Saturday, February 15, 2025

AMU 250.7: Maddox vs. Rafe


“Winston! Here you are. I was looking all over for you.”

Winston, a 5’7”/140-lbs twink, smiles at Xaq, his 5’11”/200-lbs muscle freak friend, “I’ve been right here, just talking to Jon.”

Xaq grabs Winston’s hand, “C’mon, let’s dance.”

The smaller young man pulls his hand free. He leans his head and opens his hand toward me. “Xaq. As you can see, I ran into Professor Maddox. We. Are. Chatting.” His tone is a not-so subtle admonition. I’m standing right here and Winston is pointing out that Xaq is being rude by interrupting and ignoring me.

Xaq looks at me, like he’s just seeing me, despite the fact that, at 6’3”, I tower over his friend. I’m one his teachers at fashion school and Xaq is the one who invited me to this 30th birthday party for Ryan, one of his bosses from The Cave, the superhero-themed, gay-oriented wrestling video company he works for. It shouldn’t be a huge surprise to him that I’m here.

The muscle freak says, “Oh. Yeah. Hey. Having a good time, Professor?”

I nod, “Yes, very much. I’ve been to some great parties in my life and this is world class. The wrestling theme. The venue. The music. Food. Drink. Celebrities. The men. It’s a great scene. Thank you for inviting me, Xaq.”

“No problem. I know how much you love muscle. I figured tonight would really blow your mind. Did you come alone?” Xaq grins, “Bet you did.”

I stay neutral, “Yes, I did come alone.” I am not ready to share my new interest in musclemen and wrestling with anyone I know. Not yet anyway. “But I’m still having a good time.”

“Yeah, right. Looking to hookup like at Chris’ party? You made his night showing up and doing whatever you guys did in the bedroom.” I scowl. The muscle freak smirks, “Relax, I don’t care. You know you can get him to do anything for you now, right? Best computer. Phone. Surf anywhere. Having IT on your side is the best.”

“I didn’t do anything to gain favors from IT.”

“Sure, but you can still get them.” Xaq changes topics, “If you need any help finding an old muscle dude tonight, lemme know. They all worship me. Like you.”

I sigh, “I’m good, Xaq, thanks again. Don’t let me keep you from the dance floor.”

“Anywhere I dance is the dance floor, Professor.” The muscle freak is obviously proud of himself, getting me into his world of hunky sex wrestlers. All it took was him getting naked in my office to wrap me around his little finger. Winston flares his eyes at Xaq. The muscleboy adds, “Oh. Yeah. I invited you tonight to thank you, too.”

I’m surprised. Xaq is an arrogant young man, so he doesn’t say thank you often. Or ever. No wonder his twink friend had to remind him. I think I know why he’s thanking me, but he has a … unique perspective on the world. I tentatively ask, “For what exactly?”

Xaq’s perfectly sculpted chest puffs up, “For listening to me.”

There it is. I smile, “You are welcome.” I reply seriously, “Thank you for your … passion, Xaq. I was worried I made a mistake taking a break from designing and moving into teaching, but you reminded me why I did it.”

“Yeah, I have that effect on guys. Motivating them with my body, my mind, my talent. I like how you didn’t get it, but unlike the other teachers, you still listened. You were open to my vision. My boss at the Cave is even talking about not retiring when he turns 30. Cody desperately wants to be part of the Xaq-era. Hey, he’s an old guy with a big dick. Want an intro?”

I do plan to find Cody. Backstage at Xaq’s show, he talked to me about a charitable endeavor. It sounded interesting. I want to follow up with him. That’s one reason. The other is that he is The Bat, one of my favorite discoveries on The Cave site. I’ve binged quite a few of his matches. I tell Xaq, “Cody and I met backstage at your show.”

“Yeah? Guess I was too busy being brilliant.” Xaq smirks, “Remember how freaked out you got when I was in your office?” I do. We’re not supposed to close the door with a student in our office, never mind having one get naked and use our computers to look at a porn site. Freaked out is right. He continues, “Yeah, that was fun. Now you know I was right all along.”

I admit, “Your presentation was … unorthodox, but it did work out.”

“It more than worked out. I made my designs, my way. Got an A. Won the student competition. Anchored the school’s fashion week show with a full line. Nailed it. Most press ever from the annual fashion show. Got job and investment offers. I’m the biggest thing at the school and now everyone knows it. And you had a front row seat to genius, Professor.”

Xaq’s friend Winston pokes him playfully. The muscle freak adds, “Oh, yeah. It worked out for you, too. I hear you got some credit for my brilliance and all my hard work.” Another poke. “Credit that you totally deserve, Professor.”

I smile. My dynamic with Xaq is entertaining, but also unsettling. He has all the power, getting me to do whatever he wants. I need to learn Winston’s secret. Xaq once called me an aging twink, but Winston is a real twink. And yet, somehow, some way, he has the muscular bodybuilder deferring to him. I saw it backstage, at the after-party, and now here. It is impressive. I need some of that type of control for myself.

I’m a confident, good-looking man who has been around confident, good looking men my whole life. Running my own fashion brand in my 20’s, I dealt with extreme arrogance from staff, suppliers, models, and investors. None of them got over on me like Xaq has. I propelled my fashion business to huge success by being an uncompromising asshole. No one messed with me. For some reason, Xaq’s arrogance and muscles have bulldozed right over me.

I can’t complain. The faculty is very happy with me. I got the best out of the talented but obnoxious young man. I worked with him to refine his wrestling/superhero-inspired designs for my class. When they were on the runway, the crowd was blown away. That meant press for the school, elevated reputation among industry insiders, there will be an influx of applications from aspiring designers, and more money and prominence for everyone.

And for me, it feels good. I’m only 30. I was more successful at a younger age than Xaq, breaking out with streetwear at just 18. I used YouTube and social media to launch an entire brand, which led to me being ridiculously rich and incredibly burned-out last year. Teaching was a romantic whim and mostly depressing. Thanks to Xaq, I’m energized like never before.

Despite what Xaq thinks, I’m neither old nor a twink. But I have discovered that I love muscle. He made me a big fan of The Cave in my office. He even introduced me to a few wrestlers at a party a few weeks ago. And every one of his 12 models at his show were Cave wrestlers. As a designer, I used sullen, boyish, waif-like male models. Fit but thin. You could see their ribs as much as their abs. It was the look of my brand.

But The Cave is a musclefest. The wrestling, the costumes, and the drama. I love it. I recognize quite a few guys tonight and have suspicions on the identity of others. Winston whispers something I cannot hear due to the music and conversations going on. Xaq shrugs. Maybe they’re leaving me, which is cool. I’ve been doing just fine on my own, working the rooftop.

Suddenly, my student grabs the front of my shirt.

“You need to lose this, Professor.” The bodybuilder rips open my shirt. Buttons fly. He guides it off my shoulders and down my arms. Xaq tosses it aside onto a chair. I should be annoyed, but that was sexy. Some nearby guys are looking over. Thumbs up, nods, and licking lips. Standing here shirtless in jeans, I just nod and smile at them. Winston nods approvingly.

When in Rome, I guess. I’m certainly not ashamed of my body. And I’m not particularly shy. It’s just that I genuinely prefer guys in clothes. The right clothing can make anyone look better. Even a guy like Xaq. That’s why I love his vision. Using wrestlers and superheroes as his inspiration, Xaq made hard-earned physical beauty even more beautiful.

Xaq and Winston head off to dance and I head to the bar shirtless.

I’m still overdressed in jeans, but I’m not really a wrestling trunks kind of guy. I grab another drink. So far, I’ve had fun talking up a few guys. Dancing. The party is wild, but I’m pacing myself. At the last party Xaq invited me to, I quickly hooked up with the host. He is cute and thought I was hot. I don’t regret it, but I don’t want a repeat. Tonight, I want muscle. I’m going to take my time and not jump at the first -


I turn to see a hot young muscleboy growling at me in a most muscular pose. He’s at least 21 (pink wrist bracelet), 5'5”, and 170-lbs, tanned with big shoulders and chest, thick legs, and a handsome face. He’s wearing black and white tights. The word ‘badger’ is written across the waist and there’s a logo of a badger on his pouch. He’s also wearing one of my hats. He stands and points at me.

I smile back and nod. Mad Ox is the name of my fashion company. My logo was angry bovine snarling much like this hot stud is doing to me. He must be a big fan to recognize me. I haven’t been featured in the marketing for years. 

The muscleboy stomps up in his bright white kicks, “You’re the guy who does the Mad Ox shit, right?” I nod. “It’s my favorite brand. Fuck, man, what are you doing here?”

“One of my students invited me. His name is Xaq and -”

“Wait. Which Zack? With a ‘Z’ and a ‘k’, a ‘Z’ and an ‘h’ or the one with an ‘X’?


“NO!” The muscleboy looks unhappy. He says, “Not that arrogant, delusional, motherfucking, muscle freak d-bag who thinks he’s the gods’ gift to the world?”

I laugh out loud, “Yes, that’s the one. I teach fashion at Sito now. He’s one of my students.”

The muscleman shakes his head. “Fuck. Sorry if he’s your boy but he’s a fucking asshole.”

“No need to apologize. I like Xaq, but you’re entitled to your opinion. I’m … not entirely surprised by it. I think I’ve heard other professors use that exact description.” The muscleboy laughs and relaxes. I extend my hand, “Jon Maddox.”

“Hey, man, I’m Rafe. So, you’re teaching? Not making cool shit anymore? That sucks.”

“I’m still involved in the company, but I needed a break from the day-to-day. You’ll still see lots of cool shit coming from Mad Ox. Trust me.” I lean down closer, “I’m thinking about more stuff designed specifically for hot muscleboys.” I add, “Like you.”

The fireplug likes that, smiling broadly, “Oh man, that’d be awesome. Start with some big boy jeans. You got the best skate pants, but I don’t wanna be baggy all the time.”

I laugh, “Yeah, my denim has stretch, but nothing that can handle those tree trunks.” I overtly check him out, tilting my head. He flexes his right quad for me. It pumps up in the tights. Whoa. I look all around him, “Actually, I bet my jeans would lose out to you from waist to ankle.” I grin, “Front or back.”

I realize that Rafe did not come over to pick me up, but he’s checking me out with fresh eyes. He’s reappraising me from the guy who makes his favorite streetwear to a guy who he could fool around with. I said I would not jump at the first opportunity, but here I am doing it. I’ve opened the door. Is the young muscleboy coming through it? I wait, letting the pause linger.

The muscleboy doesn’t try to leave or excuse himself. He picks up what I’m putting down. “Yeah?” Rafe slaps his thick thighs, “You inspired by these bad boys?”

“Oh yeah. They’re giving me all kinds of ideas. Some good. Some … bad.” I ask a question that I’m confident I already know the answer to, “So, you’re a Cave wrestler?”

“Fuck yeah. You know The Cave?”

“I recently became a huge fanboy.” I stare at him, checking out his body. He’s in brief trunks and sneakers, so nothing is hidden. I can’t remember a guy named ‘Badger’. I admit, “Sorry. Badger? I must have missed your matches. I’d definitely remember you. With my designer eye, I can always recognize proportions and shape. A guy built like you would stick in my brain.”

Rafe’s cool facade cracks a little, “Wow, thanks, man. I’m Puffin on The Cave.”

“Ah, that explains it. See, I was trying to think Badger.” I can’t keep the snark out of my voice, “Puffin, eh? That’s … cool.”

The muscleboy laughs, “It’s not. That’s on me. Cody wanted me to be Badger. Small and mean. You know, a killer. I wanted someone from Batman. He said Puffin. I think as a joke to get me to go with Badger, but I was 19 and stupid. I think about switching every so often.”

I flirt, “You’re hot, so you can be whoever you want, and I bet guys will watch. Heck, now that I see you, I’ll skip down to the P’s. After all, if I’m launching a new line of jeans for musclestuds, I need to see how you move. I’ll check you out at my first opportunity.”

Rafe moves into me, “You can check me out now, man.”

“Sounds good.” I open my fingers wide, “I don’t have a measuring tape. I’ll need to use my hands. Is that okay?”

“Big. They look like they’ll be up to the job.”



It takes no time before I have Rafe in a mat room. I already have a muscleboy in my life who’s completely in control. I don’t want another. I take the lead.

I order, “Take those kicks off. No scuffs from me.”

Rafe nods, “Yea, I almost forgot.”

Shoes and sock come off. It lowers him. I leave mine on, extending our height difference to almost a full foot. He doesn’t notice or say anything if he does. I use my height and hands to position him in the center of the mat. He’s silent, but the tent forming in his tights says all that needs to be said. He’s worked hard to get this body. He’s got my respect and attention.

I start with both hands cupping his face. I lean down and softly kiss his lips. He wants more but I pull away. My pace. I caress his strong neck. He moans as I rub it. I tighten up, letting him feel my long, strong fingers. I connect my thumbs in front and middle fingers in back. I don’t choke him. He looks me in the eye. I go back to rubbing his thick neck, relaxing and arousing him.

I lean down and whisper in his ear. We’re alone, so the only reason is that I want him to feel my hot breath. It works. He shudders. I whisper his neck measurement. He moans confirmation. I stand tall again. I move his head around, loosening the muscleboy up. He resists at first. An instinct. But with a little pressure, he gives in and lets me manipulate his head and neck.

Time to move on, down his powerful, compact body. I slide my hands to his thick traps. So solid. My hands are big and strong, giving him a massage few men could. He melts into it. His head rolls back, eyes closed. I start telling him how sexy he is. He groans. I describe him in classical, artistic terms, not crass dirty talk. That can come later. It works and he smiles.

Rafe is a mighty young man. He is inspirational. I tell him so. The hard work and dedication it must take to build and maintain his form. He leans forward and kisses my left pec. I grip his large, round shoulders. They’re as hard as boulders. I squeeze and admire them while he shows his appreciation to me. His lips and tongue hit my nipple, and I encourage him.

As we play, his hands move to my hips. He hooks his thumb in my belt loops, pulling my jeans down past the waistband of my briefs. He steals a look as the denim reaches the base of my dick in front. I keep focused. I’m caressing from his neck to his shoulders, moving my hands slowly and continuing to pause and knead the muscle. I’m enjoying his soft grunts and moans.

I stand with my feet out wide and bend my knees. I squat down 12” to match his height. I wrap my long arms around his broad shoulders. I tell him, “Relax.” He does. Our faces are right in front of one another. Staring into each other’s eyes, I order, “Make yourself as wide as possible.” He thinks then moves his shoulders, successfully expanding them. I nod, “Got it.” I reward him with a kiss. I stand tall, gripping his shoulders.

My hands slide down over his thick upper arms. I grab his elbows and lift his arms up. A muscleboy like this knows what I want. He stands upright and strikes a double bicep pose. Fuck. That’s hot. I knead his big, flexed biceps, unable to make a dent. He is a powerhouse. I slide my hands underneath, testing his triceps. Over his elbows and onto his forearms.

All solid. I circle behind him and check him out from shoulders to wrists again. Back to his biceps, I use my fingers to measure. “Flex.” He obeys and my fingers separate. I order, “Drop your arms and relax.” Rafe obeys. I measure his biceps, forearms and wrists just hanging. Still impressive. “Make a fist.” His forearms tighten. “Arms back up. Flex.” Up they go. Beautiful.

I reward him with kisses to the back of his neck. He loses focus, but quickly recovers. I circle to his right. He switches position, pointing his right arm down and flexing. I check his tricep out again. Now flexed, all the lines show. I tell him how impressive he is. I caress, poke, and yes, measure it again. It makes him flex even harder for me, wanting to earn the biggest numbers.

“Relax.” Rafe eases up. “Flex,” He does. “Good boy. Look at these muscles. Beautiful. I’m using you to get an idea how much stretch I need. Clothes that expand with you.”

“Go ahead. Use me, Jon.”

I notice that Rafe let the ‘good boy’ slide, too into the moment to worry about such things. His cock is straining the tights. I’ll get down there eventually, but I’m going to make him wait. Back in front, I go to work on his pecs. I notice, “You shave.” He nods. “Wow, so young, but you’ve already got a full man’s mat of fur, don’t you?” Rafe’s chest puffs up. “I’d love to see it.”

The muscleboy speaks proudly, “Doesn’t take long. Been hairy for years. I got made fun of for being furry in high school, so I started shaving.”

I knead his pecs. I toy with his nipples and his breathes in fast, trying not to flinch. I pinch them as I lean down to whisper in his ear again, “You’re a tough boy, aren’t you?” He moans in the affirmative. I look at his face. His eyes are closed. His hand reaches for the front of his tights to adjust his cock, but I bat it away. “I’m getting there. Just hold on.” He whimpers for me.

Around back, I slide my arms under his armpits. He doesn’t need me to say anything. Rafe relaxes. I kiss his neck. He breathes in sharply. His chest expands for me as he puffs it up and out, flexing it. His lats spread. My arm moves out a few inches. I whisper, “Wow.” That earns me another inch as my praise boosts his ego. I pull him back into me, squeezing him tightly.

Rafe moans as he sinks against me. He says, “You’re driving me crazy.” I just laugh. I squeeze harder. He gasps. Tighter. He grunts. “You’re strong!” I chuckle at his surprise. His butt presses against my legs as I reverse bearhug him around the chest. I lean back and lift, bringing his bare feet off the ground. He grabs my forearms, but I order, “Flex those arms again.”

The muscleboy flexes his arms as he hangs in the hold. I’m not strong enough to crush his chest, but he is feeling it. I just learned the term ‘jobbing’. He’s happily jobbing out for me, letting me have my way with him. I lower him down and let go. Rafe lowers his arms as I move in front. I give him another kiss before dropping to one knee in front of him.

Rafe’s eyes dance. He’s getting even more excited now that I’m down here. The muscleboy is licking his lips in anticipation. His muscles tighten. His tights are full, distorting the cute badger logo in front. I lean forward. Even on one knee, I’m tall for him. I hold his hips tightly as I run my tongue over his stomach, tracing his abs. He shivers, gripping my shoulders for support.

I slide my hands up his sides. I look up, “Hands behind your head and flex.” Rafe is doing whatever I say. Arms are up, lats are fanned out, and abs are tighter. As my mouth works his midsection, my hands grip his sides. I lovingly rub him. His erection has pushed his tight out far. I lower my head to rest my chin on his bulge. He groans. I let me hands keep working as we lock eyes.

Rafe is clearly getting impatient. He wants me to address the throbbing meat under my chin. We’re a long way from that. I bring my hands down to the waistband of his tights. I simply raise an eyebrow, and he nods enthusiastically. My hands grab the tight spandex at the sides. There’s a wet spot in front at the tip of his cock. I lick it, tasting his pre-cum.

The muscleboy growls, “Oh fuck, yeah, Jon. That’s fucking hot.” I run my tongue up his shaft. ‘“Yeah. Worship my dick now.” I smile and fold the waistband as I pull down the sides. I pause and look up. Eager boy. I bite the front of the tights, securing them in my teeth. He moans, “Ugh. You’re a fucking tease.” I wink at him. “Such a fucking tease.”

Using my mouth, I pull the tight forward in front, stretching them out to release his throbbing erection. With my hands, I slowly work the tights down. He’s commando in his tights. His thick meat has been an uncomfortable prisoner in the spandex jail since I started working. I get them past the tip. His dick springs free. I release my bite, moving to make sure that his rod hits me in the face. WHAP!

“Oh yeah. Fuck.” Rafe reaches for it, but I narrow my eyes, and he stops. “Don’t edge me too much longer, man. You’re killing me.”

I laugh as I nuzzle my cheek against his aching cock, “You’re a big boy. You’ll live.” I order, “Hands behind your head again.” The fireplug obeys and earns a “Good boy.” He smiles.

Rafe is a big boy. His brown, uncut cock is built like him. It’s average length, but thick and powerful. It could split a guy in two. The hefty meat stands out directly forward, curving slightly up. I slowly shimmy the tights all the way off. I rise back up. Rafe’s hands move but I stop him with a glare. I know what he wants. To grab my head and face fuck me into oblivion.

I warn him, “I’m not done with your body yet.” I flick his cock head. BAP! The muscleboy gasps. “I’ll let you know when it’s time. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” I smirk as his eyes go wide. He finally realizes that I’m the boss. “Damn.”

“Damn is right, boy.” I reach around and grip his big round globes. I position my mouth right in front of his cock. It’d be so easy for him to take over. He doesn’t. I command, “Flex these for me.” He tightens up his big ass cheeks. I squeeze them. So powerful. “Unflex.” I knead the soft glutes. I spread them and move them around. “Flex.” Can’t do much. “Unflex.” More manipulation.

I slide my hands in front, over his hips. I move my right hand across his smooth, shaved pelvis. He shakes. I tell him, “When you grow your chest hair back, you should bring this back too. And those pits. Trim, but not too short.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“That’s not an order. It’s your body -”

Rafe asks with a smile, “Is it? Doesn’t feel like it right now.”

I laugh, “Yeah, maybe it’s not right now. But it will be once I’m done with it.” The muscleboy closes his eyes and groans. His cock bobs up and down and a big glob of pre-cum appears. I wipe it with my thumb. He shakes and looks down at me as I suck it off my thumb. Once done, I tell him, “I just think you should be proud of your fur.”


“Now, let’s check out these legs.”

I feel up and down his right leg. He sticks it out. It looked big in the tights, but naked, it’s even more impressive. The cuts. The veins. The bulges. Gorgeous. My fingers can’t go around his thigh, even without flexing. I just rub on it. Massaging the thick limb. Without me ordering, Rafe moves his leg to me. He flexes his thigh. Wow. I lean in and trace one deep cut with my tongue.

“Lift it up.” The muscleboy raises leg, bending it at the knee. I move his foot to rest it on my denim-wrapped thigh. From foot to groin, my hands worship his right leg, front and back, side-to-side. When I’ve covered every inch, I lift his leg up and rest his ankle on my shoulder. He balances as I examine him. He almost falls when I run my fingertips inside his upper leg.

I’m ready to move on. I order, “Switch.” Rafe nods. His left leg goes up onto my right leg. I repeat my worship. I quickly have him fighting to maintain balance. His eyes hardly blink as he watches. His jaw is slack, mouth hanging slightly open. The fountain of pre-cum now runs from his bouncing erection all the way to the mat. His balls have contracted. He’s even breathing harder.

I warn, “You’re coming down with me.” I lift his leg up. He wobbles before bending his right knee, putting his hands down, and smoothly dropping onto his ass. PLOP!

I push Rafe flat on his back. I sit on his chest, pinning the naked muscleboy. I tell him, “You’ve convinced me. Fashion for muscle.” I rub his cheek. He nuzzles against my hand. I slide my thumb into his mouth. The muscleboy sucks on it. “Last thing. Skateboards. Snowboards. Dirt bikes. I did it all. I knew how we needed to move. I need to see how your muscle moves.”

Rafe moves his head, expelling my thumb. He asks, “You wrestle, man?”

“Not like The Cave. Just rolling around. Play fights on a bed. That kind of thing. I’d love to try these mats, though. See your muscle in action.”


“Yeah. You willing to play with a novice?”

Rafe asks the important question, “Those play fights on the bed ever end up in sex?”

I grin, “Always. Don’t worry. I’m going to take good care of that leaky faucet behind me.”

“Fuck yeah.”



I get off him. I remove my shoes, putting them aside. The naked muscleboy is back up on his feet. He asks, “Can you keep your jeans on? I like wrestling a hot stud in jeans.” I agree. Works for me. Especially him calling me a hot stud. We basically weigh the same, but our bodies are completely different. His is built for wrestling, but after the worship, I think I have a chance.

I move in on him. He’s so horny, looking at me with hungry eyes. I lift my arms like they do on the videos, but Rafe isn’t interested in that. He slides under and grabs me around the waist. The bearhug is immediately tight and spine-crushing. The muscleboy is strong and horny. He wants to get to the sex and relieve his blue balls. I grunt as he squeezes me hard.

This is good. The wrestling is real right away. No foreplay or teasing, like my usual mattress fights. Rafe is serious here. I grip his thick shoulders to steady myself and spread my feet out wider. The muscleboy growls and tightens up. His hot breath hits between my pecs. I squirm and struggle to break free. He’s not letting me escape. I moan loudly and he grunts, “Yeah!”

This is bad. I’m not going to give right away, but this is real pressure. The naked hunk has me and I’m not sure how to escape. I grab him around the head, hugging him tightly into my chest. It does nothing. His tongue licks me, and I get distracted. Okay, it’s worse than nothing. I’m really moaning now. Suddenly, he shakes me from side-to-side. ARGH! Fuck me, that’s rough.

I have to try something.

I grunt, “You like denim?” I don’t wait for an answer. I close my legs, standing tall as I do. I successfully catch his hard on between my legs. He moans as my legs hold his dick in a tight vice. Now when I struggle, I’m rubbing and manipulating his cock. I push his head back and slide two fingers in to explore. He gags and whimpers, losing the bearhug as he fights to flee.

Rafe stumbles backwards. I move in fast. I grab him around the shoulders and trip him onto his back. BAM! I’ve not wrestled much, but I have taken self-defense classes. I put my foot on his rock-hard erection. I push it down onto his pelvis and abs then rub it between the balls of me foot. He writhes under me. Rafe arches his back and moans. He’s so primed to cum.

The stocky stud pushes my foot away and rolls over onto his hands and knees. I dive on his back. I grab him around the neck and roll us over with me on the bottom and him on top, staring at the ceiling. I get my legs around his narrow waist. I keep on arm around his neck. My other hand goes exploring. His nipples are pointing up, ripe for the taking. I grab his left one and pinch. AH!

Rafe is stronger, but he’s easily distracted. I pull his head to the side and attack his neck with my lips. He whimpers as he rubs my denim-wrapped legs. The muscleboy’s dick is pinned under my calf, leaking like a tap. I control him, making him cry out as I erotically torment him. Rafe suddenly gets a burst of focus and energy. He powers out and escapes to the wall.

The muscleboy looks at me, “I’m getting how your play fights go, man.”

I grin, “Yeah, they’re fun as foreplay.”

Rafe suddenly spins and tackles me down. He’s like a battering ram, flattening me as he climbs on top. The feisty fireplug sits on my chest, pinning my shoulders with his shins. His cock stretches out, the pre-cum running down onto my chin. He looks down on me, “Never been big on too much foreplay. I like to get to the main event.”

Before I can respond, the mighty muscleboy rolls us over, trapping my head between his ridiculously powerful thighs. I moan in the head scissors. Damn, these holds actually hurt. I push on his legs, but they’re way too powerful for that kind of thing. Rafe rolls to his left, dragging me with him. He lifts his locked ankles high and increases the pressure. I see stars.

The pint-sized powerhouse starts down windshield wipers, flexing his chiseled abs as he moves his feet wide left then wide right. It bends my neck and forces me to move with him. My nose is filled with his musk as I breathe harder in the brutal hold. I get up to my knees, giving me a chance to fight the wipers. Or at least go with them. I push on his legs from behind his knees. Suddenly, he flinches.

Rafe says, “Stop that!”

Stop what?

Wait. Is the muscleboy ticklish? I never noticed while I was worshipping him. I hope so, because I’m about to pass out. I feather touch the backs of his knees. He fights me, but it works. He loses his scissors, and I push free. He dives at me, taking me down. As we roll around, I tickle his armpits, but nothing. He confirms, “Only one spot, Jon, and you got lucky to find it.”

We fight for control. His compactness amplifies his power. I block and parry, but I don’t really know what to do. In my play fights, we were never this fast. Never this intense. He’s manhandling me. So far, my best offense has been trapping his dick and tickling the backs of his knees. Not exactly expert submission moves. The naked stud is a lot to handle.

Rafe has me face down, trapped with a hammerlock. His other forearm presses on the back of my neck. His cock is streaking the back of my jeans. I squirm under him, but he’s strong and has all the leverage. The pressure on my arm is firm, not torturous. I think the muscleboy’s toying with me now that he realizes he can. We’re both sweating, most of it coming from him.

I focus and twist, managing to surprise him and escape. I slip free, but he grabs my ankles and slides me back to him like I weigh nothing. Rafe forces my legs up, folding me in half. My knees are at my shoulders as he squats on the back of my legs. I am going nowhere. The view’s not bad, looking up at the naked muscleboy, legs spread out wide, cock pointing out.

Rafe twists and slaps my ass. SMACK! The denim protects my flesh, but he wasn’t going that hard. Instead, that was a mocking spank. Making sure I know that I’m helpless. I grunt, unsure how to escape or even fight back. Technically, my shoulders are down, but the stocky stud isn’t counting. I guess pins don’t count? Or he just wants to take his time before starting.

The muscleboy leans forward. He planks over me, using his legs to hold me in place. His cock drips as it hangs over my face. He asks, “You still gonna take good care of me?”

“Yeah. If you win, boy!”

I threw the cocky ‘boy’ in to show I’ve still got fight in me. It works. Even though his cock is throbbing, Rafe wants to keep wrestling. I guess knowing he’s stronger and more skilled has him feeling like this is a sure thing. He slides all the way off me. My legs snap out, flying forward as I lie there. Before I can move, Rafe has my hair. He uses it to roll me over.

I flop onto my front. I try to get up, but he jumps on my back. The weight pushes me back down on my front. BAM! The muscleboy sits on my back. He grabs my biceps and pulls me up into a camel clutch. ARGH! Luckily, I do yoga. I play up the moaning, so he doesn’t go too hard. That works, too. Doesn’t solve my problem, though. He’s got me trapped.

Rafe leans forward. I can feel his steel cock slide up my spine, lining with his slick pre-cum. He puts his right arm out and grabs my hair with his left hand. The stocky stud forces me to look at his arm. Not that I resist. “You like this bicep, don’t you?” I moan. He pushes my head forward. I go with it as my lips touch the bulging muscle. I extend my tongue and lick it.

I do my best to worship his arm, making out with it. With Rafe leaning forward, there’s not much pressure on my back, which helps. His dick continues to leak on my back. I manage to fold my right arm and grab his shoulder. The muscleboy encourages me, convinced I’m surrendering. What he doesn’t realize is that his butt is up, and his thighs are parallel to the mat.

I relax, playing possum. Suddenly, I shoot my arms forward. They slide over his thick tree trunks and fall to the mat. My head slips free from his hand, and I collapse face down. SPLAT! I waste no time, flipping over under him, throwing him off me. I roll away and up to one knee in a smooth movement. I wait, realizing that I don’t know what to do in a real wrestling match.

Rafe gets up and moves in on me. My fists clench and he freezes. The stocky stud grins, “You gonna punch me, Jon?”

“Not sure I want that smoke, but I’m thinking about it. They do a lot of gut punching in The Cave. But I’ve never done it, and your cock is in the way.”

“Yeah, it is.” Rafe steps forward. I see his midsection tighten and his abs pop. “I’ll give you a free shot. No retaliation.” I hesitate. “C’mon. Just don’t hit my dick.”

I smile and rise. “I’ll need to stand for that.” I move in close. Rafe is calmly standing with his hands on his hips. The arrogance of youth and muscle. I flirt, “Lemme move this out of the way.” I whip my hand out and grab his dick. It’s thick and meaty, but my hand is big. I grip tightly. The muscleboy gasps and looks down in shock. I pump, “Yep, a lot of meat here.”

“No fair.”

I smirk as I toy with his dick, “What?” I circle my thumb over his piss slit. He squirms. “You don’t like it?” I see his stomach relax as he focuses on my handjob. I fire my fist into his stomach, using his dick to pull him into my punch. THUD! OOF! Fuck, he’s still solid, but the muscleboy lets out a long gasp as he bends forward. I step into him, pushing him into the wall.

Rafe puts his hands on my pecs. I lean in a kiss him while I continue to play with his cock. I fire another fist in. POW OOF! His hot exhale fills my mouth. I let go of his dick and grab his neck. I smother his mouth and the young stud melts. See, this is the kind of wrestling I know. Suddenly, Rafe grabs me in a pec claw and uses it to spin me around against the wall. BAM!

“My turn, Jon.”

I tighten up in anticipation, but it still doesn’t prepare me for my first-ever gut punch. THUD1 OOF! I bend forward and cough. Overselling a bit, but I definitely felt it. The naked muscleboy has fallen for a couple of my acting tries, but not this time. He grabs my neck and casually forces me to stand up against the wall. POW! OOF! My second-ever gut punch is worse.

Rafe again forces me to stand up. He grabs the front of my jeans and massages my crotch. Mmm. That’s nice. I grip the forearm of the hand that’s around my neck as he works the denim. Damn, he has strong hands. I moan for the stocky stud. It beats getting punched. Uh oh. Spoke too soon. His hand comes off my manhood and drives back into my abs. THUD! OOF!

The naked muscleboy lets me fall forward. He bends and I land across his shoulders in a fireman’s carry. The stocky stud easily holds up my 180-lbs. His tree trunk legs could probably manage double my weight. We circle the room with me hanging across his broad shoulders like a slab of beef. Rafe gets to the middle of the room. He casually shrugs me off.

I brace my fall, landing softly. As an extreme sports guy, I’ve taken a lot of falls and know how to handle them. Of course, the ground doesn’t attack post-fall. Rafe does. He drives his foot down onto my back. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! I grunt with every shot. He grabs my hair and forces me up, scooping me across his chest. Rafe steps forward, dropping me across his outstretched leg in an over-the-knee. KRAKT!

The muscleboy teases, “Giving you the full Cave experience, Jon.”

I hang helplessly on his leg, “UNH! Thanks.”

Rafe’s hands roam all over. I’m tall, so I can brace my feet and hands, but it’s doesn’t help much. The stocky stud has a massaging grip on my bulge again. His other paw caresses my body. Oh, damn. Pleasure and pain, a spectacular combination. I’m getting hard in my jeans as he manhandles me. I have no clue how to escape, so I just hang here helplessly.

I try to roll off, but Rafe grabs my side and stops that. He teases, “What’s your rush?” Before I can respond, he punches my stretched stomach. THUD! OOF! His hand slides inside my jeans. The muscleboy finds my cock and grabs hold. “Ooh, man, you got a long one. Not surprised. Long feet and hands. You’re all in proportion.” I enjoy his thick, calloused hands working me.

Okay, enough of that. I summon my focus and crunch up, managing to rise. Rafe wasn’t expecting that. The waistband of my jeans tightens around his wrist. I grab him in a headlock, squeezing tightly. The muscleboy fights me and we topple down. His hand comes out of my jeans, and we roll around. I move faster, adapting to the pace of his style of wrestling.

I’m on top, lying across the naked muscleboy. My hand is down between his legs. I’m going for his knee to roll him up, but he extends his leg. I can’t budge it. Oh, wait. I see a better idea. It just might work. I bring my arm up, putting his hard cock inside my elbow. I bend my arm, closing around it. Rafe stops fighting me. He gasps as I trap his thick rod. I turn and smile.

I wink as I move my elbow up and down, jerking him. The muscleboy is so horny. He goes limp under me. I’m not going to win with this, but a distraction never hurts. Rafe lets me pump his meat for a few more seconds before twisting under me. His cock is so slick from his pre-cum that it slips free. I kneel and smirk at him as he stares me down. He can’t hold back a smile.

“Time to get serious, Jon.”

“Is it?” I point at his erection, “Not-so little-Rafe feels differently.”

Rafe growls. He recklessly pushes off at me. I manage to dodge, letting him land on his stomach beside me. I see an opening. I move in on him fast. Beside his body, I put my foot on the back of Rafe’s head to pin him. I push down, forcing his face flat against the mat. His ass is wiggling as he tries to get into position to power up and throw me off. Time for a distraction.

I reach down and slap his muscular ass. SMACK! He moans. I do it again, playfully but hard enough. SMACK! He curses at me, but he’s stopped fighting. I claw his butt cheek. In response, he lifts his ass, which is exactly what I wanted. I reach down between his legs and find his cock. It’s so thick that it’s not hard to find. I squeeze and pullback on the slick pole.

The naked muscleboy whimpers. His back arches and he lifts his ass even more. His knees are spread, exposing his hole. It’s a full-on slut position. Using his cock for leverage, I force him to stay in position. He’s helpless as I keep a tight grip. Butt up and face down, I pump his throbbing meat. He plants his hands down on the mat. Rafe’s trying to figure out how to escape without injuring his proud manhood.

I pull back on his cock a little more and he cries out, “AH! STOP!”

I ask, “Giving?”

“WHAT? NO!” I pull back a little harder. “STOP! STOP! PLEASE!” I ease up. He says, “Don’t. You’ll break it!”

I rub my foot on his neck, “No, I won’t. You’re a smart boy. You’ll submit before that happens.”

Rafe groans, “Okay, okay. You got me.”

I release him and he collapses down onto the mat. I pat his behind. “Wow, your ass is spectacular. You know that, right?”



“Wow, that was a crazy move, Jon.”

“I saw it in one of the wrestling videos. I didn't know if it would work, but desperate times call for desperate measures. You were really going for it. I had to do something.”

“I was going for your ass.” Rafe smacks his hard-on. “Talk about desperation? This thing being so hard is the only reason your move even worked.”

I grin, “Don’t worry. You and your dick are going to be very happy.” The muscleboy raises his eyebrows. I order, “On your back, boy.”

As Rafe moves, I strip off my jeans. I grab lube and a condom. The muscleboy watches silently as I open the wrapper. I grab his dick. He asks, “What are you doing?”

“I told you at the start that I was going to take good care of you. You’re going to get me ready to take your ass.” I stand up tall, straddling his waist. I jerk my cock as I look down on him. Such a sexy muscleboy. I’m ready. I squat down. “Give me your hand.” I lube his middle and index fingers. “Open me up.” Rafe breathes in deeply before powering his thick digits in. I groan.

“Oh yeah, that’s it. Your cock is so thick, Rafe. Work those fingers in deep.” The muscleboy finger fucks me, spreading me open. The whole time, he’s grunting, his face locked in a smile. “Fuck yeah, boy. That’s the way.” When I feels stretched, I order his hand away. I move back and line up his dick with my hole. I allow him to steady his rod, guiding it in as I brace myself on his chest.

I lower myself onto Rafe’s cock. My fingers dig into his pecs as I ease my way down, accepting his thick meat inside me. The muscleboy stares up at me the whole time. I stare back with a smirk. He grips my biceps as he fights not to cum just from my tight hole wrapped around his aching meat. I’m proud of the sexy stud, holding it together. Impressive control.

When I bottom out, I sit on his pelvis. His cock feels so good as it fills me up. I move slowly up and down. My cock grows, stretching out over his abs. Rafe thrusts his hips up and down, trying to speed things up, so I sit down, pinning his ass to the mat. I tell him, “I won, boy. I control the pace. Do that again and I’ll slide off. You’ll cum as I fuck your ass instead.”

“Please, I really need to cum. My balls hurt.”

I grin, “Wait.”

Rafe reluctantly agrees through gritted teeth, “Okay.”

I go back to riding him at my pace. I speed up. Rafe is gasping, so I take mercy on him. “Now you can go, boy.” The words are barely out of my mouth being he savagely starts pounding into me. It feels great. The stocky fireplug is so thick and the perfect length to hit my spot every time. He reaches down, gripping my ass so he doesn’t slip free. So good! My fingers dig deeper into his chest.

Rafe groans. My cock is leaking. My pre-cum is flying up and splashing down as he pounds my hole. Suddenly his eyes roll back, and he gasps. His voice rises and his muscles tense even more. His pecs flex so hard that they push out my fingers. His eyes close. I order, “Look at me while you cum.” The muscleboy looks at me, his mouth hanging open. “C’mon, Rafe. Do it!”

The stocky stud thrusts up one last time and holds. His eyes stay focused on me. I feel the warmth inside me as he explodes. He groans so loudly on release that it drowns out the music and conversation coming through the door. His bug collapses to the mat. I clench my butt cheeks and move slowly, just an inch up and down, milking him. He pushes into me.

Rafe takes a slow breath. His shrinking cock slips from my ass and he relaxes. It’s like a transformation as the orgasmic tension leaves his body. I lean down and kiss him. He smiles. I move off him. I remove the condom, leaving a sticky mess on his cock and pelvis. I grab one for myself before positioning myself between his legs. The muscleboy’s eyes go wide.

I rub his legs, “My turn. You got me nice and hard. And I know you’ll love this.”

The look on his face is priceless as it hits him that I’m going to fuck him. I guess Rafe assumed I was a bottom. No, I was just using him to get me extra hard. He’s extra-sensitive after being edged and finally releasing in such a big way. The muscleboy is going to feel this fuck everywhere. I like his legs, pushing his knees to his shoulders. Without hesitation, Rafe grabs and holds them, opening his hole for me.

I lube him up using my fingers. Even that has him moaning. His nipples are still rock-hard, and his messy cock is swelling up. I waste no time. I position my sheathed cock at his hole, pushing inside as lean forward. Fuck, he’s so tight. I power through his ring, breaking the seal. Just the head of my cock has him whimpering. I grab his thick calves for support.

As I penetrate deeper, his groans amplify. I stare at his handsome face. I see notice more. His mustache that probably grew since this morning. His five o’clock shadow on his square jaw. At 21, he’s this macho. Fuck, the fireplug is a little beast. I bottom out and hold. He looks up at me, his eyes begging for me to fuck him, just like he begged me to let him cum. Needy boy.

With the muscleboy holding his legs out wide for me, I can release his calves. I grab his mighty chest again. I start pumping. Long and slow strokes. When I slip out, I plunge back in. He keeps a tight grip on my cock as I edge myself, refusing to rush this, no matter how much he begs. Or how much I want it. I praise him, telling him how sexy he is. He responds with a soft, gentle moan.

I pick up speed, always going deep. My narrow hips slam into his muscular butt cheeks. I move one hand, sliding my thumb into his mouth as I pound his hole. The muscleboy is greedily sucking as I get rougher. I keep telling him how gorgeous he is. I’m slamming into his hole now, fast and deep. He’s grunting, no longer able to suck. He’s too hot.

I’ve stopped talking, too. My brain is off, and my cock is in control. My body is tight as I hammer his hole. Rafe is still tight. My cock swells inside him. I pull my thumb out. I rise tall and grab his ankles. I’m in the groove now, rhythmic tearing him open with my cock. The muscleboy is mine. His eyes say that he knows it, too. My hips are moving at top speed with shorter deep thrusts.

I can’t hold out any longer.

I pull out and Rafe looks sad. I unsheathe my cock and order him to release his legs. I climb up him and put my cock at his mouth. The stocky musclestud lifts his head and takes my cock in his mouth. He grabs the shaft with one hand as his mouth and tongue work on the head. I let him pump and suck, warning him that I’m about to erupt. He keeps going to earn his prize.

I erupt in a body-shaking orgasm that sends my eyes rolling back in my head. I cry out as he takes my load, eagerly drinking it down. I shudder from the intensity. Rafe pumps until I’m dry, sucking past that point. My skin is covered in goosebumps I go soft in his tight grip and mouth. He lets go and I turn, collapsing on my ass. Rafe lies on the mat, his adrenaline gone.

The muscleboy is a sweaty mess on the mat. I slide over and sit behind him. I rest his head on my crotch. I caress his head as we come down from our erotic highs. He snuggles in as I run my fingers over his face and caress his right pec. He’s gorgeous like this. I feel like part of a Greek statue, providing care for a beautiful, exhausted warrior after an intense battle.

“Thank you, Rafe. You are amazing.”

The muscleboy looks up at me, “Fuck, man, you are, too. Never been worshipped like that before. And that was real cool. Letting me fuck you first.”

“Glad you liked it.”

“You were right. Waiting made it better. So intense.”

I ask, “Shower?”

Rafe rolls over and pushes up to his feet. He extends a hand to help me up. We hug and exchange a kiss. We move to the bathroom. I start the shower as he takes care of another need. I step in first, basking under the hot spray. Put my head back, soaking myself down. I stretch out, pressing my hands on the shower ceiling. Rafe joins me, getting wet.

I use the shower to feel Rafe up again. He’s come down from our action, but his muscles remain pumped. The worship in reciprocal this time. The short muscleboy is just as into my lean muscles as I am into his bodybuilder ones. We cover each other in soap and make out as we take a leisurely steam shower. No sex, just two men enjoying each other’s bodies.

After we’ve dried off, I go to pull my jeans back on, but they’re wet and ripe with our sweat and his pre-cum. The muscleboy grabs fresh white trunks from the basket. Going commando, they look great on him. I almost ravage him again. I hunt for something to wear, finding blue trunks with red trim and a white waistband. There’s a Captain American shield on the right side. With my kicks, I’ll finally fit right in with the party.

Rafe compliments my new look, “Hot. You make a good Steve Rogers. Cody's gonna wanna hire you.”

I laugh, “I don't see that happening, but I had a lot of fun.” I pull my phone from my folded jeans. “Can I have your number, Rafe?”

Rafe agrees. I do plan to use him for work. And play, if he’s open to it. After seeing Xaq’s designs and all these Cave guys, I get the opportunity for a new market. I’ve already been moving some of my money to make Xaq an offer to finance his own brand. I feel good that he’ll jump at it. I know it’ll be more generous than anyone else’s and he knows me. Xaq knows that I get his vision and will be hands-off, which are the most important things in an investor.

We have one last kiss. A quick peck this time before the fireplug disappears up the stairs to the roof. I head downstairs to check my jeans and phone. No place for tech in these trunks. I wonder if I’ve lost my shirt for good? Oh, who cares? Not like I can’t replace it. I linger on the second floor, rehydrating and recharging. It’s still early. Time to get back out there.

I wonder. what is The Bat up to?


UP NEXT …AMU 250.8: DUSTIN VS. SHAWN! RIPPED 6’2”/220 VS BEEFY 6’2”/225!


  1. I know Winston is very smart and subtle but it seems weird to me the professor couldn't figure out why Winston had control over Xaq. It's clear Jon watched Pink Punk vs Toyboy since he used the same move to win his match against Rafe as Winston used to win the first fall against Cody. Jon said as much. The only way that is possible is if Jon hasn't figured Winston is Toyboy. Seems weird to me as there really isn't anyone else on The Cave roster that matches Winston's/Toyboy's description. Also, Jon either hasn't watched any of Toyboy's other matches, which clearly show him to be a BDSM dom (it is clear to me in the TB/PP one also) match or didn't see the Valet/Bird Boy match where Toyboy came out and showed that Xaq was his sub. We know Jon knows Bird Boy is Xaq from the story referenced here. (You should have linked to it like you have done for other background stories recently.)

    Still, I really enjoyed this story. This is one of your few "twisty ending" stories as I really thought Rafe would win once he was able to focus on wrestling and off the erotic play. I also like how Xaq inspired Jon to invest in him and rekindled his desire to design again.

    Also, I have to recognize this as another example of the sweet, caring Winston. Always nice to see him.

    Finally, I love how Xaq acts like a 10 year old in his views of age. Ask any 10 year old what age they think makes someone old, you will typically get something like 35ish much to the chagrin of their parents just like Xaq. Lol

    If this posted multiple, it's because I was in an area with bad service and am now posting from home.

    1. Thanks for the comment and for typing it three times!

      Jon’s observation on Winston-Xaq is probably less literal than it reads, more like a “I gotta get me some of that” when you see someone else who has something interesting. I don’t expect Jon to actively work to change their dynamic. It’s working for both of them and he does like Xaq.

      Beyond that, there could be a few things at play. I follow comic rules where secret identities are harder to figure out than they should be. Xaq is focused at school (Chris the IT guy deferred to him, so did Justin, and now Jon), so the professor hasn’t really seen Xaq’s submissive side, except on any Cave videos he’s watched and that could be acting. And Cody would have well-behaved backstage, so he wouldn’t have revealed Xaq’s nature, either.

      It did post multiple times, but looks like the others went to spam, so I deleted them.

    2. I sort of typed it 2 and a half times. The first two were on my phone so when I lost the first one I had to recall it from memory; thus, it changed a bit. When I got home, I noticed there were emails of the two comments, so I copied and pasted them together and added a couple of other sentences that I failed to include in the first two. Still don't know how they went haywire.

      I was never a fan of DC Comics outside of Batman, who at least covers most of his face, because I could never buy people being so stupid, I mean oblivious, as to not know most of the superheroes alter-egos. The most glaring example being Superman. I mean he wear an eye mask instead of glasses and styles his hair only slightly different. Puh-leze. Marvel does have a few a these "hidden alter-egos," but for the most part the characters have some indistinguishable trait that makes it impossible for them to separate their identities even if they have a separate name. If that's how you are writing it, I will go with it reluctantly lol.

      I guess I can believe the notion that Xaq could be acting, but it wouldn't be much of a stretch for someone like Xaq to be a complete submissive. And Jon is definitely not looking to hookup with Xaq considering he is a student. Had Cody met with Jon under different circumstances, I could see him revealing Xaq's natural nature, but in a business context, it would be out of character for Cody to even consider Jon and Xaq's relationship as anything more than professor/pupil and would have no reason to discuss it.

      Finally, just wondering if you got my emails. I sent a couple recently.

  2. Another excellent story. I love how this party is playing out. I must say I'm very impress with how you manage to juggle so many characters and keep relationships straight.

    Do you have a notebook on each character and their interconnections or do you keep a charcter assistant in the spare room? You know the guy you yell "tell me about xxx" and he researches and give you the low down. Cause if you do, tell me where to get one!!!

    As mych as i an enjoying this, i do miss the matches at the cave.

    1. Thanks! I’ll get back to The Cave proper soon!

      I actually don’t have a good system for keeping track of characters. I keep meaning to create something, but mostly it’s my memory (which is why there are errors) and looking back at past stories when I decide to write about someone.

      I also use first-person narrators, which gives me some freedom. Cody, Ry, Jae, etc. can think completely differently about the same person, like Pete for example.
