
Tuesday, August 1, 2023

The Cave: The Road to El Paso 5 (Buck vs. Keith)


“See you in a bit, Buck. Shouldn’t take long for me to pack up.”

I wave, knowing that’s a lie. Beau heads off to pick up his stuff, but I’m not going because he doesn’t want me there when he sees his brother Toby again. During our 4-hour car ride here from Dusty’s, I argued multiple times that I should handle this for him or at least go with him. Beau wouldn’t hear it. He wants to do it himself. He knows it will be drama. He knows Toby will provoke him. But he says he can deal with it without losing his temper. I hope he’s right.

I really doubt he's right. But I get it. I never had a brother, but even I know that sometimes, brothers gotta handle their own business. (To see how the brothers handle their business, read The Cave: The Road to El Paso 4)

It’s weird. I’ve only known Beau for a few weeks, but it feels like years. We share a lot of the same interests and he’s even been working with me on my crew creating a roof garden for our friend Cody. I don’t have any immediate family left, but now he’s like the (much) younger brother I never had. All I’ve ever heard about this place revolves around his boss Keith and real older brother Toby. It’s all negative. Hellish, really.

Now that I’ve seen him here in his element, there’s a lot of love at The Future Farms, too. We’ve spent the past hour visiting his co-workers and friends. Beau is popular with everyone from what I can tell. They like and missed him and he likes and missed them. I wonder if he shouldn’t come back to work and just ask to be away from Toby. Or at least have the option.

The El Paso sun is bright but not too hot. I meander around a bit. Beau told me where I can and cannot go, including which cabins are home to the friends we met. And which one is home to the foe. Singular. There are only two he warned me about. #3. His own. And #21. Keith’s. The boss. The man who dominated him for six weeks then sent him away for four more.

The man with all the power. The man who will decide his fate.

#21 is the cabin porch where I decide to sit myself down while I wait for Beau. Just perfect for meeting “the man”. I strip off my shirt and pull on a John Deere baseball cap. With my tee tucked in my jeans, I confidently walk over, take a seat on the rustic looking bench, and wait. I lean back, legs spread, looking casual. Yeah, I got a plan.

Sure enough, a 6'2" / 220 lbs muscleman comes out of the cabin. He’s a little older than me (I’m 35, he’s 40-ish). He’s not handsome, but I’m no model, either. He is rugged and hot. Shirtless in jeans with a cowboy hat on, he’d be intimidating if I didn’t know who he was. Don’t get me wrong, he’s even more intimidating knowing who he is and what he did to Beau. I don’t think I can win revenge for my buddy, and I know Beau wouldn’t even want me to try. But I still have a plan to give Beau something he needs. Control.

“So, who’re you? Beau’s bodyguard?”

I stand up slowly, “Friend. Name’s Buck.” I extend a hand. He takes it. It’s a firm handshake, but not obnoxiously so. He’s measuring me, so I’m working with it. Calmly and subtly showing off my muscles. My buddy Cody is king of seducing guys, so I’ve picked up a few things. Hope I’m pulling it off. He’s also the king of plans to get his way. Let’s see if I can match him on that.

“So, Buck, any reason you chose my bench to sit on. Lot closer ones than mine.”

“Yeah, there is a reason. I want to give you the reason you need to keep Beau on.” Keith laughs. I confidently state, “I’m a businessman myself. Run a farm. Hire lots of guys just like your guys. Not easy to find good ones these days. Near impossible to find great ones.”

“And what makes you think Beau’s a good one, much less a great one?”

“I’ve met a lot of your men. Beau’s popular. Respected. So, he must be damn good at his job. And I know him. He helped me on a project the past few weeks. Backbreaking work. Pulled more than his weight. Never complained. Independent. Smart.”

Keith snorts, “Thinks he’s smarter than everyone else.”

“Maybe he is.”

Keith looks away, out over the landscape, “If you love Beau so much, keep him for your farm.”

“I’ve already offered. But -”

“Let me save you some trouble. Beau’s done here. Did he tell you what happened?” I nod. “No way he can work for me. No way he can live with Toby. And given the choice, I’d rather have Toby around than Beau.”

I look around, showing him my profile. Proud pecs, flat stomach, decent ass. I survey the land, taking my time. I finally say, “You got a big place here. You could separate Beau and Toby. And he can work for you. If you act professionally, so will he. I know it. And I think you do, too.”

The ranch boss ignores my comment, “So, Buck, you planning on just sitting out here for an hour while he packs up and kicks the shit outta Toby?” I turn to him, eyebrows up. He laughs, “Trust me. That’s what’s happening.”

I ask, “Then why aren’t you over there defending your buddy?”

“Why aren’t you?”

“Fair enough. We’re both letting brothers handle brotherly business.”

“Yep. So, let’s you and me handle some business, Buck.” Keith turns, sure that I’ll follow. We walk through his two-bedroom cabin to the kitchen. I see wrestling mats on the floor in one of the bedrooms. The rugged muscleman pulls out two metal water bottles from the fridge and hands me one, “So, you wanna start in clothes or just get naked now?”

I act surprised, “What?”

“Buck, your act might work on some folks but not on me. Let’s skip the games. You want me to do something for you that I don’t wanna do. You want me to welcome Beau back, give him new accommodations, and … what else you angling for?”

I confidently reply, “Give him his four weeks back. Say this was a special project.”

“Ha! Wow, want me to give him a raise, too? A promotion? Maybe I retire and give him my job.”

“No. I’m looking for three things. Job. Housing. Vacation time.”

“Thing is, Buck, you got no leverage. Your only play is convince me to wrestle you for it and that’s why you’re here. Big boy, big muscles,” He looks behind me, “Big ass. It’s a tempting deal. We wrestle, you win, then you get what you want.”

“Yeah, I aim to wrestle you, but I think you got the deal backwards. You agree to the three conditions first then we wrestle. I’ll put my ass on the line. But win or lose, the deal’s the deal. And it’s locked down no matter the result.”

Keith was not expecting that. His eyes narrow, “You’re setting it up so you can’t lose.”

“I’m setting it up so we both win.”

“What makes you think you’re worth that deal, farmer?”

I play it cool, “You invited me in, so you tell me, boss.”

The rugged hunk circles me, “Damn. Nice play. You actually got me thinking about it.”

“I think a lot, too. Like I was thinking about how Beau got in this position. Thinking about how the Beau I know could be fired from any job, much less this one. Thinking I need to hear more of the story. While Beau was saying ‘hi’ to folks, I was asking questions.”

Keith gives me a hard stare, “What kind of questions?”

“Questions about the last four weeks.” Keith tenses. I explain, “Here’s what I think. You learned that you need Beau. But you got a lot of pride. It’s okay, I do too. You need Beau but you need a justification to change your mind. It’s tough. As a boss, I’ve been there. Thing is, your crew doesn’t know the story and won’t care, but you need a reason that works for your pride.”

“You think you got it all figured out.”

“Is it a bad deal for you? Only if you really don’t want Beau back. In which case, kick me out and I’ll just wait by the truck.”

Keith doesn’t say anything.

I take that as a good sign, so I continue, “But if you do want any chance of getting Beau back on your team - and I don’t know if he’ll come back or not - but if you do, it’s a great deal for you. Sure, he might say ‘no’, but you might get your best man back and you definitely get me on the mats. From what Beau’s said, odds are, you’ll get my ass, too. Win-win.”

The boss stares at me. He’s got a great poker face. It’s cool, I can wait. I got time. I chug back some water, letting a little spill on my pecs. He breathes in deeply. The rugged muscleman finally extends his hand. We shake.

“Okay, you got your three conditions. Now get those jeans and boots off.”


We strip down to briefs. He’s a sexy stud. I’m gonna - WHOA!

Keith’s on me immediately, driving me into the wall before I’m expecting it. SLAM! I push out, turning him around. I drive in, using my 240-lbs of muscle to crush him between me and the wall. SPLAT! OOF! He pushes me off him and I stumble back. Keith comes at me fast. He dives down, grabbing me around the waist. The rugged wrestler lifts and plants me on the mat. BOOM! OOF! I land hard.

I manage to roll away when Keith reaches for me. I rise cautiously. He’s already coming at me again. The guy is ferocious. I meet his charge and we lock up. There’s no feeling out with this guy. He shifts and comes at me with a huge knee lift to my gut. WHOMP! OOF! I bend forward into a front facelock. The boss slides his arms under mine. He locks his hands behind my back and lifts, flipping me over with a double arm suplex. BOOM! Okay, that one hurt.

The rugged wrestler rolls on top of me, planting his ass on my face and shins on my shoulders. He fires one big fist into my abs. THUD! OOF! I throw him off with all I got. We roll around. Keith charges at me from his knees, not giving me time to breathe. I expected it, getting into his speed and style. I jump up and he lands under me. I splash on top of him. SPLAT! I don’t give a shit who you are, you’re gonna feel 240-lbs crushing down on you.

My shin fits nice on the back of his neck as I sit up. He plants his hands to push me off, but I grab under his elbow. I power his arm up into an armbar. I point it at the ceiling then bend it to me before I lock his wrist in my arm pit. When he grunts, I feel real satisfaction. I feel even more when he lets out a “FUCK” as I make him taste the mat by pressing down harder on the back of his neck.

I lean back, really bending his arm the wrong way. He’s feeling pain in his shoulder. His legs kick up and down as my weight and power keeps him face-down under me. I see him getting his knee under him and I know he’s about to break free, probably by spinning into the hold towards me. I make it easy for him by “accidentally” lifting my knee from his neck as I lean back.

Keith goes for it, sliding around for a tackle. I counter by grabbing his head and lifting my legs. He successfully puts me on my back, but I outmaneuver him. The boss lands with his face in my crotch. I close my legs up tight for a powerful scissors hold. He groans as my legs compresses his head. His forward turns red fast and I feel him grunting against my balls in my tight white briefs. He pushes on my legs, but that’ll never work.

The boss figures out he’s in trouble. He plants his feet and folds me in half on my shoulders. He somersaults over and his head slips out of my legs. He lands with his upper back on my chest, both of us looking up, facing the opposite way. With him on top of me, I grab below his armpits and lock up under his chest. I bridge us up to our feet, spinning us around.

The tough muscleman tries for a back body drop, but I block it by powering him down. I push up hard, lifting and flipping over my right shoulder into an over-the-shoulder backbreaker. I steady him in the killer submission hold. His head hangs down and I feel his legs kicking. I bounce up and down, trying to make it hurt before he eventually breaks free.

Keith starts kicking and slipping. He’s close to escaping, so I drop to one knee, jarring him on the impact. KRAKT! He groans before I drop him to the mat, face down. PLOP! I rise up then drop my knee into his back. WHOMP! I bounce off his hard muscles then come down with another. WHOMP! I turn and grab under his chin as I dig my knee into the small of his back.

I pull up hard and fast. He groans, bracing his upper body by planting his hands to relieve the strain on his neck. I lean back into it, bending his spine up to 90-degrees the wrong way. Keith takes the pain. The man is solid and resilient. I keep the pressure up until he manages to use his left leg and arm to topple us to the right. SPLAT! We roll in opposite directions and rise.

Keith's not wasting time. I know this, so when he charges in, I dive in low. Sliding under him, I manage to grab his leg and lift. He falls onto his back. WHAM! I keep hold of his leg and rise up. I twist on a leglock, hyper-extending his knee as I work it. I pin his other leg down with my foot. We’re both sweating, but he's staying calm, controlling his breathing.

All I get out of him are soft grunts as I crank on his leg. He’s focused. The rugged wrestler manages to slide his pinned leg free. He kicks my thigh then my stomach, I stumble back, losing the leg lock. We dive at each simultaneously. I get the best of him, driving down onto his back with me on top. Keith is stunned. But only for a second. I go for an armlock, but he blocks.

We ferociously fight for control. It’s a blur of hands and legs. I’m on top, he’s on top. I counter him, but he counters me. We move around the entire mat, coating it with a thick layer of man-sweat. I’m breathing a lot harder than he is. The guy is relentless. This sure ain’t pro wrestling where everything is more methodical. It’s like I’m trying to control a wild animal.

Keith breaks through and gets me in a headlock. As he lies on top, squeezing me, he says, “You’re good. Tougher than I expected.” I ignore the backhanded compliment. I punch his body, but it’s rock-solid. THUD! THUD! THUD! I bridge up and flip us over. He gets a controlling body scissors on me. I know my face is red from the pressure he’s applying. I gotta get free. I grab under his back and move my legs.

“What’re you up to, farmer?”

I show him by standing up, lifting him with me. I run at the wall, slamming him in, back-first. WHAM! His scissors and headlock lose their power, so I do it again. WHAM! His legs and arms fall to the side. I step back and throw my whole body behind a fist to his gut. BOOF! Keith coughs. I grip him around the neck and fire more gut punches, making sure they sink deep. POW! POW! POW! The rugged wrestler gets his leg up and kicks me back.

Keith doesn’t charge this time. He leans forward, coughing and his gut is red. I move back in fast. Too fast. He’s ready for me. The muscleman grabs me and uses my momentum to spin me around into the wall. BOOM! Now, it’s his turn. He unleashes fearsome body blows that have me gasping for air. THUD! THUD! THUD! He adds in a knee lift. WHOMP! I double over.

The rugged wrestler palms my head. He pulls me up, slamming my shoulders into the wall. Keith steps back then drives his barefoot into my abs. STOMP! OOF! I fall forward into a front facelock. I don’t wait to see what he has planned. I lift and flip him with a back body drop. We’re too close to the wall, so he hits that then falls to the mat on his head. BOOM! CRACK!

I turn and see him crumpled. I ask, “Oh shit. Sorry about that. You okay?” He gives me a thumbs up. I accept that then drive my foot down onto him. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! I drag him up. He tries pushing me away, but I get behind him. I slap on a rear naked choke. I tighten it fast. He fights me. I shake him from side to side, cinching in the hold. He starts to sag.

The muscleman gets weaker in the sleeper hold. But he’s not out. I keep the pressure up. His legs go limp. I’m pulled forward. On his knees, the muscleman’s body tenses. He’s trying to fight me. The fact that he’s not out yet worries me. I’m draining him but he should be out. Maybe I’m doing it - Keith reaches up and grabs behind my head. He pulls me forward, flipping me over his shoulder and off him. PLOP! I land on my ass.

Suddenly, I’m in a chinlock with his knee buried in my back. Keith mutters, “Fuck, that was close, farmer. Shit.”

I take that as a sign he’s still feeling it. I plant my feet and push back. My weight crushes him under me. I flip over and go for his right arm. I bend it so his elbow’s up and his wrist in below his ear. I reach under his head and grip the left wrist, trapping him. I push on his left tricep. He cries out for the first time, admitting pain. Unfortunately, he bridges up and rolls us quickly.

I lose the hold and now he’s on top. We grapple fiercely again. He’s recovered, based on the intensity of his attacks. I get why he gave Beau so much trouble. I throw him off, needing to regroup. As he starts to rise, I realize he’s too close to me. I swing my legs and easily trip him down. PLOP! I dive in at him, but I catch an elbow to the temple. CRACK! Stunned, I fall away.

My adrenaline kicks in and I rise, but I fall into the wall. That shot has me seeing stars. Keith comes in. I charge, but he dodges. Behind me, he manages to power me into a full nelson. He crushes my broad shoulders. My chin digs in between my heaving pecs. I can see my stomach expanding and contracting as I gasp for air. And in my briefs, my dick is semi-hard.

The rugged wrestler has me hot. But I ain’t giving up. No way. When he starts shaking me back and forth, I almost lose give. The pain shoots through my body. I almost black out. In desperation, I run us back with all I got. 240-lbs of muscle is still 240-lbs of muscle. We slam into the wall. WHAM! The son-of-a-bitch holds on. I do it again. WHAM! He holds it but it’s weaker. I flip forward and throw him off. SPLAT! I collapse to the mat, exhausted.

I roll onto my back, dazed and exhausted. It’s like fighting a fucking Terminator. Keith is a machine. Tough to hurt with endless energy. I’ve held my own, but unless I find a weak spot on him, he’ll just keep wearing me down. The closest I was - shit, he’s standing over me. I move to rise, but he drives his foot into my abs. STOMP! OOF! He really put his weight into that one.

I instinctively sit up as my abs contract. He’s ready for that. He grabs the back of my head, wrapping his arm around my neck as he falls back. I’m pulled forward, my head locked under his armpit. His forearm cuts into my throat. His other arm goes under my armpit, and he locks hands, securing a guillotine choke. It’s tight and skillfully applied.

I need to tap, because the threat of going out is -


SPLASH! I sit up with a start. Oh, my head. I’m wet. What happened? Oh yeah. The choke. I look up to see Keith towering over me, holding a water bottle. I collapse back. Damn, that was one hell of a hold. I don’t think even Cody could knock me out that fast. Not that he’d try. He’s more about the long-held holds. Keith just wanted to end the match and he sure did.

Keith checks on me, “You okay?” I nod. He asks, “So, that it? You’re not done already?”

I look up, surprised by the challenge. I stare at his body. His briefs are tenting. Mine are - gone? I’m naked. I fluff my bulge. I roll over. Still a little dazed. Exhaustion hitting my big muscles. I crawl to him. I try to stand on my own, but I need help. I put my hands on his bare feet as I rest on hands and knees before him. He throws the bottle away. WHAP!

I start the slow, arduous climb up his body. I’m in no shape to continue without a longer break, but I made a deal and I want to make sure he gets what he agreed to. Me. I’m not going to just give up because I can. My right hand leaves his foot, sliding up his lower leg to his knee. I grip it for support then slide my other hand slowly up. My head is bowed and I’m breathing slowly.

I shift to plant one foot on the mat. My hands slide up to his hips as my head rises. I’m staring at his impressive manhood inside his briefs. Wow. I’m in for it. He sees me staring. His big paw reaches down, and he adjusts his meat. I lick my lips. He says, “Not time for that, farmer.” I nod and slide one hand over his pelvis. He adds menacingly, “Go low and you’ll regret it.”

“Wasn’t ever a thought, boss.”

Breathe in deeply, summoning my strength. The weight of the choke out is fading. I feel better mentally. Not physically, though. I lean forward as my hand slides up his abs and grips a pec. I push up with my leg and fall into him. He holds steady as my face slithers up his rock-hard sweat-soaked torso. My low hand slides from hip to shoulder. I grip it and stand up, finally.

Keith smiles, “Nice to see you, Buck. Getting up means you’re ready for more.”

It’s a statement, not a question. Suddenly, he reaches between my legs. He lifts my 240-lbs carcass easily, as though we weren’t just wrestling hard. I’m held across his broad chest. He circles his mat room, lifting me, as though weighing me. His hand grips my butt cheek tightly. When he turns, I tuck my head, knowing what’s coming. A body slam. BOOM! I groan.

The rugged wrestler wedges his foot under me. He lifts and I move onto my side. A kick and I roll over onto my stomach. Keith steps over me. He mounts my back, planting his ass just above mine. I try to throw him off, but he overpowers me, lifting me into a camel clutch. I groan as he secures my arms over his legs. I fight to escape, making sure he has to work for it.

Keith likes it. He pulls back then eases up, making the hold last. I never stop trying to power out. He slides his ass on my back and says, “Yeah, that’s right. I caught me a tough guy, didn’t I?” I growl and give it my all. I almost make it. He has to pull back really far on my chin to get me to stop. The intensity of the hold has me whimpering. I stare at the ceiling as I suffer.

“Give it up, farmer.”

“Okay! I give! I give!”

Keith lets me go. I fall face forward, landing with a SPLAT!


I stretch my back. Keith tells me he likes me. Tells me I’m more of a fighter than Beau or his brother. Says they both gave in way too easy. I’m surprised to hear him say that about Toby, but for Beau, his brother sandbagged him the first time they wrestled, so it wasn’t a fair fight. I don’t bring this up, since I need the boss to be happy and honestly, it’s water under the bridge.

I bridge my hips, lifting my butt off the mat. I hold them in the air, supported by my shoulders and feet. That feels good. My cock is hard, hovering over my pelvis. Until Keith walks up and drives his foot down onto my abs. STOMP! OOF! My butt hits the mat. I lie there looking at him with my knees up and arms outstretched. He puts his hands on his hips. Waiting.

I swallow hard. I fling my legs sideways. WHACK! I catch him by surprise, hitting him in the knee. He topples down. I dive on top of him. We struggle on the mat. He overpowers me, getting me face down. One hand presses my face into the sweaty vinyl while his body weight holds me down. The rugged wrestler keeps me down as he dry humps me.

Keith slides off me. I rise to hands and knees. He’s in front of me fast. Or I rise slow. Either way, I’m staring at his feet as my head hangs down. He grabs under my chin while palming the top of my head. He pulls me up and rubs my face in his sweaty crotch. His briefs are soaked, and I can smell pre-cum. Good, he’s having fun, too. I grab behind his ankles to trip him.

The muscle stud knows what I’m planning. He roughly shoves my head between his legs. His tree trunk upper legs close in on a standing leg scissors. OH! ARGH! The pressure is immediately intense. I remember how fast he knocked me out with the previous choke. I grab his legs, bracing myself, but also preparing to tap. Fuck, his legs are harder than tree trunks.

While I’m feeling up his legs, I realize that Keith doesn’t seem to be trying to put me out. Just own me. Maybe he’s enjoying the view of my ass. I see an opening. I slide my hands up and down his legs seductively. I go lower each time. The rugged muscleman knows exactly what I’m thinking. He warns, “Trip me now and your head’s going into the floor. Hard.”

Slides my hands up high again. He squeezes harder and I tap on his legs, submitting.


As I lie on my back, Keith sits on me. He rubs my pecs, “You done? Or can you handle one more? You’ll like this next one.”

“Watch out. Maybe this is where I start my big comeback.”

We smile at the lie. Keith pats me on the chest. He extends a hand and helps me up to my feet. I wobble and he steadies me. Unfortunately, he steadies me with a big bearhug. ARGH! My sides collapse against the force of his arms and body. I sag in his arms. He grinds his bulge on mine as I grip his shoulders. I push on the boulders, not really trying to escape but showing some fight.

“Kiss me. I want to taste the air leaving your body.”

I moan then bring my face to his. Our lips lock. He sucks in every gasping exhale from my crushed body. Keith squeezes harder and harder. I grab around his head, resting my triceps on his thick traps. I don’t bother going for a front-facing sleeper or anything. The match is over, and he’s won. The rugged wrestler shakes me up and down. I gasp into him.

Keith slides to my neck. He licks my sweat. I put my head back, moaning as he owns me. He kisses and bites my neck. My cock swells up between us. I’m like the proverbially frog in a pot of boiling water. The pressure of his bearhug is increasing so slowly and I’m so distracted that I barely realize what’s happening. I finally struggle too much, and the pain rises past my pleasure.

“I give. Please. I give.”

The rugged wrestler eases up with a chuckling laugh. He finally opens his arms and I collapse to the mat. Keith slowly strips down his briefs and I finally see him in all his glory. He steps over me and flexes his mighty muscles. He breaks and hands me an energizing drink. I gulp it down furiously as he circles me, sizing me up as he plays with his cock.

“Okay, boss, you win. Now what?”


I knew there was a good chance I’d lose, but it still sucks. Especially losing multiple times, in rapid succession, like I did. I’m a big guy and a good wrestler, but Keith kicked my ass. The boss struts around me, sizing me up. Just figuring how he wants to take his prize. With how much I got out of him, I’m sure he wants to get even more out of me.

I’m on hands and knees, working out my back with a cat-dog tilts. My back is arched up in cat and I’m exhaling. I inhale as I drop my stomach, raising my head and ass. Keith is in front of me. I look up. He smirks, “You look good like that. A little puppy pose.” I move to sit back, but he says, “Stay, puppy.” I growl, but it’s more playful than I expected from the rugged muscleman. Maybe he does have a softer side. Anyway, I obey and remain in position.

“All right, farmer. You did great on the mats. Now, let’s really see if I made a good deal. Climb up me to get to your feet. I liked how you did that. Nice and slow and grabby.”

I move to a neutral spine then reach out to repeat my climb of shame. Starting at his ankles, I slide my hands up his legs, pausing at the knee. I move my head in close. I reach my left hand to his hip and plant one foot. I slither my right hand to his abs then over to his waist. I squeeze the hard muscle as I slowly rise. I slide my hands up a little at a time, alternating and gripping him. He flexes his arms and praises me as I rise.

When I’m almost there, I grab his shoulders and pull on them before sliding my hands out to his bulging biceps. I rub over them then drop my arms. I stand tall before him, waiting for instructions. His grin is so arrogant. I kind of like it. He’s more handsome than I initially thought. Keith checks me out, taking his time. He circles me.

“What am I going to do with you?” His finger splits my crack. He rubs my hole, “Of course, I’m taking this, but there’s gotta be more than just a fuck, right? I paid a hefty price for you.”

I smirk, “Whatever you say. You’re the boss, boss.”

Keith slides in front of me. He grabs me by the throat, “You are one cocky bastard, aren’t you? You pretend you’re not, but you are. You’re the one I should hire just to have you around. Taming you over the next few months would be fun.”

“Me? Gee, boss, I don’t think I’ve ever been called cocky in my life. Or a bastard. I’m just a simple farmer helping out a buddy. Maybe it’s the California influence. I have been hanging out with some - URK!” His grip tightens on my throat. I get the hint. Maybe the ‘gee, boss’ was a little over-the-top. I manage to grunt out, “Sorry, boss.”

Keith pulls me into a hard kiss. And I mean hard. He goes rough, owning my mouth. I let him lead, of course. It’s dominant, but I figure a guy like Keith wants some resistance. I get into the kiss, pushing back. That gets him moaning. He reaches behind me and smacks my ass, WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! His hand slides from my ass to feel around my junk.

I’m moaning, too. I rub his body, using a firm hand as I worship it. He slaps my cock around as he molests my mouth. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! My balls fit in his big hand. He fondles them. Fortunately, not too hard. Still, I squirm a little, shifting my hips, getting into it. Keith breaks the kiss. He slaps my dick harder. WHACK! I grunt. It doesn’t hurt but it has my attention.

“Stop squirming. I own this.” He bats my dick back-and-forth. “And these.” The rugged stud squeezes my balls. “Bought and paid for thanks to our deal. Got it?”

“Yes, boss. I’m just a little -” The glare says it all. I quietly reply, “- never mind.”

Keith punches my pecs. “Fuck, you are a big slab of beef. Family farm raised; I like that.” He moves behind me. “Bend forward.” I obey resting my hands on my lower quads as I thrust my ass back towards him. “Yeah, that’s nice.”

I wonder if he’s going to spank me, but I quickly realize he’s going the opposite way. Keith puts his face in my crack. His tongue tickles my hole. I moan loudly. Oh fuck. The boss proceeds to eat me out. Damn. I never expected this. And he’s good at it. Great, in fact. My knees wobble and I hold my tongue. He’s made it clear, playtime is over, and he doesn’t like chatty bottoms.

Keith’s tongue teases my hole. I gasp. He takes pity on me, ordering me to lean on the nearby table. I do and he goes back to work. Now that I have the table’s support, I’m really able to get into it. He works my ass for a long time. He has me wet and prepped. A lubed, powerful finger slides inside me. Oh yes. It’s amazing. I’m ready for him to plow me anytime.

The muscular beast toys with me. He’s in no hurry. He won me fair and square and now, he owns me. When he stands up, he spanks my ass hard. SMACK! I jump with a start. Keith grabs me by the scruff of my neck and leads me to the wall. He pushes me in face-first. SPLAT! I adjust and brace myself with my ass out, waiting as he sheathes his cock.

The rugged muscleman moves in behind me. He slaps my ass. SMACK! It feels good and I let him know it with an approving grunt. Keith presses against my hole then pushes in. I push out and he pops inside me. He’s big, but I’ve taken bigger. And I just got pounded last night by a thick-cocked 20-year-old in my motel room, so I’m feeling good as I’m filled up again.

I surprise Keith by pushing back against him to take the final two inches. He likes that. When he gets pumping, he goes rough fast. I’m bracing myself but I also keep shifting my hips back and forth opposite to him, so when he’s thrusting in, I’m pushing my ass right back at him. The deep fuck as me whimpering.

The boss snarls, “Fuck, you got a hungry pussy. Oh yeah, you’re great at this, farmer.”

Keith slides his hands up my back. He grabs my neck. One hand pulls my head back by my hair and the other holds my chin. He slips his index finger in my mouth, and I suck on it. The fucking is ferocious now. He’s giving me sexy trash talk, loving every second of it. I’m rock-hard as he hits me just right. I close my eyes, lost in the fuck. I suddenly feel my load building.

With his finger fish-hooking my cheek, I manage to warn him, “I’m cumming!”

My cock erupts untouched, firing ropes of my seed into the wall and onto the mat. The ruthless plowing keeps going. His hands slide down and reach around. He pinches my nipple and my whole body shakes from my post-orgasm sensitivity. I cry out as he toys with me. Suddenly he pulls out. “Get on your knees.” I drop fast and spin around to face him.

The rugged muscleman fills my mouth with his unwrapped cock. He pounds my face as roughly as he fucked my hole. I’m gagging on his rod as he rams it deep inside my mouth. I caress his legs while he ravages another one of my holes, having torn up my ass beautifully. I’m more passive now as he makes it clear he’s in control of this face-fucking.

I taste pre-cum then he freezes deep inside my mouth. I feel his first shot hit and I start swallowing. He unleashes a big load and I struggle to keep up. More and more cum fills my mouth then my belly. Every swallow seems to draw more of his seed out. Keith starts pulling out, taking his time, going out then in then out until I’m just holding his head. I clean it.

Speaking of cleaning, Keith slides out and turns my head to the wall and mat. “Wipe up your mess, farmer.” I look at him and he smirks, “You got a tongue. use it.”

I lean in a slurp up my seed, adding it to his load. As I bend down to work on the mat, my ass is up. Keith says, “Damn, I really do need to hire you. If Beau stays, want to stay with him?”

I turn and sit on my ass, my job complete. He extends a hand and pulls me up into a big kiss and hug. I let him molest my body as a finishing moment of our deal. And I do enjoy it. I won’t tell Beau any of that, I’ll tell him this was strictly business, but my negative feelings towards this man have pretty much evaporated as we savor the tender moment.

I hear my name. Oh shit, how long did this take?



Damn. Beau dealt with Toby and packed up faster than I thought. Or we wrestled and fucked slower. I breathe in then open Keith’s cabin door. Beau sees me. I’m sweaty in a towel. Keith steps up behind me in the same condition. The blond bodybuilder looks shocked. Now, he looks betrayed. His face red, his muscles pumped, he stomps towards us.

Beau points at me, “You fucked around with HIM? After everything I fucking told you?”

I hold up my hands, “Just wait.” Beau opens his mouth, but I sternly say, “WAIT.” Being much older has its privileges and one is the firm voice. The blond bodybuilder listens to me, but he crosses his arms over his broad chest. I get that he’s angry. I was hoping to be showered and waiting at the truck before he returned, but I can still handle this. I turn to Keith, “Well?”

Keith steps forward onto his porch, “Look, Beau, if you want your job, it’s yours. I’ll give you cabin 47 on the opposite side of the ranch, away from Toby.” I raise my eyebrows, “And I won’t count the last four weeks against your vacation. We’ll just say you were on a special project. Think about it. You got an hour to decide.”

Keith turns and heads to his shower.

Beau’s anger turns to confusion. “What the fuck was that?”

I smile, “Let’s just say Cody’s a bad influence - or a good one, depending on how you’re feeling.” Turning serious, I explain, “Look, we’ve spent a lot of time together over the past few weeks. Everything you’ve shared, the one constant is that you haven’t had any say over your life. I wanted you to have control back. That’s why I negotiated with Keith.”

“You beat Keith?”

“No, not even close. But the deal wasn’t contingent on me winning. Just on me wrestling.” Beau looks surprised then impressed. I ask, “So, decisions, buddy. First off, how’d things go? You forgiving Toby?”

“That’s definitely not happening.” He smiles and I feel like there’s a story there.

“Your call. You want your job here?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t think it was an option. But being back here. Seeing the guys again.” Beau pauses and I feel like there’s one particular guy he’s thinking about. “I’m seriously thinking about it. My own cabin. Really wouldn’t ever see Toby.” (See who has Beau thinking so hard in The Cave: The Road to El Paso 4)

“And Keith knows your value. He’ll treat you fairly.”

Beau looks at me, “That was some match.” I shrug. “I don’t know what to do now.”

“Okay. 100% your choice. Ignore that hour deadline. Trust me. Keith’ll take you back any time. Everything that’s happening - where you live, work, your relationships. It’s all you. You’re calling the shots, my friend. I’ll miss you a ton if you stay, but I’ll understand and support you if you do. Congrats on being the boss of your own life again.”

Beau whispers, “Fuck.” He bends over with his hands on his knees, and I worry he’s going to puke. No, I think he’s going to cry? Nope. But he came close.

I rub his back, “You okay, buddy?

“Sorry, it just hit me all at once. I just told Toby. I told him I found a better brother than he’ll ever be. And now? And now? Buck. You just gave me back what he took. You took on Keith. Outsmarted him. For me. No benefit to you. Just to help me out.” The blond bodybuilder looks me in the eye, "Like a real brother would."

As Beau recognizes that the power over his own life has returned to him, he stands. His posture visibly changes. Shoulders back. Massive chest up. Square jaw rises. He stands taller and prouder than in any time since I’ve known him. He grabs me. I brace for impact as he wraps his massive arms around me. He hugs me hard. I groan but enjoy the back-breaking embrace.

When he lets go, I grab my suitcase and head to the shower to clean up. Keith is still there. He asks me what Beau will do. I just shrug. We share the large stall. There’s no talking, but there’s a lot of touching. We don’t fuck again, just enjoy each other’s body. He finishes and heads out to his bedroom. When I’m clean and dressed, I find Beau at the truck, pacing and thinking.

I ask, “You had time to think, little bro?”

Beau laughs, “Yep, made my decision, big bro.”

“We unloading at #47 or driving to Cali?”

“Driving. I love the guys here, but I need a change. Need to be my own man. I have a better offer, anyway.” I look surprised. “Something I’ve been working on. Just confirmed it. I’ll tell you all about it on the drive home.” The blond bodybuilder pulls out his phone. He shows me as he texts “no thx” to Keith then “see u @ xmas” to Toby. Nine months until he sees Toby again. Not sure that's long enough.

We walk to the truck in silence. Once there, I offer to drive, but Beau smiles, “I got the wheel.” We head out for the four-hour drive back to the Dusty Inn for dinner. He says, “So, looks like I’m officially a Cali boy now. What about you, Buck? Feels like you made your choice to go back to your farm for the wrong reason. Thinking there's no place for you. Thinking Cody doesn't want you around."

"Don't remind me."

"Doesn’t mean it’s the wrong decision, but …”

I admit, “But I should re-think my choice.”

Shit, what am I gonna do? Go back to the farm or stay in LA?


What does Buck decide? What’s Beau’s next move? The Road to El Paso concludes in The Cave 27: Cody vs. Beau and Buck on September 1st 2023.

Up next … On August 15th 2023, we go back four weeks (in Cave time) to the aftermath of The Cave 26: The Bat vs. Master Peace. At the end of the match, a mysterious muscleman appeared! What does he want? Why did he attack The Bat and drag Master Peace away? Answers are just a mere fortnight (two weeks) away!


  1. Once again another HOT wrestling match!! Loved the first person style. And GREAT storytelling.

    You are the master of the soap opera. Where will our muscleboys end up?? And with who??

    1. Thanks! Great questions and all will be answered next month! Probably faster than most soap operas. :)

  2. Damn! Buck had a plan! He's no dummy, I love it.

    I also love the immediacy of the storytelling: "The closest I was - shit, he’s standing over me." The match interrupted Buck's narration! Also, "I need to tap, because the threat of going out is - ROUND TWO?...SPLASH!" First person chokehold perspective, damn! And aside from the hot action, Buck is still subtly hilarious ("Maybe the ‘gee, boss’ was a little over-the-top.").

    And here's something I loved: "I hold up my hands, 'Just wait.' Beau opens his mouth, but I sternly say, 'WAIT.'" That got pretty tense for a moment, but any TV show or movie or book would have played out that misunderstanding for WAY too long, but you actually had an explanation happen, as people do in real life (and annoys me SO MUCH when characters don't in other things) so thanks for that! You know, I used to be rooting for a Buck-Beau romance pretty hard, but now they've got this loving brotherly vibe going, that Beau NEEDS frankly, so now I'm loving THIS. And Buck! What WILL happen? Thank God it's only a month to wait! :)

    As usual: Thanks for the story!

    1. Thanks for the comment! Happy to read you liked the approach. Yes, Buck is a smart cookie. He has been on his own since 18 and has successfully run a farm, managed the farm hands, etc. for 17 years. He might not be worldly, but the man has life experience.

      Yeah, I’ve read and watched enough “misunderstandings” in comics, TV, and movies to know the trope. Beau could’ve stormed off and refused to talk to Buck, feeling betrayed by another brother. They could’ve fought in the next story. Buck could’ve been mad that Beau didn’t trust him. Et cetera. I wasn’t interested in that.

  3. vinnymusclestallionAugust 3, 2023 at 12:54 PM

    Wow! Very hot! “I start the slow, arduous climb up his body.” Loved that line. And love to see a “climb of shame”! It was great to have two in one story. I’d climb up Keith’s body any day. Beau made the right decision for sure but Buck had his heart in the right place. Someday, it would be super hot to see Keith manhandled! Can’t wait for the next chapter.

    1. Thanks! The climb of shame is one of my favorite things in the world. One my favorites is Blayne climbing Cason while the dominant young muscle punk casually posed. So hot.

    2. Definitely checking that out!

    3. There’s an accelerated version in my review of the video here:

  4. Cody vs Beau and Buck sounds interesting.

    Soap operas definitely had long storylines. On the one soap I watched, "One Life to Live," I remember one involving DID that went on for at least a year. There was also a summer storyline in the early 1990s with Ryan Phillipe in his first professional acting role. He played the first gay teenager on television. Excellent writing in that. You can find a lot of the segments on YouTube and some interviews he's done about the role.

    1. I hope everyone will like it.

      Yes, soap opera time is just as bad as comic book time, except that the actors age and they track for real life events with holidays every year. I seem to remember the show Passions had a hurricane or a Christmas party or something where one night lasted a year!

    2. Wasn't Passions the show with a lot of supernatural stuff like witches and things? If so, I can understand the reason one night taking a year.

      Yeah, soap timelines were bizarre as nothing would seem to happen for three months and then it is Halloween or Valentine's Day. Plus there was always there ever famous SORAS (Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome) where kids would magically age multiple years and be recast. On One Life to Live, they had a character, Starr, who defied that usual practice as the show really like the kid actress that played her and allowed her to grow up in real time. Her real life brother played the son of another couple of the show. It kind of killed the show's ability to age recurring kid characters for a while without having them disappear for some reason.

  5. Another well written story. Thank you for posting these stories. We are at a fork in the road with these characters' plots. It is fun to imagine what might happen. But I'd love to see the deadly Keith in a pro ring against Beau. This time it would be a more friendly match but a tough one. Maybe Beau could win that one.

    1. Thanks! It’s taken a while, but it is finally decision time. Not sure Beau will ever face Keith again, but fully capable, confident Beau in a ring is probably his best shot at a win.
