Saturday, March 15, 2025

AMU 250.9: Ryan & Corey & Pino



“You’re awake.”

I stumble into my kitchen where Corey is typing away on his laptop. Too loud. My head aches. My mouth is dry. I manage to nod without dying. I lean against the wall and slowly turn my head to get my bearings. It’s my house, but I’m a little tired. And a lot naked. I rub my bare stomach and adjust my balls, hitting my morning wood as I reach down. I need to pee.

Shirtless in shorts, Corey sees and understands. For a 19-year-old, he’s brilliantly intuitive. He just gets people. His friend Ramsey accuses Corey of having telepathy, but really, he has empathy. Sexy, smart, and caring, I’m so happy that he’s here to help me. And not just because he’s a 5’11”, 190-lbs muscleboy. It’s because he never judges or pressures me.

The teen musclestud silently leads me to the bathroom. He leaves me to figure it out. I fall forward, bracing one hand on the wall as I aim with the other. The sound of the toilet flushing nearly breaks me, but washing my hands wakes me up a little. When he returns, Corey places two pills in my hand. He whispers, “That bad?” I nod. I can’t fully open my eyes as he lifts my hand to my mouth. Pills. Blech. Water. Mmm.

“Go back to bed.”

I shake my head. OW! Corey sees my reaction. He leads me back to my bed. Even though I’m twenty — no, I’m 30. That’ll take some getting used to. Feels like I’ve been 29 for years, but I’m not. I’m 30. What was I saying? Oh yeah. Even though I’m 30, 6’4” and 250-lbs, I can’t resist him. I collapse on the mattress, bouncing three times. SPLAT! BOING! BOING! BOING!

What happened? I was having a blast at my 30th birthday party. So many guys. Such a good time. I haven’t been this hungover in a long time. At least I didn’t puke. My mouth still feels gross. I need a shower. And to brush my teeth. Instead, I roll to my left and curl up. Corey covers me with a sheet. I thank him and tell him, “I’m sorry.” If he answers, I don’t hear it.



“You’re awake.”

I nod. Let’s try this again. I move toward Corey. This time when I woke up, I was able to clean up. I’m wearing a dry white towel around my waist, unsure if I had the balance needed to put on shorts. I stretch. He gives me a hug and kiss before sitting on the sofa. I fall down beside my boyfriend. My sweet, hot, 19-year-old boyfriend. I’m still exhausted, but at least I’m sober.

Something occurs to me. My mother is visiting from Philadelphia to celebrate my 30th birthday. She’s not staying with me, thank god. Cody had his mom to come, too. He arranged a hotel on the beach for them. Cody knew I’d need my space. I still need to see her, but how can I? I’m hungover. Naked. With my teenage boyfriend here. He’s half-naked. I’m so embarrassed.

“I have to call my mom.”

“Don’t worry about it. She’s out with Cody and Jae. All day. She’ll see you tomorrow morning for breakfast.” Cody. My best friend. Another intuitive guy who always looks out for me. Corey says, “You can just relax. I’m here to take care of you.”

Corey pulls me toward him. I let him guide my head onto his lap. It feels nice. I swing my legs up. Corey rubs my shoulder and arm, comforting me.

“I’m sorry, Corey.”

The muscleboy asks me, “Why?”

“For letting myself get like this. So many drinks.”

“Shhh. It’s okay, Ryan. You held it together really well. Too well, actually. We were trying to watch out for you, but none of us knew how bad it was until it was too late. By the time Cody cut you off, you were already a goner.”

I realize, “You brought me home.”

“Yeah. Cody offered to let you sleep it off there, but the party was still going. Knowing the condition you were going to be in, I thought you’d be happier waking up here.”

The muscleboy is right. I ask, “How did you do it? Did Pete help?”

“No, Pete was gone. Left early with that big Paul guy.” Huh. I just nod. Corey asks, “Disappointed?” I think. A little, but I’m happy for Pete. Paul seems like a nice guy. I finally react, shaking my head. He explains, “Cage helped me out. Him, his hockey buddy, and I got you downstairs and into Cage’s SUV. They helped me put you to bed and I stayed with you.”

I’m confused, “You all did it together?”

“We did. You’re a big man, Ryan, so it took some effort. Plus, Cage and I had a chat.”

I sigh, “I don’t remember any of that.”

“Then you don’t remember how we had an orgy on your bed? We took turns fucking you. Cage and I DP’ed your ass.”

“You did?” My hand involuntarily reaches back, pulling off the towel. I rub my butt hole. It feels fine. I moan, “No, you didn’t.”

“Of course we didn’t. You really had to check?”

I whine, “My hand checked on its own. My brain is in no shape for trick questions or jokes, Corey. I can only handle literalness. Is that a word? I don’t even know right now.”

“Can you handle food?”

“Maybe. Thanks for staying with me.”



 “You’re awake.”

I’m sitting on a towel, naked on my couch. It’s 6. Wasn’t it just 3? Corey hands me a glass of something blue. Sports drink. Hydration. Yes. I need hydration. He sets down dry toast. I thank him but let him know that my stomach is fine. Even my head is fine now. I need to eat. I need calories. All four food groups. And grease. I look up at him. He’s so cute. I ask, “Pizza?”

Corey nods, “Already ordered from Pete's. Got wings, too.”

“I like their wings. You’re always two steps ahead of me.”

A smirk, “I know.”

I stand up and hit the bathroom. I feel good. I come back, handing him $80 for the food, which will probably cost $50 plus tip. Corey objects, but we both know I’ll win this one. He’s a student. I make great money. I’m paying. I really owe him for today. I apologize again, but he tells me that it was great, because he got a ton of work done. His final project for the year is written and ready to submit two days early.

I still feel guilty.

I ask, “Corey, are you happy? With me, I mean.”

“Yeah, of course. Wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t.”

I sit back down on the towel. “I think I’m a lousy boyfriend. Maybe a lousy person.”

Corey sits with me, “Where’s this coming from?”

I look at him, “I’m a whore.” Corey just shrugs, like he’s waiting for the problem. Oh yeah, he’s a slut, too. I bluntly state, “I think I’m using you.”

“As a nurse? I don’t mind.”

“No. As a man. You’re so smart. And sexy. And fun. Clever. Amazing in bed. I always have a great time with you, but what do you get out of it? You’re 19. I’m 30. I use you as my party boy. I don’t ever invite you to go out with Cody, Jae, and me. I don’t take you to fancy restaurants or sports. We don’t do game night. We just party and fuck.”

Corey laughs, “Thank god. All that other stuff sucks, Ryan.”

I look surprised, “What do you mean?”

“Seriously? You think that I’m upset that I don’t get to sit around discussing home renovations with Cody and Jae? Talking about weather and politics? Or, oh my god, spending hours listening to them debate whether they should get a fucking dog? I mean, who the fuck cares? They’re soooo boring, Ryan.”

I can’t hold back a smile. Corey sounds just like Cody would have at 19. It’s been pointed out to me that I’m dating a younger version of my best friend. Is that messed up?

Corey straddles my waist and rests his arms on my shoulders. He asks, “Do you really think I like uptight restaurants where I need a shirt to get service? Ones where they give us a dirty look when you’re moaning from me rubbing your crotch with my foot. Being in a stadium or arena where I can’t sit in your lap and make out with you? Or where we’d get kicked out for fucking in the bathroom?”

“No, I guess that’s not your style.”

“No, they’re not. As for game night, do you honestly think I’m jealous that Pete gets to play D&D with you every Friday? Like, really?”

I say, “Well, no. But I like to do all those things.”

“Great. And I support you doing them. Just not with me.” Corey says, “Ryan, remember, I do all sorts of shit you hate, too. We don’t need to do everything together. The nights when you’re being boring are my chance to do cool things that you don’t want to do. It works perfectly.”

I smile, “How are you so wise at 19?”

Corey sighs, “You don’t wanna know.”

“I do. I’ve told you a lot about me. How I was growing up. My mom. I’ve vented about my dad. I let you be vague, but we should know stuff like this about each other.”

Corey tells me about his childhood. His mom abandoned the family. He was raised by an irresponsible single dad. He navigated a parade of strangers coming through, thanks to his sexually voracious dad and siblings. One sister and one brother, both older. From the way he tells it, someone was fucking at least one random stranger in the house at all times. He kept his head down and focused on school, which surprises me.

“As a kid, I learned by seeing, not doing. I had to grow up fast. There was food, but no one wanted to feed me. I had to figure it out. How to do my own laundry. Clean my room. Take care of myself. We were a bunch of roommates who did their own thing, not a family. When I hit my teens, yeah, I fucked around, but I never lost sight of the goal: get the fuck out of there.”

“I had to figure people out. Know what they were thinking. Not everyone who came through was safe. I saw the best and worst in people. I know when relationships suck. I’m not so good at recognizing the good ones, but dysfunctional ones? Spot them a mile away.” Corey says, “That’s why I’ve never cared about you and Luke or Pete or whatever. They were never gonna work. I don’t know about Cage, yet, but he’s cool. I like him. He’s almost as smart as me.”

I smile at that. I ask, “What did you guys talk about?”

“Worried?” I hesitate. Corey laughs, “Don’t be. Like I said, he’s cool. He’s smart. We got along, because we both understand people. I saw the real him and he saw the real me. You could do worse. You have done worse.” Corey kisses me. He says, “Just be happy. I am.”

I think about it. I admit, “I was worried. Not about you and Cage. I was worried about us. When Ramsay and Javi got together, I got nervous, you know? Ramsay’s a good friend of yours. He’s in a serious relationship with an older guy. Exclusive. I was worried you might envy them.”

Corey shrugs, “Sometimes. But not in the way you mean. It’s hard not to look at your friends who seem to have it figured out and envy that. But that doesn’t mean I want what they have. Or that I’m changing who I am. You must get it. Don’t you envy Cody’s deal with Jae?” I nod. “Then why aren’t you trying to get what they have? Luke’s perfect for that.”

I admit, “It’s not what I really want right now.”

“Exactly. Ramsay and Javi are awesome, but I know that’s not what I want right now. Look, Ryan, I love what we have. If you want more, we can talk about what that means. If you want less, we can talk about that, too. We don’t have to be boyfriends or friends with benefits or any other kind of label. I like our deal. I think you do, too. So, let’s just keep going until we don’t.”

“I do like our deal. Maybe we shouldn’t label it. Would you be okay with that? If we weren’t boyfriends? Just … whatever we are?”

“Sounds perfect.”

We make out slowly and passionately.



We break. “Must be the pizza.”

Corey heads to the front door. He opens it wide. I hear an unfamiliar voice softly say, “Whoa. Uh. Hey.”

I smile. My boyf … my friend has that effect on guys. I see the guy’s shadow move. Is he leaving? No. Corey says, “You’ve got the right house.” I guess the guy was double checking the house number. I can’t hear how the delivery man responds, but the teen muscleboy says, “You were expecting the big guy?”

“Uh yeah. I usually deliver here on Friday nights and well, I was just expecting ...”

My sexy buddy surprises me by opening the door wide, “There he is.”

I barely get my hand over my junk as the pizza guy looks around. He’s cute. 23, 5’9 and a chiseled, muscly 170-lbs. He lets out a louder, “Whoa!” I guess seeing me, sitting naked, legs open with a hand over my junk has an effect, too. I just wave with my other hand. The guy smiles big. “Hi. Wasn’t expecting you, either, but looking good man. Wow.”

Corey asks, “That’s not the big guy?”

I explain, “Pete usually gets the pizza.”

“Oh, got it. Yeah, Pete’s not here.” Corey smirks, “Our Pete. Not your Pete. Was there ever a Pete or is Pete’s Za just a pun?”

“My grandfather. Pietro. Too obvious not to do, I guess.”

“Cool. Hold on.” The teen stud looks at me, silently asking. I nod, telling Corey to be Corey. My boyf - my friend says, “You’re a lifesaver, man. He got wrecked at his birthday party last night. This is exactly what he needs. Hot pizza. Hot wings. Hot dude. What’s your name?”

Pizza dude replies, “Name’s Giuseppe.” I let out a grunting laugh. He shrugs, “It really is.” I immediately feel bad, like I was making fun of his name. I was surprised and still have no brain power for a poker face. “Don’t worry about it. Everyone has the same reaction. You guys can call me Pino. It’s short for Giuseppe. Don’t ask me why. Happy birthday …”

I nod, “Ryan.”

“Happy birthday, Ryan. I don’t know how you feel, but you look great, man.” I smile at that. He says, “You can move that hand. I’m cool with full frontal.” I slide my hand off, showing off my soft manhood. “Sweet.” The guy looks at Corey. “And you’re smoking hot, too ...?”


“Corey and Ryan. Nice. You guys models or athletes?”

My buddy playfully says, “We’re wrestlers.”

“Wow.” Pizza man says, “Look, guys, this is the closest I’ve ever come to that porn scenario. I got stuck with the day shift, but I’m happy I did. I’m done at 7. Think you’ll be feeling up to it? I’ll bring another pizza. Delivering to two hot wrestlers. You don’t have enough cash …”

Fuck. How can I say no? This is why I’m with Corey. For shit like this to happen. I realize that I’m idly playing with my dick. It’s semi-hard. This random guy can see me playing with it. No point in debating it. I answer, “Sure, I’ll be up for another pizza. Although, you’re right that we don’t have enough cash for another one. Is there another way we can pay you?”

Corey laughs at me, “Yeah, that’s my man.” Pizza guy opens his mouth, but Corey hands him the entire $80 and says, “Don’t say anything else, Pino. We all know how it goes.” Corey closes the door as Pino struts to his car with a very generous tip and a chance at some fun.

I say, “I hope he comes back.”

“He will.”

I admit, “This is my first time doing this. You know, with a delivery man. I didn’t think it ever happened in real life. It’s exciting, right?” Corey doesn’t say anything, but his face tells me everything. I laugh, “Really?”

The muscleboy shrugs, “It happens for me more often than you’d think possible. Sometimes they’re not even delivering to my apartment, and it happens.”

With pizza, wings, and the delivery man likely coming back, we relax together. Corey slides across my lap. He picks up a boneless wing, covered in Buffalo sauce. I lean forward and tear at it. When I’m done, I lick the muscleboy’s fingers clean. He turns for another, but I pull him to me. We make out. His cock stiffens, pressing into my stomach. It feels so good right now.

I’m officially 30. Not that I’m different than I was two days ago, but this milestone has meant change. At 29, I was juggling three relationships. Now, a day into 30, I have no boyfriends. I feel … relief? Corey, Luke, and Pete are all free, but still in my life. There’s Cage. And a few other hookups here and there. With no labels or pressure, I feel lighter. Happier. Less confused.

I like 30.






Corey confidently answers the door in tight white briefs, his cock semi-hard. I really hope that’s the pizza man and not my mom coming to check on me. No, Cody wouldn’t let that happen. We showered, cleaned up and out, and brushed our teeth. While Corey swings the door out wide, I’m standing behind it, out of sight, also just in tight white briefs. He fluffed his cock. I didn’t need to. I’m naturally excited to try this.

Our hot pizza delivery man says, “That’ll be $32.47.”

Corey looks in his wallet, “What? The guy on the phone said it was only $24.”

Pino says, “Tax. Delivery fee. I don’t know. This bill says $32.47. Tip NOT included.”

“I only have $25.”

The pizza delivery stud acts incredulous, “You were only gonna give me a dollar tip?”

Corey shrugs, “Hey, man, I’m for the worker. Tipping culture enables employers to underpay their employees. They’re abandoning their responsibilities and cheating you in the process. All to pad their bottom line. Don’t give into big pizza. Fight the power, man.”

Pino growls, “Fuck that. C’mon, man. You’re my last order. Gimme $32.47. And a half-decent tip. $40. Now. I wanna close out.”

“I don’t have any more money and I’m not giving some bitter dude like you my credit card. It’s $25 or nothing.”

“What the fuck? You better find it, kid, or else.”

I come around, towering over both of them, “Or else what?”

Pino stands at the door holding a large pizza. He looks showered and fresh in black jeans and a red t-shirt. He must live around here because he clearly went home before coming here. Nice. Any butterflies I had are gone. Our pizza stud checks me out. He obviously likes what he sees, because I can see his dick tenting his pants. I think he’s as excited this is happening as I am.

“Whoa, who the fuck are you?”

“I’m the guy who’s gonna kick your ass if you try anything.”

“Relax. Look, you guys owe me $32.47 plus tip.”

I rub my balls in my briefs, “Yeah?” I grab the pizza and hand it to Corey. “Well, let’s negotiate, pizza boy.”

“Negotiate? You owe me like $40.”

“I heard your offer. Ours is $25.” Corey takes the pizza and closes the door. I grab the front of Pino’s shirt and drag him through the kitchen to the attached garage. He sees the mats and whistles. I push him to the middle of the mat. “So, pizza boy, what’s it gonna be?”

“I - I don’t know. I want $40.”

“Counteroffer. No money, but we all wrestle. Loser gets fucked.”

“Wait. What happened to the $25?”

“That was the all-cash offer. You turned it down. Now, we’re offering trade. And it’s worth a lot more than $40.”

I flex. Corey matches me. Pino’s jaw drops. He stammers, “I don’t know. How about we wrestle, fuck, and I get the $25?”

“Well, we gotta see what we’re buying before we keep negotiating.” We move in. I come at him from the front, Corey circles around the back. We lift his shirt off. Oh yeah. The boy is stacked. He looked fit, but his shirt hid some serious cuts. “Damn, boy, lifting those pizza boxes has built you up. Okay. Wrestle. Fuck. $25.” He laughs. I challenge, “But is this all for show?”

I spin Pino around. I pull him against me and reach under his arms, rubbing his smooth torso. I grind on his ass. The pizza delivery man sinks against me, moaning. My teen muscleboy moves in front, kissing Pino while they rub each other’s tight bodies.

I slide my arms to the side, grabbing Pino’s hips. That opens up his torso for Corey to go exploring. I look over our guest’s shoulder as my … friend seductively checks Pino out. Corey grabs Pino’s bulge. The sexy pizza stud is gasping. He’s already hard in his tight black pants. Corey unbuckles the belt, slowly sliding it free. He hangs it around Pino’s neck.

The two studs stare into each other’s eyes. Corey keeps squeezing and playing with Pino’s bulge. The 20-something musclestud feels weak against me. I grab under his chin, gripping his handsome face. I force his head toward me and immediately smother his mouth. Corey’s free hand attacks Pino’s chest. The helpless hunk squirms and writhes, but we hold him steady.

I break the kiss, “So, what do you think?”

Pino sighs, “Keep the $25. Pizza’s on me.”

I laugh, “I was talking to Corey, but I appreciate your enthusiasm.” I force Pino to look at Corey. “So, buddy, what’s the verdict?”

The teen muscleboy nods, “Cute. Ripped. Hung. He’ll do.”

Corey unbuttons Pino’s pants and yanks the tight, black, stretch denim down. He takes Pino’s shoes and socks before finally getting the pants off. The sexy pizza boy is matching us in white briefs, and they are packed. I already see a shiny wet spot from the stud’s leaking, uncut cock. It looks thick and hefty. I reach over and cop a feel for myself. The helpless hunk moans as I toy with him.

Pino turns his head of his own accord this time. I meet his lips, and we make out as I manhandle his meat. Not one to be left out, Corey is back, checking out our nearly naked visitor. The teen muscleboy drops to a knee and kisses Pino’s abs. He caresses his legs as he does. The sexy delivery dude is totally relaxed, basically putty in our hands.

I don’t think we’re gonna wrestle competitively.

Let’s see what we can do.

“Time to wrestle, sexy man.” I slide my arms up and lock Pino into a full nelson. He gasps. The musclestud struggles seductively. He can’t break free, but he’s barely trying. Instead, he rubs his ass on my bulge and squirms like a helpless hunk. I feel no tension against the nelson. His pained groans and grunts are turning me on. The guy is a good actor and it’s turning me on.

Corey rises. He lightly punches the trapped musclestud’s abs. BOP! BOP! BOP! Pino lets out a soft grunt. I doubt that hurt his flat stomach, but he still reacts. I like this guy. The ripped teen grabs the helpless hunk’s bulge. He squeezes. I feel the delivery man go limp as he lets out a long moan. His ass leaves my pouch as he moves his hips into Corey’s hand for more.

I lean back, stretching Pino out. I get his feet off the mat. Corey grabs the hanging hunk’s pecs. The double assault has the muscleman’s voice rising. He curses as he’s manhandled. There’s nothing he can do but let Corey have his way with him. Fortunately, my boyf - my friend is so intuitive. I can tell from Pino’s reaction and weak fighting that he’s still enjoying himself.

Corey grabs Pino’s legs, locking the pizza man’s ankles under the teen’s armpits. The helpless hunk’s hangs between us. I bend forward, slowly lowering Pino’s head and shoulders down. No point in dropping him. This isn’t that kind of deal. Once he’s on the mats, Corey steps over, flipping Pino into a Boston crab. That gets a genuine pained moan as the teen sits down.

I admire the view of their backs. Pino’s ass looks great in his briefs. And Corey always looks amazing. Both are rippling musclestuds in a way I’m not. I can tell the teen powerhouse is going light. He’s standing tall and the spine bend isn’t painfully severe. It’s enough for Pino to feel and react to, which is perfect. It also leaves me lots of room to access his flexing ass.

I playfully spank Pino’s butt. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! He cries out. I reach up and under to feel his pouch. The pizza stud whimpers. The briefs are stretched full and wet from pre-cum. Perfect. I stand up and tap Corey on the back. He lowers Pino’s legs. We’re being gentle as long as he’s being so compliant. The delivery dude is clearly enjoying being used as our wrestling dummy.

Pino lies on the mat. His hips are up to accommodate his swollen dick underneath. I reach down and grab his thick mop. I drag him up to his knees. He looks up at me as he rubs my legs. I grab him around the neck and lift. He comes with me. I pull him into a deep kiss. He goes with it, of course. His hands rub my sides. When I pull off, we lock eyes. So hot.

I scoop him up across my chest. I parade him around the mat, easily handling his limp carcass. I stop in the middle and bring him down in an over-the-knee backbreaker. THUMP! I go soft, but he still feels it. Pino relaxes and hangs over my leg. I rub his sexy torso. Corey moves in. I notice the teen muscleboy has stripped his underwear off, freeing his hard and ready cock.

Corey stands in front of me. He pulls my head forward. I open my mouth and allow him in. My boyf - my friend thrusts in and out, face fucking me while I caress the helpless hunk hanging on my leg. Corey rubs my head as his thrusts get faster and deeper. I’m gagging. Pino hears it and crunches up to look. He says, “Fuck, that’s hot. Pound that big man’s mouth, Corey.”

The teen looks down, “This is just my warmup.” He pulls out of my mouth. Corey orders me, “Push him down, Ryan.” I nod, excited by his dominant display. “Time for our guest.”

Corey kneels in front of Pino. He guides the helpless hunk’s head into position. The teen muscleboy slides inside the pizza man’s open mouth. Upside down Pino sucks as Corey thrusts in deeper and deeper. I go back to worshipping his amazing body. The briefs are tenting as his thick cock swells up. I grab it in the thin white cotton and he moans.

I free Pino’s dick, wedging the briefs under his balls. I admire this thick, uncut cock. It’s not that long, but it’s a good handful. I start short strokes from base to head. Up and down. I keep my grip tight, but not too tight. The delivery dude’s muffled moaning confirms he’s quite happy in my signature hold. I pinch his nipple, and he flinches, but there’s nowhere to go.

When Corey slides out, I get the hint. Time to move on. I push Pino off my leg. He rolls onto his back, breathing hard. There’s a shine around his mouth from drool and Corey’s pre-cum. The teen muscleboy moves in. I finish removing the pizza man’s underwear. He naturally spreads his legs out, letting his big balls slide down. His dick is solid. Corey drops on top and starts kissing him.

As I watch the two young studs, I strip off my underwear, joining the boys in their nakedness. Nakedness? Is that a word? Did I really just think that? Guess I’m still not thinking at 100%. Not that it matters. My instincts are all I need and looking at my raging hard-on, my instincts are right on point. The teen musclestud pulls off Pino’s mouth and slides above his head.

Corey grabs a handful of Pino’s hair. He lifts the pizza man’s lead and slides his legs around. The teen muscleboy wraps on a figure-four headlock. The delivery dude moans as he’s choked. Not too tightly, but enough where he’s feeling it. I drop down between Pino’s legs. I grab his cock. He gasps and his back arches. Horny boy. I pump it lightly and he squirms.

I slide up and put my lips on his cock head. It’s a real mouthful, stretching my jaw to keep my teeth clear. He’s leaking like a tap. In my experience, uncut guys always leak a lot. I slurp it down as I suck on Pino’s cock. I bet I could milk a load out of his thick cock, but I prefer edging him. Got to give the pizza man his money’s worth. His hands land on the back of my head.

I go down deeper. His cock reaches the back of my mouth as my nose hits trimmed pubes. I hold it before starting to go up and down. Pino’s hands rub my head, but he lets me control the pace and depth. I drink down his pre-cum, which is still flowing out. Pino starts lifting his hips to face fuck me. I let him, holding my position as he rams in all the way to the back of my mouth. When he relaxes again, I slide off.

I kneel between his legs and start some light gut punching. BAP! WHAP! POW! He jolts with every shot. I want to settle down his big dick. Get that rising load back down. The pizza man settles down. Corey and I exchange looks. I nod. I lean back down, attacking Pino’s cock with my mouth again. He moans loudly, begging me to stop, warning he can’t take any more.

Corey teases, “What you can take isn’t a problem. You’ll give what we take.”

I get a finger underneath, forcing it between his butt cheeks. A loud, long groan this time. Pino really grabs my head this time. I pull off and grab his wrists. I force his arms up. “Do something with these.” Corey takes control of Pino’s arms, pulling them up and out of my way. I smack the thick, throbbing cock. WHAP! “You, settle down.” Pino whimpers as I go back to work.

My mouth slides back into place. Pino lifts his hips, making it easier for my finger to reach his hole. I force it inside him, past his ring. A sudden gasp. Pino tenses then relaxes as I lightly finger fuck him. I push my finger in deeper and deeper until I feel him shudder. He lifts his legs and cries out. Yeah, got his spot. I play with his butt as I suck him off.


I keep going. The pizza man gasps and grunts. With the warning delivered, Pino goes with it. He knows the edging is done and I’m taking his load. He warns me again softly. Seconds later, his body tightens up, his muscular butt cheeks flex around my hand, and he explodes. I slide up to his head and drink it down. It’s a big load, but I keep up. Pino keeps going until he’s dry.

Corey releases the delivery dude. I crawl up and start making out with the unmoving musclestud. Pino drinks in the remnants of his load as I dominate his mouth. I raise my head, and we lock eyes. He says, “Thanks. That was great. A big sexy man like you, sucking and swallowing? Fucking hot.” He tries to move, but I hold him in place with one hand.

I smile back, “Don’t thank me yet. It’s not over.”

Pino’s eyes go wide. Corey slides forward, pinning the musclestud down. He spreads his mountainous butt cheeks over the pizza man’s face. I can tell from Corey’s face that he’s being eaten out. The delivery dude needs no instructions. The teen muscleboy is loving it. He reaches down and starts attacking Pino’s nipples. The musclestud wildly thrashes. I have to hold his legs down.

It’s muffled, but Pino is definitely begging for mercy. His hands grip Corey’s thighs and he struggles under us. The begging is whimpering pleas, driven by his post-orgasm sensitivity. Corey keeps torturing him. Pino’s dick powers up again as he’s molested by my boyf - my friend. We control him, even though he’s pretty strong. His cock is leaking again. Nice.

Corey rolls off, freeing the exhausted stud. Pino rolls onto his side, gasping. He’s laughing a little. “That was cruel. Fucking amazing, but man, it was cruel.” We laugh. He pushes up to hands and knees. He leans down, burying his face on his forearms, thrusting his ass at me. It’s not an accident. He’s sending a message and I’m getting it. However, I have another idea.

I’m not done torturing the musclestud yet.

I move in from behind. I grab him around the waist and pull him up, rising to my feet. I bring him into a reverse bearhug. He lets me. I kiss his neck as I squeeze him. He pushes his ass back into my dick. I split his cheeks but shift so I don’t penetrate. I whisper, “You’re so sexy, Pino. But this is wrestling. You can’t get the stakes until the match is over. You never gave.”

“Oh shit, man. I -” My hand quickly smothers his mouth. “MMPH?”

I spin around, putting us back-to-back. I squat and pull him backwards so he’s lying against my back while I reach over my shoulders and grab under his chin. I stand and he rises, his feet leaving the mat. Pino moans as he’s suspended on my back. I did it so fast and smoothly that it’s just hitting him now what’s happening. He moans in the hangman, lying limp on my back.

Corey is on him fast. Pino’s hands stretch out, opening to whatever the teen muscleboy wants to do. The youngest stud toys with the helpless hunk. I hold tight as the pizza man begins to whimper and squirm on my back. His legs weakly kick as he’s manhandled, powerless to defend his naked carcass. Corey has his prey crying out, begging for mercy.

But not submitting.

I know my instructions were clear, so Pino clearly wants this to continue. His pleas become more breathless. Corey is taunting how hard his dick and nipples are. He must attack them, because Pino suddenly struggles harder, wildly thrashing, but I easily hold him in place. There’s body punching on the stretched-out abs. THUD! THUD! THUD! And from the gasping laughter, even some tickling.

“Stop! Please!”

Corey replies, “Not the right words.”

Pino writhes harder. He’s breathless, his speech stuttered and desperate. “Oh - oh! OH fuh -fuck!” Pause. “I - I … OH! KAY! I suh - suh -submit!” Corey must back off, but Pino keeps going, “I give! UNCLE!” I drop him to the mat where he crumples in a heap. His body convulses as his cock runs like a tap to the vinyl surface. He’s still muttering his submission.

I give him no recovery time. I kneel down and shove my finger up his ass again. He arches his back and pushes his butt back to me. “Yeah! Yeah!” I add a second finger and he’s crying out even louder. “OH YES!” I use my fingers to force him over onto his stomach. I slowly stretch him out, opening his ass up to receive. Pino is humping the mat, sliding his slick cock along the smooth, wet vinyl.

I tease, “You want another round? Best two of out of three?”

“Please, just fuck me! I want you to fuck me.”

I slide my fingers out. Corey has a condom for me. He moves to Pino’s head. Together, we force the horny musclehunk to hands and knees. Once he’s set, Corey powers inside the pizza man’s eager mouth. I sheathe my cock and lube up Pino’s hole a little more. I look at the sext teen muscleboy, slowly face fucking the eager delivery dude and I can’t hold back a smile.

Corey winks back at me. I nod. Time to get to work. I can think about this when the job is done. Pino chokes on Corey’s dick when I plow inside him. He pushes back into me, his ass hungry for it. The teen muscleboy and I start working in unison, time our thrusts and holding Pino in place. We spit roast him, slowly picking up speed. Pino’s muffled moaning is music.

I admire Pino’s tight back muscles as I hammer his ample ass. He’s such a sexy muscle stud. I pick up speed. He can take it rough, and he wants it rough. I hammer his hole as we hold him steady. Corey is driving in deep. The delivery dude chokes on the teen’s meat. We continue to ravage the musclehunk, but I can’t take it for long. I’m grunting and gasping. Corey knows I’m close.

Corey says, “Wanna drink it, boy?”

Pino lets out a muffled affirmation with a slight nod. The teen musclehunk focuses and quickly fires his load down Pino’s throat. The pizza man eagerly guzzles down the teen’s cum. When he’s done, I pull out. I uncover my cock and throw Pino over onto his butt. I grab a handful of hair and rise, pulling Pino to a kneeling position. He opens wide and wraps his hand on my cock.

The delivery dude finishes the job. He pumps my shaft as he secures my cock head in his lips. I warn him, but he only works harder. I explode with a body-shaking orgasm. Oh fuck, I needed this. My eyes roll back in my head and my knees go weak. Luckily, my intuitive boyf - friend has moved behind me, supporting me as I give Pino all I’ve got. I moan as I’m milked and drained.

Oh fuck. Corey eases my 250-lbs down. I collapse on the mat, joined with the sexy studs on either side of me. My body shakes when their hands hit my pecs. We lie there, not moving or speaking.



It’s fifteen minutes later, our muscles toweled off, and we’re sitting in a circle. I’m eating a slice of the pizza Pino brought. I need to energy. I ask, “So, was this really your first time doing this, Pino? It’s mine, but not Corey’s. You must get a lot of offers.”

The pizza man nods, “Yeah, I swear. It really is. Sure, I’ve had offers, but not by any guys like you two. Fuck, that was so hot. You naked on the couch. Corey shirtless. Ridiculous.”

Corey asks, “What do you do when you’re not a pizza guy?”

“I’m an actor.” Pino says, “I know. Total LA cliche. No big break, yet, but I’ve done a couple of things. Delivering is a good gig. My uncle owns the pizza place now. And tight shirts and pants do get me good tips. Sometimes I even get extra cash from people who tipped on their card.” He adds, “Your friend Pete is generous. That’s why I grabbed your order.”

I’m curious, “What have you done? Acting-wise, I mean.”

“Biggest thing is a gladiator movie I did in Italy. Played the kid brother of the lead. I got killed early, but I had a few lines. My character’s death drove the plot. I’m the new, young king of these snowy, mountain people. The bad guys kill me and steal my ice sword. My older brother returns from exile to get it back and avenge my murder. Spoiler alert … he becomes king.”

My inner geek emerges. I ask, “Wouldn’t a sword made of ice be kind of useless?”

“Magic ice. Freezes any metal that touches it to shatter it. Can bring about an endless winter, which is what my brother has to prevent. That kind of thing.”

“That sounds kinda cool. And you had lines. You speak fluent Italian?”

“Oh yeah. Grew up speaking it with Nonno. My grandfather. I worked with my dad and uncle before the audition to get it perfect.” Pino crawls away and I admire his butt. He’s not in a rush to go, so maybe I can take it again. He comes back with his phone. “This is one of my publicity stills. I’m not in this shape now, but I can get there pretty fast.”

Corey and I both whistle at the image. Damn, the guy can get ripped. Pino flips to another shot, “Horror film. Ultra low-budget. A lot of skin. I played the swim team captain. Wore black speedos the whole movie, even in the halls.” He laughs, “I made it pretty far before getting killed. It’s getting a cult following. They said I might come back as lead bad guy in the sequel. A demon will possess my corpse. My body. Evil head with horns. If they get funding.”

“Wow. That’s awesome. Good luck.”

Pino asks, “So, you guys are wrestlers?”

Corey confidently replies, “Yes.” He heads off, I’m assuming for our own show and tell.

Alone with Pino, I explain, “Corey is a student and I’m in I.T. at big company. The wrestling is part-time and underground. I co-own a superhero-themed, gay-oriented wrestling video company called -”

“The Cave!” Corey completes my sentence. He’s back with his laptop. He sits beside the curious stud. “Ryan is too modest. This is the best wrestling there is.”

Corey starts with the profile pages, showing me first then him. Pino is getting hard again just from seeing all the heroes and villains. I wonder what he’ll think when he sees any action. The teen muscleboy moves to a few matches, exciting the muscular pizza delivery man with the video clips. I slide in behind Pino, bringing my legs forward on either side. He rests his forearms on my knees.

I grab around Pino’s waist and start kissing his neck. He focuses on what Corey is showing him as I tease him. When I grab Pino’s cock, he moans loudly. It grows in my hand and his breathing accelerates. I attack his ear and that’s it for The Cave. He leans back into me. Eyes are closed. Mouth hanging open. Corey’s hand replaces mine as we double team our new muscle toy.

I look down and Corey is sucking and pumping Pino’s dick. I turn his head and kiss him on the lips. The musclestud responds, limp and helpless against the two of us. Corey is up. He pulls Pino’s face from mine. He makes out with the pizza delivery man, pulling him forward. The teen muscleboy rolls onto his back, legs open and up. Pino pulls off the kiss and stares at Corey.

My … friend says, “Fuck me.”

Pino doesn’t need to be asked twice. After being manhandled and spit roasted by us, he’s eager for his turn on top. I do the honors of covering his cock before sliding back. Pino powers inside Corey, slowly penetrating his hole. The teen muscleboy moans and encourages the hot muscleman to keep going. I start pumping my own dick as Pino starts thrusting.

Ever the bossy bottom, Corey looks at me, “Get over here.”

I move in and he directs me to sit on his face. Corey starts eating me out. Oh fuck. I lean forward and make out with Pino as he takes my boy - my friend’s ass. The Italian muscle stud is grunting into my mouth. I pull off and start playing with his nipples as he focuses on his job - wrecking Corey’s hole. Underneath me, I feel Corey pushing for me to get off, so I do.

Corey looks up, “Pino, I got Ryan good and wet. Finish off in him.” My eyes go wide. He smirks, “Hot Italian stud fucking you. A late birthday present.”

Pino pulls out. He gasps, “Really?”

I nod and roll over onto elbows and spread knees. Corey quickly lubes me up. The Italian stud wastes no time moving in. He drives in. I moan loudly. My ass has been used by Mano and Cage in the past week, so I can take it. He’s not as long as them, but he is thick, and I feel it. I groan as he drives inside me. He’s so horny so there’s no foreplay, just savage pounding.

Corey eggs him on, “He’s a big guy, Pino. He can take whatever you dish out.”

I growl at Corey, but Pino takes him up on the offer. He starts going even harder. It’s a rougher fuck than he gave Corey. I grunt with every deep thrust. It’s going to be quick. I’m pretty sure he could’ve finished off in Corey, but my … friend wanted to see this. He wanted to see me taken. After all Corey has done, it’s the least I can do. And fuck, I’m enjoying it.

I moan, “Yes, Pino! Fuck me!”

The Italian stud is ruthless as he drives in. Corey lies down and reaches under me. He starts pulling on my cock. The teen muscleboy asks, “Loving it?” I grunt my agreement, unable to speak at the moment. The vicious pounding has me close to cumming. Corey senses it and pulls his hand away, “No, no, no. Not wasting that load.” I whimper as he denies my release.

Pino suddenly slides out. One second later, I feel the hot ropes of his second load of the night splash down on my back. The muscleman is grunting as he milks himself dry, marking me from neck to butt. When he’s done, Pino wipes his cock on my smooth butt. He collapses onto the mat. SPLAT! Corey rolls him over onto his stomach and plays with his cheeks.

“Get in here, Ryan.”

I roll around. Corey sheathes my cock, and I mount the Italian muscle stud. I drive inside him, taking Pino’s ass for the second time tonight. He moans as lifts his butt back into me, just as hungry as he was the first time. Corey inserts his finger into my ass as I work. I cry out. I can’t last any longer, my load erupting while I’m inside Pino, filling the latex wrapper as I howl like an animal. I keep firing until I start to soften, carefully sliding out before removing the condom.

Drained, I sit on my ass. Corey wipes down my back. He grabs my head and pulls me into a kiss. I let him dominate my mouth. My adrenaline is waning. This has been fun, but I need to go to sleep. The teen muscleboy directs the Italian muscleman to help him get me up. They pull me up to standing and I’m led to the shower. I enjoy being served by two hot, young studs.

They put me to bed. I just go with the flow. I crash on my back, and they curl up beside me. I pull them in close on either side, thanking them for a great start to my 31st year. They lightly kiss and rub my body. It feels great. I wonder how long Pino will stay. It’s still early. They’re whispering. I can’t make it out. Their voices seem distant. I realize that I’m exhausted.

I’m going to suggest they go out. Have some fun.

I open my eyes. No bodies touching me. I reach out in the dark, spreading my arms. I’m alone. Oh. I must have fallen asleep. I roll over. 7:18. Morning? I just closed my eyes for a second. Morning wood. I roll out of bed. I stumble to the bathroom. Sun streaming in. I drain myself and wash my hands and face before wandering naked through the house. Empty.

There’s a note from Corey. Sent Pino off after I fell asleep. Pizza in the fridge. Corey headed to his apartment. Needed to be at the library early. Oh yeah. I knew that. Didn’t want to wake me. Reminds me about breakfast. Set my alarm and the coffeemaker for 7:30, just in case. So sweet. I shut my alarm off with a couple of minutes to spare. And I’ll have coffee in a few.

I took today as a vacation day. First thing is I need to have breakfast with my mom, Cody, and his mom. Before I do that, I need pre-breakfast stimulation. 7:30. My iPad rings. FaceTime call. I’m naked. Oh. It’s just Cody. I hit the green join button. He smiles, “Hey, Ry. You’re up. In the kitchen. Good sign. Just wanted to make sure.”

I nod, “Yeah, just a little slow. I’ll be okay.” I flip the camera to the coffeemaker. “Once I have a cup and a long, hot shower.”

“Perfect. We’ve got the moms at -”

“9. I know. I’ll be there. On time. Awake.”

“Just making sure. You good? Want me to pick you up? If I leave now, I can get there in time. I’m already ready to go.”

“No, thanks. I’m great. Enjoy more time with Jae.”

“Oh, he left at 5:30. Has clients at 6, 7 and 8 this morning.”

“Ugh. I don’t know how you guys do it. If you’re ready, sure, I’d appreciate the ride.” Cody agrees. I say, “Thanks again for the party. I wish I could remember more of it, but you went so far above and beyond. You really are the best best friend a guy could have.”

Cody smirks, “I know.” He says, “Okay, get your coffee and cleaned up. I’m heading out the door right now. I’ll be there in 45. I love you, Ry.”

“I love you, too.”



  1. Great conclusion to Ryan's crazy birthday. Such a great series. It seems like good "closure" for Ryan's harem but I feel like you left it just open enough that there can be more to it. Either way, great job. I always look forward to your stories. I especially love the first-to-cum matches that you do. Those always get me going. Keep up the good work bro. I'm excited to see where the adventures go from here.

    1. Thanks! I’m glad you liked the series. It felt daunting at times, but I’m really happy with how it went and revisiting all these guys as lead characters.

      I’m looking at it as an evolution of Ry’s love life. He can move on from juggling all these guys in the search for Mr. Right and just focus on being happy. Every character is continuing into the next chapter, so anything could still happen.

  2. Definitely a good wrap up for Ryan after his party. Very interesting that Ryan wanted to be topped. He's definitely continuing to mature which is nice to see.

    I will admit it's tough waiting 15 days for each new story. Lol

    Who is the model for Pino? He's hot.

    1. Thanks! Yes, Ry is evolving. He was kind of frozen as the growth focus was on guys like Cody and Xaq. I was excited to finally move him along.

      The model for Pino was sent to me with a name that doesn’t turn up any of the images I received. A few of pics I didn’t use are tagged Robert Walter by Thomas Synnamon Photography. That might be more fruitful.
