Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Cast: Who's Who (October Part 2)

The stars of the latest stories ...

The Cave 13

Cody/The Bat - Leighton Stultz (Model)

Ryan - Mike Bennett (Pro Wrestler)

Ram = Brad Rowe (Bodybuilder)

The Cave: The Adventures of SuperStar 7

Jae/SuperStar - Mike Carr (Model)

Brainium - Christian Bok (Model)

Ram and Brainium were new. What did you think of them?



  1. What a fortuitous photo of Leighton Stultz!

    "Ram and Brainium were new. What did you think of them?"
    --I think Brainium is unbelievably hot. And I absolutely fell in love with Ram!

    1. Thanks for the comment. Yes, I was very happy to find that pic. Leighton has a lot that are challenging to use, so I've had to recycle, but that was a new find.

      I know Ram was a huge hit, so he'll definitely be back in 2016, but it's good to hear about Brainium, too. I think his body looks almost like sculpted plastic in that pic, it's so smooth and shiny.

  2. Alex R:

    That shot of Cody, is so intimidating. He is like the task master. Very Possessive. Ram is one juicy dude, and Brainium is a bit of a creepy guy. That first pic creeps me the hell out lol

    1. Thanks for the comment. Yes, that pic of Brainium screamed evil villain. There were so many ways to go with him, but they were all evil. LOL!

  3. Glad to read that Ram will be back. I want to see him butt heads and lock horns with someone and show who is the dominant male beast.

    Brainium looks quite wonderful. But which story was he in? I didn't see him as a label.

    Thanks for superb narratives.

    BTW, I'm Team Dash. RHW was already planning on KotR, but the 3/5 format was my suggestion. I'm proud to have made a contribution.

    1. You're welcome for the stories. Thank you for the comment.

      Brainium appears in The Cave: The Adventures of SuperStar 7, posted 8/1. There is a Brainium tag, but it's small in the cloud on the side because he's only appeared in one story.

      Good job with your RHW/KOTR suggestion. I really like the five-fall format.

  4. As always Jae has the best photos everytime i see him in a story!

    I didnt even catch Christian Bok! I should have recognized that perfect body off the bat.

    Glad to see Rams back he needs to spear more men in two! He reminds me of a minatour too maybe hed but heads with Xac for that greek kind of setting but then again hes a ram not a bull haha. Though anything on Xac will we see him soon or any plans?

    Thanks again for these!

    1. You're welcome. I'm glad to provide these casting posts and they do seem kind of popular.
