Friday, October 13, 2017

Review: Dash Decker vs. Sasha Savvin (88 Wrestling)

Of all the surprises with the launch of 88 Wrestling, the return of Dash Decker to the ring is the biggest for me. I honestly never thought he'd be back. In fact, one of my custom match wishes at the end of August was buying him out of retirement and sending him to Thunders Arena. This isn't that, but I'll take more Dash anyway I can get him.

Dash is back!

I've made no secret of my love for Dash Decker. It's more than physical, but it's a lot physical. He's just plain sexy in that generic, all-American kind of way with a gorgeous muscle body. So yeah, he's hot, but he also seems pretty easy-going. I like that. It's weird for a heel-type, but his relaxed, Terminator persona works for me.

Sasha Savvin is a newbie. Not just to 88 Wrestling, but I suspect to wrestling in general. Still, he's game to face the big man in his debut, so he's got that going for him. The young rookie is lean, lightweight and bendy, perfect qualities to face Dash.

Dash certainly seems to enjoy his work.

From the beginning, Dash treats this as a training session. Or perhaps a better way of putting it is that he's determined to teach Sasha a lesson. Either way, this looks like a huge mismatch based on size, skill and experience and things go pretty much exactly as you'd expect. It's the biggest Dash squash I've seen so far.

Don't be fooled by the images below. I just like seeing Dash upended. I'm pretty sure that Sasha has the least amount of time on top of any Dash match. Of course, it's the muscleman's invulnerability and ruthless domination that makes these moments so sweet. That's the irony of Dash. Seeing him manhandled is my favorite thing as long as he's not manhandled very often and wins in the end.

Premature flexing can be painful.

Can Sasha capitalize?

Well, for a couple of minutes, maybe.

Action-wise, Dash seems to enjoy punishing Sasha. It seems like he's a little less robotic and a little more into his work. The rookie is tossed, bent and hammered hard. Sasha is so light that the big muscleman throws him around like a rag doll. Sasha lands awkwardly after suplex simply because Dash sends him flying.

The rookie’s offense limited mostly to ineffectual punches (the best kind for a jobber) and a couple of very, very brief periods of domination. Dash pretty much invites the gut punching, but there is a low blow that gives Sasha a short window of what dominating feels like. Maybe he'll stand a better chance against another smaller newbie.

Dash: "Get off me."

Dash doesn't know his own strength.

Dash is the man once again.

In the end, I always enjoy Dash. This isn't a classic, but I enjoyed it enough to feel happy I purchased it. That's entirely based on Dash, who literally and figuratively carries the match like the star he is. If you like Dash as much as I do or love one-sided muscleman domination over a lightweight teen rookie, you'll probably enjoy this, too.

What are other bloggers saying?

So that's my take. What's yours?



  1. Nice review Alex, and Im happy too to see Dash back! Here's hoping they can bring Alex back to I loved seeing them dominate. Dash was great in this match and sasha has me at least intrested to see how he does in another match to one were it maybe wont be a complete jobber stomp.

    Also is it just me or does it look like that uppercut really hit? With Dashs suprised face and i belive the match had a quick cut after that I think sasha really nailed him.

    1. You could be right. There were a lot of soft punches, but then there were some good ones. Maybe that one was too good. LOL.
