
Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Cave 33: Skip Pays a Visit


“CODY! There’s my new best buddy!”

I turn. Smiling and waving at me as he jogs across traffic is a handsome 25-year-old, 5’8”, and 160-lbs stud. He’s white with brown hair in a military cut - shaved on the sides, about an inch long on top. His upper body is tight and chiseled, wrapped in a red tank top that says lifeguard on it. Oh god, I hope not. He’s also got beige cargo shorts and beat up Chuck’s.


I smile broadly, “What? Oh my god, Skip?”

“In the flesh, man.” Skip gives me a giant hug. I’m 6’ tall, so he grabs me around my biceps, pinning my arms to my side. I’m frozen in his embrace. It’s a tight squeeze, but I’m 29 and a strong, durable 205-lbs. I can handle it. It’s more the shock at seeing Skip here at my door. It’s not a bad surprise, it’s just that I honestly never expected to see him again.


Skip turns his head and presses it into my shoulder as the hug continues. He says, “I’ve been waiting all morning. Got a window seat at the cafe so I’d see you come here.” He’s not letting go. “Man, it feels great to see you again. They’re uptight fucks over there, you know? They threatened to kick me out. I told them there’s no rule you can’t sit in a place all morning.”

I reply, “I kind of think there is, Skip. It’s called loitering.”

“Damn, that’s what they said, too. Fuck ‘em. Too many rules. Made me keep ordering mimosas. Scammed me outta some cash, but you are worth it, bro. I came as soon as I heard, best buddy You look great!”

“You do, too, Skip. Uh, were you ever a lifeguard?”

Skip looks confused. I mention his tank top. He laughs, “OH! Oh, yeah, no. I got this from a fan who thought I’d look hot as a lifeguard. Wanted to see me get fucked at the beach. By a guy I rescued. And by a beach bully. And by a skinny, pale nerd after I kicked sand on him.” He pauses. I wait to see if he’s done. He’s not. “And by another lifeguard.”

Ryan, my actual best friend is standing with me. We just had lunch and were coming back to my place to hang out. He’s 29, white, 6’4”, 250-lbs, muscular, and handsome. He asks, “Sorry, I’m still caught on the first bit. Best buddy?”

My actual best friend, Ryan.

I’m able to turn my head to Ry in the crushing embrace, “It’s just an expression.” I look down at Skip wrapped around me and look back to Ry, “I think.”

Skip lets go, but leans up against me, draping his right arm over my right shoulder as he rubs my chest and abs through my t-shirt with his left hand, “Hey, dude, yeah, technically, I’m not his best bud. Yet. But I’m an old friend and his old best buddy just dumped him. I am here to fill the gap, because Cody is the best and I hate seeing him hurting.” He looks at me, “Still gorgeous, even with everything you’re going through.”

I ask, “Skip, what are you talking about?”

“I heard Ryan went insane and broke up with you, so I came to fill the hole he left in your life. Drove like a thousand miles. Poor Cody. I never liked that guy, you know. He always acted like he was smarter than me, you know? Like I didn’t know what I was saying. Always correcting me. I know my road trip’s been long, but no matter where I go, I’m always here for you, man.”

I explain, “Skip, what you’re talking about happened almost two years ago. Ry and me patched things up. As you can clearly see.” I point at Ry standing beside me. Skip looks confused. “I’m all good on the best buddy front. You remember him, right?”

Skip shakes his head, “No. What’s your name?”


“Oh, cool. Another Ryan. Do you know THE Ryan? The one I’m talking about? I mean Ryan.”

Skip makes hand motions to indicate someone much taller, much wider, and the final one is … like a growling bear with claws ready to attack? I guess he means that Ry was ferocious or mean? Ry was bigger last time Skip saw him. Not taller, but Skip’s a little drunk.

“You know THAT Ryan? He’s a guy Cody grew up with. This man, this amazing, sweet, sexy man called that Ryan best friend for all those years, only to be stabbed in the back. But worry not, Cody. I’m here for you!”

I sigh, “Skip, this is Ryan. My best friend.”

“You made another best friend named Ryan? That was quick. Kind of a weird coincidence. But I’m down with it. Makes it easy to remember. Hey, New Ryan. How’s it going?”

Ry is annoyed, “I’m not a Ryan or New Ryan. I’m THE Ryan.”

“Good attitude, New Ryan. You don’t play second fiddle to anyone. Especially old Ryan.”

I give Ry a look to be nice. My actual best friend calms down, “Nice to see you again, Skip.” He can’t help but add, “I am Cody’s best friend. Ryan.”

“Yeah, I get it, New Ryan. You’re similar, but a total upgrade if you don’t mind me saying. Like Ryan is big. You’re big. But not, like, the same big, you know?” He moves in and grabs Ry’s face. He closes his eyes and feels it. Ry looks at me. I just smirk and shrug. Skip stops and steps back, “Yeah, you’ve got better energy than old Ryan, too. Some rage - I've got some awesome meditation music for that - but mostly, I'm feeling pretty good chi.”

Skip looks back at me, “So, you’re good, Cody? Got a new Ryan, but are you over the whole breakup?”

I just shrug, “Sure.”

Skip whips his hand out and cups my balls. “Since I’m here, how about a fuck for the road? No one fucks me like you do, Cody.” He turns, “You can watch, New Ryan. Don’t film us. I only do that in my van. Or on my van. Against my van. Or on like a mountain during sunset. Or sunrise. Sometimes in a river. Lake. Woods. Beach. Outdoors, you know? Moonlight’s cool, too. Unless I’m inside. Then I use lamps. Like a motel room. I get fucked in those, too.”

I tell him, “Uh, Skip, I have a serious boyfriend. His name is Jae. He lives with me. I only fuck other guys in The Cave now.” Ry raises an eyebrow. I add, “Or in special cases that Jae knows about.”

Skip looks shocked, “What? So, no sugar for your almost new best bud? After all the trouble I went through to get here and comfort you?”

I sigh, “Why don’t you come upstairs, Skip?” I’ll sober him up before sending him on his way. It’s too hot for him to sleep it off in his van.

“Okay, now that’s more like it.” He turns, “You coming, New Ryan?”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”



Skip is a great guy. Really. He’s fun and genuinely harmless. Positive, sees the best in life. Very quirky. He has never been … with it. He lives in his own world. Usually confused. Clueless. Goofy. Funny. Lots of stories. Most of them true, but all through his particular lens. But add in an external force like a morning of mimosas and you get what just happened on the street. When we hung out, I never let him drink.

Ry and me sit him down and we chat. He’s been all over. Driving around the country in a van. Sleeping in it most nights, using hostels, shelters, or even rivers to clean up. He fucks for money. Apparently, he has a fan site — Hard Van Hobo — run by his twin brother Nathan, the only person he regularly stays in touch with. When he says that can’t believe it’s been three years, I think he’s telling the truth. He really doesn’t know how long he’s been gone.

Hard Van Hobo!

Skip hasn’t missed any meals or workouts, though. His muscles are as hard and tight as ever. Fuck. Says he does it all with natural food and classic exercises using his body weight. A lot of yoga, push-ups, and sit-ups. Does a lot of biking, hiking and climbing. Eats well. Looking like he does, it’s no wonder his fan site works to keep him fed and his van gassed up.

As for him hearing about me and Ry, Skip’s brother isn’t in my circle of friends, but he’s adjacent to it as everyone’s point of contact for Skip. I had to reach out to Nate when we started sending out Cave bonuses. Skip wrestled for us twice as Wildcat in our early days when he was just 19 and I was 23. It’s how we became friends. He was good, better than you’d think he’d be, but lost both times. The old apartment matches don’t sell that well, but his sales have seen an uptick. Maybe because of his fan site.

Nate gets and sends updates from Skip’s buddies, dutifully passing them along, but Skip is Skip. That’s why he’s two years out of date. I’m happy to see him and hear his stories. He’s still calling Ry “New Ryan”, but he tells him he likes him and that he’s way cooler than ‘old Ryan’ who he ‘never liked’. At least Ry is amused by it all. There’s no point in getting angry with Skip. He takes a nap, letting Ry and me get the final party guest list done.

When Skip is sober and knows that I’m all right, I expect he’ll hop into his van and disappear again. I still invite him to stay for dinner when he wakes. He accepts. We head up to the roof deck and he goes wild for it. He loves the space, spinning around. Skip says, “New Ryan! You can totally film Cody fucking me up here. Lemme get my shit outta my van.” Before we can respond, Skip is flying down the stairs.

Ry smirks, “I like your new best buddy. Skip is definitely an upgrade over old Ryan.”

I playfully stick my tongue at him, “Shut it, New Ryan.”




I pat Skip on the back, “It was a clearly a ‘no parking’ zone from 4 to 7, Skip.”

“You know where there are no ‘no parking zones’? In nature.” Skip looks at his phone, “Man, c’mon, Nate. Call me back. I need my van.”

My boyfriend Jae says, “You can stay here until he calls.”

“Thanks, man, but I don’t like bedrooms. The world is my bed. Gotta be a park around here where I can crash. Unless you got a van?”

Jae smiles, “I was thinking here, on the roof.”

Skip looks around, “Whoa. Yeah? I can sleep up here? For real? You really mean it?”

Jae nods. I’m not surprised. After we said good night to Skip, before we knew about his towed van, Jae admitted that he was charmed by Skip. Told you. He’s a good guy. And he’s sobered up from the morning, so he was great at dinner. We drove the neighborhood, just to confirm the van wasn’t somewhere else, that Skip didn’t forget where he parked. We saw nothing.

Before we know it, Skip is stripped to his underwear — sexy red briefs. Damn, he looks good. His phone buzzes. I see the screen. It’s Nate. Maybe we won’t have a guest, after all. Skip talks to his brother, who I’m guessing is not happy. Nate’s the exact opposite of Skip — straight, shy, responsible, settled. He lives a quiet suburban life working a 9-5 corporate job. I’m sure taking care of his flighty twin is not his favorite thing in the world to do.

I eavesdrop, not trusting Skip to recount the facts correctly. That sounds mean, I know, but trust me, Skip is the last guy you’d want to play a game of telephone with. Nate knows it, too. He asks to speak directly with me. After apologizing for Skip (I tell him that’s not necessary), he asks if Skip can really stay overnight. Nate is worried it’s an imposition, but he lives an hour away and it’s late. I assure him it’s cool. I explain about the roof deck and Nate relaxes.

Plans set, I explain, “Okay, Skip, looks like you’re good. You’re our guest for the night.”

“Sweet. I’m sorry guys. I just forgot that you guys are so oppressed by The Man. How they control you, tell you how to live, what to think … when and where to park. Fuckers. As soon as Nate gets here, I’m gonna pay you guys back every cent.”

“Every cent of what?”

That stumps him. “Uh, didn’t I borrow money?” I shake my head. “Oh, the food. You got gouged by the grocery industrial complex. I’ll pay you for that.” I shake my head. “The space. Man, I’m taking up your space.”

“Nope. You’re not. We have a surprising number of houseguests around here, but no one had dibs on the roof tonight. You’re fine.”

“Damn, Cody. You’re the best almost best buddy I ever had. I hope old Ryan realizes what he threw away.” I just nod. “But you have New Ryan now. And Jae. And me!” Skip grabs a metal bottle of water and lifts it high, “Cheers to you guys.” Jae and me match him, clinking bottles and taking a drink.

The three of us clean up. We have all the supplies a guest needs. With clean teeth and fresh breath, we prepare for bed, Jae finds a sleeping bag and I grab pillows. We head up to the roof. Skip has found the mats under the pergola. He’s stretched out, looking sexy as fuck. When Jae hands him the sleeping bag, he asks, “Aren’t you guys sleeping up here with me?”

We look at each other, shrug, and decide we will join him. Back downstairs, we grab our double sleeping bag that fits two. Jae says, “We might like sleeping under the stars. Weird we didn’t do it on our first night after they finished.”

I joke, “Camping outside to appease an excited little boy. You know, Skip’s suddenly feeling like a practice son. We’ll have to buy a tent for camping on the roof when we have a real kid.”

As we walk up the stairs together, my boyfriend asks, “You think about us having kids?”

“Definitely. You don’t want kids?”

“Of course, I do. I just didn’t know you did.”

I shrug, “You know how I grew up. This is exactly like what my dad used to do with my brothers and me in the backyard. This is something I’ll want to do with —”

“HOT TUB TIME!” Skip is in up to his thighs as we look over, “Let’s soak, man! I’ve been to like 20 different hot springs. It’s so good for you. Do you add minerals to the water?”

I shrug, “Sure.” I don’t think we do, but Jae handles that stuff. “You can take those briefs off, Skip. The roof’s private.” I whisper to Jae, “And this is where he stops being a practice kid and becomes our slutty houseguest who repays our kindness with sex.”

Jae laughs, “I hope so. The guy’s only source of income is getting fucked in a van. He’s gotta be pretty good at it, right?”

“Let’s find out.”



We strip down and the three of us slide in naked. Skip is in heaven. He leans back and looks up at the sky. His legs stretch out and float up. He puts his feet on our cocks, rubbing them. We lie back, letting him relax. Skip slides up, spins around, and sits between us. He grabs our cocks. He leans toward me for a kiss. I accept, holding his head as I own his mouth.

When we break, he moves to Jae. I watch the two of them making out. It’s so hot. Combined with Skip’s tight grip on my cock, I’m getting hard. Skip pulls off and spins to face us. He grabs our cocks again, this time from underneath. He lifts them to point up. His hands go through a routine. Squeeze the base. Open and slide up one hand length. Squeeze again. All the way to the tip and back down to do it again. I like it.

Skip asks, “So, men, one at a time or together?”

We reply in unison, “Together.”

The horny van hobo smiles, “I love you guys.” He looks over, “I can set up the cams. Luckily, I got ‘em before the Los Angeles governmental crime ring stole my van. Fuckers.” He refocuses, “I’ve never been fucked by two guys in a hot tub.” Pause. “On a roof.” Pause. “Uh, at night.” Okay, we’re done. “On camera.” No, we’re not. Skip adds another qualifier, “For my fan site.” Now? Nope. “Except for the time at that Come Inn outside Spokane, but those guys weren’t even as close to being as hot as you guys.”

I wait. When he doesn’t add anything else, I answer for both of us, “Don’t worry about it. You’re our guest. We don’t want this to be work for you. Let’s just have fun.”

Skip smiles, “Always thinking. Yeah, Cody, you’re right. Fucking on camera is my job. Oh man, can you believe I have a job? Tonight, I don’t wanna work. I just wanna play.” He dives on top of me, straddling my legs. We make out until he slides back. Skip reaches out and pulls Jae’s head toward me. “Let’s play! I wanna see how much you guys love each other.”

Jae and me start making out. Skip keeps pumping as he encourages us. Our hands explode the other’s body. I’m hard as a rock. Jae is twitching as I hit several of his many erogenous zones. Skip is doing a light corkscrew movement up and down my shaft. Fuck. He’s not going hard or fast, just priming me. Edging me. It’s working as I moan into Jae’s mouth.

My boyfriend is whimpering. He’s more sensitive than I am to sexual stimulation, so I know he’s going wild. I move to attack his mouth with my mouth, and he just looks up at the stars. Jae moans and gasps. He tells us both to keep going. I take Skip’s cue and go light to keep Jae on edge. He grips my body as he loses himself in the double team assault on his gorgeous body.

Skip slides his hand off my cock. He mounts Jae’s lap. I break off and he takes over, giving Jae his full attention. While Skip and Jae make out, I move in behind Skip. He needs very little prompting to lift his ass above the water line. I dive in between his firm, muscular butt cheeks, eating him out while he makes out. They’re both whimpering now as I prep our eager guest.

I stand up and tap both, “We’ve been in here long enough. Let’s move to the mats.”

They agree, so I grab Skip in a reverse bearhug. He leans back against me as I squeeze him. I lift him out of the hot tub and set him down outside. Jae hops out and they resume making out. They’re back locked in a tight embrace, so I wrap them in one of our two-man towels. As their lips reconnect, I grab another smaller towel. I rub their heads, drying off their hair.

Skip shrugs off the towel, “I’m good, Cody. I like the chills and goosebumps.”

Of course he does. Jae and me dry off as Skip grabs a fresh towel to help us out. He explores both of us, slowly rubbing us down. We let him handle our lower body as my boyfriend and me kiss passionately. While he’s kneeling, Skip can’t resist engulfing my cock in his mouth. Oh fuck. Jae and I break and look down at our visitor as he goes halfway down my monster cock.

Skip shifts to go between us. His throat is warmed up from me, so he takes Jae to the base, getting my boyfriend’s eyes to roll back in his head. God, I love when Jae looks like that. I could just stand here watching Jae in ecstasy, but the kneeling nomad doesn’t forget about me. I find out that he’s as good with his left hand as he is with his mouth. Oh fuck, that’s nice.

It turns out Skip can focus. Or maybe he’s just going on instincts, but his mouth and hand work independently. Jae and me just watch him work, both slack-jawed. I have my arm around Jae’s shoulder and he’s grabbing me around my back. When the kneeling stud switches back, I find he’s ambidextrous, too. His right hand replaces his mouth on Jae’s cock, not stopping at all.

Now it’s my turn to experience Skip’s deep throat skills. Holy fuck. Skip is great. Going all-in on Jae is one thing, but on me? His years in the van have trained him well. Shit, that’s impressive. Even Jae is impressed. He watches my cock, not his own. My boyfriend jokes, “You’re making me look bad, Skip.” I laugh and lean in for a kiss as we enjoy the premium dick service.

Skip slides off and falls on his butt. He spreads his legs and looks up. “Jae. Wrestle me. Loser cums. Cody always gets top-top, but the winner gets top between us.”

My boyfriend smiles, “Yeah, you wanna wrestle me, Skip?”

“Yeah, I do. Cody, are you okay watching? It’ll be so hot to wrestle your boyfriend with you watching.”

I nod, “Fuck yeah. I love watching Jae wrestle.”

That’s true, whether it’s in The Cave or in a fun encounter like this. Hardest part for me will holding in my load. Skip has me primed to plow his ass, but it’ll be worth it to wait. I reach my hand down and Skip accepts it. I pull him to his feet, but I add power to it. He flies up. I lower my shoulder, and the naked nomad rolls right onto it. I stand, his head and arms hanging down my back, his legs dangling in front.

I carry him caveman style to the mats. As I walk, I finger his hole. Skip moans encouragement. On the mats, I lower him to his feet. Jae’s behind him and grabs Skip around the waist, hugging him and feeling him up. I grab Skip’s head and pull him forward into a deep kiss. He melts as I own his mouth while Jae penetrates his ass with his fingers. I break and look at the two studs.

I say, “You guys have fun. My cock will be waiting.”

Skip smiles big. We let him get down on all fours as I collapse into a chaise, dick in hand. Jae moves to his knees and the two naked muscleboys face off. Jae is bigger, stronger, and more skilled. This should be a fun and easy match for him to dominate. However, his cock is standing out and high, hard as a rock. My boyfriend’s kryptonite is his hyper-sensitive erogenous zones and they’re clearly on fire right now. Maybe Skip will surprise me.



They dive in for a lockup. As expected, Jae easily tackles Skip down. The struggle on the mat, growling and grinding. Neither one is going all out, just rubbing bodies. My boyfriend is proving his physical superiority, but Skip is playing it smart. He’s rubbing Jae very chance he gets. Caressing him. Grabbing his cock. He’s losing the grappling, but cleverly playing the game.

Jae is as hard as we made Skip. He’s gasping every time Skip hits him just right. The bigger muscleboy actually needs a break. He pins the naked nomad’s wrists down, stretching out and using his weight and power advantage to control the smaller musclestud. Except, he doesn’t. Skip pumps his hips, lifting Jae’s butt as he grinds their dicks together. Jae moans.

Skip lifts his head and puts his mouth on Jae’s nipple. AH! The naked nomad is able to pull one hand free he wraps it around Jae, pulling down on his back to keep the nipple accessible. Jae sinks into it. The humping and chest attack has him frozen with pleasure. Lips, tongue, and teeth have my boyfriend whimpering with delight. Skip pushes up harder with his hips and manages to flip them.

Now on top, Skip keeps working the chest, but he grabs Jae’s throbbing rod. The naked nomad pumps it. My boyfriend weakly pushes on Skip. He throws his head back and arches. He moans, “Oh fuck, Skip.” The smaller stud forces Jae’s right arm behind his head. He pushes on it at the elbow with one hand, keeping his tight grip on the bigger muscleboy’s cock with the other.

Skip attacks Jae’s smooth armpit. My boyfriend writhes as Skip tickles the soft flesh with his mouth. There nothing stopping Jae from powering out, but he doesn’t. He can’t. Skip coats his hand with pre-cum and slithers it up and back down Jae’s beautiful body. The naked nomad pumps a big glob of pre-cum from Jae. Skip grabs it with his fingers and brings them up, shoving them in Jae’s gaping mouth.

My boyfriend sucks on the two fingers exploring his mouth, slurping down his pre-cum as he writhes in ecstasy. Skip lets go of the elbow. He slides on top of Jae, smoothly mounting him as he pulls the arm down and to the side. Still finger fucking my boyfriend’s mouth, Skip attacks the neck. The smaller stud slides his wet fingers onto the other side of Jae’s neck. The dual assault has his whole body squirming and shaking.

Jae finally throws Skip off him. He rolls over onto hands and knees, his head hanging down. His cock is fully hard under him, sticking out like a horse in heat. Do horses get heat? Doesn’t matter. Skip is up to his feet, and he moves in fast. The naked nomad grabs Jae’s head and lifts it, locking on a standing head scissors. My boyfriend moans as the powerful legs close up over his ears.

Skip leans forward, planting his hand on the small of Jae’s back. The pressure arches his back, pushing his stomach down and his ass up. The naked nomad puts two fingers of his other hand at the top of Jae’s deep butt crack. My boyfriend has a spectacular butt. Smooth, mountainous, and muscular, it’s gorgeous. Skip slides the same two fingers down the crack.

Jae moans loudly and I know Skip has found his hole. The smaller musclestud teases with small circles and the moans rise an octave. The naked nomad says, “Since you’re Cody’s boyfriend, I know one finger isn’t gonna do much.” My boyfriend lets out a high-pitched squeal when Skip pushes two fingers in. Skip is right. Jae’s used to my big cock. He handles the finger fucking like the stud he is.

Skip’s fingers are in deep. He’s really working them, but I notice that he’s listening intently to the changes in Jae’s moaning. I know those sounds so well. I love how vocal my boyfriend is, but now, he’s giving Skip a roadmap on exactly where to press and work. Sure enough, Skip hears what he wants to hear and toys with the bigger muscleboy. Jae is whimpering. He could break free, but when he gets this hot, his mind sometimes goes blank.

My boyfriend is gyrating, helpless as Skip crushes his head and owns his ass. Jae came into the match hot, thinking Skip would lie down for him. Nope. Skip’s really taken advantage of him so far. The naked nomad slides his fingers out and falls to the side, pulling Jae with him. Keeping the head scissors, he reaches for Jae’s cock and starts pumping. FUCK!

Skip says, “You’re so sexy, Jae. I haven’t topped a guy in a really long time, but your butt is so perfect that I’ll cum out of retirement.” He looks at me, “Isn’t it so perfect?”

I nod, “It is, Skip. Absolutely perfect.”

Jae growls and finally fights back. He uses his power and gets free, rolling away onto his back. He fights to gather himself. Skip is all wound up. He’s up and leaps, splashing down on Jae. SPLAT! The smaller stud bounces off as my boyfriend coughs. Skip grabs the bigger muscleboy’s left leg. He lifts and spins, putting Jae in a single leg crab. UNH!

The naked nomad sits lower. I know why he went for a single leg crab. It leaves a hand free to roam. Sure enough, Skip reaches down and starts playing with Jae’s dangling balls. He correctly guesses that my boyfriend loves his balls being played with. I see Jae’s fingers digging into the mat as he closes his eyes and moans loudly. “OH FUCK!” Yeah, this is more pleasure than pain.

Skip reaches again and finds Jae’s dick. He runs his fingertips along it. My boyfriend gasps. The feather touch drives him wild. I’ve made him cum with just a light touch. Skip’s fingers roam, slithering along the shaft to the head. Back to the base. Over the balls along the inside of Jae’s leg. That makes him fight and thrash in the hold. Skip has to pause to secure the hold.

With control reasserted and Jae calmed down, the naked nomad goes back to work. He teases Jae, making him whimper and cry out. The bigger muscleboy is loving it. I can see it in his face. I can hear it in his voice. He better be careful, letting Skip bring him so close. When Skip’s hand wraps around Jae’s throbbing cock and start pumping, he cries out, “NO!” Jae easily kicks out.

Jae gets back to hands and knees. His butt is up and facing Skip. The smaller musclestud leaps onto Jae’s back butt first, crying out, “Ride ‘em, cowboy!” WHOMP! SPLAT! Jae’s face and shoulders hit the mat hard, while his butt stays up. Skip rolls around, mounting Jae and facing down his body. Skip presses my boyfriend’s face down into the mat with his butt and uses shins to hold down Jae’s arms, keeping him in the child’s pose.

The naked nomad leans forward, his own hard cock stretching between Jae’s shoulder blades. Skip reaches under Jae’s stomach to grab hold of the muscleboy’s rock-hard rod. He powers two fingers from his other hand back inside Jae’s butt. My boyfriend moans as he’s milked and finger-fucked simultaneously. Skip decides to add a third finger inside Jae, driving the trapped muscleboy wild.

Skip is going for it. He has Jae submissive and trapped, owning my boyfriend’s cock and ass. The naked nomad pumps his own hips, humping Jae’s back with his cock. He leaves a line of pre-cum on Jae’s spine as he works himself and the helpless muscleboy. Skip is talented. For a guy who can’t manage much, he is managing to work his hands and hips in unison.

Jae is a mess right now. He’s loving it, his groaning and sensual grunts have my cock so hard right now that I might explode before either of them. I’m not in the match, but I’m still not going to cum first. Skip’s ass is mine no matter what. I’d actually love to join in and plow Skip while he forces Jae to give up his load. But I’ll wait. I just need to watch and keep my hands off my cock.

Suddenly, Jae roars. Not from an orgasm, but to stop it. I guess he has some willpower left. The bigger muscleboy bursts up, throwing Skip off his back. He cut it close, but Jae did not cum. He rolls to his knees facing Skip, trying capture his breath. His chest and stomach are expanding and contracting. His cock is standing at attention, shiny and proud, still leaking.

Skip charges in, but Jae’s focused this time. He meets Skip’s charge and flips the smaller musclestud to the mat on his back. SPLAT! Jae rolls Skip up into a ball, pushing the naked nomad’s knees to his shoulders. My boyfriend shifts to the side, using his pecs to keep one leg down and his right hand to secure the other. Skip kicks and squirms, but he can’t move Jae.

My boyfriend shoves his right index finger into Skip’s mouth. Of course, the smaller musclestud eagerly sucks on it. Jae works it in and out. He adds his middle finger. Skip relaxes and works on the digits, treating them a cock. He uses his tongue and lips as Jae slides them in and out, exploring Skip’s mouth as Skip did to him. Nothing wrong with taking a page out of your opponent’s book.

Jae takes his two fingers from Skip’s mouth. He forces the chill dude onto his stomach, immediately plunging his wet middle finger deep inside Skip’s ass. The smaller muscleman gasps. His eyes roll back in his head, and he arches his back. Skip moans happily. My boyfriend grabs Skip’s hair and pulls back. He finger fucks the naked nomad, taking possession of him.

Fair is fair. Skip did it to him. And Skip’s loving it.

The sudden shift in Jae’s face from his beautiful bottom boy expression to his determined look is so hot. It’s easy to forget that he was a college football player. When my sweet man unleashes his competitive spirit, he can be as intense as fuck. I see that in him now. Skip’s laidback attitude lulled Jae into going too easy and having fun. I think that’s over. It makes my cock even harder, so I keep watching with my hands away from my dick.

The bigger muscleboy forces his ring finger in next. Skip’s back is arched, his arms straight, and his hands planted on the mat. He is flexing his sexy butt cheeks, tightening and relaxing them as he’s opened up. Jae rises, forcing Skip up by his hair and hole. The naked nomad has no choice but to follow. As he rises, I notice Skip’s cock is purple and leaking, leaving a puddle of pre-cum on the mat.

Jae pulls his fingers out. He forces Skip into a full nelson. The smaller muscleboy can’t resist Jae’s superior strength. I have to say, for a guy living in a van, Skip’s body is tight. Actually, for any guy, Skip’s body is tight. Stretched out like this, he’s like an anatomy chart. I can’t wait to watch Jae fuck him. And, of course, I’m really excited to fuck him right after.

As if reading my thoughts, Jae walks the helpless musclehunk over to me. The moaning muscleboy looks down at me, gasping. Skip’s throbbing cock is right there. He struggles against Jae’s power, but he can’t break free. The naked nomad swivels his hips and pushes them back, grinding his ass against Jae’s cock. My boyfriend could fuck him right now.

My boyfriend asks, “You like this, Skip?”

“UNH! You’re so fucking strong, Jae! Oh fuck! I’m so fucking hard right now!” Skip thrusts his hips forward, “Tell him, Cody. Tell him how hard I am!”

I reach out and grab his rod. I squeeze and pump, “He’s not lying, jagi. Skip is hard as a rock.” I bat the cock around a bit, causing Skip to gyrate and whimper. I tease as I playfully abuse his dick, “But don’t finish him off, yet. Skip likes it when men make him suffer, don’t you, Skip?”

The helpless hunk whimpers softly, “Yes.” I grab Skip’s balls and toy with them. He thrashes and begs but doesn’t submit. Skip says, “Oh god, it’s like you guys are tag teaming me! I’m gonna blow all over you, Cody!”

I let go. Skip groans. His dick is pulsing, but not shooting. Phew. I lean back again, “He’s all yours, babe. Enjoy.”

Jae forces Skip back to the mats. He releases the full nelson. Skip is dazed, making it easy for Jae to force his head back into a standing dragon sleeper. Skip’s hips are out, and his back is bent as my boyfriend holds him tight. When the bigger muscleboy starts caressing Skip’s hot pecs, the smaller stud twitches and twists. Jae holds tight, forcing Skip to endure the torture.

“Fuck, look at your dick, Skip. It’s so fucking hard and shiny. It’d be so easy to finish you off.”

Skip whines, “It hurts! Please, Jae! Just touch it!”

My boyfriend looks at me. I shake my head. He replies to Skip, “No, I don’t think so.” Skip groans. He reaches for his cock, but Jae swats his hand away and orders, “NO!” Skip whimpers, but obediently lets his arms drop. Jae goes back to teasing his body, “What’s wrong? Do none of your hookups do foreplay? Edge you? Is it all wham-bam in a van?”

The helpless hunk whimpers but doesn’t speak. My boyfriend rakes his fingers up from the base of Skip’s painful erection, over the chiseled abs to the sculpted pecs. He pats the chest, “You must be hurting. I’ll give you a break.” My boyfriend drops down to his left knee, bringing Skip down onto Jae’s right leg. CRACK! He lets go and Skip collapses on the mat.

Skip rolls onto his stomach. He instinctively humps the mat, looking to get off. Jae pulls him up by his hair. “Oh no you don’t!” My boyfriend locks on a tight bearhug. Skip sinks against the bigger, muscular body. He rubs Jae’s shoulders. “Look at me, Skip.” The naked nomad obeys. Jae plants his mouth on Skip’s. The smaller stud responds, kissing him back.

Jae tightens the bearhug as hard as he can then eases up. He repeats it, pulsing the punishment. Every time he crushes Skip, the smaller stud lets out a big breath, which Jae sucks down. Skip sags in the hold, giving up the fight. He just wants to fuck. Jae feels it, too. He pulls his mouth off, “I guess I’m done with you, Skip. You ready to give up your load?”

Skip eagerly nods, “Yes! Please. Take it!”

“No, I’m not taking it. You’re going to give it to me.”

My boyfriend adjusts Skip in the bearhug. The smaller stud doesn’t even try to fight it. He’s too far gone for that. Jae is tall enough to step over Skip’s throbbing erection. He lifts his own junk out of the way as he brings his legs together, closing up tight around Skip’s cock. The naked nomad’s cock isn’t long enough to stick out on the other side. He gasps as the bigger muscleboy’s powerful legs squeeze his throbbing dick.

Jae squeezes as he orders, “Give up, Skip. Give in to me.”

Skip starts pumping his hips, jerking his rod between Jae’s muscular legs. The smaller stud thrusts back and forth, holding my boyfriend’s arms tightly for support. It doesn’t take long before he is gasping as he masturbates using Jae’s powerful legs. “I’m cumming! Oh god! OH FUCK! I GIVE!” Skip’s body shudders and he cries out. Jae tightens the bearhug as Skip keeps humping.

The naked nomad suddenly goes limp. His head hangs back, his back arches, and his arms hang loose. Skip’s legs are like spaghetti and only Jae’s mighty muscles are keeping him up. Skip whimpers, but he has a smile on his face. My boyfriend bends forward and lower Skip onto his back. I can see Skip’s white cum running down the inside on Jae’s legs as the smaller stud writhes on the mat, his cock soft and drained.

I toss Jae a towel as I move in. He grabs it, but immediately tosses it to Skip. He orders, “Skip, clean up your mess.” The smaller stud rolls around and gets to his knees. Jae opens his legs. I swoop in behind Jae. I reach around to play with his pecs while I kiss his neck. Skip rubs down the inside of Jae’s legs. My boyfriend moans and leans back against me as we pamper him.

We’re still going when I see Skip’s lips on Jae’s cock. I feel his hand reaching up between Jae’s legs and gripping my cock. He pumps me and I quickly stiffen back up. Having lost the match and his load, the smaller stud is letting us know that he’s eager to get going on another round. We take our time, enjoying the moment and the service. Jae starts twitching. I pull off and move around to see what’s going on.

While he sucks, Skip is lightly tickling his balls with rapid scratching motion of his fingertips. It’s driving my boyfriend nuts. I’ll need to remember that. The kneeling nomad reaches out and does the same to me. Ooh. Nice. I’m not nearly as sensitive as Jae, but I still like it. Jae is struggling to keep his feet and his load. I suggest he lie down, which he eagerly does.

Once Jae’s down, he gets all of Skip’s attention. Skip reaches out and starts doing a tickling motion with his fingertips on Jae’s cock and balls. The bigger muscle stud writhes and moans, arching his back. Skip says, “Never had a guy cum from this. Just get excited. You gonna be the first, Jae?” My boyfriend shakes his head, but I wonder. His dark cock is bouncing, throbbing, and leaking. A thin strand of pre-cum stretches down from tip to abs.

Skip looks up, “Got protection? Promised Nate I’d stay safe.”

I nod and grab some. When I get back, Skip’s hands are sliding all over Jae’s stomach and chest. Slowly rubbing all the way up then all the way back down. The kneeling nomad leans forward and engulfs Jae’s cock with his mouth. He deep throats while his hands work over my boyfriend’s powerful body. Jae suddenly reaches out and grips Skip’s forearms.

Jae moans, “Slow down. I’m so fucking ready.”

Skip pulls off. He takes a condom from me and sheathes Jae’s throbbing rod. Skip moves forward. He grabs Jae’s cock and points it up. He starts to sit, “Thanks for opening me up, Jae.” Skip slides down, taking the bigger muscleboy’s cock inside him. He moans as he descends all the way, eventually accepting the whole thing as he sits on Jae’s pelvis.

The naked nomad grips Jae’s pecs and raises his ass a couple of inches. Jae doesn’t need any direction. He starts lifting his hips, slamming his dick in deep. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Skip stays steady, just taking the pounding. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Jae’s amazing ass didn’t just happen. He can do bridges for days. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Skip cries out, his muscles ripped as he fights to stay steady.

Despite watching a lot of wrestling in my role as Cave co-owner, I’m not much for being a voyeur. I prefer to be in the action. I move in. Skip looks up. His mouth is hanging open as his hole is hammered. I step forward. Skip moves one hand between Jae’s pecs and reaches out. He pulls me forward. I straddle Jae, opening my legs until my cock is mouth high for Skip.

Skip jerks my cock and uses his lips and tongue on the head. Fuck, he’s good. With him being slammed, he can’t go down on me, but this is great. He’s got an amazing corkscrew technique as his mouth goes in the opposite direction. He’s so scattered most of the time, it’s bizarre how well he multi-tasks during sex. Jae grabs my legs for support. He’s gasping now.

Jae cries out, “So close!”

Suddenly, Skip stands up, denying my boyfriend his orgasm. Jae lets out a loud groan. Skip rolls away onto all fours. “Spit roast me, guys! Jae, you go in back. Finish up and I’ll give Cody a better blowjob.” We eagerly get into position. I love looking at Jae while we enjoy the naked nomad. He feels the same. Once he’s back inside, we stare at each other while we use Skip.

We’re both hammering in time, Skip’s muscles are popping as he fights against our thrusts. He’s moaning with pleasure. Jae’s grunting and I’m encouraging both. I lean into it and reach out down Skips back. I put my hands on Jae’s as he grips Skip’s waist. I caress his forearms. His face tells me how close he is. When I’m grabbing his biceps, I ask, “Wanna finish?”

Jae can only nod. I bring my hands in and pinch his nipples. “AHH!” I play with them, and he leans closer so I can really work his chest. My boyfriend grunts, “CUMMING!” Jae goes in balls deep as he explodes inside Skip’s ass. I stop pounding and Skip moans, holding my cock in place. Jae resumes his thrusts, going slowly to drain himself dry. I slide Out of Skip’s mouth.

When my boyfriend slides free, Skip spins around. He looks back at me, “Fuck me, Cody. Please.” I wrap my dick and grab his hips. The smaller muscle stud leans forward, “Lemme clean that up, Jae.” He engulfs Jae’s cock, slurping on it, drinking in the cum coating from the condom. I start pounding. Skip pulls off Jae’s cock so he can scream, “OH FUCK YEAH!”

Jae grabs Skip’s head. He makes out with him while I wreck his hole. Skip is holding onto my boyfriend as I pummel his ass, pounding him hard. He always could take a rough fuck. Glad to see that he still can. Skip’s locked between Jae’s tender kissing and caressing and my relentless ravaging. I grab Skip’s shoulders as I pull him back, making sure he takes all of my massive cock.

Skip is grunting into Jae’s mouth with every deep thrust. He breaks the kiss, begging Jae, “Jerk me, Jae! I wanna give you another load!” My boyfriend reaches one hand down and grabs hold. He starts milking Skip and the smaller muscle stud is crying out. He lifts his head and howls at the moon. Seconds later, I’ve fucked another load out of our latest houseguest.

Skip’s orgasm is intense, and it brings my load up quickly. I’ve been going for a bit and was primed while they were wrestling. I decide to give into my balls, but not inside Skip. I pull out and stand up. When I circle around, Jae slides behind Skip. He locks on a rear naked choke as I drive my cock inside Skip’s mouth. The naked nomad is craving my cum, reaching up to guide my cock inside.

That’s nice, but I want more. I grab his hair and drive my cock in deeper. Jae holds him tight while I pound his mouth, face-fucking him mercilessly. Skip looks up at me through tear-streaked eyes. He’s hungry for my load. He doesn’t need to wait long. I unload down his throat, filling his belly with my cum. Skip expertly drinks it down, taking all I have to give.

When I’m nearing the end of my explosive release, I pull out, making sure the final shots fill his mouth and coat his tongue. I pull out and step back. Jae lets go of the choke but pulls Skip’s head back. He kisses the smaller muscle stud, sucking my cum out of his mouth as they both enjoy the last drops of my load. I watch them kiss before grabbing us water.

We rehydrate and just bask under the moonlight. We clean up again, this time all three of us in our oversized shower in the primary bedroom. When we return to the roof, we zip the sleeping bags together. Skip as small spoon, Jae in the middle, and me cuddling my boyfriend from behind. It doesn’t take long before we all crash,



I feel movement. Someone is up. It’s Skip. By the time I open my eyes, he’s sitting down on one of the chaise lounges, just staring at the sky. Jae’s crashed. He’s a heavy sleeper, especially after wrestling and sex, so I’m not surprised that he didn’t stir. I carefully slide out of the sleeping bag and move to the chaise beside Skip. I join him in looking up. We’re both naked, enjoying the peace and, well, relative quiet of late-night city noise.

Skip whispers, “Cody, have you ever seen the stars?”

“I’m seeing them now.”

“No, you’re not. There are so many more stars when you’re out of the city. Like when I was in South Dakota. There were so many in the sky that it looked fake. Every time I come back here, I miss the stars.”

I nod, understanding. “Yeah, I know what you mean. My dad used to take me and my brothers on camping trips. The sky was amazing. I haven’t thought about that for a long time. I guess I forgot how different the night sky looks outside of LA.”

“Not just LA. Every city. I don’t think I can move back. Not full-time.”

We stare up a while longer. I ask, “Are you hitting the road when you get your van back?”

Skip shrugs, “I don’t know. I want to, but I don’t, you know. Probably not. I wanna see my parents. And spend time with my brother. I miss them more than I miss the stars. Oh, and I wanna wrestle for The Cave while I’m here. Playing with Jae was so much fun.” Before I can respond, Skip sits up fast, “Oh, shit. Cody! Is The Cave even still going without Old Ryan?”

I told him this, but that’s when he was drunk, so I answer like it’s the first time, “Yeah … I’m actually doing it with New Ryan and it’s bigger than ever. We’re in a ring now, no more mats laid out on the floor of my old apartment like when you last wrestled for us. Give me your phone before you go, and I’ll put in the address.”

“I remember that place. I don’t know addresses, but I can get back to any place I’ve ever had sex. I’m like a human homing pigeon. Like if you asked me to go back to the center of the cornfield maze in Kansas where Clark, this big, hot farmboy fucked my brains out three times, I could do it. His name wasn’t really Clark, but Nate named him that because he was a tall muscle guy with dark hair and wore glasses.”

“Very cool. Like your very own Clark Kent.”

Skip looks confused, “Who?”

“Clark Kent. Kansas. Farm boy. Muscles. Dark hair. Glasses.”

“Oh, that’s a funny coincidence. I don’t know him. This guy kinda looked like Neil Clarke, a guy Nate and I went to high school with.” Skip pauses. “I didn’t go to high school with anyone named Clark Kent. Maybe you’re thinking of a guy you know? I do that. Think of people I know, instead of people other people know. It can be hard because we all know different people, so I don’t know who you know. And vice versa.”

I switch gears. “If you do stay around for a bit, I’m holding a wrestling-themed birthday party for New Ryan here on Saturday night. It’ll be a blast.”

Skip smiles, “Oh yeah? Awesome. I really like New Ryan. Can Nate come?”

“Of course. We’re having a door man. I’ll add both of you to the guest list and you can each bring one guest with you.”

“Cool. Even though we’re only almost best buddies, I’m happy I came back.”

“Me too, Skip.”


Casting …

Skip: Chris Bednarik

Cody: Leighton Stultz

Ryan: Mike Bennett

Jae: Mike Car


  1. I’m loving these more interpersonal stories with these characters, it’s been real happy as of late & that’s fun. Cave beef & deep rivalries are also fun but I been vibing heavily as we prepare for Old Ryan’s party.

    1. Thanks! This was originally a short or a bonus story, because I didn’t think there was enough to it. Appreciate hearing that you enjoyed it. I like fun, happy stories, too. :)

  2. I loved this story. The Dominant switch Jae made was hot as hell. I'm also excited to see what happens at this birthday party. Seems like lots of options, anod potential for drama and fun!

    1. Thanks for the comment! Yeah, Jae’s competitive, but we don’t always get to see it really kick in because of his nice guy personality and his one weakness.

      This is my 247th story, so not long now to Ry’s 30th.

  3. Always love stories that involve more character development, so this one is right up my alley. Haven't heard back from you in quite a bit, so I hope everything is ok.

    1. Thanks. Everything is good, just very busy at work and quiet outside of it.
