
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Heroes: Sentinel (Chapter 16/16)

Chapter 16: Conclusion 

Location: Sentinel Station. High Orbit Over Earth.

“You’ll never succeed in enslaving us.”

Chameleon laughs at Intrepid’s defiance. “Us? Why would I want you? You’re just a normal. You’re useless to me. The only reason you’re still alive is because you know all the Young Crusaders secrets. And once I pluck them from your mind, you’re heading out the airlock, courtesy of my dog.”

Adrian cries out, “NO!”

Of the four men in the playroom, I’m the only one clothed and yet, I’m the most powerless. After Chameleon used my body to knock out my son and Intrepid, he used me to carry them to their playroom. I’ve stripped them both and attached Adrian to the metal frame he can’t break while Intrepid is bound in steel cables, bent by me and welded closed by my powers.

The villain has remained naked in Bruce’s body while flaunting his control over me as the boys I struggle against their bonds. Chameleon taunts my son, “This will be your fate, Samson. You’ll be even easier to own than your father.”


Chameleon snaps his fingers, “Dance, dog.”

I start dancing. There’s no music but I swing my hips. My costume remains open in front and back. My exposed manhood sways to the imaginary beat. I move around, performing for the villain, watched by my son and Intrepid. It’s humiliating, which is exactly what the villain wants. I can’t stop myself. I am possessed by his power and his technology.

“Do you like the show, kids? Do you enjoy seeing the mightiest hero in the universe reduced to my puppet?” They both curse at him. Meanwhile, I continue to dance for Chameleon. The villain forces me to get sluttier. I twerk, shaking my large ass at him. I spin around, swinging my cock around in a circle. Chameleon claps and laughs to break the boys’ will.

If he can do this to me, what hope do they have? That’s the message he wants to send.

The evil bodybuilder says, “Punch your son in the stomach. Make sure he feels it, but don’t break anything.” I march up to Adrian. He braces as I draw back my fist. I wish I could say there was even the slightest hesitation, but my body follows orders flawlessly. THUD! OOF! “Again.” I do it again. THUD! OOF! And again. THUD! OOF! Adrian coughs from the punches.

“Kneel before the only man you love, dog.” Without any hesitation, I walk to Chameleon. I drop to my knees before him. “Kiss my feet.” I lean forward. I did this to Intrepid of my own free will, but now, it is 100% coerced. I hate submitting to this monster. But I have no say in the matter. I lovingly kiss both his feet before rising up, resting my mountainous ass on my heels.

“Now, dog. There are three naked men here. Suck the cock of the man who owns you.” I lean forward. The naked villain feeds me his dick. I mindlessly suck on his rock-hard rod. “Yes, that’s right. I own you. Now and forever.” As I work, he says to Adrian, “Tell me you wouldn’t love to be down here beside daddy, sharing my cock.”

Adrian says, “Actually, I would love to do that. You’ve convinced me. Please let me come down there and worship you, Chameleon.”

The naked villain laughs as he face-fucks me, “Nice try, boy. Make jokes. After all, you never know which one will be your last.”

My son is being brave, but what can he do, naked and helplessly hanging spread-eagle? All his muscles are useless right now. Even if he escapes, I can’t control myself. Chameleon will force me to knock him out again. Chameleon pulls his cock from my mouth. He grabs a metal chain from the wall of the playroom. The villain returns to me, twirling the metal links.

“Let me show you the future, boy.” The evil bodybuilder smirks, “That is what you like to be called, isn’t it?” Chameleon wraps the chain around my neck then ties it in a knot, collaring me. He keeps the ends loose like a leash. The villain pulls. I follow as he walks me on all fours towards my son.

“You see? Your father is mine. No resistance. No fight. Just. My. Dog. When I make the jump into his body, you will take his place as my puppy. I will rule the world with you at my feet.”

Adrian looks down at me. He looks defeated. No, son, I need you to fight. I try to speak. I try to tell him I’m still here. That I’m still fighting. Unfortunately, I have no way to inspire him. To motivate him. Suddenly, Intrepid speaks up again. He says, “Don’t listen to him, boy. He’s trying to get you to give up. We will never surrender. I know Sentinel hasn’t given up, either.”

Chameleon snarls, “SHUT UP! Your hero is gone.”

“You really think a two-bit nobody like you can conquer Sentinel? Chameleon? You’re a nobody. A nothing villain. Trust me. I know real doms. Real masters. You’re a fraud. A poser.”


Intrepid keeps verbally attacking. It’s all he can do. I use this as a chance to fight back, while Chameleon is distracted. I push forward. The villain spins back to me. Intrepid smiles. He shouts, “See, boy? See how he turned? That’s your dad. Sending us a message. He hasn’t given up. He isn’t gone. He’s in there. Fighting. We owe it to him to do the same.”

Adrian looks at me, “I will fight, dad. I’ll save you.”

With renewed energy, my son thrashes against the metal bonds. He struggles, but they’re too strong. However, it’s enough to pull Chameleon back over to us. He’s now facing us on three fronts. I keep pushing to take back my body. Adrian is threatening to free himself. And Intrepid is using his words to distract and anger. It’s a powerful combination.

The evil muscleman is sweating. Blue light around his head flickers like stars on a clear rural night sky. I can see the telepathic energy. I just can’t control it. Even when I’m conscious control, I’ve never been able to control psionic energy, one of the few things I can’t seem to do. Frustrated and furious, Chameleon lashes out, firing mind blasts at all of us.

Adrian and Intrepid go limp, moaning. I don’t feel it. However, he is still in control of me. I fight alone, but he just grins that sinister grin of his, “This sucks. I wanted you to see how this ends, Sentinel. See your son join you as a slave. I really did. But you forced me to erase you.” He rubs my face and cheek as blue energy envelops my head. He looks into my eyes, “Finally. Gone. Erased. One problem solved.”

Chameleon turns to Intrepid, “Now to eliminate the disposable one." He looks at my son, "Then I can move into Sentinel for good. It will just be you and me, young Samson. A little nanite cocktail and you’ll be your new daddy's puppy bitch.”

I’m still here, but he can’t sense me. And I can barely feel my body. I’m forced to stand. I mindlessly pick Intrepid up by his neck. He gags as I hold him aloft. Both boys are nearly back to normal. Chameleon’s rage-filled explosion only fazed them for seconds. He really isn’t that powerful. It’s these damn bio-nanites inside me doing the work.

The naked villain extends his talons to Intrepid’s mind and body. He mentally attacks, but Intrepid must be fighting. The short and stocky bodybuilder’s muscles tense, his hands form fists. He physically punches the bound and dangling Intrepid in the abs. THUD! OOF! He grabs his exposed junk and squeezes until the smaller hero cries out in pain.

More body punches turn Intrepid’s chiseled abs red as I keep him suspended in air. POW! POW! POW! Chameleon says, “I was going to toy with you, but you’ve pissed me off. All I really need from you is Gold Mind’s secret identity. Give it to me!” Chameleon glows. Intrepid convulses. They struggle. Intrepid seems to be winning the mental battle. Yes!

Unfortunately, I’m forced to choke him. URK! His eyes roll back in his head. His body goes limp. Seconds later, the villain pulls back, “Got it. Stupid bitch, thinking you could beat me.”

With the information secured, Chameleon uses my body to grab Adrian. I secure my large hand around his thick neck until he starts to choke. The villain releases him from the rack, confident that I can hold them. The naked young heroes strain and squirm. It’s no use. I’m too powerful. Their dangling bodies writhe and gyrate but they go nowhere.

As the naked heroes struggle against my unbreakable grip, they beg me to fight Chameleon’s hold. I’m trying. Desperately. But I can’t tell them. I’m so detached from my surface mind and body that I can barely feel them. I can’t figure out what to do. I try a new strategy. I focus on the blue energy instead of the villain. Maybe I can figure it out. It’s just energy. I just need time, which I don’t have.

Chameleon walks in front, and I hover behind him, carrying his powerless prisoners from the playroom. We’re getting closer to the atrium. Closer to Intrepid being ejected from the space station by my hand. I think about how much I love them both as I never stop trying to seize control of the telepathic energy. Chameleon doesn’t even notice me. I helplessly carry the naked young studs towards Carlos’ doom.

I’m getting it. I’m seeing Chameleon’s power for what it is. Unfortunately, I have no way to act on it. At least not yet. I need to act now. But I don’t own my body. I start to study the bio-nanites. I need hours but I only have minutes. I need a telepath. If only Adrian - maybe that’s it. My son has never faced loss. He’s never faced danger. Now that he’s staring tragedy square in the face, maybe he can find his power. I can guide him.

I call out to my son, hoping I can reach him. He is my son, but he is also partly the woman who gave birth to him. She was evil but so powerful. She would have crushed Chameleon like a bug. I get no response to his name, so I yell, “I love you, son.” It works. I see Adrian’s eyes change. They’re pink?

I hear his voice in my head. “I love you, too, dad.”

Did he hear me? Did it work?

Adrian confirms, “I can hear you.”

“I’m doing all I can, son.” Chameleon doesn’t react. Somehow, we’re communicating telepathically without him knowing it. He said my mind would go so deep he couldn’t hear me. He said I was gone. I tell Adrian, “I have the knowledge but not the power. Please. You need to fight back. Do whatever it takes.”

Adrian says in my mind, “What can I do against you?”

“Don’t think of it being against me! It’s against Chameleon! Ignore me. Focus on him. Just fight, son. I’m thinking about his powers. About the bio-nanites inside me. Can you see them?”

“Yes! I can see it!”

“That’s our target. Son, we’re almost at the airlock. Intrepid … Carlos … Sir … he needs you to be stronger than you’ve ever been. You’re ready. I can see it in your eyes -”

Intrepid gasps out loud. He coughs out, “Boy? Your eyes?”

The eyes are fully glowing pink now. I think, “Son. He’s right. You’re doing something. Remember how I told you. My powers activated. When I needed them. Well, you need them. I’m sharing the knowledge you need but I can’t act on it. Only you can. Feel the power inside you! Embrace it. Let it sing. WE FIGHT TOGETHER!”

Chameleon heard Intrepid. He’s turning to see what’s going on. I push against the villain’s control. I’m doomed to fail but winning is not the point. With my new intelligence, I make an impact. Chameleon looks in shock, “Impossible! I erased you!” He pushes harder against my resistance. His bio-nanites activate. He still dominates me. I fight for control. It’s no use. I lose ground. But while he’s concentrating on me, Adrian’s head now glows with a bright pink energy halo.

My son thinks, “I don’t know what to do.”

I groan, “You need to save Carlos. I’ll survive anything that happens. He won’t. Son, we’re at the airlock. I’ve given you what you need. Just tell yourself to stop this. You will figure out how instinctively. I trust you. I love you.”

Adrian groans out loud, “Stop. Stop! STOP! STOP!!!”

Pink energy blasts out of him.

Everything goes black.


Help? Instinctively, I rise up fast, hovering, ready to fight. My cheek stings. My mind and body are mine again. Adrian stands before me. Chameleon and Intrepid lie on the grass, unmoving. They’re knocked out. The station is dark. Nothing. I look at Adrian, “You did it!”

“No, Dad! I knocked everything out. You guys AND the station!”

I look around. “Nelly?” No response. “NELLY!” Shit. I take command of the situation. “Adrian. Grab Carlos and Chameleon.” I fly into the shuttle. I work at super-speed, reactivating the systems. I built backups just in case power got knocked out. But there is power. Everything works. It’s the AI. It’s the computer brain. It’s shorted out. Adrian’s blast knocked out every brain, including the AI.

I need to restart it.

Adrian straps his bound boyfriend and the unconscious villain in as I get the shuttle’s AI back up. “I’ve set the coordinates. Auto-pilot will take you to safety.”

As I exit the shuttle, Adrian asks “You’re not coming?”

“I have to get Nelly back online. If the station loses orbit, it’ll be catastrophic.” I look at my son, “I’m so proud of you. Now go. And don’t worry, I’ll probably beat you to Earth.” I add, “Chameleon is a psychic vampire. He possesses people. Bruce here is just a shell." I open a side compartment, pulling out headbands. I check them then put them on Adrian and Intrepid. "Wear these. They defend against psionics like telepathy, illusions, mind control, and possession. They work for an hour or so.”

I close the door. The shuttle leaves. The station. Luckily, I’m not an idiot. I prepared for all kinds of attacks. I can do this. I zoom around, using my energy powers and the network to get Nelly online. Within two minutes, I’ve got everything stabilized. I strip off my uniform, take a full-body medical scan, get dressed again, grab some clothes for the guys, and send coordinates to the Assembly and Young Crusaders, asking specifically for Bear, Psyren, Truth, and the Young Crusader named Gold Mind.

I zoom to Earth, just passing the shuttle as it lands. I turn on my anti-telepathy headband. Adrian emerges first. He’s excited to see me. We hug tightly. Intrepid steps out, holding his head, just recovering from Adrian’s mind blast. His naked body is lined from the steel cables and his neck is red with my handprint, but otherwise, he seems fine. I hand them clothes, apologizing. They wave it off, not blaming me. I look inside the shuttle.

My son growls, “He’s out, dad. I punched him in the face. As a precaution.”

“That’s my son.” Sure enough, Bruce is still unconscious, and Adrian used the cables binding Intrepid to tie up the naked bodybuilder. I can only hope Chameleon is still trapped in there. With our headbands, we’re safe, but I don’t know how his possession powers work. He might be across the planet in someone else. I grab a tablet from the wall, transferring shuttle controls to it. Stepping out, I seal the shuttle, locking the villain inside, just in case.

Now dressed, Intrepid says, “I need to call the YC.”

I assure him, “Already done. Help is on the way.” I use the tablet to network to the station. My bio-scan results are in. I smile, “Adrian, you really did it. You knocked us out. You even knocked the AI out. And you fried the bio-nanites inside me. I’m clean. Meaning Chameleon has no way of controlling me anymore.”

“How did I do it? All I did was … I don’t know what I did.”

“I don’t exactly know, either, but I am so proud of you.” I grab his head, “See, Adrian? Your powers aren’t less than mine. They’re just different. In fact, they might even be greater. You pulled off an amazing stunt.” I give him a huge hug.

“I wish I knew how I did it.”

“We’ll get you training. Psyren and Gold Mind are on the way. They’re more the experts in this area than me.” I breathe in deeply and tell him, “We’ve never talked about the woman who gave birth to you. She was a powerful psionic.”

“She was? I know she was a supervillain, but I didn’t know what she could do.” I raise my eyebrows, surprised that he knows that. “Sorry, dad, but Intrepid is helping me find out about her. I had to know. It's all classified, though.”

“I understand. I would’ve told you, if you’d asked me.”

“Intrepid and I had the feeling it was a tough subject for you.” I can’t deny that. My son asks shyly, “So, maybe I have some of her powers?”

“Could be. You connected to me telepathically and you can weaken or even knock out anything with a brain. Even AI. Maybe this is your blended version of my energy powers.” I lightly punch his pec, “You’re a physical powerhouse, like your dad, with some mental abilities from the woman who gave birth to you.”

Intrepid reaches up and playfully musses my son’s hair, “Sounds like you’re going to be a big deal, boy.”

Adrian smiles proudly, “Thank you, Sir.” He looks at me, “Okay, that’s all great, but will I ever figure out how to fly?”

The End.

Up next: Hit "The Road to El Paso" with Beau and Buck! (2/6/2023)


  1. DAMN, it's over. An EXCELLENT story. I truly enjoyed the progression of the story and all the characters. I would have liked more sexual exploration between Sentinel and Intrepid, but I guess I'll have to wait until the follow up stories. I'm very impressed that your first story back has set a high bar for subsequent stories.

    But now, back to guys punishing each other. Looking forward to the return of your wrestling stories.

    1. Thanks for your support throughout the month! It felt good, especially since I was quite unsure about the story. As I posted in my update, I was mostly just happy to finish something. I have so many started on my iPad that I just can't seem to get motivated to complete.

      I hear you ... it definitely could've just been a Sentinel-Intrepid story, because that relationship was rich. At times, Intrepid was way more dominant (and even the main villain in a shocking twist), but I kept softening him over the many re-writes to be more of a guide than a hardcore dominant type.

      Yes, now back to our usual programming. I had to finish this to get those done, but I do like the Cave boys a lot.

  2. Congrats on the conclusion of a great series! I kinda figured something like this would happen given your preference for a happy ending, and I hope to see the men again someday. I am glad to see Aiden come into his own powers and how he will be different from his dad. Thank you again for the story!!!

    1. You are welcome! For some reason, Google decided this one might be spam, but they’re crazy. I’ve loved all your comments along the way!

      Yeah, I worry about being too transparent about my preferences as it perhaps makes me predictable, but there was never a moment in any version of this where the villains ultimately won. Heck, an earlier ending chapter 16 was all feels no tension with Sentinel, Adrian, and Intrepid on a fun trip to a gay bar, so the villain came a lot closer in the final product.

      In my head, I re-write other writers stuff all the time, so readers who like triumphant villains can always do that here.

  3. What a fun read! Thanks for sharing the story with us. Hope this is not the last we see of these characters. But I'm also so excited to see what's gong on in the world of the Cave again!

    1. Thanks, Phil. Glad you liked it.

      These characters won't return for a long time, if at all, as I have no more ideas for them. However, we might visit this world. I have a whole plot for a Young Crusaders story and I did start it, but it fell off. I might go back to that. It started right after Kid Cub joins so the timing would be right as a followup.

  4. Thanks for the great story - it was awesome to read. I enjoyed the twist - I was guessing that Chameleon would make his way back into the story and I was trying to figure out who he was, maybe even Intrepid or Adrian starting after the incident with Samson. Ah well, I was half right!

    1. Thanks!

      Fun fact … at one point (as I’ve said, many, many re-writes) Intrepid was Chameleon, setting up the trap to get in with Adrian and Sentinel to dominate them. I went a different direction with the Intrepid character, making him a lot nicer and less sketchy than he would’ve been in that version, but I still think that was a great guess.

  5. Great ending although I wish it would continue. Loved the reappearance of Chameleon and his domination (for a while) over Sentinel. Overall you wrote a wonderful story that I didn’t want to end. Enjoyed Sentinel as an Alpha exploring his submissive side, sometimes voluntarily and sometimes less so. Adrian and Carlos were there in a pinch. Thank God! There’s a side of me that wanted to see Sentinel claiming Carlos but I realize Intrepid is the ultimate top. Nice work!

    1. Appreciate that. Yes, it probably could keep going, as these characters could have more adventures just like other superheroes.

      That's interesting on Sentinel claiming Intrepid. Having "the ultimate top" claimed is a very hot storyline and one of my favorite tropes, but alas, it wasn't where I was taking this. However, there's probably someone in this world who could out-top and dominate Intrepid. We just haven't met that guy, yet. :)
