
Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The Cave Shorts: Ruining a Master Peace

These events directly follow the end of The Cave 26: The Bat vs. Master Peace.
Spoilers (or reminders) for that story contained below.


“And that’s what you get for underestimating The Bat.”

The victorious Cave superstar rises up.

And I lie here unmoving on my stomach like a loser. Which I am.

The Bat puts his big black patent leather pro boot on my broad, cum-lined back. I’m sure he’s flexing over me, celebrating beating me. Knocking me out. I’m still feeling that. And then fucking my tight top ass. I’m sore and embarrassed. I was sure I was going to win. The Bat has trouble with bigger guys and I’m a bigger guy - 27, 6’1” and 225 lbs of hard, sculpted muscle.

I’m Chris. A fucking muscle god. I have guys bending over for me all the time. So many guys. Guys who pay for it. I work construction during the day for the steady pay and health coverage, but I’m an in-demand escort at night. And, I’m a wrestler here in The Cave, a gay-oriented, superhero-themed wrestling video site. The guy who just kicked my ass co-owns it.

My character is Master Peace, a villain-heel in shiny white trunks, mask, and pro boots. To the ring, I wear a long sleeveless robe, which I dramatically open to reveal my amazing body and a white ‘yang’ temporary tattoo over my thick, perfect chest. Some viewers have DM’ed me that they cum at that point, having to watch my matches in chunks because I make them so hot.

I mouthed off a lot to The Bat pre-match. Mocked him. He just let me run my mouth. And I played right into his hands during the match. I made stupid mistakes. I was arrogant. That’s why I’m lying face down in just my white boots and mask, exhausted and dazed, with my hole stretched by the biggest dick I’ve ever taken. Fuck. I’m not going to live this down for a while. I close my eyes, letting the smaller stud have his moment. What else can I do?

My mind wanders. ARGH! I’m such a fucking idiot. When I joined The Cave six months ago, I couldn’t wait to face The Bat. He’s a hero and the biggest star. Beating him is a big deal and only a handful of guys have managed it. I could’ve been one of those special guys. I racked up six wins and no losses before finally getting my chance. In the third fall, I had The Bat beat. I had the biggest star and co-owner of The Cave pinned. One. Two.

And then I used his cowl to lift him up at the three-count!

Who does that?

A fucking idiot, that’s who. Yeah, The Bat was fighting my pin. Yeah, he’ll say he was lifting his shoulder. No fucking way. I know my strength. He was never going to get that shoulder up. I lifted it for him. I wanted to use my killer bearhug. To prove it’s the best in The Cave. I wanted to break The Bat and really humiliate him by hearing him scream “I GIVE!” Then I could finally fuck his ass. No, own his ass. Destroy it. Instead, he slapped on a Kiss of Death. I went out.

Fuck. I’m an idiot.

As I wait for the cue that filming has wrapped, I hear … wrestling? BOOM! What’s going on? Should I react? Or stay where I am? No one told me there’d be post-sex action, so I don’t know the deal. CRACK! I’ll sneak a look. I turn my head and shoulders to see what’s going on. What? A big 27 year old, 6’1”, 225 lbs muscleman with an amazing body is standing over The Bat who looks out of it.

The big man is dressed as ‘yin’, my complete opposite. He’s in tight black pro wrestling trunks, mask, boots, and fingerless gloves. He’s got a hooded cloak that’s open, showing off his ridiculously chiseled and muscular body that’s exactly the same stats as mine, but is shaped so it looks more solid. And on his chest is the big black ‘yin’ symbol. My opposite. It’s not a coincidence.

‘Yin’ is War Lord. His real name is Vuk (pronounced Vook).

My ex-boyfriend.

Vuk and I were frat brothers. We met up again a couple of years ago. I wanted him so bad, but he wasn’t interested. When he knew me in college, I was a slut and he’s a pretty traditional guy who believes in monogamy. I hid my escorting life and he gave in. I was getting enough on the side that I didn’t even fuck him for a couple of months. I convinced him I’d changed.

The handsome muscle stud was worth lying to. I always knew that it was never going to work out long-term, but I just couldn’t give up that ass. Eventually, he caught on that I was cheating on him, but he couldn’t prove it. Vuk definitely hated when I joined The Cave. I bought him that costume and thought up the name to go with mine. Master Peace. War Lord.

To calm him down, I asked him to join with me, knowing he’d never do it. He’s perfect for it. Just as big and hard as me. And he’s tough. But he always said ‘no’. I even introduced him to Ryan, the other co-owner, and his friend Pete, figuring that he’d see it’s a real, professional business. They’re basic guys. Huge, but sexually non-threatening compared to Cody aka The Bat. Let's face it, there was no way he wouldn't think I wasn't fucking around with Cody or his partner Jae. Vuk actually liked Ryan and Pete (they still hang out even without me). He still wouldn’t wrestle and I wouldn’t give it up, but accepted it.

I love The Cave, but mostly I loved how wrestling practice worked as my cover for hookups. Out of respect for Vuk, I kept all my whoring safe and professional with guys outside our circle. They were clients and it was work. I got back to bookings 2-3 times a week, always around wrestling practice time. I was always there for him when he needed me for family shit or hanging out or sex. I didn’t feel any guilt. And I still don’t, especially after he broke up with me over his suspicions.

I miss that ass.

The only close call came when I showed up and Ivan, one of his uncles, was the client. Oh shit, right? Luckily, Ivan didn’t want anyone to know he was hiring male escorts just as much as I didn’t want Vuk finding out. I fucked his brains out, he paid me, and he became a regular. Unfortunately, he brought his brother Miro in on it. Eventually, I ended up fucking seven guys in Vuk’s family while we were dating - including popping his youngest brother's cherry (as a birthday present from his uncle). That was hot. I kept it professional, charging my normal rate. Mutually assured destruction kept us all quiet and Vuk never found out.

I wonder if showing up like this and taking out The Bat is his attempt to win me back?

I roll over and up to my knees. I want to ask what’s he’s doing, but before I can, his boot comes out and hits me in the jaw. CRACK! It hits perfectly and full force. I’m caught off guard. I never expected him to attack me. My eyes roll back in my head. I see stars. I lie on the canvas, sprawled out and unmoving. After everything else I’ve been through today, I’m barely holding onto consciousness.

War Lord grabs my shiny white left boot. He drags me to the ropes. I don’t resist. I think The Bat is out of it, but Ryan and Pete don’t try to help me, either. They just keep filming. Did they know this was going to happen? Even in costume, they’d recognize Vuk. Maybe they think we planned this and are going with the flow. He hops out of the ring. I’m pulled under the bottom rope by my boot and the slung over his shoulder.

As my limp carcass hangs on my former man’s shoulder, Ryan follows with the camera, capturing it all. I’m dead weight at this point, my arms hanging down. I look at his amazing ass as I feel him grip mine. Looks great wrapped in black, just like I knew it would. I want him to stop, but I can’t get the words out. He carries me through the curtain into the hallway. We turn right toward the gym instead of left to the locker rooms.

While I hang over his shoulder like a pathetic jobber, I start to get pissed. I’ve had enough humiliation for the day. Vuk better have a good explanation for all this.


My ex roughly drops me on the mats. SPLAT! I writhe on the black vinyl mats, trying to get myself right. War Lord towers over me. He signals to Ryan to cut the camera.

I angrily ask, “What the fuck is going on? You nearly took my head off! And you upstaged me! Yeah, I lost to the The Bat, but what the fuck? You’re unselling my character. I wanted us to be partners, not rivals. This is NOT the way to win me back.”

War Lord laughs, “Win you back? Your fucking ego. I dumped your ass!”

“Based on your paranoia, because you refused to trust me.”

“TRUST YOU? TRUST YOU?” Vuk drives forward, slamming his knee into my face. WHACK! I fall back hard. “I finally know I was right, you lying sack of shit. But it’s worse. You were a fucking whore for hire? You brought that shit into our home? Our bed?”

Oh crap. I defend myself, “Look, it’s done. We’re done. But I was always safe. And it paid for so much of our shit. You think construction pays me enough for that trip to Palm Springs? It didn’t hurt anybody. What’s done is done. Let it go.”

“You little bitch!”

The muscle monster jumps on me. He pulls me up into a seated position, locking my head under his armpit as his arms slide under my pits. He locks his hands behind my back and I’m trapped in a guillotine submission hold. I moan loudly and struggle, but even fresh I’d have trouble escaping this hold. I moan, “Please! Let go! Let go! I give! I give!”

“Masterpiece? You’re pathetic and everyone’s gonna know it.”

War Lord releases me and I fall back onto the mat. I beg, “Please. Just leave me alone. Why are you doing this to me now?”

“Why?” Vuk puts his boot on my cock. He presses down, crushing my soft meat against my pelvis. I cry out. He says softly while counting on his fingers, “Rad. Zor. Ivan. Miro. Bran.”

My eyes go wide as he names some of his male relatives, starting with his ridiculously cute and slutty youngest brother Rad and then two uncles and two cousins. All ones who hired - oh. Shit. Don’t overreact. He can’t know. We lock eyes. He fucking knows. That’s how he found out for certain that I was escorting. One of them betrayed the pact! Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

War Lord signals and Ryan starts filming, zooming in on my crushed manhood. I try to push him off, but he gets me whimpering like a bitch. Satisfied that he’s humiliated me on camera, he lifts his boot and drives it onto my abs. STOMP! OOF! I convulse on the mat.

I get my breath and then say firmly, “Let’s talk. Off camera.” When he seems to relax, I try to rise. STOMP! He puts me down again. I hold up my hand, asking less firmly. “Wait. Please. Just let me up.” STOMP! OOF! He’s not letting me up.

“You wanted War Lord to join The Cave. Congratulations. I’m here.”

I beg, “Don’t do this. I don’t want to fight you.”

“Too bad. I really want to fight you. Come on. Show me how all those late nights at wrestling practice paid off.” Oh fuck, he even knows about that. He orders, “Get up.”

I cautiously climb to my feet. War Lord lets me. I ask, “Can we just talk? Privately. Please? I know it sounds bad, but it was just business -” I see the boot coming up into my ripped abs, but I’m too slow to dodge it. THUD! I bend forward. War Lord grabs my head, pulls it between his legs. He drops, slamming my forehead into the mat. CRACK! I just collapse and go limp.

I can’t fight him. Not after a grueling match and not when he’s like this. If we were both fresh and calm, I know I could take him, but I don’t stand a chance now. I just stay still, hoping he’ll stop. Vuk reaches forward and slaps my bare white butt. SMACK! SMACK! “Don’t play possum, little bitch. I know you’ve got more than this in you.” SMACK! SMACK!

The muscle beast rolls me over and schoolboy pins me with his shins on my shoulders. “Let’s see, two or three nights a week and Sunday afternoons for the three months we were together and another three months since. What’s that, around 80-90 practices? Few hours for each one. I’m sure you’ve learned a ton. After all that work, you’ll be way above my league.”

I groan, “Please stop.”

Vuk smirks, “I can’t believe anything coming out of your lying mouth. The only part of you that never lies is your cock. So, I’ll ask it. If it says ‘no’, I’ll stop.”

The muscle beast spins around to sit on my face, shins still pinning my shoulders. I squirm under him, but he punches me in the gut. WHOMP! I go limp. His black spandex ass settles over my face. I hear him spit. His big slick right hand wraps around my shaft. It slides easily along my soft dick. I moan as he starts playing with me. Baseball. Golf. Oh fuck, he reaches out and tickles my taint with his left hand. I writhe under his weight but he keeps a tight grip.

Vuk knows exactly how to get me going. I fight it and try everything I can think of to go soft but that’s not my area of expertise. Everything makes me hard, which is why I’m such a slut. And he knows I can’t control it. My dick powers up and it’s as hard as a rock. My balls start to tense up. SNAP! Suddenly, I feel a leather strap wrap around the base of my junk. He tightens it up. SNAP! Fuck!

When he slides off, War Lord rises. He uses his black boot to bat my rock-hard dick around. It hurts but can’t go soft. I roll onto my side to protect my manhood. “Looks like the real you wants me to keep going.” I just whimper, knowing there’s no point in begging. There’s no mercy in my ex. He did this to take out his anger. I don’t know how far he’ll go or if Ryan will ever jump in.

I need to defend myself!

I need to fight back!


I kick my shiny white boot out. War Lord easily dodges. Fuck, I am slow. But that’s okay, I just wanted to back him off and I did. I summon my strength and scramble to my feet. I stumble a little, falling back against the wall. BUMP! I use it for support, watching War Lord carefully. I tell myself to focus. I take some deep breaths and then stand tall and string, facing my ex.

We’re exactly the same stats (except in our junk where I’m bigger). Our matching size is one of the things that we bonded over at the gym and in bed. It could’ve been so great if he wasn’t so close-minded. We’ve wrestled a lot and I’ve always won, but that’s because we both wanted me on top. My ex is mostly a bottom. I don’t know for sure what would happen if he tried to win. Or, if he had all the advantages like now.

I warn him in my most dominant voice, “Leave.” War Lord grins as he pulls down his hood and drops his cloak. So sexy. I ignore the display. “I’ll agree to a fight, but this isn’t the time or place.” No response. I’m more desperate, “What do you want?”

“You know what I want. What I deserve.”

I sigh. I really never thought he’d find out. We broke up. I moved on. It should be done. Get real, Chris. I fucked guys in his family for money. No way is he moving on without a fight. I stare back at him. Okay, he deserves to be angry. I’ll have to face the music sometime. At least here it’s somewhat controlled and it’s wrestling. Better than a fist fight, taking face shots. I’ve been beaten up once today. I can handle a little more.

I nod, “Okay. You win. Let’s do it. Let’s get this over with.”

War Lord charges at me. I brace for impact. As we collide, I manage to spin him, slamming him back first into the wall. SPLAT! Perfect, now I can take control. The vengeful bodybuilder has other ideas. He grabs me around the neck. I reach up to pry his hands from my throat, but he lifts me up in a suspended choke. URK! He can’t hold me up for long, but as I drop, he lifts his knee up between my legs. SQUISH! I cry out and go weak in the knees, his hands still around my neck.

The powerful muscleman chokes until my eyes roll back in my head. He eases up. I cough as he moves his hands from my neck to the sides of my pecs, locking on a claw. He squeezes the crap out of my chest muscles, digging his powerful fingers in. I can barely stand, forced to hold onto his wrists for support. I whimper as I fight to steady myself. Fuck!

I beg, “Please! Let go!” My ex cruelly smirks. He spins us around, using my pecs to control me. War Lord slams me into the wall. WHAM! I’m stunned. He steps back, immediately splashing on top of me. SPLAT! I get dragged off the wall by my hair. He scoops me up across his broad chest. He bodyslams my naked carcass onto the mats. BOOM! I arch my back in pain.

The big black boots rain down on my battered stomach again. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! Backed by his fury, every shot crushes my sculpted abs. I roll onto my side, curling into the fetal position. The stomps stop. I try to figure out how to get back up, but I’m shocked when I feel his next move. Vuk forces a finger into my hole. OH! In this position, it’s easy access for him.

I moan as he toys with me. Oh fuck, it feels so good. A second finger easily works in. I’m still open from The Bat pounding me with his mammoth dick. I get less tense and War Lord guides me onto my stomach by my hole. He’s pushing down, driving his fingers in deep. Toying with me. It feels great. I know more hurt is coming but I’ll take this kind of punishment any day.

This is all about revenge. I act like I don’t like it, hoping he’ll stay focused on this. I writhe and whimper, putting on a show. I beg him, “No! Please, stop! The Bat ripped me a new one. My hole can’t take any more. Take them out!”

War Lord snarls, “Stop whining and take it.” Out of spite, he adds a third finger and goes deeper. I moan and tighten on his fingers. He laughs at me, “There it is. Your little bitch button.” He’s right. My ex knows exactly the spot inside me to turn me into a whimpering sex toy. I push my hips up, fucking myself on his fingers. Degrading myself in hopes he’s satisfied with sexual torture.

I hold my hand up at the camera, “Stop filming! This is humiliating!”

War Lord laughs, “Pretending to be shy? What a little bitch you are.”

I groan loudly, trying not to overdo it, but if this show means the end of boots, fists, and other abuse, I’ve got to make him feel like he’s destroying me. My cock is leaking under me. The brutal finger fuck stops. I get flipped onto my back. My pre-cum stretches from the dark purple tip of my bound, hard cock, over my hip, to a puddle on the mat.

My ex grabs hold and jerks my dick. I whimper for him to stop, but my cock betrays me. There’s no hiding that I’m throbbing and leaking. “Shut your lying mouth.” He mocks me by rubbing his thump over my piss slit and then making me clean his thumb. “Yeah, you love it and you know it.” War Lord shifts his grip then rises. He pulls on my cock, dragging me up. ARGH!

I grip his forearm for support and I fight to pull myself to my feet and ease the pressure on my rod. When I get to my feet, War Lord gut punches me. THUD! OOF! He jerks my cock as he shoves me against the wall. BAM! The muscle beast swats my hard cock with his left hand while driving his right fist deep into my abs over and over. SMACK! THUD! WHACK! POW!

War Lord grabs me by the throat. He chokes me with his right hand, pinning me against the wall. He slaps down on my cock head, pushing it down. SMACK! AH! My hard cock aches. He lifts his hand fast, slapping my balls. WHAP! I squirm as he holds me up. My legs dance as he tortures my manhood, slapping my cock down and whacking my balls on the way up. SMACK! WHAP! SMACK! WHAP! SMACK! WHAP!

When the muscle beast release my throat, I collapse to my knees. My begging didn’t stop the abuse. I need to get aggressive. I bring my arm up between his legs. He sees it coming. War Lord manages to twist, deflecting my attempted low blow with his inner thigh. War Lord laughs at me, “Dirty fucker.” He bitch slaps me across the face. CRACK! I turn, stunned and shamed. He grabs my hair and shoves my head between his thighs.

My ex locks on a standing head scissors. The pain is immediate as he squeezes his tree trunk legs around my pounding head. It’s tough to focus, but I fight to stay conscious. His weight shifts and I make out what he’s doing. He’s leaning forward. His powerful arms wrap around my waist and then he lifts me onto my hands and knees. I worry he’s going to go for a piledriver, but he doesn’t. Instead, he forces three thick fingers into my hole! AHHH!

I scream (and mean it), “STOP!”

I’m mercilessly finger fucked as he crushes my skull. I squirm and struggle, but it only makes it worse. He spanks my butt, warning, “Just take it, you little bitch.” I stop challenging him. I’ve got to take my punishment. Sensing my submission, War Lord pulls his fingers out and opens his legs. I collapse flat on the canvas, my hips turned slightly to take the pressure off my hard cock.

War Lord grabs me by the hair. He forces me up to hands and knees then to my feet. He jerks my cock as I stare into his face. “Still hard as fuck. Getting close to cumming?” I nod, hoping that he’ll just drain my load and release me. No such luck. My ex scoops me up across his chest, easily handling my 220 lbs of softened muscle. He drops me down onto his thigh with an over-the-knee backbreaker. KRAKT!

The muscle beast Holds me on his leg. I hang limp, fighting to manage the pain. An elbow to my stretched out abs sends me into a coughing fit. THUD! GACK! COFF! When I settle down, he starts toying with my junk again. The strap comes off, freeing my junk. I stay hard. War Lord laughs, “Look at this thing. Hard as ever without any help. Your cock is mine now, boy.”

I writhe as he resumes toying with it. Teasing me. Not enough to get me to shoot, but my load is building. I whimper. He grips my shaft and pumps slowly. My back is seizing up. He adds in more elbows to my abs. STAB! OOF! I convulse as he grinds his elbow into my lower abs below my navel. AH! STOP! Meanwhile, he just keep casually manipulating my cock and balls.


The muscle beast growls, “Don’t you get it? I don’t give a shit what your lying mouth says. There’s only one submission I’ll believe. When your cock gives, I’ll accept it.”

I struggle, but it’s no use. I change focus. Fighting the pain and trying to will myself to cum. Unfortunately, it’s not something I can command. I feel my load edging closer, but the abuse of my and abs is holding it back. Finally, War Lord pushed me off his leg. I roll onto my stomach. I reach down to try to pound out a load, but my ex grabs my wrists and pulls my arms up over my head.

“No, no, no. It’s got to submit on its own, boy.”

War Lord grabs my right ankle. He lifts my leg up and then locks it under his left armpit. I pound the mat in agony. After all I’ve endured, a single leg crab feels like the most painful submission hold in the world. As I suffer, I quickly learn why he chose it. With one leg up and one down, my hole is easily accessible. And he has a free hand. Fingers penetrate me again. AH!

I ignore the cramps in my back and focus on the scenario. The fingers in my hole. The domination. I’m being used and abused. It’s not usually my fantasy, but it’s hot. So hot. I’m a whimpering little muscle bitch being dominated by a gorgeous muscle beast. Oh fuck, it’s so hot. Makes me want to shoot. C’mon, bitch, shoot your load. Give it up to him! Yeah, yeah!

The scene has my load building. It’d be hotter if our positions were reversed, but think about this. Yeah, yeah, I’m gonna cum hands free. Just a little more. Gotta finish myself off. I gasp, “OH FUCK! I’m your little bitch! My cock is yours! Fuck my cum outta me, War Lord! Yeah! Yeah!” Oh shit, it’s working. It’s too much for me. I’m about to explode. I gasp loudly -

And then War Lord pulls out and drops my leg.

My load sits just near climax, but it fades. I was seconds away from freedom, but he knew it. My bitter ex did it deliberately. Taunting me. Teasing me. He knows my tells. He knows the sound of my orgasm. And now, I’m back to square one. Suffering in pain with a hard dick, but no hope for release. It’s worse than square one, because I also admitted on camera that I’m his little bitch.

Fuck, today could not get any worse.

War Lord flips me over. I’m too emotionally, psychologically, and physically drained to do anything but be his dishrag until he decides to end me. I look up at his cold, dark eyes over a thin smirk. He knows I’m done. He’s just prolonging my suffering because he can. I’m dragged up to my feet by a firm grip on my hair. My ex seizes my erection jerking it to keep me primed.

I’m led to the squat rack. There’s a loaded barbell just under four-feet high. War Lord pushes my back against it. He grabs a dangling jump rope that I’m guessing he put there. All this is part of the plan. While I was wrestling The Bat, he must’ve been in here prepping. With me being compliant, the muscle beast lifts my arms over and behind the barbell then ties my wrists with the rope cutting in front across my abs and then around my waist. I’m locked up.

War Lord moves behind me. I test the ropes, not really struggling but just seeing. He grips my hair and pulls me backward. I lean back with the barbell cutting into my back. I struggle harder as I see his arm coming in front. No! He locks my neck under his arm and I’m trapped in a dragon sleeper. The metal rod digs into my flesh. I moan loudly as I step forward to try to support myself.

My ex starts feeling up my body. He caresses my chest. I love my big pecs being played with, but not like this! My cock is softening, but some nipple play keep it semi-hard. I beg him to let me go. I tell him it hurts, but his laughter tells me all I need to know. I can’t see anything but I feel his hand slithering down my battered abs. He grips my cock and pumps it back to full mast.

I moan as I’m jerked and brought close to passing out in the dragon sleeper. My legs slip for a minute as I almost pass out. War Lord holds me tight, keeping me balanced on the bar. He says, “No, no, no. I’m not putting you out. No rest for the wicked, little bitch.” I can’t answer but I feel him ease on the dragon sleeper. He really is keeping me on the edge of consciousness.

The cock torture shifts from mild jerking to cruel slaps. My erection begins to fade. He grabs hold and pumps me again. Fuck, he won’t let me cum but won’t let me go soft, either. I beg him to finish me, but he pounds my abs, telling me to shut up. Then he goes back to toying with my junk. I get closer to shooting, but once again, he stops before I can climax. Fuck!

My ex releases the dragon. I fall forward, barely keeping my feet. My legs are bent as I lean forward, the barbell resting against the inside of my elbows. I see black shiny pro boots in front of me. War Lord is back. I close my eyes and wait. He grabs my hair and orders, “Open your eyes, little bitch!” I obey as he moves my view to focus on my throbbing, aching cock. Oh fuck.

War Lord starts jerking it, finishing me off. I gasp. Oh fuck. Suddenly, Vuk lets go of my cock. NO! He keeps hold of my hair, making sure I’m looking at my cock. I whimper, “Don’t edge me any more. I already said you own my cock. Please. Please let me cum.”

The muscle beast pounds my gut. THUD! OOF! He growls, “I’m not edging you, you pathetic poser. I want you to cum. I just want you to do it right.”

I don’t understand. He jerks me again. I gasp in short, fast bursts. I moan a high-pitched cry. My load is building. “I’M CUMMING!” He removes his hand again. I’m confused. He said he wasn’t going to edge me. My load is right there. “I’m so close, please! I can feel it. War Lord punches me in gut. THUD! He rubs my aching abs as we lock eyes. “Please.”

My ex leans in and whispers, “Poor little bitch. You’re nothing but a cock with a body attached. That thing between your legs is all you are and all you’ll ever be. I’d feel sorry for you if you weren’t such a selfish bastard. Now, it’s finally time to cum. Give up your load. DO IT!”

I whimper, “I WILL! Please! Finish me off!”

“You’ll finish yourself.” The muscle beast leans back and forces me to watch my cock again. “You’re a little bitch. All in front of this camera. You’ve admitted it. I own your cock. Do you know how many guys will jerk off to this? To you, hanging here, helplessly struggling to shoot. You’re nothing. They’re going to be so disappointed when they see this.”

War Lord tightly wraps his fingers around the base of my cock and balls. He pulses, tighter and then softer. I moan and gasp, non-verbally alerting him that I’m close again. When he lets go, I feel my load rising again.

“Disappointed? What do -?” As I stare at my untouched cock, a white blob of cum leaks out. I don’t feel it, but I see it. I groan, “No. No. No.”

My load is dribbling. I scream, “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?”

You can normally measure my cumshots in feet. This one goes nowhere. It’s a trickle. A worthless, useless trickle. My cock actually loses its hardness as my seed spews out in small bursts that run below my soft head and drip to the floor below. There’s no pleasure as my cum slowly and weakly flows out, like a leaking tap. The muscle beast holds a finger under my slow running cock. He catches my seed and then brings his finger to my mouth, forcing me to taste it.

War Lord waits until my cock hangs limp and shriveled with no more coming out. He lifts my head by the chin. I stare into his cold, dark eyes. I’m confused. My eyes dart down to see Ryan rising. He knelt to zoom in on the whole thing. My pathetic non-orgasm from my limp cock. I’m embarrassed that guys are going to pay to see Master Peace in action only to see that … nothing. Somehow, it’s so much worse than the physical beating.

I ask again, “What did you do to me?”

“If all you are is a walking cock then what does that sad display say about you?”

I don’t understand. How could I cum from a soft dick with no pleasure? No feeling of release. No body shaking eruption. It’s worse than not cumming at all.

“Did you enjoy your first ruined orgasm. I wasn’t sure if I’d mastered the technique, but it seems to have worked.” Ruined orgasm? What? I don’t say anything. War Lord slaps me across the cheek. SMACK! “How’s it feel, little bitch? Having your cum taken from you like that? Did you enjoy it?” I shake my head. “Ah, poor baby. Worthless? Embarrassed? Angry?” I nod. “Good.”

I beg, “Please, just leave me alone. You got your revenge. Please, go.”

“Ruining one orgasm isn’t much compared to what you did to me, is it?” My torturer grins, “The real you is revealed. A soft, worthless bitch. But I’m not done with you.” Pointing at the camera, War Lord growls, “The big man has assured me that your next match for The Cave will be Master Peace vs. War Lord. You’ll wrestle me or you’ll wrestle no one here.”

I look at Ryan behind the camera. The co-owner of The Cave nods, confirming it’s true. Damn. I should’ve introduced Vuk to Cody instead. He would never have agreed to this.

The bitter muscle beast grins, “You wouldn’t give up The Cave to keep me. Now, you’ll have to give it up to avoid me. No matter what you decide, I win.”


Next up ... The Cave co-owners return to action.

First up, Beau and Buck return to Los Angeles. They've finished Cody's roof deck. It's gorgeous and perfect, but some surprising news leads to a two-on-one match under the California sun, with Cody as the one! Can even a wrestler as talented as Cody handle 470-lbs of muscle alone? The Road to El Paso ends in The Cave 27: Cody vs. Beau AND Buck posts 9/1/23.

The Cave 28 follows on 9/15/23 after when Ryan has a chance meeting with a previous one-and-done character. It's Bane vs. Cage. (Who is Cage? Check out The Cave Unleashed 5)


  1. Holy shit this was a hot story. Loved the revenge story and how one sided the beat down was. Edging and ruined orgasms are also super hot, you dirty, dirty man. Great chapter, and looking forward to the rematch.

    1. Thanks! Like War Lord, I wasn’t sure if I’d figured out a ruined orgasm right, so I’m glad it was hot. Seemed like a fitting torture for Chris. Yes, there will be a re-match in early 2024, so not that long of a wait now. :)

  2. DAMN!!! You really know how to go to the dark side. As you can probably guess, I LOVED this story. Go War Lord!!

    1. Dark side? Who me? No, I’m the lighthearted, happy ending guy. ;)

      Happy you loved it. Seemed like a fitting punishment for super slut Chris. However, just a battle. The war featuring a fully rested and prepared Master Peace is still to come.

  3. Hot edging and domination story! I felt a little badly for “Masterpiece” who, when you put the two stories together, had a really bad day. Or maybe not. He seemed to enjoy getting fucked by the Bat in the first story and was definitely getting off on being penetrated by Vuk’s fingers. Maybe not such a top after all? I won’t hazard a guess as to which hot stud comes out on top in their future match.

    1. Thanks! Chris definitely had a rough time, which could explain his performance issues against War Lord. But he deserved it, no matter how he rationalizes it (which he definitely tries to do in the upfront to the rematch).

  4. The Cave is nothing if not about revenge. HOT revenge. Some really fun stuff here. And the prospects of what is coming next has me very excited.

    1. The stories were definitely founded on revenge. Cody learned and Ryan forgave. Not sure that’s likely in this case, though.

      One thing I do know is that Chris has a wonderful rationalization for why nothing he did is that big a deal, which he shares with Cody over breakfast. It made me smile. ;)

  5. Since Ryan was so willing to help Vuk exact revenge on Chris, it's clear he has still not moved past what happened between him and Cody. It is sad, but I am not surprised. A little bit ironic that Cody is now the more mature person.

    1. Thanks for the comment and insight!

      Ryan’s vengeful side existed long before the blowup with Cody and is a part of his nature. Not sure he’ll ever change, but especially when you add in Pete’s influence. Ry’s going to be on the side of ‘revenge’ every time. Cody has said it. Brody knew that an angry Ryan is far worse than an angry Cody. Chris has now learned that, too.

      One of the other things we’ve seen from characters like Buck who only know Cody and Ryan post-fight is exactly what you said. Buck views Cody as the responsible, mature one.

  6. Loved this story Alex! Poor Chris having two matches and a ruined orgasm to end… what a day for him.

    1. Awesome! Thanks for the comment. Yes, the day definitely didn’t go how Chris expected.

  7. This was really hot in so many parts. The ab bashing, the claw, the dragon sleeper and pec worship, the edging, the grand (or not so grand) finale. Just wow. I guess in their match they might know the tricks to get each other going. Thanks for another "masterpiece" :)

    1. You’re welcome! And thank you for commenting! Yeah, their rematch will be interesting. Assuming Chris doesn’t just quit The Cave like a coward. ;)

  8. I can't tell you how happy I am to see the return of Chris and his "dark counterpart" from The Cave 26. Alessandro Cavagnola and László Király are two of my favorite bodybuilders. I've anxiously awaited their return, and they did not disappoint! I was hoping (but wasn't expecting) that the two of them would have some sort of romantic relationship, so that was a pleasant surprise. The thought of two such muscular bodies entwined in passionate embrace before their fallout has me wanting to write another Brody vs Ram story! (I'm still planning to continue The Zodiac Saga and fulfilling Brody's dream, but my life has been incredibly busy lately. I haven't even had time to read your incredible stories in over a year, but I MADE the time to read this one because of the characters involved!)

    I'm not normally a fan of "edging" stories, but this was definitely the hottest one I've ever read! I believe this was your first attempt at such a concept, too, correct? If so, you knocked it right out of the park! And kudos to the absolutely GENIUS idea of the "War Lord" and "Master Peace" names!

    My only regret is that Vuk didn't spend more time wailing on those huge, pillow-like pecs of Chris. Speaking of which, Alessandro Cavagnola is now a featured model on the website "The Best Flex" under the name "Alexandro", where you can watch him slowly, silently, and seductively oiling up and massaging his massive biceps and pecs!

    GREAT story, and I can't wait to see where this relationship goes!


    1. JS, great to read your comment! Glad you liked it. This was definitely one of the dangling plot lines I wanted to return to as soon as I could. They’re both hot studs and I plan to continue to keep them around, even after they’re next match. I’ll check Alexandro out.

      I don’t remember doing edging before and I’ve never done a ruined orgasm. I think I read it somewhere and it seemed like a ridiculously cruel torture for a guy like Chris.
