
Friday, December 21, 2018

Review: Jonny Firestorm vs. Exavier (BGEast)

While I was looking back, I started with BGEast, because they're the oldest videos that I have. I settled on early Wrestler Spotlights, as they usually had really good matches. I did young Aryx Quinn, so I decided to also cover young Jonny Firestorm. They kind of go together, both living in that coveted insider role, both heels who could job and having had a great match against each other (reviewed here).

I was all set to review the second match on the compilation, but I realized that it's no longer for sale, so it seemed pointless to post about it. Instead, I'm doing the third match, Jonny Firestorm vs. Exavier, which is now second, I guess.

It's an indie pro wrestler battle.

Exavier has appeared in quite a few videos, but not gotten much coverage. Not sure why, except maybe because most of his videos are older. Anyway, his body is smooth, thick and sexy as fuck. He has kind of a sexy persona, thanks to his tight gear choices. In this one, he's flaunting his indie pro wrestler's body by strutting in tight white trunks. Yum.

Of course, Jonny Firestorm is the star of the video. It's called Wrestler Spotlight: Jonny Firestorm for a reason. He's the cocky veteran here, but so fresh-faced and youthful. Like Exavier, he's got indie pro training, but unlike Exavier, he's lean and ripped, looking boyish in purple pro trunks and accessories.

Young Jonny is perfect in purple.

Exavier is yummy.

Maybe not as quick and easy as Jonny thought.

There's a lot of posturing at the beginning. Exavier is the hot new pro and Jonny's not impressed by the rookie. He declares that this will be "quick and easy, just like the last one." Yes, this is a classic macho, dick-measuring contest where egos are on the line.

I like the soundtrack to this match. And by soundtrack, I mean the trash talk and suffering. There's some body-shaming chatter about the size of their muscles and mocking tropes like "you got nothing". When he's in control, Exavier makes sure to mock Jonny's claims to be the big guy around BGEast.

Exavier looks good from any angle.

And so does Jonny.

Love a good figure-four.

Jonny's lean body is luscious.

Action-wise, things are crisp. Jonny targets the legs. Exavier uses the little lightweight heel to show off his power. Both guys win multiple falls, but as things go on, one guy is more dominant. I remembered this one for the sexy positions and they lived up to my memories. Jonny's actually really good at selling when he wants to be, letting out high-pitched cries.

Jonny has a plan and I like it.

Exavier doesn't need to walk.
With all that gel, I'm surprised
Jonny can get his hand free.

Yep, fun to watch.

In the end, there's always a risk that things won't live up to your memories. This one did as I scrolled back through it to grab images. I like the wrestlers' contrasting looks. I love the body-bending and body-displaying holds as they torture each other.

So that's my take. What's yours?


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