
Sunday, January 29, 2023

Heroes: Sentinel (Chapter 15/16)

Chapter 15: Violation

Location: State Prison. Conjugal Visit Trailer.

“Get in there.”

“Wait. I told you. I’m not expecting anyone. Please, it’s a setup. Don’t lock me up in here. PLEASE!” The second 'Rack' I met, the henchman I named Bodybuilder Bottom Boy or BBB, is roughly shoved into the trailer, his back to me as the guard slams and locks the door. He's shirtless in standard-issue orange prison pants. Despite his big muscles, he's a coward. He beats on the door in terror, quietly sobbing.

I calmly say, “Hello.”

The 5’7” / 210-lbs henchman slowly turns, immediately dropping to his knees. He begs, “Oh god, please, I didn't betray - wha? Sentinel?” He looks up at me in confusion and shock. I tower over him in my gold and dark red uniform. I extend a hand. He cautiously takes it. I help him to his feet. He asks, “Is - is it - is it really you?”

I pull him into my body. I scoop him up, cradling him. I rise off the floor, hovering with him in my arms as a show of proof, “It is really me, Mr. Bartok.” He holds me around my neck, nervously. Even though he’s a cowardly lion, he did betray Trap Master, and help me save my son. I promised him that he’d get fucked by Sentinel. And a deal’s a deal.

With my identity confirmed, I lower him onto the floor. BBB introduces himself, “You - you can call me Bruce. Sir. Or whatever you want works.” He gulps, “Are you … uhm … are you here to … uhm … you know? Do you know? Hell. Uhm. So, why are you here?”

“Well, Bruce, I heard that you recently made a deal that involved me. Is that true?”

“Oh my god.” The henchman freezes. His thick legs give out. He sits on the bed. I fold my arms across my broad chest. He finally replies, “Yes, Sir. He promised … well, I hope you know what he promised.”

“I do. And at great risk to yourself, you bravely delivered on your end, didn’t you?”

Bruce rises and his thick chest puffs out with pride, “Yes, Sir! I searched for the other hero and found him. Then I told Meat - er, well, I told, uh, him. You know. The guy?”

“I know. Thank you. I’m here to pay up. Unless you’ve changed your mind?”

Bruce hurriedly starts pulling down his pants, “No, no, Sir!” He strips naked (very nice) then hops on the bed. “Take me, I’m yours, you magnificent muscle god!”

I look at the bed, just imagining what has happened on it. I shake my head, “I think we can do better than this.” I pull the naked bodybuilder up. I wrap my cape around his waist. He moans as I do. I carry him to my shuttle out back for a field trip, part of a carefully negotiated deal with the warden. Being Sentinel has its perks.

***** Location: Sentinel Station. High Orbit Over Earth. *****

In minutes, we’re on my space station. I dock directly at the atrium then lead Bruce to the lawn. He’s starstruck by the view. Pun intended. I fly the henchman up and point out the continents and constellations. He slowly relaxes, holding me less tightly, trusting me more.

I ask, “Why did you become a henchman?”

“Oh. Well. My mom. She kept nagging me, ‘when are you gonna get a job’. I’m kind of lazy -”

I observe, “Not at the gym, obviously.”

“Well, no. I love the gym. But you can't get a job just by having muscles.” I hold my tongue, ignoring the fact that there are tons of jobs for musclemen. I let him explain. “Anyway, she wanted me to go into the family business. And I didn’t want to.”

“What’s the family business?”

“Being a henchman.” My eyebrows go up, “See, my father, God rest his soul, was a henchman. My uncle was a henchman. Got a couple of cousins who are henchmen. My cousin Joey is the one who set me up with this Trap Master gig. He said that Trap was a pussy and since I’m a pathetic loser, he’d be just my speed.”

I counsel, “I wouldn’t say you’re pathetic or a loser, but I’m not sure it’s the right career path for you.”

“I guess not. But I won’t have to worry about it for a long time with what I did.”

I float us back down, “Yes, you did help kidnap and torture two people. But it’s your first offense and you helped the heroes in the end, so a good word has already been put in for you. Maybe you’ll do okay.” He thanks me. When we touch back down, I ask, “Shall we get going? Costume on or off?”

“On, please.”

“Somehow, I knew you were going to say that.” He drops my cape from his waist onto the soft grass. I put my hands on my hips in a classic superhero pose, “Would you like to fish it out?” Bruce nods. He drops to his knees and opens the crotch. He reaches in then pulls out my cock and balls. The henchman looks up at me for permission. “It’s all yours, Bruce.”

Bruce cautiously leans in. He takes my semi-hard cock in his mouth. The henchman starts slow then works me harder. I tell him he can be as rough as he wants. I feel his grip tighten, as if testing it. The kneeling man sucks away. He’s good at it, clearly having a lot of experience. My cock grows to its full length and girth. He stops the blowjob and stares at it in amazement.

“It’s the biggest I’ve ever seen.” He’s both seen and tasted it before, but I’m glad he doesn’t realize it. “Fuck. It’s gonna tear me in two.”

I ask, “Is it too much for you?”

“NO!” Bruce rolls onto his back and pulls his legs up. He grabs behind his knees, “I’m ready for you, hero. Do you fucking worst. I’ll never talk!”

I smirk, “So, that’s how you want it? Let’s do this Sentinel-style.”

I pull him up towards me. “Wrap your arms around my neck.” He does. I grab under his legs. “I bet no one’s ever had a big muscleman like you in this position before.” He confirms it. I fly us up into the upper part of the atrium. I press my finger against his hole, “Let’s open you up.”

Bruce moans, “You don’t have to go easy. Split me in two!” I raise an eyebrow. He growls, “Fuck me, hero! I’m an evil bastard. I helped kidnap your weak idiot son Meathead. I sucked him off. Drugged his pathetic hero ass! Grrr! And I loved every minute of it! It’s payback time! Use me! I dare you to make me your fucking bitch! Do your worst!”

I lower him down onto my cock slowly. When my head slides in, he cries out, “OH FUCK!” I pause to let him adjust but he says, “What’s the matter, hero? You not man enough?” I take the hint and push him down further. He cries out in ecstasy as I power inside of his tight hole. I start bouncing him on my dick, up and down. The henchman groans and gasps.

Bruce just stares into my eyes. He softly moans, “Oh fuck! I’ll never tell you where the money is, hero!” I go faster and deeper. Tears well up in his eyes but he’s smiling with joy. He throws his head back, leaning and looking out at the Earth. Bruce screams, “FUCK! See that world? I’m getting fucked by Sentinel! ME! Oh, fuck yes!” I pound his hole and he moans loudly.

I slide out. He looks disappointed. I warn, “I’m not done with you, yet, villain.” I shut the gravity off. He gasps in shock and amazement as he feels it. I lift him to the dome. I spin him around so he’s facing out, looking down on the earth. I order, “Brace yourself for more, villain.” He hangs his arms over one of the interior metal support beams and arches his back.

Bruce cries out, “Wreck my fucking hole!”

I obey by plowing into him from behind as he floats, staring at the planet below. I piston in and out of his ass. I go human-rough and the bodybuilder is loving it. His roleplay fantasy continues as he plays the part of a diabolical villain that I’ve captured. My cock plunges deeper. He’s gasping as I pound him, fucking him like he wants. Rough and without mercy.

From the front, he’s a hot bodybuilder, but from this angle, he’s even hotter. He has a wide ripped back and a plump muscular ass. His arms and shoulders are pumped from bracing against the fucking. The henchman can take a lot as he keeps begging for more. I jackhammer in and out and he’s gasping. He cries out with every punishing pump.

Bruce finally gives, “The only way I’ll talk is if you seed me and I don’t think you got what it takes!” His ass clamps down on my cock and he pushes back into me, driving my cock inside him until he can’t take any more. I hold my position, letting him do the work in zero gravity. It feels incredible as for me he fucks himself on my dick. I’m close, so I warn him. He begs me to shoot in his ass. I thrust in deep and hold, unleashing my cum inside him.

The cowardly henchman screams, “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

When I’m empty, I slide out. I hold him from behind and pull us to the lawn. I turn gravity on. Bruce turns in my arms and hugs me. He worships up and down my body then looks at me with a weird grin. Probably overwhelmed by the moment.

I smile back at him, “Are you all right?”

“I’m perfect. I can’t believe it’s really you.” The henchman reaches out and feels my face. He slides his hands all over. He rests his right palm on my forehead. “I can’t believe it all worked out like this. It all really worked out.”

Suddenly, I see blue energy around his forearm. I feel numb in my forehead and temples. In the reflection of the dome, I see the sharp, craggy energy as talons that pierce my skull. I want to push him away, but I can’t. I’m paralyzed. My arms won’t move. My body won’t react. Bruce steps back with an evil grin on his face, his right arm extended, the blue energy flowing from him. His eyes glow blue as he licks his lips.  

The henchman’s left hand forms a blue energy claw to match the one gripping my head. He reaches up, under my dangling balls, the energy entering me through my skin. It’s not cutting me. It’s worse. It’s like some kind of psionic energy sliding inside me. I feel his real hand cupping my huge balls. My cock grows hard again. It keeps getting bigger. Painfully so. The waves of energy stimulate me. It’s not pleasurable at all but I’m still fully aroused.

The villain reaches back with his left hand. His talons emanate from his head now, pushing my mind backwards and away from control. He pulls out a large latex condom from his ass. It holds my first load. He smirks as he slides it over my cock head. He physically pumps my shaft while his psychic energy pushes me to surrender a second load of my cum.

"Yeah, gimme what I want, bitch. Gimme some of that Sentinel sugar."

As I struggle to regain control with no success, a second load is forcibly taken from me. My whole body shudders as I am forced to ejaculate. Every muscle tenses and my eyes roll back in my head. My mind slips further back in my head. I don’t know how else to describe it, but my conscious mind feels separated from my body. I feel everything but I have no control.

My cum erupts, landing in the thick latex tube. My body shakes. I gasp, unable to speak or react as this … villain … drains me. I feel my balls contracting. I’m shooting blanks now, my cock pulsating but nothing, not even drips, come out. Bruce has a look of smug satisfaction. His talons hold me, head and crotch. I try to fight the energy, to manipulate it, but I can’t.

“Don’t bother fighting it, dog. It’s too late. You’re mine. All mine.” The villain snarls, “My first act of ownership is robbing you of your priceless seed.” He removes and secures the collection container. “Now, for my second act. Humiliation.”

I don’t understand what’s happening. Who is this man?

Bruce laughs loudly. “Confused, dog? Allow me to introduce myself … I am Chameleon! Your new Master. But soon, the world will call me Sentinel, Ruler of Earth.”

“ON YOUR KNEES, DOG!” I obediently drop to my knees. “SUCK YOUR MASTER!” I open my mouth, unable to resist his psionic powers. He slides inside and I suck on his cock. The blue energy talons move my head back and forth. He’s face-fucking me and I can’t do anything about it. The psionic talons pierce deeper into my brain. I’ve never felt helpless like this. Ever. I am normally resistant to psychic powers. How is he doing this?

“Good question.” My eyes go wide. He laughs, “Yes, I am in your brain. Your thoughts, such as they are, already belong to me. My bio-nanites that you so willingly swallowed while being my captive have been infiltrating your brain and opened doorways in your mind. Brilliantly designed to survive your EMP and avoid your body’s formidable defenses, they’ve been quite busy making paths for my psi-powers.”

I’m hearing him with my brain, not my ears. The back of my throat is pounded by his cock. He adjusts my head and drives deeper down my throat. “No gagging. Shame. Let’s change that.” Suddenly, I feel myself choking on his cock. He’s forcing me to breathe, to react to his brutal assault on my mouth and throat. I involuntarily convulse and he laughs at me.

“You’ve heard of Chameleon, of course. I so enjoyed my time with your son. I’ve been body-hopping for so many years, dreaming of a permanent home. He was such a promising candidate for me to finally have a real body again."

What are you?   

"I was a man. Now I'm nothing. But soon, I will be the world's most powerful man. I will be you. I started as a psionic vampire. I entered minds and leeched off their energy. It was intoxicating. I stayed too long in one man's mind and possessed him. However, I learned a difficult lesson. I can never possess the same body twice. Some kind of resistance to me builds up. Even in my own body. When I realized that I'd lost my real body forever, I was crushed and started my long journey to find someone, burning up my hosts in weeks as I searched.”

Why is he telling me this?

“I want to feel my pain and despair before you become my new permanent home. I'd try now, but I can't afford to lose you forever. Only once I am sure you're erased, will I slide into your empty husk. You see, I've always had an affinity for weak-willed, strong-bodied men like Bruce here. All these muscles. Bodybuilders are quite durable. One can last me for months. And being inside a sexy muscleman lets me manipulate all kinds of money-men and real geniuses with the resources that has helped me amplify my abilities. Like the bio-nanites coursing through you."

“I've spent years hunting heroes, waiting for the perfect one. I started by traveling to mid-size cities. Going after local spandex-clad muscleboy heroes. Nobodies. You wouldn’t even know their names. I possessed their boyfriends and girlfriends. Fucked around with them. Fought them. Beat them. Toyed with them. Invaded their minds. Burned them out or got bored fast. They were strong as men, but too weak as hosts. I needed someone with healing or invulnerability, so they could withstand my presence."

"I set my sights on the young ones. The Young Crusaders. I figured they were a bunch of barely legal brats playing dress-up, but a few had real power. I could possess one of them then make the rest my bitches. But it turns out, they’re good. Stronger than me. They’re trained well. In my first attempt against Flyboy, I lost badly. Never even got a foothold inside him. I barely escaped before Gold Mind arrived, sneaking away in a bystander. Who knows what he would've done to me?"

"I realized my limitations. Back to the also-rans. There had to be a rookie, untrained in psychic defenses, that I could make my mindless muscle. While researching possible candidates, I fucked a data clerk in the Department of Defense. I found out that Sentinel has a son. A sweet little muscle punk with strength and invulnerability. Now here was a perfect option. His name was classified, so I started testing muscle boys. They all failed miserably. Until Samson. I just knew that he was the one. Sentinel’s little boy.

“And I was all set to possess him until he panicked and somehow broke my illusion. I tried to get him back, but Intrepid showed up. I couldn’t be sure how many Young Crusaders would be right behind him. Maybe even Gold Mind. Even with all my talents and tech, I’m no match for him.” The villain grins sadistically, “Once I’m able to possess you, the first thing I'm going to do is snap that little punk telepath’s neck before he knows what’s happening.”


“Delusional dog. I can already make you do anything. And the more I make you do, the deeper my talons sink and the stronger my control becomes. All this talk? It's kept you enthralled and passive. My control is stronger than it was just minutes ago. Soon, your conscious mind will be so deep, I won’t even be able to hear you. Now, stop interrupting. It’s important for your indoctrination that you know this. Every word breaks you. Unfortunately, Samson escaped then disappeared. Retired. Or so I thought.”

“Until Intrepid started going around with a new muscleboy that was exactly the same size and powers. No way that was a coincidence. I was so sure that Intrepid’s boy was Samson, son of Sentinel. When he helped capture Trap Master, I possessed a guard to interrogate the villain in prison. Trap Master was so obsessed with his new favorite hero - Meathead. Talking about how they’d play a game. I guessed he was Samson and I could use Trap Master and his idiotic game to get him. Except, Trap Master said he was bigger than my Samson and he could fly. Meathead sounded more like you than my young hero.”

The villain pulls out of my mouth. He wipes his wet cock head on my face and lips, further humiliating me.

“Maybe Meathead wasn’t Samson. But whoever he was, he was going to play a game with Trap Master. And whoever he was, if he was captured, I'd have the time I needed. I could get my bio-nanites inside him and he’d be vulnerable to my takeover. I took over Bruce and worked on the villain’s mind, using his fetish to manipulate his actions. The technology? The traps? Mine. The injections? The hypnosis? The edging? All me. I brilliantly used Trap Master just to get closer to you and lay the foundation of my ultimate victory.”

“My epiphany came when we saw two Meatheads playing detective. It was confusing at first. Then I realized the truth. The smaller one was my Samson - my sweet, sweet, Samson - and also the son of Sentinel. And the big one must be the real Sentinel. It had to be. So, I influenced Trap Master to take your son and make his trap extra dangerous, potentially lethal. He didn’t want to do it, but I overpowered him. The fool never stood a chance.”

“Once the plan was set, I manipulated you into seeing me as the weak link. As a potential ally. Then I took the lead in working with you. Getting my bio-nanites into you. And you let me do it, by willingly swallowing them into your system! You gave me hours where you were willingly playing along. Letting me do my thing. All so your boy wouldn’t get hurt. I laughed at your gullibility. Your arrogance. If only I’d had the full 24 hours.”

So, then, why did you eventually help me?

Chameleon snarls, “I had no choice. The Young Crusaders set off the alarm. They were about to storm the lair. Trap Master and his men would fall apart. And I couldn’t win a head-on confrontation. It’s not what I do. I have to work the long game, like I’ve done with you. One-on-one? You're immune to mind control. But over time? I found my way in. So, I turned lemons into lemonade. I helped you right before they arrived to get the credit.”

“Trust me. If I could’ve kept you until I broke you, I would have. Break you. Possess you. Use my new body to kill Trap Master and his henchmen. Enslave your boy. Bing, bang, boom.” The villain laughs at me. He ties up the condom holding two rounds of my cum. “I lost my sample, but now, I have loads. Get it? Loads. HA! Imagine the secrets your seed holds. The secrets that I will unlock. Maybe a mindless army of super-strong slaves. I’ll already have you and your son. Why not hundreds more, all working for me, the new Sentinel?”


“YES! Well, I think that’s enough monologuing. It’s done its job.” Chameleon grins, “Look how helpless you are. You ever heard the saying, ‘never a horse that couldn’t be rode’? Well, you are about to be rode. The mightiest man on the planet. Tamed by me like a little bitch. All your muscles and powers, existing only to satisfy me. Soon, I will break the unbreakable Sentinel and make my final leap into the greatest body on Earth.”


I fall forward to rest on my hands and knees. As long as his psionic talons penetrate me, I am his puppet. My head is pulled back, my back arched down, and my costume opened in back. No more monologue. Chameleon just slams his cock inside me. He controls my muscles, relaxing them to allow him to slam inside me until his pelvis slams into my butt cheeks.


The villain jackhammers my hole, ruthlessly pounding away. It’s all about domination for him, not the sex. I can feel his energy burrowing inside me as he ravages my hole. He psychically makes me feel the force of the brutal fucking like a normal human would, deriving pleasure from every powerful thrust of his body. He makes me whimper, giving him more pleasure.


The villain forces me to reply, “You are, Chameleon. I am nothing. Just a worthless muscle bitch for you to use as you wish.”


I’m forced to say, “Yes, Master. All my cum belongs to you.”

Under me, Chameleon’s power takes control of my manhood, milking me yet again. Not satisfied with two loads, he works for a third. I’m hard, his abilities controlling my arousal. While in this part of my mind where I still have independent thought, I’m disgusted by him, my surface mind is reacting like I’m not. Cut off from my powers and body, his control over me is complete.

It doesn’t take long for Chameleon to milk me dry again. My body shakes as he forcibly takes my seed, letting it land on the grass. My balls ache once again, as he pushes me past empty, forcing me to keep shooting after he’s stolen every drop from my massive orbs. Confident he can milk me any time he wants, I’m forced to bend down and lap up my seed. Like a dog.


When I’ve obeyed, the brutal fucking resumes. I involuntarily moan with pleasure. I beg for him to fill my ass with seed. My voice sounds strange to me as he owns me. I can’t resist. I can’t beat him. Against him, I’m nothing. “YES!! YOU’RE NOTHING, DOG! ACCEPT YOUR NEW PLACE! TAKE MY LOAD!” The villain can hold out no longer.

Suddenly, my ass is filled with his warm cum. It’s a big load as he keeps pumping into me until he’s soft. He holds inside me, making sure I feel my place. I’ve been fucked but never like this. I feel dirty but I can’t do anything about it. His plan has worked perfectly. He’s milked me. He’s bred me. He’s seeded me. Ownership is complete. All while I remain helpless under him.

Chameleon pulls out and stands up. He moves around me, “Clean it.” I rise to a kneeling position. I open my mouth and obediently clean his cock. He forces me to keep his soft cock inside my mouth as he puts his hands on his hips. “Isn’t this how you used to pose, dog? Before I broke you? Chameleon is the man now.”

The villain looks up and smirks, “Now, dog, here is the moment when I prove my power. The perfect way to shatter that last bit of resistance in your mind. I can't wait for you to experience this. Get over there beside the door.” I obey, unsure what’s about to happen. I’m aware but unable to act. It’s a terrifying feeling.

The door opens.

No. No. No.

Adrian and Intrepid walk in. “Dad, are you here? Why is the shuttle docked -” I’m forced to knock them both out before they can even react. I stand over my unconscious son and his lover, horrified by my actions but unable to stop myself.

I fight Chameleon with all I have.

I fail.

The villain remains in control of me and now, he has Adrian and Carlos, too!

Up next … Chapter 16: Conclusion - Can the boys beat Chameleon? (1/31/2023)

Bruce: Artist: Me!; background: Google images "conjugal visit room"


  1. Damn!! Didn't see that coming. Can't wait for the last Chapter. I have LOVED this story.

    1. Surprise! LOL.

      I’m soooo glad you’ve LOVED (With emphasis? That’s awesome) the story. Now, I just need to bring it home on Tuesday.

  2. Oh i've missed your stories. This twist was incredible, amazing stuff!

    1. Appreciate it!

      Yeah, turns out that villains can have plans, too. Becoming a hero before you’re ready and playing games with villains can have actual consequences. Who knew?

  3. Dang! Definitely didn't see that one coming.

    Normally, I would actually like a story with the heroes ending up as slaves but with the whole 'husk' thing, I'm rooting for them to crush Chameleon!

    1. Hm, I’m getting the sense this was surprising. ;)

      At least you don’t have long to wait to see what happens!
