Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Heroes: The Joy of Being Superman (Part 3 of 3)




“Who? Oh. Superman? Come in.”

Chris opens the French doors that lead to the fire escape, and he steps aside. He nervously adjusts his tiger-print robe, wondering if he should have put something on under it. Before opening the doors. He’d hate to be arrested while naked. After the hero’s last visit, Chris has been a confused wreck. He tried using Jimmy Olsen as a source, but the photographer knew nothing about what was going on. He didn’t even know that Chris was in trouble. 

The world’s most famous superhero hovers outside Chris’ apartment. His cape flutters in the wind as the light from the small apartment shines on his blue bodysuit. Chris is glad that he discarded the briefs. This new suit highlights every contour of the hero’s muscular physique. And his packed bulge. In a few pics, Chris swears you can even tell that Superman is uncut.

Superman silently floats inside Chris’ boldly decorated studio apartment. The 12’ ceilings allow the mighty muscleman to remain aloft, but he lands softly. Chris closes the French doors and curtains, giving them privacy. The younger Black man turns. The bright pink walls of his studio feel claustrophobic. The fabric and string of lights. The artwork. Everything about his apartment seem to be closing in on him. Maybe because he hasn’t left it for three days.

Chris takes two steps and then collapses into a fuchsia velvet, high-backed armchair. Other than the bed and one kitchen stool, it’s the only seating in the bright pink cube. He’s exhausted and pessimistic. Just three days ago, Superman was here, basically accusing him of trafficking kryptonite, a felony in the United States. All kryptonite must be turned over to the government.

It looked bad for Chris. After Superman barged in on Chris’s roleplay session with their mutual friend Jimmy Olsen, Chris knew the superhero was intrigued. He put out feelers for anyone playing with “a really good Superman”. When Luke described his new playmate, Chris knew that was likely the real Superman. He sold him some amazing fake kryptonite.

Chris sold it because he wanted to make Superman’s first time special. He was hoping that the muscleman would have such a great experience that he might look Chris up. He never expected to be looked up as a criminal, though. The assumption was that he was intentionally setting up the Man of Steel. There was no motive, but that didn’t seem to matter.

The kryptonite he sold Luke was real, but Chris didn’t know that when he did it. His boss said it was fake and let him take it home, thinking it was worthless. When Superman confronted him after his play session with Luke, Chris denied it and explained everything. Coincidence. Accident. Words that only made him look more guilty. Chris felt like the hero didn’t believe him, even though Superman said he did when he left.

Superman senses the fear. He quickly says, “Chris, please, relax. I told you that I believed you when I left. And I was right to. I’m here to apologize if I came on too strong. And I also want to thank you.”

Chris is shocked. “What? Why?”

“If not for you, we never would’ve uncovered a rogue group in STAR Labs that was amassing illegal kryptonite. Your piece, the one you thought was fake and sold to Luke? It was misdirected to Materials Management by accident. It only took two days of digging for Batman and Elongated Man to figure it out. They’ve been shut down and arrested. You’re clear.”

Chris sags in the chair, bringing his large right hand to his chest. He’s relieved. “Thank god. I had to take sick days because I was so upset.”

“Those days will be credited back to you. I’ll make sure of that. I’m sorry, but we had to investigate. I thought it would be better for me to talk to you than Batman. Maybe I was wrong.”

“No, you were right. I don’t want any part of Batman!” Chris says, “You never told Jimmy.” Superman shakes his head. “Thank you for that. I was sure that you didn’t believe me, but you did. I appreciate that, too.”

Superman extends his hand. Chris accepts. The hero pulls him to his feet, and they hug. Chris loves the feeling of being wrapped in his idol’s arms. Part of him wonders if he is dreaming. The tall white hero breaks the hug. He smiles at Chris, “And thank you for piquing my curiosity on roleplay. I had fun with Luke once I got rid of the kryptonite.”

“Luke loved it, too. I should tell you that he pretty much knows. He believes that his kryptonite was replaced. The $500 ‘winnings’ just randomly showing up in his mailbox the next day was nice, but stupid. It made him even more suspicious. He’s pretty much pieced it together but has convinced himself that he’s being crazy and to let it go. I’ve told him to let it go.”

Superman nods, “I knew the money might be a mistake, but I couldn’t just steal something he paid good money for and not reimburse him.”

“Of course you couldn’t. You’re Superman. But I’ll give you the $500 he paid me.”

“No, you don’t need to do that.”

“Yes, I do. I can’t profit off illegal goods. Donate it to a charity if you want, but I can’t keep it.” Chris smiles, “You’re lucky that Luke’s a genuinely nice guy. You need to be more careful. What if he was a real villain? Or less honest? He could have hurt you. Or he could have sold the story and embarrassed you.”

“True. Hopefully none of my future playmates have real kryptonite.”

Chris bows his head, “Oh god, I’m sorry all this happened.”

Superman lifts the younger man’s chin, “Don’t be. Like I said, it worked out. Sometimes things happen for a reason. The series of events is unbelievable and unpredictable, but so is life. You might have saved my life. Those guys weren’t gathering kryptonite for fun. They likely wanted to use it to capture and kill me, Superboy, and Supergirl. Maybe even Krypto.”

“Not Krypto! Lock the assholes up forever.” The Black stud smiles, “You believe that everything happens for a reason? So, do you think that there might be another reason for you walking in on me and Jimmy?”

“Could be.” Superman smiles, “I could never play with Jimmy, and Luke might be off-limits for a while, but I would like to play again. I just need to do it with someone I know and can trust.”

Chris is feeling confident, “You know me.”

“I do know you. And I trust you.”

A hopeful ask, “Do you want to play now?”

Superman steps back. He feels Chris’ satiny robe, “I wish I could, but I’m on a case.” The roleplayer nods, disappointed. Superman steps in. “I don’t know much about this villain. From descriptions, he’s around 6’1” and 180-lbs. Young, in his 20’s. Black. Handsome.”

Chris shudders as the hot breath hits his ear, “Tell me more.”

His hero continues, “He’s a hunter type. A poacher and trapper. Wears animal prints and a tight, sexy spandex bodysuit.”

Chris recognizes the description. It’s one of his characters. From his profile. Superman checked out his profile. Chris closes his eyes and moans as he grasps what’s being offered. It takes him a moment to gather himself. Superman waits patiently, putting his hand on the side of the young man’s handsome face. He gently rubs along the cheekbone with his thumb.

Superman asks, “What do you think, Chris? Am I in big trouble?”

“Oh. Yes. Yes, you are, Superman. He - he sounds absolutely nefarious.”

“Yes, that’s his reputation. But now, he’s in Metropolis. He’s switched his focus from hunting endangered animals to hunting … me.”

Chris gasps, “Oh no. But you can handle him, can’t you?”

“I hope so. Apparently, he’s uncovered a new type of kryptonite. Don’t know the color or effects. But this diabolical villain is out to trap me, and I don’t know who he is or when or where he’s going to strike. Maybe he’s even ready right now?”

“Yes.” Chris turns his face and kisses Superman’s palm before continuing the playful setup, “Well, that does sound important. And dangerous. I bet this villain has a plan for you, the world’s most powerful and handsome superhero. Yes, a plan he’s dreamed of for years. One he’s tested on others, praying for the chance to spring it on you one day. And yes, I bet that he’d be ready to go at any time. Even right now.”

“Golly, I hope not. I’m not ready to face him, yet. He’d have the advantage until I know what his new kryptonite can do to me.” Superman steps back. He casually rubs behind his head, subtly flexing. He lowers his arm by first doing a bicep flex then slides his hand over his abs. Chris watches it all, almost drooling. “Enough of this. I don’t want to talk about villains anymore.”

Chris offers, “Can I offer you a drink?” Superman nods. The host seductively purrs, “I have some fresh PINK lemonade in the fridge. I’ll pour you a glass.”

The two men continue to size each other up as they make small talk. The sexy looks. The smirks. And their growing hard-ons convince them that they’re on the same page. Superman gulps back the pink lemonade. He sets the glass down. “May I use your bathroom before I go back to researching this new villain? I can’t face him until I know more. I’ll lose for sure.”

“Yes, you will. Your ignorance is your greatest weakness. Well, that and this mysterious new kryptonite. The bathroom is over there. Should I give you a hanger for your suit? I don’t see an opening.”

“It’s not so hard. My cape attaches here. And …” Superman takes Chris’ hand and brings it up between the hero’s legs to his taint. He pushes the young stud’s fingers against the smooth fabric. The lanky stud moans softly. The hero says, “Luckily, my costume has this closure. Do you feel it?” Chris nods. “I can just undo it and flaps open up front and back up to my waist.”

“Front and back?”

“Yep. I can stay in costume, but still have complete access when I need it. Of course, it’s just for me. Not for anyone else. Certainly not for a villain like this man who’s currently hunting me. I’m only showing you because I trust you. I’ll only be … five minutes?”

Chris grins, “Five minutes is perfect.”

When Superman emerges, he actively chooses to suppress his super senses. He calls out, “Chris? Where are you?” Suddenly, a pink net goes over the hero’s head. He doesn’t bother to struggle, more amused than threatened. The hero turns to see who threw it, “What is going on?” He puts his hand to his head as though confused.

“Something wrong, Superboy?”

Superman sees a 6’1”/180-lbs Black man in a black and leopard-print bodysuit that beautifully accentuates his muscles. He’s got short black leather gloves and tall black leather high-heel boots that go above his knees and halfway up his thighs. He has a thick leather and metal belt with a cat-face on the buckle. The boots make him as tall as Superman. His shaved head is unmasked, so Superman can see the determined and serious look on the handsome man's face.

The superhero finally tosses off the net. He confidently asks, “Who are you? Where’s Chris? What was with that net? Did you really think it would hold me?”

“So many questions. Hello, Superboy. I’m Chase Catchum. Chris is safely tucked away. The net was just an opening gamut. No, I didn’t think it would hold you.” The man smiles, “I hear that you’ve been looking for me. I know that I’ve been looking for you.”

“You! You’re the villain who’s hunting me!”

“Villain? I’m hurt. No, I’m not a villain. I’m just a sportsman. A big game hunter. You wouldn’t deny a man his hobby, would you?”

“Tell me what you have done with Chris.”

“Oh, your friend is safe, Superboy. Which is more than I can say for you.”

“It’s SuperMAN. I'm not an unsuspecting animal, Catchum. You’ll never capture me.”

The villain laughs, “I already have, hero. The pink walls. The pink lemonade. The pink net. All tainted with pink kryptonite, a rare but spectacular variation that I found in a remote part of … well, that’s my secret. Once I understood what it was, I moved you to the top of my list. My list of prey, that is.”

“Pink kryptonite? There’s no such thing!”

“Kneel before me, Superman.”

Superman fights the command before slowly dropping to his knees. He looks up, “How?”

“Still believe there’s no such thing as pink kryptonite? It’s unique because it attacks you sensorially, not physically. It elevates your submissiveness. And for the right man, it makes you completely obedient. The net was also coated in my pheromones, sweat, and musk. With the other elements attacking your willpower, that coded you to instinctively obey me.”


“Yes. You are now Superboy, because I have decided that’s your name. Who are you?”

“I am Super-muh … muh ... boy. I am Superboy.”

“Yes. Let the pink kryptonite take control. You are strong. Invulnerable. Aware. You are still you, Superboy, in every way but one. From now on, you are MY Superboy. You will serve me. You will not try to escape me. You will not try to harm me. Your only desire is to please me. All your incredible powers exist for my benefit. You will use them when, how, and why I order it.”

“I - I - I will obey.”

“Acknowledge it. You are MY Superboy, aren’t you?”

A weaker, “yes.”

“Say it. Admit that you belong to me.”

The helpless superhero replies, “I am your Superboy. I belong to you. I exist to serve you.”

“Your powers exist to serve me as I command.”

“My powers exist to serve you as you command.”

Chase Catchum moves in. He dunks his thumb in the pink-kryptonite-laced lemonade. He pulls it out then runs his thumb over the helpless Superman’s lips.

“Suck on it, Superboy.”

The hero leans forward and suckles on the villain’s thumb like a baby with a bottle.

“Good boy. You will obey my commands at all times. Do you understand, Superboy?”

Superman nods.

“Good boy. You will call me ‘Daddy’. Do you understand, Superboy?”

The sucking superhero nods.

“Good boy. If I tell you to do good, you will do it.”

An enthusiastic nod.

“If I tell you to commit a crime for me, you will do it.”

A slower nod, but a nod, nonetheless.

“Good boy. I know this is confusing for you, Superboy. But it is what you need. A master. A Daddy. Your will is ebbing. Soon, it will be gone. You will find peace when you submit completely. Choice is hard. Self-determination is hard. Being Superman is hard. Being Superboy is easy. It feels good. Life will be so easy now. I will make all those difficult choices in your life. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?”

A nod.

“Good boy. Now, stand up.” Superman stands. The villain sits in his chair, his legs spread. “Remove your cape.” The hero obeys. “Fold it neatly in half long ways. Now, come here, kneel before me, and hold it up to me as an offering of your obedience.” Superman kneels immediately. He bows his head as he extends his arms. Catchum takes the cape from him.

“I will use this as my cum rag. Do you like that idea, Superboy?”

“Nuh – nuh - yes, Daddy.”

“Beg me to do it.”

“Please, Daddy. Please use my cape as your cum rag. There can be no higher purpose for it. I would be honored for you to use it however you wish, just as you use me however you wish.”

The villain laughs, “Well done. In fact, it was so well done that I don’t believe that this is your first time kneeling before a superior man. Tell me the truth, Superboy. Is it?”

Superman can only resist for seconds. The powerful hero shamefully admits, “No, Daddy. I knelt before the evil Kryptonian, General Zod. I kissed his boots. Bowed my head. Was fucked by Non, his brutish henchman, as Zod watched. I did whatever the General told me for hours. He owned me completely before he was trapped in the Phantom Zone by the automatic security in my Fortress of Solitude.”

“Automatic security? So, you never defeated him?”

“No, Daddy. That was all a lie. It was reported that way to hide the truth. If not for the Fortress’ systems built by my father, I would be kneeling at General Zod’s side right now as he reigned over a conquered Earth.”

“Well, you’re here now, not in your Fortress. So, who will save you this time, Superboy?”

The hero hesitates before the pink kryptonite forces him to admit, “I don’t know, Daddy. There’s a chance that nothing can save me this time.”


“Let’s start with something easy, Superboy. Walk for me.”

Catchum relaxes in the chair. He crosses his legs. Superman starts walking toward the door, hoping to walk right through it and into freedom from the pink kryptonite. However, one of the original orders was that the superhero could not try to escape. When he reaches the door, he stops. He tries to fight it, but he turns, unable to overcome the villain’s command.

Superman walks back and forth across the small apartment. He circles the kitchen island. His mind runs through the commands, looking for loopholes. He could freeze the pink kryptonite. Or melt it. Or maybe even blow it away. But his intention is to escape, so he can’t. He tries to “bump” into his captor accidentally, but no. He thinks to speed up. Wear a hole in the floor.

Catchum laughs, “How many plans to get free have you thought of so far, Superboy?”

“26 so far, Daddy.”

“But you can’t.”

“Not yet, Daddy. It seems like any plan, no matter innocuous, is thwarted because my intent is escape or it will cause harm to you. And those are two things I cannot seem to do.”

“Ugh, you walk like a caveman. Walk like a runway model. Put more style into it. Swing those hips. Give me sexy stares.” Superman obeys. “Better. Yes, I gave those two orders first for a reason. I’ve done research. With your super-brain, you never forget anything. If you were human, I’d be worried that I needed to restate things. But not you. You are bound forever.”

Superman swings his arms and hips. He marches with purpose, stopping and turning in front of the nefarious hunter. The superhero proudly shows off his butt and his bulge until Catchum stops him. “Enough.” The villain grabs a small remote. He turns on house music. As it blares, he says, “Dance like you’re a whore on a pedestal at the club. And be sexy about it.”

The mighty muscleman immediately shifts gears. He performs a lurid routine for the hunter. Superman’s hands caress his powerful body, roaming from head to crotch. He lets out sexy sounds. His hips move smoothly as he thrust them forward. He turns and bends forward, shaking, squeezing, and slapping his bubble butt in Catchum’s amused face.

“Very nice, Superboy. You’ve seen some male strippers and go-go dancers in your time.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

The hunter clicks the remote and the music shifts to trap. He orders, “Twerk.” Superman immediately squats, quickly bouncing his muscular ass, shaking and thrusting his hips. “Damn, Superboy, you are one ratchet whore. Look at you go.” The superhero puts on a show for the ages, but Catchum has other plans. He stops the music. “Very good. You got Daddy real hot.”

Superman stands up tall, he chest high. And his cock full. It pushes his blue spandex out. Maybe he should go back to trunks. He can’t believe that he did that or that he enjoyed it. But he did do it and he did enjoy it. There’s even a wet spot on the front of his spandex.

“Do a handstand, Superboy.” The superhero flips over. “Open your legs.” For Superman, it’s an easy request. Catchum rubs the legs from boots to crotch. He praises, “Spectacular.” He sticks his face in Superman’s taint and breathes in. “You are one sexy piece of meat. And what’s this? A way to open this tight, sexy spandex? You think of everything. That will come in handy.”

The hunter orders Superman back to standing. He touches the wet spot in front of the bodysuit with his index finger. Catchum wipes it and holds it in front of the embarrassed superhero’s face. “I didn’t order you to do this, Superboy. No denying how you’re feeling, is there?”

“No, Daddy.”

“Turn around and bend over the kitchen island, Superboy.” Superman obeys. The superhero waits until Catchum moves in, placing a large pink dildo on the island.

“Relax your body, Superboy. I’m going exploring.”

The villainous hunter starts rubbing Superman’s back. The sensual massage has the mighty muscleman moaning. He hates it, but he loves it as well. Just like green kryptonite doesn’t kill him immediately, the pink kryptonite takes time. It has overwhelmed his resistance, but not his mind. Not yet. The superhero is disgusted by the feeling of the evil man’s hands slithering over his blue spandex wrapped body.

The muscular man looks at the toys. “Please don’t use that on me, Daddy.”

“Just try and …” The villain catches himself. He laughs, “Oh, wait. No, no, no. That would have been a stupid thing to say to you. I’d suspect you tried to trick me, but that would be impossible. Still, an unforced error is just as dangerous. DON’T try to stop me, Superboy. Hm. Until the pink kryptonite works its magic, Daddy is going to do this.”

Catchum circles in front. He’s grabbed a pink ball gag, which he puts in front of Superman’s face. “Superboy, gently take the pink ball into your mouth. Do not pop it, break it, swallow it, or remove it.”

The mighty muscleman obeys. He leans forward carefully taking the ball into his mouth. He gags himself, feeling shame at the act. His mouth relaxes to hold it with human-level force. The villain reaches around. He carefully secures the strap behind the hero’s head. When he’s finished, the hunter steps back with a satisfied look on his face.

Catchum playfully taps the superhero’s cheek, “Yes, you look great, Superboy. Now, for the other end.” The mighty muscleman’s eyebrows rise as the villain holds the pink dildo in front of his gagged face. Catchum slaps Superman across with face with the rubber phallus, WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! “Did you like it when that silent giant Non fucked you, Superboy?”

The hero shakes his head, getting out a muffled ‘no, Daddy’, but then he is compelled by the pink kryptonite to nod and mumble ‘yes, Daddy’ through the ball gag.

“Yes and no, Superboy?”

The mighty muscleman reluctantly admits it with a nod.

“Was he your first? Did the big, bad, Kryptonian bear pop your cherry?”

Superman looks down and nods.

“Has anyone else been in there?”

The superhero’s eyes lower even more as he shakes his head.

“But you wanted someone to take control of you and fuck you again, didn’t you?”

Superman closes his eyes and fights it, but he does a forced nod.

“You play with your hole thinking about it, don’t you?”

A resigned nod.

Catchum laughs, “I know that was hard for you, Superboy, but on the bright side, it was fun for me.” The hunter casually applies lube to the dildo. Superman watches intently. “It’s important that we do all this. It took only a few minutes for the pink kryptonite to work on the fake Superboy, but he’s a clone, so I wasn’t 100% sure how it would work with you.”

Superman’s head shoots up. He mumbles, ‘Whaaa?”

“Oh, did you think that I would start with you? Don’t be an idiot. There’s no record of pink kryptonite anywhere. I’ve had the stuff for years.” The villain circles behind Superman. “Had scientists analyze it. That’s how I learned what it is. I captured the cocky little twerp in the leather jacket - that was easy - to see what it does. It worked on him immediately.”

“After that, I hunted Krypto. He’s a good dog. Does whatever I say when he’s on the stuff. With Supergirl, it took hours before she was reduced to my mindless slave. That’s where I got the pheromone mix right. I knew I’d need a bigger dose for you. I used her to mine more of it. I made them all forget before I released them, of course. I have no use for a brat, a dog, or a woman. What I want is you. And I’ve got you.”

“I only hunt the biggest and most dangerous prize. If Zod or Non were around, I’d have gone after them. However, you’re the biggest fish in this pond, Superboy. The mightiest Kryptonian on Earth. The mightiest man and hero. You’re the only prize I need. Before I’m done with you, I’m going to claim you as my trophy. I’ve tamed you. I’m going to mount you. I’m going to stuff you. I’ll own you.”

Superman groans. He tries to fight the influence of the pink kryptonite, but he can’t.

Catchum adds, “And you’re going to love it.”

Superman nods his head, but he has enough resistance left to foolishly ask the merciless hunter to release him. The ‘please let me go, Daddy’ is garbled in the gag, but the hunter gets the point. His only response is to laugh. Catchum opens the super-suit at the taint. Flaps in front and back release, exposing the mighty muscleman’s crack. The hunter pauses to admire the perfect bubble butt.

Catchum roughly forces the large dildo inside Superman’s ass. The superhero lets out an ecstatic moan. He can’t deny that it feels good to have the large phallus inside him. The superhero’s super-cock swells up. The front spandex flap falls to the side, exposing the glistening purple head. The super-cock hits the kitchen island, leaving a streak of Kryptonian pre-cum running up it.

The hunter fucks Superman with the rubber phallus. He starts slowly, but quickly speeds up as he hears the superhero’s enthusiastic reaction. “I learned from Supergirl that pink kryptonite works best with a cumulative effect. Get the combined rock and pheromones into your body as many ways as possible for a prolonged period. Nose. Mouth. Ass. That’s how I’m enslaving you permanently.”

Superman moans.

“Let the magic rock do its work. By the time we’re done, I can release you with no memory of any of this, but I’ll be able to summon you whenever I want. You’ll be at my beck and call, Superboy. My naked pool boy. My footstool. Hanging on my wall like the trophy you are at my parties. Whenever or wherever I want you, you will be there, doing whatever I want.”

The superhero gasps, his cock leaking from the idea of it all. The villain releases the gag, wanting the hero to be able to speak clearly for what comes next.

“There will be no doubt that I am the greatest hunter … no, the greatest MAN ever!”

Superman says, “No, Daddy …” Catchum pauses, but the superhero quickly finishes “… there will be no doubt that you are the greatest man ever.”

Catchum finally pulls the dildo out. “Perfect. You absorbed a lot. Now, Superboy, hover waist-high, staring at the floor.” The superhero obeys. “Bring your knees down.” Immediate compliance. “Perfect. For my first time fucking you, I want to fuck you like only you can be fucked. I’m going to ride you while you fly me around the room.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“If it goes well, I’ll do this over Metropolis. Imagine flying past the Daily Planet’s windows with me plowing your tight hole as we float by.” Superman groans. “Of course, I’ll have to notify that annoying little reporter ‘pal’ of yours, so he’s got his camera ready.” UNH! “Yes, Superboy, your best pal will be forced to take the pic that ruins your reputation. Journalistic integrity!”

“Please, Daddy ...” Superman can’t the word ‘no’ out. The pink kryptonite is too strong now. He finishes his sentence, “… please fuck me any way you want!”

Catchum laughs. “Yes! It’s almost over, Superboy. That’s twice that you couldn’t finish your defiant thought. One dose of my cum and your subjugation will be complete!”

“Yes, Daddy.”

The villain peels off his tights. He jerks his cock, but Catchum is already hard as a rock. As he strips, he teases, “I will make a couple of changes that you won’t be able to explain, other than to say that you felt like trying something different.”

The muscleman asks, “What will you change, Daddy?”

“Come on. Your primary color look is so dated. I think shirtless is a better look for you, with your ‘S’ chest shield in silver and black on a black leather harness. Bare legs but tall black leather boots halfway up your thighs. You’ll go commando in leopard-print trunks. With a big black belt holding them up. Short leopard-print gloves. And no cape. A short, black, stretch-leather jacket with a leopard print lining and silver ‘S’ on your back.”

Superman closes his eyes. He moans as he visualizes the humiliating uniform that his new master will impose on him. The fact that he won’t know why he’s doing it will make it all the worse! What will his friends and family think? What will the JL think? What will the world think? The superhero realizes that he doesn’t care. He only cares what his new Daddy thinks.

Catchum grabs Superman hips. He climbs up, using the muscleman’s calves for support. He orders some minor adjustments, but it’s easy. The villain grabs hold of the muscular hips for balance. He positions his cock at the opened hole and powers inside. The hunter almost cums immediately just from the fact that he is inside Superman’s ass. The real Superman’s ass!

Steadying himself physically and emotionally, Catchum pauses, balls deep inside the helpless superhero. It’s the thrill of a lifetime for him. The world’s greatest hero is his personal magic carpet. The hunter starts thrusting in and out. Getting into a rhythm, he orders Superman to fly slowly around the small studio apartment. The muscleman rises higher and starts circling.

“Oh fuck, Superboy.” The villain slowly fucks his toy’s hole. He says, “A little faster. If I fall, you are ordered to save me.” The air pushes into Catchum’s face. Superman starts moving in figure eights. Forward and back. The whole time, his ass is getting fucked by the evil hunter who captured him. He finds that he’s no longer thinking of escape. He just loving the moment.

Catchum is pounding harder. He feels his load building. He’s edged as long as he can. Riding Superman is too hot to hold out, even for him. The superhero’s pre-cum is flowing like jet exhaust, lining the small apartment as they move around. The hunter orders Superman to lower himself. He pulls out, getting Superman to roll over in midair on his back with his red boots up in the air.

As the muscleman hovers, Catchum holds the muscleman’s ankles. “Jerk yourself Superboy. Masturbate because I told you to.” The world’s greatest superhero grips his cock and starts pumping. His moans and gasps warn that he’s close. The victorious hunter isn’t far off either as he fucks Superman’s tight hole. He groans, “Cum with Daddy, Superboy!”

The enslaved superhero moans, “Yes, Daddy.”

“I’m cumming, Superboy. You will shoot because I command it!”

“Oh gosh, yes, Daddy! I’M CUMMING, DADDY!”

Both men explode at the same time. Superman lines his body with his super-seed, while Catchum paints the world’s strongest muscleman’s insides with his human cum. The two men cry out, moaning as they release their loads for very different reasons. Superman gives his seed up in submission, while Catchum’s explosion is the finale of his evil plan!

The hunter finalizes the bonding process by breeding Superman. Inside the superhero, pink kryptonite and cum combine to create an unbreakable bond of subservience that changes everything about him. Superman is now a slave to one man - Chase Catchum, Hunter extraordinaire. While he will continue as a hero, it is only because the villain allows it.

Both men are exhausted as they finish.


Chris spins and falls onto the bed. He has a huge, goofy smile on his face. “If that was a dream, don't wake me up.”

Superman floats over and lowers himself beside the younger stud. “Wow, that was your plan for me? You really had it worked out.”

“Oh yeah, I’ve been fantasizing about you since you first appeared. Usually, my fantasies are romantic, but there were some games in there, too. I get to live them out with other guys, but honestly, you’ve ruined me for Superman roleplay. Maybe all roleplay.”

The superhero laughs, “I’m sure you’ll get over it, Chris.” With a wink, he says, “At least until I show up in that costume you described.”

“You wouldn’t! Would you? Please?”

“Well, I’m not sure how it works, if we’d restart with you as a different villain, but a continuation would be fun. What you described for an enslaved Superboy got me hot. I have some friends who have some pretty cool and private houses that would suit a Chase Catchum.”

Chris moans. He says, “I will play with you any time, any place, any way.”

Superman opens his mouth, but then he hears it. “Uh oh, trouble.” In a blur, the world’s most powerful hero is up, his costume back together with his cape on. He looks down at the cum stains, zooms into then out of the bathroom, emerging fresh and clean. The whole transformation took seconds. He looks at Chris, “Sorry. Must go.”


Chris rolls onto his side, staring out his wide-open French doors at the bright sun on the brick wall. He notices that Superman’s trail of pre-cum is gone. Wow. In seconds, the superhero got changed, cleaned himself up, wiped down an apartment? That’s a man to have around.

The roleplayer sighs. Chris understands that heroes have to hero. Fortunately, he and Superman were able to finish. It’s too bad that he can never tell anyone, but there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for Superman now. He’ll protect his secrets and give him an outlet for this submissive side without asking anything in return.

Chris doesn’t know when or if they’ll ever play again, but he’ll be waiting.


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  1. Hot as AF. Love the submissive superman, I mean superboy, love to read more!

    1. Thanks! Yeah, Superman deserves some fun, to just play and give up control for a while.

  2. This is just such an amazing story. I hope you’ll consider continuing it. I have to admit; I wondered the whole time if Supes had been duped with either roleplay actor

    1. Thanks. I don’t know if I have much more to tell, but I’m glad you liked it. Yeah, most stories would play out that way, but I went a different way. Maybe because every guy I ever roleplayed with was a good guy. :)

  3. Loved this little series with Superman, sorry Superboy :), being dominated and learning to love role play!

    And yeah, both times I was wondering if you were going to pull out if he was being tricked but nope! So it was actually nice to see.

    - Mike

    1. Thanks! Sometimes not having a trick is the greatest trick of all. Or something like that. LOL.

      I do like Cho’s idea of a villain like Lex using the roleplay community for ideas, but for this story, I drew from my own roleplay experience which was always fun.

  4. vinnymusclestallionMay 25, 2024 at 8:18 AM

    Great final chapter. Hot as fuck to see Superman turned into Superboy and become Chris’s er Catchum’s submissive plaything!

    1. Thanks! It was fun to write, which is how it moved up in the queue. I’m happy you like it.

  5. I really liked this series. It's an original take to have the muscular hero getting dominated in situations they can power out of, but don't/can't for whatever reason, like what happened with Sentinel a couple times! The power dynamic in the mirror scene was hot!

    I'm not sure you intended this but there were nanocameras in Luke's place? Superman destroyed them before the rewind so he doesn't remember and neither would luke. If they were storing the recording off-device then that could be an interesting continuation with the information creating the power dynamic :). Like if Luke knew superman was superman but superman didn't know that Luke knew, and Luke kept it that way.

    1. Thank you! I like the standard “superhero captured” stories, too, but they’re plentiful. I’m glad there’s appeal for this type of story. It also allows me to bring in some of my own personal experiences with roleplay which was always positive, fun, and consensual dom-sub stuff like this.

      The nano cameras were Batman’s. In an earlier version, the story ended with Luke having a recording from security cameras, but that went away. In that version, Trent leaves sick then Superman comes back later and breaks in to swap out the kryptonite. Luke catches him and thanks to the kryptonite, overpowers Superman (thinking he’s Trent). Instead of calling the cops, Trent convincingly submits as he explains he’s really Superman (but unable to prove it because of the kryptonite. Luke decides that Trent is not a burglar, just crazy, but plays with him anyway. (this is where the story fell apart for me, it never felt real to me). After the session, Luke leaves Trent tied up, Superman escapes with the real kryptonite, leaving his briefs behind, and Luke can’t figure out how he got free (still not believing he’s Superman). The last line was something like, “Luke sniffs the briefs, grateful for the memory of Trent’s scent. Of course, he can always rewatch the whole late night encounter thanks to the security cameras he turned on when he went to bed the first time.”

    2. Reading it again that makes sense lol. I think how the story turned out was a great combination of hot and wholesome.

  6. Absoultely LOVED this, darn hot and I hope you continue it with Supes or other big muscular hero's having a secret kinky side. Superbly written, wonderful imagery too!

    1. Thanks! I appreciate your comment. I love that folks are into this kind of superhero story. It inspires me to think about it more.
