Vlad: "I came here to beat all you. All you Americans are weak!"
There are two big reasons to watch this match from
Wrestler4Hire: the incredibly gorgeous Chace LaChance in a jobber role and the classic storyline. As if you couldn't tell from his name, Vlad is Russian. And Chace is American. That's right, it's a classic Russia vs. USA conflict. While Chace's American pride is a little subdued, Vlad's Russian arrogance is high and a constant theme throughout.
A flag vs. flag battle! |
As wrestlers go, Chace is beyond hot. A lot of guys are great looking, especially in trunks and suffering. I like a lot of body types and looks. But I think Chace is objectively stunning, his body is perfectly-shaped with a luscious coat of fur on him. Ironically, all that muscle and masculinity makes him look tough, but also makes him an ideal all-American victim in this international battle.
Yes. Yes. Yes. |
Chace: "You just caught me on a bad day!" Vlad: "Seriously?" |
Chace's bad day looks like a very good day for us. |
Vlad starts things off with the opening quote. So this is not just a Russian against an American. There's definitely some national pride at stake. I love this kind of tension. It's just so much fun.
Lucky Stallion has done a great job with this theme.
JungleKingKazar from my most-missed-ever blog did it. And even I got into the act
(like in my debut story for Bard's group - Encounters: Flag vs. Flag). I think you might need to like this kind of story to like this video.
Yes, this 17-minute video is a total squash. Vlad isn't bigger, stronger or even a better wrestler. Chace should be competitive, but he's not. As usually happens in these things, the American gets his ass kicked. Chace does fight, but it just doesn't get him anywhere. He gets maybe one move on top with a front facelock, but it doesn't last long. It does, however, give me a nice butt shot to feature.
Chace: "C'mon, man. I give. I give."
Vlad: "No, you don't. I will tell you when you give up." |
Vlad: "You are under my control." |
Vlad: "So, you still want to fight?"
Chace: "No."
Vlad: "No? Hm, I think it is not enough for you." |
Action-wise, it's the scenario and Chace's masculine beauty that makes this a winner for me. If I'm being honest, things are a little clumsy, a little limited and Vlad looks at the camera a lot. But I easily got past all that. Chace gets overpowered and overwhelmed. Hot. There are multiple sleepers, which result in Chace being posed and flexed over. Hot. Chace begs a ton, claiming to be done multiple times, while Vlad refuses to accept it. Hot.
Vlad: "And that will be anyone who dares to face me!" |
Vlad: "You think you are wrestler? I don't think so." |
Vlad: "Who will be next?" |
In the end, my love for this is simple to explain - Chace and the storyline. It's all about watching the handsome hunky American suffering at the hands of his foreign tormentor. The only way this could have been improved storyline-wise is if the gear played it up. If you're into the same things, I think you'll enjoy this.
So that's my take. What's yours?
I'd like to see Vlad, in that gear, try to talk tough to someone like Guido or Teddy Trouble. I think he'd look good squashed.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Vlad would think Americans are so weak against those guys. They need to crush him for the old red, white and blue!