
Friday, December 1, 2023

The Cave 29: Bane vs. Big Daddy Cage 2


“Fuck, Ryan. That was incredible.”

I just nod as I try to catch my breath. I stare up at Pete’s bedroom ceiling. He has glowing stars up there. I jump from constellation to constellation, using them to calm my mind and heart rate. I’m hot, sweaty, and spent. My friend with benefits rolls over against me, his beefy, hairy body pressing against my 6’4”, 250-lbs of smooth muscle. He snuggles in tight. It feels great.

I slide an arm under his head and then move it around his shoulders. I pull his 6’2”, 300-lbs of beef into me and then nuzzle his forehead. Pete lifts his head and slides up to meet my lips. I’m breathing too hard to make out, so he moves to my neck. I moan, managing to let out a weak, gasping “Yes.” That’s all the encouragement he needs to get to work worshipping me.

After the intense pounding I just gave him, it feels great to just lie here and be taken care of. I’m dating two other guys, but Pete is just a buddy. Well, a buddy I fuck. While Pete’s a great friend, I don’t love him like he wants and deserves. I’ve been honest about my feelings to not lead him on. I’ve even encouraged him to see where things go with another guy who seems to really like him. But, until we each find our soulmates, we’re good like this.

Only one of my guys, Corey, ever tops me and that’s only when I decide that I want to bottom. So, I’m like a 95% top these days. But with Pete, the sex is different. It’s fun with Corey and romantic with Luke. Pete’s the only one bigger than me. He can take whatever I dish out. And he wants to. Tonight, I was especially rough, but he kept begging for more. It turned me on a lot, and I didn’t hold back. That’s why I need a minute to catch my breath.

I squirm as he uses his beard to tickle my smooth chest. Pete playfully scratches my nipple with his scruff, and I whimper. He sucks on it, and I grab behind his head, forcing him to go harder. “C’mon, Pete, make me feel it.” He bites softly as he grabs my shaft and pumps. “Yeah, that’s it. Work my cock. I’m so gonna fuck you again. You ready for more?”

Pete looks up from my chest, “You know that I’m always ready for whatever you want, Ryan. But I gotta ask … what brought this on, man? Game night doesn’t usually get you so horny and aggressive. I’ve never seen you this dominant. What’s up?”

Friday night is our usual game night. We played D&D with friends and then we fucked. I admit, I was extra motivated tonight. Last night, I wrestled and lost to Big Daddy Cage, a big, hot, 35-year-old, 6'1", 230-lbs, Black muscle stud with massive (and seemingly unbreakable) pecs, broad shoulders, ripped midsection, tree trunk legs, thick cock, and a mountainous bubble butt that I didn't get to enjoy. (Read all about it here)

After the loss, I needed to dominate someone, and Pete was next in line. I won’t tell him that, because even though we’re not dating, he gets jealous. I grab his face in my hands and lead him back up to me for a deep kiss. It feels great. I lift his face and we lock eyes.

“You didn’t answer my question.”

I lie, “I don’t know. Does it matter?”

“Ryan, you just fucked my brains out like never before. Normally, I need to tell you how to top me.” Yeah, Pete’s a big bossy bottom. He growls, “But tonight? You were an animal. So yeah, it matters. I need to know what triggered it so I can bring it out of you again next time.”

I laugh, “I don’t know what to tell you, Pete. I just felt like I wanted to go all out.” I roll out from under him, keeping him face down. “Now, spread those legs, big boy. It’s time for round two.”


All right, it’s almost game time. I’m guessing Cage will show up exactly on time again. Like last week, I’ve turned the security cameras off. Reluctantly, as I really wanted to re-live last week’s match and will probably feel that way again. All I can do is pace in my gear until I get the text that he’s arrived.

I'm super-excited for Bane vs. Cage, the rematch.

On Sunday night, less than 72 hours after our first match, Cage sent me a text stating the date and time for our rematch. I was surprised that he wanted to go again just a week after our first match. Two Thursdays in a row at the same time, like it’s a thing. He said he wanted us to wrestle regularly, which I’m all for, but weekly? That’s a lot and gives me no time to train.

I guess I made as big an impression on him as he made on me.

Cage is a take charge guy, but so am I. I could’ve said no. I could’ve waited to reply. I could’ve tried to exert some kind of passive aggressive control by moving it. Even just 15 minutes. Instead, I skipped the games. Cage doesn’t strike me as that kind of game player. I had fun with him, and I want to have fun with him again. I answered within seconds with a simple ‘yes’.

There’s something unique about Cage that has me excited and energized. I can’t describe it. He’s being very forceful, but not in a rude or asshole-ish way. Just commanding. I haven’t felt this in a long time. Usually guys defer to me, because of my size. Or, if they try to dominate me, I push back. But it doesn’t feel like Cage is doing that. He’s just being himself and I like it.

It takes me back just a few years to when I wasn’t as confident as I am now. I let my best friend Cody control me for most of my life. Overtly in some cases and subtly in others. It didn’t end well. We had a huge fight when he went way too far. He won me back, but we changed our dynamic. Now, in my life, business, and in all three of my sexual relationships, I’m calling the shots. It’s interesting to go with the flow and experience something different, but familiar.

Damn, I need to focus. I only got to meet with my wrestling coach once this week. I got a few tips, but I was expecting more time between matches. I need to focus on how I lost and how to approach this match. Cage is strong and skilled. He was sweating a ton. I loved how his massive chest heaved as the match went on. I made a mistake fixating on his incredible pecs, but I remember that he noticeably fought to control his breathing.

I think I can wear him down. I’ve got great stamina, especially for a big guy. When I decided to get in shape, it was to beat Cody. I built my muscles to overpower him, but I also did a lot of cardio to keep up with him. If I play this right, I can get Cage sweating and gasping, looking all sexy, but also getting weaker. I’m sure that I can outlast him and then have my way with him.

Just those words get me leaking in my black jock under my black tear-away tights with my Bane symbol front and center over my tenting pouch. My tights have Velcro seams inside and out, which will be convenient when we get to stakes. Easy to pull out of my black pro boots and strip. I chose a Bane mask with a zipper in back, because Cage said the laces were annoying. And I added one black glove to complete my look.

Yep, I’m ready for action, which is good because Cage is here.


Cage and I are more relaxed and slower to hit the ring. We make small talk as he strips down. The muscle hunk is good at controlling the conversation. By the time we approach the ring, he knows that I’m from Philly, that I moved out here for college, and how I started The Cave with my best friend. I only know that he’s from Oakland and has been here since graduating. From where and with what degree, I don’t know, yet. I asked and he distracted me.

Cage is distracting. He’s stunning in yellow trunks with blue accessories, choosing his inspiration hero's original color palette. It all pops against his smooth brown skin. And the shiny fabric shows off his bulge. I peek behind him and see his tight trunks riding up his crack. Fuck, that’s hot. I want that ass. In my tights, my cock grows as my mind wanders to stakes. I’m in lust after him already. Okay, I need to win to get that ass.

We bounce in the ring then simultaneously move in. We bump bodies. SPLAT! We both step back and repeat it. BOMP! This time, we bounce off from the force of the impact. Another go and we collide with big weight. WHOMP! I’m smiling as he goes back four steps while I only went back two. A small victory, but good to start with something positive.

We lock up in a standard collar-and-elbow. Our muscles flex and we enjoy pushing against one another. We’re grunting. We both make a big push at the same time. My hands slip on his already sweaty body, and I slide right into him. Our torsos collide with a ton of force from our momentum. SMASH! Both of us bounce off and we stagger backwards.

As we take a step forward, I kick up, using my longer legs to get to him before he can get to me. I hit his abs. THUD! My boot bounces off without much reaction, but I expected that. I’m already spinning and dropping. I whip my boot out and trip him down with a leg sweep. WHACK! Cage goes down on his beautiful butt, PLOP! I dive at him, tackling him down.

We start grappling. I go hard and fast, forcing him to match my speed and intensity. We fight for control. Damn. He’s a good mat wrestler, too, but not as good as he is at pro. I get his arm at one point, but he powers free. I never get in real trouble, staying one move ahead of him. We roll and crash around the mat, battling for dominance. My skill and his power keep it even.

I stay patient, but aggressive. Every time there’s a break, I move in, forcing us to lock up from our knees. I push his head down and lock on a front facelock. I pull to the left, flipping us onto our backs and then I reverse somersault on top of him, straddling his waist. I keep the front facelock pull him up with me, locking his head under my armpit. He punches my sides. THUD! THUD! I hold on until he gets one fist underneath into my abs. POW! OOF!

I roll away, but immediately dive in. He ducks and throws me over, but that just opens his back to me. I get on him and get my arm under his and my hand behind his neck. I use my leg to push and flip him over. Cage is disoriented, allowing me to apply a full nelson with a body scissors. I lock my hands behind him. He rewards me with loud grunts and groans.

Cage bridges and manages to roll us over. I open my legs and spread them, keeping the full nelson. I use it to push his face into the already sweaty mat. He tries to flip us, but my spread-out legs stop that. The mighty muscleman roars and powers his arms down, unlocking my fingers. He grabs my right arm and uses it to flip me onto my back. I pull away before he can do anything.

Again, I’m forcing him to keep going. No rest. After a lot of back-and-forth that goes nowhere, I get him in a choke. He fights it, but I’ve got it pretty well cinched in. I squeeze. Ending this match this fast would make up for last week. I go for it, but he’s not giving up. I might have to put him out. He uses his strength to roll us over. My chokehold adjusts and he manages to slip free.

The mighty muscleman moves to the side, collapsing on his side and coughing. Damn, I must’ve been close. I move in fast. I push him around, clearly dominant. He blocks any move towards a choke, but that just leaves him open for me to try something else. I get his arm and pull it out to the side, wrapping my legs around his body. For me it’s a rest hold. For him, it’s painful. He fights to power out, but that won’t work in this position.

Cage is breathing hard and sweating a ton. It’s like an oil fight as his sweat coats my body and we spin around the mat as I control him. He fights to roll over, but I use my legs to keep him down. He bridges up, thrusting his amazing bulge into the air. Using his powerful legs, he manages to roll backward and over, finally pulling his arm free from my grip.

The mighty muscleman slips on the sweat and lands on his ass. I grab his left boot and pull him toward me. He tries to kick me with his right, but I grab it. I pull up and into me, locking his boots under my armpits. I flip him over and sit down in a Boston crab. ARGH! The wearing down worked well. I can tell he’s slower and less powerful. That was a long mat match.

Of course, I’m breathing hard and sweating, too, but I’ve been conserving energy. This crab is costing him a lot more than me. He moans under me. We’re fifteen minutes into the match and it’s been all me for the most part. I love controlling the style and pace. This is how I need to handle him. Cage is fighting the crab. I let his legs go and stand before he can counter.

I knew that was about to happen and he didn’t, which lets me react faster. I jump up and come down with my butt onto his broad back. PLOP! OOF! I admire his hungry bum. His trunks are really wedged up there after all the mat wrestling with no breaks. I spin around to face his head. I grab under his arms to pull him up into a camel clutch. He pulls against me, and I can’t get it.

Cage pushes up and throws me off him. I roll into a crouch. I can tell he’s worked up. He’s growling. The veins in his powerful body are popping. When he rises and turns to face me, I can see his arms low. He’s expecting a spear. Too bad I leap up and dropkick him in his defenseless chest. WHOMP! Cage flies backward, stumbling into the ropes.

When the mighty muscleman bounces off, I’m on my back, legs drawn up. He runs right at me as I extend my legs, driving both of my big block boots into his washboard midsection. THUMP! OOF! That breaks through! Cage bends forward, coughing and holding his abs. I wrap my legs around his head, grabbing his thick black hair and forcing his face into my bulge.

I use the head scissors to flip him to the side. I squeeze hard. He groans loudly. I keep his face smothered against my bulge as I close tighter and tighter. There are only so many ways you can hurt a big powerhouse like this, but the head is usually a good place to go. I enjoy watching his legs flail and cycle as he pushes on my scissors. Even as strong as he is, his arms are no match for my legs.

Cage isn’t giving, so again, I just suddenly release my hold. The unexpected shift keeps him from breaking out or being ready to attack. I open my legs, but immediately bring them together, slamming my top leg down onto his temple. SMASH! The move stuns him as I roll out. I use a handful of hair to force him to his feet.

I immediately scoop Cage up across my chest, manhandling his 230-lbs of muscle. I bodyslam him down. BOOM! I drag him up and do it again. BOOM! When I draw him up for a third time, I leap, coming down with an even bigger body slam. KABOOM! We bounce on impact. I slide back and to my feet as he moans there, reaching for his back. I drag him up again.

I grab his wrist and whip him into the corner. He hits the turnbuckles back-first with full force. CLANG! I dive in with a shoulder block. WHOMP! OOF! I grab his wrist and whip him across the ring. He slams into the opposite corner back-first, stumbling out into a big clothesline. CLANG! WHACK! Cage goes down hard. I force him up and push him back into the corner.

I splash on top of the big muscleman. SPLAT! I bounce off and he bends forward, breathing hard. He’s so sexy all sweaty and gasping for air. Exhausted muscle. Just like I expected. I move in confidently. I reach under his chin and force him to stand. I lift my thigh into his abs. WHOMP! It sinks in with little resistance. He coughs and bends forward again.

I force him to stand by his hair and then push his arms behind the top rope on either side the turnbuckle. We lock eyes. I smile. His massive pecs are heaving, but I won’t fall for that again. No, I’m going lower (his abs) and higher (his head). I lift my leg into his abs again. WHOMP! He bends forward, his thick arms sliding over the top rope then falling down, hanging limp.

I’ve got him. I shove his head between my legs, holding him firmly. His butt is resting on the middle turnbuckle as he grabs my legs for support. I squeeze on his head, tightening up with a standing head scissors. I feel the moisture between my legs from his slick, sweaty hair. I have to be careful that he doesn’t slip out. I push forward, locking him between me and the corner.

Cage moans, but doesn’t really struggle. With him exhausted and compliant, I can’t resist. I reach forward and grab the back of his trunks. I pull them up, wedging them up his crack. Damn, what a beautiful butt. Smooth, flawless mountains of muscle elevated by the middle turnbuckle. The sweaty glistens on his rich brown flesh. I grope him and he moans.

I could end this. Drop him with a pedigree right now, knock him out, and pin him, Instead, I savor control. I admire his mounds, caressing them. Yeah, I’m going to enjoy these. All right, time to end this before he gets any energy back. I stand up and spread my arms confidently, posing for nobody but myself. After losing last time, I feel like I deserve a little showmanship.

Leaning forward again, I slide my arms under his, lifting his arms up at the elbow. My hands slide over his broad, sweaty back to lock him up tight. The big muscleman spreads his elbows out and blocks me. Huh. He’s resisting, stopping me from locking my hands. As I push to force the issue, he stands up. WHOA! My boots leave the canvas and I’m flipped to my right.

I go over the top rope, athletically turning to safely land feet down on the apron. PLOP! I get my feet under me as he bends back down. I’m not waiting. I step my left boot over the middle rope to re-enter the ring. Cage suddenly grabs my boot. WHA? He lifts sharply. I fall back, barely managing to grab the top rope with my left finger to avoid slipping off the apron.

Cage unhooks my fingers and I fall back. I extend my arms over my head to avoid a bad crash on the mats surrounding the ring, but Cage is pulling up on my leg, holding it firmly, keeping me safely suspended. Phew. With my legs up, I get into a handstand. My back rests against the apron. Cage drapes my left leg over the middle rope, wedging my foot under the bottom rope. Fuck.

I’m trapped.

I have to hold the handstand to take some pressure off my knee. I’m tall enough to reach from middle rope to floor, but it basically paralyzes me in place. Blood rushes to my head as I dangle down. Hm. I try to unhook my left foot from under the bottom rope, but the tension and stiffness of my pro boot just aren’t cooperating. Cage grabs my right leg. Uh oh.

I try to pull my right leg free, but I have to focus on holding myself up. If I don’t, I’m going to (a) hit my head on the floor, which will hurt even with the mats covering them, and (b) have almost all 250-lbs of my weight suspended by just my left knee, which will not be good, either. I do my best, but once Cage secures his grip, he’s got my right leg under control.

Cage pulls my free leg to the side, spreading my knees as he moves it into the ring. The back of my knee rests on the middle turnbuckle in the corner as Cage locks my foot behind the lower one. He moves back to my left leg and slides it away from the corner, spreading my legs out wide. Fuck! I’m left hanging upside down, legs open wide and hands on the floor below.

I breathe in and crunch up, looking to grab the middle rope and pull myself up. Unfortunately, Cage is there. He kicks between the ropes, hitting me square in the chest. THUD! I fall back, hanging from my knees until I can plant my hands again. Damn. Cage climbs out of the ring. He kneels down, planting his knees on my hands, securing them. I look up and we lock eyes.

“You got me sweaty as fuck, Bane. You deserve to enjoy the fruits of your labor.”

Cage grabs behind my head. He holds it up as he rises up on his knees. His knee pads cushion it, but it’s still 230-lbs of muscle pressing down. He thrusts his hips out. I see nothing but his big bulge inside his trunks. My face is quickly smothered by his sweaty, spandex-wrapped package. Oh fuck. With his free hand, he punches my stomach. THUD! GASP! I’m forced to breathe deep, taking in his rich masculine musk.

“Good boy. Go ahead, lick it up, Bane. Drink up Big Daddy Cage’s sweat.”

I struggle not to obey, but I need to get free. I open my lips, sucking on his balls. The perspiration soaks through the fabric onto my tongue. I drink in his sweat as I work to distract him so I can get free and take control back. I should know better. There’s no distracting him. He lets go of my head and rises. My head is woozy from being upside down and my arms are growing tired from supporting me.

Big Daddy Cage puts the toes of his boots on my hands, making sure I don’t try anything. I’m not sure what I could try like this. I hear and feel the Velcro holding my tights opening. SKRASH! Cage works the insides open first. I feel the air on my smooth flesh just before I feel his lips kissing my groin. Mmmm. The outside seams are next, and I’m stripped to my jock.

“A jock? Nice choice. You wanted to make it really easy to play, didn’t you?”

Sure enough, I feel one of his thick fingers massaging my hole. AH! He doesn’t penetrate me, instead choosing to rub his huge hands up and down the inside of my bare legs. I moan. It feels great. Until he digs his fingers into the soft flesh of my groin. AHH! He claws at the flesh, and I thrash. When he breaks, he chops the tender spots. WHACK! I grunt loudly.

I’m helpless as he switches to short, stabbing fists to the upper inside of my left leg. POW! POW! POW! And then the right leg. POW! POW! POW! Fuck! I try to close my knees, but it’s impossible, especially as he pushes out on my knees. Another round of claw-chop-punch has me whimpering. The muscleman finally unhooks my boots. My legs snap up and I slide down, collapsing onto the mat on the floor at his feet.

As Big Daddy Cage towers over me, his sweat rains down on me. I struggle to move. My legs are numb, my groin and knees ache, and my head is foggy. Ugh. The magnificent muscleman grabs me under the chin. He guides me up, adding his other hand on the back of my masked head. He comments that the zipper is an improvement over “those annoying laces”. I fight to get my legs working.

On my way up, I fire a fist into his abs. THUD! My fist bounces off, as they’ve returned to being rock-fucking-solid. Big Daddy Cage responds with a clubbing forearm that drops me back to the mat. WHOMP! SPLAT! The powerhouse uses one hand to slide his fingers under the straps of my jock at my taint. He pulls them up into my crack like a thong as he locks his thumb under the waistband of my jock.

With the three elastic straps seized and a new firm hold of my mask, I’m forced up and pushed back into the ring. Once under the bottom rope, I roll towards the middle of ring, trying to buy time. Cage has clearly found his second wind. I made him sweaty, but I obviously didn’t wear him out. I fight to rise to my feet, but I’m a little wobbly. At least my head is clearing up.

The mighty muscleman is back in the ring fast. I turn to face him, but I’m met with a spear to the stomach. WHOMP! OOF! Cage uses his momentum to drive me all the way back into the corner where I hit back-first. CLANG! I sag down, resting my butt on the middle turnbuckle and my outstretched arms gripping the top rope on either side.

Big Daddy Cage grabs me around the waist. He stands up, lifting me with him. He plants my bare ass on the top turnbuckle. A rising elbow catches me under the chin. CRACK! My head snaps backward and I’m wobbly. Cage grabs my mask and pulls me forward. I fall across his broad shoulders. He fireman carries me into the ring. A big shrug and I’m flipped over, crashing down hard on my back. BOOM! I bounce on impact.

My legs are lifted. I look up at his smiling face. “Make a wish, Bane.”

All I can do is scream, “NO!”

Unfortunately, the answer is yes. He pushes out on my legs sharply. They go out sideways, tearing my weakened groin. ARGH! They snap back and I roll onto my side. My hands go between my legs, massaging the tender muscles which were already softened up from the claws, punches and chops when I was hanging upside down.

Big Daddy Cage kicks me in the butt. STOMP! I roll onto my stomach. He steps over me and grabs my left leg. With a hand around my ankle and another under my knee, he lifts and locks me into a single leg crab. ARGH! Pain hits my spine, but I’ve never given to a crab before and don’t intend to start now. I brace my hands and start to push up to throw him off.

As I counter, the mighty muscleman counters my counter. He punches the inside of my raised leg. POW! UNH! I collapse back. His knuckles dig into the soft flesh at my groin. I feel it cramping up. I whimper in pain and pound the mat. Fuck. My back is wet with his sweat. He’s still drenched, but it’s not slowing him down. I have to escape. I push up fast and kick out. Cage flies forward off me.

I’m free, but my leg is not happy. I crawl to the corner for support. I haul myself up, climbing up the turnbuckles with firm grip on the ropes. I have a little trouble standing, but when he charges in with a shoulder block, I’m ready. I move just in time. He slides past me, sailing under the top turnbuckle, and ramming his shoulder into the metal ringpost. CLANG!

Big Daddy Cage stumbles back, falling on his ass then rolling onto his back. PLOP! I move in and unleash boots to his shoulder. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! I step back, the boots causing me to wobble and grimace from the leg abuse I’ve persevered. I fight through the pain as I move in again.

The mighty muscleman gets boot up, kicking up between my legs. I instinctively turn to protect my balls, but that’s my mistake. Of course, he wasn’t going for the cheap shot. Instead, he is aiming at the inside of my leg, and I just made it easier. His boot hits its target, slamming inside my thigh. AHH! I turn as my leg buckles, falling against the ropes, which is the only reason I don’t go down.

Damn! I should’ve known better. Cage doesn’t need cheap shots, but it was pure instinct from years of wrestling guys who do go for low blows. The mighty muscleman spins to a knee then dives at my leg, clipping it. SMACK! I fall back hard. He grabs my left leg and drapes it over the middle rope. I focus on that, which allows him to grab my right leg. What is wrong with me?

Up my right leg goes into the air. Cage turns and drops, driving his 230-lbs of muscle on top of the inside of my leg. WHAM! ARGH! With my left leg held by the ropes, I’m trapped as he rises and does it again. WHAM! I writhe on the canvas as he stands up. I manage to unhook my left leg, but the damage is done. I roll onto hands and knees in a sad attempt to crawl away.

“I love your white ass, Bane. Yeah, wiggle that thang.”

I reach the corner and pull myself up. I turn only to get a face full of boot as Big Daddy Cage hits my jaw with a super kick. KRAKT! My eyes roll back in my head. I spin, doing a 360 before I fall forward. Cage catches me in his arms. I’m almost out of it as he grabs me in a bearhug. OOF! I’m dead weight, so instead, he lifts and spins, driving me down with a belly-to-belly suplex. BOOM! OOF! I lie on the canvas, spread-eagle as he mounts my waist.

Cage grabs me by the mask and pulls me up to a seated position locking my head under his armpit. He grabs my wrists and bends them up my back. The mighty muscleman releases my head and lowers me down, lying on top of me. My arms are pinned under me as our combined weight prevents me from pulling them free.

I feel his legs slide inside mine. He opens them up and I’m locked in a grapevine. My groin screws in pain as he goes wider and wider. I moan and grunt, writhing under him, trying get an arm free. He traces my mask with his finger. If I wasn’t suffering, it’d be super-hot. Who am I kidding. It’s still super-hot for me. How did I get in trouble with this guy again?

Big Daddy Cage reaches behind my head, lifting it. He slowly starts to unzip the back of my mask. “I want to see your handsome face while you submit.”

I grunt, “I’m not submitting to a grapevine.”

The magnificent muscleman just smiles as he slowly slides the zipper up. I feel the fabric become less tight around my head. When he reaches the top, only gravity is keeping it on. I’m managing the pain, still refusing to give. Cage peels the mask down. He kisses my exposed forehead. Then he kisses my nose when it’s revealed. And lastly, my lips.

I kiss him back, lost under him, even as the tearing pain shoots up inside me. Big Daddy Cage dominates my mouth as he casually tosses my mask away. Trapped under him, locked in the killer hold, and stripped to my jock, boots, and glove, I feel weaker, but somehow happier. Of course, his lips are helping with that. He’s a great kisser. When he breaks, we lock eyes.

“I’m still not giving to a fucking grapevine.”

Big Daddy Cage suddenly opens my legs wider. The fast, sharp thrust sends blinding pain up through me. The methodical attack on my groin and the inner leg damage he’s caused has me wildly moaning and thrashing under him. I whimper as he asks me to give.

“Submit, boy. Do it for Big Daddy. DO IT! GIVE!”


Cage eases up. He rolls off me. I roll onto my side, closing my legs. I feel him pull my jock off, stripping away another part of my identity. Fuck. Now, with the match over, I start to wonder what happened. I crawl to the ropes, lifting myself up before collapsing onto the middle rope. Hanging on it, stripped and suffering, I’m suddenly shocked.

How did I lose twice to this guy?

And why am I not angry about it?


I lost physically, but it hits me that I lost psychologically, too. I stopped fighting and let him have his way with me before I gave. What is up with that?

I don’t have time to think on it. Big Daddy Cage moves up behind me. He palms my head and guides me around to face him on my knees. The mighty muscleman drops to one knee. He flexes his right bicep. Mmm. As he lifts his arm with his elbow up, his left hand pulls my face into his sweaty armpit. I’m overwhelmed by his scent. It’s intoxicating. I breathe in deeply.

“That’s a good boy. You made me sweat. Now enjoy it.”

I extend my tongue and lick the smooth shaved pit. Salty and musky, but as it fills my nose and mouth, I’m enjoying it. I work hard on servicing his pit. Big Daddy Cage grunts out praise, telling me I’m doing great. When he moves and shoves my face into his left armpit, I vow to work even harder. I drink in his manliness, my cock throbbing between my aching legs.

Big Daddy Cage pulls off and lies down. He puts his arms behind his head. I admire those luscious pits again. It’s never been a fetish of mine, but on this man? Yeah, it could become a thing. I know what to do. I crawl forward on all fours and lie down beside him. I resume the cleanup, finishing off his pits before I move to lovingly lick and suck his amazing body.

The mighty muscleman beat me. He deserves it. I start with his incredible pecs. They’re so big that there’s a lot to cover. He moans when I suck on his nipples. I run my tongue between his pecs as I slide over him, putting my knees between his open legs. I trace each abs muscle, caressing them with my mouth. All I can taste and smell now is Big Daddy Cage and his musk.

When I reach his trunks, Cage stops me. “There’s time for that, but first, get on your back.”

I roll over and wait. Is he going to just plow my hole right now? No, Cage moves in between my boots. He lifts my left leg. I wince. He rubs up and down, massaging my aching limb. When he works inside my leg, it hurts, but in a good way. Oh fuck, he’s so good at after-care. Damn. He carefully works out the tightness. I arch my back and throw back my head, moaning loudly.

“It’s okay, but eyes on me.”

I lift my head and watch him work. When he switches, my left leg feels almost normal. Big Daddy Cage is just as good with the right leg. His strong fingers knead into my flesh. He works up and down, driving the pain and tightness away. I bite my bottom lip as he works. My cock is hard, stretching up my stomach. I love this and I want this man to fuck me so hard.

I ask, “Are you a massage therapist?” He shakes his head. “A physical therapist?” Another shake. “Well, you must be something, because you’re too good to be an amateur.”

“What I am is Big Daddy Cage. And you are my good boy.” I let out a growling moan and my cock starts leaking immediately. “Let’s just say that I know the human body. And mind. And now, I’m going to take your sweet ass. Tell Big Daddy Cage that you want that.”

“Oh, fuck yes. Take it, Big Daddy Cage. Take everything. You’ve got me so horny.”

The mighty muscleman rolls away and grabs lube and protection. He peels down his trunks, revealing his magnificent cock. I loved it last time and now, I want it even more. There was a chance the last match was a fluke, but now I know better. He’s tough as fuck and for some reason, I couldn’t put him away. I could analyze my fuckups, but I’d rather just get fucked.

I struggled to take him the last time, but I know how amazing it feels once he’s inside me, so I feel more confident. Cage lubes his fingers and opens me up again. I let him know how good that feels as he keeps my eyes locked on his. I’m definitely leaking now. I whimper like a little bitch, quietly pleading with him to just do it already. I don’t need any more prep.

Big Daddy Cage reads me like a book. Not surprisingly. He sheathes his massive cock then twists my right leg over my left. I turn at the hips, keeping my shoulders flat on the canvas. I like that I can watch him as he lines up to ravage my hole. He says, “Keeping your legs together. Only good pain from here on out.” I smile, loving how he takes care of me.

Good pain is right. I thought I was ready, but the girth of his rod still takes some getting used to. I push out and grunt. I beg for more, letting him know to keep going. Fuck, from this angle, it feels even bigger. I cry out, “OH FUCK! YES, BIG DADDY! OH, FUCK YES!” He’s in all the way. My mouth hangs open, drool coming out as I gasp and nod at him.

The mighty muscleman starts pumping. He pushes down on my right leg and my abs as he pounds me like no man ever has. Damn! “Oh fuck, Big Daddy! You own my hole! Yes, own it!” I beg him, “Please! It feels so good!” More sweat rains down as I enjoy watching his heaving pecs bounce as he drives in with every incredible inch. When he pulls out, I feel empty.

Not for long, though. He rolls me onto my stomach. My cock is wedged under me. Big Daddy Cage powers back inside my stretched ass. I hate not being able to look at him, but I love how he can power in and out. The mighty muscleman grunts, “You are so fucking tight. Such a good boy. Yeah, you love Daddy’s cock, don’t you?” I whimper in the affirmative.

I lift my hips up against his thrusts, clenching my ass around his thick rod even harder. He loves it, “Good boy. Feels so good on Big Daddy’s cock!” The sweat and pre-cum under me has my own dick ready to explode. I can’t resist, warning him that I’m going to shoot. “Go for it. Shoot that load, Bane. Make your mess, hands-free!” I groan as my load erupts under me.

My cock fires and my ass convulses. The effect gets Big Daddy Cage ready to shoot, too. He keeps pounding until I’m drained then slides out. I feel empty as I collapse down. But not for long. He’s around and kneeling in front of me. Grabbing my chin and head, he leads me to his dick. I wrap my hand and lips around it. I suck and jerk him as he rubs my head, calling me a good boy.

In under a minute, I’m drinking down his load. He explodes inside me, firing his seed into my mouth. I eagerly drink it down as it replaces the taste of his musky sweat with his sweet, milky man-juice. I milk him until he’s empty and then I clean his cock, licking it from stem to tip. I polish his balls, too, bathing them as he caresses my neck.

I roll over onto my back. Big Daddy Cage mounts me. He sits on my stomach, and we just stay there, breathing hard and enjoying the moment. I smile as he compliments me, saying how special I am. I accept it, although I wish I’d beaten him.

The mighty muscleman says, “Hey, you had me in trouble in both matches. Just a couple of mistakes, but you got nothing to be ashamed about.”

I smile at the compliment, “Thanks. Maybe I’ll get you next time.”

“I know you’ll try. But it isn’t like you don’t enjoy this outcome.”

I let that hang. We both know it’s true, but I don’t know why. There’s just something about this man that makes me okay with losing. Not that I don’t want to win, but it’s just something different than other guys.


“Hey, Ryan. I was surprised to get your text. I cleaned myself up and left the bed open -”

I grab my gorgeous 19-year-old boyfriend, pulling him into me. I sweep him into a passionate kiss as I move by him into his studio apartment. I use my shoe to close the door behind me. SLAM! Corey reciprocates, kissing me hard. I grab under his legs, lifting the 5’11, 190-lbs stud into a reverse piggyback. I easily hold his weight as the teen muscle stud holds onto me.

I carry him across the small room to his queen-size futon and toss him onto the fresh white sheets. He looks up at me with his customary cocky smirk. Corey spreads his legs and pulls off the shorts he only pulled on to greet me. He knows exactly why I woke him up and his cock is rock-hard in anticipation. He’s got condoms and lube ready for me. Always the smart boy.

I want him so bad. I dressed for this, leaving my work clothes in the car. I kick off my flip flops, quickly peel off my white t-shirt and then my gym shorts. Naked, I dive on top of him. We make out, with my 250-lbs pressing down on the ripped younger muscleboy. He caresses my back as I pin him down with my big body and lips. I aggressively ravage him, and he loves it.

I whisper dominating dirty talk in his ear. He plays the submissive and begs for me to take him. Corey knows me and my moods so well. He moans, “Fuck yes! Own me, big man.” I growl and pin him down. I treat him like my sex toy, savoring his smooth muscular body. He whimpers as I attack, instinctively moving with me into the perfect position every time. “I’m your bitch!”

My cock throbs for him. I roll over. I slide back to sit against the headboard with my knees out and up. Corey moves in between my legs, lying with his mouth hovering over my swelling rod and his hands primed to play with my balls. I grip his hair tight. He moans approvingly, “Fuck, you’re a beast this morning.” I guide him to my cock. He opens his lips but waits for my order.

We lock eyes and then I pull his head down. He deep throats my throbbing dick as I pull his nose into my trimmed pubes. I keep hold of his head, controlling his pace and depth. Yeah, Corey’s a cocky stud but I’m in control this morning. Fuck, he’s such a great cocksucker. I buck my hips up, pounding the back of his throat. He gags but takes it willingly.

I order him to look up at me as I fuck his handsome, adorable face. Corey’s eyes water but even with a mouth full of my meat, he’s smirking. The boy loves it when I’m rough with him. I roll us over again, sliding out and I move onto the floor. With Corey on his back, I roughly grab his wrists and pull his chiseled muscleboy body so his head hangs off the bed. I lean forward, hands beside his hips.

Corey grips my ass, squeezing it as he prepares for more. I swing my cock, smacking his face with it. Taunting him. He whimpers. I power back inside his mouth and he goes back to work. The young muscle stud holds on as I thrust forward and back, pounding his mouth. Below my face, his cock is rock-hard and pointing up at me. It bounces as I wreck his mouth.

My load is building so I pull out. Corey relaxes, eager for a break after the lengthy oral session. I toss him lube and grab a condom for myself. I jerk my dick as he rolls over and makes a production of prepping his hole for me. He has his smooth white mounds up and pointed at me, his face down and two fingers working. Good boy. He knows I’m in a doggie style mood.

I sheathe my cock and then move in. He assumes the position as I hold his hips. With a smooth thrust, I drive in deep. Corey moans, “Oh yes, that’s it. Fuck, you’re a beast. My fucking beast!” I prove him right as I savagely plow his hole. His back muscles tense as I go full force. We’re both quickly gasping. I’m too horny to make it last more than a few minutes.

Corey can tell. He says, “You own my ass, big man! Give it to me!” I erupt, continuing to pound his hole as I empty my balls. When I pull out, stumble back. Corey rolls over and grabs his cock. He studies me with a smirk. I free my cock and then climb onto the bed on top of him. I lean down and kiss him. We lock eyes. He lets go of his throbbing cock and caresses my sides.

“I don’t normally see you on Fridays. Especially in the morning. What’s up?”

“Nothing. Just craving my sexy boy.”

Corey’s eyes narrow like he’s analyzing my response. He says, “You’re lucky I was available. I might’ve been out or had a guest.”

“I guess it’s a lucky day for both of us.” I growl, “Although, it wouldn’t have been so bad if you had a guest.”

“Uh huh.” Corey’s suspicious about that. I lower myself, crushing him under my 250-lbs of beef. The handsome young muscleboy squeezes me in a bearhug. “So, who is he?”

“Who’s who?”

“The guy who’s got you so horny.”

“What? It’s you.”

Corey smirks, “Ryan. C’mon. You woke me up just to fuck me. You’re in beast mode. You always love to see my face when we fuck, but you did me from behind. Tell me who he is. You know I’ll get it out of you eventually.”

Fuck. I hate how intuitive he is. He’s almost as bad as my best friend Cody. The two of them can read me like a book, so there’s no point in lying. The good thing is that of the three guys I’m currently hooking up with, he’s the one who never gets jealous. Corey is mature for any age, supremely confident and, well, he’s 19. He’s fucking around, too. More than I am.

I roll onto my back, and he mounts me. As he toys with my pecs. I admit, “I wrestled last night.”

“And you lost.”

“How’d you know?”

“You don’t lose often, but the last time you fucked me like this, it was after that Dustin guy used his MMA training on you. So, what was this guy’s deal? Martial arts?”

“No, he just outwrestled me.”

“Oh fuck.” Corey’s cock grows, stretching up my body and pointing at me. “Bigger?”

“6-1. 230.”

“Oh fuck. Smaller.”

I reply defensively, “Not by that much. He’s strong, rock-hard, and knows how to wrestle.”

The ripped muscleboy slides back, pinning my dick to my pelvis. He pumps his cock. “Fuck, you are killing me here, Ryan. But now I get it. You lose, you need to fuck me hard. You lose like that and you unleash the beast.” He pats my left pec, “This was awesome. But you should’ve come to me right after, before you lost any edge at all. I bet you would’ve destroyed me.”

“Well, I was sore and walking a little funny.” The young stud laughs. I clarify, “From the wrestling. He went after my legs and especially my groin. He submitted me with a grapevine.”

Corey groans, “You - oh - you gave to a - oh fuck - to a lousy fucking grapevine?”

I nod and suddenly, a rope of cum hits my face. The muscleboy convulses on top of me. I watch him, mouth open, pecs heaving, abs tight, as he sits on me and coating me with his load. Corey hits my face with the first shot and then lines my torso.

“Holy fuck.” He breathes in and out, “A grapevine?” I nod. “FUUCCCKKKK!” That gets one more big shot out of him. The ripped young stud relaxes as he milks out the final drops until he’s drained. He reaches up and feeds me the last drops of cum from his explosion.

Once I’ve cleaned his hand, the young muscleboy slides off. He cleans his cum off my face and body with his tongue as I run my hand through his hair. When he’s done, Corey kisses me. I drink in more of his load as we make out and I get hard again under him. When we break, Corey sees my dick. He reaches down and grabs hold. The muscleboy’s strong hand pumps my throbbing cock.

As he jerks me, Corey says, “Tell me everything.”


Up next ... On 12/15, 2023 wraps up as we return to CLAW. While Ben's away, the studs will play. At practice, Mateo makes his big move against Ryker, but is it too late? Thanks to Xander, Ryker knows what's coming, but is knowing enough to save himself?


  1. What a great story. I thought Ryan was gonna just mop the floor with Big Daddy... but he had to take his time. Just wait until Cody inevitably hears about all this fun Bane is having... :)

    1. Thanks! Yeah, Ryan just can’t seem to close the deal. Cody will find out, but not for a couple of more stories.

  2. This was a very hot story. Thank you! The sexual chemistry between Ryan and Big Daddy is palpable. It's an interesting power dynamic that Ryan can't quite get the job done with Cage but reverses his submissive side with Pete and Corey. I was surprised as I thought maybe Bane would prevail and take stakes but as I read it I realized of course Bane had to lose and get fucked again. Nice job!

    1. Appreciate the comment! Yes, a lot going on with Ryan, who also thought he’d reverse things in round two.

      Ryan’s always been a secondary, maybe even tertiary, focus, with a lot of his stories written out of a sense of obligation (“oh, I should do a Ryan story”). I’m finally really interested in exploring him and am giving him more love. He’s planned to have a good 2024 (if I can keep writing two stories a month) as a wrestler and a supporting character in the march to his 30th birthday, which will be my 250th story.

    2. Can’t wait!

  3. Corey and I are on the same wavelength haha. Sexy story as always, hopefully Cage can beat some better communication skills into Ryan

    1. Thanks for commenting! Being on the same wavelength as Corey sounds like a good thing. :)

  4. Another excellent story. I especially appreciate how you managed to humanize Pete in just a few paragraphs. Before he seemed more of a parody than a real person.

    I really like your 1st person style. Allows one to hear what the wrestler is feeling and thinking. I've never been able to pull that off.

    As for Ryan, again making him more relatable. You had me hooked from the very beginning of the cave when Ryan dominates cody and humiliated him. Now we get to see a more nuanced person.

    Really looking forward to seeing what 2024 has in store at The Cave.

    PS: DAMN you are really good at the sex storytelling as well!! Definitely have to be in a private location to read😁

    1. Wow, thanks!

      Funny thing is that Pete is one of my characters who is based on a real person, but I get what you mean. Probably because he’s mainly described by Cody. If any of us were defined by someone who dislikes us, we probably wouldn’t feel like a real person, either. :) Occasionally, we do see characters like Jae say something positive about him, but we seldom see him be anything but a bitch.

    2. Does your friend know that he is the inspiration for Pete?

    3. Ha! No, no. That will hopefully never happen. I have no interest in overly dramatic scenes, except within my stories.

  5. Awesome story! I second everything that has already been written by others. I got a little excited when Dustin was mentioned. That was also a really hot story. Will we be seeing him again? I think Dustin going up against Big Daddy Cage would be hot.

    1. Thanks! Anyone can show up any time, but letting me know in comments is a great way to make it happen. :)

      There is a great place for him to show up in 2024, so hopefully I can make that a reality.

  6. I'm so glad you are writing more about Ryan. I've always loved him as a character and always wanted to see him get more action. I'm glad he has multiple sides of him: dominant, submissive, beast, bitch.
    Keep up the great work! Love seeing Ryan owning a guy but Big Daddy is awesome! We all need a Big Daddy to put us in our place once in awhile

    1. Thanks! Great to hear from a Ryan fan. And you’re definitely a fan, because you’re way ahead of the story … the multiple sides of Ryan will be discussed in 2024.
