
Monday, April 29, 2019

Review: Marco takes on the competition

If you follow Underground Wrestler, you likely got the same email I did. Marco is retiring from wrestling in front of the camera to focus on his work behind-the-scenes. His matches on UW will disappear tomorrow 5/1.

As far as his behind-the-scenes work, I will say that I was very pleased to see UW dabbling in virtual reality. It's something I commented on years ago when I first tried out a VR headset, so it's nice to see technology moving forward. However, not sure it's worth losing him as a wrestler, but I never begrudge anyone pursuing their goals. If this is what he needs to do, this is what he needs to do.

Marco doesn't want to get stretched too thin. 

Relax while you can, Marco. The hard part is coming.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Inspiration: Bearhugs

Wrestling site recently did a nice post about my little blog. I figured I'd say thanks with a bearhug-themed photo extravaganza. I haven't done a holds-specific post for a while and those were mainly to showcase more obscure moves. Unlike a stump puller, for example, I know I don't need to explain what a bearhug is or how it works. It's like something we're wired to know. So, let's just enjoy ...

Anyone can do a bearhug, but maybe not like that.
(Cason vs. Blayne, Thunders Arena)

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Story Preview: May 2019 (Warning: SPOILERS!)

It's the end of April, which can only mean one thing. It's time for May spoilers. Enter if you dare to see what's on the horizon ...

Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Cast: Who's Who (April 2019)


Beau was the only regular star in action, otherwise all rookies or sophomores. Whenever CLAW's in the mix, there's hot guys, but I'm leaning towards Lee being my favorite guy this month. Just something about the base model's demeanor in pics screams wrestling bad boy.

The Cave Unleashed 10: Beau vs. 'Lethal' Lee Evans

Beau = Steven Webb (Bodybuilder/Model)

Monday, April 22, 2019

Review: Tristan Baldwin vs. Kasee (Thunders Arena)

Tristan: Wow. You weren't kidding when you said you were going to one-up me. I said wear something eye-catching. You wear eye-catching in half the size.
Kasee: Half the size?
Tristan: No, I'm talking about [your trunks]. The rest of you? Probably double the size.
Kasee: Thanks, bud. I've never even met you before. Who are you?
And with that opening, Kasee immediately breaks two cardinal rules of improv. He doesn't listen to his scene partner, which is why he doesn't realize Tristan is talking about his tiny red poser. And worse, he doesn't say "yes and ..." and instead actually rejects Tristan's premise that he told him what to wear pre-match. Tsk tsk. Lucky for Kasee he's pretty and who can stay mad at him in that 'gear'.

Tristan vs. Kasee starts out poorly, but if you stick with it, it becomes more worth it.

Things get better as the video goes along.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Review: The Assassin vs. Goldenglutes (BGEast)

Masks are a great way to get anonymity, but if you really know someone, I don't think they're that effective. Apparently, I know BGEast's "new" masked wrestler Goldenglutes well enough to see through his disguise very early in this one. But part of the conceit of masked superheroes and wrestlers is that masks are an impervious disguise, so I ignore the obvious clues and go along for the ride. And what a fun ride The Assassin vs. Goldenglutes turns out to be.

The Assassin admires those Golden Glutes.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Guest Blogger 3: Rocco Russo (Muscleboy Wrestling)


My guest blogging invitation is really bearing fruit. My second contribution comes from Rocco Russo, CEO of Muscleboy Wrestling. Best of all, Rocco has taken a completely different approach than Cameron and I love variety.

Rocco gets personal, explaining his beginnings with wrestling. It's amazing how many of us have similarities in our introduction to wrestling. My story isn't the same as Rocco's, but the emotions are very relatable.

Rocco's wrestling journey feels very relatable.
(MBW Austin Tyler vs. Joey McCoy)

Monday, April 15, 2019

CLAW 7: Xander vs. Wyatt


“I wanna do something.”

“Then do what I tell you, Xander.”

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Review: Krush vs. Callum (Krushco)

Krush is having a pretty good year so far. Since he's a one-man operation, the bald bruiser is less prolific than other wrestlers, but he faced Blaze in a really good match (review here) and now he's facing off against Callum, a beefy Brit who's just as skilled and brutal as he is. Krush vs. Callum is intense and exciting, a great showcase of what Krushco is all about.

Krush vs. Callum brings brutality to the mats.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Review: Derek Bolt vs. Dax Carter (Muscleboy Wrestling)

Full disclosure: This video was sent to me by Muscleboy Wrestling.

The new Muscleboy Wrestling catalogue is up, giving us their usual mix of talented young pro wrestlers, hot underground superstars, enthusiastic porn actors and home-grown exclusives. Scrappy vs. Joey McCoy immediately caught my eye, but they sent me a few videos (unsolicited, of course), so I put off buying that one to check these out.

I started with Derek Bolt vs. Dax Carter. It may or may not be the biggest match in the catalogue, but it definitely features the biggest (and beefiest) match-up!

Derek and Dax make a very nice couple ... of wrestlers.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Guest Blogger 2: Cameron Matthews (Wrestler4Hire/Hero Hunks)


I've got more from Cameron Matthews from Wrestler4Hire and Hero Hunks.

As I said, he wrote a lot, so I've divvied it up into multiple posts. Today, I've grouped a lot of what he wrote about recruiting and talent. One of the great mysteries for us outsiders, what's it like to have to constantly find, keep and evaluate all these hot studs? 

"C'mon, champ ... wrestle for me."
(W4H Cameron Matthews vs. Chase Sinn)

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Review: #635 Chase Michaels vs. El Fuego (UCW)

When I mentioned that I'd need to re-look at UCW in the wake of Austin Tyler's departure, a kind reader suggested that I check out El Fuego. He had completely escaped my notice, so I didn't really know if I'd appreciate the recommendation or not, but fortunately this reader seems to understand my tastes, because El Fuego is right up my alley.

El Fuego brings the fire to UCW against Chase.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Review: Eddy Brock vs. Flex Steele (Cyberfights)

Big Sexy vs. Dominic is a classic Thunders Arena match. The two superstar studs fit the bromance-frenemy frat vibe so well. So when I was cruising Can-Am, looking for something - anything - to watch there, Eddy Brock vs. Flex Steele caught my eye. I didn’t realize they wrestled each other outside of Thunders, so I was immediately intrigued.

Studs by any other name are just as sweet.

Monday, April 1, 2019

The Cave Unleashed 10: Beau vs. 'Lethal' Lee Evans

Dusty Inn. A Bar and Motel West of Tucson AZ.

“Stop. Lee should’ve told you to go around back. And no drinks before the show. I'm not getting sued if you’re clumsy.”

Wrestlers in the back, big guy.