Saturday, December 30, 2023

2024 is almost here!


2024. Seems impossible to believe that. We've blown past a lot of science fiction that said we'd have a base on the moon, much smarter AI than we have now, and inventions like hoverboards. Can't help but think that we're all a bunch of slackers.

Be warned, I'm going to post some soft spoilers for the first three months of 2024 ... just what characters will appear.

Friday, December 15, 2023

CLAW 12: Mateo vs. Ryker


“What the fuck, Mateo?”

“What’s your fucking problem now, Ryker? I’m giving you the chance to spar with TV champ. Stop fucking whining and be grateful. You might learn something.”

It actually is a big deal to get to work with any of the champs. Mateo never has time for me, but today, he insisted we spar. That’s when I realized that he’d be pushing me into a fight. Our boss is out of town, so this is the perfect opportunity. Sure enough, he’s been intentionally provoking me. I’ve finally snapped, realizing he wasn’t going to stop escalating this.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Alex Miller's Vault: Tom Discovers Wrestling


Me. (Tom)

“You’ve got the right idea, Alex. Dating guys. You’re so lucky you’re gay.”

Alex firmly replies, “Just stop, Tom. No gay guy needs to hear a straight guy telling him how lucky he is or how much easier he has it because he’s gay.” I open my mouth but stops me, “In any context. Not these days. You say it way too much. Okay?”

I nod. I do say that to him a lot. Break ups. Dry spells. Dating. In a relationship. So, yeah, all the time. I didn’t know it bugged him. Maybe it didn’t, maybe it’s just my timing. Or maybe it’s because Alex is the most chill guy I’ve ever met. I’ve never heard him yell at anyone or about anything in the three years we’ve been neighbors. And I would hear it. He’s certainly heard me yelling and being yelled at. I can be a volatile guy.

We share a non-brick wall between our lofts that isn’t very soundproof. I’m 28 and he’s 32. We’re both busy. He’s heard me with a lot of chicks. One day, we were shooting the shit. He joked about it. I admitted that I’ve heard him with guys, too. His fucks sound very physical. A lot of grunting. And there’s even what sounds like dirty talk. I can’t make out the words, but it’s the tone. It’s kind of hot. I bet he can say stuff to his guys that would get me slapped or sued.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Encounters: Denim Duel 2

 Encounters Denim Duel 2 title card.

Previously in The Cave: ENCOUNTERS: DENIM DUEL



“Last chance, sir. Can I help you with anything else? Anything at all?”

“What?” The first-class flight attendant wags my empty glass. Oh. I didn't even see him take it, I'm so lost in thought. He licks his lips and raises an eyebrow as he waits for me to answer. I finally gather myself, “No thanks. I’m good.”

I adjust the blanket that I’m using to hide the prominent bulge in my pants from the flight attendant. He’s shamelessly flirted with me since I boarded, so I know the outline of my semi-hard cock would not have gone unnoticed. I don’t mind the flirting. It happens. I’m a hairy, bearded, olive-skinned stud that other guys think is handsome. He wouldn’t even be the first (or worst) flight attendant that I’ve fucked. I just have no interest this time.

Me (Steve).

Sunday, October 15, 2023

CLAW 11: Ryker vs. Xander

PREVIOUSLY IN CLAW … (everything you need to know is recapped in the story, but if you want to read every detail, check out these past stories)

ROUTE 69: BAD BOYS S106 (Ryker’s career destroyed)

ROUTE 69: BAD BOYS EPILOGUE (#2/3) (Ryker’s new normal)

CLAW 1 (Ryker rebounds)

CLAW 2 (Xander’s deal)


SLAM! “Ryker. You’re here.”

I open my eyes slowly, reluctantly pulled out of my meditative state as I sit in the lotus position in one of the three practice rings at the recently upgraded Championship League of American Wrestling (CLAW) training facility. I’m in my fresh white spandex trunks over a white thong in white pro boots. I unfold my legs and then pivot on my butt to see who’s here.

“Xander?” This is a surprise but I’m chill. “Hey, dude.”

Sunday, October 1, 2023

The Cave Unleashed 16: Dunk vs. Kent


“Oh, boy, why are you here?”

The driver says, “This is the address, right?”

I turn, “Oh, sorry, I wasn’t talking to you.” He stares at me. I explain, “I was just asking myself why I’m here. We’re cool. Thanks.”

I get out of the car and stand on the sidewalk. I pace outside the building. It’s hot but not oppressive. Instead of knocking, I take a walk. Why am I here? There’s nothing to be gained. Maybe I just want someone to talk to. Not that Cody and I ever talk that much. My mind wanders to how it all started over ten years ago. And how it blew up an hour ago. 

Me. Kent.

Friday, September 15, 2023

The Cave 28: Bane vs. Big Daddy Cage


“You want something, so ask.”

Uh oh. He caught me staring. I didn’t realize that I was being that obvious. Of course, he’s a gorgeous Black muscleman, 6’1” / 230-lbs, so he’s probably hyper-aware when guys stare at him. I’m a big white guy, 6’4” / 250-lbs. Not 'gorgeous' but I get some looks, too, so I kind of get it. Although for me, the attention is more recent and I hang around with some ridiculously hot guys, so I'm not always sure if I'm the one being stared at.

I'm still enjoying the 'who me?' phase, but I can understand if it’s annoying to be gawked at. He’s just doing some work at a coffee shop and some random guy is checking him out. It’s just that I was kind of sure I recognized him, but it took me a few extended glances for me to be 100% sure. It is him, though. Since he’s opened the door, I get up from my table and walk over to his.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The Cave Shorts: Ruining a Master Peace

These events directly follow the end of The Cave 26: The Bat vs. Master Peace.
Spoilers (or reminders) for that story contained below.


“And that’s what you get for underestimating The Bat.”

The victorious Cave superstar rises up.

And I lie here unmoving on my stomach like a loser. Which I am.

The Bat puts his big black patent leather pro boot on my broad, cum-lined back. I’m sure he’s flexing over me, celebrating beating me. Knocking me out. I’m still feeling that. And then fucking my tight top ass. I’m sore and embarrassed. I was sure I was going to win. The Bat has trouble with bigger guys and I’m a bigger guy - 27, 6’1” and 225 lbs of hard, sculpted muscle.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

The Cave: The Road to El Paso 5 (Buck vs. Keith)


“See you in a bit, Buck. Shouldn’t take long for me to pack up.”

I wave, knowing that’s a lie. Beau heads off to pick up his stuff, but I’m not going because he doesn’t want me there when he sees his brother Toby again. During our 4-hour car ride here from Dusty’s, I argued multiple times that I should handle this for him or at least go with him. Beau wouldn’t hear it. He wants to do it himself. He knows it will be drama. He knows Toby will provoke him. But he says he can deal with it without losing his temper. I hope he’s right.

I really doubt he's right. But I get it. I never had a brother, but even I know that sometimes, brothers gotta handle their own business. (To see how the brothers handle their business, read The Cave: The Road to El Paso 4)

Saturday, July 29, 2023

The Cast: Who's Who (Q2-Q3 2023)


I’m slow on the latest base image share. This was supposed to be Q2 and happen at the end of June, but better late than never. And now you get the July guys early, which works out well because there are no new guys until October! All four upcoming August and September stories feature guys who've been featured before. I guess I'm still not the well-oiled machine I was pre-pandemic (yeah, right).

For pre-existing characters, I've just listed their names. 

April 1: The Cave: The Road to El Paso 3

Jeff = Steve Kuchinsky (model)

Lee = Andrew Holztrager (model)

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

2023: First Half Recap


I'm late on this post and will be a little late on the Who’s Who for the second quarter (coming Saturday, July 29). I wanted to post both in late June, but work has been non-stop crazy for a month now.

I also made extra work for myself when I made the (correct) decision to post Carter’s Cosplay Turn all in July. It was originally going to be the mid-month story for July, August, and September. After thinking it over, even though I love the story, I didn’t think it was strong enough for that (and the results support my take), so I made a last minute call to change it.

That left me with two empty spots. I filled August 15 with a story that (sort of) addresses a dangling plot point from The Cave 26. It'll be fully resolved in January 2024. For September 15, I moved the first installment of an upcoming four-part Ryan series up from December and added the second part into that slot. It wasn't due until February 2024, but I think it'll work out fine. The Ryan stuff leads to his 30th birthday party in my 250th story. If all goes according to plan.

But that's what's to come. This post is about what I've done. I'm feeling kind of great about my ninth year of blogging so far. Here are a few random thoughts on reviews, images, results, and the length of my stories.

Yeah, I think the first half of 2023 went great.
(Who are these dudes? Keep reading!)

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Encounters: Carter's Cosplay Turn (3 of 3)



Me (middle) and the guys.

I bounce around, struggling to focus on the final scene for the day and not what’s happened up to now. I’m lost in my thoughts and emotions. Before I got here, it seemed easy. Just sex in spandex. My biggest concern was if it’d be too unreal, playing someone else, set changes, and cuts between moments. I’m a spontaneous guy and worried this would not get me … excited.

Instead, for a day of roleplay and complex filming, it’s been weirdly intense and real. I’ve forgotten all about the cameras in every scene, even when Mark is right in my face with the handheld camera. I’ve stayed hard and had no trouble submitting or delivering a pretty convincing performance as a young helpless hero. First, I was physically taken down in wrestling. Edged as Robin. Then milked as Green Lightboy. Scott's awesome, making it easy to convincingly submit to him.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Encounters: Carter's Cosplay Turn (2 of 3)



Me (middle) and the guys.

“Lunch settled in that sexy tummy?”

I smile at the compliment. “Yep. I’m good to go.”

“Let’s wrestle.”

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Encounters: Carter's Cosplay Turn (1 of 3)



“What’s the purpose of your visit?”

“Meeting up with friends for a guys’ weekend. Hanging out. Bills game.” Anticipating his next question, I add, “Coming back to Toronto on Monday.”

The American Customs officer asks, “Where are you staying?” I give my friends’ address. “Are you bringing in any gifts?”

“No, sir.” While some people have called my dick a gift, I don’t have to declare it.

The officer asks the biggie, “Do you have any alcohol, tobacco, firearms or cannabis?” He lingers on that last word.

“No, sir. All clear.”

Saturday, July 1, 2023

The Cave: The Road to El Paso 4 (Beau vs. Toby/Zeke)



“Beau! My prodigal brother returns. And a day early. You should’ve called ahead. I would’ve put the mats away, so you wouldn’t be reminded of how Keith kicked your ass all those times.” 

“Fuck you, Toby. I’m here to grab my shit and go.” Beau pushes past me. “Keep your mouth shut and stay outta my way and it’ll all be good.” 

Thursday, June 15, 2023

The Cave Unleashed 15: Zeb vs. Doug (Asgard Ranch)

Previously in The Cave ...


Uh oh.

Mr. Doug, my boss, is awake.

Mr. Doug.

I’m Zeb. Short for Sebastián. I’m 21-years old, 6’1” tall, and a muscular 220-lbs. I’m lying naked on wrestling mats, outside in a secluded wooded area of Asgard Ranch. I’ve worked here as a ranch hand for only a week, but I already know that I love it. I’m on my stomach, propped up on my forearms. My bare brown ass is lined with ropes of fresh white cum. Josh’s cum. He’s the 6’2”/240-lbs musclehunk who just beat me then fucked me in a wrestling match.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

The Cave: The Adventures of SuperStar 20


“Special request? For me? Wow, Cody, that’s cool.”

“Why so surprised, Jae? You know he’s not the first to want SuperStar in the ring. Only me and Xaq get more requests as opponents.”

I shrug, “It’s just always flattering. I never want to just expect it.” Dev, my potential new opponent, is new to Los Angeles. He grew up in New Jersey and just relocated here for a new job. He sent an awesome video that talked about how he couldn’t wait to apply for The Cave and how he really hoped for a chance to wrestle me. I’m excited to wrestle him.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Alex Miller's Vault: Kick Kid Gets Tickled

 Title card for Vault stories. It explains that these stories are from my past experiences, fictionalized for the blog but grounded in truth.


“Hey, sexy stud. You look hot, hero. Love the bare legs. Woof.”

I smiled at the message. I appreciated the compliment, even though my outfit wasn’t that great. It was black spandex consisting of a t-shirt, squarecuts, ankle socks, short gloves, cheap eye mask, and a canvas black belt with pouches I bought online. Strictly amateur hour, but it worked for Kick Kid, a street-level hero, who only existed in one profile picture. Yes, I looked nothing like a kid, but I liked the name.

Alex is a thick, solid, white 30-year old male with brown hair and a goatee. He is dressed in a black homemade superhero costume for his role-play character of Kick Kid.
Alex aka Kick Kid

Saturday, April 15, 2023

The Cave Unleashed 14: Zeb vs. Josh (Asgard Ranch)


“Oh. It smells good in here. Are you making dinner, sir?” 

“Uh, yeah. That IS why I invited you up, Zeb.” My boss tilts his head, “I’ll warn you now, no one will deliver food out here. And I wasn’t going to just microwave something. Is anything wrong? Does it smell gross?”

“No, sir. I’m sorry, it’s just, I was … uh …” I don’t know how to finish my sentence. I clumsily extend my arm, “Here’s a bottle of scotch. For you. The guys said it’s what you drink.”

“It is. You shouldn’t have spent your money on me, but I really appreciate it. Take a seat. What can I get you to drink?” My boss looks at the bottle, “I’ll be having scotch on the rocks.”

I stammer out, “That sounds great, sir.”

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The Cast: Who's Who (Q1 2023)


Some new and old folks in Q1 of 2023. I mostly reused images and character cards for the existing characters. It was partly time - where to focus, writing or editing, but more than that, most of these guys don't have a big enough image library for so many stories and even the ones who are actively modeling for years, they change over time, but remain the same in-story thanks to Cave time.

Here are the new guys ...

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The Cave: The Road to El Paso 2 (Beau vs The Mountain)



Character card for Buck, the hunky white farmer. Buck is 35 years old, 6 foot 2 inches tall, and weighs 240 pounds. He is dark-haired, scruffy stubble beard, smooth body, muscular and handsome.

Character card for Beau, a gorgeous 22 year old white bodybuilder with blond hair. He is 6 foot 1 inches tall and weighs 235 pounds. His chiseled body is smooth.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Friday, February 24, 2023

Alt Version: Different Sentinel Ending


Since I don't have a ton of content these days and many readers made it all the way through the Sentinel series (or maybe some of you read each chapter a hundred times), I thought I'd post the first ending to the Sentinel series I uploaded to the blog but changed before publishing.

As you can see from the chart below, Chapters 2-16 were very similar in terms of daily views in the first seven days (although Wednesday might be the worst day to post a story, since both Wednesday stories had the lowest first days). They're certainly within range of one another and generally followed the same path, with a couple of minor exceptions, like everyone's weird bump on Saturday January 14th. 

The point is, folks who stuck with it to Chapter 2 were likely to keep reading until Chapter 16.

Sentinel: Daily Views 1st Seven Days by Chapter/Date

This is not the "original" ending. I revised, edited, and changed the story so much that there really is no "original ending". This, however, actually made it to the blog posting queue. I uploaded it in October and it remained the official version for a good month before I suddenly had major anxiety about it and re-wrote it all one more time.

The differences are significant ... the villain is different (Master Mind not Chameleon), his powers are different (young bodybuilder with tech enhanced telepathy and no body-hopping), it wraps up with a slice of life experience for the three lead characters, and it hand waves the villain's momentary triumph away. 

When I wrote the first ending, it seemed fun. However, as I thought about it, this version felt unfinished. Neither Chameleon or Master Mind are really ever resolved and the heroic "win" was super-lazy. The only thing I regret changing is the final villain's powers. It complicated things and added a page of unnecessary explanation. I cannot remember why I even did it.

I still really like the character moments and might re-use the bar scene if I ever re-visit the characters. In hindsight, I could've kept it all and just written a final confrontation at the bar, with Adrian still saving the day and Sentinel's new bar friends (you'll see) even helping out in some way. But I didn't. It would be a fun first chapter if I bring them back to explain characters, personalities, and relationships. Act surprised if I ever do re-use it.


Picking up from halfway through Chapter 15, changes are mostly in red, but I left in surrounding stuff for context, followed by Chapter 16 where everything is different ...

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

The Cave Shorts: Professor Maddox meets Xaq

Sito School of the Creative Arts. Los Angeles CA.


Ugh. I don’t even look up. “Please come back during office hours.”

“No. I need to talk to you now.”

Me, Professor Maddox

Monday, February 6, 2023

The Cave: The Road to El Paso 1 (Buck vs. Jorge)



“EL PASO! How the fuck are you doing, big man?” 

Beau (aka El Paso around here) answers coolly, “Oh. Hey, Lee.”

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Heroes: Sentinel (Chapter 16/16)

Chapter 16: Conclusion 

Location: Sentinel Station. High Orbit Over Earth.

“You’ll never succeed in enslaving us.”

Chameleon laughs at Intrepid’s defiance. “Us? Why would I want you? You’re just a normal. You’re useless to me. The only reason you’re still alive is because you know all the Young Crusaders secrets. And once I pluck them from your mind, you’re heading out the airlock, courtesy of my dog.”

Adrian cries out, “NO!”

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Heroes: Sentinel (Chapter 15/16)

Chapter 15: Violation

Location: State Prison. Conjugal Visit Trailer.

“Get in there.”

“Wait. I told you. I’m not expecting anyone. Please, it’s a setup. Don’t lock me up in here. PLEASE!” The second 'Rack' I met, the henchman I named Bodybuilder Bottom Boy or BBB, is roughly shoved into the trailer, his back to me as the guard slams and locks the door. He's shirtless in standard-issue orange prison pants. Despite his big muscles, he's a coward. He beats on the door in terror, quietly sobbing.

I calmly say, “Hello.”

The 5’7” / 210-lbs henchman slowly turns, immediately dropping to his knees. He begs, “Oh god, please, I didn't betray - wha? Sentinel?” He looks up at me in confusion and shock. I tower over him in my gold and dark red uniform. I extend a hand. He cautiously takes it. I help him to his feet. He asks, “Is - is it - is it really you?”

I pull him into my body. I scoop him up, cradling him. I rise off the floor, hovering with him in my arms as a show of proof, “It is really me, Mr. Bartok.” He holds me around my neck, nervously. Even though he’s a cowardly lion, he did betray Trap Master, and help me save my son. I promised him that he’d get fucked by Sentinel. And a deal’s a deal.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Heroes: Sentinel (Chapter 14/16)

Chapter 14: Indoctrination

Location: I Wish I Knew.


I call out as I hover helplessly, my balls being stimulated. My cock is pumped in the milking machine as the helmet audio and video becomes more erotic. Trap Master is going all out. I have to stay focused, but I have to admit, I’m genuinely turned on. My cock has stayed hard since this started. I’m embarrassed to admit that if not for my constant thoughts of the danger to my son, I’d be enjoying this experience.

I groan as they bring me closer and closer to climax. They’re not the first villains to try to gain my seed for nefarious uses. It’s how Adrian is even here, after all. The woman who gave birth him tricked me into giving her a sample and betrayed me. Since then, I’ve kept my cum guarded, but I don’t think I can today. Not this time. Everything about this setup has me primed to explode. I relax, while staying perfectly in place. They bring me closer and closer.

The machine is working, but I suddenly feel real human hands all over my body. A live feed of my current situation is cut in with porn images and Trap Master’s voice. I see the henchmen, including Bodybuilder Bottom Boy, fondling me. They’re getting that thrill they wanted. I see and feel my ass being kneaded. They’re alternating rough and gentle. My hole gets massaged. Oh boy.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Heroes: Sentinel (Chapter 13/16)

Chapter 13: Manipulation

Location: Back of a Villain’s Truck.

Two henchmen drive the truck for a long time. I’m chained up in the back, watched by the other ten henchmen. They started out with energy rifles and gas guns aimed at me, but I’ve been careful to play sleepy muscleboy, so they’ve relaxed. Now, they’re chatting about working for Trap Master. The villain pays upfront, never abuses them, and while they occasionally get beat up, it’s a great gig. This is a repeat gig for most of them. The consensus is that Trap Master is the best boss.

One henchman wonders how far he’ll go with me. “I’d ride this muscle bitch all the way then back again. He’s a fucking beast. Just look at that ass.”

“There’s no way this Meathead guy doesn’t know he's got a great ass, either. Dude is shameless, flaunting those massive cakes. The costume’s fucking built to say, ‘hey, bitches, look at my amazing ass, come fuck me’. Yeah, I'll fuck you, hero. I'll make your dreams come true.”

The new "Rack", the cowardly bodybuilder who surrendered first, says, “That’s sweet, but look at the package, too. I bet Meathead’s hung like horse.”

Monday, January 23, 2023

Heroes: Sentinel (Chapter 12/16)

Chapter 12: Invasion

Location: Abandoned Meat Storage Warehouse. New City USA.

“All right Trap Master. Time to get one step closer to capturing you.”

I check myself in the mirror. No matter how often I see myself in this disguise – purple-streaked hair, shaved face, hairless body, spray tan, purple contacts, temporary freckles and arm tattoos, and tortoise shell glasses, I can’t get used to it. Hopefully, it won’t be for much longer, but it’s just important that I not be recognized as Sentinel right now. I ran this look through the best recognition programs there are and none of them matched me to Sentinel.

I fire up my laptop. Three minutes to wait. True to his word, Trap Master escaped exactly three weeks after I caught him. The next day, a countdown appeared on his website. Since then, I’ve followed the clues, each coded in flawless Lacution, to a series of traps that tested Meathead physically and mentally. I overcame each one, making sure to struggle enough to keep him interested.

I deciphered the original clue to mean that there would be ten tests and I’ve done eight. I thought about losing early on, but worried that if I allowed myself to fail that he’d walk away. I’m pretty sure I was right and that I need to earn seeing him again. Two more traps and I’ll have his ultimate location. His ultimate trap. And my ultimate surprise – the successful capture of Trap Master.