
Saturday, December 30, 2023

2024 is almost here!


2024. Seems impossible to believe that. We've blown past a lot of science fiction that said we'd have a base on the moon, much smarter AI than we have now, and inventions like hoverboards. Can't help but think that we're all a bunch of slackers.

Be warned, I'm going to post some soft spoilers for the first three months of 2024 ... just what characters will appear.

I'm not going to get into world events and such. Instead, I'll only focus on my blog. I managed to post more stories than expected: 23 vs. 12. Based on the views and comments, I had some hits and some misses, but I'm happy with what I shared. I resolved some dangling plot holes, revisited a lot of my favorite characters, and some of yours as well (probably). I even brought in some new characters, too.

A few surprises. Both CLAW stories were highly viewed, which is weird because CLAW stories have never been highly viewed. Same with both Ryan stories. Maybe I did something better with those characters than I have in the past. Cody vs. Beau vs. Buck was not a hit, which is surprising as Cody has a great track record historically. Blogger added a secondary sensitive content warning for some reason, which might have been a problem, or it just might have been too light or not hot enough. 

Views and comments have not aligned in the second half, which is different than pre-pandemic. Comments nowadays are a funny thing. I know Blogger is fussy. There are blogs where I cannot comment. However, I think when a story is good, the comments show up. This year, though, some stories, e.g., CLAW, get the views but not the comments.

Reviews are still missing and likely will in 2024. I'm just not watching enough stuff. And I think I need a new computer. My iMac is eight years old and won't update to the latest operating system anymore. My image software is slow as heck sometimes. Oh well.

I've completed six stories and started most of the rest on my 2024 plan. Both of the Cave main guys - Cody and Ryan - will get a lot of love as I focus on how and why they're evolving as people. We should hit Ryan's 30th birthday in my 250th story near the end of the year. And in the first quarter, Cody features prominently in all six stories, narrating all but one. There's a subplot for him, culminating in a couple of what I hope are super-hot and possibly surprising moments for the superstar stud.

All six first quarter stories are Cave stories. All are singles matches. Five happen in the Cave ring. Three of those in the same day. The other one happens on Cody and Jae's new roof deck. I wanted to bring back a few fan favorites who I didn't get to in 2023, but there are three new characters. And one of the stories is a reader request with an unusual matchup that intrigued me so much, I had to write it.

The 12 characters who will be wrestling are (in sort of alphabetical order by the name that I think they're most known for): Brody, Coach Butch (NEW!), Cody, Gravedigger (NEW!), Ice Cold Ian Park (NEW!), Jae, Master Peace, Ram, Silver Herald, Toyboy, Valet, and War Lord.

Hopefully you're excited for something you see. I certainly enjoyed writing the stories. A few of these are quite lengthy with lots of setup and multiple falls.

Have a safe and happy new year!



  1. These previews sound amazing, Alex! I'm very excited to hear about upcoming stories involving some of my favorite characters such as Brody, Ram, War Lord, and Master Peace. The new characters look really interesting, too. :)

    I have some pretty exciting news myself: I'm getting a promotion at work as of the first of the year! My job has taken virtually all my free time over the past few years, but now I'll be in a position to distribute the work rather than take it all on myself, which should allow me time to write again. I've missed writing immensely, and I became particularly inspired after your recent War Lord and Master Peace story. I have so many ideas for the Brody / Ram "Zodiac" fan fiction saga I started a couple years ago, and I've been jotting down scenes and dialogue for different events that take place throughout the series -- including officially introducing Brody and Ram as "a couple" in the next story or two. (I can't thank you enough for giving your blessing to that union, by the way!) I'm also intrigued by the potential of A.I. to illustrate certain characters and scenes in the stories, so I want to look more into that.

    I feel like an immense weight has been lifted off me so I can once again engage in my hobbies and interests. First and foremost will be catching up on your stories because other than deliberately carving out time to read the War Lord / Master Peace story, I've not had a chance to read any of your work in over 2 years -- hence my lack of comments. I used to lose sleep the evenings before the 1st and 15th of each month in anticipation of your next release, and I would always wake up super early on the 1st and 15th to be one of the first people to read it. I'm looking forward to getting back that level of fandom! :)

    All the best,

    1. Congratulations! That’s a great way to start a new year.

      I’ve definitely embraced your Brody/Ram ship (Bram? Rody?). My stories will reflect that they have a connection, although details can vary between universes. Plus, my stories are narrated by characters like Cody who wouldn’t know the details.

  2. Great preview! And thank you for the hot and fun stories in 2023! Looking ahead I’m already horned up for 2024 and your new characters, particularly Ice Cold Ian Park. The model is hot. He looks like a perfect heel. Cody may be unprepared for him and suffer mightily. On that note, Happy New Year!

    1. You are welcome! And thanks for all your stories this year (for anyone who doesn’t know, Vinny posts super-hot wrestling stories on Gay Demon as sexyalphawrestler).

      Interesting that you think Ice Cold Ian Park looks like a heel and is facing Cody (assuming you have the right model as I didn’t label them but put them in a loose L-R order - he’s the ripped Korean stud). You’ll have to wait a couple of months to read about him in action.

      I thought you’d go for Gravedigger. The model I’m using for the big, hairy beast is how I picture your Brutus character.

      Happy new year to you!

    2. That Korean model is ripped! Can't wait to see how that match turns out

    3. He is very ripped. I hope you enjoy his debut ... it's not until 3/1/24, but the time will fly by!

    4. vinnymusclestallionJanuary 3, 2024 at 2:20 PM

      Thanks very much for the kind shout out!

    5. Always! I need to send you an email on Ian Park to see why he seemed like a heel to you. I'm sure you have some interesting thoughts. :)

  3. I’m shocked Cody Vs Beau & Buck wasn’t a hit I liked it! It was different but still fun the only thing I can think is Cody story’s typically are the most competitive with that will he won’t he win vibe where as this 1 was a bit more relaxed, but it also had almost a year of storytelling to make it satisfying. Hmm IDK I will say Cody has been chilling he hasn’t really had a major feud or rivalry in a minute, I remember the reason him & Cory was so good was the mini feud beef that led up to it he needs a new rival maybe, Ryan’s harem storyline is a load of fun for example but him Vs Cage woke up the beast that is Bane & he still lost which is a loads of fun, Batboy needs a story like that.

    1. Thanks! It wasn’t a flop, but usually Cody stories pop. Those are great observations. From the start, Cody has been a driver of drama, with grudges all over the place. And his matches are suspenseful, with him able to endure a lot of punishment. A lot of the time, even I don’t know how Cody matches will turn out when I start.

      Someone else said they were more interested in Cody out of the ring than in it these days, which I found interesting.

    2. I am the person who said Cody has become much more interesting out of the ring than in it. You always add little quips, thoughts, and asides with him narrating a match. Silver Herald vs Toyboy is a great example of this. Because he’s the really the only one in The Cave who narrates other people’s matches, it gives him that something extra. Plus, he ends a lot match stories thinking about or having naughty time with Jae. Lol

  4. Comments have been odd, It never seems to let me use my account to comment anymore. I do enjoy talking about your stories though so I will try to do more of that. Excited for the new year! Butch J is my favourite wrestlingmale performer and I always love the coach aesthetic which means just reading the name "Coach Butch" is exciting for me haha.

    1. Thanks! Yes, I’ve given up on ever using my account to comment. I type in Alex Miller and paste the blog URL manually now.

      Gosh, I hope Coach Butch lives up to your expectations! I like him, both the look of the base model and his story. I am enjoying hearing that the new characters are intriguing.

  5. Really intrigued about this reader inspired story (wink, wink). This year I read every story which I never did in the past sticking almost exclusively to The Cave where I usually comment. I guess I could comment on stories I don’t particularly enjoy, but it’s usually because I don’t care much for a character or I find the match boring neither of which may be helpful for you. If you feel I should comment, I will.

    1. I'm not asking people to comment on things they don't like. Personally, I would rather not receive a lot of criticism. These are free stories on a blog, so I'm happy with having unhappy people move on without comment. I'm also not asking people to lie and say they loved something that they didn't, because that will send me down the wrong path, too.

      When I see a lot of people reading, which usually includes repeat readership, I interpret that as success and someone must have liked it.
