Friday, July 28, 2017

Review: Kid Karisma vs. Reese Wells (BGEast)

More from BGEast's latest Ringwars compilation. This time, it's Kid Karisma vs. Reese Wells. It's a master heel against a cute babyface in a surprising match that ended up being both compelling and super-hot.

Go for it, Reese. You've got Kid Karisma
right where we all want him.

Kid Karisma looks great in everything, but I have to say that I do enjoy seeing him in basic black. It fits his heel persona, which is one full display in this match and puts the focus on his amazing body and impeccable wrestling skills.

Like Gil Barrios, Reese Wells is one of those guys with lots of matches that I've never seen before. He's got a great body, compact, but proportioned like a bigger guy. Reese is cute in white gear, but as I discovered, he's not a jobber. The chiseled stud shows a lot of spunk, silently displaying a real fighting attitude as he battles one of the all-time greats.

Kid's award-winning body is back on display.

Reese prepares to flip the script.

Kid takes some time to play with his food.

So you can probably figure out where this is headed. You have one of the best heels of all time against a smaller, younger, fresh-faced opponent. However, apparently no one told Reese Wells how this was supposed to go. The guy is really feisty. He puts up a fight, even slapping Kid Karisma. What? Yup. Now, Kid does exact revenge and control more of the match, but it's not strictly time that matters to me, but moments, too.

Of course, I love that Kid Karisma isn't one of those squash-only type heels. He's fairly versatile, even jobbing sometimes (e.g., the really good Kid Karisma vs. Dev Michaels). Certainly studs like Ethan Andrews and Carter Alexander had their time to shine. But Reese isn't those guys, right? He's more like Jake Jenkins or Mister E, right? Uh, no. He's as entertaining to me as he is annoying to Kid Karisma.

Those gloves come in handy for beating
on a babyface who tries to show you up.

Speed kills, Kid. Speed kills.

Like he weighed nothing, Kid manhandles
the cocky babyface.

Overall, the action is crisp and fast-paced. Like I said, Kid dominates and destroys. The guy is always on top of his game and this match is no exception. Reese uses speed and his opponent's arrogance to surprise Kid (and me) on a few occasions, leading to wonderful moments like the humiliating, ass-slapping pin you see in the GIF below. Remember, that's Kid-fucking-Karisma down there. The match flows terrifically and the story builds beautifully from start to finish.

Kid rolled up and locked in.

How Kid (and I) expected this to go.

Wait, what? Am I counting a 1-2-3?

In the end, this was a big winner for me. Both guys looks great, sound great and wrestle well. I love the twists and turns that elevate this into something special. It's just a really sexy encounter that had me on the edge throughout. I haven't watched Jonny vs. Paul Hudson yet, so I can't say if this was my favorite from catalogue 120, but it's definitely in the lead, so far.

What are other bloggers saying?

So that's my take. What's yours?



  1. Love both of the guys in this one. It looks like a really good match--as much as I love them one-sided, I also like when a wrestler has to really fight for his squash. (I mean I'd hate to watch only ONE type of match, you know?) And I love that fresh-faced-ness of Reese. Like at any minute he's going to button his shirt all the way up to the top button and put on some shiny black shoes, to go star in a black-and-white film where he dates someone named Judy and shows the right and wrong things to do.

    1. Thanks for the comment. Interesting description of Reese. He does have a rosy-cheeked, boy-next-door appeal to him.

  2. Great review and match! both guys showcased well.

    1. Thanks for the comment on the review. And I'm sure BGEast is happy about your reaction to the video.

  3. Nice review and happy to see you reeally liked it. This was a match I'm keeping my eye on to eventually get. Excited to see Reese back and I hope he really is back for more matches and this isn't just a match that was held onto for a while.

    1. Thanks. I wouldn't get my hopes up about Reese. It's tough to tell, but I'd guess this has been around awhile. I feel like newer ring matches happen in the dark gray ring area, not this bright one. Just my guess.

    2. Yeah I have hope but it's super small right now haha. Probably as much hope as Rio or Alexi having a match that hasn't been released. Not including Alexis match against Devin that won't come out.

    3. I hear you, brother. It's one thing to hope something comes out, but another for it to exist and just not come out. I remember seeing a pic of Jonny Firestorm in a superhero body suit, but I don't remember any video with him in it ever coming out. Was it just a cruel tease?

  4. Would love to see Reese return in more matches! He is a real stud and his arms are something to behold. Seems like in all of his earlier matches he is paired with an older, tougher opponent and there usually looses his match after being brutalized beyond limits. Would like to see him win a match soon.

    1. Maybe he could return like Brendan Byers ... be more competitive with maturity. Not always winning but showing his experience and muscle mean something.

  5. Probably one of the super fights was when Reese got in the ring with Johnny Firestorm. Man the dude makes great grimaces when takes a body hit. His facial expressions alone and the torture he almost invites on his groin totally rock me out. I have gotten into bar fights where dudes say my double overs , grimaces and fight grunts are cool..and my gun stays hard in my faded tight jeans. But I ain't as cowboy cool as Reese.

    1. Thanks for the recommendation. I don’t think I’ve seen that one so I’ll have to check it out!

  6. It is on BG East wrestling and goes back to around 2015 or maybe earlier. It is a very cool fight vid. It rocks me out!

  7. You won't be disappointed. It goes three rounds. Reese is really cute in his tighty whitey trunks. And he loses them in the 3rd round beat down. His grunts really rock.
