
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Playing with AI (3 of 3)

This is it. Overall, I had fun doing this. However, I haven't been back to it in a month. It was a short-term game for me, but the novelty wore off fast. I did make AI images of my dogs and got really close. Why? Don't I own a camera? Yes, but I was testing it out. I also tried some other prompts and instructions, just to see how I could use it. However, the limitations are the limitations and I have no use for any of these images (except for these posts). I can't see myself doing more until my next superhero story.

Today's images are superhero-themed and some are also wrestling-focused with our heroes (and villains) in the ring. Of course, I'll start with Superman defeated. I put in something like Superman lying defeated in a professional wrestling ring with a muscular burly villain in camouflage pro wrestling gear.

Interesting boot placement.

Poor Supes. He'll live to fight another day, but it will be tough for him to get over this humiliation.

Double the Bane, double the fun?
I asked for Batman vs. Bane in a ring.

Again, not what I asked for, but maybe this is a
brainwashed Batman forced to serve Bane?

If I'd gone with comic book style art,
this would've been my Jimmy.

Good guy? Bad guy? I don't know.
I asked for a hunter in the jungle.

Kind of cartoony, but a great jobber team.

Two more Superboys, AI forgot about the nipples.

I liked this one. He looks like a cool villain.

That really cool villain needs hot guys to hunt.

Hey, he looks familiar!

So, that's it. The most interesting results of what I tried. There were a ton of failures that I didn't share, so expect that. Again, super-fast and easy, but not as much control as I'd like.



  1. Hey, good stuff. I've been playing around with AI for a few months now on Image Creator, too. The quality of the wrestlers it produces can really be amazing, especially compared with other AI programs. But all the so-called "policy violation" rejections can be frustrating sometimes. I hope it gets better over time in producing wrestling action pictures. So far, the only move I can get with regularity is the gorilla press, but luckily that's one of my favorite wrestling moves. I hope you post more of your images.

    1. Thanks! Yeah, I’d be okay with the policy violation notices if I was actually asking for something that violates their policy. I’m like, “it’s your stupid system that can’t figure out how to do a safe camel clutch image, not me.”

  2. I love the first image, I hope you make a story for it

    1. Thanks for the comment! I wasn’t thinking of a story behind that image, but I will now. It feels like a JungleKingKazar type scenario, so I can already kind of work it out in my head.
