
Sunday, October 15, 2023

CLAW 11: Ryker vs. Xander

PREVIOUSLY IN CLAW … (everything you need to know is recapped in the story, but if you want to read every detail, check out these past stories)

ROUTE 69: BAD BOYS S106 (Ryker’s career destroyed)

ROUTE 69: BAD BOYS EPILOGUE (#2/3) (Ryker’s new normal)

CLAW 1 (Ryker rebounds)

CLAW 2 (Xander’s deal)


SLAM! “Ryker. You’re here.”

I open my eyes slowly, reluctantly pulled out of my meditative state as I sit in the lotus position in one of the three practice rings at the recently upgraded Championship League of American Wrestling (CLAW) training facility. I’m in my fresh white spandex trunks over a white thong in white pro boots. I unfold my legs and then pivot on my butt to see who’s here.

“Xander?” This is a surprise but I’m chill. “Hey, dude.”

The tall muscle stud - 6’5” / 260 lb - walks toward me from the entrance. He’s looking very sexy in gear identical to mine, except it looks like he’s not wearing anything under his white trunks. His gear pops against his tanned white skin and jet-black hair and beard. It’s a good look for him. As ‘X’, enforcer for Mateo, the current CLAW TV Champion, Xander is always in severe black spandex and leather bondage gear. Nice to see him in something lighter.

I hold back a sigh as Xander climbs into the ring with me, showing off by stepping over the top rope. I’m here well before practice because I don’t want company. But you can’t always get what you want. I politely ask, “What are you doing here so early?”

The big man hesitates. I’ve heard that he’s not the smartest guy in any room, but that didn’t seem like a hard question. Like, if he’d asked me, I would’ve easily explained that every week, I come in early and just meditate. It’s peaceful. I like to go over things in my head. Simple.

Somehow, I doubt that’s true for Xander. There’s never much in his head. However, he’s big, handsome, and muscular, so there doesn’t need to be up there. The bearded brute is only 23 but looks older. He’s intensely masculine. And he’s rising fast in our regional indie, even getting national attention. I could see him getting tryouts with the big promotions if and when he learns to work the mic. Thinking fast is a struggle for the big guy and will hold him back.

It’s funny. Xander was going nowhere just months ago. He was a disaster personally and professionally. Bad attitude. Bad wrestler. Bad smell. Yeah, he stunk up the ring in every way possible. But our boss Ben didn’t want to give up on him. He set him up with Mateo, one of the top guys here, as his trainer and in-show leader. It’s worked. Xander has done a 180.

I can relate. Ben didn’t give up on me, either. I’m 22, 5’11”, and 190 lbs. I’ve been wrestling for a couple of years. It’s my passion, but I almost lost it due to a humiliating scandal. My tag partner and I were manipulated and tricked into fighting each other. I lost. Got fucked. The video was edited in the worst way possible and then released online. I was deemed toxic.

I thought I was done as a pro wrestler until Cody, a guy I didn’t even know, convinced me not to give up. He broke down my barriers and hooked me up with Ben. It was a miracle and I learned to never take anything for granted ever again. Now, I appreciate every moment here at CLAW - every match I’m in, every friend in the locker room, and every fan I make.

Xander finally says, “I’m just getting some extra training in.”

Huh. It sure took him a long time to come up with that. For some reason, I don’t believe that’s the real reason. There must be more to this. Maybe he’s going through something? I know what that’s like. We’re not really friends and I don’t know much about him personally, but maybe I can help. I’d like to try, at least. Like I said, appreciate everything and everyone.

I stand up. “Are you okay, Xander? I’m not trying to pry, but I’m here if you need anything.”

“Anything? Okay. How about we wrestle?” Now I’m the one hesitating. He’s a lot bigger and stronger than me, but more than that, this is my personal and peaceful time. I’m not in a wrestling mood or mindset. The big muscleman reminds me, “You said anything. We’re both here.” He adds, “But I didn’t know that you’d be here before I saw you here.”

“Oh. Yeah. I did say anything. I kind of meant like a friendly ear. Or a cup of coffee.” I sigh, “Wrestling? You think that’ll help?” The big man nods vigorously. Hm. It is how I became friends with Kwame. I offered an ear, but we fought instead, and now, along with his roommate Koke, he’s my closest buddy. I shrug and say, “Well, we’re in a ring in gear. So, I guess so?”

Xander nods, “Good. Let’s go.”


As we face off in the ring, Xander says, “Funny we both came here in white gear. It’s like we’re in synch already. I’m glad you suggested wrestling.” I didn’t but I don’t correct him. He smiles, “This will be fun, Ryker.”

“Sure.” I ask, “So, what’s the deal? You want to trade holds? Run any specific moves?”

“No. You offered to wrestle.”

Before I can answer, Xander lifts his huge left boot into my chest. THWACK! Unprepared, I fly backward, my boots leaving the canvas. I crash down hard. WHAM! Xander runs into the ropes, landing on top of me with a big leg drop across my chest. WHOMP! The big man drags me to my feet. He grabs me by the neck and butt, lifts me high, and then chokeslams me down. BOOM! I squirm to ease the pain in my back from the huge surprise power move.

Xander roughly grips my chin and turns my face to look at him. “Wrestle. You get it now?”

I wince and grit my teeth, “Sure. Wrestle.”

The powerhouse grabs my hand and stands, pulling me up with him. I realize too late that he’s still pulling me, drawing me into his rising knee and slamming into my abs. WHOMP! OOF! I bend forward then get clubbed in the back. WHACK! Xander’s power sends me face-down to the canvas. SPLAT! The ripped wrestler drags me up into a reverse bearhug. ARGH!

Xander crushes my midsection. I groan. Damn, I was not expecting this. I need to get my head in the game. I try to counter, but he’s so big and even stronger than he looks. I can’t back him up. I can’t flip him. And he’s too tall for me to elbow him in the head. All I hit is bicep. BOOF! BOOF! BOOF! That does nothing. His flexed arms are like steel as they collapse my sides.

The tall muscleman leans back, effortlessly lifting me. UNH! My boots leave the ring and I hang in the hold. Xander shakes me up and down, subtly adjusting the hold. The pain goes up a level as he finds the soft part of my sides under my ribs. AWW! My reaction tells the chiseled giant all he needs to know. Koke told me that he’d improved and now I’m feeling it.

Damn, why did Mateo have to teach him how to wrestle?

I grunt and suffer, trying to think of how to escape. I hate to submit, but Xander has caught me off guard. I was in my meditation mindset. I wasn’t expecting anyone. I wasn’t expecting to wrestle, especially this intensely. And I definitely wasn’t ready to wrestle a beast like Xander. He’s squashing me. I need this to end. I pat his forearm. TAP! TAP! TAP!

Xander lowers me and lets go. I bend forward, coughing as I rub my sides. The muscleman’s hand cups my ass. Oh. I stand up as he moves in close behind me, wrapping his arms under my armpits and around my body. Lightly this time, thank god. The ripped wrestler hugs me. He leans down and kisses my neck. What? As his hands caress my body, I sink back against him.

“That was cool, Ryker. I’m glad I accidentally ran into you. And that you offered to wrestle me. That’s really cool how this worked out, right?”

Xander is so socially awkward. I never realized it, but he really is. Like how he’s fascinated that we ran into each other and that I offered to wrestle him. I agreed to wrestle him, not offered, but whatever. Poor guy can’t think of anything else to say, so he keeps repeating it. No wonder he’s never handed the mic. That must be what’s bothering him. The enforcer role suits him, but it’s limiting.

Anyway, I reassure him, “Yeah, good, I’m happy you feel better.”

“I do. A little. I could feel even better if we keep going.”

Xander slithers his big paw down, finding my cock. I grunt. He grabs my chin, turning my neck so he can reach my lips. The sexy stud kisses me as he grips my dick. Mm. Fresh breath. He jerks me in my trunks as we make out. Oh, this feels great. My cock is hard in his grip. I relax, loving the feeling of this sexy muscleman having his way with me. I’m almost meditative again.

“You like that, Ryker?” I nod, too calm to form words. I’ve heard Xander was an escort before wrestling. Maybe he still is. I believe it now. He definitely knows how to please a man. He whispers in my ear, “You’re so fucking sexy. I want to fuck you so much.”

“Yeah? That sounds cool.” Better than getting mauled by the big man.

“Yeah, you want that? I win. I get your ass.” I nod. “Tell me you want it, Ryker.”

“Sure, sure. Winner gets stakes. Sound great.”

“Cool. I want you to last longer this time.”

I let out a soft laugh. Yeah, I did submit fast, but I can definitely make the sex round last longer. “Oh yeah, Xander. We can go as long as you want. Just as long as we have time to clean up before the other guys arrive.”

Xander sounds excited. “Yeah? Really? Deal.” I’m excited, too. I put my fingers in the waistband of my trunks to strip them as he says, “We wrestle as long as I want then I’ll fuck your brains out. Remember, you said it.”

Huh? What did he just say? I was talking about the sex lasting, but it sounds like he was talking about the wrestling lasting. But he already submitted me. We’re done with the wrestling. Aren’t we? Is he thinking that we - suddenly, Xander locks me in a full nelson. ARGH! I stiffen up, but it’s too late. I was way too relaxed and now, I’m trapped. My shoulders collapse inward.

“Go ahead and give any time. I know a lot of holds now. I’ll just keep submitting you as long as I want.” As I moan, he adds excitedly, “Remember. You said it. A deal’s a deal.”

Fuck. I’ve been tricked into a rough sex stakes match by the dumbest guy in CLAW. I could just call it all off, but I’ve got my pride, too. I fight the full nelson. Xander’s way too strong. And he’s braced himself, so I can’t topple him back or flip him forward. Fuck. The big muscleman shakes me from side to side. UNH! The pain intensifies. When he stops, I sag in the nelson.

“Giving up, Ryker?”


Yes, I could give and then start fresh, but as I said, ‘pride’. I bend my arms, finding Xander’s thick, heavily gelled, black hair. I grip it tightly, forcing his head to the right onto my trap. The big man says, “Hey! Let go!” I jump up hanging in the full nelson. He tries to hold me up but doesn’t lean back fast enough. Gravity takes effect. I fall forward, dragging the muscle stud with me.

When my ass hits the canvas his jaw jams on my shoulder. PLOP! CRACK! Xander stands up and I hear him crash down behind me. SPLAT! I spin around and see him lying on the canvas, shaking his head out and checking his chin. I race in, grabbing his boot. I roll his 260 lbs of muscle over, locking on a single-leg crab. I really crank it and get him moaning. Yes!

Under me, the big man whines, “You coulda broken my mouth!”

“That’s a legit counter, Xander. You didn’t expect me to be your wrestling dummy, did you?”

The muscle stud gives me an honest reply, “Yeah, I did.” He adds, “But this is good, too.”

“Glad to hear it.”

I realize that my crab isn’t breaking him, but it’s controlling him while I reset my mind. The big man is grunting, so I slide back more. He moans and curses. The increased pain forces him to act. Xander pushes up and kicks, toppling me forward. Luckily, I was waiting for him to do that. I keep hold and roll with the kick. I slide around and under his leg. I wrap my legs around it.

Xander sits up just as I twist his leg in the leg lock. The pain shoots through him and he falls back with a scream. I wrench his knee and ankle while controlling him as he writhes on the canvas, slapping it with his huge hands. He arches his back as he suffers. “Want to give, Xander?” He shakes his head as he crunches up, swatting at my head but missing by a mile.

The big man figures out to roll us over. He overpowers me, forcing us to his left. Unfortunately for him, I keep hold of his boot. Rather than fight him, I roll with his power, get onto my knees then rise, lifting his leg with me. And we’re back into the single-leg crab, only with him suffering louder. I punch the side of his knee. POW! FUCK! I dig my knuckles into a soft spot amidst all that muscle. FUCK! Xander groans.

“Want to give?”

“Fuck no!”

Again, Xander powers out. This time, he pushes through, rolling back onto me. It works to keep me from getting another leglock. Too bad for him, I spin while I fall. His back lands on my front. He’s wide open for a rear naked choke. I slap on the sleeper. The muscle stud panics and starts thrashing about on top of me. His 260-lbs crashes onto me. WHOMP! OOF!

We struggle. His wild movements backed by his overwhelming power keep me from getting the hold on right. Damn. I fight to control him, but it’s like the thought of being knocked out has him frantic. I can’t handle him. He’s crushing me and randomly hitting me. His ass slams down onto my bulge. SQUISH! OOF! I finally have to let him go. I push him off me and roll away.

Xander rises to one knee with fury in his eyes. He growls, “I don’t like getting knocked out.”

I nod, “Understood. I wasn’t going to knock you out, just try to convince you to submit.” That’s not completely true - I would have knocked him out, if I could have, but after feeling just a fraction of his strength, I definitely want to keep this friendly. “You okay? No more chokes.”

The big man nods, calming down. “Okay. I’m good.” He looks at me, “You’re good. I think that you could’ve beat me there. I didn’t expect that.”

“Thanks.” I ask hopefully, “Want to stop?”

“Not yet. I only have one fall and that was before you said I could fuck you. Just don’t try to knock me out and I won’t knock you out. Deal?”

I know that there is only one correct response, so I nod, “Deal.”

I actually get a smile out of him. I have no idea what’s going on in his head, but I’m glad to see he’s happy. Question is, how do I beat him if I can’t upset him? We rise. Xander didn’t seem to panic about the leg work. They always teach you to bring the big men down to your level and keep them down. As we circle the ring, I bend for a lockup. The muscle stud matches me.

When Xander steps towards me, I dive down under his arms. I lift his leg and plant him on his back. SPLAT! I twist his ankle, but he gets his free leg up and kicks me off. I fly back into the ropes. As I bounce off, I see him smoothly rolling forward. He launches himself at me and I run right into a huge spear. WHOMP! OOF! All the air leaves my body and I go limp before I hit the canvas. SPLAT! I cough as I roll onto my stomach and then to my hands and knees.

I try to roll out of the ring to recuperate, but Xander grabs the back of my trunks. He lifts and carries me to the middle of the ring as I hang from the thin white spandex. Xander's long arm reaches out, grabbing over my shoulder. He lets go of my trunks, shifting to grab between my legs. He easily powers me up chest-high and then drops me onto his leg in a gut buster. THUD! OOF! I hang there, feeling like I might puke.

Xander rubs my ass, “I think you’re the sexiest guy in CLAW, Ryker.”

I ignore the compliment, trying to regulate my breathing. Xander grabs me over the shoulder and between the legs again. He pushes up, lifting me fast. The big man leans back, throwing me over his head. I sail through the air before crashing down on the canvas hard. BOOM! I struggle to rise, but he’s on me again. I get dragged up into a front facelock.

Xander grabs the side of my trunks. He lifts and flips me over with a suplex. WHAM! I bounce, but he doesn’t let go. He rolls us over, forces me to my feet, and then suplexes me over again, WHAM! I moan but he drags me up again. I want to block it, but I’m way too slow. This time, when I go up, the big man holds me up, letting the blood drain down into my head.

“I’m getting real good at this, Ryker. It’s easy with little guys like you. Just keep suplexing you over and over. I’ve done as many as ten in a row, but this’ll be the last one for now, Ryker.”

The powerhouse pulls me backward. I don’t just fall; I’m driven down onto my back. KABOOM! I bounce three times before I collapse on my back. Xander puts his boot on my chest and flexes over me. Fuck. I lie under him, feeling like an idiot for getting myself in this position. When he reaches down and grabs my hair, I lift my elbow, hitting his head. CRACK!

As the big man staggers back from the surprise more than the pain, I roll to the ropes. I use them to stand up. Xander says, “You’re a fighter.”

“I told you I wouldn’t just lie down for you.”

Xander grins. He moves in. I spin and lift my leg, firing out a superkick. I must be way too slow and predictable because he easily swats my leg away. SMACK! I turn as my leg falls, leaving me off-balance and wide open to be dragged up across his shoulders in a torture rack. ARGH! The 6’5” beast easily holds me across his broad shoulders. I moan as I hang limp in the brutal hold.

I whimper as the big man circles the ring. After the ab work and suplexes, my core is in no shape to withstand this hold. Xander starts doing squats, which increases my pain two-fold. But it’s nothing compared to when he decides to add in a jump. He thrusts out of the squat and then lands, sending a jolt through me that has me crying out. UNH! UNH! I have no choice.


Xander shrugs his shoulders and I collapse to the canvas. SPLAT! I lie face down, moaning. I’ve had enough. I don’t even bother to move. Well, technically, I never wanted any of this from the start but somehow Xander maneuvered me into this. The only thing that will make up for it is a good fuck. I hear him stomping around me, surveying the damage he’s done.

The big man puts his hand on my ass. He fondles it. I groan. He grabs under the leg holes, lifts, and then pulls them up, wedging my trunks in my crack. He whistles, “You got a sweet ass, Ryker. I’ve wanted to grab it in the showers for so long and now I can.” Xander starts playing with my bare butt cheeks and I like it. He growls, “It’s almost all mine!” Mm.

Wait, almost?

Xander spanks my ass hard. SMACK! AH! I gasp from the stinging slap. The big man mounts me, sitting on my ass. He reaches out, wrapping his huge paws around my biceps. Xander pulls my arms back, lifting my pecs off the canvas as he locks my arms over his long legs. I’m locked in a camel clutch, his hands fish-hooking my mouth to pull my head back.

Fuck! I fight to keep him from bending me too far back but I’m quickly staring up at the ceiling. His index fingers stretch my mouth out wide. My back screams in pain as it’s bent the wrong way. I struggle not to give, but the 260-lb muscle stud has me helpless and suffering. I whimper, hoping he’ll take mercy on me and at least ease up knowing I’m powerless.

The beast doesn’t take the hint, so I need to admit the truth.


Fuck, it’s hard to form G’s and V’s with your mouth stretched out. Luckily, Xander gets what I’m saying and eases up. He slides his fingers out and eases me down. He shifts to kneel over me, his long left leg straddling my narrow waist. The big man rolls me onto my back between his legs and then pats my pec, “That’s another, Ryker. Don’t think you can come back now.”

I admit, “Yeah, I don’t think so, Xander. You’re winning today."

I’m grateful when Xander rises and extends his hand. He helps me to my feet, pulling me into a hug. Finally. FUCK! The big man squeezes me into a bearhug. He says, “You said as long as I want!” I fall back, my arms dangling. I hang limp in the crushing vice, unable to resist the power. After relentless back assaults, I don’t even try to fight him.

“I - unh - give.”

The big man throws me to the canvas. SPLAT! I feel bad for giving up but fuck it. I’ve felt a lot of shame in the past year. I’m done with that. I writhe on the mat. Xander kicks my legs out wide and then kneels between them. He leans forward to put his large hands on my pecs. He opens his fingers, covering my entire chest. They dig into my sculpted mounds of muscles.

The muscleman shifts into a plank. OOF! That’s a lot of weight bearing down on me. I flex my chest to resist. Xander starts doing tricep push-ups. I grunt from the weight pressing down as he arrogantly uses me as a stand for his workout. He even counts as he runs through them. The big man makes sure to pause on the down to grind his bulge on mine every rep.


The big man lays on me, “That’s ten.” He pushes back and kneels between my legs; I flinch as I feel his big paw fondling the front of my trunks. Luckily, he is rubbing gently, just toying with my manhood. “Ryker, are you even trying? I’m just squashing you now.” I don’t answer verbally but my cock reacts to his hand. “Oh. You’re just horny. I get that. I’m super-horny for you, too.”

I see my way out of this. I beg, “Just fuck me. Please? No more wrestling. Just fuck me.”

The powerhouse smiles, “Yeah, that sounds great. Since you asked me to.”

Finally. Fuck, my back is sore.


I just lie here, recuperating. Xander mounts me. He rubs my pecs. I moan. The big man lightly taps my cheek, “You good?” I nod. “Cool.” He falls forward, moving into a plank position. He drops his hips to rub his bulge on my face. The muscle stud moves his hips in a circle and then from side to side. My nose fills with his scent as his sweaty, packed pouch rests on it.

“Yeah, that’s it, Ryker. Worship my bulge. I’m in charge now. I’m the boss.”

Xander slides so his spandex-wrapped balls are on my lips. He lifts his hips and then drops down repeatedly, bouncing his package on my mouth and nose. After a few times, the big man drops to his knees, but he keeps his manhood pressed on my face. I can’t resist sucking on it, not even waiting to be ordered to do it. I get my tongue involved, making his sweaty trunks wetter.

“Yeah, I knew you’d be a good boy for me, Ryker. I told you this’d be fun.”

I reach up to grip his ass as I work. He loves it. I work for a few minutes until he slides off. Xander leaves the ring, coming back with lube and a condom. Wow, he really did plan for this. I wish he’d just asked to fuck at the start. I might’ve said yes and I could’ve gone back to meditating and avoided being physically destroyed.

Xander towers over me, rubbing his bulge. I sit up and start to unlace my shiny white boots, but he stops me. “Keep your boots on. I like fucking guys in shiny pro boots.” I shrug. He’s the boss. I lie back, wedging my thumbs inside the waistband of my trunks and thong. I peel them down together, sliding them to my knees. I lift my legs and then carefully work the gear over my shiny white knee-high pro wrestling boots.

Xander stares at my hole, actually licking his lips. “Yeah, that’s nice, Ryker. You are so sexy. I beat you and now I own your ass.”

The big man peels off his trunks, keeping his boots on as well. I’ve only seen him soft in the locker room. Looking up at his hard-on, I’m excited about stakes. He’s got a great looking cock. And it’s the perfect size - big but not so huge that I won’t be able to train later. As I look up at it sticking out, thick and full, I forget about the beatdown and focus on enjoying that sweet piece of meat.

I roll to my knees and idly jerk myself as I stare at his cock. Xander steps toward me. He smacks my cheeks with his cock. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! “Yeah, Xander is in charge. Daddy X. Look at you on your knees.” I open up as he powers inside my mouth. “Yeah, I got here first. Let him have Koke. I got the one and only Ryker first.” What is he talking about? “Suck it!”

I work harder, ignoring his rambling, confusing trash talk. I bring my hands into it, jerking his dick as I move to suck his balls. I slurp on the smooth orbs as he moans, “Yeah, Ryker. That’s it. You’re really doing it for Daddy X.” I go back to his cock and take him deep. He moans as I deep-throat him. He swells up to full mast. I gag but just a little. Like I said, perfect size.

Xander palms my head, taking over. He pumps back and forth, going in deep. He roughly face fucks me. I grip his hips for support. He keeps talking, proud of having me on my knees. I have to ignore it but there’s clearly more to the story of why he came here this morning. Why he hunted me down. I don’t care. I’ll worry about that later. I’ve got a gorgeous man to please.

The big man slides out. He forces me to look up at him. “Beg me to fuck you. I liked when you did that. And call me Daddy X.”

“You beat me, Daddy X. Now, please fuck me. Please? I want you to fuck me, Daddy X!”

“Fuck yeah.”

Xander pushes me backward. I fall on my back. SPLAT! I rest my arms over my head. I open my legs and lift my knees. I just stare up at him as his helpless and willing bitch. The big man grabs my boots at the ankle. I go limp. He drags me to the side of the ring. As I slide across the canvas, I feel like I’ve been conquered by a caveman. Which isn’t too far from the truth.

When we reach the ropes, the big man pushes my boots sideways. He jumps out of the ring and then pulls my legs under the bottom rope. My ass rests on the edge of the apron while Xander bends my knees toward me. They go between the bottom and middle ropes. He roughly pulls my ass out of the ring as the ropes keep my legs raised.

Xander pulls the top rope down below the middle rope. He forces the top rope behind my ankles and the middle rope on top of them. My boots are locked out wide, keeping my knees bent. I’m trapped with my hole open and right at the perfect position for the tall muscleman to plow inside me. I grab the bottom rope and pull on it to keep my butt out there.

With me trussed up and helpless, Xander drops to one knee. He licks along my crack. Oh! The big man uses his escort skills to tease me. My hole twitches as he flicks his tongue against it. I moan, “Oh yes, Daddy X! You own my ass!” He spanks my butt. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! I moan louder, begging more. The beast eats me out. Oh god, he’s really good at it! Yes!

Xander works for a long time, and I love every minute of it. He lubes up his fingers and then adds them to the foreplay. I’m begging for real. “I’m yours, Daddy X! You own my ass! Fuck my brains out, Daddy X!” He stands up. We lock eyes as he opens me up, finger fucking with one, two, and finally three fingers. He demands I continue to tell him what he wants to hear. I willingly beg like a bitch for him as my cock leaks onto my chiseled abs.

It’s time. The big man grabs my bound boots. He powers inside me. My eyes roll back in my head, and I hear him, “Yeah, boy, Daddy X owns your tight hole. Fuck. You are one tight-ass bitch.” I don’t think that means what he thinks it means, but I can only whimper as he picks up speed. I lose myself in the fuck. He hits my bitch button over and over, faster and then slower. I whimper for the muscle beast, and he loves it.

As Xander owns my ass, I gasp, “Oh, Daddy X! Yes!” My complete submission has him plowing me harder and faster. He loves it. He orders me to jerk myself, ordering me to cum first. I grip my cock and it takes only seconds to shoot my load all over my torso. UNH! UNH! UNH! I taste my cum as I hit my face and line from my forehead to my heaving pecs with ropes of my seed.

“Yeah, that’s my bitch! Who owns your ass now, Ryker boy!”

I cry out, “Daddy X owns my ass!”

Xander moans. He pulls out me. I sigh. The big man slides into the ring, mounting me. He shoves his cock inside my mouth and then erupts. I drink his load, swallowing his hot white seed like the bitch role I’ve embraced. The big man says, “I haven’t shot in three days, waiting for you. Drink it down, bitch! Drink down Daddy X’s cum!”

I slurp on his dick until he’s soft and empty. When Xander pulls out, I lie contented on the canvas. I’ve recovered from the wrestling. The big man unties my ankles, but my boots stay high, resting against the ropes. I’m too tired to move and just enjoy lying in the ring with a belly full of Xander’s cum and mine drying on my face and chest.

The sweaty beast sits beside me. He is pulling on his dick. It’s hard again. I roll over towards him and take his cock in my mouth. He opens his legs as I slide in closer. I go down deep then slowly suck my way up, focusing on his head. He lets out soft grunts. I pull off then run my tongue from tip to base. I lick around his balls as I rub my thumb on his cock head.

“Fuck, Ryker. That’s awesome.”

I look up, “I bet holding out for three days was rough for you.” Xander nods. I smirk, “Bet you can go again, Daddy X, can’t you?” He nods, eyes wide. I continue to blow him, getting him rock-hard and whimpering. I push him back. He lies down as I roll over and grab another condom. “I’ll do the work this time.” I sheathe his cock and then move over top.

Xander is dumbstruck as I squat down, guiding him back inside me. I’m open, so I slide all the way down, filling my ass with his throbbing cock again. We never break eye contact as I bounce up and down, fucking myself with his dick. He moans as I work. I brace myself just below his sculpted pecs, flicking his nipples with my index fingers. OH! I get him gasping.

I love feeling the big man inside me with me in control. He’s submitting to me, letting me call the shots. I keep working, praising him, and calling him Daddy X. It does the trick. He cries out that he’s cumming. Xander arches his back, throwing his head back. His ripped muscles tense and I can see every vein and striation. I slow down and wait. Edged for only seconds, he quickly begs me, “Fuck, finish the job, Ryker! Take my load!”

I slide off, uncover his cock then easily suck his cum out of him. He writhes under me as I work his shaft and balls with his hand, keeping my lips and tongue on his head. I hold some in my mouth and then move to his. I kiss him deeply, feeding him his seed. He moans under me as he drinks down the last drops of his cum. I move off and sit, legs open, a big smile on my face.


After a few minutes of silence, I’m stretched out on my back. Xander is standing and pacing. He’s thinking about something. I don’t care. I had fun. Yeah, I know he manipulated me and kicked my ass, but it doesn’t matter now. It was a blast. I even loved the Daddy X stuff. A bit of roleplay that got us both hot and made the fuck even better. He moves in, planting one boot on my abs.

The big man says, “So, don’t worry, Ryker. I’ll keep this our little secret.”

I stare up at Xander. I admire his body as he flexes over me, his boot resting on my abs. I slide my hands behind my head and lift my knees. “Why are you keeping it a secret?”

“Oh.” The question confuses him. He drops his arms. “Um. Well. You know.”

“No, I don’t know. What’s the big deal? I’m not keeping it a secret, so you don’t need to. Brag to everyone about how you kicked my ass. I don’t care.”

“You don’t?”

“No. Why would I? I’ve lost before. Been fucked before. Seriously, it’s not a big deal.”

Xander tries to explain, “Uh, well, uh, I’m not supposed to … uh. No. Um. You are supposed to … uh. Um, shit, I don’t know. I just wanna keep it between us. The other guys never … uh, wait, no. Fuck. I can’t remember. Just don’t tell anyone.”

I notice his boot presses down harder onto my abs. I groan as I flex them up in defense. I tell him, “Sorry, Xander, but I tell Kwame and Koke everything. I won’t tell anyone else if you’re asking me not to. And I’ll ask them to not spread it around, but I will tell them. There's no reason for me to hide this from them.”

“Shit. I guess Kwame’s okay. He was never going to give me a private match anyway. But Koke? Fuck. He’ll tell Mr. Mateo. They hang out now.”

“I know. He told me. So what? Mateo’s your trainer. He’ll be proud to hear how far you’ve come.”

“No, he won’t. Do you really have to tell Koke? Really? Even if Daddy X orders you not to?”

The muscleman is leaning into my abs hard now. I moan. The pain is real. He wants my silence, but I’m not going to be bullied about something as stupid as this. I could lie, but I tell him the truth, “Really, Xander. Can you lift your boot, please?” Xander looks at his foot, seemingly surprised it’s hurting me, but I don’t trust anything with him now. Fortunately, he steps off me.

“Look, Ryker. You just can’t tell Koke.”

“Again. Why?”

“Uh, it’ll be embarrassing? I think that’s the thing.”

I sit up and slide away a couple of feet, closer to the ropes. “Embarrassing for who? Me? Because of the video with Hawk? I’m okay with that. This is different. Just a private sex-stakes match. This is pro wrestling. It happens all the time. I’m not embarrassed by being beaten by you, buddy. You’re huge. Are you embarrassed about beating me?”

“Fuck no. I’m proud. But wait. Um, huh? It’s made sense before. Uh. Shit.” Xander suddenly thinks of something. He looks at me, “Did you just call me ‘buddy’?”

“OH, FOR FUCK'S SAKE, what’s the problem with me calling you buddy? Are we NOT allowed to be buddies?”

Xander looks confused by the question. He finally says, “You’re a nice guy, Ryker. Like an actual good guy.”

I don’t know how to respond to that other than just saying, “Okay.”


I’m tired of this. I bluntly ask, “What the fuck is going on? You come in, acting distracted. I offer to help you work through whatever is wrong. We wrestle and fuck. And now, you’re saying you’re embarrassed and want it kept secret. I’m so lost. Can you please explain to me what's happening?”

The big muscleman sighs and paces, “I don’t know. It’s just all the other times, it went different.” He starts talking more to himself than me. “Fuck. I can’t remember how Mr. Mateo worked it out, but the other guys all kept quiet. But I can’t ask Mr. Mateo because he’s gonna be so fucking pissed at me for messing around with you. I'm so stupid!”

“Xander, stop. You're not stupid. Just keep explaining it to me. Why will he be pissed?”

Lost in thought, Xander mindlessly answers, “Because you’re off-limits.”


“Because you’re his.”

I’m surprised. No, shocked is more like it, but I keep Xander talking. “So, Mateo likes me?”

The big man laughs, “No, he hates you. But he wants to humiliate you himself. Break you and make you his ponyboy or whatever. Or drive you out of CLAW. Something like that.” He frowns, “I’m his enforcer, so I’m only supposed to go after the guys he picks for me. But you’re so freaking hot and he pissed me off so much. I didn’t think you’d tell anyone. Fuck, I’m so screwed.”

Is he nuts?

I speak slowly, “Xander, I know your character is his enforcer. And Mateo’s character is a heel. I’m a face. We’d have conflict. In the ring.” I hesitantly ask, “Are you mixing up reality with the characters we play? Is it possible that this is a potential storyline Mateo threw out? Maybe he wants to work out a program where I'm forced to join him in a new CLAW stable?”

The big muscleman looks angry and offended, “NO! I’m not an idiot, Ryker. Everyone thinks I am, but I’m not. I’m just not always a great talker. Sometimes it just takes me a minute to think of what I want to say and get my words out right but they still come out wrong. That’s why I never get the mic." He growls, "I’m Mr. Mateo’s enforcer around here for real, not just on the shows. And him hating you is real, too.”

I’m so confused. I pat the ring, “Sit with me.”

Xander sits. I make him start from the beginning. He lays out a twisted arrangement of lies and deception, explaining how Mateo has used him as a weapon against other guys in CLAW. Including my friend Koke. Xander came after me as childish revenge because Mateo denied him Koke’s ass even though he ‘earned’ it (read it here ... CLAW 9). And now, he’s regretting his impulsiveness (my word, not his) and is afraid of Mateo finding out.

I guess Mateo really does hate me. I can’t believe it or understand why, but Xander answers that, too. Jealousy. Mateo sees me as a threat to his success. He calls me names. Thinks I’m privileged. Undeserving. And he thinks I’m plotting against him. It’s so bizarre. I’ve never even mentioned him, especially to Ben. His goal really is to break me and send me packing. Huh.

The weirdest part is that he’s so far ahead of me. We’re the same age, but Mateo is already TV champion and moving up fast to challenge for the heavyweight belt. I’m rebuilding my career from the bottom. He’ll probably be in the big leagues before I even earn my first title in CLAW. Yeah, I’ve gotten a couple of high-profile matches, but that’s because CLAW is small. I’ve lost them all, including two squashes. I’m no threat to anyone’s career right now.

I notice the clock. Time is running out. The guys will show up soon and this ring needs to be cleaned up. I put my hand on Xander’s rock-solid shoulder. “Buddy. Listen. I will not tell Mateo you told me any of this. Our secret.”

“Thanks, Ryker. I’m finally making something of myself in wrestling, but it all kind of depends on Mr. Mateo giving me opportunities. If he cuts me loose now, I’ll be in big trouble.”

I have an idea to screw with Mateo and cement my friendship with Xander. I smile, “And I want you to know that I’m not mad at you for hunting me down and tricking me into a match while I was meditating. I had a great time and I’d love to wrestle Daddy X again, buddy.”

“Wow, cool. Thanks … buddy”

“You know what? Mateo has helped your wrestling a ton, but what about the mic? I never hear you talk.”

“Mr. Mateo thinks enforcers should be quiet. Especially me.”

“That helps him, but what does that do for you? Wrestlers need to talk. Especially if they have bigger dreams.” I snap my fingers like I’m having an epiphany. “That’s it. Since we’re buddies now, I’m going to ask Kwame to help you get better on the mic. Secretly, of course. We don’t want to upset Mateo. Kwame’s excellent.”

“Are you kidding? Kwame’s the best. He’s so smart and fast. Did you see how he burned Simon last week? That was awesome. The crowd goes wild for him. I’d love to learn to do that. But he still hates me for fucking up our match. Like that was months ago, but he’s holding a grudge. He’ll never help me.”

I smile, “We’ll see about that. Trust me to work it out. Deal?”

Xander gives me a serious look, “If you do that, I’ll owe you big time. If I could get better on the mic …” He trails off. I’m not sure if he’s searching for words or he’s done talking. I just wait to see. He finally shakes his head and says, “Man. I could finally tell Mr. Mateo to go fuck himself. Or I could fuck him.” He looks at me, “Maybe we could fuck him together. That’d be sweet.”

Perfect. I hate being devious, but Mateo’s left me no choice. I sure as fuck don’t want to get bitched out and driven from CLAW. I stand up and extend my hand. He accepts and I help him get to his feet. We bro hug and all seems good between us.

I tell him, “We’ll talk after practice when Mateo’s gone. Now, you need to go. I’ll clean up the ring since everyone knows I’m always here. You shower. If anyone shows up, act like you just arrived. Mateo will never know we did this. Right, buddy?”

“Right, buddy.”


Up next ... On November 1, 2023, it's ENCOUNTERS: DENIM DUEL 2 ... we return to Atlanta one month after Steve and Tyson faced off in their motel match. It's a re-match in the ring in front of Atlanta's wrestling community at the Barry Bash.

(Note: It's only one month in Cave time, but exactly eight years in our time, so you'll probably need a refresher. Here's a link to the first match from November 1, 2015 ... ENCOUNTERS: DENIM DUEL.)


  1. Yay another CLAW story! I love the sloppy side drama, especially with how one-sided it is on Mateo's side. It was really nice to see Ryker showing so much growth and not be bogged down in any of the drama. Ryker was like, Xander's hot and I want to fuck, so why not? :D

    I am interested to see what happens when Mateo and Ryker inevitably showdown, since Mateo cares so much and Ryker cares so little. Kinda thing the hate fuck would be mostly enjoyable for Ryker rather than Mateo

    1. Yay! A comment! Thanks, I was starting to wonder if it was Blogger (some folks have trouble commenting) or the story. Ryker has come to terms with his past and is focusing on the positive and the future. We return to CLAW in December, so you won’t have to wait long to see more of Ryker and Mateo.

  2. The push-up count out with bulges grinding and Ryker’s pecs bearing the load was so hot. Tipped me off the edge haha

    1. Glad to read that you thought it was hot. Appreciate the comment.

  3. vinnymusclestallion@gmail.comNovember 2, 2023 at 6:01 PM

    Very hot and descriptive story, especially the sex! I’m thinking Jobber Ryker is due to pull an upset over Heel “Mr. Mateo” and I’m hoping Xander and he DP the television champ. It was fun to re-read the older stories. Happy we’ll see more of them soon!

    1. Appreciate the comment! Ryker has had his wins, so it’s not impossible that he surprises Mr. Mateo.
