Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Review: Kasee vs. Loki (Thunders Arena)

Wow, I’ve heard about writing down your wishes and maybe they’ll come true. I literally just wrote a post for later this month where I said that I hoped Loki would return and here he is back at Thunders Arena. Now I kind of wish I’d written down that I hoped to win the lottery. Oh well, clearly a missed opportunity and I didn’t buy a ticket anyway.

Luckily, Kasee vs. Loki is not a missed opportunity. I enjoyed it very, very much.

Kasee: "You're stronger than I thought. I thought
you were all pizza, beef and burgers!"

Loki got on my radar as a model. What a hunk. I liked him right away, so when he joined Thunders, I was happy. He’s more cute and charming than I expected and his matches were fun. He immediately fit right in, like the video with Cason, which was fun, playful and sexy as heck. The big man is 100% Grade A beefy muscle and full of the confidence that comes from being a hot powerhouse.

Not only is Loki back, but he’s against Kasee in his tiny red poser. I think the smaller muscle stud must love that look as much as I do. They fit perfectly and highlight his chiseled physique beautifully. I love Kasee’s personality here, maybe because he feels like a character from my story. When he debuted, I thought he was perfect for Jae, but in this one, he’s totally Xaq. Gorgeous, ripped, arrogant to the point of insulting and delusional. I loooovvve it.

Kasee looks great in Loki's mighty arms.

Kasee's ego just can't accept Loki's superiority.

Kasee plays his part perfectly.

Things start out with the guys already joking around. They play up the size difference between them then get into some banter. This is a 100% fun squash where good guy Goliath toys with and crushes cocky David. What really makes it go is Kasee. He’s got unearned confidence, makes unfulfilled threats and dishes out fat-shaming slights. I should note that Loki’s not insulted by any of it. He’s amused and entertained, so it’s all in good fun.

Kasee is the perfect height for Loki.

This David can't topple this Goliath.

Kasee: "I'm only tired because you're so fat."

Action-wise, Loki lifts, bends and manhandles the smaller muscleman with ease. Again, this is not intense or brutal, it’s very much a big brother humoring a little brother vibe. Kasee tries, but he just can’t get over on the big man. A running theme is his promise to give Loki a noogie, so that’s the level of aggressiveness. I wondered if Kasee would bring out his low blows, which is how he has been competitive with other guys, but this isn’t that kind of battle.

Throughout it all, Kasee is smoking hot and Loki is charismatic and adorable. The smaller stud’s delusion is shown by how dismissive he is of Loki’s power and size advantage. He asserts that his own muscles are actually bigger and stronger, chalking up Loki’s size advantage to too much fast food. He blames his own failures on Loki’s fatness and diet. Totally Xaq and it reminded me specifically of a easier-going Xaq vs. Cage battle.

Kasee: "So fat!"

Kasee: "I'm gonna give you a super-sonic noogie!"
Loki: "I could go for Sonic. Chili cheese dog. Milkshake."

Kasee learns the error of doubting Loki's muscles.

In the end, this is Thunders being Thunders. I thought it was a great showcase for both guys, especially Kasee who has really grown with experience. The action is both sexy and amusing and the pure dominance by bigger over smaller is very hot.

So that’s my take. What’s yours?



  1. Gotta say this is one of the better matches I’ve seen with Kasee. It actually reminded me of several matches where Frey/Austin Cooper was called fat by his victims. This matchup was excellent and Loki proves to be an awesome heel. Kasee solidifies his jobber role and just gets better and better.

    1. Thanks for sharing what you thought. I agree!

  2. Both guys got so much pumped physically as the "match" wore on. Loki looked amazing by the end of it. Both guys put on a great show I think. Kasee is funny and you can tell that Loki really got into it on roughing up the smaller opponent. And Kasee, loved every single second of it.
    BTW, loved that you made comparisons to XAQ. It is true! His over the top confidence was in full display. I thought he has some similarities to Flyboy Fiero physically speaking, and in the fact that its a smaller guy going against a way bigger guy. It happened to him in his match against Presidente and Butch Jansen. Also FF does seem to like to bump chest to chest against those bigger men. Although I think FF has more skills than Kasee! HA! Good Read , and awsm video.

    1. Yeah, I thought both guys were into it. It seemed like they were having fun.
