Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Review: Caffrey vs. Cason (Thunders Arena)

It's been a long time since I bought, watched or reviewed a Thunders Arena video. There are two good reasons why I took a break but I recently took another look. With their weekend sale, I decided to buy a couple of videos to see what's up. One was exactly what I don't like about Thunders, while Cason vs. Caffrey was everything that I do like about them. In the spirit of being positive, I figured I'd review the one I enjoyed.

Muscle on the mats at Thunders!

I've loved Cason since his debut. He's as physically perfect as ever. I might like him even more here as he plays the experienced guide for a newbie. The tall muscleman is his usual chill dude self as he happily narrates the video. He talks about his life, body, and musk (seems like someone didn't bother to shower after getting off the plane before hitting the mats). He describes the action but mostly talks Caffrey's defenses down (and up) as he acts as sherpa for the hot new guy.

Caffrey is less than two years younger than Cason, but he seems a lot younger than that. He's cute, quiet, and boyish. Kind of shy/nervous until Cason pulls him out of his shell. This is a great early match because Caffrey is much more engaged by the end than he is at the beginning. Cason remarks that he's not typical Thunders where the guys are taller, wider and inked. However, with his ripped body and lone tattoo (a discreet butterfly on his the back of his arm), the rookie stud is a perfect addition to any roster.

Cason having fun: "Hi Vegas!"

Caffrey comes on strong.

Cason teaches Caffrey how to show off.

This video is very comfortable. Not in a bad way, but Cason's non-stop chatter is entertaining, as is the rookie's reaction to it. Caffrey calling the bigger hunk a "fat fuck" then using it as a distraction felt like something right out of one of my stories. In fact, there's a nice casual Cave-ish chemistry between these guys that develops as Cason wears down the newbie into having a good time. By the final dragon sleeper (one of my favorite versions), it feels like camaraderie more than conflict and I liked it.

Caffrey has power, too.

Don't flex on a veteran, sport.

Did Cason teach the rookie too well?

Action-wise, this isn't really a "match" but there's a good amount of action. It's got the familiar Thunders horseplay vibe with trading holds. Cason intentionally works to draw out Caffrey's anger with taunting. He even praises the young buck for it - "there it is" - but mostly the guys exchange holds between looking in the mirror and chatting. Cason doesn't mind being put in holds, helping his protege get his bearings on the mat. They both look great being stretched and I enjoyed the banter between them.

Cason can do push ups for days.

Caffrey adds a playful noogie, while
Cason adjusts himself (which he does a lot).

It's all fun and games for Cason.

In the end, I liked this as a re-introduction to Thunders Arena. It's got one of their all-time best stars against a very hot rookie. It fits perfectly into what Thunders does well with a good combination of hot muscle, action, humor, and playfulness. Cason works as the cocky veteran showing the kid the ropes. And Caffrey seems like a keeper if he can keep up this attitude.

What are other bloggers saying?

So that's my take. What's yours?



  1. Also love the way he stretches those groin muscles

    1. Thanks for the comment, Jared! Good call on those hot moments.
