
Saturday, February 1, 2025

AMU 250.6: Ari and/or Dev vs. Christian


Christian (me)

“So, Christian, are you always such a hero?” 

I smile and check out the hot stud beside me. He’s a muscular Indian man. 6’ and at least 180-lbs. Thick dark hair, a beard, and a crazy chiseled body. Sexy as fuck. He’s in pro wrestling gear, like the rest of us. White squarecuts with white boots. It really pops against his rich brown skin. I’m a white guy, 6’1”/210-lbs of muscle in dark green trunks with black boots.

I don’t even flinch at noticing how hot this stud is. I identified as straight for most of my life, but I’ve been exploring my bi-side since I found out about The Cave, a gay-oriented, superhero-themed pro wrestling site. It started out as a way to make money - Jae, one of my best friends from college, is a Cave wrestler. His boyfriend Cody is co-owner of The Cave with Ryan, today’s birthday boy.

Could you follow all that?

This party is in Cody and Jae’s home, a live-work space Cody owns with a professional gym on the main floor, three-bedroom apartment on the second, and killer roof deck up top. Ryan’s 30th birthday party is wrestling-themed. Full of sexy studs in gear. I’m standing beside a real pro wrestling ring here in their back parking lot. Yeah, it’s crazy. This scene is still new to me.

Jae and I have a playful rivalry that I dominate. He was my first Cave match. I guess he wanted to give his straight buddy a way out if I had second thoughts. I won and fucked him. Jae and I are still good. No regrets and no second thoughts. I immediately wanted my next match. It only took one more match with a stranger before I realized that I really do like having sex with guys.

As a wrestler, I’ve been pretty dominant, winning four matches so far. I’m strong, tough and have a high pain tolerance. I have tried bottoming, just in case I lose. It wasn’t hard to find volunteers. Apparently, my ass is luscious and very fuckable. I do a lot of leg work that has paid off. Anyway, I prefer topping, but I get why guys like Jae enjoy getting fucked.

Anyway, back to now.

I answer with a laugh, “What? Oh, because I wanted a fair fight and helped the guy out afterwards? Not sure that makes me a hero. It was just a little nuts for me. You helped out, too.” I look at the door to the gym, “I hope the tall one is okay. He seemed pretty broken up about the whole deal.”

“So, you ARE a musclestud with a heart. Maybe you just don’t like the term hero.” The guy gets obviously flirty, “I’ll ask it differently. Are you always a nice guy?”

I flirt right back, “Oh, I can be a bad boy when I want to be. Or when the guy I’m with wants me to be.” I extend my hand, “Nice to meet you ...”

“Ari.” The hot stud overtly checks me out. I pose for him. He smiles, “You’re a big boy. Mind if I touch?” I give him permission. He rubs me down, feeling my biceps, pecs and abs. He circles behind me. I flex my back, and he adds his lips, kissing it. Sweet. He grabs my ass. I let him, hoping it’ll entice him into a wrestling match. “Damn, this is spectacular.” See, I told you.

I ask, “So, do you know the story between those two?” I’m referring to the guys in the nasty grudge match we just watched.

“The grudge match? No. I’m new to LA. And to The Cave. Only two matches so far and they haven’t even been released yet.”

“The Cave is cool. I’ve actually done four matches.”

The Indian stud nods, “You’re Metal, right?”

I’m surprised. “Yeah. How’d you know?”

“I’m a huge SuperStar fan. Especially him as a jobber. I’ve watched Metal vs. SuperStar quite a few times. Once I got a good look at you, I knew. I loved the way you dominated him, calling him SuperSlut. You two have a lot of chemistry together.”

Awesome. The guy’s already pre-sold on me and it sounds like he’s a jobber, too. I laugh, “Thanks, but he made it easy for me. Jae’s been my jobber since we played college football together. In the gym. On the field. You’re looking at first team. He was second team.”

Ari smirks, “You can be nasty.”

I grin, “Don’t worry about it. Jae’s one of my best friends. We dig on each other. I say a lot worse to his face. All friendly.” I laugh, “He dreamed about me, you know. In college. Me being Metal was just one friend helping his other friend’s fantasy of getting fucked come true.”

“I can believe it. Jae was my first match. Didn’t exactly dominate him the way you did, but we had a hot stakes round.”

Cool, sending me a message. Couldn’t beat Jae? Piece of cake. Ari circles around. We make some small talk as he kneels and checks out my legs. Ari looks good down there. I’m starting to tent my trunks. My cock isn’t the biggest, but I know how to use it. We get comfortable with each other. He says my ass is as good as Jae’s, which I know is a lie, but I appreciate it. Jae has an award-winning butt.

When he stands up, the hot Indian stud says what we’re both thinking, “Would you like to wrestle?”

I point at the ring which is still clear after the grudge match, “It’s open.”

Ari grins, “I’d prefer something a little more private, if you don’t mind? A one-fall stakes match.” I’m cool with that. “I’ll get one of the rooms on the second floor. Give me ten minutes to get ready and meet me up there?”

I nod, “Sounds great.”



Ari asked for ten minutes. I use five in Cody’s gym. I lift some weights, getting the blood flowing and my muscles pumped. Fuck, I look good. I head up the stairs a few minutes early, but Ari is early, too. He’s waiting for me. He’s fast, already changed from white squarecuts to pink briefs. It looks even better. Not exactly being that he’s a jobber. Doesn’t matter. I’m confident that I can take him.

Sexy jobber boy in pink.

I walk up and grab him from behind, “Ready to wrestle, stud?”

The hot Indian stud moans. When I let go, he turns, looking confused. He asks, “You want to wrestle me right now?”

Now I’m confused. “Oh, did you need more time? You sure look ready.”

Ari thinks and checks me out. I love the way his eyes devour me. He grins, “No, no. I’m definitely ready to wrestle you, stud. Let’s grab a room.”

The guy managing the rooms does a double take, stunned by how hot we are. Even in this crowd, I guess we stand out. He nods, making a weird comment about us finding each other (dude, this is just sex wrestling not soulmates). He puts us in Cody and Jae’s bedroom. Fuck yes, it’s the biggest. Cody didn’t even need to clear out the bed to fit the mats. I’ll make good use of that when I’m taking stakes on Ari. He’s feeling me up again. Can’t get enough.

When we enter, I hear the shower running in the en suite. Must be the previous wrestlers. The doorman explains the process, talking only to me. Maybe I’m not Ari’s first match of the night. The shower shuts off and I remember how Ari wanted privacy. I suggest we don’t start until they’re gone. Ari shrugs, “Why wait? I’m good with an audience, if you are.”

That’s like the exact opposite of what he said earlier, but maybe he’s only shy for stakes. Yeah, now that I think about it, I think that’s what he said. I call out, “Hey dudes, we’re gonna get started, okay?” One of the guys in the shower yells out ‘be right out’. Cool. The hot Indian stud is on me immediately. I focus on that.

Ari is back worshipping me. Damn, the guy is insatiable. He’s acting like it’s the first time, telling me how hot I am. Shit, he might just lie down for me. I could handle him as a wrestling dummy. The hot Indian stud stands and backs up. He confirms again that I’m into a sex stakes match. We run through everything again, committing to winner gets top.

I guess it’s a good idea, but we had this conversation already. I’m seriously starting to wonder if he has some kind of memory issue. Maybe he’s drunk or high? Doesn’t seem like it. I shrug and play along. He’s too hot to pass up. I’ll be careful with him, just in case. Good news. The shower stops running. We won’t be too deep into the match when those guys leave.

I grin, “Let’s go.”



We circle the mat once before diving in. We lock up. It’s a fun match, after all. No low blow attempts or anything. We start grunting, pushing against each other. He tries some quick moves to get up on me, but I block them. His muscles pump up fast. I’m bigger and stronger, but this isn’t going to be easy. Ari has power. His veins pop as we work the lockup.

I show off, letting him see how powerful I am. I shove him into the wall. BAM! He grunts. I pull my hand away and give him a big gut shot. THUD! OOF! It’s like hitting the wall. My hand bounces off. Those abs aren’t just for show. They’re hard as granite and I have to shake out my hand a little. Won’t be doing that again until after I soften him up with some rough core work.

Ari uses my surprise to flip us around. WHOA! He pushes me back against the wall. BAM! The hot musclestud punches my stomach. I flex just in time. POW! OOF! Tough, but my abs hold. He backs off, smiling and shaking out his hand. Guess we both learned something.

We dive back in for a lockup right away. I’ve felt him out, so I waste no time. I shift and pull, powering him into a standing side headlock. My bicep flexes against his temple as I squeeze his head. He lets out a sharp moan. I feel his hands roaming around my body. Feels nice, but I know he’s going to counter. I lean forward, bringing him over with a hip toss. He lands on his back with me on top of him, still holding the headlock. BOOM!

The hot stud goes limp under me, disoriented and winded from the impact. I crank on the hold, crushing his head between the irresistible force of my arm and my immovable body. His knees are up as he suffers. Cool. I use my other arm to grab behind his knee. I pull his left leg to me and lock my hands, holding him in a tight, crushing cradle. Now he’s really all mine.

Ari’s free right leg kicks in the air. That does nothing. His big hands push against my 210-lbs of muscle, but I have him. He’s grunting and struggling against my strength. I don’t think he’ll give, so I keep up the pressure. I don’t want to end this in one move. Ari’s hand suddenly reaches my face. Uh oh. I shake my head to shake his hand away, but he gets it under my chin.

My head is forced back. He plants his right foot and pushes up. We roll back, putting me on my shoulders with my ass up and legs hanging over me. I’ve still got complete control, but I don’t like where this is going. I release the head lock and somersault backward onto one knee, planting my other foot and one hand. Ari is up onto his knee fast, shaking out his head.

A life playing football has prepped me for this. I launch myself forward. Ari’s eyes go wide. He sees me but he can’t stop my powerful body from slamming into him. WHOMP! OOF! Ari goes down hard with me on top. SPLAT! I slide over his body, stopping myself with my bulge on his face. I playfully hump him, pressing my package on his mouth and nose. He moans.

I slither the rest of the way off and turn around. Ari sits up. I move in behind before he’s ready for me. I grab his arms and pull back, straining his shoulders. He moans and fights me. I lean back and lift my boot between his shoulder blades. The sexy stud is sitting in front of me, straining and suffering. He shakes his head, his gelled hair whipping around, loose from all his sweat. I let go again.

I’m trying to keep this moving. No rest, no breaks. I can tell he’s got endurance. I need to wear him down in these holds where he suffers, and I chill. I dive on his back. He fights me immediately, but I get a rear chinlock on him. Couldn’t get a choke, but still works. I’m just leaning on him, squeezing. He has to fight my power and my weight, groaning and gasping.

Ari twists and turns, getting his body sideways. He slams his elbow into my abs. BOMP! THUD! POW! On the third one, I lose the hold. He scrambles away to regroup. I can see he’s breathing harder than me. Good. We stand up and face off. Suddenly, his eyes go wide. I almost turn but then wonder if it’s a trick. He definitely wants me to look away. No. This isn’t a ring, it’s a bedroom. There’s nothing behind me.

Finally, Ari focuses on me. I guess he realizes I can’t be duped that easily. He says, “You’re stronger than I thought. Powerful. Give me a double bicep flex. I look at him like he’s crazy. “It’s okay. We’re far enough apart. Here, I’ll go first.”

Damn, he does look god, flexing like that. I nod, “Okay. But I can react fast.”

I lift my arms and flex. I work shoulder and arms forward then back, raising my big chest and moving one knee forward. Ari whistles, “You look incredible.” He asks, “Have you challenged anyone other than me tonight?”

“Nope, just you.”

“At the top of the stairs when you bearhugged me.”

I ease up in the flex but keep my arms up. “At the ring. You rememb – ARGH!”

Suddenly, two arms come up behind me, locking me in a full nelson. What the -? Oh, shit, it must be one of the guys from the shower! Fuck! There was someone behind me! I can see their brown arms with dark elbows, just like Ari. The musclestud moves in. He starts gut punching me. THUD! THUD! THUD! I try to flex, but I’m stretched out and back. And still confused.

I struggle in the nelson. Ari grabs my nipples. He squeezes and twists. I dance in the nelson, moaning

I grunt, “C’mon! This was supposed to be fun. Not a two-on-one beatdown!”

Ari grabs my package in a ball claw. I moan. He squeezes but playfully. The stud says, “You’re the one who challenged two men at the same time.”

My blood boils. I growl and pull my arms down sharply, breaking the nelson. I push Ari back as I spin around angrily, “Look, dude, I never agreed to wrestle -” Holy shit. It’s another Ari, wearing just a towel. “- YOU?” I back up so I can see both of them and not be sandbagged again. I look between them. “What the fuck?”

Ari from the shower crosses his arms, “You did agree to wrestle me downstairs, Christian. By the ring.”

While I’m still looking from side to side, The Ari I’ve been wrestling is standing with his hands on his hips. He says, “And you challenged me at the top of the stairs.”

I’m stunned, “Whoa. You’re twins!”

Ring Ari smiles, “Give the man a prize.”

Stairs Ari smirks, “Good idea, brother. A prize he will never forget.”



Ring Ari asks, “What are you doing here, Dev?”

Stairs Ari, who I guess is named Dev, says, “Like I said, this hot musclestud picked me up out there. He was ready to go.”

“Well, I picked him up like ten minutes ago. I was cleaning myself up for our match.”

They turn to me. I explain, “I thought you were you. Figured you changed from white to pink gear. I mean, you’re like identical twins. Like totally identical. You gotta have the same diet, workout, barber, dentist … like literally the same everything!”

They laugh. We go around in circles. I ask several times if this is a real coincidence or a fake one. They claim it’s legit, but I have trouble believing it. Dev just happened to be at the top of the stairs? I want to wrestle them. My cock wants to wrestle them. But I don’t want to go down in an unfair match. My dick twitches and my hole puckers as I try to work out the angles.

Ari tells me this is great. We can do tag rules, so it’s fairer. Yeah right.

I hesitate, “Two-on-one? I was just looking for a fun match.”

Dev rolls his eyes at me, “What’s more fun than fooling around with twins?”

“I wouldn’t know, but you make a good argument.”

Ari nods and simply says, “Twins.”

I growl, “Stop saying twins. You’re making me feel like I’d be an idiot to pass this up.”

The studs move in on me. They start feeling me up. “You would be an idiot to pass this up. We want you. You want us.” Ari pauses before adding, “Twins.” I laugh, but I’m not sure. He holds up his hands, “It’s okay. I guess we got spoiled by Jae. He was all-in.”


Ari grins, “Jae. Your very good friend? Tell him how tough Jae is, brother.”

Dev explains how they tricked my buddy, Cody offered to call it off, but Jae wanted to keep going. From the sounds of it, he almost won. Fuck. I beat Jae alone. If these two struggled with him … maybe I should just go for it. Dev says, “No worries. Jae’s one of a kind. Brave man and so fucking sexy. Ari found you first. I’ll leave. Have fun, men.”

Ari smiles, “Maybe you can track Jae down. Tell him how much we appreciate him playing with us. Christian and Jae are really good friends, brother, but they’re competitive. College rivalry. Christian is the alpha of the relationship, from what he tells me. When you tell Jae about this, please be kind about Christian’s choice.”

I frown, seeing what he’s doing. It’s a trap, but I still walk right into it. I have to. Jae and I are competitive. If I back out, my buddy will have something up on me and that’s not our dynamic. I’m the big man. I sigh. I’ve never had twins. Male or female. It does sound pretty fun.

They look at me arrogantly. I give in and nod, “Okay, let’s go.” They pump their fists in unison, and we move to the mat. I shake my head, hoping I haven’t made a huge mistake. Luckily, Ari showered. His hair’s flatter. I only care because of stakes. We’re going to fuck. Call me old-fashioned, but I like to know who I’m fucking. Or who’s fucking me, if I lose. Which I won’t.

I shake my head, “Twins.”



Ari drops the towel and pulls on a fresh pair of white briefs from the basket in the corner. I like my lips. Damn, they’re hot. Okay, if it’s like a tag match, I just need to keep one guy isolated. Beat one and I win them both. I was doing well against Dev before the interference. Controlling the action. They head to their corner of the mat, and I head to mine. Ari’s taking first go.

As we move to the middle, I realize something. The 10’ mat isn’t a 20’ ring. We’re all 6’ tall. 6’ wingspan. It’ll be a bigger challenge to keep one completely out of reach of the other. I need controlling holds in my corner. Or I need to be ready for quick tags. I can do this. I can. They look cocky. I know they fought Jae, but as twins, they’ve been a tag team their whole lives.

Ari and I lock up. He’s just as strong as his brother. Which means he’s strong, but not as strong as me. I work the hold, but while he’s feeling me out, I’ve been there, done that. I twist and power him into a standing side headlock. I crank on the hold. Ari’s hands roam. They are the same. I don’t wait. I hip toss him over, flipping us down with me landing on top. CRUNCH!

I smile at Dev, “Look familiar?”

Dev smiles back, “It does look exactly the same. But my brother and I are not.”

Before I can process that remark, Ari’s legs swing up. They grab my head. I try to pull free, but he gets his left foot behind his right knee. The musclestud pulls and we roll forward. His head pops out of my headlock. I go down, lying flat on my stomach with my head trapped in the tight leglock. UNH! Ari reaches out and slaps my ass. SPANK! OW! Damn, his hold’s tight.

Ari leans to his side and planks up on his right arm. His legs tighten around my head, and I see stars. I push up, but it doesn’t get me closer to freedom. I get my feet planted and dive over. I rise into a headstand before completing the flip. I land on my butt, forcing Ari to roll with me. His legs do open, and I get my head free. I hear hands clapping. SLAP! They’ve tagged.

Dev comes in with a big elbow drop to my pecs! THUD! He says, “One,” as I throw him off. I’m looking at him when Ari follows up with another elbow, slamming into my unflexed abs this time. WHUMP! OOF! Dev says, “Two.” Before I can challenge their double-teaming, I get assaulted with feet to chest and stomach. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! I grunt on the mat.

Ari steps away, “That was probably a five-count.”

I roll over and rise a little slower but watching their twin smirking grins. I growl, “Five-count on the tag. Clever.”

Dev shrugs, “It’s the rules, Christian.”

I just nod. Okay, I really need to limit their tags. My thick muscles withstood the attack, but I can’t face them both every few seconds. We move in for a lockup. Dev ducks my grasp. As he slips past, he lifts his knee into my gut. BOMP! OOF! I bend forward as he snakes around me. Suddenly, I’m trapped in an abdominal stretch! ARGH! Dev cranks on it and my side stretches.

I groan as I’m bent. The move spun me so I can’t see Ari. He’s behind Dev, lurking. With his free hand, Dev pounds my lat and side abdominals. WHAP! THWAK! POW! I grunt. I focus to break free when I hear hands slapping again. CLAP! Dev leans back and Ari’s leg whips around, slamming into my abs. WHOMP! I groan and cough as Ari circles in front of me.

Ari begins punching my stomach and side as Dev holds on. THUD! POW! THUD! I groan with every shot, focusing on trying to tighten up my muscle wall. POW! THUD! POW! He backs up and drives his foot into my abs so hard that Dev and I are knocked back. STOMP! I cough as Ari grabs my hair and pulls my head up to look at him. He smiles at me, looking confident.

“How many was that, yet?”

I growl, “I wasn’t exactly counting.”

“Me neither. I guess that means this is ‘one’, right?”

Ari steps into me, driving his knee into my defenseless stomach. THUMP! OOF! “Two.” I cough violently to distract him. It works. He pauses. I push back and Dev isn’t ready. We fall back into the wall. BAM! The impact loosens his grip. I power out and charge at Ari immediately. I go low to tackle him, but he leapfrogs over me. I fly onto the bed. BOOF! I scramble to rise.

As I push back off the bed, Ari comes in behind me. He grabs my head and bulldogs me onto the mattress. KAPLOOF! It doesn’t hurt, but it does disorient me. Ari sits on my back. He forces my arms up, pointing them at the ceiling as he wraps his legs around them at the base. His feet push my face into the soft duvet, smothering me as he holds me down.

The hot muscleman teases, “Where did we leave off? Oh yeah, at two. Brother, help us count?”

My trunks are pulled down below my ass. A hand comes in hard across my ass. SPANK! Dev laughs, “It jiggles! Oh, three!” Once again, Dev mocks me with a stinging slap to my pale white butt cheek. SPANK! “Four.” I squirm and fight. It doesn’t stop a third hard slap to my rear end from coming in. SPANK! “And that’s five. I need to back into our corner.”

Ari releases me and rolls off. I lie still for a moment, groaning. My opponent laughs, “Be glad we’re so committed to following the rules, Christian. Imagine the trouble you would be in if we were cheaters.” I roll off the bed away from him, getting to my feet. I pull my trunks back up over my muscular ass and clear the bed. I glare at them but stay quiet. They’re having fun.

So am I, but I don’t want to admit it.

Okay, time for a restart.

I don’t wait for a lockup or anything. I just suddenly sprint at Ari. He’s surprised. As a former first-string college football player, I can accelerate fast, and I know how to get past a guy’s defenses. I deflect his rising hands. I grab him around the waist, lift and turn, slamming him to the mat with my takedown. BOOM! The musclestud moans. I grab his hair and drag him up.

Have to move fast. I scoop Ari up across my chest immediately. I step forward and drop him across my leg in an over-the-knee backbreaker. KRAKT! He lets out a moan as I bend him over my legs. Dev is watching closely. We’re not close enough for him to tag and I’m facing him. If he steps on the mat, I’ll be ready. Ari tries squirming free. I push down, holding him in place.

I stretch Ari out. Damn, he’s ripped. I take in his chiseled torso, looking up frequently at his brother to keep him honest. Seeing his muscles bent and stretched gives me more inspiration to find a way to win. I want this man. I wanted when I saw him ringside. And now, I have the chance at having two of him. Fuck, yes. I let my hands roam, rubbing his leg, pecs, and abs.

My left hand slides up his leg onto his pouch. I fondle it. Not hard, but firmly. Just testing the pig meat inside. He swells up, feeling pleasure on top of the pain. My hand works his dick, manipulating his manhood. It stiffens up. My right hand is still caressing his torso. I knead his pec, and he groans. As I get him excited, I suddenly bounce my leg, getting cries of pain.

When I stop bouncing, I move my hands under his armpit and between his legs. I stand up, lifting Ari with me, curling him back across my chest. It’s a show of power, manhandling him like he’s a twink. I want them to be as impressed with me as I am with them. I adjust my grip, planning a second OTK backbreaker. Dev and I lock eyes. I hold his helpless brother longer.

I step forward, knowing Ari can’t see or reach back. I’m four feet away. No matter how far Dev leans, he can’t tag without stepping on the mat. I smirk at him, mocking him with his brother’s limp carcass across my chest. Dev squats down and up. He’s got lots of nervous energy. Another OTK as his brother just might submit. I do a spin. Ari reaches out. Not even close.

When I turn back to Dev, my eyes go wide. He’s in the air. The bottom of his feet slam into his brother’s back. We’re sent flying backwards. I stumble back, hitting the end of the bed and toppling backward. WHOA! WHOA! WHOA! I can’t stay up. I fall back onto the bed with Ari on top of me. BOOF! Dev has my ankles, lifting them up under his armpits. He counts, “ONE!”

I throw Ari off me, sending him off the bed. I call out, “TWO!” I want to avoid the double team that’s coming. Dev falls back, pulling me off the bed. He falls on his back, pulling my feet onto the mat. The momentum slingshots me forward. He lets go. I run right into the opposite wall, face-first. SPLAT! I’m stunned as I bounce off. Dev comes in behind me, clipping my knee.

My legs fly out from under me. I land hard on my back. SPLAT! Ari is in the air already. He comes down with a big splash across my chest. SPLAT! OOF! Dev has my legs up as Ari rolls off. I hold up my hands, yelling, “THREE!” Dev grins as he flips me over into a Boston crab. ARGH! He sits down. I pound the mat and groan out, “FOUR!”

Ari’s leg lands on the back of my head with a big leg drop. WHACK! He pats my cheek, “And that’s five, boy. I’ll leave you to my brother.” Sure enough, he backs off, the damage done. Dev is forcing my back to bend the wrong way, pulling my boots back and down. I groan in pain. The powerful stud releases one leg, switching to a single leg crab. The hold is still hurting.

Dev grabs my bulge. I grunt. I can’t really complain after I toyed with Ari’s meat. He fondles my package. Luckily, he’s doesn’t go all out, maybe respecting the way I treated his brother. It’s a playful manhandling, but the crab is still breaking my back. I pound the mat. I need to focus. I plant my hands. Ari warns his brother, who releases my leg.

Dev sighs, “And I was having such fun.”

The sexy musclestud circles in front. As soon as I see his feet, I spring up, surprising him. I grab him in a big bearhug, crushing our bodies together. He groans loudly as I squeeze his body. I shake him from side to side, using my power advantage to keep him from countering. Dev is gasping for breath. I whip us around so I can see Ari. I look him in the eye over his brother’s shoulder.

Dev draws his arms back. I release the bearhug. He wasn’t expecting that. I roughly spin him around, switching to a reverse bearhug. The musclestud is back to gasping. He tries throwing elbows, but I lean away from them. WHOOSH! Dev steps on my foot. STOMP! My shiny, black, pro wrestling boot protects me. I continue to squeeze hard. Ari is looking a little worried now.

I get an idea. I line Dev up in front of his brother, just out of reach. They reach for each other, distracting both of them. I mostly wanted Dev focused that way. I release the reverse bearhug and push him hard into his brother. I yell, “TAG!” SLAM! They collide sending both twins spiraling out of control. They turn as Deve stumbles back into the wall. Ari’s back is to me.

With Ari looking back, I grab the back of his trunks. I pull him back into a hard forearm to his back. WHUMP! He stumbles forward only to ricochet back to me, thanks to the tension in the waistband. WHUMP! The second forearm earns a grunt. He bends forward. I grab his hair and pull Ari to standing, pulling him to my side of the mat but his thick mop and trunks.

“It’s been fun, boys, but I want stakes with twins.”

I hoist Ari up into the torture rack. I crank on it as I turn to make sure I’m looking right at Dev. I smile as he nervously watches his brother suffer in the backbreaking hold. I squat down and burst up, amping up the pain. Ari cries out in pain. He reaches to rake my eyes, but I shake him and his arm flies away. The trapped stud’s cries get louder, turning into pathetic whimpers.

Dev is focused on us. He is telling his brother to hold out. Ari is not responding. Not sure he can even hear his brother over his own cries of pain. I pull down on Ari’s legs and head. Dev realizes I’m not giving up the hold. Not until I get a submission. I’m close. Really, really close. I can see him debating what to do. The fact that I’m staring him down is making him hesitate.

Ari moans, “I – I -”

The trapped stud never gets to finish his thought. Dev charges at me. I surprise him by charging at him. We collide, our bodies slamming together. WHAM! The combined 400-lbs of me and Ari send him flying backwards all the way into the wall. BAM! My momentum keeps me going. I run on top of him. SPLAT! Dev groans and sags on the wall as I back off.

Dev stands up, but I kick up, driving my boot into his gut. WHUMP! OOF! He bends forward. I swing his brother around, using Ari’s feet to kick Dev across the temple. CRACK! That drops Dev to his hands and knees. I put one foot on his back and push. When I lean forward, all Ari’s weight shifts over his brother. Dev can’t stay up, going down hard onto his stomach. SPLAT!

I kick Dev onto his back. I use my boots to move his arms against his side. I’ve almost forgotten that I’m holding 180-lbs of musclestud on my shoulders. Ari’s whimpering reminds me. I straddle Dev and drop down, sitting on his stomach with his arms pinned to his side by my knees. I bounce and he cries out, his brother and I crushing his midsection.

I taunt, “Your brother can’t say you, Ari. He can’t even save himself with me sitting on him and you hanging across my shoulders.”

Ari realizes the truth. He finishes his submission this time, “I GIVE! I GIVE!”

I lean forward and push him up. He flies over my head, crashing down across his brother’s chest. SPLAT! I rise up and put my boot on Ari’s back as he pins Dev. I flex and count.




When I lift off my boot, Ari rolls off his brother. I back off, I am staring down at the sexy studs.

I won. I actually won.



Damn, I bet they’re pissed. I breathe in and out slowly as I watch and wait. I’m tired. That was work, but my adrenaline will keep me going. They don’t look too broken up about losing. Good. I’m happy they’re good sports. I hate guys who welch on bets. My dad taught me a man always pays up. I stretch out my muscles, fluffing my bulge while they recuperate.

Shit. I need to handle both guys. I’ve never done this before. Even my fave porn is 1:1. As they strip down, I try to figure out how to handle this. They’re naked fast and I still don’t know what I’m going to do with them. Twins. I can’t blow this opportunity. Maybe just keep swapping? Fuck Ari and finger Dev? Then switch? But I don’t want to split my focus. I’ll be thinking so hard I won’t enjoy it. Having one of them watching kind of defeats the point.

What now? I'm confused.

Ari says, “You seem confused.”

I reply unconvincingly, “No. No.” I pause. They move in and start caressing my muscles. It feels nice. A double worship session seems like a good start. I admit, “It’s just the math, you know … two guys, four holes, only one dick.”

“Relax, Christian. Let’s start with easier math. Two tongues. Two pits.”

The twins lift my arms up. They dive in and start licking my sweaty armpits. Oh fuck. My forearms fall on my head. I close my eyes as they go to work. No woman has ever wanted to lick my pits, sweaty or not. It’s driving me nuts. They’re all in on servicing me. I love it. I close my eyes and just enjoy them sucking and licking. I start to flinch and twitch as they work.

Ari pulls off. He says, “One muscleman. One bed.”

They turn me and push. I fall onto my back on the bed, my legs hanging off. BOOF! The twins climb on, lying on either side of me. Their mouths get back to work on my pits. Mmm. Dev whispers, “Two strong hands, two meaty pecs.” The sexy studs start massaging my chest. Oh fuck, yeah. This is the life. Winning a 1-on-2 match. Being serviced by two hot studs.

I could get used to this.

Suddenly, I feel a thumb and forefinger close on my right nipple. AH! And my left. OH! They pinch, pull, and twist. I writhe as they do. I cry out and arch my back. The mouths leave my armpits. My arm and shoulder are pinned down by Ari’s body weight. His mouth smothers mine. Mmm. Good kisser. His hand roams my torso. I grab behind his head and hold the kiss.

Two hands grab the waistband of my trunks. They pull them down. I’m lost in the kiss, squirming and writhing. My cock is rock hard. A mouth engulfs it. Oh shit. These two have done this before. They’re moving around me, giving me the full twin experience. Dev’s fingers tease the inside of my leg with a feather touch. I’m trying to relax, but I’m overstimulated.

I pull my mouth away, “Stop!”

Ari pulls my face back to him. He asks, “Aren’t you enjoying this?”

“I am. Too much.”

Ari grabs my hair and lifts my head. I look down my body to my hard cock. Dev is holding it up. His lips are hovering over it. Ari whispers in my ear, “You’re in charge, Christian. What do you want to do?” The hot breath is replaced by a slow, long stream of air as he blows into my ear. I twitch. “Tell us, Christian. You have twins under your control, worshipping you. Tell us what you want.”

I swallow hard. Once again, I see the trap but walk right into it. I whisper, “Keep going.”

Satisfied with my submission, Dev dives back onto my cock as Ari roughly pulls me back into a kiss. Their hands roam once again. I’m at their mercy, but I love it. Ari pulls off my lips. He slides on top of me, straddling my body. I reach up and caress his torso. His dark cock stretches out, hovering over my chin. Ari leans forward and the thick tip slides between my lips.

I take in Ari’s cock while feeling my load building in my own. I’m a novice at sucking dick, but that’s not the problem. I can’t focus on the blowjob when Dev is milking me. I’m gasping instead of sucking. Ari doesn’t seem to mind. He adjusts his angle and lowers his cock deeper into my mouth. I grab his ass for support, realizing I’m not getting either one, despite winning.

Fuck! My load is rising. I’m gagged by Ari’s rod. I grip his cheeks and moan. He laughs, “I think you’re about to get a prize, brother. Christian is about to cum!” I close my eyes and nod ever so slightly, my mouth impaled on his cock. Dev doesn’t stop. Ari starts raising and lowering his hips, fucking my mouth since I’m incapable of doing anything more than being a hole.

I cry out, “AHHHHH!”

My cock explodes into Dev’s mouth. My body tenses. My fingers dig into the smooth brown flesh of his brother’s muscular ass. I taste pre-cum as my seed is sucked from my balls. My body convulses until I’m completely drained. Ari pulls out and rolls off me. Dev releases me. I lie on the bed, breathing hard as I calm myself. The twins idly rub my body. I flinch as they do.

“Fuck. That was hot.”

Ari is beside me. I turn to look at him. His cock is fully erect and leaking as he slowly pumps it. We lock eyes. I look away, peering down my body. I can’t see my soft dick because of my massive pecs, but I can see Dev’s thick meat. He’s standing between my dangling legs. Like his brother, he’s fully erect and gently working his dick. We lock eyes. Dev raises an eyebrow.

I have to do it.

I admit, “I’ve only bottomed a couple of times. I can’t take both of you at once.”

Dev grins, “But you will take us one at a time?”

As soon as I nod my consent, my boots are up in the air. My calves are resting against Dev’s pecs. They knew I’d give in. Hell, I should’ve known once I let them start worshipping me. Buttering me up for their - oh, yeah. I lift my head, “Use lots of lube, please!” Dev grins and nods, holding the bottle so I can see. I relax. Ari slides in above my head, sitting with his legs over my shoulders and my head resting on his crotch.

Ari looks down on me, “Don’t worry, Christian. We’ll take good care of you. You won, remember?” I can only laugh. I gasp as a lubed finger slides inside my hole. Ari keeps my focus on him. “I know this is new to you.” He looks at his brother, “Christian told me that until recently he was a straight boy. He’s exploring.” Ari looks back to me, “Ready to explore?”

“Yes.” A second finger slides in. I moan loudly. Ari caresses my face with one hand and rubs my pec with the other. “Oh fuck. That feels so good.” Ari’s hand slides down my abs. He slides his thumb into my mouth, and I suck on it. He grabs below my balls and pulls them and my flaccid cock up my pelvis. Dev leans forward, pushing my legs, bringing them up my body.

Ari grabs my boots and pulls them to him. I’m rolled up. With me secured, Dev finger fucks me with three fingers. I cry out. He hits my spot, and my eyes roll back in my head. They laugh. Dev says, “Got it. He’s ready.” The fingers leave and I hear a condom wrapper opening. It’s about to get really real. Dev coos, “You’re a good boy, Christian. We’re going to treat you right.”

I groan, “I’m good. Give it to me.”

The hot stud slides the head of his cock inside me. He goes slowly at first, slipping in. I groan, “Oh fuck!” It feels good. I grunt, “More!” Dev pushes in deeper. I’m loudly moaning as he plows in. Deeper. I look up at Ari, who is smiling down at me as he holds my legs. He raises his eyebrows, and I nod subtly, “Yes. Is he in?” The sexy twin nods and I close my eyes and sigh.

Dev starts pounding my hole. He starts with long strokes, pulling back all the way before powering back in balls deep. He picks up speed, shortening his range. I whimper, letting out gasps every time he rubs my spot. I grab the top of Ari’s legs for support. I look up at him as my mouth hangs open. The supportive twin smiles down at me as his brother ravages my ass.

Ari lifts his legs and puts his over mine, folding me more. With free hands, he reaches forward and grabs my cock, pumping it in time with his brother’s hammering strokes. I’m gasping as my cock powers up in his grip. I look down my body, seeing my cock being milked by Ari’s brown hand. Beyond that, the ripped musclestud pounding my hole is sweaty and veiny.

I watch both my dick and ass being owned by the twins. I can’t believe how my body feels. I’m loving it, being simultaneously cradled and stimulated like this. Dev’s cock has me crying actual tears of pleasure and pain. The muscleman is not holding back, his grunting louder than my own now. Ari is pumping my cock. I’m leaking. My balls contract. I moan as my second load rises. He pets my face with his left hand before he adds it to the jerking. As he pumps with his right, the left thumb circles over my piss slit. My mouth is open, but I can’t make out a sound.

Ari says, “Let it out, boy. You’ll feel so much better once you cum again. You’ll be so sensitive.”

I shake my head, not wanting to be any more sensitive than I am now. I can’t stop it, though. High-pitched bursts come from my throat until I erupt again, losing my second load to the twins. My body convulses and contracts, squeezing Dev’s cock as I shudder. Ari is still milking me after I’m shooting blanks, my cock soft in his steel grip. He lets go and moves his legs off mine.

“Grab your legs, Christian. Hold them in place.”

The sexy twin rolls away from me, but I manage to find the strength to keep my legs back and ass up for Dev as he continues to ravage me. I look down at him. He’s gasping now, too. Ari is stroking his cock, getting it hard. I shift my eyes back to Dev. He’s staring at me, his intense glare drilling into my brain, just like his cock is drilling my hole. He growls as he pumps.

Dev pulls out suddenly. I get no break as Ari forces his sheathed cock inside me, taking his brother’s place. Dev has stripped the condom from his cock. He climbs onto the bed and straddles me, legs out wide as he positions his cock at my lips. He pumps it three times before forcing it inside my mouth. I take it with my lips just as his load erupts. I swallow fast, trying to drink his seed down. Some slips from my mouth as Dev milks his cock into me.

When Dev pulls out, I focus on Ari’s pounding. He’s just as rough as his brother, pounding my exhausted butt. I’m open and lubed, enabling him to slam all the way in. He moans, “You’re still so tight, Christian.” Ari grunts, “Just like I’d expect from a straight muscleboy.” I fight to take it, but I’m running out of steam. It’s all a lot for me to take, mentally and physically. Dev must sense it as he grabs my left leg and holds it in place.

Ari is sweating a ton. He’s just as pumped and veiny has Dev was. Suddenly, he pulls out. Ari orders, “On his knees.” Dev has me by the hair and armpit. He pulls me up and forward. I slide off the end of the bed, landing on my knees. I look up just in time to see Ari’s uncovered cock at my lips. It slides in uninhibited, hitting the back of my throat. Ari grabs my hair tightly.

The hot musclehunk brutally face fucks me. I gag and he eases up a little, but it’s still a ton. I draw in my cheeks, sucking on the thick meat owning my mouth. Seconds later, I drink down my second load. Ari’s load is every bit as big as his brother’s, but I don’t spill a drop this time. For a guy who’s barely sucked any cocks or been fucked, I’m learning fast. I suck Ari dry.

The tired twin slips from my mouth. He says, “What a man, Christian. Just unbelievably hot and receptive.”

I blush, using the bed to rise. My legs and back are stiff, but they’re there to catch and support me. I breathe in and out, getting my bearings.

Dev asks, “Shower?”

I nod, “Yes, please.”

As we stumble to the showers, I drape my arms over their shoulders. They put their arms behind me, each grabbing a butt cheek. Their other hands caress my chest. Ari gets the water running as Dev unlaces my boots. It gets steamy fast. Of course, Cody and Jae have the fanciest shower with steam and temperature control. It feels great as soon as I step in.

They push me against the wall. I let them continue to molest me. I can’t believe I let them flip me like this. And I’m still letting me do it. Ari uses my hair to pull me to the right, guiding me into a passionate kiss. He owns my mouth. When he’s done, he roughly pushes my head to the left and his brother dominates my mouth, too. Their hands never stop fondling my muscles.

With a firm grip on my hard cock, Ari says, “You are amazing, Christian. Congratulations on winning the match.” I snort. He asks, “How did you like your first time with twins?”

I look at him then at Dev. I smile, “Insane. You two are … you are …” I lose my train of thought. I look down at Dev’s big brown hand, which is back controlling my erection. He squeezes and pumps. Do I really have a third load in me? I moan, “I’m … I’m … oh fuck.”

Dev says, “I don’t think Christian is done with us, brother.” Ari pinches and twists my nipple. I gasp. They each put a hand on my shoulder and push. I lower myself to my knees. I look up at them as they push the heads of their hard cocks onto my lips. Dev grins, “Hungry for more?”

I give in once again, giving them the tiebreak. I nod and open wide. They smile down at me as they lean forward, the tips of their dark cocks slipping inside my gaping mouth.

Damn, what’s Jae gonna think when he hears about this? We’re honest about everything.

Oh well, I did win the match, so I’m still the big man.


UP NEXT … Professor Maddox vs. Rafe in the antepenultimate birthday party story. Wait, WHO? Xaq’s teacher from fashion school and the muscular fireplug who plays Puffin.


  1. Damn. Christian is a hoss taking on Ari and Dev, who themselves are hawt hawt hawt. What a fun twist to the two on one match - twins. Love Christian's confusion as to how to manage the stakes, too. I think I'd be the same. But I'd love to try with these guys.

    1. Thanks! I like all three of these guys and they felt like a good combination.

      Happy that the stakes was relatable. You’ve got curious Christian, so he’s not going to be some kind of expert. Maybe one day.

  2. So you are saying we are getting three more stories from the birthday party before we move forward in time? That's good to know.

    I'm intrigued as to how and why Xaq's professor got an invite. We know he checked out The Cave when Xaq went to his office to talk about designs fitting in with a theme while giving the professor a "show." We know he went to Chris' party at Xaq's invite which I guess is how he got an invite to Ryan's birthday. Still seems a little out of left field. Interested to know the set up for why the professor will be wrestling. That also seems strange. Only 12 days to wait. LOL

    1. Yes, all will be revealed with the Professor. Two guys actually wanted him there, as we’ll find out in the next two stories.

      Technically, there two more stories at the party and one finale on the next day with Ryan in 250.9 on 3/15. In April, we’ll be moving on.
