Wednesday, January 15, 2025

AMU 250.5: Spence vs. Vin

Note: This story spoils the outcome of the match in THE CAVE UNDERCARD 15: MONEYMAKER VS. RED RAVEN.


Spence (Me).


Uh oh, he's trying to bolt.

Vin. The guy I'm chasing.

 "VIN!" Nope. "VIN!" Nope. "VIN! STOP!"

The short stud pushes through the crowd to escape me. I can’t let him. Not this time. This is the closest I’ve been to him in months. Who knows when I’ll get another chance? I just want to talk to him, but he won’t even let me do that. We’re in a feud, but I feel like it’s all a misunderstanding. Sort of. I want us to be friends again, but I’d settle for not being enemies.

I close the gap, getting up behind him. I say sharply, “VIN! Stop! Talk to me.” 

Vin turns to face me. He’s angry. “WHAT do you want, Spence?” 

“I need to talk to you. We were too close for you to just shut me out. I waited. When you never called me, I reached out. You just keep avoiding me. Ever since … you know.” 

“Yeah, I know. I’ve been leaving you alone. That’s what you wanted, right?” 

I’m getting annoyed by his tone, so I push back, “That’s not fair. I asked for time to think. I didn’t ask to lose you as a friend. You made that choice, not me.”

“You made your feelings very clear.”

“At least one of us did.”

Vin’s eyes narrow, “What the fuck does that mean? I bared my heart to you.”

“Eventually. You held a crush for a long time without saying anything. Everyone knew. Except me. You never said anything until you were forced to. When you finally told me, you gave me like two seconds to react, got mad when I needed time, and when I tried to explain, you got even angrier and cut me out of your life. Ghosted me. I deserve better.”

My ex-friend snarls, “You deserve better? Great, go find better.” He waves his hand, “There’s a sea of better right here at this party. Bigger. Hotter. Smarter. Guys who aren’t crazy stalkers lying to you 24/7 for years. That’s how you see me, right?”

“Stop twisting my words. All I meant was that it was a long time to hold onto something like that. All the stuff we did. All the time we spent together. There was never an opening to tell me, but you could tell everyone else?”

“I never ‘told’ anyone. Everyone knew because they saw the signs. You must have known, too. You just weren’t interested. And I respected that. I suppressed my feelings. I wanted to maintain our friendship. I worked through how I felt. Turns out, I was right to not tell you. Once it was out in the open, you couldn’t handle it.”

I roll my eyes, “I’m the one who couldn’t handle the truth? You couldn’t wait three seconds for me to figure out what the truth is.”

The short muscle stud snarls, “You’re leaving out a lot of stuff.”

“Like what?”

“What you said. How you said it. I’d done something wrong by falling for you. Betrayed you. Messed up our friendship. Complicated your life. You were offended that I loved you. I’m good enough to be your little buddy, but a boyfriend? The nerve of me. Yeah, you rejected me, but you didn’t have to spit on me while you did it. Call me a liar and a stalker. Fuck you.”

I frown, “I didn’t do that. You’re being too sensitive and reading into things. It just felt like you weren’t honest with me.”

Vin snorts, “But you’re not calling me a liar.”

“Not like you mean. Look, I’m entitled to my feelings.”

Vin laughs, “That’s hilarious coming from you. You’re entitled to your feelings, but I’m not entitled to mine. I’m not the first guy to crush on a friend. It happens.”

“I know. It was just a surprise. It all happened so fast. In the ring. In the locker room. And then you were gone. We’ve never had a chance for a real talk about it.”

“You said more than enough. Why do you even care? I’m so unworthy of being your boyfriend, so I decided that I must be unworthy of being your friend, too. Your life must be so much better without me in it.” I frown. Vin crosses his arms over his chest, “Leave me alone, Spence. This party’s big enough to avoid each other. I’ve been doing it all night.”

“No. I want to talk. Really talk. Maybe I said things wrong, but you heard things wrong, too. I know I didn’t mean what you heard. It’s all a misunderstanding. Miscommunication.” I sigh, “This party might not be the best time, but I really didn’t see when I’d get another opening.”

“You won’t get one now.” Vin stomps off, heading down the stairs.

Fuck. So, yeah, I’m Spence. 6'3"/200-lbs with tanned olive skin, black hair, and a smooth, lean and ripped body. I'm in gold trunks and black boots. Vin is 5’7” and 150-lbs. He’s got a tight body and brown hair. He's in light blue floral trunks. Looking very cute. I’m 24 and he’s 26.

We met in college. He was in my dorm as the residence advisor. We hit it off. Shared interests. Both ended up in LA and became good friends. Apparently, he was crushing on me for years. He never told me. I found out after a brutal loss in a wrestling match.

Let’s just say, it wasn’t the right time to find out. I was not in the right head space. I was angry about losing. Furious at my opponent’s cheating. Angry about being humiliated. And angry at Vin for getting involved in my match after I specifically asked him not to. Moneymaker and Valet would’ve cheated anyway, but they used his interference as license to go all-in on the double teaming. He made a bad situation so much worse.

Vin suffered, too. He got knocked out and humiliated, but that was his own fault. He didn’t respect me enough to stay out of my shit. I was still upset with him. He’s always been hot-headed and reckless, but this felt so fucking selfish. After the match, his secret feelings came out as an excuse for his actions. Like him crushing on me meant I had to accept it.

It all blew up.

I get that I didn’t handle it well, but he didn’t really give me a chance to handle it well. When I didn’t react, he got impatient. When I didn’t immediately feel the same way, he got mad. And when I got mad back, he stormed off. I figured he’d cool down. I decided to wait for him to call. That call never came. Friends called me asking what I’d done. Asking how I could treat him like that. I explained my side. They explained his side. Some agreed with me. Some with him.

The Vin-Spence Cold War began.

Tonight, I finally saw an opening to end it. I pounded back some liquid courage and here we are. It’s clear Vin doesn’t want to talk. what should I do?



I hesitate but decide to follow. I basically leap down the stairs to catch up. Roof to second floor. Vin’s headed to the first floor. I cross the room, weaving through the sea of hot studs, racing down to the ground. Near the bottom, I misjudge the jump. I stumble forward, crashing onto him. Too much liquid courage, I guess. We go down hard with me on top. SPLAT! Luckily, it’s a gym floor with a little spring to it.

I scramble up, apologizing. Telling him it was an accident. I caught my feet. I try to make a joke, but his face is red. I help Vin up to his feet. He turns around and I see the rage in his face. Instead of backing up, I continue to try to talk. He punches me in the gut. THUD! OOF! “What the fuck, Spence?” I double over. He stomps through the black curtain that hides the gym.


I get my breath back and chase after him, “Wait! It was an accident! I tripped!”

Through the curtain, I don’t see him. Two sexy muscle guys are sitting on an inclined bench, relaxing and spooning. They’re naked and pumped, obviously just post-sex. I recognize the guy behind from Cave practices. His name’s Larry. They look at me and Larry points toward the back door, “He went that way, sport.” I nod and thank him, running out into the parking lot.

Outside, there’s a big empty ring and a few guys hanging out around it. They’re just chatting. One good thing about being 6’3” is that I can see over them. Yes. There he is. I see Vin circling. Shit. No matter which direction I go, once he sees me, he’ll go the other way.

Shortest distance between two points is a direct line. I run at the ring, sliding under the bottom rope. My momentum carries me halfway. I rise and run, grabbing the top rope and using it for balance as I leap over. I land right in front of a shocked Vin. I put up my hands, “I’m not letting you run away again.” His hands form fists, and I step back out of his limited range.

“Found your balance, Spence.” I open my mouth to argue that I really did trip, but he interrupts me, “Just stop. Trip. Tackle. Who the fuck cares? Leave me the fuck alone.”

Vin turns and rolls into the ring to escape. I follow, moving faster. I get up in front of him, “You stop. Just listen. Please.” We stare each other down. I hope he’s getting the point. I’m not going to let this go. I realize that I don’t know exactly what I want to say, but once he’s ready to listen, I figure it’ll just come to me. I can’t say what he wants to hear, but I can apologize.

Maybe this is a mistake. Maybe I should let him go. Friends come and go. I don’t love him. I don’t want to date him. I guess I just hate the fact that he’s out in the world hating on me. If we could just get back to guys who tolerate each other, I’d be happy. The way he’s glaring at me makes me feel like I’m getting further away from that goal. Like I’m making an enemy here.

Outside the ring, the guys are watching. The tension between Vin and me is obvious. You’d like to think that one of them would help us mediate. Bring down the heat. But no. We’re at a party full of hot musclemen. We’re all wearing pro wrestling gear. The booze and testosterone are flowing. And Vin and I are standing in a ring. The guys ringside react exactly as you’d expect.


The schoolyard chant is not helpful, but what can you do? I try to block it out. Suddenly, it gets louder. Guys are looking down from the roof deck. They’re chanting, too.


My ex-friend sneers, “You hear them. Let’s fight. I can see what it’s like to fuck your ass.”

“Vin, I just want to talk. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Oh, is the big man scared for me? Is that the problem? You’re too big and strong for me? You could only see me your little buddy, because you’re such a big stud?” Before I can answer, Vin lifts his boot into my abs. THUD! OOF! I bend forward. He bitchslaps me across the face. SMACK! I spin 90° and drop to one knee. “C’mon, Spence, show me what a big man you are.”

I growl, “Look, I’ll do a sex stakes match with you any time. Right now, I just want -”

Before I can finish my thought, one of the big bodybuilders ringside yells up to the roof, “THE TALL ONE AGREED! SEX STAKES GRUDGE MATCH! RIGHT NOW!”

What? I didn’t mean right now. That big asshole twisted my words. The rooftop lets out a giant cheer that rings out into the night. I look up. There are guys moving into place across the whole roof railing now, looking down on us. I’m betting that more guys are going to join the guys down here ringside as word spreads. The guys around the ring are slapping the ring apron, egging us on. The clapping and cheering grow.

Even though I didn’t agree to a sex stakes grudge match, anything I say will be drowned out. I want to go at that fucking big-mouthed bodybuilder, but he’s 6’1” and 225. Really ripped in black trunks. He looks like a mean son-of-a-bitch, too. I have enough trouble with the smaller, lighter ex-friend of mine who’s licking his lips at the chance to tear me down.




I start to warn Vin away. I’m met with his boot to my temple. CRACK! I topple onto my back, stunned and seeing stars. Fuck! More cheering. Calls for him to kick my ass. I’m blinking to try to clear my head. Vin’s hands reach into my trunks. He pulls them down and off, leaving me in a white jock. Whistles ring out. Guys call me sexy, which would be a compliment, except they’re telling Vin to kick my sexy ass.

The short musclestud jumps up, coming down with his butt on my abs. PLOP! OOF! He wraps my trunks around my neck and holds the ends in his left hand. He twists the spandex around his hand until I’m gasping for air. Vin punches my left pec with his right fist. POW! POW! POW! I struggle under him, trying to myself together. He slaps my face again. SMACK! I settle down.

Vin taunts me, “Aw, look at the big man. Already turning into a feckless jobber. What did I ever see in you?”

I try to speak but Vin uses the trunks to pull me up with him as he rises. I get to my knees only to have him pull my face into his rising knee. WHACK! I go wobbly, dazed again. The trunks finally come away from my neck and I collapse onto the mat. The smaller stud drives his boots onto my pecs. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! I try to roll away. I just need a second, but Vin is relentless. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! When I stop trying to escape, he pauses.

Ringside, a handsome 6’1”/210-lbs musclestud in dark green trunks says, “C’mon, man. Let him up.”

The nasty bodybuilder in black gear who got me into this mess snarls, “Stay out of it. It’s a grudge match. Anything goes.” He looks at Vin, “You’re doing great, man. Don’t let him up.”

The musclestud says, “It’s not a match if they don’t start fair. It’s just a one-sided beatdown.”

The big bodybuilder in black grins, “Now you’re getting it.”



Vin backs off, listening to my musclestud savior. Well, I’m not saved yet, but at least I might have a chance. I roll to the ropes, using them to get to my feet. I keep an eye on Vin, just in case he charges, but he doesn’t. He lets me rise. Okay, better. In a fair match, there’s no way he can win. I wrestle heavyweights, while he’s been taken out by a twink in two moves.

I can end this just as quickly. Maybe tie him in the ropes to force him to listen to me. Although, the more we fight, the less interested I am in renewing a friendship. He’s being a complete asshole and trying to make me sound like I was the asshole. I stand tall and everyone (except the asshole bodybuilder) cheers for me. Or maybe they’re just cheering for a real match.

We circle the ring, ready to go. The anger in Vin’s face is intense. He’s pumped up on adrenaline. It makes him dangerous, but also stupid. He’s reckless by nature, so I need to be ready to seize the opening. As for me, I feel okay. My cheek and chest are burning from the slaps and stomps, but my head is clear. I need to put my emotions to the side and focus.

We move in for the lockup. He ducks it, quickly slipping past me on my left. Vin strikes with a hard kidney punch. POW! I turn toward him. His leg is already swinging up, hitting me across the abs with a side kick. WHAP! OOF! I bend into a swinging elbow across my face. CRACK! UNH! I spin around, holding the side of my head. I stumble two steps before standing up.

Immediately, Vin grabs me from behind around the waist. He shows off his pumped-up power by lifting me up and throwing me back in a belly-to-back suplex. I fly over and land hard on the back of my head and shoulders. BOOM! I skid a few feet before stopping. I roll onto my side, Fuck, this is not how I wanted to start. VIN’s on me with his boots. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP!

The smaller stud wants to wear me down. He’s building on his pre-match attacks, keeping me from using my superior size, strength, and skill. The crowd is on his side. Vin gave me a shot and I blew it. They like seeing a cute lightweight beat up a tall stud. David crushing Goliath. I can’t let that affect me. I need to focus. Vin grabs hold of my thick black hair and pulls.

I’m forced to rise. I act weaker than I am. No resistance here. When I hit hands and knees, I dive forward. Vin wasn’t ready. My shoulder slams into his abs. WHOMP! OOF! I drive forward, carrying him into the corner. CLANG! We hit hard, his back taking the brunt of it. He goes limp sagging as I rise. I hear a couple of cheers and a couple of boos as the momentum shifts.

I grab Vin’s wrist and whip him across the ring. He spins and hits the opposite corner back-first. CLANG! He staggers out, right into my big boot to his cute fucking face. WHACK! The lightweight’s head flies back, and his feet fly out. He lands hard on his back. SPLAT! My turn to tenderize his body. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! Vin gasps and cries out as I punish him.

Now I’m glad he was such an ass. Guys are slapping the apron, cheering the attack. They’ve seen him, so they know I’m not some big bully. I grab his right boot and drag him to the center of the ring. I easily flip him over and sit down in a single leg crab. Vin moans. I lean back, increasing the pressure. Moans turn to cries of pain as I bend his spine the wrong way.

From the crowd, I hear, “Grab his bulge, dude!” Someone else agrees, “Yeah!” Voices ring out, “Go for it!” “Don’t be a wimp, man!” Hands slap the ring apron. BAM! BAM! BAM! The roof watchers get in on it, clapping and chanting, “GRAB THAT BULGE! GRAB THAT BULGE!” Not to be outdone, the ringside guys join in even louder. “GRAB THAT BULGE!”

Well, if that’s what the crowd wants, that’s what they’ll get. I raise my hand high in a claw hold. Cheers. I wag my fingers. The crowd commands, “DO IT!” I whip my hand down, smacking Vin’s balls. WHAP! AH! I work my fingers around the sizable orbs trapped inside his spandex trunks. His soft cock is neatly positioned over his balls, making it easy to grab it all.

Vin screams louder as I close tighter. He cries out and pounds the ring. I laugh, “Shut up! I’m barely squeezing.” After all the abuse I’ve taken, I’m feeling extra snarky. “Besides, isn’t this your fantasy? Having your dream man finally playing with your junk?”

My ex-friend growls, “Fuck. You."

Good. Now that I’m on top and focused, I can get to work. I’m more than ready to make this a match Vin will never forget. And when I’m done with him, he’ll have no choice but to listen to me. I let go of his leg. PLOP! My boots are on his back before he can move. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! I drop down, driving my knee into the small of his back. BOMP! I spring back up.

I back off, running into the ropes. The smaller stud is rising as I come off. I splash on top of him. I’m no giant, but I’m still 200-lbs of muscle coming down on a 150-lbs lightweight. SPLAT! Vin goes down hard under me. He moans, barely moving. I spin around and sit on his back. I pull his head up by his hair, locking my right arm around his throat. URK! I lean back.

Vin’s pecs are off the canvas as I bend him back, choking him. He claws at my right arm, but I have my right hand on my left bicep and my left hand up in a fist. There’s nothing for him to grab onto, just muscle and elbow. No fingers to bend back. With my weight on his ass, he’s pinned and helpless. He struggles, but he has to realizing I’ve got him. I could end him now.

I lean forward, putting my mouth against his left ear, “Give up and talk to me. That’s all I want. It’ll be easier for you.”

Suddenly, Vin’s left hand whips up. My eyes go wide as I see his fist coming back. It goes between his head and my forearm, right into my nose. THWAK! I lose my grip and fall back, sliding between his legs. I shake out my head as I check my nose. Nothing broken. No blood. That’s good. Vin crawls away. I can’t stop him. He scrambles up, so I roll away onto one knee.

Vin charges at me. I see it coming. He lifts his boot. I grab it before it can connect with my face. I stand up, lifting his leg with me. I throw it high. The lightweight stud flips backwards, going around 270°, landing hard on his front. BOOM! I spin, dropping with a big elbow to the back of his head. WHACK! I rise up and Vin’s barely moving.

The crowd is back on his side, cheering for him to get up. I decide to try to win them back. I grab Vin’s trunks and pull them down and off, just like he did to me. He’s wearing a matching blue thong underneath. How cute. Wolf whistles ring out. Maybe I made him more fans as his cute butt flexes while he writhes at me feet. I don’t care. I’m not looking for their admiration.

I move around. I grab Vin’s head and pull him to his feet. I scoop the wobbly stud up and across my chest. I do a half lap, turn and bodyslam him down with authority. BOOM! The lightweight bounces on impact. I drive my big black boot into his abs, continuing with the core punishment. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! The smaller stud grunts and convulses with every shot.

I drag Vin up again. Another scoop. Another slam. BOOM! This time, I force him to his feet immediately again. 150-lbs? I can get him up. I grab the inside of his thigh and his neck. I squat and lift, extending my hands. Vin grabs my arm, crying out, “NO!” I hold him in the gorilla press. That gets me some cheers. Yeah, I’m the man here. I flip Vin over. He plummets to the canvas, landing hard on his back. KABOOM! This time, he’s not moving.

Yeah, Vin never should’ve picked a fight with me. I flex for the crowd. Some wolf whistles. Some guys yelling at Vin to get up. Too bad, guys. It’s big vs. little squash. Goliath wins tonight. I decide it’s time to end the match and get on with it. I’m not enjoying beating up my former friend. Well, maybe a little, but mainly as revenge for his earlier cheap shots. That’s all.

I reach down and pull Vin up to his feet. He’s as limp as a rag doll. I whip him into the ropes. He instinctively spins to hit with his back. On the rebound, I throw my hand at his neck, grabbing him firmly. I squeeze tight and choke him. URK! He grabs my wrist and forearm as I hold him up. He’s balancing on his toes. I pull him to me, reach over his side and grab his cheek.

“It’s time, Vin.”

I lift him into the air by his neck, supported by my hand on his ass. The smaller stud hangs in my choke. I push him back, driving Vin down with a big chokeslam. BOOM! The lightweight spreads his arms and legs on impact. He’s stunned. I run into the ropes. I come off, leap, and come down with a big leg drop across his chest. WHAP! I spin around, locking him in a pin.

SLAP! “ONE!” The crowd counts with me.


SLA - “WHA?”

The guys scream, “NO! He kicked out! He kicked out!”

I pound the canvas. I know he kicked out, I felt it. I can’t believe it, but I know it happened. Fuck! All right, I guess I need to punish him some more. A torture rack should end it. I can make him submit to me in front of all these guys. I should’ve gone for that anyway. I move in. I lean forward, grabbing Vin’s hair. “Okay, I tried to be nice. Time to make you beg, little buddy.”

As I pull Vin up, he gets a surprise burst of energy! He throws his fist into my bulge. SQUISH! My eyes bug out and I freeze. Partly in shock, mostly in pain. Vin spins to his knees. He grabs me around the head as he rises. I try to pull free, but he slaps my back and pulls me forward. SLAP! CRACK! My head hits the mat in a devastating DDT! I collapse, barely conscious.

The loud roar of guys cheering wakes me up. They’re actually cheering a low blow and DDT? They are. I’m seeing stars, but I know I need to rise. Vin is back. He drives his boots down onto my back. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! He reaches down and grabs my head, trying to force me up, but my deadweight is too much for him. Frustrated, he drives my face into the canvas. CRACK! I let out a soft moan.

Vin climbs on my back. He drags me up into a camel clutch. I moan as he pulls me up. When I’m locked in, he pulls back until I’m whimpering in pain. He mocks me, “Wakey, wakey, big man! Guess you regret going low on me earlier, dontcha?” I fight to get free, but I’m too foggy to do it. “Yeah, it’s my turn!” The crowd cheers. Vin responds, “Love you guys!”

The torturous camel clutch gets worse as Vin pulls back. He switches to a camel-sleeper combination. I thrash wildly, but I just can’t get my arms free. He tightens up on the sleeper and my eyes roll back in my head. I go weak. Vin laughs at me. “Where’s all your big man power now, bitch?” Laughter echoes in my head. I can only try to stay conscious.

Vin releases the sleeper and the camel. I fall forward, hitting hard on the canvas. Ugh. Vin gets off me. The smaller stud slaps my bare ass. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! I flail on the canvas, waking up as he humiliates me. I push up to hands and knees. Vin is there. He grabs under my chin, forcing me up. The lightweight shows off, scooping my 200-lbs across his chest!

“Not so big now, are you, Spence?”

The smaller stud slams me down. BOOM! YAAAYYYY! The applause are even louder than the impact. Vin grabs my legs. He lifts and open them. The lightweight drives his boot onto my abs. STOMP! OOF! He falls forward, pushing my legs down. I’m rolled up as he forces my knees to my shoulders. Vin slides forward, positioning his shins behind my knees as I whimper in pain from the stretch.

My legs slip out wide. My knees are out past my shoulders and my boots are in the air. My hole is on full display in my jock. It’s not my biggest concern right now, but guys ringside re yelling about it. Vin is doing a pushup past my head, his bulge on my face. I grip his hamstrings. Mostly for support. The hold strains my groin, testing my flexibility. My moans fill the air.

My nose and mouth are filled with his musk. I struggle under him, but his 150-lbs suddenly feels like 350-lbs as I have no leverage at all. Vin lowers himself in the pushup and the force on my legs increases. I let out a sharp cry. I turn my head and maneuver it from under his crotch to between his legs. It rests on his butt. ARGH! This is worse. I’ve trapped myself even more. FUCK!

SLAP! A guy calls out, “ONE!”



“It’s what you deserve, Spence! Should’ve left me alone when I told you to! But you had to act like a crazed stalker! BIG MISTAKE!”

A voice says, “FUCK THAT STALKER!” More guys join in.

Great. I’m being branded as the asshole. I just might have to give if I don’t get free. My groin is screaming. Vin slides back and off. He climbs over me until his bulge is at my chin. My arms are rubbing between my legs, trapped behind him. He pulls my face into his manhood, ordering me, “Smell a real man, big bitch! Stick out your tongue. That’s what a winner tastes like!”

I refuse to do that. Vin flexes over me, emphasizing the humiliation. He rolls us over so he’s on his back. My face is on his bulge. The lightweight has a firm grip on my hair. He locks his ankles on my back. Vin starts lifting his hips, humping my face. His jock pouch slams into my face with every thrust. I flail my arms as I’m used in front of the other guys.

Vin lets me go. I roll to the ropes to escape, but the big bodybuilder in black is there. He says, “Stay and fight him. Leave the ring and fight me.” Before I can respond, Vin is on me. The guy distracted me just enough. The lightweight is up in the air, coming at me with a baseball slide to my chest. WHOMP! I fly under the bottom rope, but I don’t fall off the apron. The powerhouse blocks my body and pushes me back into the ring.

My former friend pulls me up to my knees. He forces my arms back behind the top rope and secures my arms with the middle one. I struggle, but I’m trapped. On my knees. In the ropes. How am I gonna get out of this? I look up at Vin. He towers over me, a new experience for both of us. From the look on his face, he likes it. Vin steps back and flexes in front of me.

“Who’s the big man now, Spence?”

I fight to free myself. Vin kicks me square in the pecs. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! I go limp in the ropes. I’m drained. Physically and emotionally. The lightweight slaps my face. SMACK! I look up at him angrily. He laughs as he puts his boot on my bulge, pressing down. I cry out. He nods with a confident smirk. “Still think you’re the better man?”

It hits me.

Vin is enjoying this. He’s enjoying punishing me. Enjoying hurting me. He said he loved me, but this can’t just be about a broken heart. Maybe he resented me just as much as he wanted me.

“You had it backwards, thinking I’m not good enough for you.”

I spit out, “Fuck you, Vin. I never said thaah - AHHHHH!”

The smaller stud’s boot pushes down even harder, crushing my manhood. He taunts me, “I’m gonna prove that you aren’t man enough for me.”

Vin moves off. I sag in the ropes, my manhood aching. He grabs my legs and pulls them forward. The lightweight steps between them and starts folding my legs. I’m too stunned to resist, watching as he works. I’m not sure what he’s even trying to do. I can’t figure - NO! Figure! I try to fight, but it’s too late. He’s worked me into a figure four leglock variation!

The lightweight stud grins, “Yeah, you know what’s coming, don’t you?”

I blurt out, “Don’t!”

“Too late to stop me. Too early to beg me.”

With that, he falls back. I cry out. He lifts his right leg onto my ankle, and I’m blinded by the shooting agony radiating from my knee. I thrash and squirm in the ropes, the pain overwhelming me. The ropes hold firm. The crowd is silent, hearing my cries, but doing nothing but watch my legs be torn apart. I hang helplessly, unable to think of anything but the pain.



Fortunately, Vin does. He unwinds his legs from mine. The pain lingers but subsides as Vin does a victory lap, flexing for his adoring fans. They wanted to see the small stud destroy the big one and they got their wish.

Vin comes back, “Who’s the big man now, Spence?”



I hang in the ropes, my energy gone. My body is wrecked, but emotionally, I’m in even worse shape. The whole time Vin was mad at me, I thought our friendship could be repaired. Now, I know that was a fantasy. I said things to Vin in the heat of the moment, but I never took pleasure in hurting him. Verbally or physically. My ex-friend took pleasure in destroying me.

Vin is pacing in front of me. He’s breathing hard, his chest heaving. I wait for him to free me, but he just paces. The smaller stud won stakes, but I doubt either of us will enjoy a rage fuck right now. He’s pumped up, looking bigger. He turns away and raises his arms in victory. The guys ringside and on the roof cheer his surprise win. Looking at us, no one expected it.

Not just a surprise win. A dominating one.

Great. On top of the definitive end to our friendship, I also have to deal with the humiliation of suffering a public squash against a guy who is several weight classes under me. Yeah, you could argue I brought it on myself. I forced the confrontation, and I suffered the consequences. But Vin didn’t have to take it this far. It didn’t have to go like this. I look up at his sneering face.

Vin stomps toward me. He grabs my chin and forces me to look up at him. I suddenly feel his boot pressing down on my manhood again. I groan in pain. “You know I own you, right?”

I nod, “Yes.”

“Good. Accept it. I’m the big man now.” The smaller stud drops to one knee. He lifts his arm, exposing his moist pit. Vin shoves my face into it. Tied up in the ropes, I can’t resist. And as the loser, I won’t. I got forced into this, but I’m not backing out. My nose fills with the smell of his musk. “Lick it, little man.” I extend my tongue and obediently lap up his salty perspiration.

I can’t say I enjoy it. I force my tongue and lips to keep working. Vin pulls off. He replaces it with his other pit. I do an even more thorough job. He stands up. I hold my head up, staring at his pouch. I’m surprised that his cock is small. I figured winning my ass would’ve had him more excited. He forces my face into his sweaty bulge. He wipes his wet jock all over my face.

Vin lifts my head off, “You like that?” I don’t answer. I keep a neutral scowl. He says, “Yeah, me neither. I own you, but I don’t want you.”

Outside the ring, the big bodybuilder in black lets out a laugh, “Damn, boy. That’s cold. I love it.”

Vin looks over and nods. He turns back to me, “Thing is, you don’t deserve me. My friendship. My love. My dick. You don’t even deserve to drink any more of my sweat.” Vin rubs my face in his bulge again, “I’m soft. You can’t even get me hard anymore, Spence. That’s how much has changed. You pushed me into this? Too bad. How am I gonna fuck you with a soft dick?”

The bodybuilder outside the ring growls, “Yes! I like your style, boy.” Vin looks away from me. “Name’s Vuk. You’re right. He’s a loser and doesn’t deserve shit from you.”

Vin leaves me and heads over, drawn in by the massive monster’s deep voice and supreme confidence. The big man named Vuk leaps onto the apron. Smooth move for a 6’1”/225-lbs muscle beast. They get in close and whisper. I can’t hear what they’re saying, but they’re right against each other. Vuk is rubbing the back of Vin’s neck as he holds the smaller stud’s head.

The way my ex-friend is melting, it’s like he’s hypnotized by the sexy bodybuilder who looks like he is sculpted from granite. Vin nods as he listens. Vuk’s eyes dart and look at me every so often. This can’t be good. I bet this Vuk guy knows how to hurt a guy. He has a cruel look to him. I shudder in anticipation. None of the other guys at ringside can take their eyes off him.

When Vuk rubs Vin’s bulge, it grows. His power extends to the manhood, too, I guess. The smaller stud just nods and moans. He closes his eyes as he listens to whatever tale Vuk is spinning. Vin’s jock can’t contain his erection. It slides out the side, guided by Vuk’s expert hand. Everyone is transfixed by the massive bodybuilder, especially my former friend.

Vuk finally lets Vin free, the smaller stud’s is grinning. His chest is puffed out. And his dick is hard as a rock and leaking. Fuck. Vin turns, “I’m ready for my closeup.” He laughs wickedly as he comes up to me. I have an up-close view as Vin’s jock comes down and off. He grabs my chin, lifting my head. He slaps my face with his hard cock, leaving a streak of pre-cum on it.

“Perspective, Spence. I just needed perspective.” Vin smirks, “Open your mouth.” I swallow hard, but don’t resist. Vin teases me, keeping his cock from my mouth. Seeing him be confident and in control is hot. I lean forward as far as I can to take his dick. He keeps it out of range. “No, no, no, hungry boy. Tell me you want it.”

“I want it, Vin.”

“Beg for it.”

“Please, Vin. Please give me your cock. I want to taste your dick. Please?”

Vin smirks, “No.”

With that, my former friend turns and walks to the ropes. Vuk grabs him and the two men kiss. I notice Vuk has stripped off his trunks, standing there in a black jock. The massive muscleman comes up to me. He put his arms on my biceps, digging his fingers into my flesh around where the ropes are cutting into them. We lock eyes and I see nothing but pure contempt in them.

Vuk grins at me. I look past him. Vin shares his new friend’s look. They’re doing something. The big muscleman moans. He says, “Oh fuck. Vin, you’re so big. Oh yes. Fuck me. Take my ass.” My eyes go wide, causing Vuk to laugh in my face. He smiles, “You really missed out, slim. Vin’s cock is spectacular.” He looks back, “Give me all you’ve got, Vin.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Vin starts pounding Vuk’s hole. The crowd cheers, watching the culmination of the match. Stakes, but not winner fucking loser. Winner fucking some random stranger because the loser is not worthy of being fucked. I drop my head in shame, but the massive muscleman forces me to look him in the eyes. He says, “No, you don’t get to hide from this.”

Vuk moans in my face without looking away from me, “You’re tearing me apart, Vin. Oh fuck, yes. Fuck me. You’re incredible! What a fucking top. Damn. Harder! Oh yes. Ruin me. Tear my fucking hole open, you beast. Now, that’s a real cock. A real man. Fuck me, Vin, you’re fucking beast!”

Vin responds, “Take my big cock, Vuk! Yeah, oh fuck, yeah. I’m wrecking your fucking muscle butt! Oh man! You can take more, can’t you? You’re a real man, Vuk. You deserve my cock.”

They keep going, Vuk mocking me the whole time. I feel every thrust as Vin pushes Vuk forward and Vuk pushes the ropes. I’m ashamed to say that my cock is hard in my jock, watching the handsome hunk getting plowed by the much smaller lightweight. The massive muscleman even leans in like he’s going to kiss me. I instinctively lean forward only for him to stay out of reach.

Vuk laughs in my face, “Pathetic.” He reaches back and starts jerking his own cock in his black jock. He says “Damn, you make me so hard, Vin! Your big cock feels so good inside me. Fuck, you’re driving me to the edge. You’re a real man. YES!”

Vin finally says he’s getting close. He pulls out and the two of them move into front of me, aiming their hard cocks at my face and chest. They explode, lining my pecs, neck and cheeks with their seed. I resist the urge to drink it down, trying to keep some kind of dignity. Ugh, that sounds so stupid. I’m bound in the ropes being cum on in front of a crowd. What dignity?

They finish up and exit the ring. They’re laughing and being congratulated by everyone ringside. Well not everyone. One guy comes to check on me. It’s the musclestud who wanted a fair start. Nice guy. He’s joined by a sexy, ripped musclestud who’s about 6’/180-lbs. Another nice guy. He even brings in a towel, cleaning the cum off me. Once done, he tosses it aside. The two studs easily undo the ropes and help me up to my feet.

The second guy to help me.

They support me as I walk off the figure-four, which I never had a chance to do. My legs have stiffened up and I appreciate them a lot. We talk a little as they make sure I’m okay, but I need to be alone. They understand, letting me head into the gym.

It’s empty. I didn’t see Larry or his buddy ringside. I guess they’ve headed up or out. Physically, I feel better. Emotionally? Not even close. I sit on a bench and just breathe.



“Did you like the show, Spence?”

I’m still sitting quietly on the bench, trying to recover from the match and process things. Vin squashed me. Joyfully. I mean, he loved it. He humiliated me. And he refused to fuck me. Any thoughts I had about resuming our friendship is over. The tension is gone, at least. I know where we stand. I’m not usually as emotional as him, but I’m furious. Sore, but mostly angry.

And now, Vin is here to gloat. I can’t believe we were ever friends.

I just stare at him. I’m not a screamer. Or a tantrum thrower. I’m not normally vindictive, but in this moment, I feel something. A desire. A desire for revenge.

Not through a fight.

Through a lie.

A vicious lie that he will never be able to disprove.

I never told anyone I wanted to talk to Vin tonight. I never told anyone how I really felt after he professed his love. Other than Cody and Jae, no one asked me what I was feeling. That wasn’t the important part of the gossip. People wanted the drama and the tension. Asking me about my feelings might have forced them to be good friends and patch things up between us. No one really wanted that responsibility.

It means that whatever I say now is the truth and the only truth.

I lay the trap carefully, “No, I didn’t enjoy the show. I didn’t want a show. I wanted to tell you something. The same thing I’ve been waiting to tell you since about three seconds after you took off that day.”

“Yeah? Well, go ahead. I’m all ears.”

I stare at him, pausing for effect. Piquing his curiosity. I finally shake my head, “No, it doesn’t matter now.”

Vin smirks, “Yeah, because I kicked your ass.”

“Sure. Whatever. I don’t feel the same now, so there’s no point.”

His eyebrows go up, “What does that mean? You don’t want me back as your little buddy?”

“No. Well, yes. It means that I don’t want to be your friend." Dramatic pause. Time for the dagger to the heart. "Or your boyfriend.”

That stops his gloating. “What? What does that mean?”

And now, to twist the metaphorical dagger. I’m shocked when I don’t even hesitate. “I’ve wanted to talk to you so bad because I had it in my head that I loved you, too. I’ve held onto it for months, waiting for you to open the door. When you didn’t, I had to try tonight. To see if we could try being together. I had a whole speech planned. But it doesn’t matter now.”


I stand up and shrug, “Yes.”

“Tell me what you were going to say.”

“No point now. I have to accept what kind of man you are. I realized something tonight, while you were delighting in hurting me. I realized why I hesitated when you first told me. I must have unconsciously sensed this cruel part of you. Sensed the toxicity inside you.” I sigh and look away, “I’m glad you had fun tonight. I didn’t, but I’m very relieved that it happened.”

Vin is reeling. He shakes his head, “You’re saying you wanted -”

I interrupt, “All I’m saying is thanks for being the real you tonight. The man you’d be if we were together. You helped me avoid a huge mistake. Have a nice life, Vin. You never have to worry about me wanting to talk to you ever again.”

His mouth drops open. Now, who’s not reacting fast enough?

With that, I walk out of the gym area. I head to the doorman and grab my stuff. I tip him well and ask him not to tell anyone that I left. I ask him to say I went upstairs if anyone asks. The guy agrees with a big smile. I guess he likes drama, too. I leave quickly, throwing on my shorts and tee shirt on the sidewalk. I relax in the warm night air as I wait … four minutes for my ride to show. I hope the driver won't mind the smell of me.

I’ll feel guilty about my big lie tomorrow, but for right now, it's the only ‘win’ I had tonight.




  1. This match was so good!!! Honestly I’m team Spencer in all this I feel Vin was being very unreasonable. Basically Vin & Spencer are in that Ryan & Cody phase at the beginning of The Cave but without resolution. IDK maybe they can comeback from it but I’m not mad Spence lied.

    Also this match made me look at Vuk a little different, he’s very vengeful which I knew but I thought that was only against his ex. He’s got that vicious killer instinct & he’s a super hot heel I need more from him I still think him & Cody need a match that would be a good one & they had chemistry.

    Anyways Team Spence I’m loving catching up with all these plots of the side characters!

    1. Thanks! Yeah, I get being Team Spence. I tried to show they both had a side, but couldn’t quite make it even with Spence narrating.

      The Cave doesn’t have many guys who are heels out of the ring, but looks like Vuk’s one of them. When there’s a grudge match, he is the last person you want nearby.

  2. I'm also on Team Spence. As someone who needs to think things through before responding to news that surprises me, I completely see why Spence needed more than 3 seconds to figure out a response to Vin. For Vin to go off the way he and then force Spence into a humiliating situation essentially against his will, I would have found a way to hurt him emotionally as well like Spence did.

    As for Vuk, I knew almost immediately he was a true villain in the same vein as Valerio they way he treated Chris in both stories. That guy has some serious mental issues and Vin getting support from him makes me side with Spence more in his actions at the end.

    I'm really enjoying the non-wrestling aspects of these stories. I know we are unlikely to have any Winston/Xaq stuff during the party, but I am really hoping to read about the fashion show/date with them. That's a storyline that needs to be written same as the Beau storyline we got last year.

    1. Thanks for the comment! Maybe I need to tell the story from Vin’s side to give him equal time. I am a big believer in unreliable narrators.

      Wrestling needs heels and villains. Vuk just seems like the perfect guy from his looks, power, and willingness to go pretty far for revenge. He brought out the worst in Ryan, too.

      The fashion show is touched on in a couple of stories, but maybe once the party is done, there’ll be a chance for a “two weeks ago” intros that delves deeper.

    2. Yeah, I get it with having villains. No good daytime soap didn't have their fair share of villains you love to hate. Mitch Laurence and Marco Dane on One Life to Live spring to mind for me.

      I am sure I am not the only person who is heavily invested in the Xaq/Winston storyline, and I am sure those of us who are really want to see played out further. Considering Cody and Jae are almost never in the ring together unlike Ryan and his partners or Val and Miguel, it would be cool to have another pair who are in the ring individually from time to time, but mainly exist as a regular relationship. Although now that I think about it, maybe it makes it too much.

    3. Yeah, I get it with having villains. No good daytime soap didn't have their fair share of villains you love to hate. Mitch Laurence and Marco Dane on One Life to Live spring to mind for me.

      I am sure I am not the only person who is heavily invested in the Xaq/Winston storyline, and I am sure those of us who are really want to see played out further. Considering Cody and Jae are almost never in the ring together unlike Ryan and his partners or Val and Miguel, it would be cool to have another pair who are in the ring individually from time to time, but mainly exist as a regular relationship. Although now that I think about it, maybe it makes it too much.

    4. The Xaq/Winston relationship is one of my favorites and one of the ones I’m most proud of, so it’ll be present and prominent for sure.

  3. Another HOT story. You do so well with the personality side of things. Not bad at the wrestling side either!

    I gotta say I'm team Vin all the way (big surprise there). However, I'm not sure how I want this story to end. Several different ways to go. Fortunately, I don't have to write it. Can't wait for the follow up, but realize that may be years from now!!

    1. Awesome! Vin has a fan. LOL! It does take a while to get anywhere … seven months (Sept - Mar) of stories will represent a week of Cave time.

  4. Another great story! I'm having a real hard time figuring out Vuk. Is he good, evil, or both? He's such a fascinating character.

    I'm also excited to see the return of Christian in the next story! I'm planning to use him as a fairly recurring character in my fan fiction series. (Speaking of which, I just e-mailed you the next chapter!)


    1. Oh wow, thanks for the heads up. I’m happy I’m getting back to Christian, too. He is a great model and was fun in his one story. He’s a good guy with a playful rivalry with Jae. Otherwise, kind of a clean slate for now.

      Vuk is definitely not a good guy. Evil might be too strong. I prefer heel. Ruthless and confident in his judgments with a rage-driven reaction to any kind of relationship conflict. I equate him to a vengeful god you’d pray to to smite your ex. In this case, looks like he might’ve picked the wrong side, but he’ll always pick a side and go to extremes on the payback.
