ring. He slams in hard. CLANG! The little villain drops to his knees. Moneymaker is there. He helps the teen heel escape before I can follow up. They hug and whisper.

Now, I can hit a double bicep pose, but I don’t. I surprise them by running across the ring. I smoothly jump over the top rope like a high-flyer. I land on them, taking them both down to the floor. CRASH! I stand up as they moan under me. I grab Valet and drag him up. I gorilla press the twink heel up, showing him what power really means. I see Ryan filming me, so I hold it.

Moneymaker suddenly comes in with a spear while I’ve got his buddy up in the air. THUD! OOF! I go down, dropping Valet as I fly backwards onto the ringside mats. SPLAT! Ugh, that fucking sucks. The big muscle jobber gets up and starts driving his boot down on top of me. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! Valet joins in. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! Fuck!

The bigger muscle jobber drags me up. He locks my arms behind me in a chicken wing. I could break out at any minute but that twink heel comes with a super-kick to my square jaw. THWAK! My eyes roll back in my head. Moneymaker lets go and I drop to the ringside mats. Valet grabs under my legs and rolls me up in a pin. His bitch of a boss starts counting.


Valet jumps up and celebrates the fall.

I scream “Quick count!”

Behind his camera, Ryan confirms that I’m right, as usual. There aren’t many rules in The Cave, but they take counts seriously. No fall. Moneymaker and Valet want to argue but Ryan’s the boss and a 6’4”/250-lbs badass. Plus, he’s backed up by his over 300-lbs buddy Pete on the other handheld camera. Even I couldn’t handle both of them. The cowardly heels back off, checking their attitude.

Score one for the good guy. Me.

I sit up. Valet kicks me in the head again. KRAKT! I go down. SPLAT! He pins me again. This time, Moneymaker does the count right.



I kick out, throwing the lightweight off me. Just like I would’ve done last time. It’s still two-on-one, though. Moneymaker sits on my legs. Valet gives me a leg drop across the throat. WHOMP! The twink villain pulls me up to my knee by my hair. He slaps my face. SMACK! “Yeah, you love being on your knees, don’t you, bitch? Feeling submissive?”

I growl. I throw my hand up and grab him around the throat. I stand up fast, lift him in the air then choke slam him down onto the ringside mats. WHAM! I bend over and point in his face, “That answer your question, you cheating piece of crap? Bird Boy submits to no one!”

Moneymaker comes at me as I stand up, but suddenly, The Bat comes flying in from the top turnbuckle. Where he’d come from? His cape spreads. Moneymaker sees the shadow and turns just as The Bat slams into him with a dropkick. THWAK! The big muscleman goes down hard, flying off the ringside mats and hitting hard concrete. BAM! The Bat smoothly stands.

“I’ll handle Moneymaker. Focus on Valet!”

“Yeah, yeah. I got this.” I flex as he points behind me at my helpless opponent. “You know, I didn’t -” SQUISH! “URK!” Valet snuck up behind me and gave me a vicious low blow. The Bat shakes his head and sighs with pride at my resilience. Knowing I’ve got this, he doesn’t go after Valet, leaving me to recover and kick twink villain ass.

It’s one-on-one and I never lose one-on-one.

I’m massaging out my balls, getting the feeling back. The sneaky bitch Valet grabs my head. He pulls me over the ring apron then smashes my handsome face down onto it. CRACK! I see stars and drop to one knee. The twink villain grabs my hair and the back of my briefs. I let him push me into the ring. The ring, that’s where I always win, so it’s where I need to be.

Valet goes for another pin.



I kick out. I’m not that stunned. Stupid teen villain. I roll over onto my hands and knees to majestically rise and finish this fall. I hear stepping. The lightweight loser barely makes a sound. Before I can react, he’s up in the air. His foot is on the back of my head. He drives down, pushing my forehead into the canvas. KRAKT! I bounce up and flip onto my back.

I see stars as I lie there, blinded by the spotlights over the ring. Since the teen heel is so scrawny, he barely casts a shadow, so I’m not sure where he is until he’s on top of me. Valet lifts my legs. He flips over, bridging on top of me as he holds my knees to my shoulders. Fuck, I’m pinned again, and the lightweight has the leverage!



I squirm and manage to twist free using my unmatched resourcefulness at counters. I sit up. Valet comes in behind me. He steps over my shoulders and pulls me backwards, locking on a figure-four head scissors. URK! I feel the pressure from his spindly legs as he tries to knock me out. ME! I roll and try to force his legs apart. He’s holding his one boot, giving him a fighting chance of holding me.

I feel myself getting … lightheaded.

Oh fuck.

My eyes close.


I flip us over. He keeps the hold but now I can use my legs. I do a handstand. Okay. What now. I hold it then drop my legs. I plant my feet and stand. I lift his lightweight and he loses the scissors. I stand up and powerfully stumble back against the ropes. I use them for support, even though I don’t need to. I shake out my head as I map out my winning strategy.

Valet comes at me. I dive him and he can’t do anything. THUD! I spear him to the canvas. I grab his hair and pull him up with me. I shove his head between my legs then grab him around the waist. He squirms, but I’ve got this. I lift him up, rolling his leg onto my shoulders and his bulge into my face. The teen heel punches my head. WHACK! I ignore the shot.

With my unbelievable power, I drive him down with a power bomb before he can punch me again. KABOOM! The lightweight loser’s lights go out. I let go and he writhes under me. I force his head between my legs again. I lift him up for another. This time, there’s no resistance. I drive him back down. KABOOM! Valet goes limp.

I drop down, lying on top of him. I hook a leg and slap the canvas with my free hand.




I look over at Ryan. He gives me the thumbs up, and I release the teen heel’s leg. I stand up and pump my fists, “YES! YES! YES! One down, one to go!”

Outside the ring, The Bat winks at me with a smile. Now for the five-minute break.


During the break, The Bat rubbed my shoulders. He didn’t give me any advice. Just told me that he’s proud of me and told me to stay focused. If I do that, I’ve got this. I appreciate that. Meanwhile, Moneymaker and Valet were busier, trying to figure out how they can win against me. I was handling them two-on-one. Now that The Bat is here, what can they do?


Let’s find out.

I come out confidently. He comes out all cagey, like the little rat he is. We circle the ring. It’s taking a lot of strength for me not to pose right now. I fight the urge, knowing I’ll get to pose over his scrawny carcass before I plow his skinny ass. Too bad he does nothing for me. I don’t really even want to fuck him. But I want to win, even if I’m not excited for stakes. I will win.

I move in for a lockup. He ducks under my arms. He kicks my left knee as he passes. WHACK! Bitch! I turn and he dives at my left knee before I can even set. THWAK! This time, I go down. Valet grabs my left boot. He lifts it up then twists it fast and hard. ARGH! My left leg drops down to the canvas and I roll onto my side, targeted leg on top. Fuck, that hurts.

The twink heel is back in right away. He drives his boot down into the same knee. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! I crawl away, trying to move out of range so I can get back up. Instead, the lightweight loser grabs my boot. I’m kicking to get him off me, but he pulls with the kick, using his 150-lbs of nothing to hyperextend my left knee. OOMPH! ARGH! I flop around the ring.

When I reach the ropes, I reach up, grab the top rope, and use it to pull myself up. Unfortunately, with my hands occupied, I can’t react when he moves in. He dives low. The little villain grabs my boot as he sails out of the ring between the middle and bottom ropes. I go down and get pulled on my side with my left leg over the bottom rope and right leg under it.

I slide until my bulge hits on the bottom rope. SQUISH! I groan. Valet locks my left boot under his armpit. He branches his boot against the ring apron and pulls. The bottom rope presses hard up into my bulge and my knee is stretched even more. I pound the mat. This fucking hurts! I kick with my other legs, but it only hits air or my own leg.

The twink heel shouts, “GIVE UP, MUSCLE JOBBER!”

I shake my head, “NO!”

The lightweight loser lifts my leg up and down fast, working it like the ropes at the gym. Fuck! I push on the ropes to take the pressure off my balls. Okay, I gotta do something before this twink heel actually hurts me. I bring my right leg up under the rope until I can brace my boot on it. I push and the rope stretches out as far as it can, but it stops. Now, I’ve got a base.

I push with all I’ve got. Which is a lot, obviously. I pull the 150-lbs villain forward. The rope wobbles, affecting my push, but when I get on my back, it’s just like doing a one-legged press or squat. My left leg slides over the bottom rope. He’s trying to stop me, but I’m overpowering him. I finally get him close, and he lets go. I pull my left leg in close as I crawl on my right elbow.

Valet slides into the ring. He sees me sliding back, dragging myself by my elbow. So, he figures I’m hurt. Figures I can’t defend myself. The twink heel moves in. I kick out with my good right leg, scaring him off. I suddenly roll to the right, all the way to the nearest ropes. The teen villain is stalking me. I roll right out of the ring. I stand on one foot, holding my left leg up.

“Running away? Good old Bird Bitch.”

I growl. I shake my left leg out then put some weight on it. The lightweight looks to my left. Moneymaker? I look over but his bigger boss isn’t close to me, and The Bat has closed in on my right. There’s no problem here. I look back into the ring just in time to see Valet flying over the top rope. I move to catch him. My left leg gives out and we crash down onto the ringside mats with him on top. SPLAT! I throw him off then role towards The Bat, getting to one knee.

Valet comes at me. I dive for a shoulder block, but the twink heel sees it. He ridges then gets on my back. He tries for a sleeper, but I push up with my right leg and drive his back into the ring apron. WHACK! Valet lets go and I roll back in the ring. I get up and walk off my leg pain. Fortunately, I’m the most durable and have the highest pain tolerance in The Cave.

The twink heel climbs up onto the apron. I let him get in. I’m a good guy hero, after all. He stares at me, trying forger what he can do against a muscle freak like me. I spread my arms, inviting him to try and come at me. He doesn’t take the bait. I move in for a lock up. He comes in, too. I know he’s going to try something sneaky. Sure enough, he dives at my knee.

I jump back and Valet lands short. I reach down and pull him up into a suplex. I fall back, slamming him onto the canvas. WHAM! I keep him under control and roll us over. I suplex him again. WHAM! The twink heel is moaning, I drag him up for a third time and this time, I hold him up high. My knee feels fine, and he weighs nothing.

I turn and drop him forward, driving him down onto the top rope. BOING! The wrapped steel cable cuts right into his abs. It stretches down and would send the lightweight loser flying off, but I hold him down. I flip him and he slides onto the ring apron, landing on his feet. I grab under his chin and bend him back over the top rope towards me. He’s looking at the ceiling, his chest wide open.

Valet can’t do anything as I rub his flat chest. I slam my powerful forearm down on it. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Valet bounces and grunts with every shot. He’s practically limp and I’ve set up my finisher by attacking his flimsy core. I grab him in a dragon sleeper then reach over the top rope. I put my hand on his back then lift him up to reverse suplex him on his face.

Suddenly, my boot is pulled out and I fall back onto my back. SPLAT! Valet twists and lands across my chest. I throw him off me with authority. I look up to see Moneymaker holding my boot. The Bat moves in behind him. He kicks the bigger heel in the back as I kick out and hit him in the face. WHACK! THWAK! Moneymaker is stunned and wobbly. And I’m free.

The Bat locks Moneymaker up in a full nelson. He lets go and pushes the bigger villain into the steel ring post front-first. CLANG! Moneymaker bounces back, stunned. The Bat clotheslines him from behind, sending him down to the ringside mats face-first. SPLAT! The Bat dusts his hands then looks at me while pointing at Valet. Duh, I know I need to get him.

I drag up Valet. He tries a gut punch on his way up. POW! I don’t even feel it. I knee him in the gut then smoothly spin behind him. I rack the lightweight loser across my shoulders. ARGH! I bounce him, making sure to be careful of my left knee. Fortunately, 150-lbs for me is like 15-lbs for a normal person. I really crank on the torture rack, making this bitch feel it.

The twink heel is moaning but not giving. I shrug him off. SPLAT! I drag him up then scoop him across chest. I do a few curls with his deadweight then bodyslam him down. BOOM! He doesn’t bounce, so I drag him up then bodyslam him harder. KABOOM! This time, he bounces and rolls onto his side, reaching for his back and his face showing the pain.

I drag Valet up again. From his knees, he tries to punch my bulge, but I turn, and he hits my hip. THUD! I whip him into the corner. CLANG! The lightweight loser bounces out. I grab his wrist to whip him into the opposite corner. He tries to reverse it, but of course I easily overpower him. CLANG! The twink heel stumbles out, right into my waiting arms.

I power him up into a bearhug. I crush him and his eyes go back in his head. I squeeze around his waist and the teen villain groans. His head falls backwards. He pushes on his shoulders, but c’mon, that’ll never work. I see his hands form fists, so I shake him violently. He whips back-and-forth and forgets all about trying to punch me. The little heel is limp in my arms.

My upper arms look amazing as they squeeze the fight out of Valet. I lean back then forward fast. The twink villain’s head falls almost to the canvas as I hold his 150-lbs like it’s nothing. Which it is to a muscle freak like me! I’ve got this lightweight loader right where I want him. I pull him back up and cinch my bearhug in even tighter. Valet groans so loud it echoes.

I demand, “GIVE!”

The teen villain shakes his head. He pushes on my shoulders again. Suddenly, he whips his right hand across my face, slapping me. SMACK! It doesn’t hurt. It makes me mad, though! I shake him around, bounce him up and down, and whip him side to side. His head is flying around until I stop then just squeeze with everything I’ve got. GRRRR!

As I crush him, I see him gasp and moan. The twink teen’s scrawny arms drop down. His neck looks completely limp. His eyes go glassy then close. His mouth goes slack. My bearhug knocks out the wannabe badass. I fling him down to the canvas hard. WHAM! He just lies there in a heap. I kick him onto his back. Nothing. Just like him.

I plant my left boot on his flat, weak chest. I raise my arm in victory and count slowly.










“You got one more chance, little man.”




I look down at Valet, barely conscious, lying on the mat in pain. Pathetic little twink. Thought he could beat me? Yeah, right. I flex over him for the camera. Damn, I’m perfect. Yeah, no way could he ever beat this. I’m kind of sweating. Weird because this wasn’t much of a challenge, and I was never in trouble. Outside the ring, The Bat is still keeping Moneymaker from doing anything.

I point my left index finger at my trainer and kind of sidekick now that I’m such a major badass. “Keep your eyes on him. Yell if you need help.” The Bat crosses his arms and frowns with pride at my dominant victory. I bounce my incredible pecs and give him a much-deserved wink.

Back to the loser. I rub my bulge in its green leather cup. I’m still soft because I’m not really into topping weak twinks, but I’ll power through. My cock’s as strong as the rest of me and I’m an amazing top, of course.

The sound system makes a feedback sound. Then I hear his voice. “Congratulations my living action figure. I knew that my perfect muscle toy would win after all the training we’ve done.”

I look around, “Toyboy?”

My buddy slithers out of the shadows, in costume with a backpack on. He climbs the steps then slides into the ring holding a mic. Aw c’mon, don’t do this. Not with the cameras on. I watch him carefully. Fuck. I gotta adjust my meat, because it’s gotten semi-hard. I told you I’d power through fucking Valet. But now, I gotta deal with Toyboy coincidentally showing up right before my dick is ready to go.

Damn, my cock is hard now. The snaps holding my pouch are straining. I just wait as the dom villain circles me. He runs his finger down my abs, “Get rid of the trash, will you, boy?”

I nod. I drag Valet to his feet. Doesn’t even resist me. I power him up over my head in a gorilla press. He says, “No, no, no,” but I don’t give a shit. I find Moneymaker who’s just gotten up. I charge that way then throw the loser over the top rope. He flies, thanks to my unmatched strength. I aim it perfectly so lands hard on his muscle bitch. They both go down. SPLAT!

I see The Bat at ringside, looking up. He’s got a knowing smirk of confusion on his face, because I’m not being my usual dominant power top self with Toyboy. He doesn’t understand our unique relationship where I play along with the guy to test myself. Luckily, The Bat’s not coming in to interfere, knowing that I’ve got everything under control as usual.

When I turn, Toyboy is there. He casually reaches out and flicks my green leather pouch, unsnapping it from the red spandex. It falls to the canvas. That feels better. Released from its prison, my cock stands straight out, pointing at Toyboy as a warning not to go too far. It’s leaking, showing him that I’m ready to fuck him instead of Valet if he steps out of line.

“Come here, boy.” Toyboy points down. I walk confidently to the middle of the ring, which just happens to be the spot he’s pointing at. He turns me so I’m facing the stationary camera. The two guys with handhelds are getting shots of my incredible body from different angles. My shoulders are back, pecs are high, and muscles pumped. I am mind-blowingly hot.

The dom twink villain says, “Knees.” I drop to my knees. PLOP! He grips my hair, “Flex for the fans, boy.” I raise my arms and show off my biceps. Even on my knees, I’m the best. “Welcome to the new Bird Boy. He’s still The Bat’s sidekick. But he’s also my sub.” He lets go of my hair and talks directly to The Bat, “Now, he’s the ultimate man.” He moves in close behind me.

Toyboy says, “Bird Boy trains his perfect body. I mean, just look at it. You train him in wrestling, Bat. Good job.” He roughly grabs my hair again. I let my thick muscular neck go loose so he can pull my head around. “And I train his mind. He’s a winner now, thanks to me.” I’d object to that - I was always a winner - but he adds, “Even when they cheat, he can overcome it.”

Okay, that’s better. It is true that I’ve lost before to dirty tricks and rule-breakers. Toyboy gets it. I’m the greatest pure wrestling machine. And he’s kind of right that me, him, and The Bat, have come together to build me into the perfect muscle stud. Mostly me, though. I kiss my biceps to prove his point. The skinny dom goes quiet, letting me have my moment.

Suddenly, the yellow leather collar swings in front of my face. Before I can react with my lightning-fast reflexes, Toyboy is securing it around my neck. I drop my arms. I roll my shoulders back and lift my head high, so everyone knows that I’m still proud and confident. The twink dom pulls my head back by my hair and leans forward to kiss me. Mmm, nice.

When he’s done dominating my mouth with his, Toyboy moves off. He’s doing something behind me. Oh shit. It’s the yellow leather leash. He clips it onto the collar. The skinny top says, “Hands and knees, boy.” I lean forward and get on all fours. He tugs on the leash and walks me around the ring in a circle. I go along, leaving a trail of pre-cum from my dripping cock.

Toyboy stops me in the middle of the ring, which is what I wanted to do anyway. The twink dom unhooks the leash. He tells me to stand up and give the fans a show. I’m happy to run through my bodybuilding routine. When I get halfway through, I hear the sexy dom tell me to stop. I do, lowering my arms to my side and standing straight up, chest proudly out.

“I’ve got a reward for you for winning, boy. Open wide.”

At first, I open my mouth then I realize what he means. I spread my legs and bend forward. I put my hands on the canvas. Toyboy pulls down the back of my briefs. The sensation from the slick warm lube hits me first then the pressing of the hard butt plug. I know exactly what this is, having experienced it before. It slips inside me, opening me up. I can’t stop from moaning.

My briefs and pulled back up as the twink circles in front of me. He’s smiling. “Pec bounce, boy.” I’m happy to do that. “Perfect.” Duh. A stronger vibration inside me from the plug. “Your reward.” I groan as my cock grows from the feeling. “And another reward.” I see two pasties in his hand. Oh no. He presses them over my nipples. They have red lights in the center.

Toyboy holds up another switch. With a press, my nipples are shocked. OH! I gasp then bite my bottom lip. I’m now being stimulated in two places. My cock is leaking like crazy. The twink dom points down and I drop to my knees, linking my hands behind me. He slips out a strap made of green spandex. I tense up. It goes around my eyes, “You’re earning so many rewards.”

As I kneel before him, blindfolded with my nipples and hole being relentlessly tortured, my cock is getting painfully hard. I don’t have time to think about it as he says, “Tongue out.” I open my mouth and extend my tongue. I recognize the taste and feeling as his cock slaps against it. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! I groan. He slides his big cock into my mouth, and I take it deep.

Toyboy caresses my hair, “You’re such a perfect boy. Show the fans what you’ve learned.”

I almost forgot about the cameras. I start bobbing on his cock. I slowly go deeper, adjusting to the twink’s shockingly long cock. I keep going until it hits the back of my throat. GLURK! Toyboy rubs my hair then grabs my head. he starts slowly but it quickly face-fucking me. I choke on his dick. All the stimulus has my balls contracting and my cock throbbing.

I grunt fast and Toyboy knows what that means. He says, “You’ve earned it, boy. Let it go.”

With permission granted, my cock erupts and my whole body shakes. Toyboy keeps fucking my mouth as I convulse and my cock shoots untouched. He rubs my head, calling me a good boy. Talking about how perfect I am. How I deserve all these rewards. It feels so good when he slides his fingers onto my neck and feather touches it.

The long cock slides out of my mouth. My cock is down to dripping. My head bows. The blindfold is removed, and I see the mess I made. It was a big one. The ropes of cum are long. I’m pretty proud of myself. Toyboy pulls my head back to look at him. He says, “You’ve earned a choice. Mouth or chest.” He starts jerking his long cock. I kind of want both.

I say, “For the fans, I’ll choose chest so they can see it, sir.”

Toyboy leans down and kisses me. He says, “Good boy.”

I watch the long cock as it’s worked. I get excited and my cock stiffens up again. My ass and nipples are still under attack. It doesn’t take long before the twink dom with surprisingly big cock is shooting, covering my perfect pecs with his seed. Marking me. I love it. When he’s drained, his cock slides back into my mouth for cleaning. I do an awesome job, of course.

Toyboy slips on his backpack, attaches the leash again, and pulls, leading me out of the ring on all fours. He lets me stand and walk on two feet out of the ring area back to the locker room where I’m hoping for a lot more rewards for being the most dominant and kick ass wrestler in The Cave.


Next story May 15, 2023: Alex Miller's Vault: Kick Kid Gets Tickled.

The Cave continues June 1, 2023 when SuperStar returns to The Cave ring against a brand new rookie!


  1. This was SO FUN. Love getting Xaqs perspective every now and then and he's such a cute little sub. Happy that he found someone. Of course Xaq barely pays attention to his actual opponent and just to his master :)

    I forgot how much I love Toyman and how he plays with his boys. Hope there's another holiday chapter eventually about him dominating a hero.

    1. Awesome! Xaq has come a long way as a wrestler and as a sub who thinks he’s a dom. He’s still my favorite character to narrate because he’s my least reliable narrator and has such a … unique view on events.

      I didn’t realize how much potential Toyboy has when I first wrote him vs. Jae (Adventures of SuperStar 14), but the positive reaction was instantaneous. I’ll continue to keep him in my plans. And after guys see what he’s doing for Xaq, he might have a queue for his services. :)

    2. I have plenty of nominations, but Xander from the other league or Luke could probably use some training...

    3. Xander returns later this year in a new CLAW story but he'd be a cool visitor to Toyboy's shop. I love that big man. Ryker loves Cody and Ben reps LAW ... it's like two-degrees of separation ... they could send the big guy that way. ;)

  2. What an amazing ending. Is there a prelude to toyboy and bird boy’s current relationship?! That was hot

    1. Thanks! Yes! I should’ve put those story links in.

      (1) Xaq and Winston met in Bird Boy in “The Bird Cage”, a special Christmas Day post in 2019 ( ).

      (2) And we saw evolution in their relationship in “The Cave Undercard 33: Toyboy vs. Silver Herald” match from April 1 2021. ( )

      Sorry, I don’t know how to make them links in the comments, which is why I put the dates to give you multiple ways to find them.

    2. ToyBoy vs Silver Herald is still, imo, your hottest match. I cannot count how many times I have read it. BTW are you interested in taking on some commission work?

    3. Thanks, Adam! I do plan to revisit Silver Herald but not until 2024. I’m open to suggestions but not confident I can do a commission. I’m still a little slow with stories. Please email me and we can chat more.

  3. Another excellent story, even if you did my boy Valet wrong.!! I love Xaq and how wonderfully unaware he is, and Winston taking charge makes it even better. Hopefully we see a Toyboy vs Valet story in the future or maybe Valet/ Moneymaker vs Toyboy/Xaq. Lots of interesting possibilities! (I truly love that you keep us guessing.)

    1. Thanks! Did you interrupt your trip just for my story?

      Xaq is always in a world of his own. It's what makes him great. And those are great story ideas. Valet isn't done with The Cave, but really, they were outnumbered this time - Xaq and Cody around the ring and Winston in the background. It was kind of unfair to V/M. ;)

    2. Of course I interrupted my vaca to read. Actually had a little downtime and the magic of the modern age meant I could read.

  4. vinnymusclestallionMay 6, 2023 at 8:17 PM

    Hot and often very funny story given Xaq’s amazing lack of self-awareness. There’s a side of me that wanted to see the devious Valet fucked but it was entirely in tune with his character to escape that fate, albeit only to be discarded like “trash.” I agree Valet v Toyboy would be hot, especially if the dominant Winston ends up paying “stakes”. Nice going!

    1. Thanks! Xaq narrated stories are usually the funniest because he’s so … Xaq. Even as he’s grown as a person, finding his way, he’s still got the same egotistical, delusional, and submissive core.

      As I wrote the story and it became clear that Xaq would win, I just wasn’t interested in Xaq fucking Valet. I’m sure other writers could’ve made it work but in my head, Xaq makes a better bottom and Valet makes a better top. I couldn’t get excited about it, which is why Winston publicly revealing his power over Xaq came in.

  5. I was thinking a few stories ago that Jeff was my favorite narrator...Then Xaq has to come and remind me how awesome he is. Some of my Favorite quotes: "The Bat crosses his arms and frowns with pride at my dominant victory," "He has a knowing smirk of confusion on his face," and "My cock stands straight out, pointing at Toyboy as a warning not to go too far." He cracks me up! And what a hot story. i always love Winston/Toyboy and he doesn't let me down here either.

    1. Thanks! Funny and hot … a perfect combo. It’s tough to beat Xaq’s storytelling. I love unreliable narrators and he’s the best at it. And I appreciate the love for Toyboy. He definitely has fans. I probably need to research sex toys and domination to keep him going. ;)
