
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Playing with AI (3 of 3)

This is it. Overall, I had fun doing this. However, I haven't been back to it in a month. It was a short-term game for me, but the novelty wore off fast. I did make AI images of my dogs and got really close. Why? Don't I own a camera? Yes, but I was testing it out. I also tried some other prompts and instructions, just to see how I could use it. However, the limitations are the limitations and I have no use for any of these images (except for these posts). I can't see myself doing more until my next superhero story.

Today's images are superhero-themed and some are also wrestling-focused with our heroes (and villains) in the ring. Of course, I'll start with Superman defeated. I put in something like Superman lying defeated in a professional wrestling ring with a muscular burly villain in camouflage pro wrestling gear.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Playing with AI (2 of 3)

My past "process" posts appealed to many readers, like the Route 69 one and the perfect GIF-making one. I hope that's the case with these. While I was playing, of course I had to try wrestlers. Some of these are neat. Not like the coolest ones on Tumblr, but I figure those take more time with a paid program.

I started with some solo wrestlers, prompting on the gear, otherwise just asking for pro wrestlers in a pro wrestling ring, photorealistic style to see what happened. I like it. Of course, I'll never get a guy who looks exactly like this again, so I can't use it for characters in Cave stories.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Playing with AI (1 of 3)

For those of you who read my latest Superman story, I made all the images with AI. I didn't want to pay for anything, so I used the free Bing AI image generator. It was a way to do something different and play with a new toy. I had aspirations to build my real artistic skills, but time has not been on my side. The Superman story went long and had all 'new' characters. That meant more time that I didn't have time for any elaborate image making. That's where Bing came in.

You might have strong feelings on using AI. I do when it's used to fake things, but in this case, I was fine with it. I'm not replacing a human creator. I'm not trying to deceive anyone. I'm not passing off the images as something they're not. I openly stated in the story that all the images were AI-generated. So, I didn't (and don't) see any harm in trying it out.

I generated a ton of images, so I decided to share some of the better ones over the next few days in three posts: (1) alternate story images, (2) wrestling images, and (3) superhero images.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Cave Unleashed 18: Sammy vs. Guy (Asgard Ranch)


“Howdy. I’m Sammy.”

The new bartender replies, “Shane.” We shake hands. “What do you do, Sammy?”

“Hand at Asgard Ranch.”

Me (Sammy).

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Heroes: The Joy of Being Superman (Part 3 of 3)




“Who? Oh. Superman? Come in.”

Chris opens the French doors that lead to the fire escape, and he steps aside. He nervously adjusts his tiger-print robe, wondering if he should have put something on under it. Before opening the doors. He’d hate to be arrested while naked. After the hero’s last visit, Chris has been a confused wreck. He tried using Jimmy Olsen as a source, but the photographer knew nothing about what was going on. He didn’t even know that Chris was in trouble. 

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Heroes: The Joy of Being Superman (Part 2 of 3)



As instructed, Superman enters the midcentury modern home through the patio doors after the lights flash. He looks around, pretending to search for something. He keeps his back to the hallway from where Luke will emerge. The mighty muscleman tries to will his cock to shrink. It’s not cooperating. He’s anxious for this moment. The hero has never been so anxious. He tries to clear his mind about the kryptonite. Luke’s real kryptonite that could have killed him.

Superman is sure that Luke doesn’t know that it’s real. Or that he is real. Luckily, his heat vision and freeze breath took it out of play. While Luke changed, the hero used his super-speed to steal the lead box, replace the real rock with a realistic fake version from his Fortress of Solitude, put it back under Luke’s sofa, and message Batman and Elongated Man to investigate. And he has arranged for Luke to ‘win’ $500 receiving his 'prize' tomorrow.

The superhero can't help but smile, thinking, "Not bad for less than three minutes work." With everything handled, Superman can focus on fun. Using his super-hearing, he knows Luke is behind him in the doorway.

It’s time to play.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Heroes: The Joy of Being Superman (Part 1 of 3)



“Wow. Just wow.”

Luke Langston’s breath is taken away by the 32-year-old, 6’3”/230-lbs, black-haired, bespectacled white muscleman standing at his door. Luke is a handsome white man, but he’s a lot smaller and leaner at 5’10”/160-lbs. Luke is 28, blond, and scruffy. He workouts regularly, getting compliments on his body, but when it comes to being a superhero, he knows that he’s no Trent Stark. Trent is a god. 

Trent Stark has Luke drooling.