
Friday, September 15, 2023

The Cave 28: Bane vs. Big Daddy Cage


“You want something, so ask.”

Uh oh. He caught me staring. I didn’t realize that I was being that obvious. Of course, he’s a gorgeous Black muscleman, 6’1” / 230-lbs, so he’s probably hyper-aware when guys stare at him. I’m a big white guy, 6’4” / 250-lbs. Not 'gorgeous' but I get some looks, too, so I kind of get it. Although for me, the attention is more recent and I hang around with some ridiculously hot guys, so I'm not always sure if I'm the one being stared at.

I'm still enjoying the 'who me?' phase, but I can understand if it’s annoying to be gawked at. He’s just doing some work at a coffee shop and some random guy is checking him out. It’s just that I was kind of sure I recognized him, but it took me a few extended glances for me to be 100% sure. It is him, though. Since he’s opened the door, I get up from my table and walk over to his.

“Hi. I’m Ryan. Sorry for staring, but I’m pretty sure that I actually recognize you.”

“Let me guess. From your dreams.”

I laugh, “No, that wasn’t a cheesy pickup line. At least not how you’re probably thinking.” He sits back and stares back at me. “You might actually recognize me, too, but by another name. Bane. From The Cave. I’m the co-owner. And I think you go by Cage?”

The muscle hunk’s eyes flare but otherwise, no reaction. He looks me up and down then subtly nods his chin at the empty chair, “Sit.”

I take a seat. “Thanks. I think you’re familiar with one of our guys? Xaq?”

From the scowl on his face, he doesn’t like that. “The little muscleboy filmed me.”

“Yes, he did.”

“That little bitch.”

I quickly assure him, “If it makes it better, he didn’t show his video to us. Or to anyone that I know of.”

“But you still know me.”

“Yeah. See, Xaq’s use of the ring is unauthorized.”

Cage's stare bores into me. He says, “That does not surprise me.”

“What he doesn’t realize is that we have security cameras. A lot of them. And they run 24/7. We’ve got very expensive video equipment in the warehouse, which is shared between us and a local pro wrestling federation called LAW. There are a lot of random guys going in and out.”

“Tell me what these cameras show.”

“We can track every car that comes in the parking lot, every person who enters through every door, and see who enters the office, gym, and storage rooms. And who wrestles in our ring.”

“You have a video of my match.” I can see he’s tense about these reveals. “And probably some little sign that says anyone who enters consents to being filmed. So, you’re putting my match out there and want me to cooperate.”

“No. I mean, yes, there are those signs. But no, we’re not sharing it. And no, we don't have a video of your match. Not anymore, at least. We erase the security videos after we confirm everything is okay. So, at least from our end, your private match will always be private.”

A nod. He’s satisfied with my answer. He looks at me confidently. “You still recognized me. Out of context. From a security camera. You must have watched it more than once before you got rid of it.”

I notice that he doesn’t ask questions. What should be questions are statements. Statements that require an answer. He has clearly guessed that I couldn’t just skim through it and delete. I decide to be honest since I’m going to be asking him to work for us.

“Cody, my business partner, and I watched it once all the way through in one sitting. He’s The Bat. He'd just started training Xaq and wanted to see how he’d do. Then I watched it privately a few more times. In chunks. Took me about a week before I deleted it.” First smile I’ve seen from him. Well, smile might be a stretch. More like a knowing smirk, but it’s a step forward. “But I resisted temptation and it’s gone."


"It was a very impressive squash.”

The handsome hunk shrugs, “It was worth it.”

Okay, here's my opening. “Interested in getting paid for action like that, instead of paying for it?”

“I didn’t pay to wrestle Xaq because I think that I need to pay for wrestling.”

I admit, “I was wondering about that.” He just stares at me. I try to piece it together. “Xaq is one-of-a-kind. So are his personas. And he comes with The Cave ring. Another one-of-a-kind experience. You paid for a unique experience and to keep it transactional.” He nods. “Understood. Thanks for your time.”

I stand up, but he says, “Sit.” I sit back down. “You’re a big man, Bane. Around 6’2”. 220.”

It’s my turn to smirk, getting his game. He deliberately underestimates me to test my reaction. I decide not to play, leaning back and shrugging, “Something like that.”

“You must know how to turn off those security cameras.”

“I do.” Opening the door for a match, I say, “I work during the day. Last evening training for either LAW or The Cave usually ends around 10 on weeknights. It’s empty by 10:30.”

Cage nods. We sit in silence, staring at each other. I break the ice, “If you ever change your mind on The Cave, there’s a ‘contact us’ tab on the site. And …” I pull out a pen and grab a stray napkin, “If you want a free match with a bigger guy that’s guaranteed to be discreet and private, here’s my number.”

I grab my coffee and head out without waiting for an answer.


It took 24 hours, but the text came to schedule a match. I replied with a one-word confirmation then added ‘Big Daddy Cage’ as his contact name. 

I look at the clock. I’m sure he’ll be exactly on time. It’s 10:55pm. I’ve deactivated the security system in the arena and gotten the ring ready. It’s clean and so am I. I’m in my full gear to greet him. It might be premature, because I don’t know if he’ll have to change or shower, but it’s getting me hot and hard to see the world through the red tinted eyes of my Bane mask.

My gear is simple. Black singlet over a black jock. Both are tight enough that the jock’s straps are noticeable cutting across my butt cheeks. Black patent leather pro boots laced up just below my knees with tall black socks sticking out the top. Black wrist tape, knee and elbow pads round out the wrestling gear. My mask is classic Bane - black and white with red eyes.

I’m a strong wrestler. I’ve worked with a great pro wrestling trainer, a man I still call for tips. However, I originally hired Coach to show me how to beat my best friend Cody, whose style is very different than what I expect from the powerful muscle hunk Cage. Cody is a skilled technician. He can counter almost anything. Cage can probably power out of anything.

And I feel no animosity or tension towards Cage at all, unlike the burning hot rage that I felt towards my best friend at the time. I don’t have a grudge from which to draw strength. I’m tougher and more focused when motivated by rage. Too bad his whole commanding alpha persona, like ordering me to sit or the bossy text, has me eager to wrestle him, not angry or tense. I know. It's wrong to want to be mad. But it's helpful.

No matter what, I know I’ll need to be at my best with a solid strategy. Squashing Xaq isn’t any real test of talent, anyone can do it, but I just know that Cage is going to be a tough opponent by looking at and listening to him. No one is that confident unless they can handle themselves. He’s coming to take down Bane. No question about it. And I have no plans to be taken down.

A text from Cage pops up at exactly 11:00pm telling me that he's arrived.

I can hear him saying it as I read it. I open the door just as he reaches it. Wow, he looks amazing. Cage walks right in without breaking stride. I’m sure he sniffs me as he passes. His nostrils kind of flared and I heard the inhale. I notice he smells nice, too. Clean, with no fragrances. When I close the door, we face each other. He looks me up and down without moving his head.

Cage says, “Getting yourself psyched up.”

I just nod, giving him the quiet treatment. I decide to make him do the talking tonight instead of me. He doesn’t play along. Instead, the hunky powerhouse just turns and walks to the ring area like he’s the owner of The Cave, rather than me. I follow him, admiring the impressive ‘V’ of his broad shoulders and narrow waist. And his round, powerful ass. I want it.

Once inside, he drops his bag and starts stripping. “I’m clean and ready, too.” Sure enough, the magnificent muscleman is down to his sexy black trunks and boots in seconds, only adding a metallic silver headband. I check him out, circling around the magnificent muscleman. He says, “That’s right. Take it in.” He adjusts his trunks in front. Fantastic. He says, “A lot different than on some security camera.”

I can’t stay silent now. I reply, “Not just different. Better. Infinitely better.” I add, “And just to confirm, I turned the cameras off in here.”

“I know.”

“Oh? How?”

The muscle hunk’s eyes bore into me, “I told you to do it.”

I groan out loud, “Fuck yes.” I admit, “Damn, I love that response.”

“I know. You’ll really love what’s next. Get in the ring.”

I walk to ring. I jump onto the apron then step over the top rope. He’s not the only guy with some attitude. Big Daddy Cage takes the stares. He vaults over the top rope, landing clean and hopping. His incredible pecs jiggle as he does. Even with my mask, he knows I’m staring at his chest. The muscleman flexes the massive mounds, bouncing them for my enjoyment.

We need to start wrestling before I explode.


We circle the ring once then dive in for a lock up. I might be three inches taller and 20 pounds heavier, but Cage is easily my match when it comes to strength. His big muscles swell as we push against each other. I burst forth, putting all I’ve got into it. It seems to surprise him. Maybe he was expecting more of a feeling out process. Either way, I run him back into his corner. CLANG! He lets out a soft grunt. Nice.

On impact, I club him in the head with my right forearm. WHACK! I grab his hair and then pull him forward into my rising left elbow under his chin. CRACK! Cage’s head snaps back. With him reeling, I fire off big body punches to his chiseled abs and thick pecs. THUD! POW! THUMP! He grunts and tightens up, limiting the damage. I notice he's already sweating a little and breathing heavier.

I know the magnificent muscleman is too strong and tough to be slowed down easily. I need to keep going fast. I lift my knee into abs. THUD! OOF! He bends forward. I quickly lock on a front facelock, grab the side of his trunks and snap suplex him out of the corner. BOOM! I somewhat smoothly somersault backwards, planting my ass on his chest as I pin his wrists down.

We lock eyes. Cage looks determined as I sit atop him. The handsome muscle hunk bridges and twists, toppling me off him. We rise, but while he goes to his feet, I only go to a crouch. As soon as he’s up, I’m already springing forward. I slam my shoulder into his abs, driving him all the way back into the opposite corner. CLANG! I grab the ropes on either side of him then hit two solid shoulder blocks. WHOMP! WHOMP! Cage grunts.

I bring my hands behind his legs, gripping his granite hamstrings. I stand up, hoisting him up, bring his abs onto my shoulder. I spin, leap, and then drive him downward onto the canvas. SPLAT! We bounce on impact. I rise to one knee then bring down my right fist into his stomach. THUD! I get two more in - THUD! THUD! - before he pushes me away and rolls out of reach. We both rise, breathing a little heavier.

I admire his sweaty body as I tease, “I wasn’t too rough on you, was I, Cage?”

The big bodybuilder shrugs it off, “You and I have different definitions of rough, Bane.”

I nod. We lock up again. He skillfully turns and I get pulled into a side headlock. It’s tight. I groan as my head is crushed by his powerful grip. I knew the mighty muscle stud would be strong, but wow. Cage tries to lead me around the ring, but I grab his butt and behind his knee. I lift his boots off the mat for a suplex. He immediately counters by kicking and squeezing the headlock. The pain increases and the momentum shifts. It pulls against me. His boots land softly back in place. PLOP! Good move.

The pressure of the headlock is intense. Sweat from his armpit runs down his side and onto my face. Cage tries to hip toss me down, but I block it. I lift again, getting him higher. He reaches shoulder height as he kicks. This time, I go with his counter, surprising him by accelerating down and extending my knee. I bring the handsome muscle hunk down in an atomic drop. KLONK! Pain shoots up his spine and I slip free.

Cage stands funny then moves forward to try to walk it off. I immediately leap up and slam my boots into his broad back with a standing drop kick. WHAP! The magnificent muscleman flies forward into the ropes as I land softly on the canvas. He ricochets backwards and I trip him down with a leg sweep. SPLAT! I mount him, my ass on his handsome face, shins on his shoulders as I look down his gorgeous body.

I lean forward, planting my left hand on his pelvis right beside his big pouch. I unleash more body punches. My elbow goes up then I drive my big right fist down onto his abs. THUD! It bounces off and I lift my elbow up high then come down again. THUD! I get into a rhythm, hammering his amazing abs in the same spot three more times. POW! THUD! POW!

The mighty muscle stud lifts his legs to grab my head, but I lean out of the way. I grab his legs to trap him in a cradle, but they’re too strong for my arms. I go back to attacking his stomach. THUD! POW! THUD! Cage grunts into my ass. With a quick bridge and turn, he throws me off him. The handsome muscle hunk tries jumping on me, but I get my boot up. I push out and send him flying away onto his ass. PLOP! He bounces two feet back on landing.

We roll up to our feet. Cage's big body is beautifully sweaty and he's breathing harder, but he is still moving like he's fresh. That's okay. I didn’t expect to break him down with my fists. Just soften up his core for my big power moves, culminating in my signature over-the-knee backbreaker. All this prep work is important against a rock-solid muscle guy like him. We circle. I could’ve gone after a limb, but I really want to dominate and power moves do that better than anything.

Cage stops. He wipes his sweaty hands on the back of his black trunks and then raises his arms. He wags his fingers and I understand. A test of strength. I have the height and weight advantage, but after working him over for the past minutes, I can tell he’s strong. Maybe stronger than me with those pumped, rippling muscles. They do look great, shining under the spotlights over the ring. His arms and legs are definitely thicker and more muscular than mine.

I have the momentum. Just stick with wrestling. He glares into me.

I shouldn’t. But his look. His body. It's so tempting.

I shouldn't. Why am I getting suckered into his trap? Because I don't want to back down to him.

I foolishly raise my arms and accept his challenge. 

Bad strategy on my part. I know that I’m playing right into his hands. Literally as we move in, lining up my right paw with his left one. Even though it’s dumb, I have to do this. Our fingers close and I already feel the power in his grip. We lock our other paws. I’ve got big hands, but his are actually thicker. Maybe a clue on what I’m in for if I lose. I never got a good look at his dick from angles of the security camera, but from Xaq’s reaction, I know he’s packing.

Once our hands close, we’re on it. We go all out immediately. Our arms and legs fight and strain for control. His muscles grow even larger, the veins in his legs and arms threaten to pop through his skin. His sweat is flowing now. Even I'm building up a sheen. Our grunts and groans echo through the empty, cavernous arena. I rise up, giving me the early advantage as I use my 3” height advantage to take control.

Cage braces his legs, stopping me from forcing him down. He tries to counter, but I’m good at this, too. I feel his power, though. I guessed that the magnificent muscleman is stronger than me, but now I’m feeling how much. He’s a lot to handle. As I fight him, I see the striations across his massive chest, his shiny, sculpted pecs flexed to their max. Fuck. Don’t get distracted, Ryan. Don’t get distracted!

The handsome muscle hunk surges forward. We slam bodies. WHUMP! OOF! As we bounce off, Cage skillfully uses the moment to reverse our hands and take control. My torso is coated in a layer of his sweat from the collision. My legs bend as I’m forced lower. I push up against him, but my legs buckle from the power. He’s putting his entire body into it. I try to shift our hands, flip them, do something, anything.

Instead, I drop to one knee. PLOP! My hands are brutally bent backwards as they are forced down to ear level. Cage suddenly thrusts his leg forward, slamming his quad between my pecs. THUD! OOF! He does it again. THUD! OOF! My hands open in his, but he keeps a tight grip. When he knees me for a third time, I fall backwards. THUD! OOF! Cage stops my momentum.

The mighty muscleman pulls me forward. He lets go of my limp hands and grabs my masked head. He forces my head between his legs, locking on a standing head scissors as I kneel before him. I grab his granite-hard tree trunks, my fingers unable to make even a small dent in his expanding thighs as they slide over his slick flesh. The head scissors has me seeing stars. I plant one foot to flip him over.

Unfortunately, the powerhouse anticipates me. He grabs around my waist and lifts just as I push up. Instead of flipping him over, I push up and help him lift and flip me up. I roll until I’m sitting on his shoulders, high in the air. His face is in my crotch. I hear him inhale as I lift my arm to hammer his head. The mighty muscleman doesn’t give me a chance to counter. He pulls me back and down into a ring-shaking power bomb! KABOOM! I bounce on impact, stunned.

Cage towers over me as I writhe at his feet. Wow, haven’t felt a move like that in a long time. He's breathing hard, making his huge chest and chiseled abs rise and fall. His boots are huge, too. And painful when he drives them down onto my body. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! I move to roll away, but he grabs the back of my singlet, stopping me. He grips my mask and singlet, forcing me to my feet. I’m scooped up and body slammed down immediately. BOOM! I bounce and roll onto my side.

The magnificent muscleman drags me up again. He pulls me into a bearhug. His arms close around my aching back. When Cage pulls me against his impossibly solid body, I gasp. I suffer in the powerful vice as it constricts around me. Every time I breathe, he cinches it in a little more. I draw my arm back for the obvious counter, but it’s too obvious. He shakes me and my arms go limp before I can box his ears with my biceps or deliver a forearm to his head.

I’m still taller. I plant my boots. I can bend my legs. It’s enough for me to push off and topple us backwards. We stumble to the ropes, with him falling into them. On the ricochet, I throw my weight to the left. We spin and I work my feet to trip him. We fall in the deadly embrace, with me landing on top of him. SPLAT! OOF! Being sandwiched between the immovable ring and the irresistible force of my body is enough to weaken the hold.

I club him across the head and push off. I’m free! He’s stunned and breathing hard. I fight through the pain and grab him by the hair. I force him up to his feet. He pushes me back, but I stop short. I lift a big boot, slamming it into his chest. WHUMP! Cage flies backwards into the corner. As he stumbles, I charge. He hits the turnbuckles. CLANG! I leap and splash onto his chest. SPLAT!

I bounce off and he sags in the corner. For once, he looks weak, his body drenched in sweat and his breathing labored. I charge in, fighting through his punishment. My adrenaline surges and all I feel is hope. And all I see is opportunity. Those massive, sculpted pecs! With him breathing heavily, they draw me in like a moth to a light. I come in fast, unleashing a series of pec punches. THUD! POW! THUD! My fist sinks into the unflexed meaty mounds. POW! THUD! POW!

Cage pushes me back, but I reach out and grip the outside of his pecs with dual claws. My fingers clamp onto the sides, coming in under as my thumbs and palm press down on top. The shocked muscle stud grunts in surprise as squeeze. He instinctively grips my wrists to pry my hands off, but that won’t work. I stand tall and bear down, applying as much force as I can.

The massive chest heaves as Cage leans back to fight the pain. His leg shifts and I know he’s going to kick me, so I use the claw to pull him out of the corner, only to use it to slam him back in. CLANG! I need to keep him off-balance. I do it again. CLANG! His legs relax, but I need to take them out of the equation. I lower myself, coming at the claw from a different angle.

The handsome muscle hunk’s face is etched with pain. I push up, forcing him onto his toes. He steps onto the bottom ropes on either side of the turnbuckle to ease the pressure. Perfect. I keep lifting him by his meaty mounds. My power tearing at his chest leads him to climb a level higher, teetering on the middle ropes, bent forward. The stunning muscle stud groans.

Cage holds onto my forearms. He tentatively lifts one boot to kick me. I push up and down, doing a shallow chest press with him. He loses balance and the pain amplifies. The boot goes back to the ropes. He draws one arm back and clubs my forearm. WHACK! It doesn’t work, but it’s a warning that I need to stay ahead of him. This is painful, but he’s not giving.

With the magnificent muscleman up high over me, sweat drips down. I focus on winning. I simply twist and pull down. He spins and plummets down, landing on his back. BOOM! I attack his heaving chest with big boots. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! I mount his waist and pound the powerful pecs, watching them jiggle. THUD! POW! THUD! Cage manages to throw me off, but I’ve done my job.

The stunning muscle stud rolls onto his hip. His head hangs as he grips his chest, massaging the aching muscles. I rise and move in fast. He kicks out to block me, but I swat his boot away. I’ve finally done real damage and I’m not stopping until he submits. I grab him by the wrist and force him to his feet. I twist his arm, securing him in a hammerlock, his wrist almost at his shoulder blades.

Cage fights but I’m only using it as a controlling hold. Before he can power out, I use the hammerlock to steer him into the corner. I grab the back of his neck with my other hand as I run him in front first. I aim him perfectly and his pecs slam into the top turnbuckle. CLANG! The ring shakes on impact and he sags, no longer fighting my grip. I let go and he holds the ropes.

I drive my body in, crashing onto his back. SPLAT! OOF! I reach under his arms as he hangs in the corner. He’s still fighting. He blocks, like I’m going for a full nelson. Too bad for him, I’m not. I grip his pecs, use them to pull him against my body, and drag him out of the corner. With a tight grip, I lift him up and deliver and belly-to-back suplex using his pecs! BOOM!

The mighty muscleman hits hard on his shoulders, but the real damage is me using his chest to lift and throw his 230-lbs of muscle. I move in and drag him to his feet. No resistance as I whip him into the corner. He hits on his back and immediately sags with his arms draped over the top ropes for support. I move in, carefully watching for any counter attacks. None come.

I pull my singlet straps off my shoulders and let them slide down my arms. They hang on my hips and the spandex singlet pools just below my waist. I shrug my shoulders, rolling them as I grab him around the throat and force him to rise. I'm not as sweaty or gasping as he is, but I'm definitely feeling this match. My adrenaline is full-on, though, as I sense victory.

I grab his left arm, lifting it, and bending it behind his head. I reach over his right shoulder and grab his left wrist, securing it with a tight grip. His elbow points at the ceiling, stretching his aching left pec. It’s the perfect target as I draw my right arm back for a heart punch. All the work isolating his incredible chest pays off here.

The heart punch takes one second, but time always slows whether you’re delivering or receiving. My fist flies forward. I see him tense and flex the left pec. I throw everything into the heart punch, putting my shoulder and whole body behind it. WHAM! My hand stops dead. It’s like hitting a heavy bag. I actually have to shake it out. He doesn’t convulse or fall.

I’m shocked. He uses that shock to reverse our grip behind his head, flipping his hand so he’s holding my wrist. He ducks and spins, like we’re dancing. I’m pulled around as he slides around me out of the corner, using my arm to turn me. Cage pulls me towards him as he launches forward with a huge diving clothesline. WHOMP! The blow nearly takes my head off as my feet leave the canvas. I land hard on the back of my head. CRACK!

Unprepared for the reversal, I’m momentarily stunned. Fuck, he's got some kind of second wind! Cage takes full advantage. He drags me up by my arm, squatting as he forces me across his broad bowling ball sized shoulders into a fireman’s carry. I’m not up for long, as he quickly flips me forward. On the way, he holds my leg to keep me from over-rotating, making sure I land on my shoulders and neck. WHACK!

Now, I’m stunned again and more than momentarily. Cage starts talking, “I get it, Bane.” But doesn’t stop moving. He grabs my mask and drags me up. “I get why you’d go for my pecs.” I shake out my head. “You’re not the first to be seduced in by them.” He bounces his pecs in front of me. “But these bad boys are unbreakable.” Cage pulls my masked face into the channel between his heaving pecs.


The stunning muscle stud wipes his sweat with my masked face. It’s all I can smell and taste as I hunch forward, taking it all in. Cage wraps his arms around my head. He pulls in tight, crushing my head against his body with his flexed arms and suffocating me with his massive mounds. I’m forced to drop to one knee, the perfect height for him to keep the pressure on.

I start fighting the hold. Cage says softly but firmly, “Stop fighting it. Embrace it.” In response, I punch him in the side. THUD! My hand bounces off. He squeezes even harder, and my arms drop to my side. He says, “Too bad you can’t lick them with that mask on. I know you want to” I moan, breathing heavily. “Don’t worry, Big Daddy Cage will take that mask off you.”

I struggle again. He lets go but uses my mask to pull my face down into his rising quad. WHACK! I see stars as Cage leads me to my feet. The magnificent muscleman whips me into the ropes. My 250-lbs stretches them out then the tension sends my racing back at him. He bends and using my momentum, actually gets me up into the air in a gorilla press!

It’s only for a second but I’m shocked. I'm moving forward, enabling Cage to flip me. I land on my back, falling from eight feet in the air. KABOOM! I writhe helplessly at his feet. The stunning muscle stud kicks me over onto my stomach. He runs back into the ropes, comes off and leaps up, coming down with a big leg drop across my lower back. THUMP! OOF!

Cage drags me to my feet. And I mean drags. I have no interest in moving at the moment. He moves around me as I wobble, barely keeping my feet under me. The mighty muscleman squats and pulls my side against his shoulders. He rises, powering me into a torture rack. ARGH! A few bouncing adjustments and I’m helplessly hanging on him, pain exploding.

I moan loudly as the handsome muscle hunk circles the ring, effortlessly carrying me as easily as he would a prized stuffed animal he just won at the fair. I fight to hold out, but the big power moves have my back spasming. When the stunning muscle stud starts squatting, I cry out.


Cage shrugs and I roll off his shoulders, falling to the mat below. SPLAT! I roll on to my back and just lie on the canvas in moving. I turn my head to see the winner towering over me, hands on his hips, sweaty muscles perfectly pumped. He’s breathing hard, his unbreakable chest heaving and his ripped stomach going in and out. At least I made him work for it.

I lost and I know it. I might as well get the most out of it. I ask, “Big Daddy Cage. Flex over me. Please?”

The handsome muscle hunk grins. He plants a big boot on my far less impressive pecs. Big Daddy Cage raises his arms and shows off. I smile in my mask. He’s awesome. The winner uses his boot to nudge me. I get the message and roll onto my stomach. He puts a boot on my ass, “This is mine now, Bane.”

“It sure as hell is yours, Big Daddy Cage. C’mon down and take it.”


Big Daddy Cage lies on top of me. He’s slowly pumping his hips to hump my ass. I’m pissed at myself for screwing up on my strategy, but that’s only in hindsight. Attacking those amazing pecs made perfect sense at the time. And I’m not going to lie. I enjoyed working them over and I’d do it again. Just not as my primary focus. I moan under him, excited for stakes.

The handsome muscle hunk sits up on my legs. He massages my back. His hands are as strong and talented as the rest of him. Big Daddy works up and down my spine then out. From my shoulders to butt. Wow. I groan with the occasional ‘oh fuck that’s the spot’. He expertly kneads out the tightness. I wonder if he’s a professional massage therapist. He’s amazing.

Cage lies on me again. He states (not asks), “Better.” I still nod and groan my agreement.

As he resumes humping my unmoving carcass, I let out soft, encouraging moans. I can’t wait until he takes my ass. I grunt out, “Thanks for the after care, Big Daddy.”

The magnificent muscleman’s mouth is at my ear, “You are worth it.”

I laugh softly, “I hope so, considering I was free.”

Cage says firmly, “I told you at the cafe. I don’t care about money. I’m talking about you and me. Time. Effort. Action. Challenge. Everything. You are worth it.”

I nod, accepting what is clearly intended as the highest compliment he can give. The victorious muscleman slides his arm under mine. He uses it to roll me over onto my back. Big Daddy Cage straddles my hips. He rubs up and down my torso. It feels great. He’s definitely an expert in the human body. I’m hard under him. He slides to lie on me again, his eyes over mine.

Big Daddy slides his finger under my mask. It’s too tight for him to lift. “Hmph.” He grabs hold of my mask and drags me up to my knees. I sit on my heels, staring at his bulge. Cage pulls my face in. As I take a deep breath, inhaling his musk, the magnificent muscleman rubs my head. He says, “That’s right, Bane. Breathe it in. That’s Big Daddy Cage. You want it.”

I moan, “Yes, Big Daddy.”

The handsome hunk unties the bow behind my head. The ends of my mask’s black shoelace slip smoothly apart, falling open. “Keep taking it in, Bane.” I focus on breathing as the lace slides out of the bottom holes. Big Daddy Cage methodically works. My mask gets looser and looser. The lace is halfway up the back when he pauses and checks under my chin. It moves.

Big Daddy uses his index finger to fold the mask up, exposing my mouth. “Taste me.” He pulls my face into his pelvis, putting my lips over the outline of his cock. I lick the black spandex as I begin worshipping his manhood. He tastes as good as he smells as I drink in the sweat from the damp fabric. I make it very wet, so it clings to his cock, revealing every vein and contour.

Back to my mask as I worship him, the muscular match winner finishes the job on my laces. He’s in no rush. The higher up the back of my head he gets, the more time it takes to pull the lace through as more of it is dangling freely. Soon, gravity is the main thing holding the spandex atop my head. The red eyes no longer line up, effectively blindfolding me.

My head is pushed back. I wait patiently. Big Daddy Cage orders, “Open. Tongue out.” I obey. He slaps something on my hanging tongue, I’m guessing from the size and heft, it’s his cock head. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! It slides into my mouth and fills me up. I can’t wait to see his thick black rod, but for now, feeling, smelling, and tasting are more than enough.

I work to suck it properly, but it’s a challenge just from the girth. I’m sure I’m nowhere near taking the entire length. I bring him in as deep as I can, until I’m ready to choke. I start bobbing my head, trying to go deeper but still not hitting the base. I reach one hand up and side it along his smooth brown skin until I feel the base of his cock. Whoa. I use my hand and mouth to work the giant piece of meat.

As I work his cock, Cage starts moving my mask around. He finally slides it off me. “Look at me, Bane.” My eyes run up his magnificent muscles. I slowly move past his trimmed pelvis to his ripped midsection, over his huge, heaving chest to finally meet his stare. When he looks down at me, I’m sure it’s quite the sight. He stands tall and triumphant while I’m kneeling before him. I’m impaled on his cock. And I need to use a hand to properly handle his cock.

I keep working, trying to keep my eyes up as I do. The handsome muscle hunk finally pulls away from me. His throbbing cock is rock-hard and leaking, so I guess I did okay. The dark dick shines in the light with my saliva as Cage points to the canvas. I fall forward, onto my forearms, my ass up high. He circles behind me, and I start breathing to relax myself.

The wait is excruciating but was probably only seconds. I feel the warm tingly lube on my hole then I’m penetrated. It’s a finger because his cock is way bigger. It’s still thick, though. And strong, as I learned when I lost the test of strength. Cage finger fucks me, lubing me up. He adds a second finger and I moan. Under me, my cock is stiff, but I’m not going to jerk it.

“You’re ready, Bane.”

I know it wasn’t a question, but they never are. I answer, “Yes, I’m ready.”

“Tell Big Daddy Cage what you want.”

“I want you to fuck me, Big Daddy Cage."

The fingers are quickly replaced with his thick cock. I gasp and moan. OH! FUCK! Cage goes in slowly, but it’s a lot to take. And I don’t bottom a lot. Occasionally for my boyfriend Corey, but he’s not this big. Never for my other boyfriend Luke or Pete, a friend with benefits. I push out and he gets in. OH! There it is. Now, it feels great to have his sheathed cock inside me.

Cage knows I’m good. He starts plowing my ass. I moan, “Oh yeah. Fuck me.” The magnificent muscleman pounds harder and deeper. We both grunt with every thrust. Even start pushing back, slammed my butt cheeks into his charging hips. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! That’s all the encouragement he needs to go all in and all out. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! I’m gasping.

I cry out, “FUCK!” I can’t think clearly enough to say anything else. “OH FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” Cage stops pumping. He reaches forward and grabs under my chin. I arch my back and rise up on my fists. It’s enough that he can grip under my chin with both hands. He slowly slams his massive member inside me, thrusting hard and all the way in. He taunts me for a long time, just making me feel him inside me, owning my ass.

The stunning muscle stud finally picks up speed again. His right index finger slithers up to fish hook my mouth. I close my lips on it, sucking on it as he tears me open. I’m whimpering, My own cock throbbing. It starts to tense. Oh god, my load is rising. Untouched, I explode. Cage feels it, knowing what’s happening as I erupt onto the canvas. My hole grips his cock tightly.

Load after load spews out until I’m drained. But my cock doesn’t go down. Not while he’s still brutally pounding my ass. I’m gasping as the fucking just keeps going. Cage lets go of my chin and I collapse forward. He pulls on my legs, and I go flat underneath him, my abs and chest pressed down onto the ropes of my own seed beneath me. Meanwhile, the relentless fucking never stops.

Cage is bouncing off my butt cheeks, rising up then driving down again. SPLAT! SPLAT! SPLAT! I lift my hips to meet his thrust but get flattened every time. After the match and the orgasm, I’m drained but he seems as fresh as ever. Suddenly, the handsome muscle hunk slides out of me. He grabs my legs and flips me onto my back. I watch as he frees his cock.

The mighty muscleman kneels between my legs. He pumps his cock. I watch his face. He catches my eyes, and we stare at each other. I admire his handsome face, but my eyes do wander to his incredible pecs. Damn, they’re gorgeous. Next thing I feel is him exploding all over me. The first shot clears my body and hits my face. THWIP! He paints my torso white with his cum.

When Cage is empty, he sits back on his heels. I sit up and turn around. I slide towards him then engulf his softening cock. I clean it, savoring the taste of his seed as he softly caresses my head. When I’m done, I roll away, rising to a kneeling position. All I can say is, “Wow.” He shrugs. I say, “Seriously. Big Daddy Cage. You definitely live up to the name.”

“You were great, too, Bane.”

We rise and survey the sweaty-soaked, cum-stained ring. I sigh. Cage puts his arm on my shoulder, “Don’t sigh. It’s the sign of a successful evening.” I smile. “Come. Show me where the cleaning supplies are. We will tackle this together before we wash each other down.”

I nod, appreciating the offer to help clean the ring and excited to shower with him.


“I want another match, Bane." I nod. He nods back, "Good. I’ll text you. Be ready.”

“I look forward to it.” We stand under the bright spotlights, just staring at each other. I break the silence, “Again, you were awesome. Incredible. Perfect. I had a great time.”

Big Daddy Cage states, “I want you as a regular.”

My eyebrows go up. I’m already dating Corey and Luke, plus I’ve got Pete as a friend with benefits. And now that Buck’s staying, my best friend Cody is pushing for me to see what I can make happen there. I’m not sure I can handle any more guys.

I ask tentatively, “By regular, you mean …?”

“Wrestling.” I relax. The handsome muscle hunk says, “You’re worried I mean something else.”

Wow, he sees right through me. I shake my head, “No, not really worried. Just making sure we’re on the same page. Wrestling regularly sounds great.”

“Yes, it does.” Cage comes in close. He leans into me, his mountainous pecs pressing into me. I’m three inches taller and 20-lbs heavier but somehow, I feel smaller in his presence. He slides his big hands up my sides, giving me shivers. He whispers in my ear, his hot breath hitting me like a folding chair, “It’s going to be a challenge to keep owning your ass.”

I put my lips right beside his ear, “Yeah, it will.”

The muscle stud reaches up and grabs behind my head. He whispers, “I love a challenge.” As he moves back, my lips are pulled forward to his. We kiss deeply. He massages the back of my neck with his big strong hand. It feels great. When he breaks it off, we just stare and his eyes pierce through me. He turns, walks to his huge black luxury SUV, hops in, and drives off into the night.

I sigh. As I walk back inside to tidy up, I pull out my phone. I send a text to Coach. Despite the late hour, I get an immediate reply and we start a conversation, scheduling some training. I'm glad he's back on board. Hopefully he can help me find some new surprises and be the challenge Big Daddy Cage needs.


Up next ... long-time readers might remember Cody bragging to his boyfriend Jae about fucking around with his brother Duncan's best friend. Well, old secrets explode, leading to Dunk and best friend Kent wrestling on the mats in Cody's apartment.

And two weeks later on 10/15/23, we return to CLAW for the first of two tales this year. Xander wants to conquer Ryker, but his boss Mateo wants Ryker all to himself and has forbidden it. Xander might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but anger and desire are powerful motivators.


  1. HOT DAMN! And I do mean HOT. I think this is one of your best efforts ever. There is something about the writing that spoke to my soul. I could feel every move, every muscle, every thrust. Definitley one of my top five stories

    You have to figure out a way for Big Daddy Cage to join the Cave roster so he can teach the supposedly Alpha guys a lesson in humility!!

    1. Wow! That’s high praise! Happy to read that.

      Spoiler … Big Daddy Cage isn’t done with Bane (and vice versa), so the supposedly alpha guys will have to wait a while. :)

  2. I second Mangler’s comment. This was a really good story. I think it would be hot if Ryan’s friend Dustin had a go at Big Daddy Cage. Just thinking about those two alphas going at it makes my imagination run wild.

    1. Wow, again! I’m really happy at the reaction. Ryan stories tend not to be that popular, so this is a very exciting surprise. Especially since it’s part of a series for the big guy leading up to his 30th birthday in my 250th story in 2024.

      Sounds like Cage will have some work to do once he and Ryan are done with their matches. Adding Dustin to the list!

  3. Very hot story! I agree with Mangler that it’s one of your finest wrestling stories. Big Daddy Cage is a fabulous Alpha. I loved your descriptions of his sweaty muscled physique. He seems invincible but that will make it even hotter if he is forced to give up his hole to Ryan/Bane in a future match. I detected some serious chemistry between these two Alphas and am glad to hear there is more to come. Finally I can’t remember a better “pec abuse” story. I thought Bane might actually prevail but was happy with the outcome. Big Daddy Cage is big in all the right places!

    1. Thanks! There’s a lot of story (not just wrestling) to come, so I don’t want to say too much, but I’m sure happy this story has been so well-received. It’s getting a lot of views.
