
Sunday, March 17, 2019

Review: Elite Eliot vs. Channing Travolta (Wrestler4Hire)

One of the most interesting recent debuts at Wrestler4Hire is Channing Travolta. His name is interesting in an odd way. He's physically interesting in a hot way. Wrestling Arsenal wrote a nice article about his silent match against Garrett Thomas that showcased his hottest look.

Channing appears in five of the sixteen audio-free matches Cameron was practically giving away (just $2 and some change each - they're more now, but still a deal). I liked what I saw (but didn't hear) from him, so I was excited to finally see a Channing Travolta match with full audio.

Channing's a man right up my alley.

There are three main differences in this video from the silent ones. It is the only one where he's got a bad dye job. I prefer his dark hair, but I still like his look. His silent match versus Garrett is his best look because of the white trunks, but in general, I really like his wrestler's body, finding his strong but not ripped physique real and sexy.

Channing's hot but those white briefs are next level.
(Image from Channing vs. Garrett Thomas - no audio)

This is the only match I've seen where I can hear Channing. When the 'talkies' started almost a hundred years ago, I'm sure it was a bit of a shock to hear what actors really sounded like. More recently in the 1990's, Sprint Canada had to take Candice Bergen ads off the air, because even though she speaks fluent French, she sounded nothing like the voice actress who'd been dubbed over Murphy Brown.

Hearing Channing wasn't a shock, but I'd projected a deeper and more meathead voice onto him. Kind of like Vinny at Thunders Arena. He's a little goofy, but I wasn't really that close on his voice or personality.

I loved getting a full view of Channing.

And last, this is the only Channing match I've seen that wasn't a squash. In the silent videos, he ran a gamut of bad boys, similar to what I put Steve through in my BIGBeast series. He faced Guido Genatto, Flash LaCash, Garrett Thomas, Max Quivers and an absolutely huge (not muscly huge, the other kind) masked heel. Anyone would struggle against that lineup.

Guido's a rough opponent for any rookie.
(Image from Channing vs. Guido Genatto - no audio)

Max loves beating on new boys.
(Image from Channing vs. Max Quivers - no audio)

Nice view, but was it worth the pain?
(Image from Channing vs. Flash LaCash - no audio)

Elite Eliot is a much more manageable size. The lean and ripped pro wrestler is skilled and tough, but at least he's not as bad as those guys. And so, this match is more back-and-forth. I'd give Eliot the nod in terms of dominating more, but Channing gets his shots. The young guys are cocky punks, so they're really bringing it.

Finally, an opponent he can lift.

Thrust bulge out. SLAM! Sell the pain.

Must feel nice to be against someone
his own size for once.

Action-wise, this is really good. There's a lot of non-stop action going on. The moves are really done well. Everything looks and sounds genuine and painful. Eliot's just so good in the ring. He's exciting and captivating to watch. Channing is really good at sell in an over-the-top pro wrestling way. The only thing he does wrong is that he looks at the camera way too much, but it's really not a problem. I like seeing him get punished and on top.

I love that classic cartoon reaction.

In a GIF, he can count forever.
In the match, did he get to three?

Or does Eliot get the win in the end?

In the end, I'm a fan of rookie Channing Travolta. He's a nice addition to the roster and it was nice to see that he can do more than get squashed. This match was perfect for W4H with two young bucks in a fluid and dynamic pro-style ring match.

So that's my take. What's yours?



  1. Travolta looks nice in his tight gear with a great bulge. Like his full belly, chiseled abs are nice too but a build like Travoltas is equally nice. Lastly, I agree that he looks better with darker hair and needs to lose the dye job.

    1. Thanks for the comment. I think when I spend more time on the silent videos, I will have an even greater appreciation of his stomach. It looks built for gut bashing.

  2. I couldn't quite figure out why I loved the new hair color and red trunks for Channing. Then it hit me. The look is very similar to Logan Vaughn in his match against Lane at BG East (one of my favorite bg matches!)
    Channing is a great addition to a diverse roster when it comes to body types on W4H. Always love watching Elliot in the ring as well whether he be a heel or jobber. I'll have to check this match out for sure!

    1. Oh, that's interesting. I can see why that would be good for you. Channing's body is what I call a wrestling body and I love it. He's definitely a great addition.

  3. Record breaking match! New Wrestler Cena

    1. Hey Underground Wrestler...why the shameless promotion? How about at least commenting on the post? Or what you're offering that relatable?
