Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Cave Unleashed 20: Prelude to a Party (Luke/Jamie; Pete/Paul)



I raise my beer glass, “Happy 30th birthday, Ryan.”

Ryan lifts his pint to mine but backs off. He jokes, “Whoa, whoa, whoa. That’s Saturday. Don’t age me early. How about we just toast to good friends and a fun night?” I agree. CLINK! We drink. As he sets his pint down, Ryan suddenly gets a worried look. He asks, “You are still coming to Cody’s party, aren’t you?”

I lean in, “It’s your party, man. Cody’s hosting, but it’s your party.”

“Technically. It’s for me, but we both know it’s Cody’s party and that’s how everyone will remember it.”

We laugh. I know that when Ryan’s best friend Cody throws a party for his buddy’s special birthday, it’ll be based on Cody’s idea of fun. Ryan would go for a chill, sit-down, dinner with his closest friends. Cody’s plan? Three floors, including Cody’s amazing new roof top deck. Invitation only. A hundred or more half-naked guys in wrestling gear. Some of them might even be Ryan’s friends. Dancing. Wrestling. Sex. Two DJs. Open bar. Catered food.

“Cody’s definitely going all out, and I love him for it.” Ryan drinks before he asks again, “You didn’t answer. Are you coming?”

“Yeah, of course. Party of the year. I wouldn’t miss it. I just didn’t know how much I’d see you.” He relaxes. I explain, “You’re busy tomorrow night. Thursday is Pete. Friday night and Saturday day is your mom. As last boyfriend standing, Corey will have dibs on you during and after the party. This is my only chance to see you before the big day. Dinner and tickets.”

“You didn’t have to buy tickets. Dinner is a lot for friends. I know you probably planned all this before you … changed our relationship. I’ll pay my share.”

“No, you won’t. Dinner is on me. The tickets were a promotional prize at work. I had the highest call rate for our new migraine med.”

“Wow, congratulations. I love that you’re already killing it as a pharma rep. Cody’s dad said it’s tough at first, but you’re proving him wrong.”

It’s true, I am doing better than any of the other rookies. Cody’s dad is a big deal in pharma sales. He gave me great tips, like writing personal notes to doctors. I added flirting with reception. Once I’m in, my looks, body, and military background close the deal. They either want to have sex with me or help a veteran getting started. A lot of times it’s both. Of course, there’s no chance of sex (it’s against company policy), but the game is fun.

“Thanks. Yeah, Cody did me a solid, connecting me with his father.”

We make more small talk. It’s more comfortable than I expected. Six days ago, I broke up with Ryan but offered up friends with benefits on the condition that when we hang out, we only hang out. When we want to fuck, we only fuck. I thought it would help me compartmentalize and not get my heart broken. Tonight is already testing my resolve. I’m horny and seeing him, I’m tempted to go back on my deal. It is his birthday, after all.

No. I need to stay strong, even if it means blue balls. It’s just that I’ve been attracted to Ryan the first time I saw him at the gym. Despite being a big, hot man (6’4”/250-lbs), he was shy, and I was so focused that day. Luckily, Cody was there as Ryan’s wingman. He skillfully and easily manipulated us into a hookup. Despite the breakup, I’m appreciative that Cody got us together.

The breakup is entirely due to Ryan’s inability to commit to me (or anyone). He has a stable for sex. I don’t. While Ryan and I were in an open relationship, I was pretty monogamous, except for when I’d wrestle for The Cave. Now, it’s like we’re still together. Good dinner. Sports with decent seats for the LA Crowns playoff game. Just not followed up by hot sex. Am I punishing myself unnecessarily? Ryan’s been a busy boy according to an eyewitness account.

To remind myself of why I broke it off, I tease, “So, I hear things are good with you.”

Ryan tilts his head, “What do you mean?”

“A little bird told me that you already found someone new to hook up with. Was he good?” Ryan hesitates. I guess he’s wondering how I found out already. I reassure him, “It’s okay. I broke up with you. I have no jealousy. We’re just buddies and buddies can share their stories.”

Ryan still seems nervous. He asks, “How did you find out?”

“If you want to be discreet, don’t hookup at a place we went as a couple all the time. The staff talks.”

My buddy noticeably relaxes. He says, “Let me guess. The waiter who’s always flirting with you?” Waiter? What is he thinking about? Ryan continues, “Well, that was more of a timing thing. We broke up. Mano’s an alpha muscleboy. It’s kind of your fault we hooked up anyway.”

Muscleboy? Who is he talking about? I ask, “What?”

“Oh, sorry. Mano is the valet’s name. The one who was grabbing my ticket when you said I was an alpha top who ate like a bottom. He overheard and he’s a little shark. Total alpha who saw a chance to flip a big man. You and I had just broken up, so I was flattered. I’m glad you’re not mad. He’ll hopefully be at the party. I’m trying to get him for The Cave. But it’s nothing serious.”

“Not upset at all. Just surprised. See, I didn’t know about him. I meant the muscleMAN you were with at Better Bean. Wayne told me Monday morning.” Ryan looks like a deer in headlights. I nod, “So, TWO new guys within three days of our breakup. You sure do move fast.” He opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. I hold up a hand, “It’s okay, Ryan. I’m still not mad, but it confirms that I made the right decision. Congrats, buddy.”

Ryan frowns, “I feel like a whore.”

“It’s your life, man. Own it.” I smirk, “Let’s order. I am going for the porterhouse.” Yeah, no sex for me tonight, so no need to hold back.




“I’m having second thoughts about this, Cody.”

“What? You’ll look great in the skimpy new Kraken briefs we ordered.”

I sigh, “You know exactly what I mean. Flying in for Ryan’s 30th birthday bash. We’re not exactly friends.”

“You’re not enemies, Paul.”

“No. We’re competitors. Competing for Pete.”

I agreed to go to LA for Ryan’s birthday party. He’s the best friend of Cody, who is the boyfriend of Jae, who is the younger brother of one of my high school friends. I babysat Jae more than a decade ago. I think that’s all the connections. We’re definitely pushing the degrees of separation to justify taking time off work to fly across the country for a birthday party.

This is not something I’d normally do. It’s not the money. This will be a cheap trip. Cody’s paying for the flight, because I’ll also be doing some wrestling matches for his wrestling video company during my stay. And my accommodations are covered, too. I’m staying with Pete, who is friends with benefits and in unrequited love with the best friend of the boyfriend of the younger brother of one of my high school friends.

I’m very interested in Pete. I’m a big guy. He’s also a big guy. While I’m smooth and muscular, he’s a hairy, beefy beast of a man. I like big, burly, beefy beasts. Beyond the physical side, Pete is funny. Wickedly so, with snark for days. I love his stories and observations. We just had fun. Sexually, we pair up, as he’s a voracious bottom and I’m into topping guys like him. I was going to crash at Cody’s, but when Pete offered his place. I couldn’t turn that down.

It’s a romance Cody is actively encouraging, because he can’t stand Pete. The feeling is very mutual. In fact, Pete’s dislike of Cody is a lot stronger than the reverse. Cody sees me as a way to get Pete away from Ryan. Normally, I’d resent the games, but Cody is amusingly upfront about his motives and ridiculously charming. More importantly, Pete’s situation does suck. I trust Jae and he doesn’t think Pete will ever get Ryan and is wasting his life waiting.

Pete and I left things open when I left LA. Pete admitted that he loves Ryan, and I live across the country. However, Pete didn’t say ‘no’ and promised that he isn’t just using me to make Ryan jealous. I think he knows that’s a dead end but it’s tough for him to quit on the idea. We’re talking frequently. More frequently than just friends, but not as frequently as boyfriends. We’ve had a couple of dirty video chats in there, too. This week could be interesting.

Cody states his argument, “It’s not a competition. The competition was for Ry and Pete has already lost. He’s like the basement-dwelling team that has to finish out the season. Yeah, he’s playing the game, but it doesn’t mean anything. And when the time comes, Pete will be on the outside, watching other teams in the playoffs.”

“Look, Cody, I know you don’t like Pete, but the field is narrowing and he’s still playing.”

“It’s got nothing to do with my feelings for Pete. You know that Jae agrees with me that Pete is in a shitty position. And Jae likes Pete.” I know that’s true. Cody confidently says, “Ry’s never going to be more with Pete. Sure, Luke technically broke up with him, but Ry managed to keep Luke in his life and add a new guy ahead of Pete. That’s not narrowing any fields.”

I’m shocked, “He’s added another guy?”

“Yep. I met him on Saturday. An impressive stud, too. A brilliant bodybuilder-doctor who loves to wrestle, if you can believe it. Ry is crushing on him hard. They’re wrestling tonight and I suggested he invite Cage to the party.”

“Is he a bodybuilder and a doctor or a doctor for bodybuilders?” Cody laughs. “Right. Doesn’t matter. Wow. Cage. Cool name. Does Pete know this?”

“Don’t know.” Cody says, “Paul. Ry is not going home with Pete on Friday or Saturday. That has nothing to do with me. Pete’s not gonna get to hang on him all night. That’s got nothing to do with me, either. You being here will turn this from a lonely, depressing night of bitterness and angst into a fun and fulfilling night for Pete. Think about his feelings, not mine.”

Cody’s good at this. Everything he says makes sense. Another guy. Poor Pete. I nod, “Okay, okay. I’m convinced that I’m doing the right thing. I’ve just never been in a love triangle before.”

“Remember that your triangle is attached to Ry’s pentagram.”

I smile, “Unless he’s summoning demons, I think you mean pentagon.”

“Yeah, well, demons have a better shot at landing Ry than Pete does. Anyway, let’s focus on your trip. You’ll be here. Me and Jae will be very happy to see you.” Cody asks, but I’m sure he already knows the answer from Jae, “How’d Pete react when you told him you were coming?”

I smile, “He was all for it. I think he knows that the weekend will be tough for him. Jae told you that I’m staying at his place?”

“And in his bed, I hope.”

I bristle, “Cody. That’s none of your business.” I can practically hear the smirk on his face. I relax, “I am participating in game night, since Ryan will be out with his mom. It will be really fun. I haven’t played a roleplaying game since high school. Pete says he’s created a character just for me.”

“Bet it’s a sexy one. See, I told you. Have fun, Paul.”




“Hey, Luke.”

“Oh, hey, Jamie.”

The handsome, long-haired hunk asks, “You going to Cody’s big party?”

“Do you mean Ryan’s 30th birthday party?”

“Oh, yeah. I guess so.” Jamie asks me again, “So, are you going?”

“Definitely. You?”

“Oh yeah.” The sexy stud uses his fingers to comb his silky, long, brown hair back off his face. He moves it a little and shakes his head once he slides his hand free. “Um, so, I guess I’ll see you there.” I wait, feeling like there’s more. There is. “You still in the same house?”

I nod, “Oh yeah, I don’t see myself moving anytime soon.”

“You know, I’m just around the corner in the Palm Arrow Park apartments. You know them?” I nod. “I could swing by, and we could split the ride? Unless you’re driving?”

“I’m definitely not driving.” Jamie’s apartment is not just around the corner, but it’s close enough. I agree, “Sounds good.”

Jamie smiles broadly, “Awesome.” He pauses and softly repeats while avoiding eye contact by looking at the ring. “Awesome.” He doesn’t move. Finally, Jamie asks, “So, uh, you wanna wrestle around? Ring’s opening up. We can, you know, wrestle? If you want to?”

I don’t answer him, instead confirming, “I guess you heard that Ryan and I broke up last week.”

“Whaaat? Oh. Wow. That’s too bad.”

Jamie’s a porn actor and let’s just say, even by that standard, his acting skills are not particularly convincing. He’s not the first guy to swoop in since the news broke, but he is the most interesting one so far. Tall (6’2”) and fit (190-lbs), Jamie has a hairy torso at 23 and thick, luscious brown hair that’s his calling card. He wrestles with a jungle theme here at The Cave and his hair is a big part of his appeal. Even now, he’s casually running his fingers through it, shaking it, and just plain hypnotizing me with it.

I’m 27, 6’1” and 215-lbs of muscle. I’m usually into thicker guys, but he’s hot and sweet. The fur makes up for the lack of beef. The porn thing is different, but no judgment on him. I’m doing porn for The Cave. I do like that Jamie’s not like Ryan in pretty much any way. Including with sex. I’ve been exclusively bottoming for my big ex for months. Jamie’s totally versatile, which I’d like to be. I need some time on top, too.

I’d be lying if I said finding out that Ryan’s been with two new guys within days of our breakup isn’t making me more open. Hell, maybe he was with one or both before we broke up. I clearly need to move on and Jamie’s a good guy. It'll be smart to get out of my comfort zone by hanging out with someone so different from my other friends, who are mostly straight and ex-military. Jamie is younger, simpler, and freer. He’s no dummy, just more casual and laid-back.

I reassure him, “It’s okay. It’s not a secret.”

Jamie relaxes. “Oh, okay. Great. I did know, but I didn’t know if I was supposed to. I wasn’t sure if you were here because you knew that Ryan would be out with Pete.” He leans in, “You know, I’m not usually up on all this gossip, but it’s kind of big news on The Cave-vine.” He switches gears, “But you’re here. You look amazing. So, you must not be too heartbroken.”

“Well, I was the heartbreaker. But yeah, I’m good. Ryan and I are good. We’re friends and still hanging out. We just want different things. It’s for the best for both of us.”

“So, what do you want? I mean, that’s different than what Ryan wants. If it’s not too personal.”

“It’s not. I want something more serious. With potential for an exclusive future.”

Jamie dramatically says, “Oh god, yes! Me, too. It’s so hard to find guys who want that. Guys think because I’m an actor in adult cinema, I’m a flaky whore and a size queen. They confuse the man with the job. I’d love to get to a point with a guy where we agree on a monogamous relationship and talk about the future.” He adds quickly, “I mean, if it’s the right guy. Not like on day one.”

“No, not on day one. But I want the possibility with someone who wants the possibility, too. The longer we went on, the more I realized that it was just never going to happen with Ryan.”

“Yeah. It’s funny, him and Cody being best friends, but being so different. Cody’s a chill grown up. Like everybody’s superstar big brother. Ryan’s an emotional man-child who’ll fuck … oh, shit. Sorry.” Jamie smiles sheepishly at me. He points at the empty ring, “Guys have cleared out. Wanna wrestle? Cody said we could stay a little later. Said he’d be busy in the office.”

“You already asked Cody?”

Jamie nervously replies, “Uh … yeah.” He runs his fingers through his stunning, silky hair, pushing it back as he grimaces, “Is that okay?” His eyebrows go up as he bites his bottom lip. He asks, “I’m just totally fucking up tonight, right? I hope I haven’t offended you?”

I can’t resist that look, so I pat his shoulder, “It’s cool. C’mon. Let’s hit the ring.”



Jamie’s in sexy pink trunks and short black wrestling boots. I like watching him bounce. His hair flips and flies, as do his pecs and bulge. He stretches, putting on a show. I wonder how honest he’s being about what he wants. He might be saying what he thinks I want to hear. However, he hasn’t exactly been smooth, so I think it’s genuine. Or he actually is a good actor pretending to be a bad one.

Does it matter? Tonight can just be about wrestling this stud.

We circle the ring. He’s grinning. I’m smiling. It feels a little too friendly, so I warn him, “This isn’t exchanging holds. Once I get going, I’m not holding back. If we wrestle, we wrestle.”

“Yep. I’m cool with that. Give me a chance to keep working these boots in.”

It just dawns on me, “Oh yeah, you were a barefoot guy.”

“Yeah. Great for my jungle character; bad for my toes.”

As I laugh, Jamie crouches and leans forward, hands out, ready to lock up. I get serious and match him. We move in cautiously. We slap hands, looking for an opening. The smiles are gone, and we both look more intense. He feints toward me. I brace. We end up grabbing hands, his right and my left. Instinctively, we swing our other hands around and they lock up, too.

We push and pull. As we move in together, we naturally rise to standing. Our bodies collide. BAM! OOF! Jamie’s solid, but he grunts louder. Our arms stretch out to the side. Straining and fighting. Our torsos rub and his fur feels great. We turn our head in opposite directions. His luscious hair rubs my neck, and it feels nice, too. We’re grunting, but I’m enjoying the position.

Okay, I said I’d be serious. I force us apart and power his arms up. He’s barely taller. I want one more taste, so I step in and pull back. Jamie wasn’t expecting that. He stumbles forward. We bash bodies. BAM! Having a hairy hunk rub against me takes me back to my buddy Squatch. It’s a good feeling. Fuck, I am horny. I push us back again, controlling the action.

We get into a real test of strength. I start to overpower Jamie. He looks down as he fights against my superior strength. The long-haired hunk shakes his head, flopping his hair. Love it. Jamie tries to distract me by calling out my … excitement. “Fuck, Luke. You’re pumping up all over.” I can’t help but smile. We didn’t talk stakes, but they’re on the table for me.

I’m winning the test of strength. I could put him on his knees anytime, but I decide to draw it out. I just like feeling him out. Jamie knows it’s futile. However, he isn’t just dropping for me. He suddenly pushes with all he’s got and steps back. Before I realize it, he’s up, planting his boots on my thighs. The long-haired hunk pulls and throws his weight back. We roll and he sends me flying over with a perfectly down monkey flip.

I land hard on my back. WHAM! James keeps hold of my hands. He smoothly rolls with the momentum, so by the time I’m crashing onto the canvas, he’s up in a handstand, pressing the back of my hands down. He falls and splashes his 190-lbs of muscle down on top of me. SPLAT! OOF! The impact right after the flip knocks the wind out of me.

Jamie drags me up by my right wrist, shoulder blocking me. BAM! I take two steps back, but I’m too strong and solid to go down. Unfortunately, the long-haired hunk is moving fast. He leaps up into the air. He hits me with a big standing dropkick to my pecs. WHOMP! His boots hit square, and I fly back into the corner. CLANG! Now, I wish he was barefoot.

I sit on the middle turnbuckle, catching my breath. Jamie keeps up the rapid-fire attack, countering my power advantage with a relentless pace. As soon as my butt touches the turnbuckle, he’s on me. The hairy jungle man jumps on me. Putting his boots back on my thighs and grabbing behind my head. Fuck. He pulls and I’m pulled forward and flipped again.

My feet fly over, and I land hard on my butt. PLOP! I sit up and shake out my head. I hear stomping behind me. I tense my back, anticipating a kick between my shoulder blades. Instead, Jamie flies over me. As he passes, he grabs my head. I’m pulled down, my face approaching the canvas between my knees. He lets go and I snap back, hitting the back of my head on the canvas. WHACK! I’m seeing stars as I lie there blinking.

Jamie wastes no time. He’s fast. He grabs my legs and crosses them over his. He steps around and over, locking me in the sharpshooter type of crab. I moan as my spine is bent in the wrong direction. I pound the mat with my fist. This is the crab version Bobby Babylon uses and it’s tougher to escape, because of how my ankles are crossed and locked under his armpit.

My moans quickly fill the ring area, echoing off the black painted walls. I turn my head, and I can stare into the mirror lining one wall. Jamie’s looking strong on top. And that hair. I just wanna run my hands through it. Suddenly, I’m glad no one is here to watch this. I’m wrestling like a horny jobber. I haven’t had sex in over a week and I haven’t topped a guy since my last Cave victory. I’m not going to get Jamie’s ass with sloppy wrestling.

Steeling my will, I push on the canvas. My back cramps, but I manage to power out. I rise to my feet. I think I move fast, but when I turn, Jamie’s managed to climb onto the top turnbuckle. He leaps off and hits me with a big cross body block. I’m not prepared when his 190-lbs smashes into me. SPLAT! We go down with me underneath him. BOOM! I writhe as he bounces off me before landing on me again. WHAP! Jamie goes for the pin.


I’m stunned, my legs flailing.


I kick out with authority, throwing him off me, breaking the pin. Phew. I did it. At least I’m not a total jobber right now. Now, I need to focus the energy in my hard dick that’s tenting my trunks into winning top. Jamie’s up in the air for another splash. I manage to get my knees up. He lands on my shins. WHOMP! OOF! He bounces off and rolls onto his back, coughing like crazy.

I roll over and push myself up. I move in fast. I grab hold of Jamie’s luscious locks and drag him up to his feet. I pull him into a front facelock, wrapping my hand around the side of his trunks. I squat and lift, powering the long-haired hunk up and over with a big suplex. BOOM! Jamie moans and writhes, reaching for his back. Fuck, he is sexy.

I ignore my throbbing cock, knowing I need to seize my advantage. I pull Jamie to his feet by his hair. I lock him in a reverse bearhug. My powerful arms crush his midsection. He fights and squirms, rubbing and pushing his ass against my thick rod. The hairy hunk knows exactly what he’s doing. I squeeze tighter and he groans. He grips my forearms for support as I crush him.

Jamie Is fighting, but not really trying to escape. Instead, he’s working my dick with his butt while pretending to be struggling. With our spandex trunks, it’s so easy for him to slide back-and-forth, making my erection grow. When he pushes back, it’s so good. Never mind the fact that he’s whipping his head around, smacking my face with his hair. It smells so good.

The long-haired hunk pushes into me, smothering me in his luscious locks. I take a deep breath. The man knows what he’s doing to me. He can hear my moaning, even though he’s the one in the reverse bearhug! I squeeze harder, but it only encourages Jamie to caress my arms and make sensual groans. He’s found a way to use his porn acting skills as a weapon.

I’m too horny for this. Sensing my lack of focus, Jamie suddenly tries toppling us back. I counter by lifting and throwing him over with a belly-to-back suplex. With the added push from his legs, the long-haired hunk flies over and lands on his back halfway across the ring. WHAM! I get up fast. I pause, finally adjusting my junk to a more comfortable position. Ahh. Relief.

My dick is still rock-hard, tenting and weighing down my trunks in front. Jamie looks up at and laughs as he rubs his own bulge, “I’m having fun, too.” I want to flirt back, but I know it’s a distraction. I have to focus. I bend forward, but Jamie lifts his legs. He manages to kick me in the side of the head. WHACK! As I stagger back two steps, he kicks me in the chest. WHOMP! I fly back against the ropes.

Jamie starts to rise. I push back on the ropes and use their power to propel myself at him. He ducks just in time, going flat. I have to jump over him to avoid a nasty trip and fall on my face. My momentum carries me into the opposite ropes. I bounce against them and run back at Jamie. I go low for a spear, but he leapfrogs over me. I hit the ropes and bounce off again.

This time, I keep it simple, charging in with a big shoulder block. CRASH! My 215-lbs of muscle with the added push of the ropes is unstoppable. Jamie is flattened, flying off his feet and landing on his back. SPLAT! I drag him up by the hair into a scoop across my chest. I need to slow him down. I feel his hand resting on my pelvis, pushing my erection down. FUCK!

Knowing the danger if he grabs hold of my dick, I bodyslam Jamie down fast. BOOM! I drag him up by his hair again. I scoop him up and immediately bodyslam him again. BOOM! Jamie is really reeling now. I bend down to pull him up by his wrist, but my cock takes control of my hand. I grab hold of Jamie’s hair and pull, forcing Him to his feet. He obediently follows.

Using his luxurious locks, I bend him forward and drag him around in a circle. I shove his head down between my legs for a standing head scissors. It feels nice, having his head trapped between my bare thighs. Like an expensive blanket in a high-end hotel. As he squirms to escape, it makes me moan. To settle him down, I drop to my knees, driving his handsome face into the canvas. CRACK! It works as he lets out a soft moan and goes limp.

I roll Jamie over onto his back. He’s pretty well out of it. I lie across his furry chest and start the count.


Once again, my cock controls me. I grab hold of his hair.


Sure enough, my throbbing dick compels me to drag his head up by his hair, lifting his shoulder and breaking the pin. Stupid junk. We could’ve fucked him! It was just too hot not to. I rise, pulling him up with me. Jamie struggles, so I pull his head down and smash my other forearm onto his back. THUD! He stops fighting as he drops to a knee. I grab hold of his dangling wrist.

I whip Jamie into the corner. CLANG! The long-haired hunk stumbles out into my waiting arms. I lock on a bearhug, loving the feeling of his sweaty, fur-covered torso rubbing against my smooth skin. He moans in my arms as I crush the life from him. He’s still stunned, hanging limp. His head is back. He shakes his mop as he fights to breathe in my python-like grip.

Fuck. I lean my head forward, attacking his head. Jamie grips my shoulders and whimpers as I kiss and bite his neck. He begs, “Oh, fuck. Please! Luke!” Is he begging me to stop or to keep going? I don’t wait to find out. I lift and spin, putting him down with a belly-to-belly suplex. BOOM! Jamie is unmoving, just groaning. I lie across him for another pin.


There goes my hand again. Right into his hair.


Don’t lift him. Just take the pin and get to stakes.

“THR - NO!”

I do it again, pulling his hair and lifting his shoulder, breaking my own pin. The hairy hunk is a rag doll. My rag doll. I stand up, pulling him with me. Jamie is wobbly. He holds onto my body for support. Feels great. His right hand goes to my aching dick tenting in my trunks. I gasp. He closes on it and my eyes roll back in my head. Eight days without sex has me vulnerable.

I turn away, pulling him into a side headlock. Jamie’s hands go searching. My erection is weighing down my spandex trunks. It’s easy to find. I focus and hip toss him over, once again escaping whatever he had planned. SPLAT! I drop down, mounting him. It’s getting too close. Don’t be stupid, Luke. I pin both his wrists over his head and pin him again.


I lean into it. Too much, as it turns out. My package is smothering his face. Jamie’s mouth goes to work, opening up and finding my balls. Oh fuck.

I moan, “Oh. Two?”

I can’t resist. I start humping his face. One of his hands slips free. He grips my left ass cheek. I look down. His right shoulder Is up. Pin broken. Fuck. It feels good. I grab his hair and roll us over, keeping his face in my crotch. I’m on my back. The long-haired hunk starts to move. I summon enough focus to wrap my legs around his head. I tighten up with a head scissors.

I use Jamie’s hair to keep him in place. He moans when I flex my legs. I run my hands through his hair as I crush him. His face pushes on my balls, his hair covering my bulge. Man, that’s hit. Too hot. I bend my left leg and switch to a figure-four head scissors. He whimpers. I put my hands back, propping myself up. I stare down his body to his ass. That’s it, I have to end this.

“Submit, Jamie!”

Instead, he nuzzled against my bulge.

“I’ll put you out. I’m an Army guy. Special forces trained. You know I can.”

I tighten up and he gets the point. Whether I could or would, we’ll never know. He taps my leg, admitting defeat. I open up. Jamie slides up, resting his head on my hard cock like a pillow. Oh damn. His hair falls against my abs. I collapse back and we just lie there like this.

Eventually, we move. “Wow, Luke, you’re a good wrestler.”

I am not touching my cock, which is still rock-hard. “Thanks.”

The hairy stud looks around, “Huh, it’s quiet. I guess we really are the only ones left. Except for Cody. He’s either doing paperwork or Jae in the office.” Jae is Cody’s boyfriend. Jamie asks tentatively, “What now?” I get his hesitation. We don’t normally do stakes during practice, but he knows how horny I am. His trunks are looking fuller, too, although not like mine.

“We should help out by cleaning the ring before we shower.” I pause, Jamie nods, surprised and disappointed. Having established control of the moment, I continue, “After I take stakes. Assuming you’re up for it.”

“Oh yeah, I’m up for it, Luke. And I can fucking see how up you are.”



Jamie rolls out of the ring. He pulls lube and a couple of condoms out of his bag. He puts them on the canvas by me before stripping off his briefs. I just watch, enjoying the view. I’ve never seen one of his videos, so I’m surprised and impressed by his manhood. He’s cut, thick, long, and beautifully shaped with a slight upward curve, smooth balls, and neatly trimmed pubes.

I roll up and move in to check him out. We make out as I toy with his junk. He’s a great kisser. His right hand slides down and he massages my bulge. I pull back, “Wanna strip me?” He answers by putting his lips on my neck. Jamie slides down my body, kissing me along the way. He braces his hands on me as he goes lower and lower, his lips lingering on my nipples before his tongue traces my abs. On his knees, he looks up with a confident smile.

The long-haired hunk wastes no time freeing my cock and balls, peeling my trunks to my ankles in one smooth, continuous movement. On top of being a great kisser, that’s another talent of his. Undressing a man in one second flat. I step out of my trunks while he licks my rock-hard cock. I’m packing, but the porn guy has me beat. He doesn’t seem to mind.

Jamie confirms it, “Man, your cock is amazing, Luke. I can’t wait for you to fuck me.”

“You’ll have to wait a little bit … I wanna see what that mouth can do.”

I get a wink and smile with bouncing eyebrows before Jamie dives in. He quickly engulfs my dick. I know my 7.5” isn’t huge for him, but you’d never know it from his enthusiasm. My eyes roll back in my head as Jamie tugs on my bull balls while deep throating my rod. Oh fuck. I’m lost in his servicing. I needed this. I didn’t realize how much until now. I’m gasping.

My hands run through his thick hair. I move it around and savor the silkiness of it. When he gets his tongue and free hand working, I grab his hair tightly to steady myself. His lips and tongue focus on my head as he pumps me. He already owns my balls in his other hand. It’s taken him only a few minutes before he has me weak in the knees and in danger of erupting.

Jamie must sense it, too. He pulls off and sits back. “That okay?”

I nod, “You know it’s great. Thanks for easing up.”

“I told you, I want you to fuck me. I’m not gonna let you cum and miss out.”

I rub his head as he looks up at me from a kneeling position. Jamie really is eager. I order him onto hands and knees. He turns and crawls closer to the ropes. His ass is as gorgeous as his front. Wow. Smooth, round, and flawless. I’m already hard, so I scoop up the lube and latex, moving in fast. The long-haired hunk lowers his shoulders and lifts his perfect ass. Fuck.

My slick fingers massage his hole. He lets out a long moan. It sounds great, but almost too great? I tell him, “I don’t need any exaggerated reactions, Jamie. Please let me know how it really feels.”

Jamie lifts up and turns his head. He pulls his hair away, looking like a model. “Luke, you don’t need to worry. I’m genuinely excited for this. Your fingers on my hole got me genuinely moaning. But I promise, there’s been no acting tonight and won’t be. It’s all me. Trust me?”

I nod, “I do. Thanks.”

The hairy stud spins to be face to face. He leans in and kisses me. Mmm. When Jamie pulls off, he whispers, “It’s cool. You’re not the first guy to wonder. Just something I need to deal with. I really loved wrestling you. And I really want you to fuck me, Luke.” I nod, sorry that I brought it up, but also happy to have cleared the air. Jamie turns back, lifting his ass again.

I go back to opening him up. Jamie is still vocal, so I respond in kind. “Fuck, you have an incredible ass. You like my fingers in there?” He moans that he does. I hunt until I find the spot that makes him whimper. Yeah, there it is. That’s his nut. I spank the side of his butt, “You ready for the real thing?” Jamie eagerly begs me to stop the foreplay and fuck him. Sold.

I sheathe my cock and get into position. I slowly work my way in while rubbing his back up and down. I lean forward and push down on his shoulders. I push past his ring and start pumping my hips. I go a half inch deeper on every forward thrust. I get the long-haired groaning. I take my time, working my way in until I bottom out with my Apollo’s belt pressing against his butt.

Jamie cries out, “Oh god, yes. That feels so good!” As I rise back, he moans, “Pull my hair.”

Wow. The hairy stud doesn’t need to ask me twice. Buried deep in his ass, I pull his head back. Jamie reaches out for the middle rope, supporting his upper body. I get why he positioned himself so close to them. As we shift, I feel the pressure on my cock. Damn, it feels great and I’m another inch deeper. Fuck, this is a way better angle. The benefit of fucking with an expert.

I start to piston back and forth. Jamie’s chest is high and he’s looking at the ceiling. He’s moaning, telling how good it feels. The verbal bottom encourages me as I pick up speed. My pelvis is slamming into his ass now. The long-haired hunk is gasping. I settle with a fast rhythm, never releasing his hair as I use it to steady myself. I watch my dick hammering his hole, loving it.

As I work, I remember exactly how deep to go to hit him just right. He lets out some yelps like a puppy when I do it right. I love that sound and want to keep hearing it. Jamie pushes back on the middle rope. He eases up and the tension of the steel cable forces him back into my thrusts. UNH! We collide, increasing the speed, depth, and intensity. Oh fuck, he’s good.

My cock is so hard and Jamie’s making it easy to stay that way. I’ve never had such an active bottom. Now, I’m the one gasping and moaning. Jamie groans, “How’s that for you, Luke?”

I struggle to spit it out, but I manage to say, “Oh fuck. Incredible!”

“Can I jerk?”

“Fuck, you can … oh fuck … whatever you fucking want!”

Jamie moans louder as he moves one hand to his dick. The guy says, “Pull harder! Make me feel it, man!” I yank on his hair, and he cries out, “YES!” He’s not bouncing back into me, but that’s okay. I’ve got this. I’m slamming my cock into him harder and faster. The long-haired hunk can obviously take it and a lot more. We’re both sweating like crazy. I’m ready to cum!

The hairy stud has other ideas. He says, “Let’s switch positions. Trust me!”

I let go of his hair and reluctantly slide out. He sins and tackles me down. Before I can even react, he’s guiding my dick back inside his hole as he mounts me. Jamie smiles down at me, “You like my fur, don’t you?” I nod. “Rub it while I fuck my hole with your cock.” He rides me as I reach up and follow orders. He’s right. I love rubbing his hairy torso and he has me moaning.

Following his lead, I decide not to just lie here. I start lifting my hips, driving my cock into him. We get into a rhythm, and he encourages me. “Fuck, you’re so good, Luke. Oh, yeah. So good!” His long hair is whipping around. It’s covering his handsome face, wet from the match and this workout. I grip his furry pecs for support as we work in unison for both our pleasures.

“I want you to cum on my fur, Luke! You want that?” I nod. Jamie slides forward and my cock falls out of his ass. He rolls back between my legs and lifts his legs, holding behind my knees. I roll up fast and practically fall forward, powering my rod in all the way in one powerful thrust. “AH! FUCK! Luke, that’s so good!” I start hammering him with all I’ve got.

I’ve been close to cumming three times so far - the blowjob and in both positions - but I think this is it. I can’t hold out much longer. I look down at the handsome stud. He’s furiously jerking his cock. I lock eyes, looking down on his handsome face. His luxurious hair is spread out on the canvas. A few wet strands line his cheeks and forehead. I want to kiss him, but I need to finish. Oh fuck.

“Lemme finish first, Luke.”

“I’m … so … fucking close!”

“Me, too. Lemme go first. Just hold on.”

Jamie’s face scrunches up and he gasps. Suddenly, he explodes, unleashing his hot white seed all over his sweaty, furry chest and stomach. Seeing his eruption and feeling his ass clenching on my dick has me too close to wait. I slide out as he’s draining his last drops. He drops his legs, opening them out wide over my thighs. I kneel taller and move closer as I strip the condom.

Jamie surprises me again by crunching up and grabbing my shoulders. His furry torso is like a wall in front of me, an easy target. I stare into his eyes as I fire my cum at him. My whole body convulses and tightens up. The first shot splatters, hitting so hard into his hairy body. I keep shooting, having one of my biggest orgasms in a while. I gasp and grunt as he holds onto my traps. I’m finally drained and exhausted.

The long-haired hunk pulls me toward him and rolls back. I let him bring me over him as he lies down. I collapse beside him, and we make out. Jamie looks so hot. Sweaty, his luscious hair soaked, his torso matted with our mutual loads. His muscles are pumped and tight. I tell him, “Damn, you are gorgeous right now. Even more gorgeous than usual.”

“You, too, Luke.”

I let him pull me into another kiss before we reluctantly roll apart.



When we finish cleaning the ring, I make the next move, “Jamie. Would you like to hang out sometime? I don’t just mean at Cody’s - I mean, Ryan’s birthday party. It’s going to be nuts. I’m thinking something more private? Just us. Where we could get to know each other better.”

Jamie smiles, “Yeah, sure, I’d love that. Like dinner?”

I nod, “Yeah, that’d be great. How about one night next week? I’m usually home around 6 during the week.”

“Awesome. How about Tuesday?” I agree. Jamie suggests, “Since it’s a work night, we could go early, somewhere in the neighborhood. Like Cabana? At 7? Is that enough time?”

“Yep. Works for me. It’s a date.”

“A date? Cool. You know, they have live salsa music on Tuesdays. I bet you look great shaking those hips.”

I laugh, “Yeah, I don’t about that. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to salsa.”

The long-haired hunk grins, “You will after Tuesday. I’m a great teacher.”

Do something different. I cautiously agree, “Okay, I’ll trust you. But you’ll need to lead. Just make sure to wear steel-toed shoes.”

Jamie laughs, “Naw. It’s easy. My feet are tough. I wrestled barefoot.” He starts doing what I assume is a salsa step. “C’mon, I’ll give you your first lesson in the shower.”






While hanging up my clothes, I made two interesting discoveries. Pete comes into the bedroom. I am sharing his bed, by the way. I might not tell Jae, because he’ll tell Cody. Anyway, I pull out two costumes from Pete’s closet. “Ho, ho, ho. What are these?”

Pete blushes, “Oh. That’s just my barbarian costume. I wear it at Cons, Ren Faires, Halloween. That sort of thing.” I smile, imagining him wearing it. “The other one is my version of a sexy Paladin-inspired look. I know what you’re thinking. It’s not accurate or practical. The chainmail is just silver cords. The whole thing is kind of a mess.”

I frown. I know Pete was nervous about showing me this side of him. When we talk, he always tries to deflect any conversation away from it. Maybe it’s because I was an athlete. It’s like he thinks I’ll judge him or think he’s a nerd or something. Jae’s the one who told me about game night, but Pete talked about not going. I had to insist that we go. When he agreed, I figured we’d made a breakthrough. Maybe not.

I reassure him, “That’s not at all what I was thinking.”

“Really? It’s what I would think, but I was trying something.”

I’m surprised, “You made this?” Pete nods. I tell him, “That’s incredible. It’s amazing. I’m impressed.” He smiles proudly. I ask, “Are you wearing either of these tomorrow?”

“The Paladin one isn’t for me, actually. It was for Ryan to wear. Mine is the barbarian one. But I can’t wear it. Cody was clear. It’s not a costume party. Wrestling gear or street clothes only.”

I shake my head, “Nope. There are barbarian-themed wrestlers. I think it’s perfect.” I grin, “There’s no way that you wearing baby blue trunks is a better than you wearing something like this. Leather and faux fur? You must look hot as fuck.”

Pete blushes, “Thanks.”

I take a closer look at the Paladin one. On one hanger, it’s got brown, suede-texture spandex pants with gold striping down the sides and a very thick leather belt with a sword sheathe attached. There’s a bag with tall brown leather boots, short brown leather gloves, two brown leather bicep straps, a metal chain mail collar, and a metal chain mail helmet.

The other hanger has a 7-8’ long strip of thick silver mesh fabric that looks like chain mail. It’s like a mesh grocery bag or something, knitted into a pretty convincing look. It’s about a foot wide. There’s a hole in the middle where a head goes through. There’s a cloth backing, I assume to keep it from stretching all to hell. It has a red cross printed on it, that shows through the mesh.

It looks pristine. I comment, “This looks brand new?”

“Yeah, Ryan’s never worn it. He’s not really a costume in public guy.”

I laugh, “So, a guy who doesn’t like to wear a costume in public is having a wrestling costume birthday party?”

Pete sighs, “Ryan will do it for Cody.”

I can literally feel the resentment. I decide to let it be and focus on having a good time. I hand Pete the barbarian costume, “Model this for me?” He takes the costume and smiles broadly, so I push my luck and ask, “Would you mind me trying this one on?”

Pete says, “Paul, I’d love to see you in it.” He sits on the bed, watching me strip. “I’ll get changed after you.”

I’m the same height as Ryan, 6’4”, but at 290, I’ve got 40-lbs of muscle on him. Luckily, the pants stretch. The “mail” hangs nicely, falling just below my bulge in front and my ass in back. There are adjustable leather straps on the sides to hold it in place. I do the ones at the waist, but Pete has to help me with the under the arms ones. I lift my arms as he works. Pete can resist feeling me up, which feels great.

All suited up, I look in the mirror and maneuver the mesh-mail to get it just right. It hangs on my traps between my nipples, leaving them exposed. Sure, it’s very practical, but it is sexy. I finish adding all the accessories. I love it. Pete orders me to turn while he gets changed. I guess he wants a big reveal. I’m excited to see him decked out. Maybe I’ll wear this tomorrow, too.

“Okay, Paul. I’m ready.”

I turn to face Pete. My jaw drops. Woof. He’s gorgeous in his barbarian gear. Leather flaps front and back over briefs, leaving his upper legs exposed. He’s got faux fur and leather forearm gauntlets. His leather jacket hangs open and it has shoulders connected by a heavy silver chain in front. There's a wide leather and metal belt around his waist. His matching leather boots also have fur accents.

After a moment of me not saying anything, Pete asks, “You okay?”

In response, I charge him, barreling him backwards. We fall on the bed. BOING! Fortunately, it’s reinforced as over 600-lbs of beef crash down onto it. I smother his mouth. He lets me molest him, giving as good as he gets. Pete rolls me over, his weight feeling great as it presses down on me. We ravage each other uncontrollably. My mail helmet falls off and I pull the collar off, so Pete can attack my neck. Damn, that feels great.

I finally roll him back and mount him. “The fabric mesh is brilliant, Pete. You’d be scratched to hell if it was metal.” I slide my hands inside his jacket and rub his chest. “Damn, you’re one gorgeous barbarian. You are wearing this tomorrow. I don’t care what Cody says.” I flex my biceps, “If he says anything, I’ll deal with him.”

Pete laughs, “Keep talking like that and I’m all yours!”

I pat his chest as I look at the clock, “What time does the game start?”

“Pizza arrives at 9. We should be out of here by 8:30.”

“Good. I’ve got plenty of time to get nasty with my sexy barbarian prisoner.”

Pete reaches up and teases my exposed nipples, “Paladins are always lawful good.”

I lean down putting my face right over his, “Trust me. I am very, very good when I’m nasty.”



Pete leads me to his garage. Oh. Mats are down and the padded walls have a ring-ropes design. Pete strips off his headband as I remove the sword sheathe. He reminds me, “I beat you last time.” He’s right. As Iceberg, he defeated me as Kraken and used me as his human dildo in the stakes round. I loved fucking him, but all the control was definitely on his side.

I tease back, “I wasn’t a noble Paladin then.”

Pete smiles, enjoying how into the character I am. We step onto the mat. I hate no time, grabbing him and powering him into a side headlock. He growls and pushes me off him. I fly into the wall front-first. BOOF! Fortunately, they’re padded. Unfortunately, Pete charges in, crashing on top of me. SPLAT! OOF! He roughly spins me around and slams into me again. SPLAT! OOF!

The barbarian steps back. He fires several fists into my abs. THUD! POW! THUD! I take the shots before grabbing him behind his head. I forcefully turn us around, moving his over 300-lbs around. I push his back into the wall. BOOF! I lift my knee into his gut. WHOMP! Pete grunts. I grab under his chin and push his face up. I drive my forearm onto his pecs. WHOMP!

Pete shoves me off him. I stumble backwards. he pushes off the wall. I dodge, letting him sail past me. He stops short, but I run in behind him, slamming my 290-lbs of muscle into his back. WHAM! My power sends him flying into the opposite wall, face-first. BLAP! I push his face into the vinyl passing as I grab his right wrist and force it up his back into a hammerlock. ARGH!

As the beefy behemoth struggles, I enjoy being in control. Maybe too much, because he kicks back, hitting my leg. WHACK! I stumble backward and hunch forward. Pete spins and leaps at me. His over 300-lbs crashes into me and I have no way to brace in time. We go down with me on the bottom. BOOM! I’m crushed between the barbarian and the floor. OOF!

Pete rolls us over and pull my face between his legs. I’m smothered between his massive thighs, smelling his manliness as my head is crushed. They’re the biggest legs I’ve ever felt as I close tighter and tighter. I think he’s taunting me, but I can’t hear, my ears engulfed by his inner thighs. This is not a good position. I push forward with everything, lifting his legs up as I curl him onto his shoulders.

I’m up on my feet and Pete is pinned. He tries to roll me, but I manage to slip out as he does. Pete rolls onto his back. I jump on, splashing down on top of him. SPLAT! I grab Pete around the neck in a choke as I use my knees to open his legs out wide, keeping him down. I can’t resist grinding on his ass, “You want it, barbarian, so why not just embrace my wrath?”

Pete groans, “Oh, fuck. You called me barbarian.”

“It’s what you are. At least until I convert you to being my squire.”

The big beast moans loudly. He even lifts his ass to meet my dry humping. I figured role-play would be a trigger for him and it clearly is. He’s not even fighting me. Just taking it. I could probably tighten on my controlling choke and put him out, but I don’t want that. Neither of us do. I push off him and rise. Pete is slow to rise, so I grab him around his ample waist and use my strength to drag him to his feet.

I squeeze around his midsection. His thick belt is protecting him too much, so I go higher, grabbing just above it. I squeeze and I still get him moaning. Pete sinks into me, “Fuck! You’re so strong! You dragged me up! You’re crushing me! Oh, fuck!” He moans. I draw my hips back and repeatedly slam my bulge into his ass. WHAP! BOMP! WHAP! Once again, he lets me.

Horniness has Pete under my control. He tries to reach back, but he’s too big for that. He can’t grab anything. I lean back and lift, stretching him up. That earns a loud, moaning, “OH, FUCK!” I’ve done all I can like this. I let go. He stumbles, clearly a little lost. I spin him around to see the front flap tenting. I grab him by the road and reach under the flap to grip his hard cock.

“My barbarian is just full of the spirit, isn’t he?”

I don’t wait for an answer. I slide my hand down, reaching between his legs. I power Pete up, stopping him across my chest. He lets out a shocked gasp as I hold him suspended. I tease, “Surprised? With the lord on my side, I have the strength to move mountains, including a mountain of a man like you,” I bodyslam Pete down. BOOM! He writhes, but he’s smiling. I know being lifted doesn’t happen to him very often.

I leap up and come down with a big leg drop. WHACK! The beefy behemoth flails on impact before settling down. The front flap is still tenting like crazy. I roll around and grab his cock again. This time I jerk it while caressing his chest. Pete lets me have my way with him. With my hand inside his jacket, I switch to a powerful pec claw. Pete cries out in pain.

I mount him and add a second pec claw. I push down as I squeeze the sides of his chest, digging my fingers in. He writhes under me, but my 290-lbs of muscle is just as hard to move as his bulky body. Pete grips my forearms. He tries to buck me off, but I stay on him. I lean into the claw, getting a satisfying cry from him. I love seeing him squirm and whimper beneath me.

In desperation, Pete throws his hands up. He gets in between my biceps and finds my nipples. OH! The beefy barbarian pinches and twists. I cry out. My hands lose their power. Pete gets cocky, “You needed a wider shirt … no chainmail to save you out here.” He keeps shifting and toying with my nipples, going from pain to pleasure. I sit atop him, unable to focus on anything except his expert fingers sexually stimulating me.

Pete is in full control. I try to counter, but when I do, he goes hard, and I go limp from the pain. He switches back to play mode, sending the message that I should just take the punishment and enjoy it. I throw my head back, trying to figure out a plan. ARGH! More pain. I let out an expletive as he pushes me back and off him. I fall onto my ass. PLOP! I rub my nipples.

“Now who’s full of the spirit? Maybe I’ll convert you to being one of my tribe.”

Pete’s right. The chainmail fabric covering my crotch has fallen to the side. The nipple play has my cock big and obvious. The beefy brute rolls over. He dives at me. I can’t stop him. We go down. He lies his over 300-lbs across my chest and tightly grips my cock in his left hand, “This is mine again. Remember how much you enjoyed calling me ‘Sir’ last time we wrestled?”

I shake my head, but we both know that I did love it. Pete’s mouth latches onto my nipple as he jerks my rod in the sueded spandex tights. Oh fuck! I wish I was wearing underwear. His right hand smothers my mouth. He forces two fingers between my lips, and I instinctively suck on them. His bulk has my left arm pinned. My right hand goes up and I caress his head.

I’m owned!

Pete is going to make me shoot in the spandex tights. I have to get a grip. I grab his hair and pull his mouth from my nipple. He grunts and fights. His beard scratches my tender nub, so I need to pull up harder and higher. I get my arm between his legs. I bend it up sharply, low blowing him. Not hard, but enough that he cries out and curses me. I use all my strength to roll over and out, escaping him. I scoot back on my butt.

Pete growls as he rolls to his knees, “Not very lawful or good!”

I laugh and dive in. I tackle him down. BOOM! I roll over him. I slide back in, wrapping my legs around his neck and chin in a scissors as I stretch out on my hip to the side. I pin his right arm under my body. I reach out, pull his jacket open. I grip his nipple. “Let’s see how you like it.” One pinch and he thrashes. The barbarian struggles as I extend my legs, crushing his neck.

I love watching him squirm and struggle/ So sexy. I work the scissors, wearing him down. Pete’s sweating. The leather flap over his crotch flies up onto his belt. I get a great view of his bulge. I work his chest before finally letting go. Pete rolls onto his side. I drag him up by his hair and beard. I scoop him up again. I bodyslam him harder this time. KABOOM! Pete moans.

The barbarian rolls over onto his stomach. I drag him up. He tries a gut punch, but I flex my abs in time. THUD! His fist bounces off. I manhandle him, pushing him face first into the padded wall. BOOF! He stumbles back and I kick him in the back. WHOMP! He flies back into the wall. BOOF! Now, he’s wobbly. I line him up with my shoulders on his back.

I’m going to give him something no one else can.

I squat and drag him across my shoulders. I cry out as I squat up, lifting his over 300-lbs into a torture rack. I fight to hold him, using his leg and head. Pete moans loudly as I secure him. He’s deadweight, not fighting me, but he’s harder to hold than a barbell. I manage to steady him. The beefy behemoth hangs across my shoulders, whimpering and moaning loudly.

I roll my shoulders back, dropping him to the mat. SPLAT! He lies on the floor, face down, writhing in pain. I reach between his legs and underneath, finding his cock. It’s hard. He lifts his hips as I toy with his manhood. I’m happy he’s having fun. I grip his junk tighter and grab his hair with my other hand. I force him to his feet, standing behind him. Pete’s very obedient.

On the way up, I release his package but bring my hand over his shoulder. I smother his face, rubbing his crotch sweat over his nose and mouth. I bet there’s some pre-cum on there, too. He moans as he smells his excitement. While he’s dazed and in lust, I spin around, putting us back-to-back. I bend my knees and reach over my shoulder. With my fingers locked in his beard, I pull his head back onto my trap and hold tight.

Pete reaches up to grab my hand, but I squat to go lower and bend forward. I drag him back. He is forced onto his toes as do. I squat up and his boots leave the mat. Pete cries out as I get him into the hangman. Over 300-lbs of beef hangs on me, his neck and back straining from his own weight. The barbarian is crying out in pain from another power submission hold.

I drop him again. SPLAT! Pete rolls onto his back. He lies spread-eagle on the mat, breathing hard. I put my boot on his chest and flex my biceps, “Had enough, barbarian?” He shakes his head. I nod, ready to dish out more punishment. I back up and grab his legs. I flip him over into a single leg crab, doing it fast, like he was a lightweight. Pete moans. I sit back and he cries out.

My free hand grabs hold of his bulge. His cock betrays him, proving to me how much he’s enjoying being manhandled by me. I taunt him, “You’ve spent too much time fighting twinks, barbarian. You’ve forgotten that there are real men in the world.” That gets me a long, satisfying groan. He’s mentally and physically mine now.

The alpha bottom is finally open to being my beta bottom.

I release his leg. I turn and grab him by the hair and beard again. This time, I pull back. I force him up to his knees. Pete’s as limp as a wet noodle. A 300-lbs wet noodle, but nothing I can’t handle. I slowly and dramatically pull him back into a kneeling dragon sleeper. I do it casually, leaving lots of openings for him to stop me. When he doesn’t even try, we both know the truth.

The beefy, burly, barbarian is ready to submit.

I lock on the dragon. Pete moans. I rub his chest as I enjoy the view down his big body. He keeps his arms down and to the side, letting me own him. His front flap sticks out as I toy with his massive, hairy torso. I edge the sleeper part, not wanting to put him out, but wanting him to feel it. Pete is breathing hard into my armpit. I let him breath my scent in as he accepts defeat.

I ask, “Out or give? Choose now, because I’m ready to fuck.”

Pete moans, but reaches up and taps my shoulder, signaling he wants to remain awake. I ease him down and roll on top of him. He looks up at my smiling face. I lean in and we kiss deeply as my 290-lbs of muscle presses down on him. I pull off and we’re both smiling. I roll to the side to catch my breath as he remains staring at the ceiling.



Pete moans, “Damn, Paul. I thought you were strong before, but you must have been holding back. I’ve never been manhandled like that before.”

“Maybe it’s more that you never wanted to be.”

“Maybe you’re right.”

I move back in and kiss him. We make out again. I love that he loves to kiss. He lets me lead and I don’t think it’s just because I won. I can tell that Pete’s letting the outside stuff go, getting into being with me. When we break, I slide back between his spread legs. I tug on the leather flap over his trunks, “You’re so sexy like this. I almost hate to strip you.”

Pete props himself up on his elbows. He reaches out and moves the flap. He points at gold snaps on the front of his trunks. I raise an eyebrow questioning him. The hairy behemoth grins, “Cosplay.” Without breaking eye contact, he takes my hand to rub his trunks. “The metal snap. Pull.” I understand. Sure enough, I pull and the snap pops. I slide my hand over to another. I pull it. Pete says, “Six in front. Six in back. Easy access.”

“Smart man. We’ll get to the back, but for now, lemme play.”

I slither my hand inside his trunks. There’s his dick. I fondle it. Pete closes his eyes and moans. His back arches and his mouth opens. I toy with him, and he loves it. I lean forward and go down on his nipple. He writhes under me. I move to the side. I push his left arm under my armpit and drape my leg over his left leg. That keeps him still so I can work. He’s already leaking and breathing heavy as I excite him.

I tease, “What an obedient little barbarian you’re being. You know when you’re tamed.”

Pete playfully growls, “Watch it, Paladin. Tovar Bloodaxe cannot be tamed.”

I smile at Pete’s confidence. By playing along so much, I hope I’ve finally broken him of his nervousness about his love of role-playing games and geek culture. I play back, “And yet, I, Sir Ulrick Nobleblade, just did it.” His eyes go wide. Yeah, I googled a bunch of stuff before coming. I squeeze his cock, “You will accept the lord in your heart and me in your ass. I shall baptize you with my all-powerful long staff.”

The hairy beast’s eyes roll back in his head, “Oh fuck me, Sir Nobleblade.”

I reply, “Now, you’re understanding the situation, Bloodaxe.” Pete moans. The man loves it. “Time to welcome you to the side of righteousness.”

I unsnap the front panel completely. His leaking cock is hard as I toy with his balls. My hand quickly slips lower. He quivers with anticipation and opens his legs more to give me easier access. I tickle his taint to get him squirming. His cock pulses, bouncing up and down. I can see it tightening and relaxing, drops pre-cum forming then dripping down onto his big belt.

When my finger presses against his hole, I tease, “Are you ready to accept my staff inside you, barbarian?”

Pete whimpers, “Yes, Sir Nobleblade.”

I push inside him. My thick finger gets his eyes rolling back into his head. He bridges his hips up to make it even easier, so hungry for it. I power in deep and play with him. Pete whimpers. I force a second finger in and get a loud cry of pleasure from him. I open him up. He has to lower the bridge, so I slide my fingers out. Seeing how much he likes the play; I roughly flip him onto his stomach.

The back of the trunks opens up just as easily. Six snaps and his hole is fully exposed. Pete has his butt up. He reaches under him to adjust his cock position. I pull his hand away. “Touching yourself is a sin, Bloodaxe.” He groans. “I shall do it for you.” I reach under and grip his cock, pointing it up his body. Pete thanks me and calls me ‘Sir Nobleheart’ again. I’m enjoying this, too.

While my beefy buddy is primed and ready, I decide to slow him down. We have tons of time. I grab the bottle of lube and slips my fingers back inside him. He reaches back and spreads his cheeks, allowing me to go even deeper. He pushes up against me as my two fingers massage his prostate. Pete is gasping and it’s fun seeing the huge, hairy man as a whimpering whore.

“Do you want to accept his blessing, Bloodaxe?”

“Oh fuck, yes. Fill me with blessings.”

I pull my fingers out, sheathe my cock and press my tip against his puckering hole. I make him wait, just to play with him. I rub his back. He is so ready, waiting with bated breath. I finally take pity on the horny big man and plow inside him. Pete yells, “YES! Thank you, Sir!” I keep going, slowly working in. At about halfway, I start pumping, going a little deeper. Pete moans.

My hands push down on his broad back. I start moving fast and deeper. “Oh fuck! You’re so fucking big, Paul.” I don’t mind the name slip. In fact, I like it. I keep working, slowly but firmly. I intend to make this last. Pete is down for that. he relaxes under me, letting me control everything. He just whimpers and moans encouragement, complimenting my size and skill.

I order him to give me his wrists. He does. I lock them behind his back, halfway up in a light double hammerlock. I push down as I use his arms to steady myself. Pete loves the symbolic control. I know he’s a bossy, alpha bottom, but not now. Now, he’s really giving himself to me, as opposed to our previous fucks where I felt like a beta top. I love that he feels he can do this.

It’s time to pick up speed. I’ve been riding him for a while. He’s loving it. Time to fuck him. I start plowing his hole. That gets an excited squeal as I ruthlessly hammer his ass. Pete loves it. He begs me to go harder. He never gets back into character, calling me Paul with every pleading utterance. That gets me going and I’m quickly slamming in with all I’ve got.

Pete suddenly warns, “I’m gonna cum!”

His wet cock sliding on the slick mat, combined with our weight has him about to erupt. I pull out of his ass and throw him onto his back. I get my mouth on his cock. His hand rests on my head just as he loses it. Pete’s load shoots down my throat. I suck on him, swallowing every drop until he has nothing left to give me. The entire time, he’s orgasmically screaming.

I drain him dry and soft. When I pull off, I lift his tree trunk legs against my body. I smile, “Now me.” I plunge back in and immediately go back to hammering his hole. It doesn’t take long before I’m ready, too. Pete can see. He asks, “Can I have it?” I nod and pull out. I roll onto my back and strip the condom. Pete is over and engulfs my cock. Damn, that feels good.

The hairy behemoth sucks my throbbing rod while caressing my torso. I warn him I’m about to lose it. That only makes him redouble his efforts. I’m the one whimpering now. I grab his head and arch my back. My cock erupts in his mouth. Pete pinches my nipples like they’re dials controlling my tap. Maybe they are because I keep shooting, releasing a massive load.

My skin is tingling, and my body is on fire as I give him a huge load. I haven’t jerked off for days and it’s been even longer for sex. I’m primed, saving myself for the trip. Pete’s loving it. When I finally finish, he falls back on his ass. He simply says, “Wow. You’re incredible. I thought you’d never run out.” I smile. Seeing him there gives me a boost. I roll over and tackle him down.

Pete says, “Thank you. I can’t believe how into it you were. You really made that … special.”

“Thank you. It was awesome for me, too, Pete.”

We make out, our cum-lined mouths exchanging our seed. I roll off him and we lie together, staring at the ceiling, breathing hard. The silence is nice. When Pete rolls over and snuggles beside me, it’s even nicer.




“That was a blast. And damn, you’re ridiculous, Pete. You freaking owned that game tonight. I swear the DM cheated on those rolls just to keep you in check. Like every choice you made was right all night. The rest of us should’ve followed your lead. If I’d realized it earlier, I wouldn’t have gotten punked by that Elven thief and lost my +4 long sword.”

Pete proudly replies, “Thank you, Paul. It’s nice to be appreciated. I tried to warn you, but this was your first time with us, so you didn’t know any better.” He shakes his head, “It’s the other guys. Those guys have been wrong about everything for years and they still don’t listen to me.”

We’re spooning with me on the outside as we recount the night. I snuggle in tighter and pull him back with my hand on his chest, “I’m listening to you now. Your heart’s faster. Excited?”

Pete pulls a few inches away from me, “Paul -” I sense he’s concerned about going too far. Wrestling and playful sex are okay, but this level of intimacy is getting scary for him. We’re like a married couple settling in after a night out. “- I think we should just go to sleep.”

I reassure him, “Pete. Relax. We’re just cuddling. I’m a big boy and I know the score. I’m going to let you lead, but you were just so hot tonight. The way you owned the game was sexy. If you want us to just roll apart and go to sleep, we can. If you want me in the other room, I’ll go.”

“No, don’t go. I want you to hold me.” Pete slides back and pushes his butt against my cock. I’m sleeping naked, so he feels it. He moans and snuggles back even tighter against me. The big hairy guy relaxes. I don’t say or do anything, letting him decide what’s next. He finally whispers, “Thanks for coming, Paul. It means a lot and I’m very happy that you’re here.”

I kiss the back of his neck. “Of all the great moments since I arrived, hearing you say that is the best one. So far.”



Casting …

Luke = Logan Franklin

Ryan = Mike Bennett

Paul = Matt Vose

Cody = Leighton Stultz

Jamie = Cole Monahan

Pete = Dave Mastiff


  1. I do love these storyline stories quite a bit. The Luke/Jamie match was hot. It will be interesting to see how the party shakes down two weeks from yesterday.

    1. Thanks! Luke and Pete are guys who have lives beyond their relationship with Ry, so I wanted to look in on them in advance of the birthday.

      This is actually the template for the party, which in soap opera fashion, will last for months. It’ll be a series of stories with underused (and a couple of new) characters. Cody, Ry, and Jae are secondary characters during the night. It’ll end with Ry and Corey, either at Christmas or in January, but it is about the gathering of a ton of hot guys.
