This story is based on a reader commission
At the Home for BIGBeast Wrestling
"WHAT? Where the fuck is Erik?"
I shrug nervously, "I don't know where Mr. Flynn went, but he's supposed to show this new guy around and I can't find him anywhere. The guy is gonna arrive any minute. You and me are the only ones here and I didn't think I should be the one to check him out." Uh oh, one of the toughest guys around is giving me a death stare. I start talking fast, "I mean, Mr. Wildfire, sir, I can 'check him out', if you know what I mean, but not the way -"
Jimmy Wildfire gives me an exasperated glare and I shut up. He's pissed, which makes me nervous and when I'm nervous, I ramble. BIGBeast Wrestling lists Jimmy at a generous 5'5" and 150-lbs, while I'm a real 6'4"/200-lbs, but he still intimidates me. I shuffle back and forth as I stand there wearing nothing but the yellow squarecuts, white pads and black sneakers that make up my uniform.
'Camera-boy' (me) and Jimmy Wildfire |