- How Beau's story started ... Route 69 S105: El Paso TX (Beau meets Ben)
- 10 weeks ago ... The Cave Unleashed 7: Beau vs. Toby (Beau takes on his brother)
- 4-8 weeks ago ... The Cave Unleashed 8: Beau vs. Keith (Beau takes on his boss 3 times)
- 4 weeks ago ... The Cave Unleashed 10: Beau vs. 'Lethal' Lee Evans (Beau's drive to LA)
- 3 weeks ago ... The Cave Unleashed 11: Beau vs. Buck (Beau makes a new friend in LA)
Ben wasn’t kidding when he said he had some rough spots in tonight’s Arizona Wrestling Extreme card. I don’t know about the couple of matches I missed while Jorge fucked me in my motel room, but what I’ve seen since we came back has been kind of, well, bad. Now, I wish I’d spent more time in the shower with the young muscle stud.
There are only two matches left and they’ll be the best ones. My buddy Beau’s got a tough job. First, he’s gotta get the crowd back into it for the main event, the title match between Jeff and Lee. Second, the 6’1”/235-lbs bodybuilder is facing a 6’5”/300-lbs monster. I don’t know which will be tougher, but I know which one will be more painful.
The ref is the announcer and now he’s the hype man between matches. He’s pretty good at it. Of course, he’s also a short, super-cute muscle stud and his shirt is off, so that might be coloring my judgment. It’s tough, though, when the wrestling isn’t great. Folks are chill, just drinking and chatting, which is not good energy during a wrestling show. I get why Lee and Ben wanted Beau and me on the card so bad.
Me and Jorge are the best match of the whole night, so far. That’s not me bragging. Everyone’s saying it. Guys see me at the bar and I’m drinking for free. I get hit on by some hot local studs. Jorge’s over with his friends, bare chest puffed up with pride, feeling like a superstar after his performance in the ring (and on my bed). Guess Dusty’s okay with no shirts on wrestling night.
Okay, looks like it’s time for the penultimate match of the night.
Beau runs out of the back. Guys want to boo, but the 22-year-old is so handsome and chiseled that most of the have to cheer. He’s gorgeous - tanned skin, muscles pumped, white teeth shining, and rocking into his white pro gear - tight, packed trunks, boots, knee pads, and wrist tape. The guy screams babyface stud and by the time he’s posing in the ring, they love him.
A short (5’6”) stocky (170-lbs) muscleman with a shaved head comes out. He’s shirtless in ripped jeans that strain to hold his thick legs and large, shapely ass. His arms are thick, as are his pecs in his top. Ben told me earlier that Tommy is Mauro’s husband. He’s a foot shorter than his man, but he's smoking hot. He looks around my age, probably mid-30’s.
When the humongous heel enters, the crowd is clearly geared to hate The Mountain. Standing behind his shorter husband makes him look even bigger. The Mountain sneers and stomps around in his black pro trunks and furry boots. Tommy kneels before him and makes a motion around the big man’s waist like he wants his man to have the title. Mauro shoots the finger at one table. He lunges towards another, scaring the crap out of them. He’s got the big man intimidation factor going strong.
Mauro’s not just big. He looks powerful, too. Dusty explains that the guy has earned the boos, even playing into them more and more. He squashes his opponents on size alone - none of the other wrestlers around here can lift or even move him. Nice guy outside the ring. Monster inside it. And now, The Mountain wants to prove he’s next in line for a title shot.
I’m surprised Ben has put Beau in this situation, knowing that he’s heading back to El Paso to confront his brother and his boss. A boss who beat him multiple times on the mats. They really shook his confidence. Ben’s a good friend to Beau and a lot smarter than me, so I’m going to believe he knows what he’s doing.
Oh boy. Good luck, Beau.
The big men circle the ring. Seeing them together in the ring for the first time, the height difference isn’t that bad (despite what the announcer said), but his opponent is so much wider. It’s not very often that the blond bodybuilder is outmatched, especially where we normally wrestle. I’m not sure fitness models and smaller muscleboys prepare anyone for a guy like The Mountain.
They lockup. It’s a test of power as they push against each other. I’m surprised that Beau is doing so well, managing to keep it competitive. He’s twisting and trying to counter the Mountain’s power advantage with skill. Smart, but power is still power. Mauro gets frustrated and just charges forth like a bull. ROAR! Beau is run backwards into the corner. CLANG!
The Mountain grabs the ropes on either side of the blond bodybuilder. The ref starts counting because they’re in the corner. The massive monster steps back then drives in, splashing his big body into Beau. SPLAT! OOF! You can practically see all the air leave the young muscleman’s body. The massive monster does it again. SPLAT! OOF! And again. SPLAT! OOF!
The ref reaches his five-count, telling The Mountain to back off. The humungous beast obeys, reaching the middle of the ring with his hands up high. He pounds his chest as a sign of dominance. Beau steps out of the corner, trying to shake it off. The crowd cheers for the handsome young stud, encouraging him as they can see the giant mismatch here.
Suddenly, The Mountain charges at Beau. His stomps echo through the bar as he closes the gap. He moves surprisingly quickly for such a big man. The blond bodybuilder braces for impact. When Mauro reaches him, Beau turns his momentum against him. He twists and lets the giant crash front-first into the corner. CLANG! The whole ring seems to move an inch.
The crowd is on their feet cheering the surprise counter. They’re pumping their fists, firmly looking for an upset and on the side of Beau against this beast. Maybe this is why Ben did this. The blond bodybuilder can use all the cheering these guys can give him.
The Mountain stumbles backwards, right into a standing dropkick to his back. WHOMP! The massive monster falls back into the corner. CLANG! Beau moves in. He pulls Mauro out of the corner by his wrist. As he pulls, the young muscle stud extends his crisp white boot and trips the giant down. The Mountain falls forward, landing face-first. SPLAT!
The massive monster rolls onto his back. Beau jumps up, landing with his bubble butt on the big man’s chest. PLOP! OOF! The blond bodybuilder slides into a schoolboy pin. He lifts Mauro’s head and unleashes a series of forearms to his head. WHACK! CRACK! THWAK! That’s a great way to keep a big man down. The crowd approves, loving what they’re seeing.
Outside the ring, Tommy Gold is throwing a fit as his husband is being manhandled by the blond bodybuilder. He screams at the ref that Beau is using closed fists, but we can all see he’s not. Guys yell at Tommy to sit down and shut up. He turns away from the ring and starts screaming at the nearest table of fans. They just laugh at the cute, stocky muscleman’s antics.
In the ring, The Mountain has had enough. He bucks up and throws Beau off him. With authority as the announcers used to say. Mauro is clearly stunned thought. He shakes out his head, leaving himself open. Beau runs around and grabs the massive monster’s boots. He raises them into the air. Beau tries to flip the beast into a crab, but the big man won’t move.
They struggle as Beau keeps trying, shifting from side-to-side. The massive monster blocks every attempted turn. The Mountain draws his legs in, pulling Beau forward. Mauro extends them back out, powerfully kicking the blond bodybuilder off. The force sends my buddy flying into the ropes. He can’t stop from being ricocheted towards The Mountain, who kicks out, driving his right boot squarely into Beau’s chiseled midsection. WHOMP! OOF!
Beau doubles over, struggling for breath as the big man rolls up to his feet. The Mountain moves in. He forces Beau’s head between his thick legs. The blond bodybuilder pushes to avoid being trapped, but it’s too late. Mauro has clamped his legs together tighter than a vice. He squeezes on the standing leg scissors. Beau groans loudly. The crowd starts cheering for him to hold on.
The Mountain extends his arms. He forms fists then extends his thumps forward. The massive monster dramatically turns his thumbs down. He drops to his knees, driving Beau’s head into the canvas. CRACK! The blond bodybuilder goes limp, his body twitching and convulsing. I’d be shocked if he’s even conscious after that move. Tommy has his hands up, celebrating.
With his opponent out of it, The Mountain pauses to flex his biceps. He kisses them to the boos of the hopeful audience. From the bar, I start a chant, “BEAU! BEAU! BEAU!” The guys pick it up and soon, everyone is doing it. Everyone except The Mountain and his husband manager. Neither one of them seem to appreciate it at all.
Mauro rolls Beau’s limp carcass over onto his back. He plants one finger between the blond bodybuilder’s sculpted pecs and raises his other hand in victory. The ref drops down, checks that the shoulders are pinned and starts his count.
To the shock of everyone, Beau weakly lifts his shoulder, breaking the pin!
“Beau? Beau! BEAU!”
The ref raises his hand, signaling ‘two’. The bar goes nuts. Clapping, cheering, clinking of glasses. They love seeing the handsome young stud be resilient and courageous. After a few duds, they’re ready to cheer for a hero. Even if he’s from El Paso. The Mountain kneels beside the blond bodybuilder clearly dumbfounded. And outside the ring, his manager has a fit.
“What the fuck was that?” Tommy rapidly slaps the apron and shouts, “ONE! TWO! THREE!”
The Mountain points at the ref, threatening him. Fortunately, the smaller but muscly stud isn’t intimidated. He’s already been manhandled at least once tonight by Jorge and is clearly not in the mood to take any crap from the 300-lbs beast who towers over him. The massive monster climbs to his feet. Beau’s still looking weak but at least he weathered one storm. I’m so proud of him.
Not that Beau is mounting a huge comeback just yet. The 300-lbs beast drags the 235-lbs muscle stud up to his feet. He scoops the weakened bodybuilder up across his chest, holding him up with one arm firmly between his legs gripping his ass and the other under his head gripping his shoulder. The big man moves to the middle of the ring.
The Mountain holds Beau as the crowd boos. He laughs at them then bodyslams the handsome muscle hunk. BOOM! The blond bodybuilder bounces then lies unmoving flat on his back, arms and legs spread open. Mauro raises his arms then brings them down as he squats. The big behemoth leaps up and comes down, splashing on Beau. SPLAT! OOF!
The ref drops down. Beau is pinned under the 300-lbs beast.
Beau manages to shift, barely getting one shoulder up in time. The Mountain sits back, kneeling beside the still coughing hunk. He looks at the ref then rapidly chops Beau’s meaty pecs three times. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! “That’s how you count! ONE! TWO! THREE!” The ref ignores the big man, confirming for him Beau broke the count.
The crowd gets on The Mountain, yelling at him. He rises up and stomps his feet, clearly getting angrier at Beau’s resilience and the merciless taunting of the (drunken) audience. The massive monster drags the blond bodybuilder up again. He whips him hard into the corner. CLANG! Beau barely stays standing, gripping the top ropes. He’s shaking out his head.
The Mountain charges in. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! The 300-lbs beast leaps up and crashes in on top of the damaged hunk. KA-SPLAT! The ring creaks on impact. Mauro bounces off and backs up, arms raised. Beau drops onto his spectacular ass. PLOP! He sits in the corner, looking weak as his head rests limply on the middle turnbuckle.
With the blond bodybuilder helpless, The Mountain measures him up from across the ring. He slaps his own sizable ass. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! The crowd starts cheering. “BEAU! BEAU! BEAU!” The massive monster rumbles forward. He stomps across the ring. When he gets close, he turns and jumps, aiming his humungous hindquarters at Beau’s face and pecs.
As the 300-lbs beast sails through the air, Beau falls sideways. The Mountain flies over him, his butt slamming onto the padded turnbuckle. CLANG! The massive monster bounces back into the ring. He stumbles, reaching for his ass as he walks around with legs bent and a shocked look on his face. He jammed his tailbone and now is trying to shake it off.
Beau manages to use the top to pull himself to his feet. “BEAU! BEAU! BEAU!” The Mountain turns. He’s shocked to see Beau launch himself forth with a flying elbow. It connects with the crouched big man’s forehead. CRACK! Mauro staggers back as Beau drops to one knee, still dazed. The blond bodybuilder launches himself with another flying elbow. CRACK!
The Mountain is the one who’s wobbly now as Beau digs deep and finds new energy. “BEAU! BEAU! BEAU!” The blond bodybuilder moves in. The massive monster tries a clubbing swing, but the young muscle hunk ducks. He comes in underneath and grabs between Mauro’s thick legs. With a firm grip on the big man’s ass, Beau reaches up over the right shoulder.
The crowd goes silent.
Beau stands up, roaring loudly as he scoops The Mountain up across his chest!
The blond bodybuilder probably can’t hold him for long, but it’s long enough. He twists and bodyslams The Mountain down!
The ring shakes as the biggest man in AWE goes down to a power move!
The massive monster immediately sits up, his face in shock. Outside the ring, Tommy is freaking out, holding his head and screaming that Beau is cheating. He’s not, there’s no way he could be, but the manager claims that his power can’t be explained any other way!
Knowing the match is nowhere near over - one impressive bodyslam isn’t enough - Beau executes a perfect low dropkick to the back of The Mountain’s head as he sits in stunned shock. WHACK! The impact has the big behemoth’s eyes rolling back in his head. Beau slides up and locks on a sleeper from behind. He cranks hard, trying to end things right here.
The Mountain starts to fight the hold. He reaches back for Beau’s head, but his own shoulders are too wide. He’s musclebound and doesn’t have the range. He tries to roll to the side to rise, but Beau’s fighting him. The massive monster is gasping. His right arm is swinging wildly. He needs a miracle. I see Tommy freaking out. I cut through the crowd quickly.
As the sleeper continues to weaken the big behemoth, Tommy slides under the bottom rope to interfere. The ref hasn’t noticed yet, still checking on The Mountain’s consciousness. I get there just in time. I grab Tommy’s leg and pull him back out. The guys nearby cheer me. Sure, now you’re all on my side, because I’m helping your golden boy, Beau. Just kidding, I love their enthusiasm.
I block his path and Tommy backs off. He tries a sneak kick to my balls, but I see it coming a mile away. I grab his leg and spin him around. I lift him up and bring him down onto my knee with an atomic drop. KRAKT! The pain shoots up his spine as he walks around, holding his ass. When he turns, I finish him off with a big clothesline that knocks him down onto floor.
I sit on top of Tommy, pinning him down as I watch the rest of the match. Guys pat my shoulder, and one hands me a beer as I chill atop the humungous heel’s helpless husband.
In the ring, nothing has changed. Beau is trying to knock the big man out and The Mountain is fighting to hold on. The massive monster looks weak. His mouth is hanging open, his jaw slack. I clench my fists willing for him to go out. Unfortunately, the 300-lbs beast has other ideas. He manages to throw his body to the left. Beau is thrown off, losing the sleeper.
The Mountain rises to his feet. He’s really wobbly. Beau moves in behind him. He somehow powers the big man up across his shoulders, racking the 300-lbs monster! “BEAU! BEAU! BEAU!” Once up, Beau’s got him. The guy squats more than this. Still, weights don’t struggle. He doesn’t drag it out, simply falling back and slamming The Mountain down. KA-BOOM!
Beau sits up as the massive monster writhes on the canvas behind him. The blond bodybuilder leaps up. He bounces off the ropes and comes down with a big leg drop. WHOMP! The handsome muscle hunk spins and lies across the big behemoth’s broad chest. The ref checks that the shoulders are down and begins the count.
The Mountain kicks out at two! Damn. Beau doesn’t worry about it. He runs to the corner, leaps onto the middle turnbuckle and flies off. He lands with a big elbow drop. WHACK! The blond bodybuilder goes for another pin.
Damn. Another fucking two-count. Beau grabs the big man by the head. He pulls, dragging The Mountain up. As he rises, the massive monster swings his arms around the blond bodybuilder’s trim waist. Oh no. The Mountain stands up, crushing his handsome opponent in a powerful bearhug! Beau groans as he’s squeezed by the mighty arms.
Against the sudden and shocking force, Beau goes limp from the pain but keeps conscious. He makes fists and shakes his arms. The Mountain shakes the 235-lbs muscleman to prevent any resistance. “BEAU! BEAU! BEAU!” The crowd’s roars have the blond bodybuilder still fighting against the devastating hold. He grits his teeth then swings his arms over the big man’s shoulders.
Beau leans forward. He wraps his arms around The Mountain’s head. The blond bodybuilder locks on a front-facing sleeper! Yes! Now, it’s a battle of wills as the massive monster tries to crush Beau before the Kiss of Death can knock him out. They both look determined. I can’t tell what’s going to happen. Their muscles are huge from the pump and their bodies drenched in sweat.
It’s a long struggle but no one is looking away. Suddenly, The Mountain’s grip slips. He gets it back, but it’s noticeably weaker. People start to hope. Beau feels the change. It energizes him. This is the second sleeper. The first weakened the big man. This one could be knocking him out. Sure enough, The Mountain’s arms are barely holding Beau’s around the waist.
The Mountain’s mighty arms drop, hanging limp.
The tree trunk legs wobble
All his massive muscles go soft.
The 300-lbs of monster turns to dead weight.
Beau lets go.
The Mountain topples to the canvas.
The ref kneels down to check. Beau circles. The crowd is silent. Under me, Tommy is begging for me to let him up. He has no idea what’s happening, but he knows it’s not good for his man.
Huge arm goes up. Huge arm goes down. PLOP!
Again. Same result. PLOP!
And once more? PLOP!
The ref signals for the bell.
YES! I jump up off Tommy. He stays down, hands over his face as he knows his man has lost.
Between matches, I head to the back to check on Beau and congratulate him. He’s not outside. Our motel room looks dark. When I turn to go back in, I see Tommy. He calls me over.
“Hey, Cowboy.” I let that stand. Even though I’m not a cowboy, it seems to be my wrestler ID for the day. He rubs my back, “No hard feelings. I heard what you did for Jorge. Makes you even hotter, if that’s possible.” I blush. “Looking for your buddy?”
“Yeah, just wanted to check on him and your husband. They both did some damage.”
“Fuck, you are a good guy.” Tommy grabs my wrist, “C’mon, let’s see if you can be bad.”
I’m confused but I let myself get dragged back inside. I get pushed into a small private dining room. Oh. Beau’s lying on his back on the large wooden table, legs dangling down. His white trunks are off and his right hand is on the back of the Mountain’s head. The massive monster is sucking the blond bodybuilder’s impressive cock.
Guess they had stakes, too.
I try to back out to give them privacy. Tommy is behind me. He blocks me. I let him push me to the side. He closes the door behind us. Tommy says, “Stay. They don’t mind an audience, right boys?” The Mountain gives a thumbs up as Beau holds his head on his cock. My buddy tells me it’s cool if I stay. Tommy moves in front of me, rubbing his hands over my body.
I’m not sure where this is going but I’m willing to play along. I can see over the shorter stud as he feels me up. The Mountain is a surprisingly good cocksucker, handling Beau’s big meat like a champ. Tommy pushes my t-shirt up. I pull the bottom over and lock it behind my head, exposing my torso. The short muscle stud grabs my bulge in my jeans. He tells me I’m hot.
Tommy starts playing with my body. He fondles my manhood, groping my balls. My cock gets bigger, and he teasingly runs his fingers along the outline. He continues to tell me what a man I am and how much he’s wanted me all night. Tommy leans in to suck on my nipple. It feels great. I lean against the wall as I’m expertly molested. I grab his shoulders, massaging them.
Between feeling Tommy’s touch, hearing his seductive words, and watching Beau get sucked, I’m rock-hard in my jeans. I have to reach down to adjust position, but Tommy swats my hand away. “I’ll take care of it, Cowboy. You just let me work.” The short muscle stud slides down to his knees in front of me. He unbuckles my belt then opens my button fly up.
My jeans are down at my knees and my briefs quickly follow. My cock is standing right out. I see it for a second but Tommy’s on it so fast. He deep throats me like a champ. Wow. No foreplay with this guy. It feels awesome. Mountain is doing the same to Beau. My buddy is loving it. He’s forcing the monster’s head down and lifting his hips, face-fucking Mauro.
I palm Tommy’s bald head like a basketball. He moans and nods slightly, encouraging it. I start controlling him. I thrust my hips in and out as I watch Beau brutally pound his much bigger cock into the Mountain’s eager mouth. I match his pace as I drive my cock in right to the base. With me doing the work, the shorter stud’s hands are free to roam. He massages my ass cheeks and caresses my legs. All the time groaning for more.
My speed and intensity have me close to cumming. Tommy’s toying with my crack. I warn him, “If you touch my hole, I’m gonna shoot down your throat.” He slides his hands away and pushes on my legs. I let him slide off my cock. He fishes in his pocket and puts a condom in my hand. The shorter stud stands up and strips naked for me while I kick off my shoes, jeans, and briefs.
Beau lets the Mountain off his cock. A long strand of pre-cum and saliva runs along. The blond bodybuilder slides off the table. Tommy and the monster lean over the table facing each other. They stand with feet spread, their torsos flat, and asses lifted into the perfect positions. Tommy seductively begs for us to fuck them. The husbands grip hands and kiss across the table.
My buddy and me step forward, eager to finish the job. I kneel down and finger Tommy’s hole. He moans. I run my finger up and down his crack with a feather touch. Muffled cries. I use my tongue on his crack and his ass twitches. I knead his cheeks while my tongue runs up and down. He’s shifting. When I bury my face in between his ample ass cheeks, he cries out.
I tease his hole with my tongue, getting the shorter stud wet. My hands run along his sturdy legs. My tongue works, circling and darting. I go slowly. My tongue enters him. I feel his thick legs shaking as he tells his husband that I’m driving him crazy. I slide on hand up and find his cock, it’s hard and leaking. I know I could jack a load out of him just from this. But I won’t.
I rise up behind him. Beau is already pounding The Mountain’s ass. The monster looks up at me, “You’re - UH - gonna have to - UH - OH FUCK YES - show me what - OH MY GOD! YOURE SO FUCKIN’ HUGE! - what - UH - what you did - UH - to my man. His - UH - eyes - UH - went back in his - OH FUCK! - head.” I blush as I sheathe my cock.
I drive inside Tommy. He moans, begging me to fuck him hard. The husbands are holding the table steady as they grip hands and kiss. I quickly match Beau’s speed and intensity. That drives them both nuts. They love the synchronization as they savor being simultaneously plowed by us. I grip Tommy’s meaty hips tightly as I pound in and out.
Jorge took my edge off, but I’m primed to shoot again. After the hot blowjob, I’m getting close fast. I look to Beau. His handsome face is contorted, his jaw is hanging open, and I can tell he’s ready to explode, too. The husbands are face down, arms interlocked, taking all we’ve got. I keep hammering Tommy’s fat ass, my pelvis slamming into his amazing ass cheeks.
“Oh fuck, I gotta cum!”
I pull out and rip off the condom. Beau matches me. We jerk our throbbing cocks. I blow first, firing ropes of cum all over Tommy’s broad back. The blond bodybuilder lasts a couple of more seconds then he erupts, his first shot making it all the way to Tommy’s bald head. Soon, the Mountain’s back is lined with the young muscleman’s seed. We milk ourselves dry.
The Mountain and Tommy stand up. They’re both hard and leaking. I drop to my knees and bring the shorter stud over. He eagerly sticks his cock in my mouth, and I blow him as his husband watches. The smallest stud holds my head. I reach up and finger his hole. He gasps and moans. It doesn’t take long before I’m swallowing Tommy’s load, gulping it down.
I stand up and pull out my room key. “Need a shower?”
Tommy eagerly takes the key. He and his husband slip on underwear and trunks then run out. Beau swings around the table. We can hear the title match starting. I ask if he wants to watch, but he holds up his key and says he’d rather see what’s going on in our room. I pull my pants back on, gather the rest of their clothes, and we head to join the handsome husbands.
“You know I got no say in what happens, Buck. I haven’t been in control since Toby stabbed me in the back and tomorrow’s no different.” Beau looks at the clock, “Oh, shit, I mean, today.”
The wrestlers have gone home and we're alone, both naked in our respective beds. Alone. I reply, “Yeah, we should get some sleep. Wrestling. So much sex. I’m wiped.”
Instead of turning out the lights, Beau sits up in his bed, still worked up. The stress of returning to El Paso is weighing on him. “I’m the best guy they got, but Keith’s still gonna fire my ass. Toby spent a lot of time working his scam and he’s got my idiot boss wrapped around his finger. It’s not fair. And I got no power and there’s nothing I can do about it.”
I’ve heard all this before. What I’m trying to understand is what HE wants to do - if he had control, would he keep his job? Stay at the ranch? If not, where would he go? Too bad that the closer we get to his return to El Paso, the more Beau focuses on what has been done and will be done to him. I’m trying to figure out how I can help but there’s not much I can do.
“Toby’s gonna push my buttons. I just know we’re gonna fight about what’s mine and what’s his. My only plan is to get through it without killing my brother.”
I just nod. It’s depressing to have no control and Beau, despite being a smart, gorgeous, 22-year-old bodybuilder who’s really good at his job - security for an energy research ranch - feels like he has no control over his life. Any glow from the wrestling and sex has worn off. I want to help and provide wisdom - I have lived on my own since I was 18, running my own farm.
Unfortunately, I got nothing, except “Don’t kill your brother” and cliches like “I’m here for you.”
Beau’ll need to be fresh when we hit El Paso TX where he worked until his boss Keith and brother Toby physically and emotionally abused him for weeks before kicking him out on a forced four-week vacation. After crashing with our friends, Cody and Jae, he’s happier but being a charity case has not been good for his ego. He needs closure. He needs control.
Now, he’s just hours away from facing them again to pick up his stuff, confront his brother, and yes, probably get fired by Keith. I pat my bed and nod my head. Beau accepts my offer. The naked bodybuilder gets up. He slides into bed with me. He wants to cuddle and be comforted. I slide back against the headboard, open my legs and he moves under the sheet between them, lying against me. I hug him from behind.
Beau relaxes and we just snuggle for a while. He finally says, “Thanks for coming with me. Don’t think I coulda made it without you, buddy.” He caresses my forearms, “Sorry I’ve been so self-absorbed this trip. All we talk about is me. My drama. My brother. My job. My future.” He says, “What’s up with you? You gotta a big decision to make, too.”
“Oh, I’ve made it. I’m heading back to the farm for good in a couple of weeks. If you do get fired, wanna join me? I can always use a guy like you. Summer’s beautiful.”
“Wow, I really thought you’d stay in LA. You love everything about it.”
I hesitate. He’s not wrong. I try to explain, “I have loved it. But it’s a vacation. A fantasy. I got to hang out with beautiful people and live all the drama, sex, wrestling, and love. Eventually, fantasies end. I think I’ve overstayed my welcome. Everyone is just getting a little tired of me. Time to go back to reality.”
Beau sits up and turns to look at me, “Who’s everyone? Not Brody?”
“Brody’s great, but he needs his living room couch back.”
“You could find a place.” I just shrug. Beau says, “Cody’ll help you. You know he’ll work some kinda magic for you.” I must tense because he asks, “Wait? Is Cody ‘everyone’? You think Cody’s tired of you? Buddy, he loves you.”
“And I love Cody. He’s been a great friend. Which is why I can’t keep imposing on his life. Brody signed up for me to crash with him for four months. Cody didn’t ask for some old country bumpkin hoarding in. He invited you in. I got pushed on him.”
Beau rubs my legs, “That’s not true.”
“The novelty has worn off. And I get it. Once I finish Cody’s roof garden - should be this week - I’ll let him know and he can get back to his life without me intruding all the time.”
Ben wasn’t kidding when he said he had some rough spots in tonight’s Arizona Wrestling Extreme card. I don’t know about the couple of matches I missed while Jorge fucked me in my motel room, but what I’ve seen since we came back has been kind of, well, bad. Now, I wish I’d spent more time in the shower with the young muscle stud.
There are only two matches left and they’ll be the best ones. My buddy Beau’s got a tough job. First, he’s gotta get the crowd back into it for the main event, the title match between Jeff and Lee. Second, the 6’1”/235-lbs bodybuilder is facing a 6’5”/300-lbs monster. I don’t know which will be tougher, but I know which one will be more painful.
The ref is the announcer and now he’s the hype man between matches. He’s pretty good at it. Of course, he’s also a short, super-cute muscle stud and his shirt is off, so that might be coloring my judgment. It’s tough, though, when the wrestling isn’t great. Folks are chill, just drinking and chatting, which is not good energy during a wrestling show. I get why Lee and Ben wanted Beau and me on the card so bad.
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Ref. Announcer. Hype-man. This guy can do it all. |
Okay, looks like it’s time for the penultimate match of the night.
Beau runs out of the back. Guys want to boo, but the 22-year-old is so handsome and chiseled that most of the have to cheer. He’s gorgeous - tanned skin, muscles pumped, white teeth shining, and rocking into his white pro gear - tight, packed trunks, boots, knee pads, and wrist tape. The guy screams babyface stud and by the time he’s posing in the ring, they love him.
A short (5’6”) stocky (170-lbs) muscleman with a shaved head comes out. He’s shirtless in ripped jeans that strain to hold his thick legs and large, shapely ass. His arms are thick, as are his pecs in his top. Ben told me earlier that Tommy is Mauro’s husband. He’s a foot shorter than his man, but he's smoking hot. He looks around my age, probably mid-30’s.
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Damn. |
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Double damn. |
I’m surprised Ben has put Beau in this situation, knowing that he’s heading back to El Paso to confront his brother and his boss. A boss who beat him multiple times on the mats. They really shook his confidence. Ben’s a good friend to Beau and a lot smarter than me, so I’m going to believe he knows what he’s doing.
Oh boy. Good luck, Beau.
The big men circle the ring. Seeing them together in the ring for the first time, the height difference isn’t that bad (despite what the announcer said), but his opponent is so much wider. It’s not very often that the blond bodybuilder is outmatched, especially where we normally wrestle. I’m not sure fitness models and smaller muscleboys prepare anyone for a guy like The Mountain.
They lockup. It’s a test of power as they push against each other. I’m surprised that Beau is doing so well, managing to keep it competitive. He’s twisting and trying to counter the Mountain’s power advantage with skill. Smart, but power is still power. Mauro gets frustrated and just charges forth like a bull. ROAR! Beau is run backwards into the corner. CLANG!
The Mountain grabs the ropes on either side of the blond bodybuilder. The ref starts counting because they’re in the corner. The massive monster steps back then drives in, splashing his big body into Beau. SPLAT! OOF! You can practically see all the air leave the young muscleman’s body. The massive monster does it again. SPLAT! OOF! And again. SPLAT! OOF!
The ref reaches his five-count, telling The Mountain to back off. The humungous beast obeys, reaching the middle of the ring with his hands up high. He pounds his chest as a sign of dominance. Beau steps out of the corner, trying to shake it off. The crowd cheers for the handsome young stud, encouraging him as they can see the giant mismatch here.
Suddenly, The Mountain charges at Beau. His stomps echo through the bar as he closes the gap. He moves surprisingly quickly for such a big man. The blond bodybuilder braces for impact. When Mauro reaches him, Beau turns his momentum against him. He twists and lets the giant crash front-first into the corner. CLANG! The whole ring seems to move an inch.
The crowd is on their feet cheering the surprise counter. They’re pumping their fists, firmly looking for an upset and on the side of Beau against this beast. Maybe this is why Ben did this. The blond bodybuilder can use all the cheering these guys can give him.
The Mountain stumbles backwards, right into a standing dropkick to his back. WHOMP! The massive monster falls back into the corner. CLANG! Beau moves in. He pulls Mauro out of the corner by his wrist. As he pulls, the young muscle stud extends his crisp white boot and trips the giant down. The Mountain falls forward, landing face-first. SPLAT!
The massive monster rolls onto his back. Beau jumps up, landing with his bubble butt on the big man’s chest. PLOP! OOF! The blond bodybuilder slides into a schoolboy pin. He lifts Mauro’s head and unleashes a series of forearms to his head. WHACK! CRACK! THWAK! That’s a great way to keep a big man down. The crowd approves, loving what they’re seeing.
Outside the ring, Tommy Gold is throwing a fit as his husband is being manhandled by the blond bodybuilder. He screams at the ref that Beau is using closed fists, but we can all see he’s not. Guys yell at Tommy to sit down and shut up. He turns away from the ring and starts screaming at the nearest table of fans. They just laugh at the cute, stocky muscleman’s antics.
In the ring, The Mountain has had enough. He bucks up and throws Beau off him. With authority as the announcers used to say. Mauro is clearly stunned thought. He shakes out his head, leaving himself open. Beau runs around and grabs the massive monster’s boots. He raises them into the air. Beau tries to flip the beast into a crab, but the big man won’t move.
They struggle as Beau keeps trying, shifting from side-to-side. The massive monster blocks every attempted turn. The Mountain draws his legs in, pulling Beau forward. Mauro extends them back out, powerfully kicking the blond bodybuilder off. The force sends my buddy flying into the ropes. He can’t stop from being ricocheted towards The Mountain, who kicks out, driving his right boot squarely into Beau’s chiseled midsection. WHOMP! OOF!
Beau doubles over, struggling for breath as the big man rolls up to his feet. The Mountain moves in. He forces Beau’s head between his thick legs. The blond bodybuilder pushes to avoid being trapped, but it’s too late. Mauro has clamped his legs together tighter than a vice. He squeezes on the standing leg scissors. Beau groans loudly. The crowd starts cheering for him to hold on.
The Mountain extends his arms. He forms fists then extends his thumps forward. The massive monster dramatically turns his thumbs down. He drops to his knees, driving Beau’s head into the canvas. CRACK! The blond bodybuilder goes limp, his body twitching and convulsing. I’d be shocked if he’s even conscious after that move. Tommy has his hands up, celebrating.
With his opponent out of it, The Mountain pauses to flex his biceps. He kisses them to the boos of the hopeful audience. From the bar, I start a chant, “BEAU! BEAU! BEAU!” The guys pick it up and soon, everyone is doing it. Everyone except The Mountain and his husband manager. Neither one of them seem to appreciate it at all.
Mauro rolls Beau’s limp carcass over onto his back. He plants one finger between the blond bodybuilder’s sculpted pecs and raises his other hand in victory. The ref drops down, checks that the shoulders are pinned and starts his count.
To the shock of everyone, Beau weakly lifts his shoulder, breaking the pin!
“Beau? Beau! BEAU!”
The ref raises his hand, signaling ‘two’. The bar goes nuts. Clapping, cheering, clinking of glasses. They love seeing the handsome young stud be resilient and courageous. After a few duds, they’re ready to cheer for a hero. Even if he’s from El Paso. The Mountain kneels beside the blond bodybuilder clearly dumbfounded. And outside the ring, his manager has a fit.
“What the fuck was that?” Tommy rapidly slaps the apron and shouts, “ONE! TWO! THREE!”
The Mountain points at the ref, threatening him. Fortunately, the smaller but muscly stud isn’t intimidated. He’s already been manhandled at least once tonight by Jorge and is clearly not in the mood to take any crap from the 300-lbs beast who towers over him. The massive monster climbs to his feet. Beau’s still looking weak but at least he weathered one storm. I’m so proud of him.
Not that Beau is mounting a huge comeback just yet. The 300-lbs beast drags the 235-lbs muscle stud up to his feet. He scoops the weakened bodybuilder up across his chest, holding him up with one arm firmly between his legs gripping his ass and the other under his head gripping his shoulder. The big man moves to the middle of the ring.
The Mountain holds Beau as the crowd boos. He laughs at them then bodyslams the handsome muscle hunk. BOOM! The blond bodybuilder bounces then lies unmoving flat on his back, arms and legs spread open. Mauro raises his arms then brings them down as he squats. The big behemoth leaps up and comes down, splashing on Beau. SPLAT! OOF!
The ref drops down. Beau is pinned under the 300-lbs beast.
Beau manages to shift, barely getting one shoulder up in time. The Mountain sits back, kneeling beside the still coughing hunk. He looks at the ref then rapidly chops Beau’s meaty pecs three times. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! “That’s how you count! ONE! TWO! THREE!” The ref ignores the big man, confirming for him Beau broke the count.
The crowd gets on The Mountain, yelling at him. He rises up and stomps his feet, clearly getting angrier at Beau’s resilience and the merciless taunting of the (drunken) audience. The massive monster drags the blond bodybuilder up again. He whips him hard into the corner. CLANG! Beau barely stays standing, gripping the top ropes. He’s shaking out his head.
The Mountain charges in. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! The 300-lbs beast leaps up and crashes in on top of the damaged hunk. KA-SPLAT! The ring creaks on impact. Mauro bounces off and backs up, arms raised. Beau drops onto his spectacular ass. PLOP! He sits in the corner, looking weak as his head rests limply on the middle turnbuckle.
With the blond bodybuilder helpless, The Mountain measures him up from across the ring. He slaps his own sizable ass. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! The crowd starts cheering. “BEAU! BEAU! BEAU!” The massive monster rumbles forward. He stomps across the ring. When he gets close, he turns and jumps, aiming his humungous hindquarters at Beau’s face and pecs.
As the 300-lbs beast sails through the air, Beau falls sideways. The Mountain flies over him, his butt slamming onto the padded turnbuckle. CLANG! The massive monster bounces back into the ring. He stumbles, reaching for his ass as he walks around with legs bent and a shocked look on his face. He jammed his tailbone and now is trying to shake it off.
Beau manages to use the top to pull himself to his feet. “BEAU! BEAU! BEAU!” The Mountain turns. He’s shocked to see Beau launch himself forth with a flying elbow. It connects with the crouched big man’s forehead. CRACK! Mauro staggers back as Beau drops to one knee, still dazed. The blond bodybuilder launches himself with another flying elbow. CRACK!
The Mountain is the one who’s wobbly now as Beau digs deep and finds new energy. “BEAU! BEAU! BEAU!” The blond bodybuilder moves in. The massive monster tries a clubbing swing, but the young muscle hunk ducks. He comes in underneath and grabs between Mauro’s thick legs. With a firm grip on the big man’s ass, Beau reaches up over the right shoulder.
The crowd goes silent.
Beau stands up, roaring loudly as he scoops The Mountain up across his chest!
The blond bodybuilder probably can’t hold him for long, but it’s long enough. He twists and bodyslams The Mountain down!
The ring shakes as the biggest man in AWE goes down to a power move!
The massive monster immediately sits up, his face in shock. Outside the ring, Tommy is freaking out, holding his head and screaming that Beau is cheating. He’s not, there’s no way he could be, but the manager claims that his power can’t be explained any other way!
Knowing the match is nowhere near over - one impressive bodyslam isn’t enough - Beau executes a perfect low dropkick to the back of The Mountain’s head as he sits in stunned shock. WHACK! The impact has the big behemoth’s eyes rolling back in his head. Beau slides up and locks on a sleeper from behind. He cranks hard, trying to end things right here.
The Mountain starts to fight the hold. He reaches back for Beau’s head, but his own shoulders are too wide. He’s musclebound and doesn’t have the range. He tries to roll to the side to rise, but Beau’s fighting him. The massive monster is gasping. His right arm is swinging wildly. He needs a miracle. I see Tommy freaking out. I cut through the crowd quickly.
As the sleeper continues to weaken the big behemoth, Tommy slides under the bottom rope to interfere. The ref hasn’t noticed yet, still checking on The Mountain’s consciousness. I get there just in time. I grab Tommy’s leg and pull him back out. The guys nearby cheer me. Sure, now you’re all on my side, because I’m helping your golden boy, Beau. Just kidding, I love their enthusiasm.
I block his path and Tommy backs off. He tries a sneak kick to my balls, but I see it coming a mile away. I grab his leg and spin him around. I lift him up and bring him down onto my knee with an atomic drop. KRAKT! The pain shoots up his spine as he walks around, holding his ass. When he turns, I finish him off with a big clothesline that knocks him down onto floor.
I sit on top of Tommy, pinning him down as I watch the rest of the match. Guys pat my shoulder, and one hands me a beer as I chill atop the humungous heel’s helpless husband.
In the ring, nothing has changed. Beau is trying to knock the big man out and The Mountain is fighting to hold on. The massive monster looks weak. His mouth is hanging open, his jaw slack. I clench my fists willing for him to go out. Unfortunately, the 300-lbs beast has other ideas. He manages to throw his body to the left. Beau is thrown off, losing the sleeper.
The Mountain rises to his feet. He’s really wobbly. Beau moves in behind him. He somehow powers the big man up across his shoulders, racking the 300-lbs monster! “BEAU! BEAU! BEAU!” Once up, Beau’s got him. The guy squats more than this. Still, weights don’t struggle. He doesn’t drag it out, simply falling back and slamming The Mountain down. KA-BOOM!
Beau sits up as the massive monster writhes on the canvas behind him. The blond bodybuilder leaps up. He bounces off the ropes and comes down with a big leg drop. WHOMP! The handsome muscle hunk spins and lies across the big behemoth’s broad chest. The ref checks that the shoulders are down and begins the count.
The Mountain kicks out at two! Damn. Beau doesn’t worry about it. He runs to the corner, leaps onto the middle turnbuckle and flies off. He lands with a big elbow drop. WHACK! The blond bodybuilder goes for another pin.
Damn. Another fucking two-count. Beau grabs the big man by the head. He pulls, dragging The Mountain up. As he rises, the massive monster swings his arms around the blond bodybuilder’s trim waist. Oh no. The Mountain stands up, crushing his handsome opponent in a powerful bearhug! Beau groans as he’s squeezed by the mighty arms.
Against the sudden and shocking force, Beau goes limp from the pain but keeps conscious. He makes fists and shakes his arms. The Mountain shakes the 235-lbs muscleman to prevent any resistance. “BEAU! BEAU! BEAU!” The crowd’s roars have the blond bodybuilder still fighting against the devastating hold. He grits his teeth then swings his arms over the big man’s shoulders.
Beau leans forward. He wraps his arms around The Mountain’s head. The blond bodybuilder locks on a front-facing sleeper! Yes! Now, it’s a battle of wills as the massive monster tries to crush Beau before the Kiss of Death can knock him out. They both look determined. I can’t tell what’s going to happen. Their muscles are huge from the pump and their bodies drenched in sweat.
It’s a long struggle but no one is looking away. Suddenly, The Mountain’s grip slips. He gets it back, but it’s noticeably weaker. People start to hope. Beau feels the change. It energizes him. This is the second sleeper. The first weakened the big man. This one could be knocking him out. Sure enough, The Mountain’s arms are barely holding Beau’s around the waist.
The Mountain’s mighty arms drop, hanging limp.
The tree trunk legs wobble
All his massive muscles go soft.
The 300-lbs of monster turns to dead weight.
Beau lets go.
The Mountain topples to the canvas.
The ref kneels down to check. Beau circles. The crowd is silent. Under me, Tommy is begging for me to let him up. He has no idea what’s happening, but he knows it’s not good for his man.
Huge arm goes up. Huge arm goes down. PLOP!
Again. Same result. PLOP!
And once more? PLOP!
The ref signals for the bell.
YES! I jump up off Tommy. He stays down, hands over his face as he knows his man has lost.
Between matches, I head to the back to check on Beau and congratulate him. He’s not outside. Our motel room looks dark. When I turn to go back in, I see Tommy. He calls me over.
“Hey, Cowboy.” I let that stand. Even though I’m not a cowboy, it seems to be my wrestler ID for the day. He rubs my back, “No hard feelings. I heard what you did for Jorge. Makes you even hotter, if that’s possible.” I blush. “Looking for your buddy?”
“Yeah, just wanted to check on him and your husband. They both did some damage.”
“Fuck, you are a good guy.” Tommy grabs my wrist, “C’mon, let’s see if you can be bad.”
I’m confused but I let myself get dragged back inside. I get pushed into a small private dining room. Oh. Beau’s lying on his back on the large wooden table, legs dangling down. His white trunks are off and his right hand is on the back of the Mountain’s head. The massive monster is sucking the blond bodybuilder’s impressive cock.
Guess they had stakes, too.
I try to back out to give them privacy. Tommy is behind me. He blocks me. I let him push me to the side. He closes the door behind us. Tommy says, “Stay. They don’t mind an audience, right boys?” The Mountain gives a thumbs up as Beau holds his head on his cock. My buddy tells me it’s cool if I stay. Tommy moves in front of me, rubbing his hands over my body.
I’m not sure where this is going but I’m willing to play along. I can see over the shorter stud as he feels me up. The Mountain is a surprisingly good cocksucker, handling Beau’s big meat like a champ. Tommy pushes my t-shirt up. I pull the bottom over and lock it behind my head, exposing my torso. The short muscle stud grabs my bulge in my jeans. He tells me I’m hot.
Tommy starts playing with my body. He fondles my manhood, groping my balls. My cock gets bigger, and he teasingly runs his fingers along the outline. He continues to tell me what a man I am and how much he’s wanted me all night. Tommy leans in to suck on my nipple. It feels great. I lean against the wall as I’m expertly molested. I grab his shoulders, massaging them.
Between feeling Tommy’s touch, hearing his seductive words, and watching Beau get sucked, I’m rock-hard in my jeans. I have to reach down to adjust position, but Tommy swats my hand away. “I’ll take care of it, Cowboy. You just let me work.” The short muscle stud slides down to his knees in front of me. He unbuckles my belt then opens my button fly up.
My jeans are down at my knees and my briefs quickly follow. My cock is standing right out. I see it for a second but Tommy’s on it so fast. He deep throats me like a champ. Wow. No foreplay with this guy. It feels awesome. Mountain is doing the same to Beau. My buddy is loving it. He’s forcing the monster’s head down and lifting his hips, face-fucking Mauro.
I palm Tommy’s bald head like a basketball. He moans and nods slightly, encouraging it. I start controlling him. I thrust my hips in and out as I watch Beau brutally pound his much bigger cock into the Mountain’s eager mouth. I match his pace as I drive my cock in right to the base. With me doing the work, the shorter stud’s hands are free to roam. He massages my ass cheeks and caresses my legs. All the time groaning for more.
My speed and intensity have me close to cumming. Tommy’s toying with my crack. I warn him, “If you touch my hole, I’m gonna shoot down your throat.” He slides his hands away and pushes on my legs. I let him slide off my cock. He fishes in his pocket and puts a condom in my hand. The shorter stud stands up and strips naked for me while I kick off my shoes, jeans, and briefs.
Beau lets the Mountain off his cock. A long strand of pre-cum and saliva runs along. The blond bodybuilder slides off the table. Tommy and the monster lean over the table facing each other. They stand with feet spread, their torsos flat, and asses lifted into the perfect positions. Tommy seductively begs for us to fuck them. The husbands grip hands and kiss across the table.
My buddy and me step forward, eager to finish the job. I kneel down and finger Tommy’s hole. He moans. I run my finger up and down his crack with a feather touch. Muffled cries. I use my tongue on his crack and his ass twitches. I knead his cheeks while my tongue runs up and down. He’s shifting. When I bury my face in between his ample ass cheeks, he cries out.
I tease his hole with my tongue, getting the shorter stud wet. My hands run along his sturdy legs. My tongue works, circling and darting. I go slowly. My tongue enters him. I feel his thick legs shaking as he tells his husband that I’m driving him crazy. I slide on hand up and find his cock, it’s hard and leaking. I know I could jack a load out of him just from this. But I won’t.
I rise up behind him. Beau is already pounding The Mountain’s ass. The monster looks up at me, “You’re - UH - gonna have to - UH - OH FUCK YES - show me what - OH MY GOD! YOURE SO FUCKIN’ HUGE! - what - UH - what you did - UH - to my man. His - UH - eyes - UH - went back in his - OH FUCK! - head.” I blush as I sheathe my cock.
I drive inside Tommy. He moans, begging me to fuck him hard. The husbands are holding the table steady as they grip hands and kiss. I quickly match Beau’s speed and intensity. That drives them both nuts. They love the synchronization as they savor being simultaneously plowed by us. I grip Tommy’s meaty hips tightly as I pound in and out.
Jorge took my edge off, but I’m primed to shoot again. After the hot blowjob, I’m getting close fast. I look to Beau. His handsome face is contorted, his jaw is hanging open, and I can tell he’s ready to explode, too. The husbands are face down, arms interlocked, taking all we’ve got. I keep hammering Tommy’s fat ass, my pelvis slamming into his amazing ass cheeks.
“Oh fuck, I gotta cum!”
I pull out and rip off the condom. Beau matches me. We jerk our throbbing cocks. I blow first, firing ropes of cum all over Tommy’s broad back. The blond bodybuilder lasts a couple of more seconds then he erupts, his first shot making it all the way to Tommy’s bald head. Soon, the Mountain’s back is lined with the young muscleman’s seed. We milk ourselves dry.
The Mountain and Tommy stand up. They’re both hard and leaking. I drop to my knees and bring the shorter stud over. He eagerly sticks his cock in my mouth, and I blow him as his husband watches. The smallest stud holds my head. I reach up and finger his hole. He gasps and moans. It doesn’t take long before I’m swallowing Tommy’s load, gulping it down.
I stand up and pull out my room key. “Need a shower?”
Tommy eagerly takes the key. He and his husband slip on underwear and trunks then run out. Beau swings around the table. We can hear the title match starting. I ask if he wants to watch, but he holds up his key and says he’d rather see what’s going on in our room. I pull my pants back on, gather the rest of their clothes, and we head to join the handsome husbands.
“You know I got no say in what happens, Buck. I haven’t been in control since Toby stabbed me in the back and tomorrow’s no different.” Beau looks at the clock, “Oh, shit, I mean, today.”
The wrestlers have gone home and we're alone, both naked in our respective beds. Alone. I reply, “Yeah, we should get some sleep. Wrestling. So much sex. I’m wiped.”
Instead of turning out the lights, Beau sits up in his bed, still worked up. The stress of returning to El Paso is weighing on him. “I’m the best guy they got, but Keith’s still gonna fire my ass. Toby spent a lot of time working his scam and he’s got my idiot boss wrapped around his finger. It’s not fair. And I got no power and there’s nothing I can do about it.”
I’ve heard all this before. What I’m trying to understand is what HE wants to do - if he had control, would he keep his job? Stay at the ranch? If not, where would he go? Too bad that the closer we get to his return to El Paso, the more Beau focuses on what has been done and will be done to him. I’m trying to figure out how I can help but there’s not much I can do.
“Toby’s gonna push my buttons. I just know we’re gonna fight about what’s mine and what’s his. My only plan is to get through it without killing my brother.”
I just nod. It’s depressing to have no control and Beau, despite being a smart, gorgeous, 22-year-old bodybuilder who’s really good at his job - security for an energy research ranch - feels like he has no control over his life. Any glow from the wrestling and sex has worn off. I want to help and provide wisdom - I have lived on my own since I was 18, running my own farm.
Unfortunately, I got nothing, except “Don’t kill your brother” and cliches like “I’m here for you.”
Beau’ll need to be fresh when we hit El Paso TX where he worked until his boss Keith and brother Toby physically and emotionally abused him for weeks before kicking him out on a forced four-week vacation. After crashing with our friends, Cody and Jae, he’s happier but being a charity case has not been good for his ego. He needs closure. He needs control.
Now, he’s just hours away from facing them again to pick up his stuff, confront his brother, and yes, probably get fired by Keith. I pat my bed and nod my head. Beau accepts my offer. The naked bodybuilder gets up. He slides into bed with me. He wants to cuddle and be comforted. I slide back against the headboard, open my legs and he moves under the sheet between them, lying against me. I hug him from behind.
Beau relaxes and we just snuggle for a while. He finally says, “Thanks for coming with me. Don’t think I coulda made it without you, buddy.” He caresses my forearms, “Sorry I’ve been so self-absorbed this trip. All we talk about is me. My drama. My brother. My job. My future.” He says, “What’s up with you? You gotta a big decision to make, too.”
“Oh, I’ve made it. I’m heading back to the farm for good in a couple of weeks. If you do get fired, wanna join me? I can always use a guy like you. Summer’s beautiful.”
“Wow, I really thought you’d stay in LA. You love everything about it.”
I hesitate. He’s not wrong. I try to explain, “I have loved it. But it’s a vacation. A fantasy. I got to hang out with beautiful people and live all the drama, sex, wrestling, and love. Eventually, fantasies end. I think I’ve overstayed my welcome. Everyone is just getting a little tired of me. Time to go back to reality.”
Beau sits up and turns to look at me, “Who’s everyone? Not Brody?”
“Brody’s great, but he needs his living room couch back.”
“You could find a place.” I just shrug. Beau says, “Cody’ll help you. You know he’ll work some kinda magic for you.” I must tense because he asks, “Wait? Is Cody ‘everyone’? You think Cody’s tired of you? Buddy, he loves you.”
“And I love Cody. He’s been a great friend. Which is why I can’t keep imposing on his life. Brody signed up for me to crash with him for four months. Cody didn’t ask for some old country bumpkin hoarding in. He invited you in. I got pushed on him.”
Beau rubs my legs, “That’s not true.”
“The novelty has worn off. And I get it. Once I finish Cody’s roof garden - should be this week - I’ll let him know and he can get back to his life without me intruding all the time.”
Beau shakes his head, “You’re crazy. This is gonna break his heart.”
I sigh, “Trust me, it won’t. He’ll act upset, because he’s a good guy, but if the past few weeks have shown me anything, he’ll get over it fast.”
“Past few weeks?”
I explain, “It’s nothing he’s said or done. It’s what he hasn’t said or done. He hasn’t made any effort to convince me to stay. Hasn’t even mentioned it. Cody’s gone from moving heaven and earth - getting me a job, selling California, making my wrestling fantasies come true - to doing nothing. I appreciate him too much not to take the hint.”
Beau whispers, “Oh boy.”
“Yeah, I get the message. And it’s okay. I was expecting it. I’m pretty boring compared to the super-sexy wrestling soap opera life he leads.”
Beau shifts to sit facing me, putting his legs over mine. He reaches out and runs the back of his right hand against my stomach. “Oh, Buck. Fuck, I’m so sorry.”
“For what?”
“I’ve been so focused on my decision that I didn’t notice how you were feeling. Nobody wants you to stay in LA more than Cody. Probably not even Brody.”
I frown, “Sure.”
“No, I’m serious.” Beau breathes in deeply. He says, “I didn’t know you’d take it like this. None of us did. We thought we were doing the right thing. We thought we were respecting you.”
“I’m not following. Who’s we?”
“Ryan. Jae. Me. Maybe a few others. Everyone who told Cody stay out of it. Everyone who made him promise to stop interfering in your decision. To let you make up your own mind.”
My eyes go wide, “What?”
“Yeah. Cody isn’t okay with you going. He’s just trying to be a good guy and let you make your own choice. We’re the ones who’ve made him pull back and stop trying to manipulate you.” Beau says, “We didn’t realize how’d it look to you.”
I struggle with this revelation. I confirm, “So, the past few weeks when I felt like Cody was ready for me to go …”
“He wasn’t. We convinced him he was being a good friend. Trying to be selfless and all.” I process what I’m hearing. Beau adds, “He had plans to make you stay, believe me. Came to me with a real good one, too, after Ryan and Jae weren’t gonna help him.”
I’m blown away. I was loving Cody trying to manipulate me. It felt like a game. When he stopped playing, I took as he didn’t care anymore. I’m an idiot. I lean forward, needing to hear this. “Tell me about it.”
Beau explains the lengths Cody was going to go through to keep me in LA. I’m overwhelmed. And it might’ve worked. I feel ashamed for not believing in Cody more. For not believing in our friendship. He’s the best friend I made in California. He’s always a good guy to me. And I knew he wanted me to stay but my self-doubt kicked in. I was wrong. Just plain wrong.
The blond bodybuilder asks, “You okay?”
“Yeah.” I fall back against the headboard. “Just thinking about what you said. I feel like shit now. I owe Cody an apology.”
“Well, I wouldn’t worry ‘bout it too much. Cody doesn’t know.”
“You sure?”
“I’ve been living with him, haven’t I? Cody and Jae are super-open. I hear everything. Cody’s still lovin’ you. Braggin’ on you. You heard Ben. He knew all ‘bout you. Not from me. From Cody.”
“So, Ben was telling me to stay in LA.”
“Probably. Cody’s got no clue you’re feeling hurt.”
“Thank god.” I nod, “Still, I know what I thought. I want to make it up to him.”
Beau asks, “Before you go back to your farm?”
I hesitate.
The young bodybuilder notices. “You havin’ a change of heart?”
“I don’t know what to do. I’ve got a good life on the farm. My parents started it. I’ve kept it going when no one thought I could handle it. I don’t know if I can just walk away from that for wrestling and sex. Maybe I was so quick to doubt Cody because it would make it easier to leave. To say goodbye with no guilt because that’s what he wanted.”
“Now, you know it’s not what he wants. You got a good life in Cali. A different life, but a good one.”
“I do.”
I go silent. Beau slides off the bed, he sits on the edge. “Forgive me?”
I hug him, “Of course. Actually, your advice is right. I should make my own decision without anyone influencing me. Even Cody. It was just fun to be wanted.”
“You’re lucky. You’re always wanted, Buck. I wish I could say the same.”
I kiss his cheek and he climbs back into his own bed. I lie back, stretching out. I stare at the ceiling. I’ve never faced a decision as hard as this. I’ve taken the easy way in life. The safe way. Now, I got a chance to do something new. Unpredictable. Visiting Brody in LA was scary enough. Moving there permanently? Selling the farm? My home? Cali is cool but it’s not home. But there’s Brody. Cody. Now Beau, if he stays. Real good friends.
Cali isn’t home. Could it be?
Beau’s asleep, but I’m wide awake, my mind racing. The silence is deafening. My mouth is suddenly dry. I roll out of bed. I grab my water bottle and chug some back. I open the door. There's no one around as I step out into the cool desert air. Feels good on my naked body. I look up at the moonlight and stars over the dark parking lot. I fluff under my balls then stretch out and up. I don't worry about being seen. I got bigger things to worry about.
I sigh, “Trust me, it won’t. He’ll act upset, because he’s a good guy, but if the past few weeks have shown me anything, he’ll get over it fast.”
“Past few weeks?”
I explain, “It’s nothing he’s said or done. It’s what he hasn’t said or done. He hasn’t made any effort to convince me to stay. Hasn’t even mentioned it. Cody’s gone from moving heaven and earth - getting me a job, selling California, making my wrestling fantasies come true - to doing nothing. I appreciate him too much not to take the hint.”
Beau whispers, “Oh boy.”
“Yeah, I get the message. And it’s okay. I was expecting it. I’m pretty boring compared to the super-sexy wrestling soap opera life he leads.”
Beau shifts to sit facing me, putting his legs over mine. He reaches out and runs the back of his right hand against my stomach. “Oh, Buck. Fuck, I’m so sorry.”
“For what?”
“I’ve been so focused on my decision that I didn’t notice how you were feeling. Nobody wants you to stay in LA more than Cody. Probably not even Brody.”
I frown, “Sure.”
“No, I’m serious.” Beau breathes in deeply. He says, “I didn’t know you’d take it like this. None of us did. We thought we were doing the right thing. We thought we were respecting you.”
“I’m not following. Who’s we?”
“Ryan. Jae. Me. Maybe a few others. Everyone who told Cody stay out of it. Everyone who made him promise to stop interfering in your decision. To let you make up your own mind.”
My eyes go wide, “What?”
“Yeah. Cody isn’t okay with you going. He’s just trying to be a good guy and let you make your own choice. We’re the ones who’ve made him pull back and stop trying to manipulate you.” Beau says, “We didn’t realize how’d it look to you.”
I struggle with this revelation. I confirm, “So, the past few weeks when I felt like Cody was ready for me to go …”
“He wasn’t. We convinced him he was being a good friend. Trying to be selfless and all.” I process what I’m hearing. Beau adds, “He had plans to make you stay, believe me. Came to me with a real good one, too, after Ryan and Jae weren’t gonna help him.”
I’m blown away. I was loving Cody trying to manipulate me. It felt like a game. When he stopped playing, I took as he didn’t care anymore. I’m an idiot. I lean forward, needing to hear this. “Tell me about it.”
Beau explains the lengths Cody was going to go through to keep me in LA. I’m overwhelmed. And it might’ve worked. I feel ashamed for not believing in Cody more. For not believing in our friendship. He’s the best friend I made in California. He’s always a good guy to me. And I knew he wanted me to stay but my self-doubt kicked in. I was wrong. Just plain wrong.
The blond bodybuilder asks, “You okay?”
“Yeah.” I fall back against the headboard. “Just thinking about what you said. I feel like shit now. I owe Cody an apology.”
“Well, I wouldn’t worry ‘bout it too much. Cody doesn’t know.”
“You sure?”
“I’ve been living with him, haven’t I? Cody and Jae are super-open. I hear everything. Cody’s still lovin’ you. Braggin’ on you. You heard Ben. He knew all ‘bout you. Not from me. From Cody.”
“So, Ben was telling me to stay in LA.”
“Probably. Cody’s got no clue you’re feeling hurt.”
“Thank god.” I nod, “Still, I know what I thought. I want to make it up to him.”
Beau asks, “Before you go back to your farm?”
I hesitate.
The young bodybuilder notices. “You havin’ a change of heart?”
“I don’t know what to do. I’ve got a good life on the farm. My parents started it. I’ve kept it going when no one thought I could handle it. I don’t know if I can just walk away from that for wrestling and sex. Maybe I was so quick to doubt Cody because it would make it easier to leave. To say goodbye with no guilt because that’s what he wanted.”
“Now, you know it’s not what he wants. You got a good life in Cali. A different life, but a good one.”
“I do.”
I go silent. Beau slides off the bed, he sits on the edge. “Forgive me?”
I hug him, “Of course. Actually, your advice is right. I should make my own decision without anyone influencing me. Even Cody. It was just fun to be wanted.”
“You’re lucky. You’re always wanted, Buck. I wish I could say the same.”
I kiss his cheek and he climbs back into his own bed. I lie back, stretching out. I stare at the ceiling. I’ve never faced a decision as hard as this. I’ve taken the easy way in life. The safe way. Now, I got a chance to do something new. Unpredictable. Visiting Brody in LA was scary enough. Moving there permanently? Selling the farm? My home? Cali is cool but it’s not home. But there’s Brody. Cody. Now Beau, if he stays. Real good friends.
Cali isn’t home. Could it be?
Beau’s asleep, but I’m wide awake, my mind racing. The silence is deafening. My mouth is suddenly dry. I roll out of bed. I grab my water bottle and chug some back. I open the door. There's no one around as I step out into the cool desert air. Feels good on my naked body. I look up at the moonlight and stars over the dark parking lot. I fluff under my balls then stretch out and up. I don't worry about being seen. I got bigger things to worry about.
I was all set. Decision made. Now, I’m not. If I go to the farm, I can picture my life and I know exactly where I’ll be for decades. If I stay in LA, I won’t know anything.
I shake my head, re-focusing on my friend. This trip is all about Beau, not me. I gotta get some sleep. I step back inside and close the door, putting my decision out of my mind. I commit to being 100% there for Beau today. I'm gonna help him through his big day then I'll figure out my situation.
I shake my head, re-focusing on my friend. This trip is all about Beau, not me. I gotta get some sleep. I step back inside and close the door, putting my decision out of my mind. I commit to being 100% there for Beau today. I'm gonna help him through his big day then I'll figure out my situation.
Next story March 15, 2023: Cave Shorts: Bull meets Ash and Mark.
The Road to El Paso continues April 1, 2023.
I always love a big man losing to a smaller one!
ReplyDeleteAlso loving the non wrestling part of the story. Anxious about the final decisions.
Don't know how you keep all the parts to the Cave working so well. I have a much smaller universe and can't keep it all straight.
Yes, these final decisions have been simmering for years. Given Cave time, there was a chance they’d never be made, but here we are. I can confirm that by R2EP 6, they’ll be final. Beau and Buck’s decisions actually drive that story.
DeleteThe Cave was supposed to be three stories! Yes, it has evolved into a multi-tentacled beast. I was actually more organized before, but have slipped. I had an Excel spreadsheet with every character’s name, stats, and affiliations. I allowed stats to fluctuate (Cody, for example, has been described between 200-215 in different stories) to allow for the passage of time and how guys would naturally change (and to suit the pictures).
And there are things that have slipped. Already since I returned, I’ve been reminded about Him and Master Peace, both of whom were introduced with dangling plots that weren’t pursued.
I liked Him and Master Peace! If they came back I wouldn't complain haha. The wrestling parts were of course great, and it's fun seeing Beau as the "smaller" one in a big vs little match which I don't think would happen much. I'll also add I liked the non-wrestling part of the story :)
DeleteThanks! I like the non-wrestling parts, too. There’s only so many different holds I can use and write, so the non-wrestling parts are super-important, whether it’s the story or stakes.
Delete2023 is nearly completely written (just two more stories to finish), but I plan to revisit Him and Master Peace dangling plots in 2024. Him is easier because I laid out some obvious challenges with Darius and Josh. The other is a mystery involving characters no one knows or really cares about, yet, so I’ll have work to do on that.
Let’s start with the artwork. I can never get tired of the character cards. NEVER. I think it’s one of the best features of each story. Even if I’ve seen them 10 times, ten times that makes me observe them. Hopefully I’m not the only one. So Buck slams us with his card then Beau follows with a clothesline. The cute ref ( which is begging for his own stories) is all nice and helps us get up only to do a drop kick and slam us against the corner. Tommy (Wow, incredibly hot guy) runs and slams his shoulder against our gut. We fall and Mauro the giant flies from the opposite and splashes on us into oblivion. Ref easily counts to three this time. Speaking of the Ref all shirtless and tough guy this time around. I mean the shorter muscle hunk just stood his ground and put the Mountain in his place. Not once, but twice. That was impressive. I wonder what Ben thought of that. He was the invisible, silent character in this story. Where was he? What was he doing? Hmmm. I was impressed by Beau and his wrestling. Even more about his ability to get back into it. I mean the guy was pretty much out. To outright win even more impressive. Maybe a good warmup for what’s to come. Tommy really feels like a complete character somehow. You gave him time to show his “voice” and his skills. During the match and of course after the match. Definitely a winner in my book and together with Jorge and the Ref/Announcer/Hype-Man (as you say, he can do it all) three guys Is definitely be interested in seeing more of. Quick question, did you feature the ALT + in any of these images. Nothing popped up in reader view. Thanks for the great story. And yes your streak is still intact! Alex R.
ReplyDeleteD'oh! I must have missed this story. I didn't learn about Alt text until after I'd uploaded most of my stories. I thought I did them all from here on out, but must have missed it.
DeleteYes, Arizona is suddenly a hotbed of studs. Originally, it was just Dusty and Lee. Now all of a sudden, there are multiple guys and they have back stories and personalities and relationships. It's crazy.
Glad you like the Character Cards. I think they're very helpful, too. And honestly, most of these guys don't have 100 usable images out there and all of them age (unlike their Cave counterparts), so if I'm going to have to keep using the same images over and over, this seems like a good option.
Well perhaps it’s an iPhone thing? I’ll see on the pc if the Alt + works. Yeah the images situation is a struggle. Sometimes guys look like such different people. Well you have Ben Running the AEW, and he knows what to do, so I’m pretty sure that it will just grow from here. Even if the matches in between Buck/Jorge and Beau/Mountain sucked! Alex R
DeleteSo much to like about this story. Agree with Mangler about how hot it is to see a smaller (but still muscled) Stud take out a giant. I also thought you did a nice job of showing the crowd’s support for Beau. I enjoyed the sub-plot between Buck and Tommy, and Tommy’s eagerness to submit to Buck after he was prevented from cheating. The stakes scene was vivid. It was easy to visualize the two husbands bending over that table face to face as they were pounded. Very hot! Will be interesting to learn what big decisions are made by Beau and Buck.
ReplyDeleteThanks! Yes, a crowd cheering his name is exactly what Beau needed. Win or lose, that had to make him feel good.
DeleteI’m really liking a lot of the new Arizona characters, so I’m hoping to revisit Tommy, Mountain, Jorge, and the ref one day.
I was hoping the ref would be "manhandled" again this match lol, he looks too cute to not get some punishment, especially shirtless he's basically asking for it :P. Awesome match as usual, can't wait to see where Beau's storyline goes!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I do have plans for the adorable Ref to see action next year.