Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Review: Blayne vs. Cap (Thunders Arena)

I'm back with Blayne vs. Cap. It's the third of the three Cap matches I bought from Thunders Arena. I think I watched them out of order, because this is very likely the first Cap video. What makes me say that? Well, Cap isn't even "Cap" yet. The rookie introduces himself as Sean Gainz. It's weird, because at Movimus, Duke Russo started as Tommy Gainz. Maybe Gainz is one of those names that sounds good at first, but isn't. Just one of life's little mysteries.

The rookie takes on my Fave Jobber of 2017.

Anyway, by now, you know the guys. They look great and they're a good size match. Blayne is the beefier dude, which is rare for him at Thunders. He's less ripped than usual, but his chest is simply luscious. And his legs look great wrapped around the cute boy-next-door's head. Plus, he's full of confidence. Bravado looks good on him, as we saw when he crushed Viking and Frey simultaneously (review here).

Cap gets a great starting showcase.

Blayne's such a stud.

They've both been in better gear. Blayne's light blue squarecuts are the least attractive thing he's worn and Cap struggles with his trunks. They might be too stretched out for a little guy like him. More than once, they pull away in front exposing his right ball. In a reverse bearhug, he tries to adjust them, but he can't make them tighter. It's not really a big deal or particularly sexy or anything, but regular readers know I'm easily distracted by these types of production things.

Blayne looks good in anything, but
I prefer his little floral briefs.

Cap tries to fix things, but nope.

You've seen this before. Rookie shows up, gets mocked by veteran then wrestling ensues. It's a toss-up between Frey and Blayne as to which one is the guy I'd most want to debut against at Thunders if I was a rookie. They're both great, but specifically, Blayne seems easy to work with, always gives his best and makes his opponent look good, too.

Blayne seems like he'd be a fun opponent.

You'll get your moments.

And he will get his.

Blayne is more dominant than usual. I don't know if this is experience at work or just Cap being an even bigger jobber. The cute little rookie is a feisty fighter, but he doesn't have a ton against Blayne. There are a couple of bearhugs and he's speedy on the mat, but the hottest action is when Blayne is on top. The handsome star knocks the rookie out, crushes him with those amazing legs and punishes his back with a rack and over-the-knee backbreaker.

If I had one recommendation for all producers, spend a few minutes running through trash talk before rolling the camera. Not every guy can engage in back-and-forth, especially in their first time out. Cap comes across as awkward and confused at the start. Not Professor Muscles bad, but it would be great to arm him with some good quips beforehand.

Blayne's no one's doormat any more.

Love those legs.

Welcome to Thunders Arena, Cap.

In the end, this is a good introductory video for Cap. It's standard Thunders action, but Blayne is awesome and the guys work well together. I think they made a good decision changing up Cap's name and putting him in skimpy stars posers. I will say that of the three Cap matches, it's number three for me, but I don't regret buying it at all.

So that's my take. What's yours?



  1. Occasionally a prospective opponent will ask me "what color singlet/squares/Speedo are you wearing and what do want me in?" I'm not such a fashionista. Just gear up and lets wrestle. BUT if I'm watching something like this I do care, and I agree those baby blue trunks are not working for Blayne. He needs to be in his floral posers or something more fitting for an aggressive face/heel. The beef and attitude definitely look good, though. (But, Blayne, please lose the razor and never shave that chest.) Cap's gear needs to go, too. But when it's all said and done, seeing as it's Blayne we're talking about, Cap is one lucky lil dude. Baby blue squares or floral posers, jobber or face or heel, Blayne rocks.

    1. “lose the razor” - agreed! He’s gorgeous no matter what, but my fantasy Blayne is always hairy-chested.

      It’s amazing how good he is in every role. I feel like he’s underrated, although I don’t know why.

    2. Suffice to say I'm insanely jealous of Cap at the moment.
