
Friday, December 15, 2023

CLAW 12: Mateo vs. Ryker


“What the fuck, Mateo?”

“What’s your fucking problem now, Ryker? I’m giving you the chance to spar with TV champ. Stop fucking whining and be grateful. You might learn something.”

It actually is a big deal to get to work with any of the champs. Mateo never has time for me, but today, he insisted we spar. That’s when I realized that he’d be pushing me into a fight. Our boss is out of town, so this is the perfect opportunity. Sure enough, he’s been intentionally provoking me. I’ve finally snapped, realizing he wasn’t going to stop escalating this.

“I’d love to learn something. Anything. But instead, you’re doing stupid shit to piss me off.” I wince as I pull my white practice trunks out of my crack. Mateo really wedged them up there. My bare butt cheeks are marked with his red handprints, thanks to three rough smacks before I threw him off me. As I adjust my cock and balls back into place. Ah, that feels better.

The hunky heel just smirks at me. I ask again, “What the fuck?”

Mateo moves in on me. I hold my ground. We bump chests. THUMP! We stare at each other, face-to-face, silently challenging one another. A soft “ooh” runs through the other wrestlers in the arena as they start to pay attention, pausing their training. Guys love drama and I’m 99% sure that we are about to provide the biggest drama of the day. Maybe of the year.

I’m Ryker, aspiring pro wrestler with three years’ experience. 22 / 5’11” / 190. Tanned, smooth, and white with brown hair and a chiseled physique in crisp white pro gear. I’m almost back from a major career setback, but I’ve learned that Mateo plans to give me a permanent one. He doesn’t know that I know, so I’ll play dumb, but it’s tough not to just call him out on his shit.

Mateo is also a pro wrestler. He’s a hunky Latino with black hair in tiny red trunks and black boots. We’ve got similar stats – he’s 22 / 5’10” / 180 - but we’re worlds apart career-wise. He started when he was 16 with no setbacks, and is CLAW TV champ, soon to be fighting for (and probably winning) the heavyweight title. The stud is sexy as fuck but also a stealth asshole who feels threatened by me. However, looks like he’s about to come out of stealth mode.

This confrontation has come sooner than I expected. I haven’t really had much time to think about wrestling him. I figured he’d screw with my career and relationships behind the scenes in a more subtle way. I hope I’m ready to handle him. See, knowing that Mateo is coming for me doesn’t mean I can beat him in a match. It just means he isn’t surprising me like he thinks he is.

Mateo is a tough and talented wrestler who’s been wrestling twice as long as me. He’s handled Xander and Koke, two guys who’ve beaten me. And he’s motivated by jealousy that Xander says has evolved into hate, especially after our boss Ben got me a title shot in another fed (which I lost). However, even if I lose this battle, I’m not going to let him win the war.

I don’t know what the real-life heel (bad guy who’ll do anything to win) plans to do to me, but I assume it involves humiliation and playing on any remaining deep self-doubt from my previous embarrassment. However, he doesn’t get that I’m past it. I’m here to stay no matter what. This is pro wrestling. It’s just part of the deal that there will be bullies, assholes, and snakes. I’ve already been driven out of the business once. Never again.

If I run away a second time, I’ll never stop running.

My best friends Kwame and Koke are among the guys outside the ring, along with Xander, Mateo’s enforcer. He’s my secret buddy. They’re the only other guys who knew this was coming one day. Not that it matters. I know they’ll stay out of it. Pro wrestlers handle their own business. I’m facing Mateo 100% solo if he pushes this little conflict all the way.

Mateo grins, “I’m surprised you’re so shy about your ass after, you know.”

I warn him away, “Don’t.”

“What? You think it’s a secret that you got beaten and fucked like a little bitch by your former tag partner?” Mateo backs up and spreads his arms, “Heads up. We all saw it, Ryker. Everyone saw it. So, cool the fuck down. Otherwise, I’ll give these guys a live reenactment right now.” OOH! “Sounds like the guys would like to see that.”

I point at Mateo, “That’s not cool. You’re going too far. What the fuck’s your problem with me today? Why are you going out of your way to pick a fight with me?”

“I don’t have a problem. You do. You don’t seem to get it, Ryker. This isn’t your porn shit where having abs and a hungry hole makes you a star. It’s pro wrestling. We go hard for real and if you’re not tough enough, you’re out. Sounds like you want out.”

I tense at the threat. “Fuck you. I’m here and I’m staying.”

“You talk like a man, but you’re acting like a whiny bitch. If you don’t want the champ spanking your ass, then do something about it. Until you can, you’ll take whatever I choose to dish out. Better idea, do everyone a favor and get the fuck out of CLAW before I throw you out.”

That’s it. The gauntlet has been thrown down. I have to give Mateo what he wants. I charge him. He seems surprised. I tackle him down hard. BOOM! I bounce forward up his body, my bulge resting on his face. I flip him over into a head scissors. I grab his wrists to control his arms as I squeeze his head between my thighs. He moans as I smother his face in my crotch.

I lift my boots then slam them down on his butt. BOOF! He groans. I do it again. BOOF! And again. BOOF! I open my legs and then smoothly sit up and onto his head, pressing his face down on the canvas. I reach down, grab his trunks. I lean back hard and fast, wedging his red trunks deep in his crack. Mateo cries out. FUCK! I lean forward then slap his ass. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

“If you don’t like me sitting on your head and spanking you then do something about it, champ!”

Mateo growls but I willingly stand up and back off, not giving him the satisfaction of breaking free. I spread my arms wide, making my message clear. The only reason he can rise to face me is because I let him. His face tells me a lot. He’s surprised, angry, and embarrassed. Maybe the TV champ thought I’d take more of his shit before lashing out. If I didn’t know the truth, I might have.

But I do know and now I’m all-in.


We’ve got a full audience as every wrestler surrounds the ring. Mateo looks casual and confident as he bounces side to side. However, I know he’s got to be running hot after what I just did to him, which is not how he wanted this to go down. I shake out my arms and roll my neck. We move in cautiously, both suspicious of the other.

The guys start mouthing off, yelling at us to get going.

I bend forward, hands out for a lockup. I slowly squat lower and wait. Mateo moves in to lockup with me. I quickly drop lower and then push up. I’m in the air for a dropkick before he can react. My boots slam into his pecs and send Mateo flying backward. He hits the ropes and ricochets off. I spin and trip him down. SPLAT! The hunky heel lands face first.

I’m on his back immediately. I go for a full nelson but he anticipates and blocks me. We start grappling for control. Both of us are fast, flexible, and fired up, so neither of us can really get control for long. As we’re struggling, my package gets clipped by his elbow, knee and leg several times. Nothing too bad but it’s happening too many times to be accidental.

We’re both sweating and breathing hard. I’ve held my own for minutes, successfully playing defense against the more experience pro, but also getting some short-lived offense, too. The longer we grapple, the prouder I become for lasting this long against him. I can tell he’s getting frustrated, having expected to catch me by surprise and squash me.

One of the guys says, “Wow, you two are really closely matched.”

That triggers the hunky heel. He gets a burst of energy and puts me on my back. Dangerous position, but he’s angry and careless. I manage to slide out from under him. I push him face down. SPLAT! With my knee pressing into his back. I lock on an armbar. He grunts as I get control first. However, it's just an armbar. It doesn’t last long as Mateo spins free. He moves in and this time, his knee hits my bulge square on. SQUISH! I cry out and fall back.

The hunky heel smirks, “Oops, did I get you?”

“Fuck you. The fact that you need to cheat says it all.”

Mateo throws his hands out, grabbing my face and balls with two vicious claw holds. I cry out and then almost back out from the pain. His hands are big and strong. The hunky heel snarls, “Don’t get fucking rude. It. Was. An. Accident. If you weren’t such a little bitch, maybe I would’ve taught you this hold like Ben taught it to me. But now, you can just feel it.”

I whimper as he crushes my temples and testicles. Oh fuck, the pain is blinding. “Admit you’re my bitch, Ryker!” I gasp, fighting to hold on. Trapped like this, I am his bitch, but I can’t go down like this. The face claw makes it hard to think, but it’s the ball claw that’s killing me. That’s it, I need to beg for him to let me go. I open my mouth, but words are hard to form.

Outside the ring, Koke slaps the apron and yells, “C’mon, a ball claw? Let it go, Matty.” A couple of other guys verbally agree. The hunky heel reluctantly caves to peer pressure and releases the ball claw. My buddy approves, “That’s right. We get it. You guys are hot right now but keep it a fair fight.”

Mateo growls, “I always fight fair, Koke. But you’re right. I don’t need to claw his tiny little balls to beat this bitch.”

Without the ball claw, I’m not close to giving, but I’m still in a world of hurt. My knees are weak as I’m dragged up by my face. I kick forward in desperation. I hit the inside of Mateo’s legs, as he turns to defend his bulge. I manage to pull free of the claw. Guys boo, but my buddies remind them that the hunky heel went low first. Still, I hear Kwame and Koke telling me to beat him the right way and not sink low. I get it, they don’t want to be hypocrites, but I appreciate their moral support.

My vision is clearing and I’m getting strength back, but Mateo is fresh. He’s up in the air and then his boots slam into my face as he hits me with a high dropkick that nearly takes my head off. CRACK! My feet fly up and I’m parallel to the canvas before I crash down onto my back. BOOM! I writhe helplessly at his feet as I fight to find my second wind.

Mateo crows, “Now THAT is how you do a fucking dropkick! See that height, boys?” He pounds his pecs, “That bitch could only hit my chest. I hit his whiny fucking face.”

The hunky heel moves in. He unleashes big boots on my pecs and abs. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! I flex my torso, saving myself from the roughest shots, but I still feel the boots as they slam into me with full force. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! I roll onto my side. Mateo kicks me onto my stomach then attacks my back. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! His anger is adding to the impact. I’m getting wrecked!

Mateo drags my up by the back of my trunks and my hair. “Lemme correct you on another move you failed at, porn-boy!”

Sure enough, the hunky heel gets me into a full nelson. My arms are up, and my chin is pressed down, digging into the trench between my pecs. My hips are forced back as I’m forced forward, my ass pressing on his bulge. The cruel stud shakes me from side to side as he forces me to walk toward the corner. I’m like a ragdoll, helpless to resist him.

I start to get my wits back but he’s in complete control. Mateo pulls my head up then pushes down, slamming my forehead onto the top turnbuckle three times. CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! The impact stuns me again, leaving me limp in the nelson. He’s doing exactly want he wants to me and every time I recover a bit, he knocks me senseless again. Fuck I need to regroup!

The hunky heel pulls me out of the corner. I stumble with him. I’m blinking and gasping, trying to get my brain working again as I fight off the pain of the nelson. He leans back so my feet leave the canvas. ARGH! I hang in the hold, desperately squirming, but all that does is increase the pain in my neck and shoulders. “GIVE UP, BITCH!”


I whimper in pain until he leans forward, my boots finally down. Unfortunately, he repeats the move, leaning back, demanding I give then lowering me. In between, he dry humps my ass, getting the guys laughing at his complete dominance. I try to counter, but my boots are up again so fast that I don’t have many options. Maybe if I was more experienced.

After the fourth time, I still refuse to give. “NO!”

Shifting tactics, I’m helpless as he forces me from side to side. He speaks in a nasally, high-pitched, cartoony voice. “Hi, my name is Ryker. I’m getting my ass kicked. As usual.” I struggle harder as he mocks me, using me as a puppet. “Dur, I can’t even break free from the simplest holds. Or maybe I don’t want to.” I feel his bulge slam into my ass. At least a few guys laugh.

Mateo isn’t happy just beating me. He wants to humiliate me. He pushes me into the ropes. “This is all you’re good for in the ring, Ryker.” The hunky heel grinds his bulge into my ass, having his way with me. I’m fight but I’m pinned between him and the ropes. My head hangs over the top rope, looking down at guys looking up at me, shaking their heads.

In his own voice, Mateo taunts me, “Maybe this is what you want, porn boy? I’m gonna do you a favor. I’m gonna use my monster cock to open your ass up so you can take it from all the tops on your future fans site, you little wannabe bitch.”

I growl. I jump up, landing my boots on the bottom rope. it sinks and I squat. I push up, using the added force of the spring steel cable to propel myself backwards. Mateo can’t hold me. We fall back, but he is one step ahead of me. He throws me with our momentum, sending me over head. I land hard on the back of my head and shoulder in a belly-to-back suplex. CRASH!

Stunned by the impact, I roll onto my side. I don’t get to enjoy my freedom as I moan and kick my boots up and down. UNH! I hear Mateo stomping around me. I look through blurry eyes to see his back with his arms raised high in a victory stance. I want to jump up and take him down, but my body is not responding. Focus, Ryker. I need a break. I need just a moment to recover.

Mateo drags me up by the back of my trunks. They slide up my crack. I fire a fist into his abs, but I don’t get much behind it. BOOF! The hunky heel laughs it off. He bitchslaps me across the face and I do a 360 spin before dropping to one knee. He grabs my head and rubs my face against his bulge, covering it with his sweaty musk.

I push against him. Mateo shoves my head between his legs in a standing head scissors. He drops quickly, driving my forehead into the canvas. KRAKT! I lie before him, my muscles twitching. I hear him, “Are any of you guys gonna tell me that any of you wouldn’t have done better against me than this pile of trash? Are any of you gonna tell me he deserves to be here?”

I don’t hear a lot of support for me. Certainly, no guy is going to admit that they’d be squashed by the TV champ like this. Mateo scoops me up across his chest to go for a bodyslam. But he doesn’t. He turns and charges the ropes. I go flying as Mateo throws me over the top rope. Unfortunately, he’s deliberately picked the side where there are no guys there to catch me!

This is going to hurt.

I try to twist to land safely but there isn’t time for a perfect landing. Doing my best, I manage to brace myself a little and land on my side. KRAKT! I writhe on the ringside mats before collapsing. I moan as guys rush around to check on me. Koke and Kwame push to the front and kneel beside me.

Kwame points at Mateo, “Hey! That was dangerous.”

The guys grumble around me, agreeing that it was a stupid thing to do, and Mateo went too far.

The TV champ shrugs, “It was only dangerous because he doesn’t know what he’s doing.”


Kwame and Koke check on me. I’m fine, just pissed at myself. And Mateo isn’t letting up with trying to blame me for the fall. Either way, he’s getting exactly what he wanted. A fight that he’s clearly winning in humiliating fashion. I’m sure that I’ve lost the support of everyone but my two closest friends and maybe Xander. I look like an unskilled whiner who started the fight and a whiner who’s getting his ass kicked. Fuck, this sucks.

From the ring, Mateo mocks me. “Face it, Ryker. You don’t belong in the same ring as me. Or any of us. You’re an embarrassment.”

Kwame says, “Just cool it for a minute, Mateo.”

“Ryker hiding behind better men? Figures.” The Latino stud points at the newest guy, an 18-year-old rookie named Dave. “This kid already knows how to fight and takes bumps better than you, Ryker. Do yourself and us a favor. Quit. Start a fan site. Being a bottom bitch is where your talents lie, anyway.” He smirks, “Or, get back in the ring and give us a free preview.”

Mateo waves Koke over. My buddy leaves me. “Koke, buddy, you’re a stud. Ryker’s a loser. He doesn’t belong here. You know I’m right. We’re the same, you and me. You get how this works. Leave him alone and get in here with me. Spar with the champ today. I’ll show you some new moves. I can talk to Ben. Set you up to get a shot at my belt when I move up.”

Koke angrily warns him, “Mateo, the last thing you want is me coming in there right now.”

I’m up. I push past Koke, “Hold up. You’re not done with me yet, Mateo.”

Mateo grins, “C’mon in, Ryker. Looks like I’m getting some jobber pussy today.”


I climb onto the apron. As I slide one leg over the middle rope to re-enter the ring, Mateo suddenly charges the ropes. The champ hits me with a running shoulder block. WHOMP! WHOA! The force sends me literally flying through the air. Oh shit, this fall could be nasty unless I can - luckily, Kwame is there to catch me this time before I hit.

Mateo points at me, “I already proved that you don’t deserve to be in this ring with me. And that was me holding back. If you take me on again, I’m not gonna hold back. Quit and I’ll let you go with some of your pride.” He smirks, “Although we all know that isn’t worth much.”

I want to say something back, but honestly, I can’t think what.

Mateo gloats, “Look at the pathetic porn-boy. What’s wrong, Ryker? You look shocked.”

Shocked? I stare back. I repeat, “Shocked.”

Kwame asks, “You okay? You look out of it.”

I keep my eyes on Mateo. “I’m fine.” I nod, “Shocked.”

I move back to the ring. I jump onto the ring apron with one standing jump. PLOP! He moves forward to challenge me. we face off. Me outside the ring. Him inside it. I know that if I want in the ring, I’m going to have to prove I deserve it. Not just to Mateo. Not just to all the guys watching. But to myself. He’s right. I was pathetic, letting one ball claw cripple me for so long.

As fast as I can move, I whip my arms up. I grab the TV champ behind his head and drop back down. Mateo’s pulled down over the top rope on his throat. When I let go, he ricochets back into the ring. SPLAT! The hunky heel coughs and writhes in the ring as I quietly climb back in. The surrounding wrestlers are interested now. Mateo manages to roll back to the corner.

I measure him up, wait then run in. He turns to sit, still coughing as he leans back on the bottom turnbuckle. Mateo’s eyes go wide as he sees me in the air, my ass aimed at his chest. I land hard, smashing my body weight on top of him in a Bronco Buster. WHOMP! The hunky heel gasps. I grab the top ropes and then bounce, repeatedly slamming my butt on his pecs.

Using the ropes, I squat up. My boots leave the canvas and then I bring them together, landing with them squarely on his abs. STOMP! OOF! I stand on him for a few seconds before jumping off. Outside the ring, Koke and Kwame have the guys clapping for me. It’s great but I know that I can’t think about that. I grab Mateo’s boots and pull him to the middle of the ring.

I lift Mateo’s legs then push them out wide, hard and fast. He cries out as his groin is stretched. The hunky heel rolls onto his side, his hands between his legs. He curses, “You motherfucking bitch!” Good. I lay into him with boots. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! The force pushes him onto his stomach. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! Mateo flops with every shot of my white boots.

Knowing I need to prove myself, I add some theatrics. I step on Mateo’s back, walking over him like a doormat. No pain, just humiliation. I immediately do a back flip, splashing down on his back. SPLAT! OOF! I bounce back onto my knees. The TV champ pounds the canvas with his fist and growls. He’s angry and frustrated, especially after clearly squashing me earlier.

I quickly rise to my feet. The hunky heel is rising, too, getting to hands and knees. I put him down with a leaping leg drop to the back of his head. The move drives his face down two feet, crashing into the unforgiving ring floor. CRACK! He’s stunned so I need to take full advantage. I spin and rise, straddling Mateo. I grab him around the waist and then drag him to his feet.

The TV champ tries a kick back between my legs, but I anticipate it, moving faster than him. As his boot rises, I’m already throwing him up and back in a belly-to-back suplex. BOOM! He lands hard on his neck and shoulders. Mateo rolls onto his side as I rise. He’s cursing, calling me unflattering names. Good. I kick his back, forcing him onto his stomach. STOMP!

“Hey, champ, let me know what you think of this move. I’m calling the SHOCKWAVE!”

I run back into the ropes, using them to come off faster. I leap up, do a flip and land on his back with my back. WHUMP! I keep rolling with my momentum, running to the opposite ropes. I jump onto the middle rope and backflip onto him. SPLAT! Again, I roll with the momentum, rising and falling back-first into the ropes, coming off with a repeat of my first flip. WHUMP! In total, I run through the sequence three times. SPLAT! WHUMP! SPLAT!

After the six high-impact crashes, I’m on my feet, arms raised, guys clapping. I hear behind me, “Ryker’s done a damn wrestling version of rope-a-dope!” I smile. Sure, let them think I took the earlier punishment as strategy to tire Mateo out instead of honestly getting my ass kicked. Mateo is a groaning mess on the canvas, but I know my work isn’t even close to being done.

I move in. I grab him by the hair and the back of his red trunks. I pull up hard and fast, forcing him to his feet before he can counter but also wedging his tiny red practice trunks up his crack. It makes a great distraction but it’s also revenge. If I have my way, he’ll finish this match with his big flawless ass hanging out. I spin and whip him into the corner, front-first. CLANG!

Mateo bounces back but spins fast for a surprise clothesline. I figured he’d do something. He’s fast but I just manage to duck under the swing. The hunky heel spins around. He’s off-balance with his back to me. I slide in and hoist him up on my shoulders into a torture rack. He cries out. I circle the ring then move toward the corner. He flails around but I hold him tight.

“I call this the SHOCK TREATMENT! Let me know what you think, champ!”

I shift my hand between his legs to a ball claw. Mateo squeals. I slide perpendicular to the turnbuckles, holding his head over the top one. As he struggles to get free, I simply squat down fast. The back of his head hits the top turnbuckle. WHACK! I stand up and his face smacks the underside of the turnbuckle. BONK! It’s a jarring move and he’s not struggling anymore.

I can easily squat 180 lbs. I really crank on the torture rack, bouncing a little. I squat down then spring up again, knocking him senseless on the top turnbuckle again. WHACK! BONK! As I bounce, I can see how limp his arm is in front of my face. Good. Let’s go one more time. WHOMP! BONK! I carry Mateo’s limp carcass to the center of the ring like a slab of beef.

The guys are slapping the apron with their approval. The chatter is all about the move. “That’s so cool.” “I never thought of that.” “Fuck can I try that on you?” “No way, I don’t wanna up like Mateo.” “What else ya got, Ryker?”

I shrug Mateo off my shoulders. SPLAT! He moans and writhes at my feet. As I force him to a sitting position, I tell the guys, “Get ready, boys. The champ’s going into the ELECTRIC CHAIR!” I step over his shoulders and reach down. I grab his legs and lift them up, locking Mateo into a stump puller. He cries out as his hamstrings are stretched.

I bend my knees to lower my ass down onto his shoulders, really forcing his neck down. This is a basic move. I slowly open his legs wider, adding groin punishment to the deal. This is what makes the move mine. No one else squats as low or opens a guy’s legs. It’s a lot more painful. The hunky heel cries out loudly. AHH! His arms swing wildly but they hit nothing.

My 190 lbs crushes his spine as he’s hunched, staring at his big bulge. I’ve got him locked up tight. If he gives, he won’t get to use that monster cock he’s packing on me. I hear he might be the biggest in CLAW. “GIVE, MATEO! GIVE UP!”


Damn, the TV champ is tough. It’s okay, I knew that. I keep the hold on. The guys are talking about the hold and me and it’s all good. It’s giving me energy and confidence. I’ve really turned this shit around. Mateo’s still not giving so I let him go. He falls onto the canvas, lying unmoving, breathing hard, his eyes opening and closing quickly. I pause to flex my biceps. The guys cheer.

I move back in. He kicks up but I’m ready and swat it away. I’m in the fucking zone now. I drive my boot down onto his left pec. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! He convulses with every shot. When I stop, he rolls to the right, clutching his arms over his chest. I grab his left wrist and roughly pull him up to his feet. I drag him into my rising knee, hitting him in the gut. THUD! OOF!

Mateo bends forward so I lift my knee again, slamming it into his left pec. WHOMP! He flies up and stumbles back into the corner. I run into after him and leap with my knee lifted. My knee, backed up by my 190 lbs of muscle, crashes into him, hitting him squarely on his left pec. WHAM! I bounce backward as he sags, gripping his chest with his big right hand.

I measure him up. I hop then hit him in the left pec again with a side kick. THWAK! My boot sinks into his smooth sculpted chest. He’s crushed against the corner, gasping for air. The TV champ sits on the middle turnbuckle, trying to regroup. I can’t allow that. I move in. He doesn’t even try to stop me as I force his arms over the top ropes on either side of the top turnbuckle.

I cry out, “SHORT CIRCUIT!”

With a fast spin, I land a HUGE leaping heart punch. KAPOW! The hunky heel twitches as he grips his chest over his heart. His mouth hangs open as he convulses. I back up and he stumbles forward. I just watch. Mateo spins dramatically and crashes down onto his back. SPLAT! He’s still convulsing. I lift my arms to the cheers of the entire CLAW roster.

I take a lap, flexing and slapping hands. When I reach Koke, he says, “Finish him off, buddy!”

I nod. I complete the lap around the ring. Mateo is not moving. I’ll pin him now. I just need to figure out how to do it. Maybe just one boot? One finger? Maybe I’ll - Mateo finds new energy. He lifts his boot in desperation. I don’t see it coming until it’s too late.


I don’t know what he was going for, but he hits me square in the bulge. My balls compress into my body and my eyes pop forward. I gasp, my mouth open. Oh fuck! I bend forward, holding my manhood in my tight white trunks. The TV champ doesn’t move and neither do I. We stay in the ring, frozen in time. The guys are gasping. Some of them are holding their own junk as if they can feel the pain I’m in.

Mateo moves first. He sits up and rakes my eyes. SCRATCH! ARGH! I grab my face. Son of a bitch. I stumble back. Guys boo. The hunky heel doesn’t care. He kicks my knee. KRAKT! I drop to one knee. PLOP! I’m blinking, trying to focus as I kneel with my right hand in front of my face and my left on my bulge. I swing wildly to ward him off, but I hit nothing but air. WHOOSH!

Suddenly, the TV champ grabs my right wrist. He pulls me forward and wraps his legs around my head. Before I can even react, I’m trapped in a triangle choke. Mateo really cranks on it, squeezing hard. I struggle but realize I’m going out. I decide to submit instead. TAP! TAP! TAP! The hold eases but doesn’t get released. TAP! TAP! TAP! The hunky heel still holds.

Finally, Mateo opens up and frees me. He mounts me, staring down at me with eyes filled with rage. “I should’ve put you out.”

I groan, “I tapped.”

The hunky heel growls, “Yeah, like a loser. When you’re done cleaning this ring, get your ass into the locker room.”

With that, the TV champ storms out of practice. I lie there, defeated but not dejected.


“All right, Mateo, let’s get going.”

“Ryker. Took you long enough, but I guess you are moving a little slow. That was some real circus act bullshit you tried to pull, but even with that, you still couldn’t beat me.”

I calmly reply, “Can we just get into it? Suck. Fuck. Whatever. I want to shower and then put on fresh trunks. There’s still another hour of practice left.”

“You’re really going back out there?”

“Like I said, there’s an hour left. This isn’t going to take an hour, is it?”

“We should talk.” Yeah, right. “Are you sure pro wrestling is right for you? I get that it’s your dream, but you can still wrestle and probably make more money and face less judgment. Going to one of the custom sites. I’m not trying to be an asshole -” Yeah, right. “- But I just don’t see it happening for you. Ben’s too nice to say it but look around at the guys who’re passing you by. Even your friends.”

“Are we going to fuck or what?”

Mateo frowns, “I get it. You’re still processing what’s happened to you. Let me tell you, the guys out there? You lost them today. Picking a fight with me. Getting your ass kicked. Resorting to goofy gimmicks that belong in the 80’s? It’s going to be rough for you, coming to train and on shows when you’ve lost the locker room.”

“So, is that a ‘no’ on fucking?”

The hunky hater frowns, “Okay. Be stubborn instead of smart. Take it all off.”

I confirm, “Even the boots?”

“All of it. Boots are for pros.”

I shrug, not wanting to show emotion. My whole plan if I lost was to frustrate the crap out of him by not letting him agitate me. I get naked quickly and then turn to face Mateo. The door opens. I hold back a smile as I see his face. He’s surprised. I look over my shoulder to see my buddies Koke and Kwame come in. They don’t acknowledge me. Just hover to the side.

Mateo’s eyes flare. I know that he was expecting his enforcer Xander to come in with his phone to capture this. The big man told me he had standing orders to be ready to film whenever Mateo decided it was time to take me down. Too bad for the champ, Xander’s my pal now. And he has standing orders from me to say that he ‘forgot to charge his phone’ and it ‘died during the match’. If he did it right, his footage stops right before Mateo took back control.

With witnesses present, Mateo reaches out to shake my hand, “Good match, Ryker. Those were some cool moves. I’d love to help you refine them.” Mateo is in political mode. He still doesn’t realize that we’re on all to him. I accept the handshake, going along with the pretense.

Mateo and I stare at each other again. He looks so tense that he might explode. I can tell he was hoping for I’d be more upset. Submissive. Humiliated. More susceptible to suggestions. When I arrived at CLAW, maybe that would’ve been the case, but now? I don’t care. I’ll take his cock. From what I’ve heard, it’s really big, he knows how to use it, and I’ll enjoy the experience.

The champ’s eyes keep darting to Kwame and Koke. Their presence has him rattled. He’s trying to not be a complete asshole and he obviously doesn’t like it. It’s not how he envisioned this moment. He says, “Guys, I don’t think Ryker needs you watching this. It’s bad enough he’s lost his ass. Again. He doesn’t need the extra humiliation of having an audience. Again.”

I shrug, “I’m fine with the guys watching. We’ve all fucked many times. Hell, both of them have beaten me worse than you did and then fucked me. And I’ve beaten and fucked them.” Mateo’s eyes burn into me. I grin, “Hell, I was fine with doing it out there in front of everyone. Like you pointed out, it’s not like guys haven’t seen me get fucked before.”

Mateo is realizing that his master plan is shot for today, but rather than move on, he moves in. He puts his hand on my shoulder and pushes. I get shorter as my knees bend. I slowly lower myself to my knees in front of him. I reach up to pull down his trunks, pausing to ask permission in a sarcastic tone, “May I strip your trunks, Sir?” He nods but his face is hard at my playful and fake submissiveness.

I work the sweaty red trunks off. His uncut cock is barely semi-hard. The failure of his plan is deflating more than his ego. I hold back a smile. I reach up and tug on the thick dangling meat. Even mostly soft, he’s a big boy. I jerk on the uncut cock and then ask, “Can I get this hard for you, Sir?” I feel it soften a little more. I think he wants to smack me, but he’s holding back.

Mateo grips my hair with one hand and then lifts his cock with the other. He jerks and it powers up a little, but when he shoves it into my eager mouth, it’s still soft. I keep my eyes looking up as I work. He moans, finally powering up. It’s not the way he wanted, but he still has me on my knees sucking his cock. And with an audience of my buddies. That’s hot enough.

The stud does have a big cock. It fills my mouth now, hitting the back of my throat. Mateo’s getting into it, going rougher. Of course, he’s not looking for a great blowjob. He’s looking to dominate me. And I’m letting him do that (physically) while moaning like a happy cocksucker. He thrusts his hips forward, hitting the back of my throat. GAG! He pounds my mouth, building up speed. URGH!

The face fucking gets brutal as he slams inside me. It’s almost more than I can take. He’s so long and stacked. Kwame’s the biggest I’ve sucked but I think Mateo has him beat. And Kwame never hammered my throat like this. The champ growls as he punishes me for his disappointment, taking out his frustration. GAG! URK! ACK! I fight to handle him, refusing to give in or admit this is anything but a pleasure. I might have to, though.

Mateo quits before I do. I cough but keep it together as he slides out of my mouth. My saliva runs from his thick rod to my lips as I get my breath back. I see his hard cock for the first time, Wow. He does have the biggest cock in CLAW, at least that I’ve seen so far. Dark, thick, and long with a slight upward curve. The uncut meat is gorgeous. I will admit that so is Mateo, but his personality and attitude make him so much less attractive. Still, I want him inside me.

Koke interrupts us, “You guys should move this along. A bunch of guys want Ryker’s advice on new moves and names. Guess they loved his shit.” He’s such a shit-stirrer. I’m glad he’s on my side.

I turn, “Wow, that’s awesome, Koke.” I look up. Mateo stares down at me, hate burning behind his eyes. I tell him, “I should thank you. You really gave me a boost today.”

Mateo is unsure what to say. Nothing about this is right for him. His cock softens and droops a little. Yes! Now to flip control. I stand up and look him eye to-eye. He fights the changing dynamic by stepping into me. We bump chests. THUMP! I smile and reach around his waist. I lean in and kiss his neck. I whisper, “Your cock is so huge, man. I want you inside me.”

The champ moans and I feel his body relax as I seduce him. I push against him, leading him backward. He goes with it. I whisper, “On your back on the bench, Mateo. I’m going to ride your monster cock.” The stunned stud resists momentarily but when I push him, he complies. The confused stud looks up as Kwame moves in with lube and a condom.

I rub the hunky heel’s pecs as my friend fingers fucks my hole, opening me up and getting me ready. Mateo lifts his head, watching. I push his head back onto the bench. CLUNK! I kiss him while Kwame works. The thick fingers inside me, he’s got three in there, have me moaning in the TV champ’s mouth and my dick leaking onto his abs. Damn, it feels good.

And Mateo’s just lying here, doing none of it. I’m going to use him for my pleasure and deny him any power over me. So far, so good. SMACK! Kwame’s hand slapping my ass tells me it’s time. I arch my back and see Mateo’s been fluffed and sheathed. I smile at him as I rise with my hands on his chest. I squat down onto his thick cock. We both moan as I lower myself.

I slowly ease my ass up and down, pressing down on his pecs for support. Mateo’s mouth hangs open as my hole tightens around his thick and long shaft. It’s a beast to take, but thanks to my buddy, I’m handling it without showing any pain, just ecstasy. I get all the way down and pause. I rub his pecs, “Oh yeah, Mateo, you like that?” He nods. “Say it.”

“I like it. Fuck.” He tries to buck his hips, but my weight holds him on the bench. “C’mon, let me fuck you!”

I playfully slap his cheek. TAP! TAP! “I’ve got this. You just lie there and enjoy. Champ.” I start to slide up and down, controlling the pace. Going easy, teasing him. He again starts to bring his hips up, but I go down and hold him again. “Mateo. I got this.” When he stops fighting me, I start again, slowly fucking myself, sliding up and down. I flick his nipples. He moans.

I smile down at him, “Fuck, Mateo, your cock is amazing.” He nods. “Almost as big as Kwame’s.” A lie but it works. His face scrunches up and his eyes lose a little more confidence. Xander told me that the hunky heel is proud of his meat. I knew he wouldn’t like being told that he’s ‘less than’, especially by the guy he’s inside. It bugs him but it makes it better for me.

I’m moaning now. His massive cock feels great. Mateo hates how well I’m handling his meat, but I have to admit, I’m loving the feeling. Damn. I start going faster, “Oh yeah, Mateo. You wanted Ryker’s ass, didn’t you? You wanted me, didn’t you?” He nods. “Now you got me.” I fuck myself on his dick. He bucks his hips. This time, I let him. “Oh yeah, tell me you want me.”

“Oh fuck, Ryker. Yeah, I want your ass. Fuck! You’re so fucking tight.”

I bounce on him. His rising pelvis slams into my hole. My cock is rock hard, stretched out over him. I grab it. Mateo tells me to stop. I ignore him. He’s not in control. I jerk in time with the fuck and I’m quickly unloading all over him, from upper abs to his hair. I line him with my seed, marking him as I continue to fuck myself. I scoop my seed onto my finger and force feed it to him. He’s so hot, he obediently sucks it.

“Yeah, that’s it, Mateo. You are so sexy. Give me your load!”

Mateo grunts then gasps, “Oh yeah! I’m cumming, Ryker! Take my load!”

I slide up and off. He looks up shocked as I smoothly strip the condom off. Before he can even react, I grab his dick and milk him. I take his load from him, aiming it up his body on top of my drying cum. Mateo is too hot to resist, he needs to shoot. I pump a humongous amount of cum from him, covering his smooth brown torso. Some pools in his bellybutton. I keep going.

“Ryker, stop.” I don’t. “Please! Let go of my dick.”

I let go and stand over him, looking down at the sweaty, cum-soaked mess of a man lying on the bench. I smile down at him. No one seeing this would think he’s the winner of anything. Koke slips in with his phone. He takes a picture of Mateo’s limp weak body and soft cock. That gets the TV champ’s attention, “Koke! What are you going to do with that?”

My friend assures him, “Nothing. Promise. Just for my personal spank bank collection, man. Don’t worry. I know what Ryker went through. I’m not doing that to another guy. Only a loser bitch would do something like that.”

Kwame chimes in, “Yeah, any guy who’d do that is a fucking dirtbag bitch.”

Mateo swallows hard, knowing that not only would he do that, but he was also planning to do it to me if Xander had showed up with his phone like he was supposed to. I move off and start getting ready to shower to head back to practice. Koke and Kwame stay with me, just in case the hunky heel gets any ideas.

I don’t think he’ll try anything physical, but I’m sure he’ll say something.


Mateo stretches his cum-lined body, “Think about what I said earlier, Ryker. I don’t think you have a future here. You tried pro wrestling. Again. It didn’t work out. Again. Do you really want to stick around just to be everyone’s bitch? Do yourself a favor and quit now. At least take the day and think on it. Go home. You meditate, right? Meditate on it.”

I challenge his statement, “Why would I quit? You heard Koke. The guys loved what I did. And what has happened today that hasn’t happened in every gym and locker room in the business?”

“Maybe, but not to the same guy all the time. Face it, the guys might want you because every guy on the roster knows they can take your ass. Is that what you want? To be every -”

I interrupt, “Hold on. I took your best and then came back and could’ve won. Yeah, I made a mistake. Yeah, you pulled a low blow and a great move at the end, but we’re pretty even in the end. Today, you helped me realize just how close to the top I am, Mateo.”

Mateo doesn’t like that. “What? Did I give you a concussion? Or actually fuck your brains out? You’re nowhere near me. I’m the man around here. You’ll still be low card when I have the big belt around my waist. I’m the next king of CLAW and everyone knows it.”

Kwame has had enough. He snarks, “Yeah, you’re a king with no followers.” His expression shifts as he contemptuously adds, “You’re also a complete bitch.”

Koke nods, “The guys are Team Ryker all the way.” My buddy adds, “Bitch.”

I stand up, “Wow, I better clean up and get out there. Thanks for making it happen. Bitch.”

Mateo loses it. His face goes red, and he starts screaming at me about how I’m a pathetic charity case who’s only here because Ben feels sorry me. He brings up my sex video again, telling me that’s the biggest thing I’ll ever do while he’s going to be a big star. Kwame and Koke stand ready to defend me, but I’m calm as fuck, despite the verbal abuse.

When the furious stud stops to breathe, I say, “I’m sorry, Mateo.”

That catches everyone off-guard, especially Mateo. He shakes with rage before finally blurting out, “WHAT?”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t understand.”

“Didn’t understand what?”

“I didn’t understand how you felt. How insecure you are. Your fear at seeing me get over with the roster and the crowd. Being accepted in the locker room. Fans cheering my name. Until right this second, I couldn’t see things from your perspective. I don’t see you as competition. You’re so far ahead of me, career-wise, but for whatever reason, you see me as a threat.”

The TV champ growls, “You’re no threat to me. I just proved that.”

I tilt my head, “You say it, but you don’t believe it. You were here way before me. Before Ben. The rising young stud. The hottest, most talented star. The future. Conquering CLAW before your big break. But you’re still here. You need a reason why. An enemy. Yeah, you got a title but that’s not enough. It’ll never be enough because you think you’re too good for CLAW.”

Mateo’s voice rises, “Shut your damn mouth.”

“I couldn’t see your perspective, because for me, after what I went through, I see CLAW as a win. Every day I’m here is a victory. Every show. Every match. Every cheer. Win. Lose. It’s all good. I’ve never tried to take a single opportunity from you. None of us have. We’re all just happy to be here, living our dream. We trust Ben. We trust the system. We trust ourselves. And each other. We’re all happy and it drives you nuts. Because for you, every day you’re still here is a loss, isn’t it? Another day you’re not moving forward. Another day stuck in the minor leagues. With us losers. Other guys are getting their shot at moving up. You’re not. And younger, fresher muscle boys are coming in. And we’re all just so damn excited about everything. No wonder you hate us. You must think we’re all idiots.”

Mateo snarls, “You are all idiots.”

“I understand you now, Mateo. Despite being talented, successful, gorgeous, and smart, you’re wildly unhappy, envious, unloved, and living in a world where everyone is just too damn stupid to realize how great you are. And you know what? Even if you do make it, you’ll hate the next place. You’ll find an enemy. And the cycle will repeat. No matter what, you will never be happy.”

Mateo growls, “I hate you, you condescending fucker.”

“I know. I’d say I’m sorry to hear that, but I’m not. Because it’s your choice. I’ve done nothing to you. Which makes you hate me even more. But YOU are the only reason you hate me. And you are the only one who can make you stop hating me. I won’t try. I won’t work to change a mind that can’t be changed. And I won’t let you decide how, when, or where I wrestle.”

The champ threatens me, “We’ll see about that.”

“Sure. Target me some more. Send Xander or whoever else you’ve got. Maybe you’ll beat me next time. And the next time. And the time after that. Maybe you’ll fuck me. Humiliate me. Over and over. But it won’t change anything. I’ll still be here, and you’ll still be here with me. I’ll happily keep doing my thing with my friends. And you’ll keep being a bitter asshole.”

Mateo can’t speak. He grabs his bag and then storms out of the locker room still naked in boots with two loads of cum on his body. My friends move closer on either side of me. Kwame and Koke squeeze my shoulders. After a few moments, I smile. I’m unsure exactly how I’m feeling, but I think I feel good. Exhausted, but energized at the same time. I’m glad it’s all out in the open.

Kwame says, “I know that was rough for you, but man, I have to tell you, it was awesome.”

Koke adds, “Best takedown I’ve ever seen.”

I breathe in deeply, looking at the ceiling then I turn to face them. My dick is rock-hard, pointing between them. I admit, “I figured out what I was going to say to Mateo after Xander told me how he felt. But now that I actually got to say it, it was kind of awesome, wasn’t it?”

They hug me, declaring, “Team Ryker!”

I respond, “No. Team Kwame. Team Koke. Team literally everyone at CLAW but Mateo.”

Kwame pulls me into a deep kiss as Koke strokes my cock. I playfully push them, “All right, guys. Let’s take this to the showers. My new fans can wait.”



  1. Who knew Alex had a degree in psychology?? I found this entire story fascinating and erotic.

    BUT I'm just wandering how many more times Mateo is going to beat up Ryker? Not that I'm complaining about it, of course!

    1. Thanks! Happy you found it erotic. I worried it was not, because it veers off my usual path at times.

      I’m no psychologist, just a fan fascinated by the depth of the childish drama backstage at AEW, WWE, and the indies. Yeah, I don’t see Mateo changing. There seem to be repeat offenders in pro wrestling and Mateo would be one of those guys who leaves every place bitterly.

  2. That was melodramatic in the best sense. Loved how Ryker made Mateo his bitch even after losing to him. Mateo marked by two loads was perfect. Hopefully 2024 will see Mateo dethroned and possibly DP’d by Ryker and Xander. One can hope! Best match hold was the SHOCK TREATMENT! WHACK! BONK!

    1. BONK! is one of my favorite sound effects, but I seldom get to use it. Appreciate the comment!
