
Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Cave Undercard 38: Captain Patriot vs. Him


“Cody! How’d things go with Winston?”

I smile, “Awesome. Tons of fun. Before, during, and after the match. Xaq joined in our post-match shower.” I tell Darius, “Toyboy managed to handle Pink Punk all on his own. I wondered if he would have some help to move me around, but his GI Joe action figure never arrived.”

(check out the fun here … The Cave 31: Pink Punk vs. Toyboy

The handsome Black musclehunk laughs, “I wish. But as you know, I have bigger things on my mind. Winston asked, but when you offered Captain Patriot vs. Him today, I had to accept, even though it took me out. There’s no way I could do both and not get my ass kicked.”

I nod, “Got it. Makes sense. I didn’t think of that, but I think it worked out great this way. I don’t want Seon-Hui to lose interest in The Cave, so when he said he was available, I had to move fast and get him booked. You were my first call. I think you made the right choice.”

“Yeah, I’m definitely not complaining. I was starting to think Him was a one-and-done, but you worked your usual magic. Thanks for working on the guy to make this happen, Cody.”

“Are you kidding, Darius? Thanks for stepping up and accepting the match. I’m super-excited.”

Darius is a powerful 25-year-old, 5’11”/220-lbs, Black muscleman who wrestles for The Cave as Captain Patriot, an all-American hero. He wears red, white, and blue briefs with a white star on the front, short blue gloves, red wrestling boots, and a blue mask with a star on the front.

Captain Patriot is facing one of our newest wrestlers, Seon-Hui. The rookie is a ripped 19-year-old, 5’10”/220-lbs Korean bodybuilder who plays Him, a riff on the first identity of Adam Warlock.

(check out Him's first match … The Cave Undercard: Him vs. Thor

Five weeks ago, Seon-Hui’s debut was stunning. Barefoot and dressed only in gold trunks, he faced Thor, a 42-year-old muscleman and one of our better veterans. Living up to his alter ego’s persona as the perfect man, Him squashed Thor. It was as exhilarating for the young rookie as it was humiliating for the older ginger muscleman. Fans were shocked, but most wanted — no, they demanded — more of Him. Darius was here for the filming and wanted more of Him, too.

Unfortunately, our prospective phenom focused on his schoolwork, not filming superhero-themed, gay-oriented wrestling videos. Ugh. Teenagers these days and their messed-up priorities.

I explain, “I kept close with Seon-Hui. We just had to wait him out. He has real star potential, but he needs tougher challengers. You stepping up is perfect. Exactly what we need. Not that Doug isn’t tough. He was completely unprepared. But you’re not. You saw what Him can do firsthand. Should be way more competitive now that he’s facing someone of your caliber.”

Darius smiles, “Appreciate you, Cody.”

“I mean it. You’re one of the best.” I assure him, “It took some time to set up, but I’ll warn you that Seon-Hui wanted to face you as much as you wanted to face Him. He’ll be just as prepared.” I ask, “Was there more to this request than you wanting to face a fresh new major stud?”

Darius looks confused, “Like what?”

I ask bluntly, “Are you trying for some payback?”

“For what he did to Thor? No, not at all. It was a fair match. I barely know Doug. He’s Josh’s … friend? Boyfriend? Frenemy? I’m not sure what to call them. They’re playing some kind of game with each other. Or maybe it’s more than that. I don’t really ask about it. Josh and I don’t spend our time talking. I doubt he knows my last name.”

I laugh at that. “So, you’re obviously okay with Josh and Doug’s … relationship.”

“Totally. You know I mess around with Winston and whoever he lures to his playroom, plus I have a couple of other regulars. All open and no questions asked.” The powerful muscleman smiles, “This match with Him is all about me wanting a good match.”

“Cool. Just curious. I’m good either way. Grudge matches are good for business.” I tell him, “I hope you get some time with Seon-Hui after the match. You’ll like him. A beast in the ring, but a smart, sweet, and chill kid outside it. I’m hoping he has a long career in The Cave.”

Darius frowns, “Are you telling me something?”

I realize how he’s taking my last comment, so I immediately reply, “What? No. No. I want you to go hard. All out. As rough as you want. You know everyone loses in The Cave eventually. Even me. Sorry if it sounded like I wanted you to go easy. That’d be the total opposite of what I want.”

“It’s cool. I just had to make sure. I’ve got to go all out. If I hold back even a bit, I’ll lose.”

“I agree with you, so I’ll leave you to get focused.”

“Thanks, Cody. See you on the other side.”



“This is very exciting, sir.”

I ignore the 19-year-old muscleboy calling me ‘sir’. I’ve told Seon-Hui many times to call me Cody, but he just can’t do it. I’m only ten years older than him, but I’m the co-owner of The Cave. When he’s here, I’m his boss and the teen bodybuilder’s instinct to honor hierarchy overrides my offer to use my first name. It’s fine, especially since the sweet, naive kid deal vanishes once he hits the ring. He’s like a real superhero with two conflicting identities. And just like people argue whether Clark Kent or Superman is the real man, I wonder the same thing here. Is he really ‘Seon-Hui’ or is he ‘Him’? Maybe he’s just both, like he’s said. Maybe it’s not.

I smile, “It’s exciting for us, too, Seon-Hui. Glad you came back.”

“Thank you for being patient with me, sir. My examinations are going very well. I expect to get very good grades. I am only taking one summer class and have a part-time job. That will enable me to devote more time to The Cave this summer.” He changes topics, “Captain Patriot is very strong, skilled, and attractive. He has an impressive win-loss record.”

“Oh yeah, he’s awesome. So is Thor, but I’m expecting Darius will give you more of a match.” I check him out, “I like the additions to your look.”

Seon-Hui smiles. He’s still barefoot in tight gold trunks. The powerful teen bodybuilder has added gold spandex around his wrists and ankles. He’s attached a green gem to the waistband of his trunks. In front, he has a temporary tattoo of a lightning bolt that runs between his magnificent pecs. And he has a spandex choker around his neck with a green gem on it.

“Thank you, sir. I am serious about this endeavor. When I commit to something, I do it to the best of my ability.”

“Well, you look amazing. I’m not sure about the neck thing, though. That could become a literal choker.”

“I understand. But Captain Patriot is a hero. I will not wear it against less honorable foes.”

I tilt my head left to right. It's not my job to change wrestler's minds, so I say, “You’re right. Darius is one of the few who wouldn’t use it. I take it that we're good? You are ready to face Captain Patriot?”

“Yes, sir. Do you think that he is ready for me?”

“Let’s find out. You’re in the ring first.”

“Yes, sir.”



The introductions go well. A lot of flexing from both men. They look fantastic under the spotlights over the ring. I can’t even begin to guess how this will go. It’s hard to imagine some teenager walking in off the street and beating Captain Patriot in his second-ever match, but I didn’t think it was possible for some rookie teenager to destroy Thor, either.

I’m settled in the back. The men are ready. I ring the bell.


Captain Patriot and Him lock up fast. They are grunting immediately. Him tries to push Cap backward, but he can’t even budge him. The sexy Black muscleman twists and Him loses balance, but he’s back at it before Cap can do anything. They lock up again. It’s skill and strength as they work hard to get control. Every move is countered. Heck, every countered is countered. It’s one helluva collar-and-elbow start.

They each push and stumble backward. Without missing a second, they charge back in, bumping bodies. WHUMP! They collide, chests out. They each go back one step before immediately coming in again. WHUMP! Two steps back. Again. WHUMP! Back they go. On the fourth time, they hold their positions, standing with their pecs pressed together in a staring contest.

Him sneers, “Congratulations. You are already tougher than my last opponent.”

“You ain’t seen nothin, yet.”

“I hope you are correct.”

They push back off each other, setting to start again. Him lifts his foot for a surprise kick, but Captain Patriot sees it coming. He grabs the bare ankle, holding it abs high. Before he can do anything, Him leaps up. The Korean bodybuilder swings his leg around for a kick to the head. Again, Cap anticipates correctly. The Black muscleman ducks. Him’s foot sails over and he lands hard on his chest. SPLAT!

Captain Patriot quickly moves in with an elbow drop to the back of the head. WHACK! Him flops on impact, stunned by the move. The patriotic hero slides on top, digging his knee into the center of Him’s broad back. Cap grabs under the teen bodybuilder’s chin and pulls up. The younger stud grunts. Him plants his hands and feet, easily throwing the 220-lbs muscleman off.

Him scrambles up fast, but Cap is faster. As the teen powerhouse turns, he’s hit by a perfectly timed dropkick. Two boots hit Him, one in the face and the other in the chest. SMACK! Him flies backward. The Korean muscleboy lands on his back. BOOM! Him’s legs go up in the air, making it easy for Cap to grab the bare feet, engulfing them in his huge hands.

With surprising speed for a big man, Cap steps forward between the legs. He folds the bare ankles across one another and turns, easily flipping Him over into a crab variation called a sharpshooter. This is a good one. It’s harder to power out of because it takes some leverage away from the legs. When Him tries, he’ll have to do it with arm strength.

Captain Patriot sits back. He’s rewarded with more grunting. Maybe even a moan of pain. The teen powerhouse is trying to counter, but he’s realizing how tough that will be. In response, the dominant muscleman adds some bounce, really torturing the younger stud’s back. AH! Now that was definitely a pained cry. Cap hears it, bouncing more. The moans turn to sharp gasps.

While the top man’s confidence is growing, I can see that Him is keeping focus. He plants his hands but doesn’t try to power out. The teen powerhouse closes his eyes and regulates his breathing. I see it. With Cap amping up the torture, Him has found the counter. He times his next escape attempt with the bounce. Cap goes down, but as he squats up, Him pushes with all he’s got. It’s enough to push the Captain Patriot forward and slip free.

Him rises as fast as he can, but not fast enough. Captain Patriot is behind him. The older muscleman grabs the Korean muscleboy around the waist. With authority, Cap lifts and throws the 220-lbs teen powerhouse backward in a belly-to-back duplex that sends Him flying across the ring. Him lands hard on the back of his neck and upper shoulders. BOOM! The younger musclestud skids four feet, all the way to the opposite ropes.

Captain Patriot smoothly spins while his opponent slides away. He moves in fast, grabbing Him’s bare ankles. He lifts them up, locking them under his armpits. The Black muscleman slides the teen bodybuilder so his head is under the bottom rope on the apron. Cap puts his knees behind Him’s legs. Cap looks like he’s going to go for a slingshot.

Sure enough, Captain Patriot falls back and lifts, powering Him up. The Korean muscleboy rises, but the bottom rope is in the way. His neck hits the bottom rope and Him slams back down on the back of his head. URK! BOING! CRACK! Him coughs, his body limp from hitting his head on the apron on the ricochet. Oof, that’s a serious move. Cap really is going for it.

With his opponent momentarily helpless, Cap drags him fully into the ring and goes for a pin. He hooks the leg and slaps the canvas.



Him kicks out just in time. He rolls onto his side, holding his throat. Cap grabs the bare ankles again. He lifts and powers his ailing foe into a Boston crab. He’s obviously hoping to capitalize on the previous punishment and the stunning slingshot choke. Smart move. Go right back to it. The teen bodybuilder pounds the mat in pain as he’s bent the wrong way again.

The chiseled muscleboy suffers but doesn’t submit. He’s got control of himself, moaning in pain, but no longer coughing. Cap demands he give. Him refuses. Cap leans into the crab more and Him lets out very real, higher-pitched cries that echo throughout the empty ring area. Him faces down, pressing his forehead into the canvas to focus himself. He whimpers in pain.

Him tries multiple times to push up and power out, but Cap is too strong. He’s got the crab locked in tight. Again, Captain Patriot demands Him submit. In response, the teen powerhouse reaches out and grabs the ropes. he pulls forward with all his strength as he kicks his legs out. The change in tactic works, surprising Cap, who loses his balance and stumbles forward.

Captain Patriot spins immediately, but so does Him. The all-American hero freezes, seeing that his younger opponent is ready for him to charge in. Cap uses caution, not wanting to get caught. Using the time and the ropes, Him gets to his feet. They stare each other down, both men looking very serious. It’s not a grudge match, but it’s not fun and games, either.

Cap smirks, “So, was I right?”

Him replies, “Yes.”

They move in again. Him dives low, catching Captain Patriot off guard. The teen powerhouse grabs a leg and topples the 25-year-old musclestud onto his back. SPLAT! Cap uses his free leg to kick Him away and he flip to his feet into a high squat. Him charges in for a clothesline, but Cap is able to block it in his power stance. He grabs the thick right forearm and twists as Him moves past, getting in behind the teen bodybuilder with a tight hammerlock.

Captain Patriot grips the right wrist and elbow. Knowing that he can’t hold Him for long, Cap doesn’t even try. Instead, he lifts Him into the air by the hammerlock and drops Him onto his right shoulder. BAM! The muscleboy cries out on impact. AH! Him bounces and flops to the ropes. He rises to one knee, shaking out his right arm as he grips the top rope for support.

The Black muscleman is on Him immediately. He leaps in with a knee that catches side of Him’s head. WHACK! The stunning blow enables Cap to grab Him’s right wrist. The all-American stud leaps over the top rope. The teen powerhouse is forced up and around, doing a 180 as Cap drops all the way to the canvas. The top rope digs into Him’s armpit, and his arm is stretched. Cap lets go and the rope sends Him flying backward onto his left hip. WHOMP!

I stand up, looking to see if Him is okay. He’s shaking out his arm and wincing in pain. Riddle did that to me in our first match and almost dislocated my arm. As Cap slides into the ring under the bottom rope, Him dives at him. He comes down with a double axe handle. WHACK! Both men cry out. Cap goes down and Him rises up, his right shoulder hanging down. Probably shouldn’t have used it there.

Him drives his bare foot down onto Captain Patriot’s thick back. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! If Him was wearing boots, I think that would hurt a lot more. Sure enough, as he comes down again, Cap slides to his right, escaping. Him’s foot comes down on the canvas, jamming his leg. BANG! AH! Him turns, hunched over, his right leg up, pain that’s shooting through it.

Captain Patriot moves in fast. He clubs the back of Him’s head. The teen powerhouse bends forward. Cap turns, grabbing Him around the waist. He squats, lifts, and flips the barefoot bodybuilder. Him’s legs fly over as he’s put into an over-the-shoulder. ARGH! Cap secures the 220-lbs muscleboy on his right shoulder by gripping Him by the right bicep and waist.

Him’s arms flail. He can’t reach anything, as his left arm swings wildly and his right arm is kept at bay by Captain Patriot’s tight grip. He moans in pain as he dangles on the broad shoulder, his head upside down and his feet pointing down. The pain’s excruciating and I feel like Him is close to submitting. Him cries out in agony, his 220-lbs of muscle useless as Cap circles the ring.

As they move, Him’s feet start kicking frantically. Purely a desperation move. Cap is holding him in place, fighting the counter. Him’s left foot kicks the top rope. He whips his right foot to reach it. Although he can’t see, Him displays amazing ring sense. He locks his ankles around the top rope. Cap tries to move forward, but Him pulls with all he has, using the ropes.

Him slides off the shoulder. With his feet up, he can’t brace his landing. BOOM! Cap turns to go for another pin. He folds Him in half, bringing the teen’s knees to his shoulders, putting his ass into the air. When he’s confident that Him is locked up, Cap slaps the canvas.



Simultaneously, Him manages to roll his shoulder up as Cap’s hand comes down for a third time. I can’t tell who did what first. Cap looks quickly at Ry who’s right there with his handheld camera. He signals with a thumbs down. No pin. The 25-year-old muscleman doesn’t waste time arguing or being mad. He drags Him up by his right arm. He twists on the armlock.

Him moans, dropping to one knee. The pain in his right shoulder is clearly intense. Him rises back up. He leaps up and does a full 360, untwisting his arm, relieving all the pressure, and landing on his feet like some kind of bodybuilder gymnast. PLOP! Cap wasn’t expecting that. Him turns and dives at his opponent, clotheslining him down with his good left arm. WHACK!

Cap scrambles up, but he’s immediately met with a superkick to the jaw! CRACK! Cap wobbles. A barefoot superkick doesn’t pack the same punch as a boot, but it’s slowed the all-American musclehunk down. As Cap shakes out his head, Him is finding his second wind. He’s up in the air, delivering a dropkick that hits under the chin and against Cap’s massive pecs. WHOMP! Cap stumbles back into the ropes as Him lands on all fours like a cat.

Captain Patriot bounces off the ropes into a donkey kick. THUD! OOF! The bare feet slam into the unflexed midsection, causing Cap to bend forward in half. The teen powerhouse slides back and rises fast, lifting his muscular ass under Cap’s chin. WHACK! The multiple rapid-fire attacks to his chin and head have the Black muscleman unsteady on his feet.

Him is up. He jumps back, using his 220-lbs of muscle as a battering ram. WHAM! It’s not scientific, but it works. Cap stumbles back into the ropes. The tension of the steel cables sends Cap forward into Him’s back. BAM! Him reaches over his shoulder, grabs Cap’s head, and pulls his chin onto Him’s broad shoulder. Cap pushes on Him’s solid body, but it’s too late.

The teen powerhouse hops up and comes down on his ass, dragging Cap down with him for a beautiful chin breaker. PLOP! CRACK! Captain Patriot flies up onto his feet. His arms circle and wave as he staggers and stumbles like a drunk. Cap can’t keep his feet; he turns and topples backward. SPLAT! The all-American musclehunk lies in the ring, spread-eagle and unmoving.

Him is struggling himself, but his adrenaline propels Him forward. He slithers over Cap, whose sweaty torso makes it a frictionless slide. Their slick, pumped bodies connect as Him moves up. I think he’s going for a pin, but he keeps going. Him’s packed gold trunks rub on Cap’s face as the teen bodybuilder moves all the way over Cap’s head. The younger powerhouse turns to sit above the stunned musclestud’s head.

The teen bodybuilder lifts Captain Patriot’s head. He slides forward, resting the moaning muscleman’s head on his gold-wrapped package. Him dramatically wraps his thick, chiseled legs around Cap’s head in a figure-four head scissors. When Him tightens up, Cap wakes up. His survival instincts kick in, but it’s late for that. Cap starts to struggle against the hold.

The Korean muscleboy flexes his legs and all the strength seems to leave Captain Patriot. It takes amount before he’s struggling again. Cap bridges his hips up, but that does nothing. He tries to throw his weight to the left. Nothing. To the right. Even less. Him has his opponent locked up tight. I’m impressed that Cap is holding out, but when he fails to escape again, he collapses onto his back.

“You cannot escape, Captain. Do not worry. I will drag your unconscious body to your corner to start the clock. Five minutes later, I will drag you to the middle of the ring and pin you with one finger. I will throw water in your face, so you do not miss a moment of my victory fuck.”

Captain Patriot cannot respond. I will wake him up during break, but in the ring, in his helpless position, it sounds like a very real threat. The fear of this humiliating result has the 25-year-old muscleman frantically tap the teen powerhouse’s leg in submission.

Him opens his legs. Captain Patriot collapses. He lies perfectly still as Him flexes over him, the gold trunks tenting as the first-round winner enjoys his victory.



I check on the men. Him is easy. He is excited, thanking me for a superior opponent. He admits that he was in real danger, and that his back is still sore. The first round has him hard. He asks if he can pound one out (my phrasing, not his), but I ask him not to do it. The ‘money shot’ is part of the story and should come in stakes. He nods, accepting my decision as final.

It’s less easy with Darius. He’s pissed at himself for not closing the deal. He realizes that he’s in a hole, having to win two falls in a row. It’s especially difficult because he knows that he dominated the first fall. Darius’ only solace is that he feels like he exposed Him, showing that he can be hurt and ultimately beaten. I’m glad he’s looking at the positive side of things.

Five minutes is winding down. When the clock strikes zero, I ring the bell.


They both come out fast. They practically dive into the collar-and-elbow lockup. Suddenly, the match feels very primal, less methodical. They’re just aggressive pushing against one another, grunting and growling as they try to shove the other man backward. That accomplishes nothing in wrestling, but the way they’re straining their muscles, you’d think the winner of this shoving match would get stakes.

Cap gets Him back a step, but the teen powerhouse levels up. Him pushes Cap back. Their muscles swell up after the five minutes of relaxation. Sweat begins to pour. Neither man is giving an inch. Him makes the first move. He suddenly shifts and releases. Cap’s momentum sends him forward, right into a rising knee to the gut. THUD! OOF! He bends forward.

Him brings an elbow down to the back of Captain Patriot’s head. WHACK! That staggers the Black muscleman, dropping him to one hand and one knee. The teen bodybuilder grabs Cap’s mask and drags him up. Him whips Cap into the corner. CLANG! The chiseled muscleboy charges in with a big shoulder block. WHUMP! OOF! The impact bends Cap in half, pushing his ass back over the middle turnbuckle, almost to the ringpost.

The teen bodybuilder pulls his opponent’s hips forward. He grabs the middle ropes on either side of Cap and starts slamming in with more shoulder blocks. WHOMP! WHOMP! WHOMP! The Black muscleman falls forward, resting on Him’s back. The young powerhouse stands up, lifting Cap up. He seats the all-American musclestud on the top turnbuckle and backs up.

Cap shakes his head to get his bearings. Not the start to the second fall that he wanted. If he doesn’t figure something out fast, this will end quickly. Him reaches between Cap’s legs. He grabs the older muscleman by the inner thigh. Simultaneously, Him puts his hand between Cap’s massive pecs. With a grunt, the muscleboy lifts on the legs, tilting Cap forward.

Him pushes up and Captain Patriot is up overhead in a gorilla press. Holy shit! I stand up to see this. The Korean powerhouse has his opponent up, holding the 220-lbs of muscle up high. There’s a bit of a shake, but Him holds it for a few seconds. He bends his one arm and throws Cap forward. The hero flies for a moment before plummeting down. He lands on his front in the middle of the ring. BOOM! Everything shakes. Cap bounces twice before collapsing, unmoving.

Captain Patriot moans as the barefoot bodybuilder circles around him, looking supremely confident. Him drags his ailing opponent up, scooping him across his broad chest. The teen powerhouse bodyslams Cap. BOOM! The all-American musclestud moans and rolls onto his side. Him is relentless. He forces Cap up into another scoop and bodyslam. BOOM!

This time, Cap stays on his back after the initial bounce. Him grabs Cap by the mask. He forces him up and over onto hands and knees. Him steps forward into position to apply a standing head scissors. When Him locks Cap’s head between his powerful thighs, the hero cries out in pain. Those legs have already defeated Cap once and they could knock him out for real this time if he doesn’t fight back.

Captain Patriot grips Him’s calves. He slides his right boot forward and plants it. Him responds with a huge double axe handle to the back. WHACK! That stuns the Black muscleman. Cap goes limp and his hands slide to the canvas. Him dramatically flexes his legs. I can see the muscles tighten and the deep cuts become even more clear. Cap whimpers as he fights to stay awake.

Him strikes a double bicep pose, “You were a challenge, but I see that is over. When you are ready to submit to me, you know how.”

The barefoot bodybuilder reaches forward and grabs Cap around the waist. Him lifts the 220-lbs up, flipping his opponent all the way over until Cap is sitting on Him’s broad shoulders with his crotch in the magnificent muscleboy’s face. Him wastes no time before power bombing Captain Patriot on the canvas. KABOOM! The hero bridges his hips to ease the pain in his back before collapsing to his right side.

Him towers over him, looking a lot taller than 5’10” and a lot bigger than 220-lbs. The muscleboy’s body is pumped to incredible proportions, veins popping, and every muscle perfectly defined. The young dominator says, “Since you are offering your body to me, I will enjoy it.” Him sits behind Cap, grabs a wrist and ankle, and plants his bare feet in the small of Cap’s back.

The teen bodybuilder pulls back, applying a bow and arrow. Cap has no power to resist, his back bending the wrong way. ARGH! Cap gasps in pain. He doesn’t submit. Him pulls back hard, leaning back, viciously pulling on the arm and leg. He’s grunting, too, as he applies more and more pressure. Still, no submission, even as Him demands one.

“Admit defeat or the pain will only get worse.”


Him pulls harder on the bow and arrow. Cap gasps but refuses to give. Realizing it’s not happening, the teen powerhouse lets go. In frustration, Him kicks Cap in the back. WHAP! Him elegantly rises with a 360 spin as Captain Patriot lies on his side. The hero’s boots rise and fall weakly, otherwise there’s no other movement from the sweaty mess of muscle on the canvas.

The teen powerhouse drags Captain Patriot up by his mask and wrist. The hero offers no resistance. Him shakes his head as he surveys the limp, compliant mass of muscleman. The barefoot muscleboy spins Cap and himself so they’re back-to-back. Him reaches back to grab Captain Patriot’s masked head. It’s not as easy as it sounds, given how musclebound he is.

Him’s lats spread out like wings, and he finally secures his grip. I assume he’s going for a neckbreaker, but we’ll never know because the all-American muscleman suddenly finds life. Captain Patriot grabs the teen powerhouse’s wrists. He leans forward. It’s simple, but effective. Him is lifted, lying arched on Cap’s broad back, his feet suspended a foot above the canvas.

Captain Patriot pulls Him’s wrists down until his elbows point up and his fists are lined up with Cap’s ears. The barefoot bodybuilder moans as his back is bent. He tries to pull his arms free, but gravity and position are on Cap’s side. No submission is coming, but that’s not the point. This is clearly a rest hold for the Black musclehunk, helping him recover and re-focus.

Him crunches his abs, lifting his legs up and raising his feet into the air. That takes the pressure off his back. He drops them to the side, easily rolling off Cap’s broad back. As that happens, the muscular hero lets go of the teen bodybuilder’s wrists and backs away fast. The two men face each other. Cap looks determined, but drained, his magnificent pecs heaving, his brown skin shining with sweat. Him looks confident, despite the momentary delay in his victory.

The muscleboy says, “So, you have not given up, yet. I am pleased.”

Captain Patriot holds his tongue, staying focused. He’s still in trouble, down a fall and having endured a ton of punishment in this round. If Him hadn’t gone for the wrong hold with the neckbreaker, this could be over. Cap knows it, too. He’ll hold his talk until after he wins this fall.

They move in fast for a lockup. Him tries a surprise kick, but Cap is ready. He grabs the ankle and arch, but he also smartly slams his boot on Him’s plant leg. STOMP! Him grunts and looks down, shocked and confused. Smart move by the all-American hero. No swing kick from Him this time. Cap lifts the leg high, stretching the tight hamstring as he destabilizes Him.

The mighty muscleboy moans loudly. There’s not much Him can do offensively, his fists can’t reach Cap and his legs are trapped in the makeshift splits. The teen powerhouse wasn’t built for this. He falls back. Maybe by design, maybe by accident. Either way, Him manages to arch and brace on his hands. Very gymnastic for such a thick bodybuilder. Still, he’s helpless and motionless in the position.

Cap doesn’t wait to see what Him can figure out. He spins, lifting his boot off Him’s plant foot. The muscleman pulls the barefoot bodybuilder’s ankle over Cap’s shoulder and down to Cap’s abs. Cap stands and walks, pulling Him with him. The muscleboy is dragged forward, hanging by his knee. Him’s free leg moves wildly but can’t do any damage. Cap pulls down harder, trying to hyperextend the knee. ARGH! That gets the Korean stud whimpering in pain.

The barefoot bodybuilder tries to brace his hands to ease the pressure on his knee, but Cap keeps moving, stopping Him from getting any moment of peace. The all-American musclehunk spins sharply, going around and around like an airplane spin. Him whips around, all the force in his knee. He desperately tries to grab the ropes as he whirls past them, but they’re out of reach.

After a bunch of rotations (sorry, I didn’t count), Cap lets go. Him flies off, landing on his shoulder and skidding to the corner where he hits his head on the bottom turnbuckle. WHOA! BAM! WHACK! Cap looks rejuvenated. He charges in. Him kicks out to ward him away. The younger wrestler pulls himself up to his feet, spinning sideways. He leans into the ropes.

It looks like Him is using the ropes for support, but actually, he’s using them for momentum. Him pushes back and flies forward. The teen powerhouse fires a fist. Cap blocks it, coming in underneath with a fist to the abs. THUD! OOF! Cap follows up by bringing his block arm down, bending his elbow into Him’s jaw. CRACK! Him staggers backward into the ropes, stunned.

Cap presses his advantage. He moves in, fists raised. Cap fires off a series of stiff body punches that has Him reeling. THUD! POW! WHOMP! The all-American musclehunk looks like a boxer working the heavy bag. POW! THUD! WHACK! In desperation, the teen powerhouse throws himself forward, slamming his forehead into Cap’s. CRACK!

The head butt has both musclestuds wobbly. Him recovers first, bending forward and grabbing Cap between the legs. Him lifts to scoop Cap up for a bodyslam, but the muscleman leaps with the lift, giving him the momentum to fly over Him’s shoulder and land softly behind Him. The all-American musclehunk quickly forces the teen powerhouse into a full nelson. ARGH!

Captain Patriot locks on the full nelson. This is one of his signature moves. Him struggles, but he’s actually unable to break free. The Black muscleman violently leans to the left, forcing Him to do the same. It’s starting. The Manifest Destiny! This is like a full nelson on steroids. Cap starts swinging Him side to side. It’s a rough move and no one has ever broken free.

Him’s arms start tight with fists flexed, but as he’s thrown from left to right and back, his hands open and his arms start to sway. The barefoot bodybuilder can’t figure out how to counter as his mind is rattling from the relentless torture of this devastating hold. The tides have turned. Cap is getting pumped, his body growing in size as he punishes his opponent.

Despite the effectiveness of the move, it only weakens Him. He’s not submitting. I’m not surprised, Him is pretty fresh. Cap realizes it, too. He suddenly stops, swings his right leg in front of Him’s left and throws them forward. With his arms locked in the full nelson, the barefoot bodybuilder can’t brace his fall, getting driven down onto his face and pecs. SPLAT!

Both men bounce from the impact of 440-lbs of muscle slamming down on the canvas. Captain Patriot rolls to the side as Him flops over onto his back. He lies spread-eagle and unmoving. With renewed energy, Cap is up fast. He drives his boot down onto Him’s pecs and abs. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! Him cries out with every shot, unable to block the abuse.

After a dozen boots, Him manages to roll over, trying to escape. Cap is back on him immediately, using his boots to keep the teen bodybuilder down. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! As he regains his senses, Him powers up to hands and knees. The all-American muscleman steps over the muscleboy’s head, locking him in a standing head scissors. He flexes his legs and Him’s body goes visibly weak.

Using his advantage, Captain Patriot grabs Him around the waist. Cap lifts and flips Him up, immediately driving him down with a power bomb. KABOOM! Him goes limp on the canvas as Cap slides out. It’s a tough call, but I think Cap’s power bomb was even more devastating than Him’s. The all-American hero goes for a quick pin, rolling Him up into a ball on his shoulders.



Him kicks out just in time, but he’s still looking weakened. The muscleboy wanted a challenge. I wonder if he’s regretting that thinking now that he’s suffering. Cap drags Him up into a front facelock. He grabs the side of the gold trunks and lifts Him up for a duplex. instead of falling, Captain Patriot holds the teen bodybuilder aloft, letting the blood run down into his head.

Cap shouts, “USA time, baby!”

Oh, boy. The United Suplexes of America is another of Captain Patriot’s signature moves. He falls back, delivering a crushing suplex. Him lands hard, bouncing on impact. WHAM! Cap doesn’t let go, forcing Him up by the facelock and the side of his trunks. Cap immediately does a snap suplex. WHAM! A drag up and another snap suplex. WHAM! And a third! WHAM!

Him is reeling. He is harder to drag up, but Cap has the power to make him rise. After four suplexes in under a minute, the gold trunks are stretched higher, riding up Him’s butt crack, exposing one cheek. The all-American musclehunk lifts the 220-lbs muscleboy up again. This time, he brings Him down forward. Him’s ripped abs hit the top ring rope. OOF! Cap uses his power and the spring of the top rope to life Him up again, accelerating his normal suplex into a back-breaking slingshot suplex. KABOOM! The teen bodybuilder lies unmoving on the canvas.

Cap moves back in. He’s cautious for tricks, but Him looks genuinely wrecked. Captain Patriot pulls Him up into a bearhug. Cap doesn’t hold it, because it’s a setup for a belly-to-belly suplex. The lift and spin are fast. BAM! The barefoot bodybuilder moans as he’s sandwiched between the canvas and 220-lbs of dominant muscleman. The muscleboy looks out of it.

Despite his opponent’s weakness, the USA continues. Cap has seen how tough Him is. I can see why he’s thinking that even six brutal suplexes won’t get a pin. Cap forces Him up into a reverse bearhug that he turns into a belly-to-back variation, literally throwing Him overhead. The teen powerhouse lands hard on his back. BOOM! Cap is up quickly, forcing Him up.

Cap points at the camera, “Time to Raise the Flag, men.”

The “Raise the Flag” move is another signature move. It’s a real finisher, having won Cap many, many matches. Cap turns them into position, hoisting the 220-lbs muscleboy across his shoulders. Him cries out as he’s lifted into the powerful submission move. His chiseled body hangs limp across the broad shoulders. Cap locks it on tightly, making sure Him can’t escape.

Cap starts squatting. He cranks on the submission hold. Him whimpers and moans but doesn’t give. The all-American hero adds a bounce. Still, no submission. Him’s hand approaches Cap’s face, probably for an eye rake or something. Cap sees it coming. The muscleman adds a twist to amp up the pain and counters the counter. Him’s hand falls away.

Captain Patriot really goes for it. He cranks harder as he leaps up and down. POP! UNH! BAM! UNH! BOMP! UNH! Each time Cap lands, Him’s cries get louder and louder.

Him cries out, “I GIVE! I GIVE! I GIVE!”

The all-American musclehunk stops jumping, shrugs, and drops Him’s aching carcass to the canvas below. SPLAT! The teen powerhouse lies face down, his muscular body unmoving except for his right fist pounding the canvas in frustration. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Him’s butt cheek is still exposed from the suplexes, but a wedgie is the least of his issues.

The teen bodybuilder has experienced his first taste of defeat in The Cave. He still has another fall to turn things around, but let’s see how he reacts.



Wow. Both these muscle beasts can take as much as they can dish out. I knew it’d be more challenging, but I’m really surprised exactly how even it is. Cap felt like he should’ve won the first round. I’m sure Him feels the same about the second one. Now, things are tied up and it’s winner take all in this final round.

I check on them, starting with the winner again. This time it’s Captain Patriot. He’s feeling great, despite all the abuse he took. He has his second, or maybe third, wind and can’t wait for round three. Him is just as eager. He’s focused, but I can sense he’s holding something back. Losing had an impact on Him, but he won’t show me more to figure that out. I’ve already called dibs on seeing him post-match, so win or lose, I’ll see what I can pry out of him.

With neither guy wanting anything for me, I head back to my seat to make out with my boyfriend Jae. He’s loving the match as much as I am, so we get pretty heated. My warning that the five minutes comes up and I reluctantly pull away. I watch the final seconds tick off before ringing the bell.


The two men lock up fast. As they push, Captain Patriot gains an advantage. He’s pumped and eager to take control. Him puts his left leg back to brace himself. His foot digs in, his calf tensed. It slows Cap down a little, but Him is forced to put his right foot back, too. I know he prefers bare feet, but it’s hurting him now as he slides backward on the slick canvas.

Him’s knees bend. He’s planning something. As soon as I think it, he does it. The teen powerhouse jumps up, getting his feet up on Cap’s knees. The Black muscleman is able to stop pushing, but Him pulls back. Cap is dragged forward and down as the barefoot bodybuilder lands on his back, rolls, and flips his opponent over. Cap lands on his back BAM!

The teen powerhouse rolls with the momentum, getting into a handstand. He comes down, driving his knee into the muscleman’s chiseled abs. THUD! OOF! Him springs to his feet. Despite his muscular physique, he moves like a cat, jumping onto the middle rope. They sag under his 220-lbs of muscle then propel him upward. He athletically spins in midair and comes down for a splash.

Unfortunately for Him, Cap gets his legs up. Him lands on the hard shins. WHOMP! OOF! The muscleboy bounces off, landing on his side, holding his abs. The all-American musclehunk is up to his feet immediately. He kicks Him onto his back before unleashing a series of big boots to the teen’s chiseled torso. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! The barefoot bodybuilder grunts with every stiff shot.

Back in control, Cap is relentless. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! He leaps up, coming down with a big knee drop to Him’s abs. THUD! OOF! The knee sinks deep, causing the teen powerhouse to crunch up. Cap whips his forearm right into the muscleboy’s face. WHACK! Him is stunned, enabling Cap to drag Him up by his hair. Cap swings his knee up into the softening midsection. WHOMP! OOF! Him doubles over.

Cap reaches over the barefoot bodybuilder’s butt and shoulder. His hands find muscle to grip. Cap lifts and drops Him over his leg in a gutbuster. WHAM! UNH! Him’s reaction confirms that the relentless intensity of the ab attacks is breaking down the teen powerhouse’s rock-hard abs. It’s a tall task (I would’ve gone for a limb-based attack), but if Cap can successfully weaken the muscleboy’s solid steel core, he can limit Him’s counters and close this out.

The all-American muscleman drags Him up. The teen powerhouse swings his arm for a surprise clothesline, but Cap isn’t surprised. He ducks. Him spins, allowing his opponent to get in behind him. Cap smoothly steps over Him’s right hip and under his right arm. Before the barefoot bodybuilder can react, he’s bent sideways and locked in a powerful ab stretch. ARGH!

Him moans loudly. He’s in pain, but not beaten. The barefoot bodybuilder tries to power out, but Captain Patriot matches him, countering his counter. The muscleman lifts his big arm and brings it down like a club, smashing it into the muscleboy’s sculpted midsection. WHOMP! Cap does it again. SMASH! And again. BAM! Him tries to block the blows, but Cap just powers through. SMASH! BAM! SMASH!

The teen powerhouse swings his free arm up, trying to grab something, anything, but he can’t reach past his own contorted body. Those muscles are impressive, but they aren’t that flexible. Him groans in the torturous hold. He goes limp. Wow, was not expecting that. Cap better watch out, because it could be — suddenly, Him tenses, roars, and pulls forward. He flips Cap over, putting the all-American musclehunk on his back. WHAM!

Cap has the awareness to roll with the flip, escaping any follow up. He springs to his feet. Him is already charging. As Cap braces for impact, the barefoot bodybuilder dives low, taking out Cap’s legs. WHACK! WHOA! The all-American musclehunk goes down hard. Him grabs the right boot and flips Cap into a single leg crab. Good move. Him can rest. A Boston crab would be better, it allows you to control both legs, but — sure enough, Cap powers out fast.

Him stumbles but plants his feet fast. When Captain Patriot gets up, he turns right into a big charging clothesline. WHOMP! The big Black muscleman goes down on his back. His boots rise, enabling the barefoot muscleboy to grab hold. In a blur, Him steps through, folds Cap’s legs, and falls back, locking on a figure-four. Wow, I wonder who trained Him, because he did that so smoothly. That was pro-level.

Captain Patriot is thrashing on the mat, clearly in agony. Him pushes up on his hands, amping up the force. The quick turnaround puts the teen powerhouse in control once again. He might get a submission right here. Cap needs to — the muscleman throws his body to the left. Him tries to block it, but it’s too late. The musclestuds flip onto their fronts and the hold is reversed.

Now, it’s Him who’s crying out in pain. Captain Patriot planks high, giving it his all. Him tries to reverse the hold again, but Cap is expecting the counter, managing to block the flip multiple times. Him has no choice but to shift his leg to give up the hold. Their legs fall apart and away. They both crawl forward to ropes on the opposite sides of the ring. The climb to standing is slower this time.

Captain Patriot moves in first. He’s halfway across the ring before Him reacts. the teen powerhouse tries a surprise shoulder block, but Cap successfully dodges the muscleboy’s flying body. Him lands on his stomach. SPLAT! The all-American muscleman is on Him with big boots to the back. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! Him bounces but can’t escape.

Cap leaps up, coming down with an elbow drop to the back of Him’s head. CRACK! The moves stun the teen powerhouse, enabling Cap to lock on a crossface. The muscleman has his hands locked under Him’s chin, using the back of his hands to pull up. Cap’s legs are wrapped around Him’s left arm immobilizing it while he leans his weight on the barefoot bodybuilder’s back to hold Him down. ARGH!

The hold has Him crying out in pain again. I know a few guys who can get a submission with it, but I don’t see that here. It’s a neck and shoulder move, while its Him’s back midsection that’s been weakened. Captain Patriot is wearing Him down, but I would’ve gone for a more core-focused move, like a camel clutch. The teen powerhouse shifts his legs. He pushes with his free hand. The muscleboy manages to turn just enough to negate the hold.

Cap releases the hold, realizing that it was doing nothing after Him’s successful counter. The all-American musclehunk drags Him up by his trunks and hair. The gold spandex wedges up the teen bodybuilder’s ass once more. With the barefoot muscleboy bent forward, Captain Patriot lifts his knee up into the aching abs. THUD! THUD! THUD! Cap follows up with a clubbing double axe handle to the back. WHACK! Him drops to his hands and knees.

The all-American hunk jumps up, splashing on Him’s back. The teen powerhouse can’t stay up, crashing down, sandwiched between the ring and 220-lbs of falling muscleman. SPLAT! OOF! Cap drags Him up by his wrist. The teen powerhouse looks like a ragdoll. He really needs a break, but Cap isn’t hesitating at all, whipping Him back first into the corner. CLANG!

Him hits so hard on his back that he bounces out, right into a big boot to his abs. THUD! OOF! The teen powerhouse bends forward. Cap scoops him up for a bodyslam. Wait, no! Captain Patriot instead drops him down in an over-the-knee backbreaker! KRAKT! Him cries out when he hits Cap’s outstretched leg, his massive muscular body looking limp and weak.

Cap holds Him momentarily, but instead of pushing Him off his leg, the Black muscleman powers the 220-lbs carcass up. Wow, impressive. The all-American musclehunk drops Him down into a second OTK backbreaker! KRAKT! Wow. Him flops and convulses wildly, but Cap holds firm. I’m shocked as Cap powers Him up again and brings him down for a third OTK backbreaker! KRAKT! Oh, wow!

This time, the barefoot bodybuilder bounces off the leg, landing on the canvas. SPLAT! Him writhes and whimpers in pain. Captain Patriot immediately moves to drag Him up. It’s a struggle as the 220-lbs of wrecked muscleboy is deadweight. Cap grabs under Him’s left armpit and by his wrist. It’s enough, but the teen powerhouse is wobbly.

Captain Patriot steadies Him by grabbing him by the throat. Cap’s hand is big, with long, thick fingers. It wraps tightly around Him’s muscular neck, the tips of the fingers digging into the smooth, flawless flesh of the young muscleboy. Cap reaches his other hand behind Him to keep him in place, slowly sliding it to the barefoot bodybuilder’s mountainous ass cheek.

I know what’s coming. Sure enough, Cap squats. He pushes up, lifting Him up into the air by his neck and ass. The teen powerhouse hangs in the setup for the Statue of Liberty, Captain Patriot’s signature choke slam finisher! When Cap hits this, the match is over!

Him desperately fires his hand out. It grabs Captain Patriot’s face, fingers spreading out. The thumb digs into the temple, matched by the middle finger digging in on the opposite one. The other fingers press into Cap’s masked face. The two men are frozen for a moment. Cap cries out. His arm drops. Him lands softly on his feet. PLOP! Cap pushes Him away.

The all-American musclehunk shakes out his head, staggering. Him stretches his back, but he’s eying Captain Patriot carefully. Cap charges in, but the barefoot bodybuilder gets his hand up. Cap runs right into another face claw. URK! He stops dead as the teen powerhouse, methodically moves his fingers into place, finding the perfect pressure points.

With Cap in boots, he’s a good three inches taller than the barefoot bodybuilder, but Him forces Cap to bend backward. The muscleman desperately grabs Him’s thick forearm and gold-wrapped wrist. He tries to pull the claw off, but he can’t. Cap knees buckle as Him leans into the claw, driving his opponent back and down. In just seconds, Cap drops to his knees.

The teen powerhouse towers over the all-American musclehunk. Him pushes Captain Patriot’s hands away. The sculpted limbs fall down, limp. Him steadies his claw as Cap weakens, grabbing his own wrist. His face shows steely determination. Cap tries to fight, but the face claw is sapping his incredible strength. Even Cap’s mighty pecs look weak, sagging as he is drained by the devastating nerve hold.

Him says, “You are strong. You are skilled. But your muscles are useless. All kneel against the power of my claw.”

Cap’s hands swing up in a last-ditch escape attempt, but they barely get higher than his abs. As quickly as they rose, they fall again. Captain Patriot’s mouth sags open and he leans. The hero falls onto his ass. Him guides the muscleman down, lowering him onto his back. Cap shows no resistance, lying in a heap on the canvas as Him controls his every move.

Him releases the claw. He grabs Captain Patriot’s wrist. He lifts it up and lets go.


Him repeats the move with the same result.


And a final lift and release to confirm what we all know.


The match is over. Him rises to his feet. He plants one on Captain Patriot’s mighty pecs. As the teen powerhouse flexes over the hero’s unconscious carcass, the winner counts an unnecessary pin.











When Him is done with his ten-count, he heads to his corner for some water. After a long, gulping drink, he walks back to Captain Patriot. Him empties the rest of his water bottle on Cap’s face and torso. SPLASH! The all-American wakes up with a start. He rubs his face and shakes his head. It takes a moment before he remembers the claw. He looks up at the winner.

Him looks down, “You fought well, Captain. Now, prepare yourself for stakes. I am eager to take your ass, as per the rules.”



Both men take their time stretching and recuperating. They work in silence, although I see Him check out Captain Patriot whenever he can sneak a glance. The barefoot muscleboy stands up tall. The winner’s cock weighs down his gold trunks as he advances on the match loser. Him moves slowly, methodically as he weaves his way toward Cap. The match a lot out of Him.

Captain Patriot sees the winner moving in. He stops stretching, standing and waiting with his hands on his hips. The all-American muscleman is also hard. Even though he’s pissed that he lost the match, the anticipation of stakes with the chiseled Korean muscleboy has Cap horny to receive. He bounces his pecs as he just watches Him’s slow, weaving advance.

Him orders, “On your knees.”

Cap slowly but immediately lowers himself down. He’s a Cave veteran. Him will get no resistance from the muscular loser. The victorious teen towers over Cap. Him strikes a most muscular pose, showing off his chiseled physique. He shifts into a double bicep pose before bringing his hands to his trim hips. Him looks down, admiring the kneeling muscleman.

“You are impressive, Captain Patriot. A talented and powerful man. I will enjoy this.” Him pulls Cap forward by the mask, rubbing the loser’s face in Him’s gold spandex bulge. “Open your mouth and show me your skills.” Cap obeys, lovingly worshipping the winner’s manhood. The kneeling muscleman uses his tongue and lips, drinking in Him’s crotch sweat as he works.

Him growls, “Yes, you are indeed impressive.”

A tug on Cap’s mask pulls the loser off the teen powerhouse’s trunks. The winner turns his back to Captain Patriot. He flexes again, showing off his amazing definition. Him says, “Peel down my trunks.” The kneeling muscleman follows orders, grabbing the waistband and slowly working the sweaty gold spandex down the smooth bubble butt and thick legs. Him steps out of the trunks when they reach his ankles.

Him keeps his back to Captain Patriot. He flexes his ass, “Do you like what you see?”

The loser admits, “Yes.”

“How unfortunate for you that you will never have it.” Him spins, showing off his thick, throbbing cock, dangling balls, and shaved pelvis. “This is all you will get from me.” The teen powerhouse pumps his rod, “Do you like what you see?”


“You are allowed to suck it now.”

Captain Patriot needs no further instruction. He’s only lost stakes once before in The Cave, but in his secret identity, he’s completely vers and regularly takes bigger dicks from Josh and Winston. Cap’s got Him gasping almost immediately. The loser keeps it under control, just easing the teen powerhouse forward. When he heads to the barefoot bodybuilder’s balls, he keeps a tight grip on the thick shaft.

Him puts his hands behind his head, spreading his lats and letting the kneeling muscleman work. He gasps, “Do not make me release my load!”

Cap keeps his hands working as he looks up with a grin, “Don’t worry, I got you.”

Him just nods. From his face and demeanor, I don’t think the muscleboy has ever been with a guy like this before. One who knows exactly how to edge a guy. The teen powerhouse is tight, his whole body twitching as he’s worked. The winner keeps gasping and moaning, letting the kneeling muscleman know how he’s feeling. After three close calls, Him backs away.

“STOP! That is enough.” Him gathers himself. “You are even more skilled at sex than wrestling. I am lucky we did not wrestle first-to-cum.”

Cap smirks, “Maybe in the rematch.”

Him hesitates then nods, “Perhaps.” He says, “I won. I am in control. Move to the ropes.” The emboldened loser spins and crawls to the nearest ropes. He waits for instructions. “Stand. Face me. Place your arms behind the top rope.”

Cap nods. Him moves in close. He reaches under the top rope, grabbing the muscleman’s wrists. Their bodies press together tightly. Cap moves his head over Him’s shoulder. He breathes heavily on the muscleboy’s neck. Him shudders, freezing in place, holding Cap’s wrists. The loser opens his mouth and starts kissing the boy bodybuilder’s neck.

Him moans as Cap uses his mouth on his smooth flesh. The winner’s eyes close and his mouth hangs open. Cap works slowly. Seductively. His tongue and lips going between light grazing and intense sucking. When the Black musclehunk tongues Him’s ear, the teen powerhouse relaxes into it, his body falling into the loser’s, his hands dropping from Cap’s wrists.

Cap pulls off. They stare. Him looks down as the muscleman grabs the middle rope, securing his own hands. When the naked bodybuilder looks back up, he’s met with a passionate kiss on the lips. Mouth-to-mouth, Cap takes control. Him reaches up, gripping the all-American musclehunk’s broad shoulders for support as he experiences the intense liplock.

Him finally pulls away. His cock is dripping. The barefoot bodybuilder silently surveys Cap. The Black muscleman leans forward with his arms over the top rope and his hands gripping the middle rope. Him backs up a step, denying the kiss attempt. Cap smirks, “You’re amazing, kid. I could kiss you all day.” Him blushes. Cap moves back against the ropes, “You planning on tying me up in these?”

The teen powerhouse stands tall, “I think it is for the best.” Cap sinks down to his knees, pulling the top rope down. Him says, “You are amazing, too.” He steps forward, leaning over the compliant Cap to lift the middle rope up and over, securing the kneeling musclehunk in the steel cables. As he passes, Cap makes a move toward the leaking cock at mouth level.

Him pulls away, “No. You are too talented.”

“Just a taste. I won’t let you cum. Promise.”

“No. I believe you, but being brought to the brink and denied three times is more than enough. I am going to fuck you now.”

“Go for it.”

Cap lifts his knees, hopping into squat while his arms and shoulders are locked up tightly. The move makes it easier for Him to work, a sign of respect and eagerness by the muscular loser. The naked bodybuilder nods, respecting Cap’s attitude. Him drops to a knee. He bends the front waistband down to reveal the neatly tied white shoelace that holds the trunks up.

Him smiles and locks eyes with Captain Patriot. He pulls one end of the lace up, slowly undoing the knot. It pops open. Both men look hungry at this point. The teen powerhouse grabs the loose waistband of the red, white, and blue trunks. Him slowly peels the sweaty spandex down. Cap’s throbbing cock springs free. Him’s eyes lower to admire it.

The red, white, and blue trunks slide along Cap’s thick, smooth thighs, over the knees, and down the boots. Him easily works them around the boot heel, helped by Cap lifting his foot. The barefoot bodybuilder grabs his gold trunks and smothers Cap’s nose and mouth with them. He simultaneously holds the patriotic gear to his own face and breathes in deeply.

The two musclemen take in the other’s scent. Their cocks are bouncing with anticipation. Him plants one foot and discards the trunks. He’s obviously ready to go. The mighty muscleboy first sheathes his cock. Once done, he reaches under Cap’s legs and lifts them high onto his shoulders. Him pushes up, rising and lifting Cap’s lower body up until the all-American muscleman’s hole is perfectly positioned to receive the young Korean’s cock.

Him powers inside. Captain Patriot moans loudly, throwing his head back. It hangs outside of the ring, his face ecstatic. The thrilled reaction encourages the teen powerhouse to pound him deeper and harder. No easing into it, just a rough power fuck. Cap pushes against the ropes, not to escape but to keep position. Him’s fingers dig into the thick thighs as he plows forward.

After a few minutes, Him lets Cap drop. The muscleboy moves in, untying the loser’s arms. Cap sinks to his knees and shakes out his arms, red lines from the tight steel cables cut across his smooth brown flesh. The teen powerhouse orders Cap to turn and hang on the middle rope, facing outward. The all-American muscleman complies immediately, even arching his back to present his ass to the younger stud.

The teen bodybuilder is back inside Captain Patriot immediately. With the better angle, Him goes balls deep on the first thrust, Cap gasping as he takes the Korean muscleboy’s full length. The rhythmic thrusting has Cap moaning encouragement. Him is grunting. He leans forward and grips Cap’s traps while he savagely pounds the loser’s muscular ass, his pelvis slamming in on every thrust.

Him slows down. He growls, “You are clenching down. Squeezing my cock! Milking it with your ass!”

Cap growls back, “You like it?”

The winner answers with a scream, “Yes! YES!! YES!!!”

The fuck only gets rougher as Cap starts backing into every driving pump. They’re both grunting and gasping, their powerful bodies drenched in fresh, glistening sweat. Him begins to whimper. He pulls out, much to Cap’s surprise. The Black muscleman looks back, questioning what’s going on. He knows the teen powerhouse didn’t cum. Him rises up and strips the condom off.

“I want you to finish me with your amazing mouth and hands.”

Cap spins quickly, “You got it.”

The all-American muscleman is on the muscleboy’s rod in a flash. Him says, “Play with yourself. Show everyone how much you like this.” Cap drops one hand down to milk his own shaft while he uses his mouth on the throbbing cock and his other hand to massage the winner’s tightening balls. Him cries out, “Yes, that is it! Yes! Take my cock! Suck it!”

Him grabs Cap’s masked head for support. He is more than content to let the kneeling muscleman finish him off. Captain Patriot is an expert and Him knows it. The all-American musclehunk savors his role, attacking the teen powerhouse’s manhood with passion, but making it last. He pumps his own cock with a corkscrew action that has him leaking like crazy.

In less than a minute, Him is whimpering that he is close. He commands, “Do not swallow it all. Hold my seed in your mouth.”

Cap moans his understanding. He deep throats the younger bodybuilder’s shaft before pulling back to focus on the tip. His hand moves from Him’s contracted balls to take over from the base. Damn, Captain Patriot is doing his country proud, working two cocks with his hands and mouth, all in sync without missing a beat. Him’s whole body tightens, and he lets out a moan.

“Yes! It is time! Take it! Take my seed!”

Cap keeps working. Him is erupting in his mouth, a fact made obvious by the way the teen powerhouse’s body is flexing. The all-American stud slows up, squeezing hard and sucking with his cheeks collapsed. Ry and Pete are in the ring, getting it all up close from opposite angles. Cap is draining the final drops. Him pushes him off, freeing his semi-hard dick.

“Show me.” Cap opens his mouth. “Stick your tongue out.” The kneeling stud does. It’s thoroughly coated with the winner’s cum. “You may swallow.” Cap dramatically gulps. Him looks down, “You may finish yourself off.”

Cap nods. Pete follows Him as he backs up and poses for the camera, while Ry zooms in on Captain Patriot milking his massive member. The defeated hero stares at the flexing teen powerhouse. It brings him to closure quickly. Cap erupts with a massive load that shoots high and far, firing between Him’s open legs and splashing onto the canvas. Wow. He’s happy, despite the loss.

Him wraps up, grabs his gold trunks, and heads to the locker room. Cap collapses on his back, letting Ry capture every inch of his incredible body.



“Congratulations, Seon-Hui.”

The teen powerhouse smiles, “Thank you, sir. It was a very challenging match. Much tougher than the last time. How is Captain Patriot?”

“Darius is good. He’s disappointed about losing, but he’ll get over it. Jae is across the hall, checking on him, same as I’m doing with you.”

“I am pleased to hear that he is well. I have great respect for him as an opponent. And as a man. He is very … skilled.”

“I know he feels the same about you. I hope you give serious consideration to a rematch in the future.” I confirm, “How are you feeling?”

“Wonderful.” Seon-Hui is looser than usual. He is pumped, speaking quickly and more to himself, “I was so close to losing. It was … exhilarating to be pushed. To be challenged. To be on the edge of defeat and win.” I notice the naked muscleboy’s cock growing again. His hand drops to his rod. He idly jerks, “And the stakes. Darius did things to me that I have never felt before.” He’s practically crushing his cock, twisting it as he talks. “It is more than the sense of accomplishment. It is more than winning. More than the sex. It is … the danger. The threat of loss. The stakes. Experiences that I have never faced. Experiences that I never want to face.” He looks at me, “The risk makes success more rewarding.”

I nod, “It does. But you’ve really never lost? Or you’ve just never bottomed?

“Neither, sir. I have never come close to failing at anything that I have tried to do. When I have set a goal, I have always achieved it. Academics. Bodybuilding. Wrestling. Men. And I have only been on top sexually.” Seon-Hui smiles ecstatically as he toys with his cock, “I am pleased to have emerged victorious, but even more pleased by how I won. I could have given up. But I did not. I could have let Darius take control during stakes. But I did not. The Cave is exceeding my every hope.”

Now I’m the one who’s happy, “That’s awesome. And that was some move at the end. Claws are tough to do right, and that knowledge is usually a closely guarded secret among the few men who have truly mastered it.”

“Yes, sir. It is something I learned from my uncle. He is a professional wrestler in Korea and Japan. Perhaps you have heard of him? Moon Tae-Woo?” I shake my head. “I am not surprised. He has never toured America. My uncle uses many nerve holds. The face claw is his best finisher. He recently won a title with it.”

I think then ask, “Won a title with a claw? He’s not Danger Dragon, is he? The new UJPWF Shoot champion?”

“Yes! I forgot that in Japan he is sometimes called that.”

“Wow, he’s great. If he ever decides he wants to wrestle in America, let me know. My friend Ben is the best indie promoter in the country.” A slight exaggeration. Hm, this is all interesting info. I tell him, “I didn’t realize you come from a wrestling family.”

“Not a family. My family are farmers. Just my uncle. He is …” Him seems to be searching for the right term. “… I think you would call him a free spirit. Like me, he is the youngest of many. He chose his own path as I am doing. We are very close. Only he understands me. He helped me come here for school. He introduced me to bodybuilding. He taught me how to wrestle. While wrestling is not my end goal, he encouraged me to pursue it as a … hobby. He is the only person I have told about The Cave. He has become a fan since my debut. And he told me that his favorite wrestler is The Bat.”

I get a big smile, “I’m honored. If he comes to visit you, please let me know. I’d love to meet him.”

“I will extend the invitation.” While we’ve been talking, Seon-Hui’s hand has been flexing, working his cock harder. Squeezing and releasing, slowly moving up the shaft to the head then right back to the base to start again. He adds, “I admire his rebellious spirit very much.”

I smile, “It’s good that you have him in your life.”

“It is. When my father finds out what I am doing, he will be upset with my uncle and I.”

I frown, “Oh no. You should have told me. We could have given you a mask.”

“Thank you for your concern, sir, but I do not hide from anyone. My father will have to accept what I am doing. He has not approved of most of my choices. He will … accept it.”

“Well, if it helps, we have very few customers in Korea, so odds are slim that he’ll find out.”

“It only takes one.” The teen bodybuilder drops his head, and his hand falls away from his throbbing rod. “I did not want to reveal the claw so soon in my Cave career. Unfortunately, my back could not take any more punishment.”

I reassure him, “Nothing wrong with that. No one just squashes everyone and there aren’t even any long winning streaks any longer. Let me tell you, I’ve been in the same spot. Most of us have. So close to losing. You think you can’t keep going. Exhausted. Hurting. Out of ideas. But then you focus and figure it out. I’m in trouble in most of my matches. Winners have the smarts, skills, and strength to figure it out most of the time. That’s why they’re winners.”

“Hm. You understand me, too. Thank you, sir.”

I hand him the iPad, “Since you’re good, read and sign, please. Even though your claw won’t be a surprise, it’s still a powerful weapon. I think you can expect only tough matches from here on out now that everyone is seeing what you can do.” I ask, “Is there anyone you want to challenge? There must be guys you want to wrestle.”

As the Korean muscle beast hands me back my iPad, signed with a confirmation that he’s feeling good, he hesitates. Even with his euphoric high, he falls back into his shy, subservient identity. He says, “I will be honored to accept any matches that will benefit The Cave.”

I set the tablet down and grab his giant traps. I massage him as I look him dead in the eye, “I feel like we’ve had this conversation before. You know what I’m going to say.”

“My apologies, sir.”

I pat his cheek, “Use that rebellious spirit that brought you here. Who do YOU want to face?”

“Yes, sir. I will review the website, identify potential opponents, and present them to you.”

“Perfect.” With my praise, Seon-Hui’s hand is back on his cock. I pat his left pec as I pull my hands away. TAP! TAP! It feels like a warm slab of granite. “We can compare lists at practice on Tuesday. Agreed?”

“Yes, sir. I will be prepared.” The teen bodybuilder moans as he pushes his hard cock down before it snaps back up and hits against his abs. SMACK! “As you can see, I am still excited by the match. The feeling of pure joy. Is there another match today? I would like to take a longer than normal shower, but if I am in the way, I will go home to pleasure myself.”

“You’re in luck. Yours was the last match.” I smirk, “You know, there are a few guys here. I can see if anyone might like to help you out. Do you want help?” He nods. I ask, “Anyone you’d like me to start with? And don’t say it’s my choice.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. There is one man whom I’d especially enjoy, if he is willing.”

I head to the ring area, surprised by his top choice. I double checked that he meant who he said. He did. And there’s his first choice. I move in close, keeping my voice down, “Pete. There’s a job for you in the heel locker room. I’ll take over cleaning up the ring area.”

The burly brute sneers at me, “Fuck off, Cody. I don’t take orders from you.”

I smirk, anticipating that he’d be a jerk. I shrug, “Okay, I’ll tell Seon-Hui you’re not interested in getting fucked in the shower.”

Pete’s eyebrows go up, “What?”

“Yeah, our sexy young bodybuilder is still horned up from his match. He needs to fuck and asked me if you’d be interested. He’s waiting for you, but it’s okay. Jae was next on his list. I’ll see if my boyfriend is free.”

“No, you won’t, Cody.” The burly behemoth looks at me suspiciously, “You’re serious?” I nod.

Pete throws the mop at me as he practically runs to the back. I can’t help but smirk. Ry comes over from the tech table where he’s downloading the footage. He growls, “Cody! What did you say to Pete to make him run off like that?”

I hold up my hands, “Hey, I’m innocent. Turns out our new teen muscleboy has a bear fetish. I guess they’re exotic to him.”

“Bear fetish? You mean Seon-Hui wants to … with Pete?” I nod. “Did you put him up to this?”

“What? You think I made something good happen for Pete? Really?” Ry realizes how stupid that sounds. I explain, “The boy is hard as fuck thinking about his win and Pete’s the lucky man who gets to do something about it.”

“Oh.” My best friend nods, but he’s unnerved. Ry has two boyfriends, but he also has Pete as his friend with benefits. HIS friend with benefits. I’m sure they planned a night of fucking. Now, Seon-Hui is the one cashing in. Ry says unconvincingly, “Good for Pete.”

I’m very happy about this. I don’t like Pete. He’s always rude and nasty to me and has been since the day we met. Pete is consumed by his jealousy over my clear best friend status in Ry’s life. I work hard to tolerate him and hide my feelings for Ry’s sake, but even I have limits. I can’t actively sabotage their friendship, but things happen. Opportunities arise. Priorities change.

If Pete finally realizes that there’s more to life than being Ry’s number three side piece, maybe he’ll get a life and be around less. Or not at all. Of course, there’s a risk that this will make Ry jealous and more interested in Pete, but if that was a real possibility, I think Ry would’ve already made a move. No, I’m 99% sure Pete will never get more from Ry, no matter what.

I fight to keep a neutral face, “Don’t worry, Ry. I’m sure Pete will still go home with you. Seon-Hui is 19, horny, and likes to top bears. It’s nothing more than that. Once he’s done, Pete will be all yours for the night.” I can’t resist asking, “This is okay, right? It’s not like you guys are in a relationship.”

“Of course, it’s fine.” My best friend gets it together, “Okay. Whatever. Good for Pete. Well, you and I have work to do.”

I casually shrug, “No rush. I think they’ll be back there for a while. Good for Pete, right?”

Ry sighs and walks away, “Right.”


Casting ...

Darius/Captain Patriot = Justin St. Paul (bodybuilder)

Seon-Hui/Him = Ahn Young Jin (a bodybuilder with far too few images)

Cody = Leighton Stultz (model)

Jae = Mike Carr (model)

Pete = Dave Mastiff (pro wrestler)

Ryan = Mike Bennett (pro wrestler)


  1. Absolutely as close as perfection as possible. The wrestling was incredible. These two were pushing against each other at all times. Captain Patriot has definitely shot up multiple levels with this story and I believe that at some point he really deserves a rematch with HIM. Very different from the Thor match. Darius didnt let up on Seon-Hui even after the wrestling. He was working the hunk and probably he came out with the upper hand at the end. Id love to see Cody work his magic so that Seon-Hui focuses solely on The Cave during the Summer. The young hunk just seems to be ready to go 100% Cave, just needs the right motivation. Darius hopefully gets another match. He was just incredible in this story. That comeback by HIM on that first fall was powerful. So both characters were just grabbing my attention from the beginning. It felt very raw. It felt powerful. The moves. The action. Captain Patriot didnt hold back one bit. HIM took everything and then he went back harder. I say rematch. Not immediately. But without a doubt. It was great that you went back to HIM. It was awesome that Cody stayed in touch with Seon and got him again. Loved the new art work on HIM. Yes sadly the model has few pics. The wrestling was the star in this story, followed by Captain Patriot. His wrestling moves and the way you write them put him at the top as the best performer in the Cave.But they are also power moves. I was so surprised when HIM escaped.That showed that the teen has real skills. But Captain Patriot somehow I think outperforms himself as a character at both the wrestling and in sex. HIM does show a bit of that young man mentality by perhaps getting caught up in the side action as we see with PEte. But its good for storytelling. So that really opens up that character a bit. I hope to see more of Darius as a wrestler and more of Seon-Hui full character development. Incredible.Thanks Alex. By, You Know Who.

    1. Thanks! I always intended for Him to return, but things happen. I felt like his second match had to have a lot of wrestling - moves, tension, surprises - so that takes time. So, I’m happy with the final result. Hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as you.

    2. Anyone that reads your stories for wrestling has to really enjoy it. Because just like Seon-Hui's green gem, this one is a gem in your collection. Non Stop back and forth. Lots of Suspense. Lots of Defiance. Hard real hard attacks but there are also technical moves including that finisher right at the end. These two must have really pushed the right buttons with you because it just shows. I dont intend to say that Cap outshined HIM, its more like, his performance was so much better than all of his other performances that he can be seen in a different light. A much better one. HIM was beat hard and pushed to his limits. Question is what and who is next for HIM. That is a tough one. I wonder if anyone has an opinion.

  2. Another EXCELLENT story. The wrestling action was very good, well written, and believable. I was convinced that Patriot was going to win, so was enjoyable surprised when it was HIM. Look forward to seeing HIM in other matches.

    The ending with Seon-Hui’s asking about Pete was inspired. I have a weak spot for Pete (god knows why) and am glad to see him getting a little attention. Adding a little doubt in Ryan's mind that he is all that was very pleasing. He has become accustomed to Pete following him around like a puppy dog wanting attention. Interested in seeing how he copes with this new development.

    Keep up the good work.

    1. I thought I was the only one with a soft spot for big Pete. Glad to see other guys are rooting for him too.

    2. Thanks for commenting! Nice to see comments from Pete fans. In the first story, Him actually mentions interacting with Pete but we never saw it (the employee with the bushy beard who liked to touch him). He wanted Pete to rub oil on his back, but Pete was too busy getting ready to film. I guess whatever Pete said or did stuck with the muscleboy.

      The match could have gone either way, but Him came up with a surprise move. Being an unknown quantity is working out for Him, so far.

  3. I was one of the fans Cody mentioned wanted more of Him! And captain patriot too! I go back to their old matches regularly so it's great to see them both together. They both really gave each other a good run. The wrestling was hot as always and the stakes was awesome. The repeated suplexing and backbreakers and cap's breakdown of the muscleboy's abs and back, Hims resilience and gracefulness and power like with the gorilla press. I hope we get to see more of them both!! Especially Him. I feel like there is a thing where the bigger they get built up, the harder and better more intense when they go down. Who will Cody and Him choose next, it could go in so many directions! Could go with someone bigger or villainous like riddle or kraken or Pete or Ryan, especially the last two might be interesting given what happened here. Or another hero but also more technically skilled or experienced. Or maybe Him will want to challenge himself in a different way with someone more... Playful, after these stakes. There's a new pair of playful twins who had some recent fun with Jae that are also an unknown quantity much like Him. And this story made me wonder how cap even fell in with toyboy in the first place, never mind riddle...

    1. Thanks! Happy to read that Him has fans. Him’s return has been planned since his debut, but I couldn’t write it. Turns out, I just wasn’t interested in my original idea for Him. This is story is what interested me. Yes, there are a few ways to go now. I’ll admit that I haven’t decided yet.

      How Darius got in with Winston and Josh might remain one of life’s mysteries, unless a recap is needed for a future story.

    2. Whichever way you go I'm sure it will be great :)

  4. vinnymusclestallionJune 15, 2024 at 5:09 PM

    Really terrific back and forth wrestling match that kept me guessing the whole time. Your descriptions of the action were superb—very realistic. Him’s first round one win by submission was hot! I wasn’t completely surprised by his

    1. vinnymusclestallionJune 15, 2024 at 5:14 PM

      (Oops!) victory. He seems invincible despite the 2nd round submission. Not sure who in The Cave could defeat him, Cody included. Him seemed the most vulnerable during ‘stakes’ in the hands and mouth of a more experienced hunk. Had the feeling Cap might have flipped him. Lol.

    2. Thanks! Appreciate the feedback on the action. I really wanted a more back and forth match with lots of punishment for Him’s return. I used a ton of holds and each fall is pretty long.

      I think Darius could have flipped him during stakes, if he wanted to, but he is too honorable. Darius is talented and Him is a horny 19 year old. :)

    3. Miller, Would you say that this is what youre referring to? That Cap got what he wanted from HIM, perhaps a type of submission? But that he didnt push it:
      "Him moans as Cap uses his mouth on his smooth flesh. The winner’s eyes close and his mouth hangs open. Cap works slowly. Seductively. His tongue and lips going between light grazing and intense sucking. When the Black musclehunk tongues Him’s ear, the teen powerhouse relaxes into it, his body falling into the loser’s, his hands dropping from Cap’s wrists.

      Cap pulls off. They stare. Him looks down as the muscleman grabs the middle rope, securing his own hands."

    4. Yes. Throughout the stakes, there were moments of vulnerability for Him as he experiences a truly talented stud rather the usual teenage fuck boys he meets in college.

  5. I am curious, how big are all the wrestlers in terms of their cocks I would love to have more details regading this

    1. Thanks for the comment. I did try that at times, where I’d give a number and specify cut or uncut, but I stopped even trying. Now, I intentionally don’t give too many details on their dicks, because (a) it’s another stat I have to remember; (b) I think you guys can imagine what you think is sexy; and (c) it’s somewhat subjective what’s hot. For example, personally, when people give guys dick stats that are crazy huge, I don’t find that hot and when I’m reading, I’ll ignore it and imagine something more what I think is hot. But obviously there are a ton of guys who are ‘the bigger the better’ and if I make Ryan’s dick say 6” instead of 8”, they wouldn’t like that. So, I just leave it up to the reader.

      I do call out certain guys, such as Cody, Josh, Beau, and Winston, for having significantly large cocks, the kind that people will comment on. It’s part of their character. Anyone else is probably above average or maybe even some are average. I think I’ve only cited one character, one of Jae’s friends who played Metal in AOS 13, for having a smaller than average one.

    2. vinnymusclestallionJune 15, 2024 at 10:09 PM

      Really interesting point on cock type and size. In my stories, I take some pains to spell out sizes/types along with other key physical stats. But your point about the hassle of having to remember it all is well-taken. I sometimes find it to be a huge headache.

    3. Yeah, you give lots of things like chest size and such. I couldn’t do that without a lot of research. I’ve googled things like biceps and such for some characters, but mostly I rely on the images to help people visualize body type.
