Wrestler4Hire's Channing Travolta vs. Garrett Thomas sounds like a familiar match, it might be because back in March,
Wrestling Arsenal posted about a match between these two pro wrestlers. He expertly celebrated its action and wrestlers, starting with gorgeous in gold Garrett but then captivated by the big-bulged beefcake Channing.
This is actually a different match, with actual sound and a ref. I really like beefy jobber boy Channing and ripped heel Garrett, so I was interested to see this one when it came on streaming.
Channing puts it all out there against Garrett. Again. |
The guys are the same here hot hunks they were last time, only the gear changes. Thomas goes full-on heel in shiny black trunks, while Channing dyes his hair and goes for an even more basic white this time with no belt accent. It's a real contrast between looks and personas - long hair vs. short, ripped vs. beefy, despicable heel vs. fighting face, cool vs. corny. This adds a natural tension, which makes it even more watchable no matter which side you lean towards.
Channing's got hungry bum this entire video. |
Come on, Channing, there's literally nothing holding your shoulders down except submissiveness. |
Ouch! A rib breaker! Look at the beefy boy's face. Pure pain. |
It's not really a rematch, because the guys don't reference that first match. It's more of a do-over, following a similar storyline. Channing is brave at the beginning and he gets solid hope spots as he refuses to lie down for the rough heel. Garrett is arrogant and ready to rumble. He's not a cowardly heel, just a nasty badass who likes taking down cocky young punks. The ref works well here, providing a foil for the heel and a bit of narration to Channing's suffering.
A classic test of strength and chest bump. BASH! |
I included this just to prove it's not a 100% squash, but you know this isn't where my interests lie. It is hot, though. |
Yeah, Garrett, you own his sorry ass. |
Action-wise, it's awesome classic pro wrestling action. It starts with a determined collar-and-elbow followed by lengthy and perfectly sold arm work. There are power moves and long-held submission moves. I personally see a difference between "gay wrestling" and "wrestling that appeals to gay wrestling fans". For me, the former overtly brings in sex/sexual elements while the latter is just sexy. There's nothing overtly "gay-oriented" here. You could air this same match anywhere, but the chemistry, bodies and moves are definitely sexy as heck.
Of course, most of the match is Channing receiving abuse and by the end, he's so thoroughly humiliated that the ref begs him to give. Nothing can save the poor beefcake as Garrett isn't satisfied with one submission, continuing the abuse until he decides the young jobber is done. Ending on another classic note, the heel showcases a classic humiliation move that I loved when Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase did it 30 years ago.
Young Channing just can't handle Garrett's aggression. |
Garrett's not satisfied just beating Channing. He needs to humiliate him. |
Yes, yes, yes. Stick that crotch-sweat-soaked money in there. Even the ref thinks it's hot. |
In the end, this is the kind of really well-executed pro match that you don't see these days. The moves and pacing are from another time, but it still feels fresh, entertaining and very sexy. I just love this kind of match. The guys are perfect for it and the both deliver stellar performances.
So that's my take. What's yours?
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