Sunday, August 25, 2019

Review: Jungle Man vs. Nick Justice (Hero Hunks)

NJustice: "Men's eyes were made to look and let them gaze; I will not budge for no man's pleasure. William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet. You ... are going to be my Juliet!"

In a surprise to probably no one who reads this blog, I immediately bought the latest video from Hero Hunks. It features Blake Starr in a loincloth facing an evil villain played by Nick Justice. I like Nick and I love Tarzan. I wasn't sure how this would work but I was way too curious to play it safe. And pretty much any video with Tarzan in it is going to be a winner with me. Including this one.

NJustice: "Everybody who steps in the ring with me
either dies or becomes my minion!"

The title of this video calls the hero Jungle Man, the description calls him Jungleboy and the villain calls him Tarzan. No matter what you think is right, it's all the same. He's a jungle hero. He's handsome and ripped. He's in a loincloth. He's brave and strong. And he's gullible. As a wrestler, Blake's still kind of awkward at times, but he looks great in a loincloth and makes a good victim.

Tarzan: "Who's the strong one now?"

NJustice: "Please, Tarzan. Don't hurt me. I've changed.
I promise. I know when I've met my match."

NJustice: "Who's the strong one? You are.
Who's the sadistic smart one? I am."

I like the setup for this scenario. It's quick and clear. Things start out with Tarzan in the ring, which can be weird, but it's quickly explained in a way that works for me. He's surrounded by barrels with hazardous symbols on them. Obviously, the jungle is in danger from this toxic waste site. After all, good people don't have warehouses with barrels of poisonous chemicals in them.

The hero bravely calls out the villain. It's quickly established that he has defeated a dozen evil minions on his way here and now he's looking to take out the big boss, NJustice. This immediately establishes that this confrontation is the climax, the hero is strong but possibly worn down, and Nick is going to be ruthlessly evil. When the villain appears, he quickly uses the hero's confidence and gullibility to gain the upper hand with poison. Oh, poor foolish jungle boy.

NJustice: "Come on, Tarzan! Choke me! Fight back!
I thought you were were the best!"

NJustice: "I sent my weakest minions, my bitches,
to give you a false sense of security!"

NJustice: "You think that because you defeated a handful of
my disposable minions that you were going to get
the jump on me? No one gets the jump on me!"

Action-wise, Nick is great. He's skilled, convincingly nasty, cowardly, sadistic and psychotic. As the villainous NJustice, he's vicious but also twisted and creepy. Nick goes all-in from the start and I'm impressed by his commitment to the scene. He says a lot of stuff like "You are my future minion" and "By day's end, you will be my minion". He quotes Shakespeare as he talks about owning and raping Tarzan. That's commitment. The villain's intense interest in the beautiful jungle boy comes through clearly, especially near the end, culminating in a peck on the cheek as he claims complete ownership. He wanted Tarzan as his minion (and I find myself wanting that, too) and he got it.

NJustice keeps things moving. They had me at the start as I can watch Tarzan getting tricked and poisoned over and over. But it gets even better. I really liked how things escalate and the relentless, fast-paced punishment at the end is amazing as it's mixed in with the villain caressing the wrecked jungle boy's beautiful body. The corner work is a standout. Blake's body is fantastic and he looks sexy suffering (which must be why NJustice keeps lovingly caressing it).

NJustice repeatedly challenges Tarzan to fight back (ignoring that the jungle boy has fought twelve guys and been poisoned). He plays crazy as he begs the hero to choke him and attack his chest. The ape man does his level best, even resorting to a desperate attack with a chain, but outside of a couple of minutes in control, the narrative is about the total destruction of Tarzan.

NJustice: "Me Tarzan! Me like getting beaten up
by dungeon master!"

NJustice: "You are nothing. Nothing!"

NJustice: "Minion, your soul is mine."

In the end, I liked this video a lot. Yes, I am totally biased towards jungle men. However, it has a lot of good things that I can point to beyond my personal tastes - a clear setup that establishes the hero as both heroic and strong, the villain as diabolically evil, and the stakes as high. It's got stretches of brutal beatdowns, sexy seductions, heroic bravery, and villainous duplicity. Nick's excellent at keeping things both sexy and menacing. And Blake's very hot in his jungle gear.

So, that's my take. What's yours?



  1. That jungle man though. That outfit scores 100/100. All outfits should be that low and revealing.

    1. I agree that it’s a great look. Blake has that awesomely flat Apollo’s belt. It’s the perfect body to wear things very, very low slung.

    2. very very low slung... cant say it any better. Poetic words my friend!

  2. Christopher Lambert is one of my favorite Tarzan characters. I like the slim ripped agile Tarzan. Blake Starr fits the bill. Great costumes for both Tarzan and the Villain. I especially like the villain's costume- the boots and black suit with just a hint of his muscled chest. The story line is fun and some good action shots. Great review.

    1. Thanks! I agree that this video works. I actually prefer a more muscly jungle man (Gordon Scott is my childhood ideal, even though it doesn’t make logical sense) but I still loved this one.
